Mario Sprites and Models are Goofy

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[Music] Mario was one of those game characters where they didn't exactly figure out who he was going to be at the start of his lifetime in a mix of that and the limitations of creating character sprites and older Hardware that there some pretty interesting iterations of Mario and obviously interesting is a nice way of saying weird but which one is the weirdest which one just gives off a Vibe you wouldn't expect from Mario and you read the title that's what this video is about I should note that I'm only going over the main 2D and 3D Platformers no spin-offs like Mario Kart or the video is going to take ages so yeah let's find out which spider model of Mario looks the weirdest let's start with the original Super Mario Brothers this is the most iconic Sprite in Mario and probably video games in General yet I can barely recognize them this is not Mario this is a smoker he resembles the more old and stereotypical version of Mario where he was a busy man from Brooklyn with a grouchy New York accent Luigi go take a now Luigi go to the bathroom you're going to yourself no Mario no Luigi now maybe it fit his character back then but not the modern bubbly Mario we're familiar with but also just like colors man the red overalls is fine but the green brownish hair NES to form this man beyond recognition Super Mario Brothers too you know I think they got Mario down on the second try he's more appealing and closer to the modern Mario first off the color choice is much better the skin does not look as diseased and they made the overalls blue this time the the face was also done pretty well his eyes are a lot more cartoony and overall I like how they made him more chubby than the SMB once Sprite one thing I'll say is that the hair being blue was odd but I am aware that it would look out of place to make them Brown so far this is the most normal looking Mario Super Mario Brothers 3 I don't know what it is about this one but it just cracks me up first off let's talk about the positives the tone of red is better oh yeah that's it everything else is offputting to me the fact that most the brightest black makes it hard to see the details the bottom half makes it look like a he has no legs it's just stomach and then feet or B he just has huge thighs which I would prefer not to think about the fact that the overall buttons are the same color as his skin just makes it look like Exposed Skin but what slays me is the face that Blank Stare that's the face of someone who just got exposed to man-made Horrors Super Mario Land oh my God they reduced him to a single cell organism it seems that we converted back to the image of smb1 Mario and I don't know if it's better or worse it's much more simplistic well from the shape and the colors since it was on the Game Boy his DOT eyes at least doesn't make him look angry but now he's just soulless I can conclude that it's as offputting as the smv1 Sprite just in different ways next is Super Mario World so some may look at this and think it's a fun enough sprite from Mario translated pretty well in the new 16 bit era but to others this one is very Infamous this version of Mario was used in a lot of old Mario animation parodies that consist of him being an agent of chaos and destruction and the reason why they show this one in particular I can assume it's the face those eyes he's hiding something so due to the internet this Sprite gives off a completely different vibe Super Mario All Stars Mario Brothers one the glow up from the NES to the allstars is huge because well he actually looks like Mario this time they seem to have based it off his Sprite on SM smb3 Mario since the face shape is near identical except this time they put white on the eyes so he actually has a soul nothing too out of the ordinary except that the color of the shirt and the overalls are swapped but like who cares Super Mario Allstars Mario Brothers 3 this is pretty much like smb3 on the NES but now with more color it looks more appealing this time thanks to the colors and the shading but at its core I still have the same issues as the original version like how he seemingly still doesn't have legs and they brought back the lifeless stair even though they changed it with the SMB one Sprite but not with this one Super Mario Land 2 the sml2 Sprite seems to be a mix of smb3 and smw the Sprite being mostly black can't be helped because it was on the Game Boy but look at that I can see his legs this time and from the angle and the face you can see the resemblance of the smw Sprite but I don't know something about this one just gives off Gremlin the posture kind of looks like he's hunching over he has his shoulders up like he's about to Sock someone in the face and once again the eyes it always comes back to the eyes they look too big this time almost like they're bulging out this Mario sort of gives off Vibes that he's banned from most public spaces now sm64 is a very nostalgic game it's very beloved but for this video I think I should remove the rose tinted glasses what is this thing was he grown from a lab this Mario is hilarious he looks so goofy I know it's the best I could do at the time and I commend the effort but as of recent I've seen people use them more and more in post for good reason let's go from top to bottom the M on the hat is crunchy the eyes he wants to show me something the nose is probably the biggest it's ever been his gloves are also comically huge and just this pose man this posture he's ready for his school field trip and this is also a popular version of Mario that is used for parodies which helps grow the public perception of sm64 Mario being such a goober Super Mario Advance this is just the Sprite from SMB 2 but with more color and the one problem I had from the original was the colors so I might believe that this is the most normal Mario Sprite but another issue is brought up with the advanced version I think the skin is a bit too bright a bit too pale if they tone it down just a little bit would have been the most Mario Mario we've ever seen Super Mario Advance 2 oh that's the smw Sprite that's the smw Sprite but way more saturated in the last Advanced game I literally said to tone the colors down they toned it up so now it's way too pale to the point what used to be red is bordering on pink and it doesn't help that this is the menacing smw Sprite now way oversaturated so pretty much it's that Sprite but worse and just as a note we're skipping Advance 4 because it's literally the exact same as the one from All Stars Super Mario Sunshine as you can see they finally figured out Mario no weird face structure no odd proportions no menacing Aura this is Mario you'll notice that in Mario Sunshine he has short sleeves because you know he's going on an island resort it's going to be hot yet he's still wearing gloves the short sleeves may look weird to some people but I actually think it's cool it may just be me but in sunshine he seems a bit too short but maybe I just don't realize how short Mario actually is New Super Mario Brothers yes this this is what he looks like in game my assumption is that he's a 3D model and then got translated to 2D Sprites now from far away how you see him in the game he looks fine but if you zoom in it's a pixelated mess if you use emulators he actually looks normal so the limitations of the DS are to blame as it is here it looks like someone shitty first attempt in pixel art where they just Trace over a non-pixel art render Super Mario Galaxy this in my opinion is the Mario to me I mean it checks all the boxes without anything feeling off texture work is also perfect it's detailed enough without being too textured to the point it's uncanny this is my first use of foreshadowing are you proud of me but I think he's a bit too small here as well like here's a comparison to Rosalina I know she's like 7et tall so it's not like a good comparison to normal person's height but should it really be this much of a difference I'm aware Mario is a short guy but this short it could just be me new Super Mario Brothers Wii that sure is Mario and I don't know if this this one or the version from Galaxy is more Mario because I can see a few small differences in Wii his clothes seem to be tighter where in Galaxy you can kind of see his gut hanging out and it could just be the lighting of these models but we looks like to have brighter colors for the outfit so so I think this one is a bit closer and by the way I'm skipping new Super Mario Brothers 2 since it's basically the same as the one up next and new Super Mario Brothers U because it's pretty much the same as this one but I guess more smooth Super Mario 3D Land so this version is more of the same but I could be wrong but he's even stubbier than before other than that I don't know what do you want me to say the modern versions aren't nearly as interesting to talk about as the old Sprites because back then they were funny here it's just like mhm yep that's him I guess to fill this section more I'll give it a little fun fact Super Mario 3D Land from my memory is the first game I played that I personally owned and thus created a series of events that led me to making this video among a bunch of videos also about stupid Super Mario 3D World thankfully this one is a bit interesting to talk about because this one goes in the opposite direction of realism and gives them more of a plastic look I'm not against it I don't think it looks weird it actually fits well with the Simplicity of three R art Direction and I'm pretty sure this is the Mario that Nintendo bases a lot of his renders off of so to Nintendo this is the Mario and I can see why because here he is pretty basic yet marketable Super Mario Odyssey okay first of all I could have picked a lesson intimidating shot of him now when this game first came out I was like oh look at him he's never looked better but now I've gotten a closer look yeah I'm not a fan I'm too used to him being overly cartoonish so when you try to apply realistic overall textures and being able to see each individual hair on the mustache it's a bit uncanny but before we move on I can't forget to mention the G mod Odyssey model which is an absolute Abomination it horrifies me what is that teeth don't don't worry we're ending on a positive note with Mario from Super Mario Brothers wonder which I might still have some recency bias about the best 2D Mario and one of the strongest points is obviously the art style all the characters are so expressive and charming and although this is a video on the weirdest STS of Mario not the best or the worst but I want to mention this is my favorite Mario I mean I've never seen Mario so happy to jump he has a sort of energy to his look like the early Sprites but instead of making you feel vulnerable this one is just pure joy and Whimsy is he weird yes but in all the best ways and look even Mario at his most quote unquote normal he's still lowkey a goober it's just that sometimes he's even more goober so if there's anything you take away from this video it's that just be like Mario be weird as long as you're spreading Good Vibes that's all that matters let me know in the comments which Mario is your favorite or terrifies you the most and if you excuse me I need to go lock my doors I can sense [Music] him go to the bathroom now or you're going to yourself l no I just one more level Mario come on one more level Luigi the shit's coming out your ass
Channel: FryingPanSam
Views: 95,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario, supermariobros, supermario64
Id: 1O_38chTg68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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