Mario Odyssey: The Human Limit

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ever since Mario Odyssey came out there's been one question that has plagued the minds of thousands of players how fast can you beat the entire game well the current world record stands out of 5611 by Tyrone 18 while this record is insanely optimized Tyrone has been on Pace to achieve a 55min minute time and if he were to cut off the 12 seconds necessary to achieve 55 it may very well be the last minute barrier to ever cease any% is what I would say if I was lying because while a 55-minute completion of Mario Odyssey would be absolutely insane the rabbit hole goes much deeper than what people realize like much much deeper to the point where we will not see a last minute barrier for the foreseeable future but before I try to answer this question I first need to address what we already have achieved which is 7,000 subscribers on the YouTube channel thank you all so much for subscribing I greatly appreciate it okay but on a serious note Mario Odyssey might be one of the most complex runs people have ever tried to tackle and this is mainly due to one factor which is the games mechanics but more specifically the gamees move set notice how I said the game's move set as opposed to Mario's move set well that's because this speedrun is much bigger than Mario himself whether it be using uproots in wooded Kingdom bullet bills in sand Kingdom or sometimes we use Bowser to scale up an entire [ __ ] wall regardless if you look at the world record today and compare it to let's say the first ever sub hour by nikro you'll see that while they're are a lot of new tricks which I will explain Tyrone can be seen saving time over nikro at quite literally every point of the Run capturing Forks in the lunchin Kingdom Tyrone is faster rolling to this random ass door and cap Kingdom Tyrone is still faster mashing through the game's dialogue and Tyrone will always be faster while this does seem a bit Overkill what if I then told you that every single second of Tyrone's world record could be optimized to the point where an actual best theoretical time goes way lower than just am measly 55 minutes so with that all being said let's take a look at and explain the current state of Mario Odyssey so that we can better understand the potential future state of the game and ultimately find out what the absolute human limit really is like I mentioned earlier the movement SL mechanics make up a vast majority of the Run however there is something else that makes up the any% run something else that is very important and that would be all of the time-saving tricks while it would take me hours to explain every little optimization what I can do is explain all the tricks as they are a crucial part of our story throughout the % run you Traverse through 14 kingdoms two of these 14 kingdoms are cloud and ruined both of which contain a decent amount of tech but nonetheless there are no fancy tricks to note here as far as the current state or future state of Odyssey goes however for a game that requires such a high skill stealing for movement you'd be surprised at just how many difficult tricks are jamed impact into this one run as there is at least one trick in each kingdom starting off in Capp and Cascade there are three tricks done by top level players the first trick is called Hydrophobia and it only saves about a second it requires you to do this precise spin throw against the Block in which Cappy will then get stuck to the block and shoot forward which then allows Mario to become this frog faster the third trick utilizes a technique known as the moon clip which I will further explain in the video but as far as chest clip is concerned you do what I like to call a basic moon clip which involves you doing a back flip followed up by throwing Cappy right as you grab the moon as a means of being pushed out of balance and ultimately saving time however the trick that comes after Hydrophobia but before chest clip is one of the most infamous and brutal tricks in the entire run this is DSS otherwise known as Dino skip skip because if you are able to pull off this precise jump required to scale the wall you are able to save almost 10 seconds over the other route which involves you using this dinosaur to get to the end of the Kingdom not only do you have to do this trick fast for the sake of being fast but you also have to pull it off quickly to pull off a trick in the next Kingdom you see at the beginning of the Run players will go into the Nintendo switch's clock and set it to 1:53 a.m. they will then wait about 40 seconds before starting the run so that way if you get a good cap and Cascade they will be able to plant the seed in the sand Kingdom at 1:59 a.m. once you collect this Moon the clock will have reached 3:00 a.m. because of daylight saving and the seed will instantly grow as the game will think an hour has passed the other trick in sand is actually performed right at the end of the kingdom and it involves this special platform right here if you ledge grab and then let go and cap throw as the platform is moving towards the wall you are able to clip out of bounds and collect these two moons while the clip is not difficult it can be super tricky to pull it off fast because if you don't manipulate the camera right then you'll either be too slow for the platform or you will be too fast for it which as you can imagine both scenarios lose time now you remember when I was talking about the moon clip and Cascade well in wooded Kingdom alone there are three of them not to mention that there's one in Lake Kingdom as well this one in wooded which is used to grab this Moon that would otherwise require the tank is a basic moon clip just like the one in Cascade or even like the one that is done later in the run in snow Kingdom however the other three Moon Clips are triple jump Moon Clips which are infinitely more difficult starting with this clip in Lake you have a two-frame window to actually clip through the wall thankfully missing the trick doesn't lose much time as you can back it up with another trick that is simply called late clip because at the end of the day the purpose of clipping through this wall in the first place is so that we can get to this checkpoint and get to this painting Moon without having to actually unlock the painting itself we then have another two-frame moon clip in wooded Kingdom which saves 4 seconds if done optimally while this trick has about the same level of risk as the one in Lake alongside the same frame window the triple jump itself is definitely more tricky this is the case because it's hard to consistently get the correct amount of height off of the triple jump because at least in Lake you have the Liberty to do whatever triple jump you want so long as you can pull off all the other inputs but with pipes clip you can't triple too high and you definitely can't triple too low it has to be just right but neither of these tricks compared to the final moon clip in wooded which is none other than maze clip not only is this trick frame perfect perfect but the outof bounds movement is underlooked in terms of difficulty not to mention that there is a decent amount of risk involved when going for this trick if you successfully pull off maze clip and Then followed it up with this precise roll cancel and spin through on the nut you'll save an entire 7 Seconds however if you fail the clip you not only lose the 7 Seconds it saves but you then lose a few more seconds given the time it takes to set the clip up in the first place or you can get the clip but fail the outof bounds movement which is a perfect recipe for tragedy thankfully the next two kingdoms which are cloud and loss are relatively tame as they are purely movement based however in loss Kingdom there is one trick that is done and that is klepto Skip it's pretty easy not to trigger klepto if you just follow the moon route but if you're going fast as [ __ ] and then end up making a mistake there's a decent chance that you'll either trigger klepto or just straight up die so there's definitely more than what meets the eye here and lost it's safe to say that the first 20 minutes of the run is pretty crazy crazy to the point where it's almost hard to imagine the rest of the Run getting any crazier but I can assure you that this couldn't be any further from the truth recently a moony route was discovered in the Metro Kingdom and within this route we see two tricks that are pulled off the first trick is scooter clip which has honestly been pulled off since the beginning of time but nonetheless it can be tricky to pull off considering the fact that you have to tilt your controller sideways so that way your Scooter's hit boox extends just enough to get this Moon the other trick is a lot more difficult and it was actually only discovered a few months ago usually players will collect this Moon well after defeating the Mecha wiggler but what if I told you that you could actually use the wiggler to clip out of bounds as a means of collecting a mooon while this isn't a moon clip the inputs are pretty similar to the moon clip done in snow which is nice because unlike maze clip you don't have to be framed perfect however the movement towards the moon in back can be equally as tricky since you have to make it back in time for the second and last phase of the fight on the know Seaside and we once again have multiple out of bounds tricks to pull off in Seaside there are two clips that you can do using the fish but thankfully both are relatively simple to pull off however this clip in snow is a completely different story IC otherwise known as ice Corner clip is the alternative way of getting this Moon that would otherwise require you to capture these four glomas and hit the switch this trick can save up to 7 seconds but how it's pull off and runs only saves about 4 seconds as even the best players will use this camera setup to actually get the clip consistently since it's so precise now if you count luncheon there are only four kingdoms left in the run as mentioned earlier ruin doesn't contain any other tricks however lunchin and Bowser don't really contain any difficult tricks that are done in runs with the key phrase here being done in runs in luncheon there's a lot of technical movement but the only real trick players do in runs is this jump which skips the spirit boss fight and in Bowser there's once again a lot of technical movement but the only trick done saves seconds and it involves SAR bomba also known as the alpha numeric designation a n602 which is a thermonuclear aerial bomb alongside the most powerful nuclear weapon ever created and then there's the Moon Kingdom this is the run's final Kingdom and it includes one of the most mindboggling tricks in the entire game as you make your way through the escape sequence parts of the stage behind you will fall in this 2D section is no exception now when something Falls its Collision will obviously move down with it but for some reason the there are ever so small patches of collision outside of the 2D section before it falls this makes it just barely possible for you to skip the 2D section because you are able to land on all these invisible patches of collision thanks to the developers of the game forgetting or simply just not knowing that Collision was even there in the first place so there it is if you're able to pull off all of these tricks on the first try and you pull off your movement to a t you are able to beat the game in 55 minutes and 29 seconds which is just 42 seconds off the current world record but like I foreshadowed earlier the human limit is much lower than a 55 minute time while tools to dissect this game are still within early development there's one resource that actually does a pretty good job at showing off what humans are capable of achieving this sheet is called the BTT which stands for best theoretical time and it takes up the any% run and chunks it up into hundreds of segments so as you can imagine when all of the players who have segments have spent count amounts of time grinding each segment down to Perfection we are left with a time of 53 1/2 minutes but how is this even possible and are we even capable of bringing this 53 minute time down any lower well stay tuned for the next episode in which I give the crazy ass answers to that question
Channel: Anto
Views: 99,194
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NhcbV6Co-Pc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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