How Mario Kart Content Creators ACT! | TWD98, Shortcat, JPGiviner, Hydreix, RTAT120, & Gecko

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[Music] today we're going to be using Funky Kong only it has been a minute since the last time we have played 8 Deluxe just got back from a tournament on the Wii you know um as I do yes sir what's cracking everybody it's your boy jpg and we're back at it again with another competitive Mario Kart 8 Deluxe video today is a 2v2 it's a very special video uh ladies and gentlemen you know uh today we got my my my homie I don't have anybody here with me I don't know why I just said that oh yeah I think you know what today is today we're going to be playing the best character on the best combo in the game the bitty buggy Dry Bones is that my arch nemesis toast face 12 we're going to be doing the best of 10 he doesn't even know it it's time we're going to show our dominance and we're going to show why bread is better than toast what is going on everybody it is Rod here and today we are going to be destroying some 10K VR kids cuz why not you know uh I have fun doing it you guys have fun watching it so why not we're back on the Mr scoo today and we got some interesting cars in the room we got the cushion tires uh not that it matters cuz I'm going to be destroying them anyways today but all right we are back for day number five of gaining road to 30k VR we are back on our main combo last time we left off we were kind of using the bitty buggy but I wanted to get more into using the pipe frame because I recently figured out that this was my main combo my main build if you will hello there we are back at it with another exciting installment of road to ruby2 and today we're using toi Mario why because I don't know he's cool I like the way his tail looks okay uh we'll go with that yeah Funky Kong third place feeling good try to grab some coins cuz I see the comments you guys are always telling me to grab coins and this time I'm going to do it you know last event we did real really well surprisingly it was okay this freaking idiot guy just slows down and makes me run into his green shells but uh today we're going to be uh trying to dial in channel to that inner you know that inner that inner uh first place last time we ended off on a first place in a ranked event if you guys checked out our last video we did try to play Koopa Troopa to prove who's more dominant on the battlefield Koopa Troopa or dry bones and today we're going to be testing that theory Dry Bones as you can see my rivalry is right there behind me we got a C in the room we got a Yoshi a inkling boy oh and he bumps me out of the way if I am to come in last place ladies and gentlemen I will be getting a haircut because I know you guys like seeing me get my haircut so uh why not you know it only feels right um but as of right now I am locking on destroying these kids I just wanted to say thank you guys for showing so much love and he he gets backed by the bomb right there thank God that wasn't me and we narrowly avoid the blue shell Miss sentence but I just wanted to thank you guys so much for oh man and we get hit by the the build right there but U thank you guys so much for all the recent love and support on the videos on the on the road to 30k VR I could not have been here without you guys and I just want you to know that um but enough of the sappy things let's get back to the race today our tag is G for today ow our tag is G for d g for today if they will let me say it um and yeah uh we're going to be trying to get some good placements today because last time we had a competitive event we didn't do so well so we're going to be trying to avenge that I didn't mean to trick off of that I always have a weird time on the stadium cuz it's so much different on the Wii version but you know this stage is a classic you know takes me back to the old days um for once and yeah man we're just going to be seeing how high we we can place road to 30k as you know me rod and shortcat if you guys don't already know on a road to I can't even speak we're on the race to 30k we're just going to try to give her all today and uh hopefully get some good placements got a pretty good teammate he seems to be in first actually now I'm thinking about it uh I think he's doing good I got to do a little bit catching up here buddy so without further Ado like freaking 1 minute into the intro let's start giving her Bud we also did another video on what are the most optimal lines in Mario Kart I needed to know what are the most optimal lines and I feel like to take those most optimal lines the bitty is the perfect thing to do it with oh watch out for that banana he almost snip you with that banana but we narrowly avoid it yeah I've been seeing the comments of the rod is the type of guy to do this Rod is the type of guy to do that and oh my gosh that almost gave me a heart attack R the type of guy to I don't know leave the fridge on while he's gone at come Community you know the grocery store whatever you guys are say and I personally I personally I find them funny you know I I think that the comments are very warranted I think that they are very enteraining I am supposed to be destroying these 10K if you kids and I'm getting destroyed myself and we hit the wall and the shock is out pretty late shock but we do get the golden as we are small we may be able to make a comeback here with this let's see how many spots we can gain with this blue shell uh I'm sorry I mean golden there and I didn't get the Super bounce are you serious and there's the shock actually that kind of works out in my favor a little that is a very favorable shock thank you whoever did that you are now I am now in your debt uh I will give you I don't know something just have a good solid race we want to be losing VR and somehow oh watch out Banana's right there oh a blue shell he's going for first um and as you guys know oh landed right on the banana H I try to avoid that one and he has a firefly apartment next to me and get my coins up all right already at 10 and just bump into the freaking wall will you okay good one JP if you guys time trial this this shortcut perfectly you should be able to take that without a mushroom I just dropped a guide on it the other day um if you guys want to go check that out then feel free to do so we're going to try to snipe them with the greens boom there's three of them oh and we drift the wrong way no oh and he backs us with the red I mean green but the eye frames the dry bone Superior uh we're going be speeding pass faster buddy faster move faster H they the one thing about these 10 kvr kids is they don't know how to capitalize I'll say that capitalize I don't know why I say it like that um they don't know how to capitalize on the opportunity where it presents itself and look at those look at those babies going to the left right and who ever and first I had a star and I should have used it got the fire right here let's go ahead use the fire oh and we get starred by the king Buu um let's see if we can get a couple people with this fire here it seems as if we got the person behind us there's a ghost right behind us with triple mushrooms I don't want the golden almost get bumped off at the same exact spot this last time but and he banana me I didn't think he would be able to get that off but yeah our tag for today is G and this is our MMR and yeah we're uh looking to to get into uh the next category oh my holy golden okay um oh let's see if we can hit this strp right here I I remember watching the shortcat video I watched it tips and tricks and it pays off just like that can we get second yes we do yes um but yeah as I was saying right there guys um the high VR room as you can see 20K 30k 15K I always somehow end up in these high VR rooms so we're going to see how we do today chain that into the set hopefully this is enough to get us the shock Dodge holy holy is that enough to get us to first place no it's not but just like that bang oh well I guess we're looking good turns get in first place on this event as well ladies and gentlemen I think my teammate got fifth or sixth so we might be doing do good for our first race let's get on the next one shall we we do the secret hidden Strat that nobody knows about we're going to be doing this ladies and gentlemen and no he hits me right before the edge no oh oh but we get the lightning Dodge but it look K to drag us all the way back here no and we're going to be getting seventh right behind our Nemesis toast space 12 that is not a good way to start off the race oh it seems as if Peter Griffin joins in the fry no not Peter Griffin well at least my rival's still here okay but we should be able to get this double okay I didn't even want the double I didn't want it anyways hopefully we should be able to secure at least second or third here if we drive correctly I don't think we're destroying the kids today but I didn't get last so there is no haircut there's no haircut to the next race see you bang and we're going to see how many spots we can squeeze in right here get a single shroom in eth um we're going to take this shortcut a little path on the left side we get a a boo let's see if that secures us oh and we get past up at the finish line and that is going to land Us in ninth yeah this race isn't looking too good hopefully we can just try to secure a mid spot at best and uh yeah uh we're going to secure fifth ah not the best way to start out the race but not bad let's see where my teammate landed and my teammate landed in ninth okay um not the best start off but we're going to try to pick up the pace in the next race hopefully we can pick up the slack [Music]
Channel: Breadhead12
Views: 4,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8Ju66K-EtnE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2024
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