The World Record History of 48 Tracks, 200cc, Items in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

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mario kart 8 deluxe is the best selling mario kart game of all time and with it comes a huge speed running community one of its most infamous categories is 48 tracks 200cc with items turned on it's an rng endurance based speed run where a single blue shell can cost anyone the record this is the world record history of fortigate tracks 200cc items and mario kart 8 deluxe [Music] [Music] before we talk about the origins of the first world record we're going to need a bit of a history lesson first mario kart 8 deluxe was released in 2017 and is a port of mario kart 8 which was released on the wii u in 2014. anyone who was speedrunning mario kart 8 on the wii u already had knowledge of the track layouts because the tracks didn't change in the transition to mario kart 8 deluxe however while the tracks themselves were never changed many of the underlying mechanics of the game did and the most notable mechanics that changed were carrying two items instead of one adding a tier 3 drifting boost called the ultra mini turbo which is the pink drift the dlc and mario kart 8 became part of the standard tracks in mario kart 8 deluxe and they reworked the stats of vehicle parts and characters one more quick point is that 200cc was added to time trials in the deluxe version which made 200cc a much more competitive mode the speed running community decided that these differences were large enough to give mario kart 8 deluxe its own leaderboard and one other thing to keep in mind is that this 48 track category refers to the original 48 tracks in mario kart 8 deluxe and doesn't include any of the recently added booster tracks the rules of the category are fairly straightforward complete all 48 tracks in any order that you wish you're allowed to start on any track you like the items must be set to normal and the cpu must be set to hard and it must be done in 200cc and the courses can be in set order or randomized the first known record comes from a runner by the name of uchiha madao and was set on the release date of mario kart 8 deluxe uchiha medal had actually done the same speedrun and mario kart 8 on the wii u and was ranked 11th place at the time with 1 hour 40 minutes and 49 seconds so he already had an idea of the track layouts and he just needed to adapt to the other changes in mario kart 8 deluxe because this record was so early on he didn't have the fastest cart combination unlocked nor did the community know what the best combination was at this point regardless uchiha medal went on to show everyone the first ever world record for this speedrun in mario kart 8 deluxe [Music] one hour 39 minutes and 17 seconds while it was the first world record to be set uchiha medal quickly learned that running with items on and deluxe was far more chaotic than it was in mario kart 8 wii u due to the dual item slots now because this category is quite lengthy going through how each runner performed each and every track would be cumbersome but what i can tell you however is the number of mishaps each runner had during their runs mishaps include falling off a track running into a stage hazard burning out at the start of the race etc this would essentially tell us how well a runner performed during a run and if a runner had good driving lines and was careful enough not to fall off any tracks then they would save time i can also tell you the number of times each runner was hit by any single item bananas would cost you approximately two and a half seconds green or red shells approximately three seconds blue shells approximately three and a half seconds and lightning approximately five seconds now these time losses from the items are on average you could lose more or less time depending on how and where you were hit by the item and this would tell us if the runner had good or bad rng and so if we add up the time loss due to mishaps and the time lost due to items we can get an idea of how well the runner did in uchiha madow's world record he was hit by 90 different items resulting in a time loss from items of 5 minutes and 10 seconds he also had 34 mishaps which resulted in a time loss of a minute and 49 seconds totaling a time loss of 6 minutes and 59 seconds now this time loss doesn't include the lost time from not using any of the no item shortcuts also known as nisks which are crucial in 200cc because you're going a lot faster than 150cc you're able to do unintended shortcuts without the use of mushrooms many of these nisks can save you seconds overall however many nisks in 200cc can be challenging and may actually lose you time if it's not executed correctly uchiha medal played it safe for his run and not utilizing many of the nisks and he would do the same for his second record too [Music] do [Music] [Music] a couple of days later uchihama dao had improved his record unfortunately he had slightly worse rng going from being hit by 90 items up 1093 this time around his rate of mishaps on the other hand went from 34 down to 24. overall he lost about 6 minutes and 45 seconds total from these which was a 14 second improvement from his previous record his overall time improvement was about 34 seconds so he did have better driving lines than his previous record and this likely came from a faster cart combination because again he didn't utilize many of the nicks and at this point you're likely wondering what cart combination is the best but we'll get to that later on it wasn't long before uchiha medal's time was beaten it was only one day later before the record was absolutely crushed and it was by a person who would go to be considered a pioneer for mario kart 8 deluxe say hello to aeon frodo [Music] aeon frodo was a speedrunner of mario kart 8 on the wii u and was tied for fifth place on the leaderboards at the time when she finally got to play mario kart 8 deluxe she would go ahead and beat uchiha medal's record on her first full run attempt with a time of 1 hour 37 minutes and 10 seconds unfortunately there isn't any video evidence of this run today but her second full run attempt brought the record down again to 1 hour 35 minutes and 20 seconds that's over three minutes faster than uchiha medauz how does this compare to uchiha medal's 1 hour and 38 minute run well in aeon frodo's 1 hour 35 minute run she was hit by 80 items losing her 4 minutes and 47 seconds she had just 6 mishaps losing her a mere 18 seconds and in total she had about a 5 minute and 6 second total time loss which was a huge improvement over uchiha medaille because the rules allowed the runner to start on any track they wanted aeonfrodo would start her runs on gamecube yoshi's circuit this would start her at the beginning of the dlc tracks the reason aeon frodo wanted to start with the dlc tracks was because the dlc tracks were considered some of the hardest in the game that way she could get through the harder tracks first and not have to worry about them later on in the run aeon frodo generally had cleaner driving lines and utilized more nisks than nuchi hamadao saving her lots of time eight days later she managed to bring down the record once again to 1 hour 34 minutes and 50 seconds one of the strategies she adopted was item manipulation in previous mario kart games the items you receive are based on what position you are in the race in mario kart 8 deluxe the items you receive are instead based on how far away you are from the person in first place but when you're in the lead you're only eligible for five different items a coin at 70 chance bananas at 15 percent chance a green shell at nine percent chance a bomb at four percent chance and a super horn at two percent chance speed runners soon realize that the coin item behaved a little differently than the rest of the items they found that if you already have a coin in your first item slot you can never receive a coin in your second item slot this means that if you have a coin in your first item slot you're guaranteed an item to defend yourself in the second item slot which would then increase your odds of getting a super horn which is an item used to defend yourself from a blue shell this allowed runners to minimize the number of times they would get hit by a green red or blue shell the strategy was to keep the coin in the first item slot and have a defensive item in the second slot the reasoning for this because if a cpu uses the boo item boo will steal whatever you had in your first item slot if you were to have a defensive item in your first slot boo would steal it and you would become defenseless and vulnerable to any incoming shells aeon frodo used this method of item manipulation and it was the reason why she was on top of the leaderboards in aeon frodo's time of 134.50 she was only hit by 61 items which was much better than her previous run being hit by 61 items and having 14 mishaps she only had an rng mishap time loss of approximately 4 minutes and 40 seconds however even when you're trying your best to defend yourself sometimes rng does get the best of you stop oh my god right red shells already i've lost 9 seconds 12. i can't like i can't get any protection against shells this is ridiculous despite the horribly unlucky piranha plant slide aeonfredo managed to still beat the record by another 17 seconds and we can tell that she drove much cleaner because she was hit by 72 items throughout her run and had 11 mishaps totaling an rng mishap time loss of five minutes and 1 second which was 21 seconds more than her previous record this record would stand for the next couple of weeks there was still lots of time to save with better rng cleaner driving lines and utilizing more disks by this time most speed owners for mario karti deluxe had unlocked all of the vehicle parts and discovered the best character and cart combination it was found that the best combo to use was any of the following for characters it was donkey kong roy or waluigi for carts it was the bitty buggy or mr scooty for tires it was azure rollers or just plain rollers and for gliders it was either the cloud the flower the paper or the parachute glider in mario kart 8 deluxe the mini turbostat was buffed and any of these combinations had high mini turbo stats while still having a high ground speed having a high mini turbostat would give you the following benefits it increases the duration of your speed boost and makes it quicker to charge up your drifts from blue to orange to pink and it increases the speed of your speed boost these combos would become the meta and not only speed running but in online play and some time trials as well while we're talking about speed it became more and more important to collect 10 coins as fast as possible in every track the reasoning for this is that when you have 10 coins your maximum speed increases if we take a look at the cart combination stats having 10 coins is the equivalent of adding five more bars to your speed and to put that into perspective it's about a five to six percent increase to your top speed if you obtain 10 coins quickly you have that top speed for a longer period of time thus completing the tracks faster a new runner would step up to challenge aeon frodo's record of 134-33 he was also a mario kart 8 wii u speedrunner and holding the third place position in 48 tracks so he definitely had some experience under his belt he decided it was time to take on 48 tracks in mario kart 8 deluxe and would go on to optimize and monopolize the record for the next year this is missed walker mx7 [Music] [Music] missed walker had the record set at an incredible time of 1 hour 31 minutes and 26 seconds in a year of lowering his time he brought it down 3 minutes and seven seconds a portion of it came from better rng and fewer mishaps than aeon frodo miss walker was hit by 59 items and had just nine mishaps his total time loss from rng and mishaps was 4 minutes and 20 seconds the majority of his time saves were simply from just better and tighter driving lines and utilizing more of those no item shortcuts it just goes to show how important these are because in theory the faster you complete a track the less time you'll have to be hit by an item assuming you're playing a consistent defensive game mistwalker was very good at this and was considered one of the top runners of the time and the community was continually blown away by the cleanliness and consistency of his driving lines however at the same time missed walker had a rival and in fact everyone at the time had this one same rival it didn't matter what category in mario kart deluxe you were playing it seemed like you were up against this one single person he was dominating the mario kart 8 deluxe leaderboards and it didn't look like there was an end to it this is draco 655 draco was a new runner to mario kart 8 deluxe and by that i mean that he's never had previous experience with mario kart 8 on the wii u he was a very fast learner and he quickly became the most decorated mario kart 8 deluxe speedrunner holding over 30 world records on this spanned not only on the 200cc categories but the 150 cc categories as well and further to that not only was it in the items category for both of those ccs it was also in the no item categories as well he was everyone's rival draco and mistwalker had been competing for the 48 track record for quite some time but miss walker had always been the one to get the faster time until one day when draco was on a run that had not started very great but as the run continued he soon realized that this was the luckiest run that he ever had and ever will have [Music] one hour 31 minutes and six seconds draco had beaten the record by 20 seconds not only that but he had the luckiest run anyone had ever had at that point and anyone ever would have for years to come he was hit by only 52 items losing him 3 minutes and 33 seconds he also only had 6 mishaps losing him 20 seconds for a grand total rng mishap time loss of 3 minutes and 53 seconds the lowest of anyone up until that point even draco himself said that his rng was just way too good and he was right this record would stand for the longest time the category would ever see it stood uncontested for nearly two years while we're on the topic let's talk a little bit more about rng and mario kart 8 deluxe we have a sense of what is good and bad rng but what about perfect rng is it possible to play through all 48 tracks without being hit by a single item if we look at draco's 13106 he had 11 perfect rng tracks what would it take to have 48 of those i couldn't calculate this on my own so i partnered up with basic a mario kart 8 data expert i provided him with all the data i collected for this video and with this data basic was able to calculate some staggering probabilities assuming that you're able to play on a world record level and many other assumptions that basic had made the chances of having a perfect 48 track rng run is about 1 in 200 000 billion billion billion that's a lot let's put those odds into perspective if all eight billion people on planet earth were capable of playing mario kart 8 deluxe at world record levels and all 8 billion people were immortal and could play for 24 hours a day 7 days a week 365 days a year with no time to sleep eat drink or have any sort of break someone would eventually get a perfect rng 48 track run in 120 quadrillion years considering that the universe is estimated to be about 13.7 billion years old i think it's safe to say that a perfect rng 48 track run will not happen anytime soon if you want to learn more into how basic calculated these numbers and what assumptions he made go check out his video he made that goes into more depth the link is in the description below throughout the next little while when draco's records stood the 48 tracks 200cc no items category started to gain more attention the no items category is generally considered a more competitive and skill based category because runners don't have to worry about the chaotic rng of items that's not to say that the items category isn't skill based but no items leans more towards skill because the only time losses you experience are the ones that you make yourself when playing 48 tracks in a row it requires a ton of focus precision and endurance one runner that was making his way up to the no items leader board was pianist 15 who was ranked second place at the time because the no items category is pretty much based on skill these runs were often more optimized than the item category the item categories at the time mostly relied on consistency because you never knew what kind of rng you would be dealing with and so pianist 15 decided to try out the 48 track items category to see what he would be up against he found himself on a very good run a run so good it began to challenge draco's world record it was so close to draco's world record it's better just to show you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hahaha [Music] both draco and pianist had a time of 1 hour 31 minutes and 6 seconds pianist would come out on top by just 38 frames a run that's an hour and a half long and it comes down to the last .6 seconds of the race and in case you missed it not only was it close time wise but pianist had a blue shell coming towards him on the last track on the last lap on the last turn and if it wasn't for the super horn that he had it would have not been a world record that's how close it was draco's reign had ended and pianist's new record would start the new era in the 48 track items category here's why as we discussed earlier draco's record had incredible luck and not very many mishaps losing him only 3 minutes and 53 seconds pianist's record had worse rng and more mishaps he was hit by 57 items and had 7 mishaps losing him a total of 4 minutes and 17 seconds 24 seconds more than draco's most of the time saved came from the fact that pianist was simply just better at driving over the last two years of draco's reign driving in general had improved and new strategies for driving lines and nisks were found it was just a matter of successfully implementing these in a 48 track run if you had somewhat decent rng you could make a competitive run while the record of 1.3106 seemed daunting it wasn't unbeatable many more of the no item runners saw this and began to run the items category to push the record even further [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] pianist 15 had done it he managed to get the first ever sub 130 run at 1 hour 29 minutes and 47 seconds to quote his own notes the sub 130 was a far-fetched dream for so long but all it took was a single 53 second pb to achieve it and it was a close one too just like last time he happened to be chased by a blue shell on the last track on the last lap on the last turn thankfully he was able to outrun it his rng and mishaps were not too shabby being hit by 56 items and having 9 mishaps totaling an rng mishap time loss of 4 minutes and 11 seconds he did state though that his driving wasn't as consistent as it could have been however it was enough to land him a new world record or was it pianist got his 129 47 on may 19th of 2021 the previous world record of 1 30 12 held by edgy 573 happened about four months earlier on january 24th 2021 in between these four months there was a timing rule change that applied to all top level runs in mario kart 8 deluxe you see since the beginning of mario kart 8 deluxe speedrunning all runs were timed by rta which stands for real-time attack what this means is that you time your speed run like a stopwatch you start it when you begin your run and you stop it at the end of your run while this timing method generally worked fine it did give certain players an advantage over other players due to the variable nature of loading times mario kart 8 deluxe is available in both a physical cartridge version and a digital version that's stored in either the nintendo switch's internal storage or on a micro sd card when playing mario kart 8 deluxe on a cartridge it would typically load tracks slower than a digital copy would [Music] [Music] when you're playing 48 tracks in a row having slower loading times for each track adds up not only that but loading times are not consistent throughout different nintendo switches you could have two different nintendo switches that both run mario kart 8 lux on a cartridge and they could have different loading times the same thing would happen with digital copies too since these loading times vary so much it's tough to give an exact answer of how much time you save by having a digital copy versus a physical copy but it's generally said around the community to save around a full minute of time just by playing on a digital copy of mario kart 8 deluxe having a minute advantage on a 90 minute run can certainly be unfair to top level runners who play on a physical copy this is why the timing rules had changed for top level runs the rankings on the leaderboard no longer were sorted by rta timing it was now sorted by igt which stands for in-game timing a mario kart 8 deluxe speedrunner and moderator bike mk created an auto splitter which automatically times your run as you play not only that but at times your run in igt and not an rta so what it does is time your run only whenever you were actually racing on a track it would automatically remove loading times from the equation entirely this put everyone on an even playing field whether playing on a physical or digital copy of the game or having a nintendo switch that loaded tracks faster or slower so the question becomes was pianist 15's 129 47 rta actually faster than edgy 573's 130 12 rta edgy 573's 130 12 rta would translate to a one hour nine minutes and 57 second igt pianist 15's 129 47 rta would translate to a 1 hour 9 minute and 44 second igt so yes it was definitely a new world record by 13 seconds all top level runs going forward would now use igt instead of rta for the rest of this video i'm going to continue to display the rta time for the remainder of the records i will place the igt time underneath so that you'll be able to see both but just remember that runs are now sorted by igt and it only took a few months before pianist record would be beaten [Music] a new runner to the category by the name of desi 200 was able to improve on pianist record by about six and a half seconds interestingly enough desi 200 was able to tie draco in the fewest number of times being hit by items at just 52 items however desi 200 had about 8 mishaps totaling an rng mishap time loss of 4 minutes and 1 second which is still the best we've seen since draco's godly rng run but it wasn't better than draco's godly rng run what makes this world record particularly interesting is that desi plays competitively online and he knows how to handle items he got this world record on his first full attempt six months later a very talented runner joined the 48 track leaderboards and his name is pai pai is a time trial and time trialers traditionally don't compete in speedruns on instead they speedrun individual tracks via the time trial game mode these players are considered the best of the best and can spend hundreds of hours on perfecting just one track they know the ins and the outs of every single track and have the best driving lines in the world these are the same people you see on the leaderboard when you play in the time trial game mode hai decided to try out the 48 track items category and just on his 15th attempt he managed to get this run [Music] [Applause] [Music] a 129 22 rta or a 109 28 igt his driving lines were incredible his rng well maybe not so much he was hit by 59 items and had seven mishaps totaling an rng mishap time loss of 4 minutes and 17 seconds even pai himself said it's a very unoptimized category but it's hard to get good enough item luck to optimize this and he was right because now we find ourselves in the exact opposite situation from three and a half years ago draco had incredible rng with mediocre driving lines pi had mediocre rng but with incredible driving lines we have seen crazy levels of rng before and it's only a matter of time until we finally see incredible rng with incredible driving lines but until then we're just gonna have to wait and that's where the video was supposed to end you see i finished this script on june 1st 2022 the only section of the script i was missing was the bit about the probability of a perfect rng run on june 3rd just two days later i reached out to pianist 15 asking him if he had any no reset runs of 48 tracks items 200cc the reason i was asking him this was because we needed more data to calculate the probability of a perfect rng run unfortunately he didn't have any videos laying around but he did say that i can do one today though if that would be helpful well not only was it helpful but it put him back on top of the leaderboards [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] it was a four second igt improvement over pies pianist 15 was hit by 53 items and had 5 mishaps totaling an rg mishap time loss of 4 minutes and 1 second but it still wasn't as good as draco's rng mishap time lofts of 3 minutes and 53 seconds but it did tie desi 200's four minute and one second timeless but gana's 15 wasn't finished there rng is one of the many wonders of speedrunning and generally speaking if something can happen it will eventually happen we've seen good rng in the past and if it's happened before it can happen again whether you're trying to get the 1 in 8 chance of no hands in super mario bros 3 the 1 in 5 thousand chance in god glider strats and blue yourself or just getting really good rng in 48 tracks 200 cc with items turned on it's going to happen and finally it did [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] pianist 15 had done it the first ever sub 129 rta and the first ever sub 109 igt the dream of incredible rng with incredible driving lines was now a reality pianist 15 was hit by just 50 items and had 8 mishaps totaling an rng mishap time loss of 3 minutes and 48 seconds the lowest anyone has ever done that's where the record stands today thank you for watching [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Skilloz
Views: 264,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario kart, mario kart history, mario kart world record, mario kart world record history, 48 tracks, mario kart 8 deluxe, 48 tracks 200cc, 48 tracks world record, speedrun, speed run, speedrun history, 48 tracks 200cc items, mario kart 8 deluxe world record, mario kart 8 deluxe speedrun, skilloz, speedrun world record history, speedrun world record progression, mario kart progression, speedrun progression
Id: qusPsZUu0Nk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 52sec (2632 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 01 2022
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