Freedom Through Praising God - Zac Poonen (Tamil)

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one of the great truths that we must be sure about is that God is always on our side against the devil nummy chronometer India water Satyam it permeate day one who saw cicada raga num star began in Carrara even when we fail now i'm richard allen cadet sometimes when we fall or we fail we can think that God is against us ELISA methylene on wheelchair in where they read important they were nominated are here car are in with the pollen Amin along and we can get discouraged a partying announcer overcome why periculum God can never be against you unless you are proud name Gary Burton pyramidal a lion doll they were recalled motorcade arrived here come attack God is only against proud people you putting me at day one per meal or look at on edit any crap James 4 verse 6 Yakko boo boo Tagum non gamma theorem Arad is opposed to the proud but he gives grace to the humble day one per meal or lecithin crowd thermal Urlacher ble Quran 1 Peter 5 verse 500 behind the same thing is repeated again it is a card iam into my solo Patrick reduce do you know what that means are they pulling net that if you're humble God will come behind you and push you forward mingle Tommy lowly result they will not know yet Aloha and if you are proud God will come in front of you and push you backwards single sperm in lowland all day one over the communal haven't the only pin it at the lower do you want God to come behind you and push you forward they won't get 11 them in the gorilla or do you want him to come in front of you and push you back another amada-kun a one the only opinion at the 11th amount of room agrees lon the reason why many believers do not progress is because god is pushing them back a Negev a sewer Seagal somebody how we create a white clay moon a rather kick arnhem they won angrily pit no catalog resident it's a wonderful thing to have God behind me pushing me forward every day day one and I kept in knock on the Ottoman in Menorca toluidine without put them on Acharya so what is the one thing that you should be careful to ensure every day Harlem mingle darker the acha new teacher Kevin the Akari Manette make sure your humble mingle thermia Ukrainian very much a minute every day over and out of every moment over each animal then you can be absolutely sure God will push you forward from behind how long will it knock her on the devil Moonachie tell the warden by the imitated o'clock and if Almighty God is pushing you from behind survival him on a day when a moral opinion the moon Ethel you are in Ron it is like some powerful diesel engine pushing you what is sucked even the diesel engineer Emily wanted I'm gonna get the loader : what can stand in your way only I don't the critical ammonium some dog or cat or anything comes in the way it'll just get thrown out yeah Gaga now you pony I wanted to area put them even if a lion comes in the way it'll just get run over by the train I'm gonna kill that I'll go to senior month alum good idea Wendy in mama had a NASA Cobra it's you don't have to fear anything when God is pushing you forward they wanna male opinion no more than a letter to me by prevent up no human being in the monument circumstance in the soon alaikum no devil in the Prasad said nobody can oppose you no army will either come reality you will always be free putting me over the level will never be in bondage what economy will cut the clock will you have to make sure that God is behind you pushing you all the time forward on a little on a limit even more like a pin noggin the only metal your arm but in Inglewood is a particular window then you don't have to get people on your side I'm not sure well suddenly like a support point over the jungles are become intimidating labeled only in anybody I'm gonna go meet a really when you look for support in your church from people that shows that you are not very sure whether God will support you sabe Lima Koreans are buggin equivalent abandoning of support 830 Mira Linda sonal day one will survive Eric Riley and an achievement killing I have seen that happen in many of our churches nobody on a Gestapo girl a prenup Athena and partner Craig when there is some difference of opinion between two brothers in the several epilogue a car they wear party airport murder or between an elder and somebody else another particular number ik Onkar severe partier Mortimer the each person can try and get some people to support him I live over our immunity are sorry reportedly also crowd and they tell their version of the story to somebody it would get his support in our eight-ton pakka makka circle under Mendelssohn and now he put it down in there soon l a good Tanganyika they eat a solid and then they will tell their story to somebody else to get his support in order little a boy would reclaim in the cafe so Liam done like a solid mark acceptable have good work this is not Christianity this is politics is a custom alight RCL this is not Sian this is Babylon it is seonil a the babylon and if you adopt the methods of babylon you will suffer the consequences of babylon also Lingle Bobble already a movie i pin button all baba laundry well i will eliminate your son DK vendôme you don't even use sisters you don't have to go around getting sisters to support you now golden al-saud ba ba ra la miracle in the support a charity event tomorrow don't try to become popular with the other sisters salamati lean on pour wine the or intimidating make sure that god almighty is supporting you are available as Damon but America miracle I remember they were turning Alex a particular I'm telling you from my experience for more than 30 years comedy community honor both Roman Authority I have never been interested in human support in the militia all the room in a cat theory and Brazilian on we're gonna be late not only financial support I'm not interested por la their support alumina clear probably even spiritual support I don't want anybody to support now you could really mean anything about no but it's not as it about for the life I don't even care what my fellow elders think about me in a saga mu pagoda in a good immigrant because I may not always understand some things we do now I'm saying it as select currently approved me are willing equal Amelie recover to you my comfort has been these words of Jesus you know they are very long they assumed a what they John's Gospel chapter 16 you're one in a service station polyneuropathy government and verse 32 Bhupati random Watson on an hour is coming and has already come all of you will be scattered and you'll all run away to your own home and you will leave me alone you won an association of paddan-aram at the armed opposition Tom Watson I'm mingling a honey a word to them column what am other you were the ones it occurred of their own alum non Turnitin I'm not alone Nani ovulate my father is with me in order to grab all of you my disciples will run away to your house in oh dear she's a little autumn in new Tori pardon what am I going to say not in the Sulaco green oh my disciples please don't run away Oh silly anybody whatever listen I stand by me now if I am caught a little like so many people are against me not a bad I could other mounted anger do you behave like that negligible another will be long supposing everybody in your church turns against you what is a political to alarm my guru maha Mario talented Niccolo will you go to some brothers and say brother did you understand my position I'm trying to be good and all that let me of leg equal in any crime you support me jnana Chris Audemars Piguet ah what a shame in a bit category aquarium I would be ashamed of myself if I go seeking for human support like monetarily support when I went to madness leaned on Teddy PO in our unit on the Victor theory Acharya monitor I don't want anybody's support now on Yadier or dramatic revealing Jesus says you can all go in New England 100 kilometers and we think you have left me alone now in Netanyahu due to poverty real and real in equal to Kalam I am NOT alone no Anthony aquele the God who runs this universe is with me in the under surah surah theme already is taken a day one inaudible aircraft that is the only way we can truly serve God they believe William say whether it be the warrior will ready mortem a wonder that's the way I have tried to serve God for 35 years but they don't allow you put it down on their own accord iam saying would put the claim and I'll tell you one thing wondering what a consolidation God has never let me down they haven't heard a call him a neighbor to today lay all the enemies of the gospel and my enemies have never been able to succeed opinion related upon you or me then I believe I remove a late demons of Hell have not been able to sit resourceful in America nobody ever laid and they will not be able to succeed with you remember I am NOT a miracle Amory Aden you know there's a verse in Jeremiah 17 enemy a polyneuropathy article about their current if you want to really enjoy free total freedom really meaning a little a undergo a cure the must understand this principle Nimule in the court part I put in the window 17 and verse five to eight uremia polyneuropathy or Muhammad Amir Thomas know it says curse it is the man who trusts in mankind and makes flesh his strength money soon will um be Kuwait the mom some underneath and worry about a LeMat equally the reminiscence something like what happened not just bad it is cursed are they more similar than derivative Allah this is a VQ but today do you want to curse upon your life will be a white level to stop a win tomorrow go and seek the support of human being a party on our money we all are gonna be acquitted if one girl go and seek the support of all the people in your church its availability McCrory are the remaining 30 selling curses there on holiday or the Saba market because you dishonor God in darling will take enemy number aggregate maybe God is not supporting you really they were only tangle a is why you're trying to get human beings to support ah give me that money girl in a car that Ibaka what I went into third equal to the Creator so many cases I've come across like this is accordingly non-party brothers and sisters when they have a problem I wanna tell you what will go to different people and tell their problem to get their sympathy and their support how about we don't need money we little a boy a customer later under the theme or dream / / mcgraw girl we don't need anybody's sympathy or support nom nom icky are no Karabakh of a demented monetarily when Jesus faced the problem you know what he did yes or opportunist and he converted of arena Siddhartha NEMA he prayed our debita that's all Oregon he told his father our pedometer little not but he never sought for sympathy from man money in return I don't know but they were terrible aim once when he was carrying the cross whatever I were still awake you come on the wall around Luke 23 look I do what the moon deliver signal beat in the blood flowing how are they are DQ / taught them what any wonder is falling down under the weight of the cross I'm the Sylvian mara the chili margin-bottom tongue come buddy other buddy killed every grab some women on the roadside started crying what a knee and the solid lily we deal in andreas three colorimeter and Jesus said to them yes only party to Nara don't wait for me in a car I went down I'm all right na here green that's in Luke 23 28 look I you know Tim only wrote that classic don't wait for me you know hard I went down blood and week and all that but I'm alright Quentin what are you ready couldn't believe I am in the center of the will of my father now underneath out pony yes that in my you're still a recurrent all these people are shouting crucify crucify me are you marry my little arms don't weep for me in a car I've been down Luke 23:28 look I you know what Emily wrote here to weep for yourself humble ACOG are in wait for your children well political angle can you take that position in the sauna thinning later come buddy month supposing everybody's against you answers crucify inclusive and get ready for me is useless will accrue Hill army Mari with terra livre a saloon are you girl you were a clipper pilot traveling are good and some of your friends come in so sorry for you phony I said none but one day you so bad McCallum only the most more nautical our play what will you tell them thank you brother you're supporting me I was running in a car Oh rubbish coupe I don't weep for me I'm all right Roger crane we for these people they are messing up their life even ultimately cooler loudly Cardinal that is a man of God our rendezvous malignant the others are all orphans McCrory alarm are not eager they don't know that God will support them they won't I'm gonna call daddy other crack that is why I say to you my dear brothers and sisters oh wait a minute ago that isola great always make sure that God will support you you put on May Day when will look another one here apartment enmity particularly look at the number of husbands I met to complain against their wives yes then a portion on Sunday the rent money part the brother my wife is like this my wife is I've heard even in our churches nobody's having a lane on can trigger a maternal film captor trained in and one of you brave drunk uppity electronics and my husband is a person you put a record on it is really my son doesn't care for me my daughter doesn't care for me in a pie in any County put a little in a Tony put the link have you got God on your side or not hunger pakka delayed there when they recur ilayya if you don't have God on your side you can get everybody including me on your side it is useless the a1 will solve our alienation only Allah removal particle hunter and allah miyan named Satan the progeny who can convince me and get me on your side it will not help you you pray all the inning number say they will SAR BA can make window and hola Mohalla mother will acutally yeah curse it is the man who leans upon Jack Coonan sad countenance and recovery money didn't I wouldn't panic other country coming against Sevilla but and who's trying to get Jack Coonans support for his position than odious Tana theta critical over there card exact when an elderly are there any particular grants of course it is that man have you get whatever blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord after a number one also take apart a man who trusts in men will be like a barren tree it says in verse a barren bush verse 6 almost certainly a park Rome one even milena be giving her money an underling like her I put the man who trusts in the Lord Kaname Allah make you make your money your own he will be like a tree planted by the water were say yes Thomas underlay parker amantani done delay not about there were multiple returns even when everything is dry around him he will be green that may so tell I'm kind of on a limb but a ton per Samia here because his roots are going into the river and already very good on the Oracle that means his trust is in the Lord underneath the ground under bhoomika creatinine am beyond of the captor miracle and God gives us grace to the humble the army lowly could they even pure by Allah Quran so the secret of an overcoming life is to humble yourself Agha Beijing will look at a white Peoria ragasiyam and when I talked with it you know sometimes people would come and question Moses selasa me today a marker one the mostly for the kill to get part how are you doing this and why are you doing all this against us yeah neither ulama click or other wanna say where you brought us out from but then I was like a swollen Elena get the routing leave me a condo in here you know what Moses used to do mostly NSA you wanted a military mom you would fall on his face before the Lord come on go pray robot and you say the Lord will show who was his servant and who is not your somebody a woody a car at yard time already Carolyn but it's day one can't be pardoned it's only would've are you see one example in number 16 22 what it was not an Athenian Nakhimov anomaly Gotham fell on their faces before God the moon became apparent that many times we read a nigga's face in Nagahama the army returned homicide say who made you the who made you ruler over us Olivia formerly wait though we are in the most intricate part let us say I will not reply none other morrow thrown so Lamartine I will fall down and put my mouth in the dust no provision idea why I told it in order to mean I'd say God under rain you please reply to them mingle I would like a puzzle Solomon terrain do you have that confidence Oh Malik and then a big hairy gorilla I will not fight with anybody Nonya autumn would have poured a martini jesus said I will not fight with flesh none My Kingdom is not at this world so I don't find you know the arrow Jim in the obligatory the larvae Nando thought what a paratha Martin let me give you an example from second chronicles chapter 29 you know done with you article we read here in second chronicles 20 in verse 2 a great multitude came against the king of Judah no like a mutiny I seek Ramiro gommendy are today under a paradigm and Argyll and he got a news in verse 2 Jehoshaphat got a new saying a great multitude is coming against you you know no wonder he was he grown yet all I'm on a general become a very good article in Sola gratia now many other kings would then go to Egypt and Syria and say will you please help me against this enemy Onegin a gift in Raja Syria Raja imma try not to Raja whatever you like oh then we see every long will put our hand up you'll indicate power that is like going to man for help or the other cope I reckon it's not what the weak our money will employ all the way through the papyri color you know this is how our usual have nobody a product I wanna cover come on and unabomb a pretender can we get into some trouble in all the personable American doll and immediately we think what are they are nominal is there some Christian superintend of police who will help us now ABC will repeat customer Kristin what they said that I can granny Paula Holies can run in politic Rara or is there some Christian district collector who will help me a little you're like well then you say whether it came out a collector in Brea now the Mara can I go to some cabinet minister who is little sympathetic to Christians who will help me all of the Roman authorities on a cabinet under stereogram each area of the new Kirara Kirsten is the man who trusts in men money little in America our money on shabbiha what happen let God use anybody to help us but our trust must be in the Lord Yama Cody America they won't bind but that the model nobody in a bigot they will aim at a mere equipment I am NOT saying we should not ask men for help money little a boy whether we kick the quotas in the saliva lay when they wanted to take the body of Jesus from the cross they asked Joseph of Arimathea can you please go and talk to Pilate and get the body down I didn't miss a your serpent fill a boy on the Palacio de Nino Percy yes I'm a second Tupac Katari nothing wrong in that I let our in late the Peter had gone to pilots door that had kicked him out from the gate people are unable to be poisoned along a vastly already well they tally Peter bargain but Joseph Romania could go and do it yourself in any one day your suppose anybody can orders sometimes place different people like Joseph of Arimathea in different places of position do you see Maria re re Mateo said before that they haven't said I'm academically way to help today's body of Christ like that Joseph help that body of Christ under Yoshi upon the costumes are your thing he said a couple days sorry no Micah sorry Cody me say with ricotta they have any private autograph dependence is not on any Joseph Arnold number DM nom nom in the Europeans on the karate we trust in the Lord now I'm damned Linda became a given know that he will help us Parliament and God will test you in different situations but yeah someone as soon illegally there when will it slowly to power you face this difficulty Ningaloo ethics and great multitude of problems is coming into your life nobody a white later on where do you turn you do you look up girl mainly no keep our cupola what do you look left and right what are they become basketball gorilla learn to look up mainly a no tea party controlling early that is God's Way it was not dimly aware we read of another king called whose aya was younger a Rotarian keratin awasa chrome no in sorry the King's name was awesome outside and get a dye job second chronicles 16 you don't know like mom well they're not on with the God Oh verse 12 money to numbers on see a prophet had come to him in verse 9 1 but I'm a solitary what a tilaka that is he on camera grad told him iike your heart is completely God's God will look all over the world to support you Oh Maria iridium optimum I they only saw the recommendation are longer like South America they went can t bother what about verse 12 money no nominal in the 39th year of his reign he had a serious disease of his fevers asara sonamoo putin Brahmin Kshatriya only a Kali lame Miyagi conduct his disease was very severe only Nova make a woman come on my ear under the yet in his disease he did not seek the Lord but the doctor I went and we all do you know Carter he left but you are you lee mercury arena is there anything wrong and going to a doctor or to a hospital what hospital you pose a tewara mud or anodic salute our to take medicine under the modern era put the Torah Jesus himself said the sick need a doctor when he only Kuwaiti interion be a soul eater crabs are there every link but Iran when your trust is in man what a number came on even million come on don't seek the Lord the only name is Ted our town you don't believe in praying to the Lord you believe just in this good doctor or some medicine they look like gym people I'm willing to assemble a modern-day mail my Christmas a mere portal then the disease becomes more severe upward and no yaar the adi guru krama my ma room and we read in verse 13 he died on even about something a park roman marathon what a sad thing do come on a Korean why is the holy spirit come here like this yeah in pursuit avianna really win the middle his disease the more severe he became the more he looked for better doctors generally nobody accorded I'm Mara Mara the yamaga mother Leonardi na he was a king oh no a Rajah he could get the best doctors in the country under not later than surrender more to bring of money I would like a polymer polymer unlike poor people we are a team I can afford a lot of worry but those doctors couldn't help the mother will they be see him really he should have sought the Lord I want the only Italian in the kingdom I'm not saying he wouldn't have died but God could have healed him I'm anne-marie today Martin and soul are not there also don't put it accompany him there are many miracles God could have done for us if we had sought him instead of seeking man money military cable lock and I'm the only team dolly bro I probably didn't see them they're fun even when you go to a doctor or take a medicine let your trust me in the Lord you can talk to the telephone all I'm sorry Margaret solemn ceremony Namba Kate they were a little a wreck at home when a great multitude of problems come into our life nobody a while collateral on a particular body it says in second chronicles 20 verse 3 you know like me do gamma-d got a moon drama son Phillip are chrome Jehoshaphat was the son of this aza who never sought the Lord he here now they're on the Oscar already a Kumar and on your support he had he was a little boy he saw his father died how insidious when I recovered is nadya power money for a part on how his father never sought the Lord then really the only Italian believe how the Prophet said that if you trust in the Lord he will help you all over the world need they have any motive number you look at the lahmacun name would run it's good to learn a lesson from the failures of others Halima truly we learned a lesson from your father's failure you also bought a lathe up on the air we chillin or politics some of us can learn a lesson from the failures of our own parents somebody's on the patrol every challenge anomaly or aschler Parrinello catechol many of you young people don't have to make the stupid mistakes your parents made wali be really only a patrol say them Athena amount of power really ningún say it's a relay Jehoshaphat was a young man who decided I'm not gonna make the mistake my father made dose of our wall even I even down into the top corner say the towering on saya Martin in the tear Monica and all of us must say the same thing now a lot of money can't achieve I'm not gonna make the mistake my father or mother made in the up Almasy the authority don't say Marty I love them and respect them but I'm not gonna do the stupid things they did you know poor mommy muddy green only under green on elaborative see the booty mnemonic irony Donaghy Marty I said I'm gonna trust the Lord I mean on day one in a bit yeah in second chronicles 20 verse 3 yamuna dominant Rama he was afraid and he turned his attention to seek the Lord upward of the yours about buying the car today they're gonna put their name 13 and he fasted I want to boss it done that's a very good thing to do if they say well they may come to lower curry some people say say let's look at our girl what is he use of going without food support alarm opposed in a prio Janome shall I answer that I didn't put a month I don't know in a geography but I know that Jesus did it on a year so they say that under known and I know the Apostles did it opposite I say that another great got results I would have a pretty good not good and I have done it now let me say that I have seen results now none Bologna partner can you ask me how it happens I don't know are you putting article in so little in Estonian any other that's like asking me how is it the this rice and curry that you eat becomes blood and flesh and bones the other Co particles in dal in a particle in English Africa South Omaha bottoms in the area Maria Surrey layer optimum yellow my Margaret indicate critical I don't know any theory on it but it happens on a lotta current it has happened for seventy years in my life in rewire your brain under cover a lot of things that God does we cannot explain they once a get a poly-cotton Athena I would like it so nobody other many things about prayer I cannot explain the but they could the Arianna Kentucky toilet area why should I pray when God already knows all my needs you know yellow theorem they aren't gonna come with an on Yubikey window I don't know any other but I've had hundreds of prayers answered buzzer a potato cream which would not have happened if I had not prayed because the Rundle on the car I'm not a little cousin I've seen God give it direction when we fast now my boss he converted the day one mother one day they say can't be crap I can't explain it you know let the Vella Columbia it's like I can't explain my digestive system in order corny I mean I like you Tom but it works it works are you really sick in fasted are we yours about the boss eternal and he gathered the people together to seek help from the Lord they are whether he pure Yaga generally long could eat certain he didn't look to Egypt or some other country to help him then I go to be Samaria hey give the cavero or not a capo Helene he stood before the Lord the magnetron and he prays Java Quran and this is a beautiful prayer verses 6 to 12 where we can learn how to pray when we are in trouble aramis written on the panini Thomasin American Vivek Ranadive non-personally Marty Kundun but when you're in trouble how to pray mingle personally remember the deputy Wyndham second chronicles 20 verses 6 to 12 you know ma'am you do with our mother you got a moral and the pundit or something turned to man first well all the money little Tony went down turn to God they oh no no determine girls say God under our ruling in the heavens need wanna theology city and you rule verse six over all the nations of the world under a needed job tell you really malaga where almighty power is in your hand Maria correctly well I mean no one can stand against you kakarotto that's the way we must begin return I'm Dimitri window when you have problems in your home well they promote only pretending remember when your problems in your church well it's awfully pretending when your problems in your office today pretending remember that when you have problems with difficult neighbors pocket they would Dakar a customer now died in their sickness we all you were more than any type of problems in their personal dollars a multitude of problems there Ilana personal talents and start by saying God there's nothing you cannot do the ammonium what I put out there Kareem under Malay in the salon you see we are in a better position now my decorum for remain beyond irony because his prayer was all God in the heavens already jump are loaded ebony our prayer is my father who is in heaven nobody a Java midnight for Allah still infinitely toponi he was praying to the managing director of the universe I'm praying to my father over here in the under sirasa through da mail or electronically Java crowd nobody hmm Oh nobody are poverty to be grown you know when you go to the managing director of your factory you don't know whether you will get the answer or not only a solid on a network a yeah Kundalini will pull you know the Kalevala capital could accumulate and only three other but when you go to your father you can be sure apart a marina can dip all material I am in a better position than Japan he also what they got from non made me a little later crane he says Oh God who are in the heavens my father who is in heaven Carlos a little girl they want to end up in an article on non-fertile difficult it's out Pony and hurricane what a wonderful position ours is not much compared to what you dummy rot for the money in time para he got an amazing answer to his prayer we will get more than him I will give me a gothic abuzz earlier it is in a macabre economy that take a bother to come so that's the first thing we must start with acknowledging that our Father rules this universe my mood allows on a day when nobody thought open and under sera sera teamollie you say your honor although to cool a window speak it out with your mouth only wine already pacing Lord my father there is nothing that you cannot do under rain death upon humanity could have Akari wonderfully there is no problem you cannot solve Oh Molly I still come to really interpret any will later there is no enemy you cannot defeat my third company Hadassah through you know you do Milly there is no disease you cannot heal when economic capital in the via DeMolay there is no problem in my church or in my home which you cannot solve you know disability khuddam Italia Molitor company other pretend you under melee see over the last 35 years out of that I've had to deal with problems in many many churches an ego Sapodilla pretending Li Na uni times a negative angle a I get letters and I have to respond and sometimes in one church sometimes in another Church what is the severe in the Christian you know some it in erisa Bailey sometimes in three four churches at the same time so let me near the moon on sobbing Lilly press anyone - yeah because she churches are like little children growing up sobbing in but this reply well undo remove the bullet when they are three four years old they have one type of problem when they're 17 18 years old they have another type of problem all the way stop pulling a computer monitor nepali reparative is a girl wherever the one app returning i've seen that also with churches and three four years old the problem is simpler and there are 18 years old problems are bigger are they pollen and civilian battery moon Oliver some goodness away I'll pretend I already podría poner tu version of all on the Samaritan iam can even approach miracle but God can solve all of them they will allow dreams here come here I have always done what Moses did mostly NSA they are in on a poor them say their crime I say Lord I followed my face before you under a man won't go put a very green welcome bus it's not my work INRI William Orlando this is your work in the Maria Valley Isaiah chapter 9 says the government will be on your shoulder Cara Maria told him a little cumin this reacción Mohammadi our tree bark wrong it's not on my shoulder the energy I told Lillian oh I have nothing on my show you know they're totally wound remain lay the government of every church is on your shoulder what would a sub in reality in Carter Toria Tolley lyrical I am like a little poon in the office just to do what the master tells me to do what are you like a tree come on so let me very early say you could even every yep a puny polaric rain you tell me to do this I do that you tell me to go here I go there it is how you miss one will say in an anchor point it's little pony I have never seen a problem not solved in these 35 years then we put in the under the law a brother in the retina you're not part of the land I don't believe I will see such a problem till Jesus comes yes ooh what don't worry about the maria the pretending or apartment and I'm Nana moodily because I have tried always to humble myself Elin dolly pulls me in on any thought would put her cream if people excuse me I keep quiet in a general content immersion on a media into the grain if they find fault with me I said nothing the same in liquor a conversion on solo the under Melendez only would agree you can be proud if you want Ningaloo entomology premier Islander I will humble myself not in a thought twin and I ask the Lord not the only party kidding Lord is there some area where I'm not humbling myself free show me under a unitard tada yeah though they know d'Ivoire a poverty little Quranic economy is there some secret pride in me that makes you resist me show me now under day I can see a mark under a little a oh my inner could you put a miracle on Doreen a cooper it can't be you I'm more afraid of pride than of other sins much a family car come with me a good idea muffin and biodegrade I want to be afraid of all sins lob our power leaguer to by premier ain't but number one in the list is fried all along the party Lily mood allow the recovery the P remain because then God becomes my enemy another la puerta de varela casaus Roy Murray would watch that I don't know Hanukkah went down I would rather have all the people in the world as my enemy then God is my enemy the a one-year necklace after akamaru the people on amou guitar omega supreme are not apparently I once told the Lord like this not over married in Italy plutonium there are 700 crores of people in the world now we'll look at today I don't know recording McCullough cragger even if all of them are against me I am not bothered our little army and the Mahamaya Dominica come earlier I want you to be with me I need in order greater cover that's enough other possible humble yourself I'll always be with you under national guard on any 13 on apollomon what would I repeat so recognize that he's Almighty God who can do everything I'll give you our all in lumps am would hear see you could hear nice autumn like David about to linger and then secondly in and out here think back to the number of times where God did miracles for you in the past come the Galilee attend him worried they will acog are personally say the Quran but they tell me partner see he says in verse 7 he just look at Lord didn't you drive out the inhabitants of this land before the people of Israel under a number eh enema is river like a moon walking that there's at the crib a 13-0 they lived in it and they built a sanctuary here for your name India marine ammeter Canberra versus the Salafi hang a catenary along you could even that that's the second thing we should do I'm say you need another card even we must remind ourselves of all the things God did for us in the past sunder kala Lily they were never come to say they'll accordingly am nama Konami in any particular when sometimes we forget it so let's immediately normally Miranda grow I tell people now I'm a critical a soul agree you know you must buy a notebook de lado not to cave on the window it's not very expensive how would I believe we ended ll get a notebook with a thick cover man who Yana our tape whatever or not okay one girl just not among either three four rupees mundo none guru bhai down and whenever God does some wonderful miracle for you you pull up David all growed up la are put that they say Guerrero put the date on their data pouring it right down in brief words this is what happened Gary a portal is not under Solis Iruka my anything great this was our problem either interpret any I didn't we pray non-lgbt know this is what God did they already done say that no things don't happen every day like that wooden all I'm afraid our neighborhood Elaine maybe two or three times in a year what about sister Irene de mundo no not really not a clock you won't have much to write I think America won't become a very thick book I went to Paris I'm re forgot in 20 years you do underlie there'll be so many things you can write in English here's the Korea Quranic overcome the miracle God did for this child of mine in the air in the Quran they can even see that for the miracle God did for that child of mine in the Quran think they will say that for them or in this particular job what God did for me in the could avail it David and I kinda sit out in the church what God did for me they won in a civilian home something happened and God did this in requital methylate they won in the car they say that and one day when your little baby has grown up and has become 20 years old or not I only assume that Syria couldn t another volunteer you know the way I and your children are sitting with you know Colonel Carter say children lately I want to read to you what God did for our family during the last 20 years Sunday you darling Locker and nobody could motivate they will say the cardigan will not look what's it the can't be care programs and tell them what happened 20 years ago when they were babies you know with our new house record and they'll either come or the end out of the end but it's all in here that will strengthen their faith either Balewa saw something would really put them then they will know this is not only for the Israelites and apostles God did it but God did it in my family to presume will pretty lady I didn't listen only a toy come on they already a little a not a little more left in bloom not the number I could imagine but they aren't able to are if you don't write it down you will forget it there were twenty years later you'll be scratching your head and say I don't remember now what God did you know the worsening in use with the tallies are in the bodies take my advice they said you know da all ups analytical in all those of you have a computer it is much easier you can just put it in the computer in a file computer Carolla community an Engel computer load of fire learning a particular you don't have a computer take a notebook I'm good really Anderson are not lazy girl don't you want your children to hear what God did for your family day one will promote the kaga say the caringly will pray linger in the world so that one day when they get into some trouble would another liquid operate anywhere but it they can say like this our little polar Salaam buddy Lord I remember what you did for our fathers undoubtedly top one model you can hear NSA didn't buy in yahoo at the elevator so he's saying what you did for abraham Obregon mccain has hidden our fathers the descendants of abraham opera company has some delay on the whirling lee at our model can s ad he's not saying what you did for me yeah I can I say we're in doubt so look at her Lane my father's have told me what you did for them you know them work with aku-aku need an essay we didn't buddy I indium would put Linux on our girl they wrote it down I want a teammate Arnold John Shepard was not alive when Joshua came into the land of Canaan you're suckin on Jason think of what already your support we are for the prattling but somebody wrote it down already Tasha I wrote it down yo soy the elevator Josh you're supposed to live a secret this is my father one of my father's oh you know clean what about he were that give him faith are the only receptacle that will give you a children faith what do you recommend even suppose that they could actually start doing it from now before then they they say you are being right then the next thing our attic REM Lord then the next thing we need to think is God's promises aren't there now many would have India car diem they would a walk at that angle first we think of his power our date opened and the power already well I mean I'm gonna key window then we think of all the things he did for us in the past day Karim they're not really our number to say that our income for the promises he's given us in his word other keepin with our company Barkley Nadia walketh only make Aventa Lord you said under a need for new verse 9 Hamas or if evil comes upon us or sword or judgment or pestilence or famine and we stand before this house in your name and we cry to you you said you will hear in deliverance on during a meal per diem the under nearly no he punch a muzzle on a steaming one doll memory anomaly in the hall until every long ago nobody all in the holiday tell a nun and one day an injury longer Cooper a real near Couture a cheap beer in the so lyrical order he knew the promises in scripture where they recovered a evocative tangle ovary another crime do you know the promises in Scripture what could the three ma you don't have to remember many huge portions of the Bible by heart mingled whether the level of that I mean the fagioli monopod of Monique whatever lady but if you find one good promise somewhere on a particular on I'll memorize it I think apart I'm gonna get it into your head when Italian I wait the collinear and then you find another word somewhere varying Yahoo somebody pocket into your head I'll tell anyway to go literally I've done that for now many years yes anyone de blacas save Ukraine and the result is IRA face a trial I can think of one of those promises I mean even on Horizonte Brittany sandy Cumberland de Vaca thought I wonder never Corrigan teach your children those promises of God in the day with a Wacka the thing la huaca that the vasana would probably be totally couldn't tell them to memorize it having a monopod Ramona Marie I told you memorize it ninguna parte morning early because when the trouble comes you can't go searching where is that you don't need to know where if you have a good memory you can memorize it if you don't know the reference at least know the promise Maliki in the arm in the vasana meant atheria were Taliban the bossa nova did not know where this promise was in the Bible he also bought the key in the walk at the table a minge you didn't bracket area but he knew that such a promise Holly prepare walketh of them here in the crown get discouraged if you don't know where the promises are given the walketh of the mingi you remember the material you are memorized it it's in your head you can go monopod um say that I don't know Tyler you can claim it in the time of trial and so there in near Italy and the waiting will to be Kalama so we must learn to memorize the promises of God how can we dearly a wocket Italian I'm gonna part of mine we can live in claimant Normandy see hit Kalam a promise is like a check would walk up at the moon would a castle April I know many of us know what a check is Emily uh naked chick control in and aetherium if somebody sends you a check for 10,000 rupees Maliki out of the pot item robucket checking on a penal what will you do with it and they wait tennis aviator will you frame it up and hang it on the wall a veining cannot elevate a frame money well certainly you see 10,000 rupees for me we're too early I'm at the party land the party but Tyrone check-in is only can be pilla you won't even get one rupee from that other than the water by what I am looking at I gather what do you do in a Siberian you have to sign at the bank and they take a coupon are decals the poor you'll give it in the bank are they boy your bank like could appeal and you get the money what I'm very good at it see second Corinthians that's exactly what it says under girl nearly Parrinello written on part from second Corinthians 1 verse 20 then they go to near one dramedy are mere enormous honor this is a wonderful verse our Pullman over was enough have you read it there was something was terribly loud all the promises of God are yes in Christ the only walk with a little um Chris two o'clock I mean they didn't really know all the promises of God are yes in Christ namely a waka tutorial um yes Acoustiblok are me and Erica that means Jesus Christ has signed all those promises already a portal in heaven doll under walk with a thing like a la mere seekers to target the watercraft see some people may give us a check they may not be money in their account check record upon our now our the porter mother castle and solid only when Jesus Christ is saying that there's always plenty in heaven yes economy tralala later every promise of God is like a check signed by Jesus Christ the only Walker that the moon one room yes it was the tires the what a check a polar credit so how can you get it I'm going to cover the curriculum see than the rest of that verse and I was sorry the media partner we have to add our arm in to the glory of God then we get it they will come on hit me are here nam number you are mainly and the sir given them that means you must put your signature at the back already a poorly no not phenomenal a coyote put a window that means you say I mean are made in the Sullivan them how many if you know the meaning of I mean I mean in war take it anywhere car thumb that you you know the meaning of I mean I mean in Bethany ma many people don't know I never get the reality they think I mean means now we can open our eyes the prayer is over I mean it is not jumbo denoted a particular climate doesn't integrate that's the meaning of other Armand means it's a Hebrew word I mean anybody ever a party it will be so other aprea organ when somebody prays Jimmy Carter I mean I mean it will be exactly like we pray now our deaf people whatever girl it is an expression of faith it will swap something really pardon it is like signing the bank the check in the bank and at the backside and saying here give it in my account bank Lake Okanagan il2 water energy I connected a portability so Luther : that's how we must take the promises to God you put it down Nam David did I walk her through the bank of heaven para la Givenchy Jesus Christ has signed this yes sequencing a paint the water crap I will never leave you nor forsake you know them 11 a guy over the Malays in Hebrews 13 every eight funnyman dramedy God Oh Lord Andre here is the situation India but as soon as I when everybody's forsaking me in Larnaca I would agree are good I want this check cashed under in the checker for the cosmic matter but I will never leave you know me they would call him in a category the labor to trigger the Malay price Lord Coty's thought that I am a happy man no no money didn't see how one cheque can change your life will check for them only what kymaro turkey brings an abundance of joy into your life only a white litter on us under 50 condor abundance of peace one check what it cost so like you said I mean ningún our mail it so nobody into your signature in the bag already pinned on will decay they put it in your neck sorry Arthur second chronicles 20 I don't know like a middle diamond tiara then we must tell God our problem other Cupid I get definitely nobody pretending so Livan after we have claimed the promise of walketh of the thing now I'm kaburagi didn't tell them what the problem is I only pretend it's like Jesus asked the blind man what do you want me to do for you yes on occur only party catalona can on anything event don't just say have mercy on me what do you want in may be recommended Solomon dominic and I went about the oprius Oh Lord open our eyes I'm wondering in the context and the Lord asks you under only power think I don't say bless me bless me bless me under any australia mosques through the master willem indicate what do you want when I can not away lord I want a better job I'm not able earn enough with what I'm under a prevail in a compose amount of some Blanc purely an echidna I really went to Monterey what's wrong in asking that are they carefully methodically that is the meaning of give us this day our daily bread in Reiki and we'll given the other angle at the terminus hold a job um done is give me a job so that I can get my daily bread for my family under anal evaluate our mother mother could amass a boat super they're gonna Gagarin tell your problem only Presonus all these sons of Iman and Moab and all are coming against us under rain the moon put their arm or be a real or oh my we did good to them once upon a time colony never like an unmade Sadie wee-wee none may say but now they are coming and hurting us Allah opposed an unbreakable our teammates are you category I have experienced many times in my life that the people whom I did good too they come to attack me a submit lean on in the unavoidable a nine-yard none may see the overall na talk to me our so many people who have done good to in the church and in my home they come to attack us Kuramoto our community a subpoena to me our climatic mo none may see the return our Killingly talk to me I wonder if that's what he is saying listening is already I did so much good to these people in the olden time under a Iqaluit look at non mais you know they are coming to attack us accordingly talk about good are good oh lord under Raynald evening please deal with them already but every rocket I can't do anything and all I want to say I'm buddy are you deal with them need out already button there are three things he says in verse 12 when in our Moon regarding little grin we have no strength English Belinelli we have no wisdom and anomaly but we are looking at you may know keep our chrome what is that our union in this particular problem the quarry Peter personally I have no strength Lord to solve this problem the progenitor pure Kanaka Belinelli under way I have no wisdom how to solve this problem the Acharya pretty / then better connect anomaly under that you come to situations like that in your life you Maria what color you put it but actually cool I put all the wonder the great why you don't have the money or strength or anything to have solve this problem temperature a theory come looking for them on eponymously pull them on a Belinelli and you don't have any wisdom also Jana my mother over a lane tell God they were there so long good lord I have money to handle this situation I mean there's only a yellow their connect upon our lane I don't have the ability to handle it's too much for me Andre they are they're gonna throw me Emily under a date I came into the light so I'm not such a clever person I don't have any wisdom in economy on I'm alone I'm alone I can Jana Molly and I don't know any influential SP or collector or anybody to help me Silva Kinnear in the SPO Alabama Itachi Allah Rowena Killian arose AC with the other big people in come on Christians know all those people I'm a poor man I don't know anybody comin tomorrow notable American erm theory of enduring so what shall I do I mean on an estate what shall this poor helpless child of God do who does not have any human influence in the money she can still walk can we love in the year a couple really in the same verse 12 our eyes are on the England alone miracle they don't just say I have no wisdom I have no strength and I can Jana Melina Camilla Lillian I have no money and I kept on a meal I had no influence and I said walk elegance say all that the along follow along but the last line must be IEC worried but our eyes are on thee on a Kangol miracle then it's alright sorry some people stop before saying the last line you know and I have no friends I have no this I have no that under your friend Selena cover Lily it's all true idol um who made our last line meet but Lord I'm trusting you on a car a series aluminium our lamanno remain a numbering what a wonderful prayer and now put them on over each of them and the Lord came down with an answer Damon getting even the bundle put across 15 when in dominum a lost part that I supposedly don't be afraid don't be dismayed ningún by a problem calendula Moringa because of the great problems that are coming to you I'm gonna cover acharya Priya pretend in him at the market this battle is not yours but God in the utamu body of the land they were living what a world in Ord bargain tomorrow knowledge seventeen last part go out and paste them the Lord is with you mingle point he taught a single Carter Lord aircraft and George bowed his head verse 18 when Thomas Joseph atarime at the moon pulling the hunt down before the lord and worshiped him they will convert are ever in the erotic ran so the next day are generally late the enemy is coming with all their bows and arrows and horses and all chariots withering load another load of illegal order mumble Automator you'll forget our good so whom shall we send in the front of our army He pours it nobody has seen heal a wounded ahi our yanukovych shall we send the best soldiers and the chariots and horses surround the perimeter will surround the kuda regulate nominal on Puma no Elaine it says he right in front he verse 21 he put those who would praise the Lord in holy attire in he wrote the warmest holiday park Rome perceptible a maggot to a day only to the G Korea Macaulay I the money never lay Munna hand on the board Saleh went in front and said praise the Lord gonna praise Him we praise him he's so good our Allah we're loving kindness is everlasting I already removed completely a man arrived and they sang or party narc and they praise Jimmy three target and as soon as God heard that they went to the party in Quetta verse 22 you know a tsunami defeated all their enemies their pallium illa solvet roll over a girl and in those days and then our colony when you defeat your enemies all their wealth becomes yours saturating will torture you tell already I so telamonian mrjoe verse 25 they've grown so much Goods and garments and valuable things and it took everything it took three days for them to take all that property from their enemy no see I in them was certainly in a wall see chrome under security accordingly along savory politically moon Bernal Allah wanted all over the room quality target audio they became rich it was ice around Lamar you talk of problems made them rich but cynically only ice around lime attributed that is the reason why God allows a great multitude of problems to come into your life you do vodka later on apparently are honorable it is on carnem if you know the truth the truth will set you free satya tre needle in distance animal Doleac Oh the truth is learned to pray like this demon only to be controlling and the truth is once you commit to the matter to the Lord praise Him Satyam enumerated accordingly and we praise the Lord it opens the way for God to fight on our behalf now I'm there when I to the converted day one and I'm a cocky Tomo nobody Agha where do you turn on the water today see this promise in Psalm 50 Sangeeta my little Walker thought that a partner so I'm 50 and verse 23 Sangeeta mine but you know what the moon why does God ask us to thank him and praise Him en de vente makes total net to the gear cigarette why does he ask us to worship Him yeah nobody out of the company I normally get about Thanksgiving nandri so little praise to thee worship our honoree Thanksgiving is thanking him for what he's done for us in the past 19 but the currents iconically our number to say the carrying on the condition of our praises phrasing him for who he is Almighty God who rules the universe Yara here are observable amulet even under Sarasa theology cigarette may recover III posing worship is falling down before him and saying you are our God sovereign body however in the mirror is three different things sudhi and under ARRA mundo with yes I'm out of it and when we do it nominee chamber the Lord says in verse 23 you know the moon was not really under telegram when you offer a sacrifice of Thanksgiving you honor me thought that I believe degramont any money poor thing Ron and now let me read to you exactly what this verse means in there what's our eternal union are that is not translated very well in many translations but I'm worried when Publius area where you were a couple of late now listen to this no need to calendar when you offer Thanksgiving to me Ning lyric was taught that a year to come early there you are making a way for me to deliver you non Rosalia kumbaya key and a cool radiating who's making the way yar what do you wonder when you are making the way in England wonder get it when you praise the Lord you like to thank him I reckon and I started to move on making a way for God to come and show you his deliverance say when somebody a brutal you can't become a yoga Engel our it can do where you even talk to the reader if you read carefully you'll see that is the meaning of that word Dingles governor my was it understand there was a literally are telling you off for a sacrifice of Thanksgiving just thought that up a little inaccurate buddy the government then you make a way for God to come and show you his salvation or his deliverance they are cheap I really a one developer to that can do whatever you want to monogram don't praise the Lord then there is no way for God to come and show you his deliver mingles them only to the yeah but Oliver Tambo you brutally I'm going to come to Cana because already a shower for them how shall we get freedom are when I'm a pretty brutal a para Maryam we shall get freedom by learning to praise God now I'm doing it to the Kia curriculum on a particular ground there we can learn a great lesson from second chronicles chapter 20 in under now let me do the math you are very a part of the catacombs I want to encourage you to read that chapter again when you go home Neil Whitaker Pinal mean to my in the earthy meditate on it are they done in and say Lord teach me to pray like this under readable at JB can I cut the tournament and teach me to praise you like this to the government and I believe that in every situation you will bring a deliverance would as soon Eleni amount of rain it will a condo could appear in turn a number in disciplinary do you know that whatever situation you may face from now till Jesus comes if further in the year soon were don't worry in the Praetorian Engel Santa column sorry God knows them all already they wanna kill Audrey Madame Electra I don't know when Jesus is gonna come yes throw me opposing is going to come after 20 years you don't it'll carry the water grant away to be losing I'm gonna live for another 20 years in Amnon in London we wanna polka underway to go home there may be many problems that I may face in the next 20 years what if they do the under logon on something important something a Korea personally the Nacala I don't know them anaconda president I don't even know what I'll face next week how are in depression is something opponent energy three other but does God know them on at the enemy are in the crowd oh yes what's gonna happen every single day for the next 20 years or if they do the hundred logon all alumna recommend is I'm probably under a little crap if he knows I would I rented a car and do you think he has got a solution for those problems and the pressure will appear will you look at the Rema yes every problem you're gonna face in the future God already has a solution England regala Tillotson DK poker over to Prasanna Kim gonna be a team you face a problem personal Sonny come Brazil say Lord I never expected this to happen underrated a little party really but you knew it all I need are in the liquid and you have already made a solution yeah other theory William item alehrer cream just show me what that solution on the theory in the end but they are nobody on the budget and anybody under a can be him and thank him and easily don't complain what are you solar went down praise the Lord after a so three I'll give you one example from the Old Testament par yet part on the water model one more example in in the book of Exodus chapter 15 one in Dominica we read of the Moses coming out with the Israelites from the wilderness one under Italy Islamic Lord with a mostly ordered a Park Rome Pharaoh has just been defeated I'm gay so at the Regal tortilla Brigade are and as soon as they come out there's no water to drink oh really well you one totally could equally rittany rittany there was some water Exodus 1523 after I want Pauline do with the money I'm getting on your tiny little cut it was bitter analytic ossify I could not drink it our liquidity Maria when they started complaining Brene Marie Marie Dharma target as soon as the problem comes complained Boubacar Musa spray what shall I do anonymity at any time you note a nominal and the Lord says listen to this in verse 25 but it was something only departing room I want to say about the Lord said understanding will aggressively name 30 years before you came here in gay whatever their worship Mubarak I planted a tree here for you Malika or Amara thing in a 2:18 because I knew thirty years later you'll come and face a problem for some quality in the air temperature in sandy preliminary grain this tree did not grow in one day in the male thirty years ago I planted it poetic members are who in the Chilean honor to eighteen and the angels asked God why are you planning that tree there those are alarm in the Martha today f ing not agreed indicator 30 years from now some of my problem children are gonna have a problem they'll meet this ceiling yeah well our logo to pretend Airport um was he said he told Moses cut down the tree put it in the water mostly part the Tanana Martha with tea and the nearly put in the water became sweet I'm the 10-year mother of my Mary Ellen do you believe God loves you David a secret thirty years before you face a problem he has already found a solution for it mingle Sanjay Kapoor progressed and he kept over in the Paris Area ever Sigmund birthday when I put a steer away item anyway to why complain en what it's only window just look around Lord where is the tree under day Merriman get it within the 30 40 minutes just show me where is the solution to this primary tearing character in the apartment which is somewhere here I know you look at the theory will just show it to me under the neck it can't be instead of complaining what 8 so Luther you lock it you can overcome every situation so what is Sunol evening at mere Columbarium you will be free all the time Ilana really underlines the truth the truth will set you free but Emily brutally accounts pray now I'm Debbie pom Heavenly Father but lo Pido being I thank you for all these dear brothers and sisters not necessarily comic an undisciplined I planted them as a testimony for you in Tamilnadu Tommy not round over you're welcome to such a power linearly not here to create their little homes there are little churches under a lake Ramona lay would really lame I pray there'll be a living testimony for you in the days to come what equity not clearly our original is such a recovery I typically a testimony to the almighty power of God the only a server well let me catch you here current amount of testimony to the fact that God can solve every problem they have an all are only Allah Priscilla come buddy man because I have a record the Monterey make their lives full of praise and thanksgiving you were they a were key to be in all of 19 all know about you can always make a way to bring salvation for them under your leadership a critic Umbreon over you never nobody change the lives of everybody here Ottumwa tramonto to make it a life of praise or a white key to the universe came a trauma range is his name yes tsunami grumpy but the DB input is learning a lot even BBC then t-midi be a poor need to learning my teammate Kenny
Channel: CFC India
Views: 10,942
Rating: 4.8285713 out of 5
Keywords: Zac, Poonen, Revival, Repent, God, Sermons, Jesus, SermonIndex, Grace, Christ
Id: HyxCiXF58-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 51sec (3591 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 30 2011
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