The Holy Spirit Brings Us Freedom - Zac Poonen (Tamil)

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you you acts with the Apostle 13 and verse 27 opposed on another bigger body moon dramedy got immunity Rama for those who live in Jerusalem and their rulers neither recognized Jesus nor the utterances of the prophets which are read every Sabbath and fulfilled them by condemning him here is lame it could hear it over lo our logic are you Adam our area hominem women all do room Waseca particular civilan joaquin el e re Amla over a hot conical lug a stilted annul under walking Li nirav it in our guru what did they read their every Saturday on gave over the Sun Academy Minda wasa target the Bible Genesis to Malachi RDR Moodle multi acoustical marijuana than a per year part of weather and they read about the seed of the woman coming to crush the Serpent's head in genesis adi our monthly our model a on this theory a with this afternoon italian ottoman gray on the was a little orbitty referring to Jesus at the East Coast Lake URI Korea apne they read about the Passover land in the next book Exodus at the hotel at la busca article P equal to Massacre are also referring to Jesus other musicals to a curriculum and in Leviticus they read about the sin offering which is also referring to Jesus lay veerababu today power Navarre Nepali idumaean Surakarta girdle and in numbers they read about the serpent lifted up in the wilderness also referring to Jesus when I am directly with the pate on the Sabbath day in namitha Lavazza Carol Otto Mears we should be cognitive in every book of the Old Testament there is something about Jesus funnier part about the woman delay you years circles to a celebrity over Riccardi America reduce all the way from Molokai where he is called the son of righteousness Maliki Ithaca recent was so that I could our needy in surah anaam brasonic a photograph but when this Jesus came into that synagogue I'm the yaesu under their volatile underworld they didn't recognize him a Bernal re re LM Cara Maria Valley they said this is the Beelzebul the Prince of Devils if you saw Selene anybody else of old Oliver and Ursula groggy how can people read the Bible every we can not recognize the one about whom the Bible is speaking war on door weather was hurting Waseca kingdom and the way the war tra Petra pacing row facing our one the ordinary rlm caramely operating podium imagine being so blind that they think he is the Prince of develops in goloka crew diurnal Bethany ma you are Posada buddy and rien de Malaga kya brutalized that when did they call him Prince of Devils our AP sauce is nutty buddy Andrea Ford are a target let me show you not only the convocation in Matthew chapter 12 but they upon Iran Dominic Adam we read about the man who was both blind and dumb guru dunno who me my year in there were money Jenny curriculum at the appointed time on the obverse I'm already three but the moon Ramazan he was blind dumb demon-possessed it was Timo Thomas Anthony I want pesasso predictive an island on curumim oh my god I was very rare that you find a person whose demon possessed and blind and dumb he saw civility recorded who may put it in the sack a way to her own apartment a man who married how many people have you seen who are blind and dumb Ningaloo could Adamu me money anybody Patrick resident I've seen blind people I've seen dumb people poor blind and dumb I've never seen in my land prudent a part to the crane 7 any party reckon not a leader who me a partner canal he didn't see any party man possessed other film I think a markup we saw somebody recorded and Jesus came yes young every rock and healed him how many Sudama pure our demon was out he saw some I'm Italian he could see on our part to me you speak pay somebody anything now I would have been excited to see that he's a part politically not Nopalea what I was suffering the pain think of this man's mother and brothers and all would have been so happy to see the money Nadia tire suddenly with a purple if one of the santosha poor and some people said hey this is the son of David oh you were on Davi game tomorrow no Verano inter-cell Adachi about target but the Pharisees who studied the Bible way that they was it the petitioner verse 24 you know 18 and emotional they said no this is Beelzebul the Prince of demon 11 it's all in tally wanagi avail and a solar garden how could they be so blind everybody in dollar will crudo live in the Cambodian now we need to ask ourselves you pour the nom nom Minami get the park heaven dear Kennedy is it possible that we are also going to church every Sunday and reading the Bible and spiritually blind Naaman Sabich you are on the wrong way whether what they proceed a kid I would create a delay occluded I inevitably Imam not blind to what Jesus did yes who say that are you look good good Allah Allah see we need to understand this now now before the devil any column end oh please listen to me carefully now you see the governor Mayan a killing in the Old Testament it was Moses who was the great man of God who brought the law for a year partly Massey her period they were money there our daily ni pramana to condone that he lived 1400 years before this time we read about here on Aleppo is not basic conductivity in the colic entirety non-ironic Lumumba caja Wanda one so they looked back and said your Moses we know he is a man who are we over if you need to therapy Parker our turbo say how are you are in the rec room over there money that you know it's very easy to recognize some man of God who lived hundreds of years ago new trick around Binaca want the word ever money than a idiotic you know really it's very difficult to recognize a man of God who is right now in the midst he put hunger Mithila Erica Korea were over eight there were many their internal integrity number they would say Isaiah ah he's a great madam in saya cover Manila they have a money that was seven seven hundred years before arrow Randleman Baraka or Molokai three hundred years before I even though Roger looma have warned the Maliki I our dev ammonia Elijah also great man of God Elia our own period ever money them but this Jesus not in the year so this is not a man of God he was ever money in our land he's a devil he's awesome we have to learn something from that he didn't Amin break a triple a window today what do we say in drinkin ominous Allah Rome ah Moses man of God mostly they are yes I am or home Peter Pedro jesus son of God yes so they were kumara those days it was the second person of the Trinity who came down under nocturnal a killer to athenian damn number quiere montar God the Father has always been in heaven with oh I get a 100 reported me a party later crap he's never come to this earth out of the bhoomika revealing but 2,000 years ago the second person of the Trinity came to this earth in diamante come on budahas here on Dom number to Theni random number the Bhoomi condom and they could not recognize him our a our our Donovan Pentagon would evil a they killed him our equal AC ladder who killed him yah robbery collection are not the Greeks Gregor Allah not the Romans Romanum Allah the Roman Authority Pilate wanted to release him Roman Adhikari Pilate yes every week you internment every now the Pharisees who read the Bible said now kill him unaware that they was it the personal inner salon every Coliseum so today in Reiki we recognize the second person of the Trinity who came to earth and went away the booming key one the Attorney General Raheel totally random number a memorandum elder throne today the problem with Christians is the third person of the Trinity who has community Chris to be a pretzel in heaven Ralph three totally moon ROM navara Honda bhoomika andré corrêa Alhambra Tennessee just like the Pharisees they recognized Moses but they wouldn't recognize the second person of the Trinity but is a mostly irrelevant one Darnell on all three to Theni random number yes we are LM gonna Brio late today's Christians in breaker story will they recognize Jesus yeah use the Son of God yes it was to our ring like etherium over they were come on but the third person of the Trinity is the one who's on earth today on a Linda give Amelia ricodr 3:13 one drama bar they don't recognize our Lee our Valerie really or so the devil has made so many counter people's spirits we saw see Anthony oh holy honor obviously haven't convicted and sent them into Christian Christendom to counterfeit the holy spirit pursuit honor a pre copy Erica could even a bully ovulation reticle totally soft I wanna be done we can say God so loved the world that He gave son to die on the cross for our sins day 1 debris or a piranha kumara Nina Maria Paula chimera Kuryakin double epic an empanada soul along so that our sins can be forgiven nobody a power money capital Maria we can also say nama dog Rasul Allah God so loved Christians daven could totally on the law I visit Dublin Ali that he sent the Holy Spirit but pursued Aviano reopen our to enter the hearts of those who will open their hearts to him domine a unity our lamb tracker Allah Allah tree privacy Kuryakin to make them holy hourly pursuit to my Mottram area in which they can never do by themselves Sangha Luqman Hakeem Lyon in the character our CI Maria haven't that but just like in those days they rejected the second person of the Trinity and they're not really to Theni random number I tell you to the ball away today's Christians many of them have rejected the third person of the Trinity Hindry accursed over here authority in Drammen abraha and the number a our little diva target what does the what did the second person of the Trinity come to do here to Theni random number Aditi Umbria condo Kumiko name to her to die for our sins to save us from our sin nobody a power gaha Marikina my power earlier there are chiku Maria Honda what has the third person of the Trinity come to do the 218 wound run over la caja Wanda listen nobody has come to implement in our heart the full benefit and blessing of what Jesus purchased for us on the cross yes is silly melanoma kawaii they will a Korean Buddhist the wine in our Oh are they number da da boom de yada number da budem EIA mater buddy of a moon drama Barone Democrat we need to understand the meaning of the name Jesus yes EMP really a poorly nomological event Oh a lot of people don't know the meaning integrity attorney our company of the lane do you know the first time in the buy in the New Testament where the word of Jesus is spoken by somebody yeah er Warren Ollie yes he and Robert a Moodle Moodle okapi airport link a peer support record enter militaria ma first time somebody mentions the name Jesus yes um read a New Testament but here partly AC and repair Moodle Moodle oscillograph Hariram that person angel came and spoke to Joseph and spoke the name Jesus what a do then yo separately one of the year's team prepared a telegraph that's in Matthew chapter 1 and verse 21 Adam a day you won't Brahma dram either with the or almost a little a counterparty guru and by the way this is the first promise in the New Testament but here portly on a product Korean on a Moodle Walker to Tommy did on and room solely Cola green there are more than 7,000 promises in Scripture well today he write a comedy wanna walk with the tangle karna padega here is the first promise in the New Testament Pierre part Lokhande pas de Korea Moodle what at the time a few 121 Matei you wonder you know what you wonder you shall call his name Jesus the angel told Joseph and the baby is born uncle foreign de praga bore and a foreign take a knee our yes I am prepared to I hand the tooth and solid rock guitars that name has got a meaning here and along the para curar tomando he will save his people from their sins our thumb of the general in power linearly let's check it over now it's very important to dis understand the difference between being forgiven of our sins and being saved from our same power money capita was there come power William there are Chico particular with EOS attaining irrelevant Oh many Christians don't know it are negatively continue with any Christians ask others are you saved and I could some lower part the kid can only achieve particular what they mean is are you forgiving in pori birthday cake Carolyn does not even one decapitate line I like to use this illustration not in ever looked at a hologram supposing I have a little six-year-old boy in a car way the monotron and I tell him don't go outside the gate because the road people are there digging something on the road there are deep pit there you will fall into it monger negatively a Pahadi vassal acuity a hunky rotogravure regal bundling early wit tht Ricardo into something deep six-foot pit there you fall into it on Hanuman a critical matter particularly I wouldn't ever do i but like many children he disobeys a prodigally following you want to be Peabody I'm a program and he goes there and he falls into that six-foot pit Vassily Willie a Bergeron already kurukulla everybody run and he cries out anger on Dakara granddaddy ha ha ha and I come and see him inside the pit non one day parte de Parkland curricula Careca Ronnie I see what happened my son my honey in another this is daddy I'm sorry i disobeyed you Aparna is one of the Kentucky buddy I'm awaiting any monitoring about okay my son I forgive you daddy money not only money to attain goodbye Tata have i forgiven him in my hands he lets up in on Monday through tena yes how many 30 have I saved him on energy to Dana no he'll a as Jesus forgiven you yes only money through Kirara maybe yes what only our arm into the club as he saved you only ratchet Theory Kirara maybe no for early Lama the club you shall call his name Jesus not because he has come to forgive people sins but to save people from their sins our key Sen prepared a wife again and all our the anomaly a family man Akira into the layout cheeky overpower him what type of father am i I just forgive him and leave him there India money money through taquile with you to play with online India with about a thug upon so if you commit a sin our Nirupam say any sin in the power wanna lose your conscience tells you is a sin as a power mineral demoness watching Monica so logarithm now my conscience may tell me about 101 more things than your conscience tells you mundo de muchacha will have the solution occurring like at them neutral regarding Leah demon a container day - action like this Allah not because I am better than you Camilla carton have not made me honour in Denali LA but because I walked with God for 51 years and you may not walk you may have walked for less time now I am both know around o'clock with everyone over show another clock you know like you go in a higher class you learn more things than lower class mail order will you put liquid silver tequila Buble particular they got no money one particular but according to your conscience whatever you know to be sin I am honest our chin buddy in our lamp our mentor indirectly low does God only forgive you or has he saved you they won our weekly money came Adam say Kirara all of the other interpolated chicken ara if you get angry for example whose are nama handing a coke opening in God forgive me under any money he will forgive you immediately what do you have money to debar not only he will forgive you I would only money for the MARTA male he will cleanse away that record with the blood that He shed on the cross mother you see a particular testimony a syllable a senior at eternal in EQ DeGraw 1 John 1:9 is very clear one trio 100 ER one bow domicile Mandela voiceover since somebody power Yama Hari katha faithful and righteous to forgive us our sin nobody a power Li money Podrick of or needy woman will cleanse us from all unrighteousness Allah I need my suit agree political but tomorrow you may fall into anger again on a notic you mean to my poverty never alone you can say you're forgiven but you're not saved mingle money keeper to attain islam' naman Amira chica probably because next week you're falling again at the time whatever I mean do I will next year you are falling again I did the worship into my when you get here and after ten years you're falling again but there are some carrot them into my vinegar in here all the sins in ten years are forgiven but theoretically say Allah power money key but equity are not saved Anika checkup or delay or take another sin like lusting with our eyes with adultery in our mind nobody a little a words are they couldn't control acknowledge Co the particular inner power looking at dirty movies to stimulate our lusts nobody eat CA tuned I could either now suit them on a card chicken apartment and looking at dirty pictures in a book or the computer or to put the little a you all not a computer leo our system on a cart in a park on it you know in your heart it is sin you don't want me to tell you that na Knoblauch a solar wind wind it's a really old you the MA well a partner Salam at the tower remember and you say oh afterwards you say Lord I'm really so under a money to demand is met the confer give me any money won't arrest the Lord forgive you under Medicare ara immediately what are your money Quran have you been saved from it other than the Dutchie Capote real are you're going to do it again next week at the bottom into my saya pocket you've been doing it regularly for the last ten years some of the Patanjali will adequately say the moon dear creditor you have been forgiven but you have not been saved you'll money give automatically no morichika problem see it's like some temporary pointment that heals you of a sore that is coming in your hand only a haven equities an hour who names that colleague of Montezuma pea gravel a column bubala forgiveness is like that monday progenitor hosing you're getting sores una que when when you go to a doctor he says this ointment will take care of Ningaloo doctor the poverty line sorry sir if you're a Monday program you rabbit it's gone England I meant a port or a name and this boom sorry I you didn't forgiveness is like that money property because your skin is as if it was normal for this harem Anatole people even with old money with didn't but then the sore comes somewhere else in your body on and waiting you on the surrender together and again you've got to get the ointment on game into my I'm in photograph it goes I pocketed that comes in your legs Sol labor together you again apply the evening a line when it comes back on the hand again cinema my Caillou given do it but you say thank God for the ointment nine went to Godhead they wanna can enter in the salon because I can always rub it for the mean on a nine minute eighty one day eight o'clock but you can't you got to carry the tube appointment with you in your pocket every day on a legal alignment April pocket elevated when they are given up because we're not morning afternoon evening any time it may come up cannula collie named Athena male Internet the levente model ominous regulations how some people use the blood of Jesus Christ you put it down cylinder is it using the wrath of a fine but the good morning once in afternoon another evening another saying darling I will power Medea more a pound sign the no more power or many another Allah powering it this ointment the blood of Jesus will cleanse another nine month difficulty yes even the rest the money what is the theory here and then one day the doctor says poor not late doctor sonogram I have good news for you when IQ analyst aviator cranes somebody has invented discovered an antibiotic antibiotic and the Sun Lapidus and a third Okumura they were contributing to the crop and if you take that medicine inside in the Martha a mother they will a whooping doll that will kill the root of the disease that is producing these sores and the reality a very lyrical in the via do not put a we're on the very I rhythm then you won't need this constant rubbing removing removing removing upward of the opposable thumb and I meant a porta pottis Ohama Kakori on the TV a lady what do you say in a saloon say doctor this tube of ointment is enough dr. doll a mercury in the I Montana Kapoor home in the soil innocence the antibiotic is free you don't have to pay for it on an antibiotic mark the other clinical value equal parallel universe my equal to Kappa together won't you be a fool not to take it in a particular particular Ningaloo poutine and aloha this is an illustration of how we can be forgiven or saved now me pretty money kappahd imodium you Pacheco Prada monument by the kuru but a forgiving means the disease is not gone Monday Cupid again with yadi in my pocket will keeps on coming out coming out coming out you're the one thing one day I reckon the mentim menta momentum into my safe means God is delivered me from it that she could put it is for null they have an underpowered moodily activity' now the devil has blinded unbelievers to the fact that even their sins can be forgiven power money kept on a podium and SAT Atiamuri Treviso arsenic and liquid IQ turns out look at the number of people in the world who are trying to get their sins by forgiving in so many other methods evil of a martyr meringue lily powder money Cupid Umbreon way to say it at Buddakan economic level it'll a parliamentary patrol on the ground not only poor illiterate some people go on pilgrimage to Zimbabwe after a Celica returned some people burn candles somewhere syllabary gotheatrical and some people give money to God to get forgiveness their money be paid upon us a particular none of them get forgiveness unaware room a money better blow the lid you came to Jesus and he forgave your sins Ningaloo yes one day one the eternal willpower money compared to another now in the same way in a room tomorrow the devil could not succeed in blinding your eyes to the forgiveness of sins power money Pindaric are you threatening a Kanaka das uppity community action delay product kun but only a venturi whatever lie he has blinded you to this antibiotic on an antibiotic in the salami other team will country electro like you the name of this antibiotic is Grace in the antibiotic Rory a payer Martin reappeared crouppen when you get this grace in the Caribbean volcanic commodity what it says in Romans 6:14 Roma are apparently Nepal see grow when you get the fullness of grace in your life when a white land it could be in the remaining in purple means when you come under grace that means grace is like a waterfall and you come and stand underneath it Kubica killed poor triple Anderson all Caribbean to the needy will she fall over at any level how can you clear it now when you get forgiveness of sins is like a teaspoon of graves near power when they pay particular their pyramid the other kuru ba we'll take our delay cool liquid polish that is also grace I don't care to be done but is only like a teaspoon other spoon late supper naquadria cure bipolar and you come under this waterfall other in the mirror which in Quito anyone remember to see what happens in another color in Department Eason cannot rule you the power mony aren't one who gets saved from your sin in England the power theorem they would already be here and this is what the devil has blinded many Christians could thoroughly in the quarry film the sock tanpura kubaton I was born again as I said 51 years ago now another : Brandenburg akamaru buddy a foreign name but for 16 years I never knew what it was to come under this waterfall in the near reaching p-dog whatever the end all in end but they further not under ligerian on irony I only knew this tube of ointment and again another lamb and I melted on this teaspoon they could spoon lace out but I could occur beta every time I sinned Lord forgive me over Maryam palm same world under any money next day I know I am going to sin again other than our pounds even immaterial and it was a vicious cycle he did mean to him into my ear pod I could hear what at a polar ice in palm singing I repent 100 megawatts forgiveness money became cleansed to Tirupathi means him again Mindy why power repent mononym they'll ask forgiveness how many people cleansed so Theory position again min to power it's like these children's merry-go-round Cinderella will rock nathalie only over leather : only thing it was not very merry it was pretty pathetic Vanessa Vanessa no choise of Teranga in the super davao my Cintiq on dare kill that is the life of many christians a negative to do vodka but it only recorded I said Lord how can I get out of this circle under in the what Ethel in the uppity would uber was already indicating and I never heard a sermon that told me how to get all either they really a whatever they're pretty wedding or a second theme care to the lake nobody told me that if you come under the waterfall of grace sin will not have power over you karubian Grenier with GPP depending is whatever the power melihat pulled out in Montague loved every arm so level and the great danger is very how about you never kneel you keep on sinning in your thought life when he isn't they rightly mentum into my palms he going to airfield on out nobody around you knows it only superior coming out three other you seen in your thoughts and your wife sitting next to you doesn't know that you're sinning well Cindy la powers anyone Gargamel have to put him on IV q Monte really but you're very holy going to the church singing the songs reading the Bible and everything but is it the one a little foie gras parle pas de Gras where the massacre or a very religious person but you are not a disciple of Jesus mingle or mother was on the money than on Aliso positional and you know one of the marks of a real disciple who me honestly are eliminated i'ma see Romans a John chapter eight your 1 Utama theorem now these are the words of Jesus even yesterday what degree religious people are people who live in this circle of sinning repenting forgiving sinning repenting forgiving palms a with a monogram OD money poop but over the bouncy with a in the water fellows on mothers are nominal mother wadi he'll wonder wonder partner our aim in these meetings is to distinguish within just religious people and disciples of Jesus Christ mother moduli through bhakti Mandela Poland clever girl a subpoena she surely cooled of ethnicity can't be Hogan the petronino come as I told you religious people live in this circle now Natan is another one of mothers are inimical in the what Anthony sinning repenting forgiveness and he brother bouncy with him Ananda remove the money paper over the palm to say with him about the money what Jesus said in John chapter 8 verse throw one yet Tama theorem 31 oh but you wanna much Indonesian a saloon and if you abide in my word now he's this is he's not talking to the unbelievers here in gay obviously was a little a submissively you got to read carefully governor my Wasat you went to the people who were already believers here crybabies was still I overlooked a paragraph are you already a believer in Amasya Jesus is speaking to those who had already believed in him a visa was it the McConaughey's replaced economy says Lord isn't that enough that they believe in you under my be suicidal Baba no la posada if you just believe you just be a religious person miss Watson Talmud terminal velocity limit a vulnerable mother one year John 8:31 Jesus those who are believers how to become disciples you're one who put it away this was that you didn't like it was Wassily follow you put in English and aymara whenever I don't even read John 8:31 in your Bible nobody whether what today yo wanted cutter day was hit the bottom it says that Jesus was speaking to believers and give this waseela gear super steel and the solar particle are you a believer knee will be Swasey on this is for you and I'm good at the time What did he say in a solid rod if you abide in my word then you are truly disciples Ning Gloria vartal and religion Dharma Yahoo we're officially repeater is you're not disciples lava Tulsa sha Allah or just believers near this Washington is there a difference between those who believe in those without desire the swastika roller constitutional committee ah Samanta you read John 8:31 and tell me yourself in English you're wanted to move both University in a castle energy what does it mean to abide in the world I would remark in an illiterate peasant all in our town the bite is a word which means permanent dwelling place Nellie through for the general neuron drama I who you do read um when you travel to some place you may stay in a lodge for two three days India being a prion ammonal random one do not tell what is really thank you a largely that is not your permanent dwelling place other morning in another Amana blossom Allah what is your permanent address you don't give the address of that Lodge Yara molecule are some indicator Ling large odrs I put a period no healing you may go visiting a relative that is your temporary address that is not your permanent address know who occupies on the car leave in a parka Marie iPoker it other body will all summer let your permanent address is where you're living all the time Puma Lee Anne Arundel Bonneville awesome here they put the yl article on eronel I wonder to what is the meaning of abide analytically Lord says if you if your permanent address is my word holding near and Ramana will awesome energy of archaeology you're living inside God's Word all the time in law and Aaron remains they would have article awaiting and one do intrepid Illinois permanent address holiday an errand Ramana blossom Word of God they array one thing every day overall of not reading it Wasi for the lack obeying it keep a little reading even the devil knows the Bible better than you and me mossy polenta so not philosophy humor a cattleman a comedy maha generally what they didn't even I will not enter in a Bible Quiz competition with Satan what a column non South Dakota where they went up or take you for I would have the 40 coupon Martin I will lose Nantou trip Owen I have I know most of the Bible but I will lose to the devil we had a Tel Aviv and I get there in the Dalek Mississauga reporting portal and thought it would mean he knows the Bible ten times better than me and I cut them cut them but I can drop and whether they are agree grant but it doesn't make him spiritual another column only how we couldn't have was not abide in the Word of God and they would have water Nellie through the lake how do we know he knows the Bible I want only interpret areum because out of all the twenty thousand verses in the Old Testament he picked out exactly the right one to tempt Jesus in the wilderness and they don't item water lily is to Saudi capital bird s Ariana war gets Allegra he says you know the Old Testament says he will give his angels charge over you to guard you in all your ways there were do the Rilakkuma pollen late on go the Clearwater more than three other way them so lonely and Alam Sahni so they can I have seen so many believers whom the devil leads astray with half a verse a nagisa masakali body was not a weight the satin silver leakers own abiding in the word doesn't mean knowing the world are may their only water related whether come they only what I don't really put it with jasmine obeying the world nearly water to Kiki but if you remain in my world you know the warplane in electrical now way what I have said uh Napoleon solo look at anyone the rulli my disciples Ning army Yahoo eldest sister Ida period otherwise we can say you are only pretending to be my design now a telling will she sure a polar here dedicated so I want to say to all believers here I'm here looking for he loves waseela come filigree what Jesus said to believers two thousand years ago in an item on Dragoon Baja yes if she silica we saw Salina so another will remain in God's Word in obedience to it nimble they only a watery like you putting in like trippin understand you are truly disciples many Galecki shall I agree otherwise you're a religious person like the Pharisee loud a legal person a poll our mother was the avatar when you remain in my word you know were clearly America more do you see what happens in a nautical Department not only you will be my cybers in a Christian I hear a poem at Imola and here is one mark of the disciples position they are the other thing about seeking on verse 32 you shall know the truth and the truth will set you free mingle satya theory vineyard Satyam only brasilia co if you remain in the world near Martin Luther and you will know the truth you know Jerry will get that you can come under the waterfall of grace guru being near chickity happening one day and you will be free readily available so we can say well I'm already free not near canoodle are you can linger along I'm not going to hell now I get to power the link is that freedom that you're not going to hell negative power therefore the Julia that's what they also said even appeared on sonar hey what do you mean free we are we are already free now you're gonna be a really ideal Cromie we're not in verse 33 we are not slaves to anybody now we are come here column adding we prevail in this group edema trauma Sano now all of you please listen to the word of Jesus yesterday what the alarm going have truly truly I say to you may Yagami may are consolidating is 34 oh but in an gamma sauna everyone everyone yeah wanna move everyone who commits sin is the slave of sin all I'm saying a given empowered Academy electron that is the freedom I'm telling you to be I can save you from in the gardening written document American solar grain when you get a little time what is it when an American boy does it I want you to go home and read these three verses the moon drove assimilating will be taken to Washington you know into assembly was he can be our own 831 234 you want yet people put the Wunderland 14 on door I read it and read it and read it and read it spend 10 minutes reading these four verses then on the was several in what the movement of momentum into my pocket inhibition was it the solutions say Lord under a please tell me what are you trying to tell me through this under reason malama high energy that I need in this below we don't even the killing early and then read verse 36 the rapid eye movement the Aramis no singer if the Son of God sets you free you will be free indeed Kumar anomaly a canal may appear so read those six verses 31 to 36 I'm apathy Wunderland who put the are over AR was her only men to my muscly spent about just 10 minutes at the numerical solution god please speak to me under inaudible in a peso it'll change your life when a white get the Mottram don't be satisfied with just being forgiven money k but nobody knowledge dictating the word I went down so the Holy Spirit has come into the world I have a pursuit the RBR alligator khandelkar implement the benefits of what Jesus did for us on the cross yes oh no mikata silliness Adaro are they in number - Mariana avianna undergrad that's why the third person of the Trinity has come their target on purity routine wound round number Andre crap to make us holy I'm a person when I mutter buddy us save us from sin power to deliver Illya Kuryakin he's called the spirit that brings liberty good Italy avianna Virendra very courteous you can see second Corinthians chapter 3 undergone dear moon dramedy are the neighbor partner in verse 17 other universes sorry yeah verse 17 Elena Ramos on the Lord is the holy spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty God today are we on overcome to drving young Gabriel even do Liberty from what he'll never delay Liberty from sin poverty endeavor delay Liberty from the false traditions we have inherited from our Father number e Apodaca return on the naam so then there is the country on a para marina never the lane I am sorry to say that many Christians don't question what they hear comparing it with Scripture an egg accursed / girl tongue a category years accordingly where there was a third with the power poodle a in by solution the solut over at the pedigree I will tell you what saved me in my life in rewind lady near exited in this Halloween I was born into the Syrian Orthodox Church non Syrian Orthodox Sabeel a burning but when I was 19 and a half I gave my life to Jesus Christ and Fatah mother a ways I recorded a war qiandao topo pertained I started reading the Bible when I was 21 you know with you or wiser preventive a cigar meeting I read it before that so but from 21 I started seriously studying the Bible bhagavaty was it the recurrent neural idea what I'm whether the series song ability control our meeting and I made a covenant with Jesus and here's water below room dick you see the contain I said Lord under a if I discover anything in the Bible which is contrary to what I believe I'll give up my old belief and accept your world under a year crave a in the air Mulla lean on miss hua satirically according a little hope in London where you record it the weather was something like Washington birthday and the money'll a will happy Friday wouldn't a 858 Liberty University near difficulty happy pride theater clever McGrane I don't want to be trapped in the tradition of any Church in Doris sobbing Rodya power of Brazil in on what equilibrium of lay whether it's Orthodox Church Orthodox avi our brother on a sari our dalam sorry brethren assembly but other than assembly Sevilla Pentecostal Church indigo Giuseppe Arnold have all got their traditions alarm a par America v3 canard and the old thing they are right in our town I'm sorry under a photograph but I don't want to be trapped in any of those traditions in the indoor palm but Italy mondo rain on because pretty but remember only leave me a slave to sin you know our DNA powered Academy tell people I could about the rhythm you just make me a Pharisee are they any personal recovery awaited Emperor Pharisees in all these denomination they're not only the Sevilla lava really a loss topically lame Paris a little Carter I said I want to be free not really happy when two minutes ago I said if I see anything here which is contrary to God's work to what I have believed all my life I will change my belief the road of mine this was hit the car dealing with you someone I carried away there was a nun Solomon dozenal he they done a number win and so have a number Martin that is what one decision that I've followed all these fifty years in the routine one of the dying Bernard Oklahoma and pin but Rhea crane and I have to change my view about many things Anika carla Gugino DRB pricing and what people live in delight occurrence do you know that in every field that is our man is progress whoa worried to relay me put it on money then Munna Trump underground by questioning what they heard from their father how many a moon Ola return the kit accordingly killed we get karmic the money the moon area any of you you have heard certain religious things from your parents yet upon yamuna nagar sale a mother Samantha mana caringly with a Petros indicator cradle and you accept it in England agreed may not be right other we release Arianna biological our have you compared it with Scripture mingle way that they would to put a barter Kerala for example who garna mejia do you know that for five thousand five hundred years I iodine around a locket all people everywhere in the world relieved that the Sun goes round the earth we look at Impala in la política de la McCallum a number nine in heaven growl who me Sir Ian to trigger these all the stars go around the earth in law etc Bhumi should trigger the and if you look into the sky it looks like that ningún wonít a portal a Pritam Terrigal the Sun is moving saurian get across barangay polar stars are moving not chattering a lump oh girl and if you go by what you see you will think yeah what my father said is right mingle Kandra a deeper deal a Parkin worthy in Rio Paso another study that in the number yielded but about five hundred years ago you know Randleman bakken there was a man in Europe called Copernicus Copernicus in garden or money and I you know Pamela young he said let me check up what my father and grandfather believed was his right or not you know the apollomon a thoughts album numbering at this sorry I laid the solely to park a time when there's only our collector hearing enough he was standing against the belief of the whole world were other lockable miss wasit there under put together are here in LA and he discovered our neck and every table hey the Sun does not go around the earth Sir Ian who means who drew the lane it looks like that the wallet here eagerly because the earth is just rotating on its axis in the booming on earth an OD actually is for algorithm today all of you believe what Copernicus believes in reckoning lalar make opening a solar garden a number green aren't you thankful that there was one man five hundred years ago who questioned what his father and grandfather believed I knew Rhonda Bloomberg are here thoroughly a top on our own Tata home number they killed we get on the money in the car hunting Montero Delilah every discovery and medicine has been like that mother totally counterproductive over country form of return they question is that right what our previous doctors and all marvelous originality Viru repairing miracles so many discoveries have come in medical science he put it on mud to Avignon Atelier one Oh what contributed because one day one day record of it is only among Christians he thoroughly Marta most people just say or my father believed it is good enough for me oh by the way swastika another visitor and a composer - holy super to de Graaff like that they never progress in a pond our Mary Lele I'll tell you non so with me I had a god-fearing father and they wanted to find the top or note that I believe that I believe some things today which my father did not believe and they're not really tapenade with swastika they said I currently in dragon on the swastika name because we have more light in Lala McCarthy or it seemed very clear is it not because I'm better now nobody cuttin down in below if you go to the Word of God you'll discover many things is there a particular poem where the Pollock are you like and obliquely really I want to challenge you to be like Copernicus single copper agency for lyric Umbreon a Sbarro degree you come to the scripture and say well think of one word of the cylinder is it right what my father taught me in rate now possibly go to the carrion said he does it right what this pastor taught me in a polygons only go to the car I'm sorry Donna what this Bishop taught me the bishop so Lakota Kareem said in what this television preacher is saying TV pressing about songs according to scripture where the trap read on a record ah the Holy Spirit has come to teach you the Word of God pursuit avianna word in a war table - Bodie Cambria who and rod don't ignore the third person of the Trinity he did do it in one drum number er let's see or they went down allow him to teach you God's Word they only award able to both a few million our accurate according and he will show you amazing truths vieques akadama setting lever Monica Khan we don't have to go to Bible School Ningaloo a dermatological poet every lay I never went to Bible School one day of my life in a white Leah would run away that underly centric utter delay I don't believe in it now not only we swore super the valet I believe in the third person of the Trinity now I'm cute - 18 moon drop number under hologram if Jesus were here he yes in here are under Sun al would you go to a Bible School or would you sit at his feet niolani s when they posit the Lucario Allah the bible college boy here Allah the Holy Spirit is here but so Tommy 11 getigraph he is the one who wrote this book other than the book of the early icon and if you got the author of the book there while you need to go somebody else 2x in the book without the anything nobody can understand Allah they like each other again you know rule 8:11 don't that's why we need to be filled with the holy spirit argument an important area honorable bottle I recommend the most important requirement of every Christian is to be filled with the Holy Spirit would a crystal da índia me other will keep on a theory in heaven eternal pursuit the Hobby honorable Petrecca window now as soon as I say that and it's oh no Danny some people think ah this is Pentecostal in the pen they were safe with his know let's look at our Lily I am NOT a Pentecostal no no but they will say never in my life being a part of a Pentecostal journey widely a water column and when they were says nothing would happen I never in my life being a part of a charismatic church charismatic vehicle a war column no longer than a year under the lake in fact I disagree with many things in them solar panel our Lille a poly-cotton Lane a multiple agree the lake I disagree with their love of money our economist a I mean a notable early especially among the leaders hoodie pocket on the charismatic Aruna thought I will declare upon our see I disagree with their teaching that if you are filled with the spirit you have to speak in tongues mingle a pursuit avi never way paternal candy Pagar neighbor she faces the market urban grand father in Ithaca literally I speak in terms not only was he facing rain I've spoken in tongues for 35 years put the ananda gandha by suppressing wooden I thank God for that gift God has given me Monday what are they they are Nicaraguan on Dundas a little grain I don't use it in prior public and I'll pull the put a on ideally a pine but integral a it is a private love language between me and my bridegroom are the unit community mana wall anatomy repertory under an ethylene tortilla or unbend washing between me and Jesus Anna come here so comedian Lola or abortion but Anna Holy Spirit has given me power but if the Arianna melon a photograph that is the mark of the fullness of the Holies others are percenter avian runner even Arianna not tons a neighbor shall like power voilá mean jesus said when the Holy Spirit has come upon you acts 1:8 you will receive power but citavi will be the Warren Borden Engel Belen a Peruvian in the opposition he may give you certain other things Lori no Paula Karen la verga but main thing is power on Alfred on demonic REM well I mean see you can be a member of the body of Christ without power ninguna through Diaz saturated a palomino rank eternal I reckon that is because just like those Pharisees ignored the second person of the Trinity you are ignoring the third person of the Trinity are the International and they're not really a personal purity within Iran damn nobody tell you to the Borah interactivity the truth in moon omnivore Italia degree I started preaching when I was about 22 years old and if you don't divide I recorded the processing you gotta be thin but I sought God for the power of the Holy Spirit on a non-person avianna de Avila week I definitely renamed I said Lord under a I don't want to be a boring preacher not bordick equity over person Gianna irrecoverable lay I heard lot of boring preachers and I said I don't want anybody personally I can trigger in on everybody recover one is power in my life under today what can follow me whether I never want to lose it we're column on the rocker brother and now I'm nearly 71 you present agree with you what Iowa like it is all these 50 years I've sought God for power in dying with our dear Ilana definitely wanna meet guy Jerry reckoning for more and more of the third person of the Trinity filling my heart the tilting wound round over into MIDI wedding why in order to use it they will let inner power demand agenda may be more holy than last year car never should they cut lament over some I think a person your power in my life than last year come on Dante Carla min down at the 101 of me but no power to overcome sin Martha miracle is that human element or power to love my fellow believers this succubus washable Nishapur tomorrow more power to love my enemies at their brain is equal Cathy him on a bellend more power to overcome all sin in la Pavoni miracle Maria Cathy come on a Belen more power to preach God's Word their reward a pressing if butter kadia wanna Belen and I will keep on asking God till the end of my life leave our kin who do you bury is enthroned in on felony critical day a pain you don't get if you don't ask single ketki depending on a particular motive you ask with faith you will get it viscosity numbers particularly how many of you are asking God to give you the power of His Holy Spirit I wear underwear and a good person theory well let me dharamendra care to go to critical do you think God won't give it to you then we put a comment our antenna gorilla let me ask you fathers and mothers who are sitting here yeah I'm Margaret Kakori at open mouth I marley particle cream if any of your children are hungry only Aprilia pasión doll and says daddy mommy please I'm so hungry give me something to eat apart among non-party I reckon chopper doesn't get all the thermal in the world we need something to drink I'm thirsty and I can toggle Maya the critical get out to Tonga MA what will you say Inessa lividity oh wait and Carter bar I'll give you after six months our muscle chattering or I'll give you tomorrow Alan alligator green is there any father or mother like that here he's a Pollyanna the water pump Moringa you won't even wait five minutes I'm the new morning Earl Carter come artillery now listen to this world the Marquis going to culinary Luke 11:13 look up on odometer on Parliament Ramadan on if you being evil know how to give good gifts to your children how much more your heavenly father will give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him what law the rule in England will eternally even equal to Karen Jericho birthday tom little wind equal to the religious part of a pure pursuit Abhiyan or Ikuko the ADI an HTML Allah I have met a lot of people who speak in tongues and abortion is running under the rain lots o them a nation little name I do not believe they are filled with the holy spirit average person toffee apple butter container number with the Lakers I don't see power in their life in lovely well I mean on part of the lane they are not freed from the love of money one of us in the Riddler Hanukkah larder they are trapped in the love of money on aracely I would predict you put the multicooker and the Holy Spirit is not able to free them but the ovular wouldn't have come buddy only what sort of power is that are the end of the Manav Alamein what's use living as a slave in Egypt and saying I'm free I'm free I give today Adam Eaton until a warrant they wanted not what is lacking on the solution original the holy spirit is where the Spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty not to do yaaarrr beyond of ringing a young everybody will do you shall know the truth in the truth set you free Sathya the material Satyam Oliver alaikum and the holy spirit is called the spirit of truth not the Aviano hundred percent I will now take a polygraph I want to tell you my brothers and sisters in animated socotra socotra Oliver McGrane please don't turn away from the fullness of the Holy Spirit because of the extreme fanatical wrong teachings you have seen in certain Christian groups mingle silica serve a particular part their TV Ramana would bother in with them ahead we went amento everybody getting a quaver Devon down the perfect example of the spirit filled man is Jesus Christ Arlene Arlene rain they were poor Romano her mother a party were terminally ill integral part company he had power our Cavallo Malin he didn't speak in tongues or anybody passively but he had power to love even those who hated him that may forget they were Liam Neeson Brianna Bellamy but he had power to forgive those who crucified Him I'm gonna today Tommy silly money political power to overcome every temptation that came into his life every white leaven the over I saw the name miracle Isabel la Patrona heaven when people gave him so much money he was free from the love of mine upon at the SUV for $13 per NASA need a little bit of R&R we had power our kabbalah made in the day and I said lord I want that power under a of a llama been demanded I don't want this external type of power a lot of people show a nagger convict equity of le programa de cuenta man you've seen this on television he will a partner can come buddy lays hand and they fall down one day what I'll tally Monica upon our paper-thin kill everything that's the part of the holy spirit in the pursuit of in develop me an integral of show me one place in the Bible where Jesus said somebody and made him fall either water correctly cunningly super wood is telling me like I you into would never kill everything I can't being a horrible mother when Jesus touched people they got up yes generally totem was all rented and Dragon he didn't fall down it is the opposite he put an Oracle ILOM an area there are nautical of it what is happening today the opposite of what Jesus did in decade in record additional years to see the cartoon near is there Mara had record it you know how people fell down before God in the Bible where the today a supermarket garage everything will deliver Lima comes with her head down before God worshipping him Haru Hongik prayer Brendon desde una hora de target you're all Indians in learning Diego you know what this means either de Polan and the military much I'll show you my feet they call in and can be thought what am i doing to you not only can I see him insulting you by Mindy crane what is the man doing when he shows his feet to God they only get today currently more money than can't be turn on in a second on that's exactly what all these people are doing fall down on the platform's insulting God gave Mary Leakey rigged roughly an alarm they were in India do you know what Abraham did abandon Sita he didn't show his feet to God they want to know they posit they can't make your hell down with his head down forever in that genesis odd young you go to Revelation what is John do when you put the negotiation a poor boy particle no one messes up fell down bongo Previn Genesis to Revelation that is how people fell down before God mudal Billy personally said somebody even bother telling up another will that's what I do if it is anonymous a grinning fall down and worship God we're in the DAR opinion don't be fooled by all these things if I could react on a party-line we want to go but rather the mark of the Holy Spirit's fulness is power but citavi I wouldn't arrive in haryana Balam a better power to overcome sin but the miracle level and power to love God with all my heart and what are you really thought about it they were in a sequela Korea Belen power to be free from the lusts in my flesh currently recovered here I hit take a little delay that's what you and I need it is not normal to American TV and I want to encourage you to seek God for it in a lot of DNA they're called a theory a family which operty those days they ignore the second person of the Trinity they're not really - a teeny random number a hour in Punta Cana - today Christians are ignoring the third person of the Trinity indirectly to the truth in wound rom number a hundred some - some of them are going after another spirit which is pretending to be the Holy Spirit in the Morris redness a Granderson all pursuit on or not equally where Robbie don't be fooled by obviously not a yam what Roberta Bondar seek for the genuine power of the Holy Spirit we own a person roohulameen guy not interview I remember when I was a young man 323 Nani wrote 'i wonder why I knew more than I was seeking God for the power of the Holy Spirit on a venerable Amiga array theory Goodman and I went to one of these meetings but I put him in the corner he said well all this fanaticism and noise and a portal alarm septum what about Ricardo and I came to my room indirectly on Monday and I said lord I don't want that under 18 table he went down I want what Peter James and John got on the day of Pentecost in on a particular Vlade recommend him whatever God met with me in my room not in any meeting in the work of the Lamia less they were a neighbor are a lease and he thought when I was baptized in the Holy Spirit and Fire but suitabie not a Buccaneer on a beach a wonder whatever changed my life and I work a martyr you changed my ministry I worry about you today it's like electricity coming into the house for a wittle layman's arm will ever do the ballet you know if you only have doctrines but they somewhat to me Monica rigor Indra without the power of the Holy Spirit what is the table and well Emil another buddy Cooper they somewhat Americans enroll good doctrines hello was it single it's like having a top-class washing machine for a we are their washing machine made in Japan Japan Allah say about Abdul a cake or a in drum all types of computers in love on a computer televisions he means reticle dishwasher pastor electric machine many many electronic machines he put upon a Nega electronic machine good the only thing missing in the houses and they meet Lila the whatever car him in an electricity current de cría bulbs fans everything fans almost an illness regard Missy theorem on America today this is how many Christians are you putting on a cake it's a little crush doctrine that doctrine the other doctor the power is missing in the wood is Samantha wood is I mean there was in America the animal a being ill a it's better to be in a poor house with one light and electricity Oprah air a Whitley what are we working on original means re-solder Bonaire Calallen a trip on the mill that is the difference the Holy Spirit makes first otaviano to have all these doctrines and all these gadgets in their guerrilla way through personal ad on yellow but this means in a little on imagine what happens to that house when electricity comes into that house a pre-butter we delay we saram thought of a cooper torres not occur in the park and everything starts working well is he are methodically that is what Christians are missing in Turkey crystal de calidad on they are accumulating doctrines like this man accumulating gadgets in their money then your buddy balelo wanky wanky septic when they return inaudible originally set the corner Clark don't be satisfied I'm a member of the body of Christ now recruit through dear son sorry idle a young American industry the my hand is paralyzed in react hey father will do to them Ralph it is a member of my body are there a serrated in the kind were on come down the blood is flowing thump wake under there's a lot of Jesus may be flowing cleansing you yes it is not the Mona Lisa to get even to pine Hydra Kalam you are a useless member because you don't have power Monica well let me law the budding are lining up Rio general but randomized what do you order today how much more your heavenly father will give the Holy Spirit not to everybody those who ask in law or accumulate number the Levitical is miracle pursuit the Hobby on recorder podi can achieve malama you don't have because you don't ask mingle political everything on a particular I will ask and don't receive care Tim particular omelet videos you are asking for your own honor the end of the Connecticut because you want to testify I also joined the club now one over the club león de Sade Salumeria who can't get in line or you want to glorify God let the only when we put the Mary agua que creen I used to weep before God and they will come by the way Lord my life is not glorifying you under idea why do you mind me but I don't want to give testimony anywhere under in gave way not such as Oliver bowling I want to glorify you on earth under a familiar with a now Athena and Miami put them and without the power of the Holy Spirit I'll be a religious Pharisee all my day Aruba let me elaborate on why not guru the Mafia and Madam's are their policy never going to be like a paralyzed member in the body non-serrated a father when I were Xie for a sailor in the ka puna European I preached but I will be a boring preacher non-crossing appear on a board acuity or crossing era I want filled with the holy spirit and pursue the ovule pop when tomorrow right dear brothers and sisters I mean a saga saga really changed my life in what Kmart riveted and it will change your life who Maria why came what rivet a lot didn't fill me with the Holy Spirit because I deserved it none how did I hear nobody got a pursuit Aviano runner pole a listen governing he gave me the Holy Spirit because I needed it and I got the TV whatever Denali under pursuit I mean not because I deserved it are they particular Thugga diannemurray nollie unless I was a defeated Christian nun third critical pedicures tonight I did not deserve Nagano la I desperately needed Hanukkah do my hair a button and I said lord I need that under Anakin a vendetta nein if you come to God thinking you deserve forgiveness you won't even get forgiveness money poopourri with Rick Kuhn on caviar run into any horny riddle Anderson on Monday be good I gotta get supposing you come to God and say Lord I fasted I prayed why don't you give me the Holy Spirit under rain our war city and everything here in the commission would it go in to get all it's like the other person saying Lord I've burned so many candles I've gone so many pilgrimages why don't you forgive my son do you wanna party after a pony you go to a quality within yen farm only money you'll indicate to the ball and see you'll never be forgiven money capita Maria the particular got to get it free Ningaloo yeah but you got to come to Jesus and say Lord I don't deserve this everybody loved us my quota Quran - I'm gonna cut away I need the power of the Spirit in my life you know the white yarn over a person ah here and voila my TV our heart is like a house with many rooms nobody here the amantani Oracle conduit a polar many people want the Spirit to come and forgive their sin one honey honey I'm only a Bobby our only power iman dqn diamond do Buddha whatever I done what about your television room you want Jesus to come there only TV room 111 gay yes what I went tomorrow to tell you what programs you should watch should not watch me and the program really negatively comedy given to me the governing equal useful event Ummah what about your library the books you read Vanya and I knew Lorraine new luckam inner re in in the booth tell you a secret what about your finances room to tell you how to use your money old poor law there are I hear it even pronounce a celibacy or nobody Silvana he's knocking at all those doors in their cousin in our tactic on a aircraft sale or don't come into my television room under in a TV room where I went upon the Lord says can I look through all the DVDs you have no no no lord please don't look under cake granny waiter cooker a DVD learn a pocket Amma under event Ahmad around the room can I see what all music you are listening to no no please don't look at that even the one is a gorilla nobody cryin on Kate Gotama underground there the water went out my children have all those things you know the Aprilia now III cry the Lord says are you the head of your home or your children who decide what music is played in your house we take a neat the layout of the political ir r illegal turn the music original ground and sundry yeah paleobatrachus so you lock all these doors and say Lord fill me out of a pre-war right cuz I've only put it a under an inner commander can you will not be filled in 100-year blue round Alana running letter Papa no Martin because every door Jesus knocking at you keep it locked no no don't come there aren't a row but otherwise that taken to returning early loitering put you two under Angela whatever time it is don't give me what books to read in the booth I've asked you don't tell me what TV programmes to watch in the booth and I've asked you underwent that nature leaving one of them is not music to listen to in the e signal and kept you under when you don't tell me how to earn money or spend my money you know a part of it is somebody can name a place hello say whenever need Sullivan today on an arapaima no rain you will never be favored forty columnar Papa no Martin will come to Jesus yes one day wearing it Lord under day I need you and I create a way he will fill you in Naropa Mandarin spray I'm typical Heavenly Father but Allah copied away I believe there is some here who are really hungry under in me Allah meeya passing lyric a what is a litigator calendar number grain and were sincere under me I make it care of little are opening the rooms of their heart to you under McAndrew thoroughly a bullet in our internal devadutt rolling here Carla religion with the Holy Spirit hourly pursuit are beyond order an element of a and make them disciples under everybody she sorry Martin we pray in Jesus name is too normal to be grumpy Davi amen I mean so we'll think more about this tomorrow I mean the setting liquid in the Madeira in our little johnny pole citavi buddy sit them on the bar the D&D be important it's a learning Kinari might be busy with G and D be important here to learn we may get why
Channel: CFC India
Views: 34,963
Rating: 4.7258568 out of 5
Keywords: Zac, Poonen, Christian, Fellowship, Church, Repentance, Sermons, Revival, Tamil, Traditions, God, Bible, Love, India, Jesus, Chennai, Holy, Spirit
Id: pnVfphoFxgA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 17sec (3557 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 03 2011
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