SHE'S NOT THE GOLD DIGGER! HE IS! Saddest Loyalty Test

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my boyfriend is an artist so like he's like a rapper yeah yeah he's got a lot going on in his life a lot of girls around him so i just want to put him to the testing on you say smiling to me like i can make you smile some more what nah this is true where are we jv jbjp all right so peach again i'm gonna keep this intro short basically me and sebastian we got dressed up literally we got a request from it was literally a girl that used to be in one of my videos she hit me up she dm me personally saying that she's been having like a lot of relationship problems so i don't know i'm not like the love doctor i'm not the guy to help relationships you know i'm saying but for some reason she said that she wants me to come to her crib she gave me the addie so what me and sylvester about to do we're about to start hanging out her crib right now like i said i don't know what this intro is i don't know what to expect but this girl really needs my help with her relationship and for some reason she thinks that i have the answers so me and sylvester we're about to start hanging over and we're gonna see what happens let's go let's go cool yo so peachy as you guys can see bro we just parked the tesla we just got here bro uh she actually sent me the addie so we're going to see what's going on like i said it seems like she needs help for like her relationship i don't know what i can do about that but you know what i'm saying i'mma give her the time of the day because she she was in one of my videos you know what i'm saying so anytime you're in one of my videos bro i'm loyal to you i'm see what's going on with you so let's go we're in l.a with it l.a with it where what are you expecting right now bro uh i actually have no idea i have no idea this is crazy like calling me for helping their relationship like what i mean you've been the girl i don't know we're gonna see ladies first yeah i'm kind of nervous what is that what's that hey how's it going what's up you're good i'm great this your place yeah okay no i feel it i feel it so you call me over uh i kind of need i need explanation what's going on i'm kind of confused myself you know what i'm saying yeah i feel that so basically what happened um i've been with my boyfriend for now it's going to be two years but we recently broke up and we got back together when y'all break up we broke up like two months ago oh this is recent yeah very recent but we got back together a couple weeks ago so yeah you know i just want closure i just want to know what's up like you know my boyfriend is an artist so like he's like a rapper yeah yeah he got a lot going on in his life a lot of girls around him so i just want to put him to the test you know and see how how it's going to be okay so all right so my question is like where do i come in on this yes i do youtube vids i do like gold digger vids but i'm not like the i'm not necessarily the person you hit up to fix a relationship you know you know what i'm saying yeah so like what do you want me to do like i just want to put him to a test i just want like some maybe like let's put like a girl to like walk up to him somewhere you know and just talk to him try to like hit on him and we'll see like what he does if he's if he's yeah okay you want me to be honest about the situation you know what i'm saying like i kind of feel bad saying this by the same time like do you feel like that's like the best way to like build trust you know say like you guys just got back together right yeah so i you you really want to sing that song like do you feel like he's really like doing something behind your back i mean it's not that i think that but i just want to find out you know sooner if if it's gonna like happen i'd rather it happens right now than like later on and yeah you don't want some time yeah you don't wanna waste time okay i feel like he might be a little bit mad if he finds out but okay at the end of the day like no you want closure you want to find out it's your relationship you guys been together like overall like two years right yeah okay um sylvester how do we do this bro i mean we get pretty creative bro so okay um okay i guess what i could probably do you say you want to like kind of like bait him out to see if he's going to be loyal to you yeah but we can we can get someone okay yeah i'll get some what i could probably do for you i could like have a recording and everything i have multiple cameras then i could get one of my friends she could be mocked up we're gonna make sure it's a attractive person where um if he gets baited out he gets baited out but the thing is i wanna let you know you know i'm saying i'm gonna say it's my camera if he does bite the bait i'm just letting you know this is gonna be on youtube you know i'm saying you're telling me to do this if he ends up you know getting with her it's going to be on camera like you're okay with that yeah i mean that's going to be embarrassing for him okay that's fine yeah that's facts all right so uh so what we're going to do i'm going to call one of my friends and we're going to see if we can what's his name nessie nessie okay he said he's a rapper yeah okay all right we're gonna see if we can bait out her boyfriend nessie and we're gonna see if he's loyal to her you know what i'm saying um you ready to go yeah all right let me call one of my friends let's get popping bro let's go oh there you go she just got here so this is actually gonna be the girl that's gonna help bail out your workman okay grace right now we need your help today was good what's good so basically she's been with her boyfriend for two years they broke up but they recently got back together one thing she wanted to do she kind of wanted to bait out her boyfriend he's going to be doing his thing but you're actually going to be miked up and we basically want you just to like flirt with him and everything just try to get out him and we just want to see if he's going to buy the bait and cheat on her or he's going to be loyal because she just wants she just wants answers i don't know if he ever did that in your life but um yeah we need you today we really need to show you one of these yeah i really do i really don't i just want to see what happens you know but you don't trust family no i trust him i trust him definitely but you know he's an artist so it's like a lot of girls are going to be around him for the rest of his life i just want to know right now okay so um let me ask you a question so in order for us to do this we need to know where he goes like every day so let me ask you a question what does he do that you know he's always going to be like does he work out does he work somewhere does he ever like yeah actually he works out he he runs every single day around like 11 00. okay is there a snare park he goes yeah yeah okay he's out like 11 o'clock yeah okay all right so right now it's still the morning uh do you know exactly where he runs or yeah okay i am okay yeah so this is perfect so wait like what do you want me to do also what you're gonna do while he's doing his workout we just want you to be in the way and when you see him that's when you know that's your cue so i come up to him trying to speak again yeah no it's all it's bobo we're just going to see if he's going to be loyal you know what i'm saying you're going to be miked up we're going to hear everything in the conversation no we just want to test this guy today okay so i just like throw it with him yeah [ __ ] your game yeah i have it like you said you're okay doing this yeah 100 all right so let's start heading out and let's see if he's altered let's go all right yo so pizzagang uh we just got to the park you said this is the park that he tends to work out at yeah every day all right so uh what i'm gonna need you to do um just go ahead and give him a call play on speaker just to confirm if he's here or not yeah thank you he doesn't pick up your phone calls what come back come back come back come back yo um where you at what are you doing i i just got back to the park i'm about to um not to do my jogging and pick up answer okay you wanna you wanna link up later yeah um what time are you free um i don't know like four five all right yeah let's do this run stretch real quick and then i'll pick up okay okay all right hit me all right i'll talk to you okay okay so he's at the park right now okay yeah he's at the park so he and this is the park he he goes to right yeah all right so that's what we're gonna do team b over here sebastian grace so what well i'm gonna need your dude sylvester i'm gonna need you to locate where he's at once you find him grace we're gonna get you miked up and you're gonna be able to talk to him and we're gonna hear everything in the conversation but what i also need you to do i'm gonna need you to call me so i could hear the conversation word by word okay okay so sebastian you're gonna take this camera this beautiful camera over here here you go get the get the good camera i'm saying then grace look grace we need to find out if he's loyal and keep in mind i want you to attack hard like literally like what was this man up and down yeah okay press full point i need you to press because she wants answers and we need to get answers okay i don't want no like flirting but i don't want her to get mad you feel me like i'm not trying to push boundaries does she have the does she have the right to yeah she has the right okay you're good hard yes yes make him want you let's get you marked up type nervous you say what i said i'm type nervous you're nervous a little bit you're good you're good you're good bro you said go hard go hard go hard what you got you got to make some room in your pockets it looks like you don't really got much room right now well can i leave this yeah yeah leave it on the car how are you feeling we can hear the conversation if you guys hear talk in the background that's basically grace and sylvester going ham right now you know what i'm saying so here we go um like i said i hope i hope he doesn't get exposed i want him to be loyal to you you know what i'm saying and i'm really getting nervous right now though yeah now that it's like you know but i still trust him though i think i think he's not gonna fail that's good that's good i'm nervous i don't even know what to say i never approached a guy all right hey was that him is it how's your boyfriend look i don't know how your boyfriend looks like yeah how does he look um he has like twists he's black um probably in a hoodie is he light skinned dark skinned light skinned white all right good luck what's up hey what's good what's good i'm grace good to meet you nice to meet you i thought you were fine i just wanted to come over here and see what was up with you you thought i was fine yeah i thought you were fine yeah i'm getting you got a social medias or what you got instagram something instagram yeah this is you just kind of people that you see in a party no if you find i'm finna tell you fine you for me like she's actually screwed i don't know i'm getting bold with it but do you have instagram or what yeah yeah i got instagram yeah what you from around this area or something yeah what you're working on yeah i work out here i'm surprised i haven't seen you before yeah you'd be here live yeah i got a son he uh he come to school right here i usually come running around here we play basketball right there so so oh cool okay got you nah my bad em that's kinda unexpected unexpected but i mean can i get to instagram or what can you get my instagram yeah i put i can put it in your phone oh my god i don't know why he's like talking in the hair like you said i don't know why he's talking that much to him really i mean i feel like uh he's just working out you know saying they're like the primo is the only people in the park so that kind of makes sense but um here i'll type in is this your girl do you have a girl yeah oh yeah that's kind of why i'm like uh like you know okay i don't know if it's probably the right thing for me to do to give you guys again i don't want to lead you wrong or anything you know okay so you want me to put it in her way i mean i don't want to be rude to you i feel like i mean i don't think she'd be mad at you right okay she said i wouldn't be mad how about you any boyfriends or something not um i don't have a boyfriend no no no he's asking i i don't know why you singing it's cuffing season i gotta get you a boo yeah um i mean i'm just looking for the right person you feel me by the way just keeping my options open so no boyfriend out here tonight that's not he's asking he mentioned he mentioned yeah but he's asking if she has a boyfriend's cuffing season like come on bro nah maybe i can i can try to make you one of my boys or something yeah that's how you feeling you're not [ __ ] with me like that no i mean like i mean yeah you said you got a girl yeah i just have a girlfriend i'm like we just broke up too and like we just got back together so oh okay so y'all on and off type we we just had to like you know how sometimes like relationships get a little hard and stuff so i mean it's getting way too deep talking about your girlfriend it's way too deep right okay yeah now we just we just got back together and so like you know i don't want to leave you one that's what i'm saying i know you're a pretty girl and like you know i don't want to like have you thinking like i'm about to sit here and like get at you and stuff like that right it looks like he's curving her okay all right well i mean if you ever want to hit my line you have my instagram you feel me like yeah you stay connected huh you want to say goodnight yeah i mean if we could stay connected what made you want to come up to me like like i said i thought you were fine you feel me it was nice meeting you you feel me are you looking at me like that why is she touching okay now she's doing drugs that's the plan the plan was she tries to get on him yeah but he's she's doing it like too much she's doing too much no i want to die no no no no don't leave don't leave the car you're going to mess up the experience he already passed i don't know why she's like still okay but if you go out there you're going to mess up the experiment i mean [ __ ] i hit my line like you have my instagram i want to stay in contact with you for me yeah is that a problem what does that mean like you hit my line you feel me what that's an issue yeah i mean [ __ ] i if that's how you feeling if i was single maybe like maybe i like you know oh maybe maybe i'd have a chance for you single maybe if you were single i'm not easy yeah i got you i appreciate that yeah i don't even got your name it was grace grace yeah you just gonna stay here keep working out what's up yeah i'm just stretching my session i like this what does it say pay the fee i like the fit i like the shoes what jv like he already said no so i don't know why okay give them some time they're just talking okay if you go out there what do you think is going to happen oh no these are like my workout shoes nah they're fine she's literally like rubbing his back isn't this what she wanted this is my friend i told you that yeah but she already said no he curved her so i don't know why she's still pushing it so what do you want to do i want no i really want to talk to her because think about what you're doing think really think about it do you really want to go out there nah i like the fit got your hair twisted look at you period oh your girl did those yeah she did a good job it's a requirement i know how to do the hair oh i know how to do hair so yeah i could i could buy you up for show you need a braider what's up if you truly don't give a [ __ ] then okay yeah i can't do this y'all no you shouldn't you're looking at me like that you might want to reconsider for me what's your nationality what is he talking about nationality like what is he talking about i'm black mexican white oh [ __ ] you speak spanish you speak spanish nah i'm uh i speak like creole oh okay i like that i i i don't know jv what you want to do i'm from an island oh you're from an island okay period island boy i like that i'm sorry i don't want to be like i'm sorry awkward no it's not good it's all good like i said you fine like i don't be doing this to everybody for me like yeah i appreciate that yeah jv what do you want to do here to me it looked like he passed but she's they're just talking at this point exactly that's what i don't like like i feel like he passed i feel like doing this talking yeah i feel like he passed too he you know mentioned me he said no i got a girlfriend this and that basically curved her but you say smiling she's gonna be like i can make you smile some more oh [ __ ] what nah this is too much where are we jv jv jv jp jv jb what the [ __ ] are you doing [ __ ] i'm just like in your space you want me to leave right now i mean that's why i was asking if you're going to work out man that's fine i ain't going to tell you to leave right got you all right well i'm 19. 19. yeah yeah we do yeah i could teach you a little something you got a game i appreciate you like shut up get your shotty but you're knowing so much right now you're the one that wanted to test your man in the first place i know but like she's doing too much right now you're doing too much why are you setting me up for this is not okay we're gonna talk about that later but right now like yeah y'all got something to work out you told her like you told her to act like that yeah but like she's literally all right she already said no and you're like oh i'm going to show you her on the bed and she's like did they not tell me to go hard i want you to attack hard like literally like what was this man up and down hold on pause pause you're okay right now i don't know who your friends are like blue [ __ ] okay i'm a youtuber on p2 we did experiment who's here this is my friend what's up uh we did experiment to see if you were going to take the bait are you sure you bro but but we need everyone we need everyone to calm down right now okay we need everyone to calm down okay i'm saying this is what you wanted her to do you know yeah but this is just going too far like okay this was set up and then you're just pushing it too far i don't understand why you got me in here everyone calm down everyone calm down everyone calm down okay we're all going to go our separate ways you guys you guys are a couple you did good so what's going on though like i really don't even understand why i got cameras in my face why i got you here i'm sweating you're supposed to be i got some trust issues you need to work out because we don't got no trust this year did he not tell me to go no no i told you i told you you're good you're good all right well i just wanted to see see what though what have i ever played with you listen it's not that i don't trust you are you gonna be having cameras pull up on me like people i don't even know like come on bro nah that's not cool bro i don't ever do [ __ ] like that to you bro come on i never give you no reason to do something like this i don't like that bro like if you don't trust me like come on bro the whole time i'm telling her like now we're not doing this like i got a girlfriend you can ask her they're not i'm not telling you that no we we heard the conversation bro you were mocked up she she's mocked up she has a mic you know i'm saying we heard everything what is this being record like we'll we'll explain later she'll probably explain to you when you guys go home you know what i'm saying but we're gonna go our separate ways and everything i'm saying um so this isn't this girl was just like she's my friend you know what i'm saying she's she's gonna explain everything to you i would never approach a guy no we good i'm over here working now i'm thinking like something like i'm like why is this girl right nah nah you good bro you good my bad man i i haven't meant for it to go down like this i don't know why we gotta talk about this because i'm not you guys that's the most important thing right oh other than that it's your uh it's your boy pizzus neyman uh y'all call me p2 we're gonna be out this thing is wow this video right here literally just got out of hand and just went left the only thing that happened in this video was just a misunderstanding you know jv felt that grace was going too far but grace felt like this is what we told her to do so i understand both sides nobody did anything wrong it was just a misunderstanding you know what i'm saying but what i want to do at the end of this video i'm going to show love i don't hate any side you don't say i'm just gonna show love i want you guys to show love to grace on instagram follow her show love and most importantly i want you guys to show love to jb and nessie you know i'm saying they have a youtube channel they got back together bro i want you guys to subscribe and show love i don't want no hate being spread right here it was just a misunderstanding on both sides show love to grace and show love to jv and nessie you know what i'm saying it got kind of hectic but we are all good at the end roll up to both parties this is what pizza's name and y'all coming p2 yeah we're gonna be out this thing man this experiment went left bro
Channel: P2istheName
Views: 2,055,895
Rating: 4.9401517 out of 5
Keywords: p2, p2isthename, SHe's not the gold digger he is, gold digger, loyalty test, gold digger couples test, prettyboyfredo, p2 is the name, ksi, faze, hoomantv, joeltv, Deshae frost, ddg, gold, p2 gold digger
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 0sec (1380 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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