Three Generations | Road trip with my son to watch my grandson | Family, Football & Black Excellence

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you know what's really cool with the road trip which i sorted i'm the one who got it all together because i'm the one who's got all the vibe to make these things happen you're always in america like living it up but the fact is it's one of the things that i worry about most in my life at the moment is dimaggio and how he's getting on and it's nice when we're going up to stop yeah and plus now stoke obviously because my grandson's there one of my favorite teams in the whole world i love stoke yeah [Music] do you ever think there'll be you know three generations in some of us played in the barclays premier league and now there's a possible you know another one you know something i think about it all the time pressure of a granddad a dad or uncle all playing in the premier league dad granddad won the premier league and now people are looking at him seeing what's happening with him i'm more on the positive side of it i've just told him the same thing you told me don't worry about the pressure you we are different players you'll create your own paths and it's the same thing i've told him one of the things that i think about all the time is the racism side of it that worries me more than anything else with him because i've had it you've had it i've got a generation and that's a three generations are we all gonna have it we're like the devil and the saint on the shoulder i'm the nervous i'm the nervous like worried guy because of like obviously my own journey when you're the chilled guy because you're the chilled guy when i signed for chelsea and i was just walking there children he was excited and singing don't believe me you turned around and looked at me and said are you happy before someone thought someone just nicked your wallet from chelsea it was like ridiculous 21 million pounds when that was a whole leap of money and he was just like like normal it's like when you got into the england squad i was more excited than you was i was crying obviously you saw me in the stand when when you scored in that which was easy one of the greatest greatest moments of my life because all i could imagine was when he used to play football in the front room when he was really small and then i remember when the game when the game finished and i came to see it i was hugging you and doing all the and he's going get off get off okay we're here bro wow man this is nice in it yeah man i love coming to training grounds it looks so good guys little training girls gotta say so i'm gonna act like i'm really cool i love training let's go all right the difference with him sean is that remember when when i was watching you you lot weren't in a professional state of mind he's been training with like top players since he was nine crossing drills i didn't mind him but you know sometimes i just wanted to be in there like scoring the goals as well this is [Music] [Laughter] hmm [Music] is [Music] you know what i'm not even bothered about the chicken or anything the main thing is he's never even thought about it bad didn't hesitate [Applause] [Music] you can do your you're going to do your stuff you're going to get a hot chocolate or something it's a good session you look sharp bro i kept trying to get it through his legs taking long to shoot across the face [Music] so we got a quick tea or something you want hot chocolate outside i'm having a hot chocolate one little baby chino or something baby hey guys what can i get for you today um can we have hot chocolates please of course okay free thank you what's happening how's it going wrong tough is it tough yeah it's time i've transitioned from city to stock you're not just it's easy they would tell you thank you come on the pre-season good man when you when you facetime you lot look happy man you just you scored in it yeah yeah the first team yeah it was good man it was good but you know just coming back into normal training with the 23s it deflated me a little bit but all the season it was a good season no frustration yeah yeah just frustration of you know bouncing with the first team to bouncing back 23s but that that's a big that's a big move yeah it's it's massive move but like for me i had i would say an experience on that level that early but when i was at forest like i was doing paper round to get up there and then went for the last trial they said they was happy it was with your men my mom and on the way back they just turned around after saying yeah they're going to give me the contract on the train down they turned around and said sorry we've kind of changed their mind basically too small not good enough wow a few years later was it the managers changed the city it was steve wigley yes yeah and he was part of the heart cynical that released me so all through training um robbie fowler and steve mcmahon would run past him and be like bet you're devastated now right yeah so there is always to me a time that it comes back around and your football does all the talking are you scoring in training because if you're not scoring in training all of a sudden it doesn't just happen i'm the best player in training seriously i'm scoring in training see i'll take i take that confidence confidence [Laughter] it's weird actually because obviously i idolized you you're my dad and i saw what you've done on the big stage this type of finishes couldn't match the celebrations but in my position i think paul merson always like stood out for me because i used to watch arsenal he could just cross the ball with his left foot from literally anywhere on the pitch you know for me obviously civil religious it was a time more about visual representation seeing somebody um that looked like you come from the same kind of area there in laurie cunningham obviously david roe castle because again people underestimate the the amount of skill that david had not just because he came off of our estate and stuff like that and we knew him and he was my friend but like he was a unbelievable player seeing black players playing at the highest level of the black players before you saw them man you're thinking this isn't this isn't going to be possible where was growing up around brooklyn that all the guys who were very good players they they didn't they didn't make it because they they didn't have no one to look up to no one to see doing it so by the time cyril and lauren namlock came along you could actually see someone in the first division playing against the top players i remember there was a game in particular at manchester united where west brom played man united and beat them something like 5-3 [Applause] goals and still regis seeing him score that gold made you think wow you know what i mean i could i could do that that goal without goals what about your your goal what's your favorite goal i think the one at hybrid where i think joey bought it can i just say i'll just say before you go on it was amazing being in there you picked the ball up and when the shot went in and i jumped up yeah phillips it was the kind of feeling how about that at hybrid i can't really explain it was weird because phillips we've been talking hybrid so many times and got destroyed and i always had to look you in the fence so to score a goal like i remember touch this side just at the angle i like and just hit it as perfect as i could and it just went in i was like in my head i was like yes dad have that i think so it had so much like family connections emotion ties it just meant the world to score against them um no that's fine thanks yeah cheers thank you very much there you go thanks a lot remember dimash's goal that when he scored against arsenal again another my grandson scored against arsenal i kind of almost welled up a bit and you know what kind of like when i saw the when i saw it i woke up because i started to feel oh my gosh it's happening again and then he done this celebration and remember when i phoned you i said what are you doing just just spin around jump up somersault our celebration was a lot better than your previous celebration yeah but demand you know my celebrations didn't have the capability of like breaking my back you know and fall on my neck i remember this one yeah that was do you remember your chip against against leads the leads i remember the leads one yeah that's the thing catching the goalkeeper off guard dave seaman used to always say the goalkeeper is looking to see when you look so as he can set himself but if you don't look he's waiting for it so when you do it it catches him and that's what happened with that guy see and that's the thing i love about thierry's goal against man united the one where he chips it up just gets it on the volley i think for me in the premier league that's possibly one of the best goals [Applause] absolutely magnificent world-class strike by thierry henry maybe he broke your record see that's the exuberance of faces he definitely wants that but the thing is you know you're not vex because all of a sudden it's it's going to go but then you have to look at the caliber of person that's taking it and remember where i came from to get there didn't even expect to play for arsenal to then break the record at arsenal it was amazing so when thierry came along you know what i mean and you watched him and you watch the way he started to operate in that league that record was under threat yeah if he's gonna come in second then he's not bad you know he'd probably go down as one of the greatest players in the premier league so i could take that d you know sometimes you just you know sometimes you just have to say you know what i'll hold that one you know something i got to mention i got mentioned shira man because he's my guy and he's he's a top man he's a top goal scorer but he played against villa at st james's park and the ball came from way over that side and he was kind of like on the edge of the six-yard box over here and schmeichel was in goal for villa and he side-footed it on the volley back over into the top i don't remember that it's it's you see the fingers technique unbelievable technique the thing with shira shira people think that he's just a hot shot amy's just blasting everything when he scored that i remember when he scored that one i remember saying tim's ow that's my favorite goal i've ever seen you score who's the players that you say yeah that's that's the guy that's the guy in my position that's the guy i want to look like people like hazard yeah um sterling sterling scores goals yeah he scores goals the ones that matter as well to me and that's what he's doing phenomenal for the past three four years in his position that's why i can kind of relate to him on and off the pitch he's such a nice guy and genuine and he's always working hard and that's what kind of drove me does he try to that way did you train with him yeah i trained with him a couple times and i learned a few things off him and stuff like that that's why my left foot's better especially with someone like raheem and what he done he literally changed the way people think about how you have to write about even black players now definitely massive massive change you know in what you've done marcus rashford and what he's done they've done so much for in a way that the black players because of the no one says but they stick they've got away from the game which in some ways in a lot of ways they don't they don't deserve but the maturity they showed for like players in your year and younger is that just keep pushing and keep working hard and try and and try and block it out yeah with social media presence is so hard and as your granddad will tell you it that it's one of the things we're obviously going to be worried about for you growing up what do guys like in the dressing room now um they're more aware of it should i say that when the white plains yeah they're more aware of it like they still know what's going on but if it did happen in a game they'll come support or if i wanted to walk off the pitch they would follow me or obviously if i wanted to carry on they would support me during the game just depending on how the person is feeling and that was the thing back in that day could you imagine us too for england or club if we felt like that racial abuse made us feel like we should walk off the pitch the backlash we would have before walking off the pitch you're almost brainwashed as a black player when people say oh don't walk off the pitch because then you make them then they've won yeah but like to a certain extent they're right but what should have been happening is is that everybody should be walking off in unison yeah so so sean have you ever thought how you'd feel if it happens to dimaggio because like i say in 2004 you know sitting on watching the game hearing that you and actually that especially obviously you're getting registered abuse it makes you very sad have you ever thought what it'd be like if that happened to dimas i don't want him to go through what you went through or i went through i know there's platforms that make it possible that it will happen to him but i'm hoping by the time he comes through the that side of things has changed i saw two things really that stand out stevie gerrard's um the way he protected his player um when he was racially abused was amazing people like him you know ben me ben me he saw what was going on um and he said i'd want to do an interview after this game and to his press officer he came out and said he wanted to do it and he spoke he spoke amazingly and it was one of those things again that because it's so few and far between it makes you well up because then you can see allies kevin de bruyne james will proud jordan henderson the progress is being made because we're starting to hear from prominent people that then and from from my time to this time it's it's you can feel the joy there's joy some there's joy coming i can feel it you know what i mean how old do you feel right now when we're speaking to your grandson about possibly playing in the premier league you know something if we say what are you saying um to be honest you don't feel old and stuff you just feel it feels amazing bro because like it's a legacy that's the thing that's what i'm saying man's got to stop doing this stupid celebration because if he does this celebration and twist his ankle when he lands you know what i mean what's the waste how many more times i've phoned him up phoned him up i said you're gonna stop that yeah i want people to see me you know on a stretcher [Laughter] listen score the goals just please help me with that celebration next time man we got a chip but we gotta get back yeah you know i love stoke but it's time to chip granddad dad thanks for coming to see me never it's a pleasure man just give us the call we're up here yeah of course yeah straight away we're ready to we're ready to rock and roll you you get the bill because oh bill yeah yeah well it's between you two [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Ian Wright
Views: 697,369
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arsenal, arsenal legend, crystal palace, football, football icon, ian, ian wright, ian wright (football player), ian wright arsenal, ian wright best goals, ian wright fifa, ian wright fifa 20, ian wright funny, ian wright goals, ian wright interview, ian wright mr pigden, ian wright song, motd, black history month, shaun wright phillips ian wright, dmargio wright-phillips
Id: c9-WbApu4DY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 25sec (1045 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 08 2021
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