The Holy Spirit in the Life of the Believer (Part 6)

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Church here we go tonight we are in the Y's series and you know that we've been studying intimately now we are looking at I think something like our fifth study on the work of the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer and this is so important to us especially now at this time of life for the church and so grab your Bibles in turn if you would to Zechariah chapter 4 Zechariah chapter 4 while you're turning there go to Matthew if you don't know your Bible shut your Bible and then you can do this I guess if you closed your Bible go right down the middle and open it up you're gonna land in the Book of Psalms or Isaiah you'll come either to Isaiah or Psalms go to the little bit to the right so turn to the right and of course before you get to Matthew you're gonna come up there you'll see Zechariah and in Zechariah chapter 4 verse 6 there is a statement made there that is perfect for tonight's study and for you and I in our lives the dynamic of Israel is that they were in peril and Israel was trying to find its way back to God and they were stumbling and seeking and crying and they were desperate before God and God gave zerubabbel the answer through the Prophet Zechariah and that answer is as needed today as it was 3,000 years ago 2,800 years ago and that is found in Zechariah chapter 4 verse 6 in fact I've often mentioned on Sundays as we look to the seven churches that in our foyer behind you your shoulders behind your head in the foyer is a seven lampstands menorah and on it in Hebrew is written Zechariah 4:6 in Hebrew and that verse says so he answered and said to me this is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel regarding the restoration and the Reformation of Israel and I quote him God is speaking not by might nor by power but by my spirit that is the holy spirit says the Lord of Hosts and from that moment on the nation's leaders were to be dependent upon God's Word by the power of the Holy Spirit to do the impossible did you hear that they were to be dependent upon God's Word the power of the Holy Spirit to accomplish the impossible that's exactly what you and I need today are you anxious are you pressured are there waits upon you I have to confess there's waits upon me look don't panic I'm fine I'm not sick I saw last week I went like this I don't know if you know this but I went like this during one of the services because I had an itch on my nose and I went like this in the social media lit up and said oh my goodness don't touch your face you're gonna get kovat are you sick I'm not sick in fact I'm think I'm gonna be able to prove to you later that I had kovat in late December but I won't confirm it until I get tested but I'm good what I'm saying is I need to just let the church and its existence belong to God because today I I'm so blessed by so so many we had over 500 pastors and Christian workers join us today I asked openly I just said hey pastors in California Christian workers if you want to join me today at noon pacific time to talk about what do we need to do to reopen our churches then please log on we had over 550 people get their place and log in logging on and we had that meeting today and it was absolutely epic and exciting because pastors are motivated christian workers want to get back to work and we want to do what god has called us to do and we want it listen the dilemma the pressure and I appreciate your prayers is this that I want to honor it's been so hard I want to honor the demands or commands of our government to a point we have obeyed every line every precept every guess every whim that our government has laid upon us and now nothing seems to make sense anymore the doctors are arguing with doctors politicians are argue with politicians and science is being rejected and whimsical ideas are being embraced and it's topsy-turvy right now and it's so it's so hard for me to just be as it were a sacrifice silent before its its tormentors because none of this makes sense to me and if in what I am thinking I cannot honestly reveal to you publicly I just won't do it but the church is being silenced the nation is to experience its next way that's not a flu but it's the next way from the coronavirus activity of our nation will be extreme financial problems extreme and what the flu didn't get then suicide and depression could possibly do that we live in a very precarious time you see Jack what are you saying that more than ever right now we need to get into God's Word be dependent upon the Holy Spirit for the power of God to manifest because for this reason the government cannot help us when it comes to the masses losing hope and being tempted to commit suicide or to give up or to go to the bottle to start taking drugs and our leaders don't understand that after all because we are a non-essential entertainment venue in their eyes but when the power of God arrives that's a different story when the power of God comes all things change on the day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit came and even the detractors had to say what is that noise what are those people saying and I don't want to put anything in front of the rapture of the church because theologically you can't but I'm praying like you are that God would send a revival to his church so the lost might get saved by the witness of the church how is that going to happen by the power of the Holy Spirit falling upon people who have an extreme dependence upon God because they are fastened to his word the Bible that's what we need and I believe that's the direction God is taking California with all due respect our local county and state officials are not in charge God's in charge and in the end Jesus said the gates of Hell will not prevail against my church and that is still true it's still in the Bible Matthew chapter 16 right around verse 18 it's still true so we need his power when we talk about his power what is it that we're speaking about I'll write this down please get this friends.i this is the the the passage now from here on out that I wish you and I could be together around a coffee table here we go Luke 11 turn there if you would please Luke chapter 11 it's absolutely amazing I want you to be thinking now to whom is he speaking that is to whom is he speaking and what is he telling them Luke chapter 11 look at verse 5 and he jesus said to them which of you shall have a friend and go to him at midnight and say to him friend lend me three loaves of bread for a friend of - come to me on his journey and I have nothing set before him and he will answer from within and say do not trouble me the door is now shut my children are in bed I cannot rise and give to you I say to you though he will not rise and give to him because he is his friend in other words get out of here man I'll talk to you tomorrow about it this is ridiculous my kids are in bed that's a whole nother Bible teaching by the way it's the significance of that where he says I can't rise because my kids are in bed it's a fascinating Bible study why the man shut down his friend to not give him bread at midnight this guy's not being a bad friend there was a protocol to put in your family to sleep in the common dwellings of the Galilee it's beautiful and it's perfect to what we're talking about no I'll talk to you tomorrow no but my friend suddenly arrived and I know it's midnight but I need three loaves of bread yet because of his persistence the man will arise and give him as many as he needs Hey I'll give you five loaves of bread if you don't come back again look 11 verse 9 so I say to you ask listen to everyone ask and it will be given to you seek and you will find knock and it will be open to you do you hear that invitation wow you know what though do we even care enough are we desperate enough are we disparate enough even now are we desperate enough that we would ask God how much time have you spent asking God to do things for your life and at this time for your church and for your community and for your nation wherever you live are you asking yet I would desperate enough to be on our face asking are we desperate enough and then seeking that's it that's more that's more intense asking by the way we need to make note of this it's not asked and then you give up asking and then you seek and then you give up seeking and then you knock it's not that no no no no you see best you just read that no I didn't the word actually means ask keep on asking why you're asking keep on seeking keep on asking keep on seeking here the desperation and then he says knock keep on knocking don't stop don't give up he says and it will be open to you verse 10 for everyone who asks receives man that's a huge statement everyone asks receives and he who seeks finds to him who knocks it will be open to him if a son notice what he's answering this is so amazing he said where are you going with this oh you'll know in a moment Jesus says if a son asks for bread from any Father among you will he give him a stone that's pretty cruel can you imagine if some some kid that's running around church not now but before if a kid ran up and said hey Jeff or Jack or Tom or Fred I'm hungry can I have some bread and we said sure kid and we pulled out a rock that looks like a like bread but it's a rock and we hand it to the kid the kid bites into it and cracks his teeth and we're laughing that's pretty cruel that's pretty sick gee when the disciples heard this they're going that's ridiculous nobody would do that no one would give a kid a stone these are obvious very hype hyped up what's the word um hyperbole intentionally Jesus is intentionally exaggerated in the moment when a child would be radically offended by somebody acting like that of course the answer is nobody would act like that nobody's that heartless or if he asks for a fish will you give him a snake instead of a fish who would do that nobody would do that I'm sorry but I'm actually we're so spoiled and we know this so true that if you and I order a hamburger without onions and we pull up then to pick it up through the window and it's got onions it's like what is this this is insane I ordered it without onions this is unbelievable I'm gonna report you to the food Nazis or something but then you can't do that I ordered it without onions everybody knows that nobody orders fish and hands a mistake you get order a Big Mac and you drive through the window the guy hands you a Python I don't think so Jesus is exaggerating the reality of what he's about to drop on them Orpheus for an egg will you give him a scorpion come on if you then being evil know how to give good gifts to your children here comes here it comes how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him and this is the force of tonight's teaching Jesus is speaking to his disciples he's talking about you asking for the Holy Spirit please make note of this this has nothing to do with salvation this has nothing to do with the indwelling of the believer at the moment of conversion when the Holy Spirit takes up residence in your life oh no no no how much more will your heavenly Father give you the Holy Spirit when and if you ask him the whole setup presupposes that you are going to keep asking Jesus for the Holy Spirit for the rest of your Christian life hear me out pastor does that mean I can lose my salvation and then I got to ask him this has nothing to do as I said about salvation this has everything to do with zareba bail hearing Zechariah 4 verse 6 power coming to you not by might nor by power but by my spirit thus the power comes by the spirit not by your mites not by your power but by his power we do not do Christianity Christ does Christianity to us by the power of the Holy Spirit if you believe in Jesus and you're so tired because you feel like you're rolling a gigantic ball up a hill you need to step aside and let it go just let it roll because that's not how it is in fact if anything you're the ball and the Holy Spirit's rolling you up the hill you need that power John chapter 20 verse 19 do make a mark of this John 20 verse 19 now this is this is uh this answers to your common thought is I thought when the Holy Spirit came to me saved that is true when the Holy Spirit as I said a moment ago comes to reside in you when he comes inside you need to make a note is this is the Holy Spirit inside of me the answer is yes if you're a born-again believer listen what happens to me at the moment of being born-again that's easy to answer because of the Spirit of God working upon your life you're convicted of your sins the Holy Spirit points out the reason why Christ went to the cross and it's the Holy Spirit that teaches you that Christ rose from the dead and the moment you see that that Christ Jesus as your Savior in that moment of conversion the Holy Spirit comes inside of you pay attention never to leave you that's John 20 beginning at verse 19 follow along with me Bible students then the same day at evening being the first day of the week that's Sunday when the doors were shut and the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews that is the Jewish religious hierarchy not the Jewish people Jesus came and stood in the midst of them by the way the word implies that he immediately appeared he did knock on a door he was instantly before them and he said to them peace be to you when he had said this he showed them his hands in his side and that awesome he shows him his holes in his hands is crucified wrists actually technically right here right and then he shows them actually the right side shows them the right side of his massive wound that the spear entered his body upon the cross and so scripture says then the disciples were glad when they saw the Lord verse 21 listen this is after the resurrection he's already been resurrected Jesus appears to them supernaturally reveals to them his scars isn't that amazing to think right now my friend in heaven above Jesus is bearing his scars his scars those scars are testimony forever and ever his love for you no wonder why John said when he saw heaven opened and he saw the lamb seated upon the throne and there in the midst of the twenty-four elders the lamb stood as though it had been slain a mutilated lamb and the Bible tells in the book of Revelation that of course that lamb is Jesus Christ Jesus is scarred right now in fact the Bible tells us in the book of Zechariah beginning at chapters 12 doubt 214 that when Christ returns in the second coming to Israel guess what Israel that the remnant of Israel will look when he's come in and say where did you get these wounds in your body isn't it amazing friends listen oh my goodness my dear Jewish friends listen to me carefully your prophets say that in the last days when the Messiah does come back to Jerusalem listen the Jews will ask him where did you get these wounds in your body my friends my Jewish friends have you ever thought about that you say we don't believe Jesus came the first time I give you guys as Christians no we believe our Messiah is still coming well he came 2,000 years ago he's coming again the second coming is really to you you're thinking the first coming but in reality it's called the second coming in the Bible because the first coming was him coming to Jerusalem on Palm Sunday but can you explain this away but you can't i'm lovingly being sarcastic i I love my Jewish friends and I know how to talk to them how is it that your Messiah when he returns to you the first time he lost the second time he will appear scarred up who said Zechariah says who's he he's in your prophets read your Old Testament he's not amazing whoever the Messiah of Israel is that when he comes to Israel he scarred you've got to first be afflicted before you can be scarred you've got to first be wounded before you could show the scars of healing and Israel is going to announce to the Messiah where did you get these wounds you know yet Jesus's answer is the Bible tells us and the Old Testament it says he's going to say to them these are the wounds that I received in the house of my friends my own people my brothers remarkable boy did I digress John 20:21 and Jesus said to them again peace be to you as the father has sent me I also send you listen verse 22 and when he had said this he breathed on them and said to them receive the Holy Spirit now this is a very cool passage it's it's once-in-a-lifetime event this is not gonna be repeated repeated ever again it happened then and there so how do you know we all know watch this verse 21 verse 22 verse 22 when he had said this he breathed on on them he breathed on them broke all CDC rules he broke all California rules he breathed on them without a mask he went and the Bible says he breathed on them the Holy Spirit now listen we know technically write it down I teased some of you with my Facebook post today here's the answer to that he breathed on those disciples at that moment and they from believers they became men filled with faith in that moment they were born again where is the first born-again experience every medication scripture it is mentioned in John 20:22 that's the first record of believers being born again from that moment on jesus never breathed on anybody again he didn't have to because conversion at that moment from that time on was the Holy Spirit coming inside of every believer but also in that same moment these were commissioned to the power that was to come when in that moment oh no no we know that for a fact in John chapter 20 verse 22 the Holy Spirit came and lived in inside of them he saved them how do you know because the Beaux tells us the Bible tells us this same group of guys on the day of Pentecost was waiting and praying and the Holy Spirit fell not in them fell upon them and that's the great important truth in fact turned to Acts chapter 1 verse 4 x1 4 the Bible says I'm being assembled together with them he commanded them not to depart from Jerusalem this is way after the resurrection our friends Jesus had long since ascended back to heaven not to depart from Jerusalem but to wait for the promise of the Father which he said you've heard from me for John truly baptized with water but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now therefore when they had come together they asked him saying Lord will you at this time restore the kingdom to Israel now this is an account of him just before he ascends upward listen to what he says it is not for you to know the times and the seasons which the father has put in his own authority in other words I'm not restoring the kingdom to Israel yet you got some work to do guys verse 8 but you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you and you shall be witnesses to me in Jerusalem and all of Judea Samaria and to the ends or the uttermost parts of the earth wait for the power of the Holy Spirit to come are you ready in our little chronology now Acts chapter 2 verse 1 x2 1 when the day of Pentecost had fully come that's the fifty days after the last feast they were all filled or they were all with one Accord that is in one mindset the word Accord means mindset in one place geographically one place and in one mind verse two and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind and it filled the whole house where they were sitting then there appeared to them divided tongues as of fire and one sat upon each of them and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit listen and they began to speak with other tongues that's other earthly languages as the spirit gave them the ability or utterance verse five and there were dwelling in Jerusalem Jews devout men from every nation under heaven watch this everybody and when this sound occurred the multitude came together and they were confused because everyone this is funny they were confused why because they didn't understand nope they were confused because they did understand oh my goodness you say are you crazy listen I'm gonna read it to you in a moment they were confused because they understood what was going on cannot happen naturally did you hear that they were confused because what was happening cannot happen naturally they were confused because the event was supernatural how do you know Bible is gonna tell us in a minute here we go it says there in verse six Acts chapter 1 verse 6 and when this sound occurred the multitude came together and they were confused because everyone heard them speak in his own language then they were all filled with amazement and marvelled saying to one another look are not all these who speak galilaeans that's that's great for us to read it's a root radical insult it's like this oh my goodness we understand what these people are saying we're so confused because these are nothing but a bunch of country bumpkins from the foreign land form lands and Fisheries of Galilee these are uneducated non College degreed fishermen and farmers what in the world is going on what is it verse 8 and how is it that we hear them each in our own language in which we were born Parthian 'he's no Galileans understood the Parthian 'he's language but they're speaking as though they were native-born Parthian and if that's not enough Medes and Elamites those from the regions of Iran those dwelling in Mesopotamia Judea and Cappadocia Pontius even Asia they're all speaking imagine the disciples they're talking and speaking and Peter is speaking perfect Parthian and he's never studied it and all the people from Parthia were saying oh my gosh that guy is saying something we understand him perfectly doesn't that guy a Galilean how's that happening supernatural power falling upon people who are desperately dependent upon God to get the gospel the Word of God out to the ends of the earth and God took over Phrygia and Pamphylia verse 10 Egypt and parts of Libya adjoining Cyrene visitors from Rome so they were understanding Latin or some form of Latin Greek both Jews and proselytes Cretans and Arabs Wow what is it that they heard why were they confused because we hear them speaking out in our own tongues the wonderful works of God so they were all amazed and perplexed saying to one another whatever could this mean others began to mock saying they're full of wine these people are drunk verse 14 then Peter standing up with the eleven raised his voice and said to them men of Judea and all who dwell in Jerusalem let this be known to you and heed my words for these are not drunk as you suppose since it is only the ninth hour or the third hour which is nine o'clock in the morning 9:00 a.m. but this is what was spoken by the Prophet Joel this is awesome Peters ripping here verse 17 and it shall come to pass in the last days says God that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh your sons and your daughters shall prophesy your young men shall see visions your old men shall dream dreams and on my mates menservants and maidservants i will pour out my spirit in those days and they will prophesy I will show wonders in heaven above and signs and earth beneath blood and fire and vapor of smoke and the Sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord that's the second coming and it shall come to pass that whoever calls upon the name the Lord we saved that preaching of Peter out of Joel covers the first coming of Christ and the second coming of Christ in one moment's presentation what's held back between those events is a comma it's remarkable this time about the Holy Spirit now Church turn all the way now to Ephesians Ephesians hid the Gospels go past John all the way through the epistles you're going to come to the Epistle to the Ephesians Ephesians chapter 5 beginning at verse 17 and I'm excited because we need I need to get through this verse and then we need to get into the lab of the lab section of this study Ephesians 5:17 Paul says to the believers at Ephesus Turkey therefore do not be unwise but understand what the will of the Lord is do not be drunk with wine and at that you see how come why not because he says in which is dissipation what does that mean don't waste your time drinking wine to get buzzed and come under the influence of something that is not sanctified by God you'll get in trouble you'll get into bed with somebody you'll make some dumb decisions you'll get behind your donkey crash it into the oncoming camels you'll net you'll don't you'll go crazy you you drink wine you start gambling you're not even a gambler you drink wine you start messing around I always won a case I was on a jury case of a man who said was a physician he was an alcoholic we later learned who lost control of his vehicle while under the influence crashed into a house and killed a baby that was sleeping in bed and I was on a murder turned out to be a murder trial he was being tried for murder and I never forget the state's witness was a forensic scientist and the man gave testimony to what happens to the human physiology and the mind when we come under the influence of drugs or alcohol and I found it fascinating guess what the first thing that that this expert said that when we come under the influence of intoxicating elements he said the first that goes out the door is your ability to make reasonable judgments number two listen number two is a decrease in inhibitions so you first think bad decision-making number two which is moments behind it is your moral rudder goes out the window your pants go down your top goes off you're in the backseat of a car you're making horrible decisions under the influence you'll do things to the extreme under the influence notice what he's saying don't waste your time being possessed by silly things that eventually dissipate you sweat it out or you eliminate it he says don't do that but be filled with the holy spirits watch this speak to one another in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and submitting to one another in the fear of the Lord this is the key you guys it's right there in verse 18 be but be filled with the Holy Spirit guess what friends listen up this is good news the word means be being filled again and again and again and again and again by or with the Holy Spirit for power if your name is a rubber Bell listen up not by might nor by power but by the Holy Spirit is the might and the power not by human effort how do you live this life as a Christian not by your power not by your righteousness no way but by the power of the Holy Spirit it's absolutely fascinating and awesome so listen get your questions but I think we have a time for some questions listen the Holy Spirit right now if you're not a Christian the Holy Spirit is standing over here the Holy Spirit is over here saying to you you better turn to Christ the Son and you better find out the gospel if you were listening to Jack earlier he said that Jesus died on the cross for your sins and if you die you're gonna go straight to hell and I don't want you to go to hell but you need to get the life just the the the parachute you need to get Christ you need to get your sins forgiven so he is saying come to me and he's convicting you that's one of the functions and the primary functions of the holy spirit then when you say yes to the holy spirit he moves inside he comes inside of you Jesus so to speak breathes on you and you received the Holy Spirit because salvation is sealed upon you in that moment that's why he says I will never leave your forsake you why because he has stamped his ownership upon your soul you will never be the same that's why I listen if you're backslidden tonight as a Christian only Christians can be backslidden non-believers cannot the backslidden Christian tonight you're miserable then you know it you put on more makeup or you try to get a new suit and you look like a dork you're all messed up you can suit up and paint them doesn't change the fact that you're so miserable why because you're playing in the kingdom marbles with your soul you need to get back to God why because he's inside of you but Jesus is talking about and Paul is talking about the Holy Spirit coming upon you for power this is for every believer and you have to be a born-again believer to experience this coming upon power and yet the Bible says over and over again be filled again and again with this power epi is the greek word the coming upon power the epi experience of the Holy Spirit how many times do I experience it innumerable amount of times well how many times do I experience getting saved that's only one time one time one time you're set Holy Spirit for power coming upon everyday and by the way I got to tell you you want to get hooked on the Holy Spirit put yourself in the position of serving God wherever you're out in the world become so dependent upon them that you can't do this I got to tell you a church listen look I'm not being paid extra to tell you what I'm about to tell you I have learned from the wonderful Bible teaching that I grew up under that it's best to place yourself before God to be used is that scary is uncomfortable to visit as it is why because it's in that moment of desperation that power of the Holy Spirit comes upon the needy and uses them to advance the gospel my dear friend listen I want to live like that too the day I die oh no that's terrifying we should never fear nothing again anything the church is going to do fine in California in fact I think God's gonna show us a little favor somehow we're being slammed just wait just wait till just wait - King Jesus shows up and the Holy Spirit's poured out it's gonna be awesome I'm waiting but you must be wanting to present yourself to a place where you can be used by God and it's a total fearful terrifying moment and then his power comes and you'll never look back so ask like you learned a moment ago he's not gonna give you stone he's not gonna give you a scorpion he's not gonna give you a rock he's gonna give you the power of the Holy Spirit I hope this makes sense we can pick it up next time together a questioner asks from first Corinthians 12 no one can say Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit how can Mormons and Jove awarenesses call Jesus Lord if they don't haven't have the Holy Spirit great question this is awesome brilliant question listen up everybody the Mormons do call Jesus Lord and so do the Muslims and so do the Jove witnesses so do a lot of people in fact Paul the Apostle says there are many Lords to listen here's the answer to say that Jesus is Lord and to have him as Lord is very much two different things God only hears that Jesus is Lord from those who have the Spirit of God in them entertainers can call upon G called Jesus Lord that doesn't mean they're saved anybody consent in fact Jesus said in Matthew chapter 7 verses 20 and 21 22 that in the last days there'll be many of those in the day of judgment who say Lord Lord didn't we do miracles in your name and Jesus said I'm gonna read I'm gonna turn to them and say I never knew you Wow it means listen everybody can call Jesus Lord but you can't call Jesus as Lord in reality and in lifestyle unless Jesus is in fact the Lord of your life I hope you that's simple right it's not what you say that makes you something it's what you live or believe that makes you something you should say who you are from experience in reality rather than from hypocrisy say you're a Christian and Jesus is Lord but your life doesn't back it up Mormons it's not backed up Joe witnesses it's not backed up is it okay to pray directly to the Holy Spirit yeah absolutely a lot of people gonna write me and be angry with me at this one but we see prayer to the Holy Spirit in the Bible so where's that book of Acts the Bible says they were praying I think it's Acts chapter 5 and 13 13 for sure where they were praying and fasting and they're praying to God and fasting and the Holy Spirit spoke to them and said separate unto me Barnabas and Saul for the work that I have called them to do Paul saw Paul and the holy spirit called them out to ministry absolutely I pray I pray to the Father in Jesus name I pray to Jesus whenever I want to talk to him and I pray to the Holy Spirit in Jesus name absolutely next question and one point in life wait at one point in life I renounced Christ and my faith I have come back but I'm afraid that I cannot be saved again is this true where were you last Wednesday night we answer this less Wednesday night let me ask you a question you denounced Christ once in your life but now you want him you want him right all you need to do just to be safe right now can we do this let's all do this together whoever you are will you do this right now I'm dead serious think about it right now this this this sermons gonna get a hundred and seventy to two hundred thousand views so imagine everybody's everybody's witnessing with you right now we're gonna witness you do this so to speak in the spirit you want to fix that question here we go say because you believe it dear Lord Jesus I'm coming back forgive me for forsaking you just like Peter did and I'm asking you to receive me in coming back just like you did Peter I repent of my sins I rededicate my life to you Lord in Jesus name and I ask you now to fill me afresh with the power of your Holy Spirit that I never look back I dedicate my life to you at twenty minutes after the hour wherever you are in the world it's 20 minutes after the hour and from this moment forward I'm gonna walk with you Lord in Jesus name and all God's people said yeah amen to that first John five says there is a sin that leads to death is this related to the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit No first John's written to believers first John's written to believers it means that there's a man or a woman who's sinning a sin that they just won't stop sinning could be addiction could be stupid I don't mean stupidity it could be that they they just they're a wayward child from day to day there's a sin that they commit where the Lord says you know what it's time for me to bring them home they're just running their own witness they're dragging my name through the mud they trust me as as Savior but they've got a Lord lordship issue going on you say Jack how dare you say that that's terrible up listen calm down Paul wrote to the Corinthians and he said I cannot believe that there is sin happening at your church that is so sickening that it's not even done among non-believers and Paul tells you what it is he said it is reported to me that among you a young man has his dad's wife so a young man is with his stepmother and Paul said this is unbelievable I tell you though I'm absent I'm now judging in the spirit take that man that young man and cast him out of the church throw him it says that Satan may destroy his flesh so his soul is saved in the day of the Lord Jesus Christ can you believe that that's sending the sin as a believer that crossed the line and God says that's it you're coming home prematurely look we know disobedience sends you home prematurely if someone claims to follow Christ for years but then denounces him had they committed blasphemy all the spirit I'm looking out here to some of the producer guys did didn't I talk about this recently or was it Sunday I don't remember but wasn't about it was last Wednesday about committing the unpardonable sin please get last Wednesday's message you must have missed it or I failed teaching it but you can't listen you cannot commit blasphemy of the Holy Spirit unless you die in your unbelief you cannot commit blasphemy of the Holy Spirit until or or you die in your unbelief that's now the important will sin that's blasphemy little spirit if you continue to denounce Christ and die in that condition that's it you haven't committed it and don't what's the balance of trusting the Holy Spirit's power in using my own gifts and abilities by faith are they the same thing no the Holy Spirit is the gift giver the gift is simply a tool that's in the hand of the contractor okay so the gifts that you have I'm not even gonna go so far as to say this is my opinion the abilities that you have though they may not be supernatural I believe that God has given given each of us abilities those the Bible Jesus refers to those as well uses the word talents but it's not like talent like its opportunities abilities gifts are from the Holy Spirit supernatural gifts and you know you're operating in the power of the Holy Spirit when you're gifting is being used listen please don't it's so simple and your gifting is being used by the Holy Spirit you actually realize in your mind at that moment I'm a spectator to what's happening this is amazing this is fantastic boy am I having fun serving God and I'm even learning right now as God's got ahold of my life in witnessing loving giving evangelism whatever the whatever the many gifts of the Holy Spirit is at work in your life in that it becomes effortless you see if I'm a motivational speaker and I'm speaking to you right now it's all push push push and it's talent on display but when the Holy Spirit's using you you'll be the most humbled by his power because you're seeing him work and you know that if I for example rendered myself unusual unusable God would use this podium he doesn't need me remember that God doesn't need any of us he lets us be involved in ministry what do you think about the Holy Spirit is trying to change them wait I'm sorry what do you think the Holy Spirit is trying to change the most in the church during the covet 19 the coronavirus season what do I think the Holy Spirit is trying to change I have a lot of things on my mind about that one I would say our lack of dependence upon the Holy Spirit especially in the West why depend on the Holy Spirit if we have money to throw at the problem why wait why you'd be depend upon the Holy Spirit when we've got natural abilities I think I think the Lord is trying to get the church in the West to see that it needs to be extremely dependent upon the Holy Spirit I think we need to get back to our Pentecost we need to get back to the beginning of the Holy Spirit having possession of us let me taste them right now you know what this stuff so this whole time has revealed a lot of stuff about people because I'm a pastor of a church of many thousands and thousands of people and even when we're shut down we're not shut down if you think about it I can't go anywhere without bumping into somebody and you know I'm hearing Oh pastor Jack pray for pray for Fred and Wilma man after this thing hit they just gave up on God Vegas has become their new church they just go to Vegas now gambling drink and smoke and carrying on Wow and you know some churches are just going along just fine look in a sense we're going along just fine that really this stinks all this stuff stinks this emptiness this is not normal God God's using this for a moment but we're not gonna be like this for long see what if well you know what I don't we can't we're not gonna be like this for long it's I'm not talking out legal illegal I'm talking about this eventually becoming illegal to God this setting and I'm gonna be wholly depend upon the Holy Spirit desperate seeking his power to proclaim his word and if we get arrested if we get shut down we've got to be ready for that it sure would be biblical wouldn't it though I'm not asking for it Jesus made a very clear last Sunday in our message these kind of days would come to us final question no actually a couple more we have time does the Holy Spirit empower and use people who are actively living in sin nope cannot will not he will not do it if you're actively living in sin and you're harboring known sin unconfessed he will not empower you he will not do it you say yeah but what about those televangelist they were doing all those miracles and they're doing almost powerful preaching but we later found out they're all snorting coke and sleeping around and bunch of bums they didn't do that by the Holy Spirit God and His mercy might have touched somebody in the crowd because God loves that person in the crowd but what those charlatans are doing that's not the Holy Spirit remember when Moses cast down his staff and it became a serpent so did Pharaoh's team they cast down their staffs and they became serpents the cool thing is Moses is serpent ate up the false prophets serpents that's kind of neat but remember what I said earlier in Matthew 7 Jesus said in the last days on the day of judgment there'll be none believers who were in ministry who cast out demons and performed miracles and they're going straight to hell and jesus said I never knew who those guys were I don't even know them I had no access to their life they didn't get on their knees and talk to me I never heard from them can you imagine can you imagine if you died right now and you think you're going to heaven and Jesus says who are you I've never heard from you I'm not talking about praying for your meal lord thank you for this meal Jesus no I mean I've never heard from them and you might say Lord didn't I pray to you let me check no there's no instance in this jar you were never there I never heard from you Wow dear friend listen you and I need the power of the Holy Spirit like never before and we're gonna pray right now to receive that power but listen I got to be honest with you don't don't miss this if you're a Christian today or if you think you are or you are and you're saying oh cool I'm gonna pray with you I want to see the power you're not gonna get it it's not gonna happen he's not gonna give it he's not gonna give you the power unless you're gonna use it oh no no I'll use it no no I guess I should rephrase he's not gonna give you the power unless you need it what do you mean you need to present yourself useable to God here's a picture for you I would never start a chainsaw you know chainsaws are awesome I mean you gotta admit they're amazing thinking one chainsaw can take down a thousand year old tree in seconds it's so powerful would I ever start a chainsaw and hand it to a two-year-old never neither would you God will never hand the power of His Holy Spirit to somebody who wants to play games if you're dead serious about serving the Lord Jesus Christ and finding out what your gift is by the way that's how you find out step out in an area that interests you see if he's in it when you step out and dude used by God the Holy Spirit will come upon you and you will know it's his power but to those who want to see if this is a game or not you won't hear from him because you don't intend to yield yourself okay that's very important okay this has to be last one I feel frequently I feel frequently condemned from previous failures how can I be used by the spirit of again a spirit again yep number one repent of unbelief you're not believing God semaine you're not comforting here I'm just getting started listen repent of your unbelief stop thinking about yourself and believe his word and start thinking about him here's your verse first John chapter 1 in fact read first John period but first John chapter 1 begin at verse 5 and you can end at verse 9 first John chapter 1 verses first John 1:5 through 9 okay but here's what here's the deal you believe but you're not trusting him you need to stop that because he's greater than your sin unless you're still doing that sin if you're still doing that sin you have a serious problem with God and it's a communication issue if you're a believer but assuming now that you've repented of that sin and you've taken it to God and you've simply done this Lord it's it's a sin that I did you know what it is I don't want to ever do that again I repent of it and I ask you now to give me your power that I might walk with you he will hear that prayer and it's it's as quick and direct as that okay he's not he's not a game he's not he's not a show he's a person and he desires to have a person-to-person relationship with you he is one personality reaching out to another personality that makes you unique in all of the universe because God said he created you in His own image that's what that means personality to person out personality that's how God relates to human beings not animals not angels only humans that's why only humans are redeemable isn't amazing so here you go hang on you know if you're serious about this Heavenly Father in fact you know what church listen let's do this together go ahead get on your knees wherever you're at because I need his power - I got a lot of stuff to do still this evening for the kingdom and I don't have the knowledge that I need to contemplate to ponder what's before me so Lord we come to you tonight and we are taking you Lord at your word we're in Luke chapter 11 you said that if we asked for the Holy Spirit you would not give us a rock you would not give us a serpent you would not give us a scorpion instead because you are the loving Heavenly Father who your your word says Jesus the Rigden read in our Bibles it says how much more will our heavenly Father give us the Holy Spirit who asked so we're asking now tonight that you would come upon us afresh with the power of your Holy Spirit Almighty God and Lord that right now we receive that promise by faith and Lord we ask you now to live your power out through us and Lord that you would now use us powerfully and we're gonna go forth today tonight wherever you are in this time zone of this world and we're saying Lord use me bring me to the brink of absolute dependence upon you may I see your power because I'm being used to your glory because I'm fully dependent upon your word and I ask you Lord God in the name of Jesus Christ and all of God's people said amen thanks for watching the real life youtube channel we love bringing you content that will help you grow in your relationship with Jesus Christ you can subscribe to this channel so that you don't miss one single video or live stream and you can share it with friends and family if you'd like to support this ministry by helping us reach others by taking the gospel and the teaching around the world you can do so by clicking the give Now button so thanks again for watching and God bless [Music]
Channel: Real Life with Jack Hibbs
Views: 26,795
Rating: 4.9250937 out of 5
Keywords: real life with jack hibbs, jack hibbs, jack hibbs live, jack hibbs why series, jack hibbs donald trump, amir tsarfati middle east update, jack hibbs christianity, is christianity true, how do I become, calvary chapel chino hills
Id: _QyNWgRjeAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 43sec (3403 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 30 2020
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