The Hollywood Squares Syndication 1972 #1

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one of these stars is sitting in the secret square and the contestant who picks it first could win a prize package worth three thousand one hundred ninety three dollars which star is it Doc Severinsen Sandra Dee Harvey Carmen you O'Brien Wally Cox Amanda Blake Joey bishop Valentine all in all in the Hollywood Squares and here is the master of hey Doc Severinsen is wearing a see-through flag Sandra Dee but she wouldn't worry oh she would bad only that's beautiful doc welcome back my friend nice to see all of our friends and I'd like to make welcome our miss circle for this evening this is Gayle it's it's karez how do you do mr. Gale incidentally is teaching presently to help her husband through law school they originally met in a golf class and have been continued swinging together ever since that's what it says here well anyway good luck this evening Gayle all right our mr. X is lieutenant Joe Fox lieutenant nice to meet you action gentlemen born in Scotland that's right raised in Brooklyn he is a pilot for the Marine Corps he is married with two children and I wish you all kinds of luck this evening thank you Peter will sell a product a to will return and play our secret square worth over $3,100 after this to the players is to get three stars in a row either a cross of another diagonally every game is worth 250 dollars and the person who was the most cash tonight will win a brand-new car in addition and our first two games they play for a secret square worth over $3,100 in the first game Kenneth would you discuss that with our friends yes annex will start the secret square which includes Kimball swinger Oregon amazing new feature the entertainer makes beginners sound like an experienced musician play a simple one finger melody and select rhythm accompaniment of your choice from Kimball piano an organ company and snick as much peanut-brittle great peanut brittle candy a fistful of peanuts and Munchie golden candy Snickers much peanut brittle and a pair of new straddle down Joe Lobeck living room chairs their full-size reclining chairs exclusive headrest pops right up the straddle lounger Lobeck designed for style and comfort plus maslin's inner circle carpeting in a subtle swirling pattern made of camilla island from on sato good looks to the last four years Maslin makes all carpets that way plus the new 22 volley World Book Encyclopedia with separate research Garden index volley world book contains over 13,000 pages 29,000 illustrations representing the work of over 3,000 contributors and $1,000 gift certificate from the famous Spiegel catalog company over 50,000 quality items providing value selection and economy Spiegel Chicago six oh six oh nine show the whole money is the secret square as you know the Stars are briefed before the show to help them with the bluffs who won the toss backstage I did good for you lieutenant good luck biggest time all right let's start with Paul in already the state of New York is repainting something that will be 90 90 next May what are they repainting see there Arlene Francis I know I wish I'd looked like she did it 90 she watches the show by the way I know and I love her so I can take that it must be the Statue of Liberty statue of liberty I'll agree no it's the Brooklyn Bridge oh they're gonna sell it for the circle gala break for you Hugh O'Brien sees true or false according to the Internal Revenue Service doctors are most often caught cheating on taxes when they break off an affair with a nurse who then tips off the government at some operation pal who tips on the nurse tips off the government right is that true or false according to the Internal Revenue Service doctors are most often caught cheating on taxes when they break off an affair with the nurse who then picks up the phone and says hey you you won't believe this and tells them I think it's true I don't know if it's with the Nerds but I think it's true I'll agree it is true so watch it duck lieutenant Karen Valentine damn bottle diver blood who painted the famous painting of the Blue Boy was a van Gogh or van gock it some people say Gainsborough or picasso Gainsborough I'll agree and I believe it's here in Pasadena by the way and that's kind of nice wouldn't it Oh yes it is worth $3,100 mr. Carmen listen carefully special envelope who was the first emperor of Rome was a Julius Caesar Augustus Caesar or Tiberius Caesar was either Arlene Francis that would be jus nice Augustus or type they know Pete wants to be first on Tiberius Tiberius I disagree you don't know Harvey was Augustus listen here's the continuity encyclopedias and that $1,000 gift certificate a very good start and a very good game for you back to the matter of money and lieutenant it's your turn I'll go to Joey Bishop Irish stew has that name Joe because it has so much of a certain ingredient in it what is that ingredient now you're dealing with a category I've I really know iris - iris - it's called iris - because unbeknownst to many people hidden secretly and I was doing matzo balls iris still is called iris still because of the abundance of potatoes Irish potatoes to be exact that sounds logical I'll agree it that only sounds logical it is that's right good yeah Wally Cox to win $250 this animals real name Wallace was Mitzi but when she had her own TV show she was known by another name was it flipper gentle Ben or Lassie slim nay he said flipper I disagree flipper X gets the square break for the lieutenant right here back to you okay we'll go to Amanda Blake for $250 Amanda my son ah this is sweet listen to this my son plays professional baseball what team does he play for Oh San Francisco Giants San Francisco Giants no I'm fraina love disagree do you have any idea what he might be playing Chicago hey lieutenant that's akagi's right very good Joe you have something to say what is it put the little coming up here send Amanda down there this is why I've been trying to play this game for years say we have another game to play and it's worth the secret square $2,400 and change yes in circle starts the secret square game first a Frigidaire refrigerator with an automatic icemaker forgot about defrosting because it's 100% frost proof and a Frigidaire custom deluxe double oven range electric clean lower huffin please itself automatic electric Lea Plaza Frigidaire Deluxe mobile dishwasher no more dishwashing no doubt about it every Frigidaire is not a refrigerator plus rice-a-roni the big flavor side dish it's so quick so easy ricer only the one you saute and simmer to perfection try ricer only the San Francisco treat and from the Adventura collection by color this handwork madeira dining furniture with all the elegance and beauty of the Spanish tradition plus Flint coat peel and stick floor towel simple to put down because the adhesive is on the back fin coat peel and stick and distinctive decorator styles and then we'll fly you to Las Vegas for a week's vacation for two at the Union Plaza Hotel newest in Las Vegas one of the world's largest casinos 750 car garage two lounges two gourmet rooms pool at your play at the Plaza very good leather show the home what is the secret square gail you'll start this round as new lieutenant started the first game Doc Severinsen please all right mr. sevenson how many days was Pease porridge in the pot well I I'm not much of a cook I don't know about nine days I think I'll agree very good mr. Severinsen yes for the circle we have a commercial word or two here we'll return and pick up the second game of the match it is your turn lieutenant let's go for a wider pair Hugh O'Brien hey what true or false according to his biographers one of Richard Nixon's main themes as a young debater in school was why he hated girls would you say that against sure true or false according to his biographers one of Richard Nixon's main themes as a young debater in school was why he hated girls I don't think that's right I think that's false oh no I tend to disagree it sounds in character neither are you going to be a cool man no it happens to be true by the way it's so true yes joy what isn't it find out what the Corporal is going to be doing tomorrow we put an X there Gail is your kid Joey bishop please me yes they were $2,400 special envelope for which role did Glenda Jackson brilliant actress Glenda Jackson receive her Oscar was it for Mary squeen of Scots women in love or Sunday Bloody Sunday give me the three again please be Mary Queen of Scots women and love Sunday Bloody Sunday Glenda Jackson won her Oscar well it's between two of them I'm gonna go with women love I'll disagree at Sims in 1970 women in love well you won one secret squared this evening so not a - not a - not another one so we put an X there lieutenant of breakfast here I'll take Paul into game during the 18th century it was common for a bride to sell something at her wedding reception to help pay for the cost of the wedding what did she sell her firstborn sell something yeah probably our dowry her dowry I'll agree good bluff no drinks she would sell Drake drapes drinks what dream race booze $250 in the tie game and the well-known song em tide what does the tide plant on the shore after it rushes in there's some rare eNOS here Louie M after the order I was huh Mitchell seashells seashells I disagree no a kiss you both have $250 which is very important because the player who wins the most cash during the show gets a special big super duper bonus prize yes as a brand new Vegas adamm the little car by Chevrolet that does everything well a success last year now with improvements Chevy's Vega if the show incidentally should end in the middle of a game we add $50 to our players score for each square they have on the board and we'll play the game until we hit the buzzer and if one contestant has selected to star with the buzzer rings then we will complete his or her turn okay third game of the match the board is cleared we'll start this round with a lieutenant let's go for Doc Severinsen doc true or false the older you get the more likely you are to snore while you sleep well I find that that's not true in my case man I want to stay awake and see what's happening so you say that nothing's happening at all oh I see I'm just getting older just laying there but do you store more as you aged people in general yes you'll have to speak a little louder they say that too much time in bed makes you deaf oh I'm sorry the older you get the more likely you are to scroll while you sleep is that proof that that is true he said it's true I agree with him yeah adults tend to snore increasingly with age in fact for the next and get your train if if you're storing beer cans in the refrigerator should they be standing up or lying down beer cans well as an old beer drinker they should be standing up I'll agree that's it with a circle lieutenant take Joey bishop again our nude magazines allowed in Russia nude magazines are they allowed in Russia actually very few magazines are allowed in Russia you know nude magazines are they allowed in Russia right unless two men look like the women I see no reason why they wouldn't allow it but because it's that kind of a question and I'd like to mix the lieutenant up I would say this is not one of my better categories I would say offhand naked magazines are allowed but nude magazines are not we said no well it's a case of semantics but I don't think they are allowed they say you'll concur with not allowed they are not allowed they're illegal in fact whether it was then we have a color to it Paul can you get 12 pounds of feathers out of a goose I got them in there didn't I all right I'm butchering the legacy of Paul Lynde for that I apologize let's watch some more of the real thing huh Gail your turn dear Karen Valentine please Shelley Winters recently stated I've decided to quit while I've got my sanity it's having a terrible effect on me I get awful nightmares what is she going to quit doing acting for a while because you know the part she plays are pretty heavy again getting to her yeah I disagree we get accept Gail but boy that was close Karen it's making horror movies we needed horror movies right they scare her more than the audience it's not just putting acting a car for the stuff okay Paul in black Paul the LA Times said that the u.s. may soon share a secret with Japan what's the secret about location in the Pacific Fleet sure us may soon share a secret with Japan what's the secret about secret secret with the Japan people yeah that your pan people right yes share a secret with them uh-huh um see I that could be many things let's see I share a secret obviously father's never Bluff well I did while we were fighting it's atomic energy they were going to have a whole thing yeah okay we'll go back to a Paul for another question okay is Billy Graham considered to be a good dresser Paul is your question no but he's a terrific end table what is Billy Graham consider to be a good dresser yes or no I saw him come in the building tonight and I'd say no he says no I think I'd have to disagree it's yes he's often on the best-dressed list what was he wearing tonight Paul what was he wearing tonight well well they look like Abe Lincoln Carmen Farley according to Woman's Day magazine if you're driving along and start to feel drowsy taking something off might help perk you up what is it oh goodness so see if you can convert a bit sticky so you're driving along a start you start to feel drowsy now taking something off might help perk you up what is it your tie your tie I disagree what's your shoes and we have a circle there lieutenant your turn mommy's thing I'm gonna walk Wally Cox Wally Cox the block in Reader's Digest recently referred to it as the book most let me try the oh it's identity this will be for $500 Reader's Digest recently referred to it as the book almost nobody reads what was it referring to mom who is clothing for example to be well-dressed you you what you need is a brown jacket yes I'm looking round tag right we must sir sense exactly yes oh but we're back to the Reader's Digest recently referred to it as the book almost nobody reads what was it referring to look on those thing when you eat yes that's the Bible the Bible I think I agree unfortunately it is true because people don't seem to really read it at all anymore with an X and 500 every squares was $50 we're going for that car and Gayle it's returned Amanda Blake please already a small-town girls was a movie with Jane Powell and Miller and Pat Ryan in the cast now who pay who's Pat Ryan better known as today mrs. Richard Nixon that's right very good for you Amanda you said it $50 you Brian Moore land speed records have been broken on the Bonneville flat salt flats than anywhere else where are they located what state the Bonneville flat assault Flats Utah I agree that's it with an X Gail Joey Bishop Joey Bishop who's more likely to be colorblind a topless dancer or a truck driver it's a question one of my real categories to talk to either probably go colorblind from watching the topless dancer working in the nude but the truth of the matter is more men see that's a trick question Vidya can't fool me anymore more men are colorblind than women so doesn't matter he says the truck driver Gail I'll agree yes 8 times as many men are colorblind that wasn't very good look at it Valentine well attach the block in Greek mythology Paris stole the wife of a man called Menelaus now Menelaus made a big deal out of it what was this big deal called I just answered your question I was taking a little man I know you're back at it now Menelaus made a big deal out of this thing when Paris stole the wife sold his wife I should say what was this big deal called the Trojan War Gayle all of history strikes you meet the lieutenant I agree that's it yes which lasted for 10 years yes the wife was Helen Upshaw I'm coming back Harvey the block here legally can you leave your fortune to a dog oh yes as a matter of fact I'm leaving my fortune to a dog anybody we know yeah Donna no yes oh yeah yes you can yes you can Issa yes you can and you put a circle right there now we're gonna add up the scores right here the reason I was rushing along every square was worth fifty dollars so I didn't know whose turn it was they're just trying to get all the questions in first of all Gail we have four hundred dollars in cash for you dear and we have the secret square that you won you missed the second but the one you won was worth thirty one hundred dollars lovely parting is we hope you enjoyed your evening thank you very nice lieutenant you did not want a secret square no I didn't we only have six hundred thousand cash for you but you're the cash winner that means that you sir are our winner of the Chevrolet Vega sedan that's the way we like it on the Hollywood Squares two winners here doc Severinsen thank you so much your lovely wife and all audience this evening she's out there someplace that she come to the Tonight Show no she she prefers this show she God love you may your tribe increase Sandra Dee thank you so much for joining us Harvey The Carol Burnett Show be seeing it this evening he will Brian he's here on NBC in a marvelous show called search Wally Cox Amanda Blake Gunsmoke Joey Bishop The Tonight Show Karen Valentine room 222 with her pretty rose Paul in the Pauline show Peter Marshall I am see a show called the Hollywood Squares and will be here next week we wish you a lovely week see you then bye-bye house party party King game show showed up got chain chain reaction chain reactions the new game show from the producers of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire tomorrow at 9:00 8:00 central on GSN chain reaction GSS the network for games
Channel: Adam Curry
Views: 152,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 22sec (1342 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 12 2016
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