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what do you guys do we actually make music we just got signed to cuss money but more like my dad he almost like a part of uber know over like lyft yeah why is he on the street what are you doing we have a beautiful I don't know where we got card this is the people bill Republic I call this valley we're gonna call this Sally but yo semester can you get up 360 around the horse [Music] clean the BMW it's got a public thinking why do we have these first of all you see I have a whole new look today Jay has a haircut the reason why I have a whole new look too cuz today is gonna be a very special video so obviously ever since I bought this car you guys have been saying you're pg you should do like we are going to do a gold-digger brain but it's gonna be a little bit different using it on YouTube you probably see one person today is gonna be two people who it's gonna be me and my boy chase so what we're actually gonna do we're gonna go to Rodeo Drive we're gonna pull us up over there there's a lot beautiful women you're gonna see some gold diggers that big me and Jer this could be put like this go make sure sorry no vacations the funny part about this we're gonna make it look like we're brothers today so we're gonna make it look like we come from a rich family we're gonna say our dad owns the percentage of uber come across where this gonna say we're rappers as well that's why I change my whole hair song all the time is bro it's gonna be a whole different video a whole different vibe let's go through de las casas go there go let's go so we're actually gonna do bro I'm gonna be miked up for this video hold up mouth to make it look like I don't own this car so I'm going to try to see if I could pull a female on this street right here alright you got to be across the street you can zoom in do we need to do okay I'm trusting you bro I got it I got you all at all the film's gonna be there for you all right yeah thank you right now my boys investor has me we are in the process of finding up gold digger 101 I've never did this video I'm not sure how this is gonna turn out but we're gonna see what happens oh my gosh it's so labor I feel like I'm in the TV show oh okay I'm calling them right now here we go come on yo here we go yo excuse me what's your name what you know I'm gonna give me your name just gonna push me out the way you know I'm gonna say your name so you usually grew up like that disrespectful just put some people out the way I mean if I just ask for your name to say like you have a boyfriend or something this don't bless you okay you could just said that don't just push me out the way this how people are in LA for real boys go disrespectful as hell y'all these girls let's push me out the way hold on well these girls put just gonna push me out the way bro bro girls in la are so disrespectful like literally no no actually I tried to walk up to her I said to say like excuse me what's your name she Lou these push me other way so I literally I tried to extra name she say get out my way bro I saw that I saw I was already nervous as it is but when she pushed me out the way I was kind of like you know I like I even know what to say that's right my bro she was yeah I think she told me she has a boyfriend so I don't know where she's looking good I don't know she look good that phone call you guys need was so clutch you got him turn around turn around turn around so we're actually gonna do Bo she says that she's like has a boyfriend she she's happy with that so are you you ain't know what girls don't wanna be talked to they kind of say I'm greedy so a lot of time what girls have a boyfriend is a wasted yeah they don't wanna be bothered just to have a boyfriend we gonna see me the other way I don't know if you're going to bed yo that girl with that Kirby she's literally having dinner with her boyfriend right now look around no no see she's real like she was on that shoot so basically she just confirmed that she actually does have a workplace that's the guy right that's the guy hey yeah that's her boyfriend she told me that she's not ready who else yes Irish ease told the truth 100% that she's meeting up with her boyfriend you know I'm saying so the perfect thing is she would walk from that angle right yeah so she didn't know was there cause you know is our car what's gonna happen when she walks back she's gonna see that don't want part of the Lamborghini in the penis I don't work I don't know cuz the way she talked she she looked very like aggressive she looked like she would be she would be a gold digger I never did this video before so I know but these no it's good first she has a boyfriend but the thing is we're gonna see if she's loyal to her you're sorry hey max our Quran is don't see don't put the camera all right so we can anything yeah act natural yeah man back to the core hey I got you yeah they just gonna have to just got up yeah they don't see me they don't see me he's already hugging her again Joe she just left he just left you just let she's gonna back this way just gonna make this way yeah yes go go go go go go go yeah I think I think Kylie Jenner's supposed to be pulling up to at the crib I don't know you you got texture I mean it is up Brody we say fun numbers and [ __ ] I remember you oh so now you coming back yeah you'll know I was also sucking - what's up now I find that was hella disrespect what you did you pushed me out the way now if you push me up the way what's up with that you have a boyfriend everything so where you going now okay today because he obviously came back to talk to me for a reason you pushed me out the way huh if that's my brother right there but yeah we learned we literally what would you say about your partner you can't give me that now you can't give me that you literally just told me you want to go eat with him I tried to talk to you you pushed me out the way and now you're saying things are not going good that doesn't have nob like like I literally just moved here from Florida that's awesome I'll talk to you I just moved here from Florida Kylie they say to say um later tonight I'm a calling I'm calling it but nobody think it's yeah but I think is what I'm saying like I literally just moved in from Florida I was trying to get to know you know I'm saying like we literally have a mansion in Calabasas I wanted to come back now you see it like what is it yo J you Charles are called back why now you got something now I seem like a nice guy why why are you harsh on me was it because you see what we're rocking with this is literally like my brother - so you like Lamborghinis you like BMW so tight we actually make music we just got signed to cus money but my dad he owns like a part of Ober nowhere like lift yeah so like it just have come from like a fortunate family and everything but like that's why I was trying to talk to you I'll spoil yes when I get to know you I want to spoil you oh yeah but like you you're over hanging out with your boyfriend like I said like things aren't going that well why is it not going good now I mean things haven't been good for a while okay so before you push me but if I if I X for a hug you'll give me a hug now yeah really yeah really uh-huh okay I like that I respect that hey J hey I think she's coming back with us you sure he won't be mad though now let's see I'll sing gonna get back hey it looks you say actually likes driving an expensive car so what car you want to drive it you want to drive into the Lambo you want driving the BMW chichon do Ron do Lambo why why she's Lambo you like Lambo yeah okay I like that I like that help I'm hoping we're gonna take you back don't take down you ever been one of these really it's fine you go you have a lot of fun come on hop in hop hop in and the seats are kind of low so you go ahead have fun well look out look out the engine sounds yeah yeah I'll let you push it you got a bomb yeah yeah you're go ahead and follow us bro oh go ahead push it go ahead yeah you like that Ohayou before we go though I need I need to tell you something you know Sam you ready it's a surprise I'm full of surprises you you you barely just you so what I barely just met you I got a surprise for you ready you wanna hold the keys yeah yeah yeah you got to close your eyes though close your eyes it's a big surprise I all right keep it close close good yeah so are you good my wit oh you a song I get you a song get you a song hey yo Jay tells the get up Jay tells to get out they tell to get up all them go come away get on my way that's what you do to your boyfriend that's what you do to your boyfriend you have dinner with him now you tryna come up to me are you pushing out the way get the hair on my wig get the hell on the whip down my wig hey yo Jay you go you could tell you I'm corny I'm putting yourself through we mount point come on come back talk to me you can say to my face you can say it to my face what's up I'm corny how am i pointing you're the one that's Corinne you just met with your boyfriend look look what you're doing you shot Ron with me now you shower out the IAG child come back to the crib that's like that's what she that's what you wanna do but don't don't push my homies hell they won't oh yeah you gotta go you gotta go you can go you can go you can go Jay I told you see what work I told you a freaking work I told you a freaking work bro Jay yo yo I saw that sometimes all that I saw that really works hold on he puts his guys head and she called me corny how the hell Mike when you're the one that literally does cheat on your boyfriend from everyone's face I can't believe I can't believe that happen see this hole bro this actually happen right now I literally say that we're both rappers and I got Kylie Jenner come to the [Music] but will we leave him you leave it we out why is he on the street what are you doing oh my god bro bro no bro you got to go you got it unless you shot it right you what we mean I go is though it so wrong the wrong the road we gotta go here we got to go watch out move we got to go we're on the road okay we gotta go oh boy that's pretty much gonna wrap with this video yo J that girl was insane literally I predicted that too I predicted like no book madness you know boyfriend and she still broke she switched up literally bro but it doesn't mean when she got subscribe shuffle bunch of likes on this freaking video bro that was crazy as hell make sure you got subscribed to my rich brother my millionaire Brian millionaire brother no that was the best prank ever you got subscribe to him you guys follow him on Instagram as well bro if you guys want more videos like this we'll meet him pranking the world doing this to the world bro hey don't drop a bunch of like a TK like soon as I wake up I want me give me this paper I got em boss I can't wake up purple Zingo like a lake purple lingo like a lake a layup really how long did it take us I got any kicks like I'm dream
Channel: P2istheName
Views: 3,988,602
Rating: 4.9183826 out of 5
Keywords: THE RIch family gold digger, gold digger, gold digger prank, p2, prettyboyfredo, mrbeast, logan paul, jake paul, david dobrik, deshae frost, ddg, thatwasepic, prank, family, p2 vlog, mindofrez, morgz, faze, faze rug
Id: oe-GCywKkH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 07 2019
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