The History of the Longest Lasting World Record (MK8DX)

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the time trial community of Mario KY Deluxe puts a lot of emphasis on its history more specifically stats to do with real world time the days historical runs happened and revolutionary stress were found the lengths of Reigns players have had on their tracks but most importantly how long World Records last how long a record remains unbeaten is in most cases a very prominent Testament to how strong it is and most top players care a lot about this metric for a reason trust me I would know to see your hard work continue to pay off over time as your Masterpiece keeps climbing up and up in days is just an undescribable feeling but to be the holder of the single oldest standing record in the game that is an achievement even the best players still only dream of accomplishing and the ones that have pulled it off more than deserve their flowers from Pure Reigns of dominance to Wild turns of events to the ultimate heartbreak and ultimate Redemption this is the history of the longest lasting world [Music] record buried a few sub Pages deep into MK World Records is a simple list of every record that was the longest lasting at some point either at the time or in the game's history and this list goes all the way back to release day as is the case with all new speed games the majority of day one players would favor simply getting their footing down adjusting to the changes from the Wii U game by playing simpler categories or ones they were already familiar with thus the early few records on this list are by players that dove into the deep end immediately playing the difficult tracks most people wanted to put off for later the first lucky winner here was Drager who took over neob Bowser City 200cc immediately and his 123. 782 from release day managed to slip through the cracks for the entire rest of April a number of factors worked in drager's favor here for most people waiting a bit to try 200 cc out to the mode having its physics altered from the Wii U game to neazer City itself being one of if not the hardest tracks to drive in the mode all that meant virtually no competition for Drager as he got out to a 4C lead on day one once players got more comfortable with 200 and dragar was beaten by JP Giver yes that one the duration Crown fell on to another track that was perfectly suited for a long-standing early record donut PLS 3200 even now in 2024 there might not be another category in the entire game further from its theoretical limit than dp300 due to how susceptible it is to something called qm qm stands for quantum mechanics a term adopted from the Mario Kart Wii community and it refers to elements of tracks that are so precise they're beyond the point of human control as maybe two or three strats in the entirety of time trials are truly RNG although there is still absolutely an element of skill to these types of tracks most players consider themselves lucky to string together clean looking runs on tracks such as dp3 and cheeseland due to how much time can be lost from the most marginal of Mis inputs thus it makes perfect sense that early on top players would rather play more consistent tracks that feel more rewarding to improve on allowing Mix 59.65 N from day two to remain uncontested for 8 Days on May 7th though he would be beaten by doodle and by over point2 at that a pattern had now been established to amass a lot of days of duration in 2017 you had to do something most of the community didn't want to bother with there were some exceptions such as Matthew and ren grabbing the duration crown on the rather conventional Sunshine airport and sest Rainbow Road respectively but most records just needed that something extra to fend off any contenders whether it be the ice physics of sherbet land the new and improved inward bike on piranha plant slide in Mumu Meadows or in flc's case being the first to master one of the game's hardest tracks in the modern Community 200cc Rainbow Road A8 is one of the more celebrated categories in the game now boasting a rich history and one of the most dominant record holders and just about every good player has a fast time on it this was not the case in 2017 the the track was one of the most underplayed in the entire game and just about anyone could make their Regional tops in one day but what it did have in parallel to current day is that dominant record holder what technical is to River 8 in 2024 that was FLC in 2017 he was the first player to 135 134 and 133 in the category and this year 134.4 wound up becoming the longest lasting record in the game for some time in June but when he got beaten it was by three in one day that seems uncharacteristic for the player I've just been hyping up as dominant no well that isn't the case when a world record stands for as long as it does it's because the run is well optimized for what the player goes for in it to beat a run like that players will often opt to work smarter not harder you can beat a long-standing run by simply outperforming it and that has happened before but the majority of runs I'll be talking about for the rest of this video got stred in Rainbow Road 8's case the Strat is this [Applause] Mario Kart 8 deluxe's startup boost is absolutely abysmal you accelerate so slowly that even with a perfect one you can't start a drift for nearly a full second this is often counteracted with the start shom holding L during the count down buffers of mushroom input so that you can not just accelerate immediately but in Rainbow Road 8's case start your first drift immediately too this saves just way more time than it deserves to and if the regular off-road shortcut on any given track saves less than 2/3 of a second it's optimal two Japanese players took advantage of this new found knowledge to beat FLC on June 24th but he would be quick to adapt and continue dominating the category for the foreseeable future that didn't matter though even if your world record gets stred or you're the one to beat it yourself each run still only gets one chance to be at the top luck is absolutely a part of holding the duration record every single record ever was the newest when it was set and it has to slip through the cracks until every other one in the entire game gets improved first but a title as prestigious as longest lasting is Coveted by everyone you can only lay low for so long until you become somebody's primary target and when top players had adjusted to the new game and set vastly improved runs that shattered the old duration records they weren't just someone's primary target they were everyone's I've heard of a time period where whenever the longest lasting world record uh was approaching one year in length you like it was a fullwide Community effort to keep it from getting there tell me about that yeah sure so pretty much records traded here and there for a lot a lot of times but there was actually a few records that actually lasted for quite a bit and the community really just didn't want there to be a one-year world record after the game released very recently so pretty much there was like a like a big man hunt um so it was Grumble Volcano and then it was shagy Falls then it was shagy Falls um and then I think there was another one that was yeah P play oh that was like a big one too um the track was like a big Enigma in terms of like how exactly people were to like Race fast The Manhunt there really was like very few amount of people it was mainly me and a few other people from uh like they weren really going for world record but they were going for like top 10 uh but it just so happened that like after playing the track for I guess like for online purposes I end up actually you know figuring out the strats and finally beat blue let's see after after PPS this went on for this went on for a little while uh there was SSC SSC actually almost did make it a year oh yes I remember SSC that actually ended up in a three-way tie Jimmy's sweet s canyon yeah that was one of the other tracks uh that went for as well uh yeah it was pretty much just like a community effort was like no we're not going to get a yearlong time very quickly yeah when the game had been out for less than a year and a half that would just be embarrassing exactly a very sizable portion of the community took quite some time to warm up to 8 Delux time trials before the tracks had developed game specific Tech and strats and 200C outgrew its reputation as the party mode most people didn't see the point to what was at the time essentially a watered down version of the Wii U game that narrative didn't stop a select few players from actually grinding the game out however and it didn't take them long to set decently formidable runs those runs W end up Blowing by the old duration records breaking into triple- digigit day counts and the progression they provided was far more exponential than anyone would have expected at the time as they crossed into the 200s and then the 300s still untouched at this point though the community took notice and all formed the packed with one another a game that was barely a year old already having a record that was a year old would be flat out embarrassing to the community so they made it their mission to stop any in all attempts at pushing a run past that Mark some notable ones were blue on piranha PL SL 200 which I've already taken a deep dive into and sweet sweet Canyon which had developed into a three-way tie between Jimmy who held the duration record Ryan 5 who tied him 2 months later and super effects who tied them both a year later and then finally broke it the next day leaving Jimmy with the closest call yet just 4 days from reaching his anniversary super effects wind up doing the most heavy lifting throughout the manhood as he took down three of the 10 duration records in this time period also contributing were monar who took two runs down zelan Davy and Tommy who each took down one swift who held the record on GBA Mario circuit 150cc and took it from himself and an at the time upand cominging young Dutch player by the name of stir who we'll talk a lot more about later the community was extremely successful in their Manhunt Endeavor very nearly surviving the inevitable until the 2-year anniversary of the game's release but finally on March 23rd 2019 Dutch player themos 123.0 74 on Twisted Manion 200 ended the war we went beyond the point of who got out to a huge early lead or who was the only one to try terrible Strat type runs a while ago now these records now had identity and getting one to the top of the duration list took a lot more than just dumb luck naturally the easiest tracks to reach new levels of optimization were the ones that were comparatively easier to optimize Toad Harbor 150cc fit this spild quite well for a number of reasons using a speed combo meant less total inputs to execute and the track suffered from what we in the community know as a pace lock a pace lock is any track element that you can only take advantage of by going slow enough to reach it think boost panels that either move or deactivate such as on big blow or Cloud top Crews or enemies that walk in the path of your optimal line like the shy guys on DK Summit toad Harbors is based on the trams because if you can land on top of one you can do this had Swift here gotten to this section any faster he would have been too fast to land on the tram the trade-off of driving roughly point one slower to do a strat that gains a full second is more than worth it that meant in reality since lap one had to be the same speed every attempt Swift really only had to optimize the final two laps of the run and after emerging Victorious from a world record battle with k4i he set a in Spring 2019 this was actually another record Under Siege from the subear battle and funnily enough the player that went for it Nuno tied Swift when his record was 354 days old Nuno opted to keep the tie and so Swift became the second player with a one-year record when Theo's Twisted Mansion was beaten he would also become the first player with a 400 day record a month later though Nuno would return to break the tie and with that the two opposite sides of the same coin each took their turns on the throne in time trials players can largely be sorted into two groups variety players who are threats in all facets and track Specialists that are unrivaled in one skill set in late 2018 two of the most iconic of these groups were Japanese Titans K4 R and lean respectively Kai's raw lines and lean's Mastery of off-road tracks were both years ahead of their time allowing them both to set the longest lasting records not just for their time but at that point in the game's history it took 592 days for someone to match Kai's Precision on Mario circuit 8 and it took 648 days for someone to mash laan's execution on dry dry desert but they were caught up to by CS and Alberto respectively and both records would fall short of the 2-year mark because fending off the entire commity for over 730 days didn't demand Precision or execution it didn't even just require both but one player was not only okay with that he was willing to knock on the door of perfection and his name was [Music] edgy edgy was a player that mastered all walks of life in competitive Mario card 8 Deluxe he was a phenomenal online player in his own rate being the second person in all of Japan to reach the rank of master in 200cc but if you were to ask the average Community member what he accomplished they would immediately point to Toad's Turnpike 150 it was on this track that he amassed for the time the longest standing Reign Over a single category in the history of the game only just being cut short of 5 years by the balance patch he broke out on the track in late 2017 but when Kai took his record in March 2018 he would return and grind more out of the track than anyone thought was possible making his way into the fs was to be expected for how long the record had been a point 6 but was absolutely insane for the time was what happened just a month after L's D ride desert record on May 12th 2018 edgy did [Music] this improving by 0.1 and having a point2 lead on Toad's Turnpike 150 is the equivalent of cutting off5 to create a second lead on any other track everyone that was once a challenger to him was left so far in the dust that trying to contest him was just foolish this run was absolutely incredible it easily had a case for being the finest in the game when it was set and the duration it have asked would back that claim up 10-fold it would survive its first year with ease but the lead was cut below Point 2 the primary Contender to take this record was themo who granted for it on and off throughout its time at the top as 2020 rolled around it was one of nine 2018 records to survive the full calendar year of 2019 and once Alberto brought lean down edgy stood alone on top by this point though themo was looming closer than he ever had before he committed to the Grind the most he ever had but heartbreakingly failed to match edgy by 2 milliseconds completely understandably this shot his motivation down and he fell inactive for the time allowing edgy to remain unrivaled he surpassed 700 days the 2-year Mark at 7:30 and right around when it crossed into the 800s people began to realize the ground gra it of what was happening in all Mario Kart games the biggest Milestone of duration is not one day month or year it's 1,000 days breaking a record into four digits means it was undoubtedly something extremely special every world record holder in every game strives for this Milestone and as far as we were concerned at the time it felt like edgie's Toad's turn by getting there was inevitable there was no more competition at the top and the days just kept on piling but on October 20th 2020 the Community woke up and witnessed the unthinkable edg's 14641 n had been beaten by who though did themo break through did another up incomer snipe it no it was beaten by edgy there were no new strats there were no new players edgy was about to Forever become a Mario Kart Legend and took that chance away from himself this was a massive massive reset to the the longest lasting record as it fell from edg's 892 to 388 a year and a half of progress snapped out of existence like nothing despite losing his chance at taking down Toad's Turnpike a small consolation prize awaited themo the day IG improved his Bowser Castle 200 run wound up sitting at top the duration Throne however of the two categories he held world record in at the time this was his secondary one as he was busy revolutionizing the game as we know it and introducing motion glider to Mario Kart Stadium and so 4 days later Panda brought one of just three remaining 2019 World Records down and after beating Alberto out in a back and forth record battle dominated the track from then on those last two 2019 records though were going to be the hardest ones to beat by far and they both just so happened to be set by the same all-time Mario Kart great s he is actually the goat the thing with s is the times that he gets he's like a combination of of a track specialist and also like a a varied player so whenever like someone plays a track he makes sure that the time he has is extremely polished I always watched his runs and I felt that they were like really strong really optimized and it would take a lot to actually beat them remember the description of Kai and lean I gave a few minutes ago well s was those two combined into one player and upgraded and it allowed him to set both of the two oldest records in the game in late 2020 but despite the two tracks being different in multitude of ways s lost both in the exact same fashion there is perhaps no single player in history more vulnerable to being stred that San his runs were near perfect for his trash but it felt like every single time one of them started lasting too long someone just always found something to Aid in taking him down his first of two to go was piranha PL side 150 on which he was the first player to sub 2 minutes ever but after 446 days would fall victim to Alberto and the at the time still very new motion glider that brought Grumble Volcano 200 up to the throne and it would become the only 2019 world record out of all 96 categories to survive the full calendar year of 2020 one month later though American player plunky reinvented the entire second half of the track with a Shuman nisk that saved a full second over the course of the run it was the last 2019 record I think at the time and like someone was already pretty inactive and um I actually saw him playing some attempts for like a day or two after I revealed my Strat and he was just struggling to actually do anything so that's where like the sad Factor comes from his run was pretty damn strong I will say I actually did rase it a few times when I was um testing uh my new Strat and stuff like that like obviously you know I always gain on him when I did the shroom and stuff but like whenever I would try to do the the N even if I got a good one he'd always like pass by me and be like point two ahead going into lap to for like I'd say for at least like two or three weeks when I was like trying to make the Strat work up next however was a run that was set not by a conventional top player but rather a track specialist Canadian player Matt only held the world record on four categories in his career N64 Rainbow Road only very briefly and three tracks he held an absolute choke hold on of them it would be sweet sweet Canyon which he would Garner the most Fame for he would be the first player to achieve a 121 on the track and spent all of 2019 pushing it down even further as much as he was capable of this resulted in an absolutely ridiculous for the time 121.4 181 that even to this day in 2024 is still third worldwide one small problem though Matt deleted his ghost this act turned into a source of motivation for the at the time relatively new player technical to achieve his second unique record as he wanted the run at the top of the in-game boards to actually be the fastest run ever set Matt's run would still achieve duration on MK world records as it was uploaded to the servers at one point but after 400 67 days on June 3rdd 2021 technical by just 3 milliseconds made the boards right once more baby Park 150 Alpha got a crazy optimized run on a crazy simple track and it stood for 559 days and Jens will beat it I'm sorry you two You're The Ghost and I love you both but I can only do so much for you when it's this track anyway interestingly enough the player who now found himself wearing the duration Crown was not a regular time trer rather one of the best online players who played twist to Mansion 200 as a side project Reese I don't call him not a regular TTI to downplay this achievement or say he got lucky this was a fantastic run for its time and you don't get a 680 day record by getting lucky I discussed it with the tracks current record holder Grace who says that despite the Run being as strong as it was it had one glaring flaw that made it vulnerable a very weak ending disc that cost him at least 50 milliseconds although it took nearly 2 years mostly due to the inactivity of his competition Alpha would finally shoot him down at the start of 2022 setting the stage for our story's climax remember stir who took down a record in the one-year Manhunt some time ago by 2022 he had become a fully established top player and had developed the most threatening reputation in the entire world record scene when stir had the world record on a category it was usually by a very wide margin because he had optimized it to levels nobody would even dare attempt to cross into some of his achievements include A5 lead on the most time trial track in the entire Community a literal perfect run on big blue 150 with the known stress for the time improving a category by 2 seconds in one week in 2021 and this here mute City run which was easily the most underrated record in the game throughout the time it lasted he had a25 lead over second place UDA who is known nowadays for breaking ribbon Road in half but at this time was a mute City specialist and had A3 lead over Third World Wide in his own right despite how incredible this run was stur was actually able to enjoy the luxury of laying low with it as his Antics on his other categories were far more well known to The Wider time trial Community when you asked most players what the best records in the game were in this era their answer was usually something along the lines of one of the Toads turnpikes a track specialist that had perfected their craft like Mr well on Hyrule circuit or Alberto and Army's iconic Marquee runs on sheret land and ribon Road it wasn't until stur mut City sat at top the duration Throne when everyone realized just how good this record was the day Reese was beaten on Twisted Mansion this run was 585 days old and naturally people looked into potentially bringing it down this led to Absolute Silence from the track at a top level by the time the Run was forced into the spotlight stir was so far gone that approaching his monster of a time was senseless the booster course pass also dropped right around this time allowing for extra distraction from the already minimal contenders it wound up passing 650 700 and 750 days and for the first time since edgy toads Turnpike history felt inevitable even more Silence from the track at a top level ensued for the next few months and the Run climbed up to 891 892 893 days edgy had been surpassed and the only thing that set between stir and history were 3 and 1/2 months it climbed into the 900s as the community was blissfully distracted with Wave 3 but there was simply no way this was sustainable and a few players wanted to make sure of that there were real Valiant efforts put in from the likes of UDA alpaca and conrax but none wound up being genuine threats as the outcome felt more inevitable than ever it was announced that Wave 4 would release on March 9th 2023 lining up with day 990 of stur Ron standing alone surely this was just the Boost he needed to ensure he'd survive the final push but what had seemed like a blessing in the moment would instantaneously turn into st's biggest nightmare the way four balance patch did a lot of good for the game as a whole the online scene has been absolutely thriving 200C time trials are incredibly diverse now and times across the board are faster than anyone ever thought possible but it all came at to some an unforgivable cost the Integrity of the game's time trial history with how insanely fast the buffed vehicle combinations were records that were once thought to stand forever started falling left and right San who had sold his cartridge in 2022 lost his final world record to Yoshi Teddy on Royal Raceway edgy whose new toads turn Pi run made it all the way back up to 850 days again was left in the dust in Just 2 hours and just one week away from being etched into history forever stir was beaten on mute city after 994 days losing something this historic to these circumstances has to be one of the single most heartbreaking occurrences in in Mario Kart history stur did absolutely nothing wrong and had there been no balance patch This Record would probably still be standing to this day but because little Timmy lost to a Waluigi wiggler in a worldwide one too many times we don't live in that timeline the Heartbreak wasn't over for stur though as his other long-standing record on big blue 150 fell just one day later this set Alberto's Music Park 200 onto the throne for some time and comparatively to the other records post patch it fared quite for one particular reason the new post patch combo made the track significantly worse to play optimally music Park should be using Rosalina on the cat Cruiser right now this while faster makes the track considerably more difficult than it was Prior With Waluigi on the Silver Arrow why because the Silver Arrow is very long making this double coin collect on lap one much easier it's possible on cat Cruiser but insanely precise and Alberto deemed it not worth resetting 10 seconds into every attempt s sacrificing some mini turbo and air speed for consistency proved to work in the short term as he would beat his own 853 day record in September leaving just 12 remaining pre patch records left but despite how Grim the community's mood over the record was at the time there did still remain one small glimmer of hope there are multiple ways to be a top player but the most common are the ones that sit on a mountain of concurrent records at once of those types of players the only one that has showed up in this video at all was Alberto once Army has never held this record neither has Panda Vincent technical P Jena or Shira getting a run onto this list requires a very unique skill set you need to obsess over a category as if your life dependent on it and perfect it to the point where no one even dares to think about contesting you and thankfully for stir having that exact skill set gave him a chance at Redemption stur has always had a story pass with GBA Mario circuit 200cc he took over the track in 2018 and is one day old record from having a 6-year uninterrupted Reign on the category at the time of that lone run by Army worldwide tops were relatively unassuming but unbeknown to anyone at the time not even stir himself he was about to embark on the greatest grind in the history of the game see when a record is this close to a minute barrier all anybody talks about is who might break through it thing is though most of them simply aren't possible this was a special case however as nobody not even s himself was quite sure what the tracks limit was it might have been possible but the best known splits at the time didn't even add up to a 59 stir didn't care though he was just curious sub or not how far could he push himself he shipped away at the time little by little and once he did achieve splits for the sub he had reached the point of no return the whole Community sat in awe as he just kept writing his momentum every time they thought he couldn't anymore he said a0 2 A.1 a0 and on May 31st 2021 he broke open the final possible sube track in the base game as congratulations poured in from around the community people immediately started discussing the long-term impact of this record Matt sweet sweet Canyon was still the oldest record when this was set at under 500 days so people knew anything getting to a thousand was in the distant future but this was one of the records that genuinely had a chance we didn't know that the booster course pass would exist yet when this run happened let alone the balance patch so with nothing else at the time to keep the community occupied it was time to play the waiting game the rest of the top 10 felt St Was Out Of Reach so they didn't try to beat him stur himself had achieved his goal and saw a reason to continue GBA Mario circuit had fallen dormant at a top level and so the days started piling up the booster course pass helped distract players from the long-lasting base game records for some time but as Time progressed Players weren't scared of stur run anymore and started actually attempting to beat him Army tried and failed P tried and failed Grant tried and failed eventually the balance patch arrived and brought on the new wave of record contenders but the spider buffed combo jenw tried and failed marai tried and failed stove tried and failed even stur himself returned for some record attempts and despite better stats still found no success maybe this run was meant to be it an already Legendary Run for breaking a minute barrier hailed by some as the best record in the entire pre patch era and set by the player who had this moment ripped from him a year prior on his first ever world record track every factor of this run would be nothing short of story book and for the third time now history felt inevitable it surpassed 800 days and edgie's toads Turnpike it surpassed 900 days and his own mute City record and at midnight on February 25th 2024 stur ascended into Mario Kart [Music] [Applause] [Music] immortality [Applause] [Music] sh
Channel: Awoken
Views: 14,722
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: AUNwtGuwjLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 26sec (1826 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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