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[Music] it was at this moment that he knew he stopped [Music] our what is good you see short peaches name it y'all coming pta we're back with another video today today's video it's about to get crazy so i'm pretty sure you guys remember on my youtube channel bro i left my own car bro you guys already know the p-mobile the bmw i8 i left that out in the hood but today's video bro we're leaving a blue lamborghini this is a bright blue car but you leaving this out bro people are gonna try some things you know i'm saying today's video keep in mind bro i'm gonna have the keys in my pocket so no one's gonna be starting a lamborghini today bro it's gonna be all good but hey the biggest difference for my last video obviously this is a lamborghini hold on hey i don't know if you kind of show all the angles hey the biggest thing that i love about today's video though last time i didn't have a camera so you could see like the faces of people that are going to try and steal the car today's video bro i actually have a car planted and ready to go so anyone that tries to attempt to steal a lamborghini today you're gonna be caught on camera right if you guys are new make sure you guys subscribe make sure you guys turn notifications make sure you guys like the video and yeah bro this is a thing you know i keep looking at this car bro between me and you here i'm gonna leave some information all right new year's january 1st new year's january 1st i plan to buy a car to start off the year because 2020 was so trash it might just be a lambo like a lambo maybe a tesla god damn let's start the video bro hey it's about to get dark in a couple hours bro i need to stop talking let's go [Music] you ready bro this is like right in the middle really take a seat if you want bro oh yeah you're going you're gonna hide behind the track yeah i'm gonna have buttons all right i'm gonna sit right here bro i'll be watching i'm keeping my eyes peeled bro [Music] look bruh damn i'm looking at a trash can right now we're going to wait here bro it's not going to take long for someone to spot a lamborghini brush should i leave the door open too i think she'll leave it i think that'll be good just like that this way here and let's see what happens bro look at that look at him bro don't make your office don't don't make a copy i'm just acting like i'm chilling oh [ __ ] oh [Music] ain't no way he just hopped in he hopped in the lamb oh [ __ ] what why did they just lead a dog record a children yeah you see me out here you see me in the lambo bro there's no key in there like you can't start the car bro ain't no way no edd huh really doing it what is that doing it's not playing [ __ ] but what is he doing he got his phone in the air this man taking like a snap he's flexing he's flexing he's not in the head ain't no way bro don't be that man bro don't be that man be flexing for the ground bro don't be that man that flexes for the ground i ain't going to lie but we should probably just start walking over right now come on let's surprise them let's surprise us man bruh come on really out here we really out here look look look look at the front look at the front stop playing stop playing [Music] [Music] what's going on with you bro hey what's going on with you brother hey it was just a really i was just what was you doing bro you were on that bench right there what was he doing that you um you had yeah can we just get like some pictures of me if oh you want some pictures that's all you wanted i mean yeah i'll be tight you know for my instagram bro why'd you come over here and the first thing you did you started taking instagram stories bro hey hey you want you want pictures yeah you could just like get a few that's all you want you just want to flex it for the ig yeah but bro i'm not i don't really want to flex it no more since i'm recording i can take these pictures though no no bro i don't think that's going to be smooth we mean it's not going to be smooth bro i can take pictures you obviously want to be in the land so i got you i mean not for it wasn't i wasn't even in it you weren't in it i i seen you in 4k [ __ ] you sure really [ __ ] bro what you mean my shirt i was just trying my shoe or something look at the front stop playing fight i can t i can take the picture if you want ah bro it's like y'all recording me and [ __ ] you [ __ ] weird weird [ __ ] is weird brother's just gonna leave like that right but we catching the camera too bro we caught him on 4k and we caught him on 4k you were not in there bro [Music] i been looking good looking smooth oh man so now you know what we do you know what i'm saying we wait keeping the road to you there's been a couple people that have walked by it but for the most part bro i know someone's gonna make that move bro like are you dumb are you stupid are you subscribed yet i'll slap you okay please something you see that man bro wait where are you at you're right down to the right bro he has his hood on and a black mask bro this man he does not want his identity scene no no he he's here for a reason no cat bro was here for a reason oh my god here we go he's here for a reason oh bro why are you sneaking the lamb like that bro why are you sneaking like that bro [ __ ] just got this [ __ ] lambo in the middle of nope i'm about to call my mom bro oh lambo just out here bro i bring this [ __ ] home oh my god where the [ __ ] keys out yeah i need a new car too bro this [ __ ] go crazy oh i know you did not just leave a lambo in the middle of the [ __ ] street but we think this man is staying inside the land bro he's probably picturing that he's he's about to take it home you can't hotwire a lambo i don't even know that's even possible can you even do that i look you want to sit back and see what this man is going to try to do what is he going to try to do will you possibly think is going to happen right now right what is happening no bro hey come on let's pull up on it let's pull up [Music] bro did the camera catch it did you ever catch it i was trying to talk to bro but i don't know exactly what he said bro but i won't know until i start aiding the footage bro i'm just trying to have a conversation i'm not gonna put hands on you you know saying it's it's a cool day bro it's about to start raining outside i'm just trying to talk to you bro beautiful day in california just for the record i have the key this is how it looks like when you have the key in your pocket oh oh one one more time one more time that's how it sounds like we do have the key bro but let's wait for the next person bro it's about to start raining bro i want i want to catch a good one bro let's keep going let's go yeah let's keep waiting bro oh here we go i just said bro was chilling bro i ain't gonna lie bro like would you do the same thing low-key oh he's inside why did this be going inside though if that was me bro i would have closed the door oh a close door walked away or maybe i just would have took around and looked around bro but why does he take the opportunity to actually go on the side but not keep keeping the eye on him keep the eye on him hey i'm gonna lambo with it i'm gonna laugh you [ __ ] ain't building like me i'm really out here y'all get something a little mini go buy some airpods so pizzagang uh what we are seeing in this situation is that this man went on instagram live and he's flexing with this lambo like come on we we can't be doing this in 2021 bro 2020 we let this slide but 2021 we can't we we can't be doing this bro come on man yeah you just saw this live on the street now you flexing with it come on airpods i got a lamborghini come on now i'm in a lamborghini you see me you feel me you see it you see it lambo with it when they caught me a lambo some slice something [Music] that's what everyone just goes to they they know they don't got the keys so the only thing they think about let me just flex real quick let me let me just get my views popping you know what i'm saying he's not leaving bro i think it's time you think it's time i think it's time let's go let's do this after pedestrian pedestrian it was at this moment that he knew he [Music] stopped please tell me you got that i got it he jumped the street ain't no way ain't no way he just did that bro ain't no way he just crossed the street like that is my man okay bro i think he goes just like that that dude was fast he was going within like five seconds you see he dropped five seconds kill him he was out question let's go let's go we gotta catch more bro ah [Music] yo bro so here we are bro we waiting right now hey i ain't gonna lie bro jay i put both the doors open both of door is open this time bro so whoever whoever gets in bro you're gonna have every reason i ain't gonna lie bro i love blue lambos owens limbos red lambos white lambos like a rainbow ram limbo [Music] we got a girl it's a girl this one wait what whoa it's a girl this time oh bro it's a girl this time bro bro i never had a girl try trying right is she going to get in here on time oh she can she take a picture you know i'm saying i'm not surprised i'll be doing the exact same thing where's she getting your license plate bro why are she getting the license plate for bro yeah she over she's over feeling it she really she don't know she's like who left the lambo in the park look at her hey so far she hasn't tried to sell it she's just taking pictures you know i'm saying the other dudes they tried to take bro they tried to take pictures inside the sitting down right now she's just outside that's respect she's probably really wondering what she's just going right there whoa she's going inside oh she's taking pictures bro this is all for ig she's trying to get right she's trying to get her ig followers up she's trying to get her likes her comment bro look at her right she'll keep passing the test though she's taking pictures should i walk up yeah let's go let's walk up right she pass me the test yo what is he doing all right what's up i ain't gonna lie though you wanna be real to you we literally just left this car outside to see like who was gonna try to steal it and you really did not do [ __ ] wait so this is yours yeah technically it's a rental it's not really mind you i'm saying but yeah you you rented it with your money like it's yours yeah i have to see hey i'm happy for you because like we've been out here for like a couple hours and like every time people are always like taking people just constantly just trying to steal this you know what i'm saying yeah that's crazy i just thought it was cute you know i like houses lamborghini and stuff oh you like lambos yeah of course who doesn't no and this color is crazy like i remember when um i was talking to the guy because like keep in mind like it's not mine it's just a rental but like i was talking to the guy he was like this is like a huracan like how fast it is and everything no this is crazy but it's a lambo right of course you see you see the logo you thought it was like a replica or something i don't know i just want to make sure it's real you know like you got it it's real that's cool all right i mean it's not mine but like a celebrity or whatever you said what like you like celeb or like what's up oh no i do like like youtube videos and stuff like you know youtube right yeah yeah so like that's a cool little influence there yeah i definitely do i appreciate that you know what i'm saying this is just like vlogs pranks and all that you know what i'm saying you're gonna drive it home or what oh that passenger seat looking kind of empty i don't know what yeah the passengers looking empty what you mean i mean like uh we're not you should totally just take me for a ride because it's like you seem kind of lonely what do you mean i look lonely like i was just gonna go home probably watch some netflix just chill out what the heck is going on bro like is this a gold digger vid what is happening literally said thank you you don't say you did a good job what is happening right now bro is this the power of the lambo brother what is happening tell me someone tell me now you're trying to watch netflix i'll let you step inside i'll let you stand aside yeah step inside you mind if i take some pictures uh yeah go ahead i just kind of want to get like this whole oh my god i got my parents you know what i'm saying but nah like what are you doing the area no i'm just out here you know just buying shopping and stuff like that you might i'm just gonna put this on my story if you're cool with that your instagram story yeah uh there were you you're taking hella pictures you're helping up pictures no wait why do you got a problem this is yours right i told you this is a rental you know what i'm saying like you bought it with your money right yeah your browse i was doing like different types of videos like that okay but i just want to take a picture real quick hold on just want to get the lambo there sorry you go ahead so you said you was like a little celeb or whatever right yeah i do like videos i've never seen you around me i mean i live in the area you know i'm saying i just i live like probably 25 minutes away mm-hmm i'm saying but like yeah let's be chilling good to know yeah we should definitely like hang out soon like in the future why are you i just wanted to see what you're gonna do you know i'm saying like you did good you don't say like everyone was trying to steal the car you're the only person that didn't steal the car i'm happy for you thanks yeah i don't need to steal it i just like when people take care of me you know and you know what i'm saying [Music] where did you try i don't know what you're saying what are you trying to say huh what are you trying to say no it's a nice car like you know you guys with your money so you seem well off you know that's why i want to get to know you and your youtuber or whatever what the [ __ ] what no i'm being dead what's your name again you just said everything and you just said you won't know my name you ask for that first no but i mean what's the problem okay if i'm being honest with you you know what i'm saying like i said a couple hours ago we just been testing we just been testing people out to see what they're gonna do you were the only person that didn't go to sell the car you know i'm saying i'm happy for you i just want you to take that dub and we good sorry he's trying to like ask me to leave or what you want to be rochie yeah go go ahead go ahead bro we doing a video my cameraman is recording he's behind that trash can over there what do you camera what the [ __ ] are you talking about we're doing a whole experiment bro so i'm just part of this little experiment or what like i wasn't i mean if you're i'm not trying to get you i have a girlfriend and everything i'm saying i mean i see a car in you i don't see a girl so my girl's not here and i see money and i see a car what's the problem oh my god you see a bad boy what's the problem bro you know what i'm saying i told you i have a girl so you're not you said just keep it real you do know everything look i have a mic on my shirt i have a mic on my shirt this is on youtube i'm a youtuber youtube so so what you're going to post all this [ __ ] yeah i've been telling you that since the last five minutes this is whack oh my god whatever you know what i'm i'm over this i got my pictures good job okay but we're turning to the runners are you dumb is you dumb what the [ __ ] is wrong with this girl bro bro pizza again how did i unintentionally catch a gold digger how did i unintentionally unintentionally catch a gold digger usually my gold digger bids i tried you know i'm saying do a prank on it i wasn't trying to prank anybody today i'm telling her it's a rental she's over trying to mess with me i don't know if you think about peach's name man y'all call me p2 [Music] what what is happening right now bro i'm about to sleep i can't do it i can't do it bro i can't do it again hey that was a crazy andy i don't know i'm just not gonna talk about it is what it is bro hey i hope you guys enjoyed this video bro not just that bro i am doing a giveaway bro you guys have been showing so much love ding ding ding another giveaway bro hey i'm giving away a thousand dollars bro if you want to be entered into the giveaway i'm gonna be cast shopping you i know you want some money in your cash if you want to buy the ps5 i got you i know i want ps5 too it's a giveaway bro go ahead click on the link in the description if you don't want to click in the link description if you're lazy just go ahead and follow the kid on facebook at pizza names go on facebook if you don't have one make up facebook follow me at p2snail on facebook bro just do it if you want to be entering a thousand dollar giveaway bro you don't say i have an instagram i have a twitter but i don't really use facebook so i was like okay let me secure my name on there so if you guys just want to follow me and get interested to a giveaway come on down come just come on damn bro we're in that it's what peter's name man y'all coming p2 i'm gonna be out to sing i love y'all let's go [Music] damn
Channel: P2istheName
Views: 2,694,519
Rating: 4.9174767 out of 5
Keywords: p2, p2isthename, funnymike, prettyboyfredo, ddg, in the hood, social experiment, cj so cool, prank, family, vlog, prince family, p2 hood, p2 in the hood, I left my bmw i8 in the hood for 24 hours experiment, leaving a 2020 Lamborghini in the hood for 24 hours, lamborghini, 2020 lamborghini
Id: ndzkoe8t3PA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 36sec (1116 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 27 2020
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