The History of Minas Morgul | Tolkien Explained

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It was once a shining city in the realm of Gondor.   But this city of brightness and beauty would be  captured and twisted into a tower of sorcery,   where the Witch-king would rule and the  line of the Gondorian kings would end. Today on Nerd of the Rings, we  cover the history of Minas Morgul. The city of Minas Ithil rises from the ashes  of the fallen Numenor. When the island realm   is destroyed in 3319, Elendil, Isildur and Anarion  lead the exiles of Numenor to Middle-earth. While   Elendil founds Arnor in the north (3320), Isildur  and his brother Anarion found Gondor in the south.   While Anarion builds the city of Minas Anor,  Isildur constructs the city of Minas Ithil   near the border with Mordor. Together, the  brothers would rule as Kings of Gondor. While   Anarion rules the fief of Anorien,  Isildur rules the fief of Ithilien. In the same year these  realms in exile were founded,   the Palantiri are distributed among  the realms of Elendil and his sons.   The seven seeing stones are placed in Elostirion,  Amon Sul, Annuminas, the tower of Orthanc,   Minas Anor, Osgiliath, and Minas Ithil. Isildur  planted the seedling of the White Tree of Nimloth   in Minas Ithil, which had grown from the fruit  which he stole prior to Numenor’s downfall.   Isildur’s city, and Gondor in general, would  exist and grow in peace for over 100 years. However, the same dark presence that  brought about Numenor’s destruction   would return to Middle-earth to plague the  Faithful whom he hated. After re-establishing   himself in his lands of Mordor, Sauron  launches an attack on Minas Ithil.   His great force drives out Isildur and sacks the  city. In his victory, Sauron burns the White Tree. However, once again, Isildur escapes with his  wife, his sons, and a seedling of the Tree.   He journeys down the Anduin river and  taking the seaward route, comes to his   father’s realm of Arnor. This conflict is  the impetus for the formation of the Last   Alliance of Elves and Men. While Anarion holds  out against Sauron in Gondor, Isildur, his father,   and the elven king Gil-galad build the alliance  that would march upon Mordor itself (3434). We are told that during the war, two of Isildur’s  sons - Aratan and Ciryon had been sent by their   father to man the fortress of Minas Ithil.  This, along with Sauron not capturing the   palantir at this time, would seem to indicate he  merely sought to defeat the Gondorians of the city   and not occupy it. Isildur’s sons man  the fortress as a preventative measure,   for Isildur thought that if Sauron  were to escape Gil-galad and Elendil,   he would force his way through Cirith Ungol and  take vengeance upon the Dunedain in Minas Ithil. After a seven year siege on Barad-dur, Sauron  is defeated and his ring taken by Isildur.   In the aftermath of Sauron’s downfall, Minas Ithil   is restored as the great watchtower along the  Gondor/Mordor border. Minas Ithil would remain   a stronghold of Gondor for nearly 2000 years,  when a new dark force would make war upon it. Over the preceding centuries, the Witch-king  of Angmar waged a long and devastating   war against the realm of Arnor. While it  would lead to the north kingdom’s destruction,   a force of Gondorians, combined with  elves of Rivendell would succeed in   the defeat of Angmar as well. In 1980 TA, the  Witch-king returns to Mordor, where he summons   the other eight Nazgul. There, they would  prepare for the return of the dark lord. Twenty years later (2000 TA), they  make their first offensive strike,   laying siege to Minas Ithil. We are told this army  is composed of many men, who had been dominated   by Sauron during his first strength and had  wandered homeless and masterless after his fall.   Now, they were led by the Nazgul, and coming out  of Mordor by night over the Pass of Cirith Ungol,   they made war upon the Gondorian  city. After two years of fighting,   Minas Ithil is sacked by the forces of the  Witch King and comes to be known as his city. The palantir, known as the Ithil-stone is  captured, and would later be taken to Barad-dur,   where it would be used by Sauron to communicate  and influence Saruman and Denethor. Minas Ithil   comes to be occupied by fell creatures  and becomes a foul and evil place. [They] took Minas Ithil for their  abode; and they made it a place   of such dread that none dared to look upon  it. Thereafter it was called Minas Morgul,   the Tower of Sorcery; and Minas Morgul was  ever at war with Minas Anor in the west....   But Minas Anor endured, and it was named  anew Minas Tirith, the Tower of Guard. With it’s city taken by the enemy, many  Gondorians flee from Ithilien and further   into Gondor. In 2043, the Witch-king issues a  challenge to the new King of Gondor - Earnur,   the very same captain who had led Gondor’s  army against his realm of Angmar years earlier.   Earnur ignores this first challenge  at the advice of his Steward. However,   in 2050, the Witch-king renews his challenge of  single combat, which Earnur would not ignore. Leaving his crown in the houses of the dead,   Earnur rides to Minas Morgul with a small group  of soldiers. None are ever seen again. Thus,   the line of the Kings of Gondor is ended, and the  rule passes to the line of the Stewards and would   remain in their care until an heir would come from  Isildur’s line in the north - Aragorn Elessar. But in the years between, Minas Morgul  would continue to plague Gondor.   It is from Minas Morgul that we have the  first recorded history of the Uruk-hai.   In 2475, these more powerful orcs, which had  possibly been bred within Minas Morgul itself,   emerge from the fortress and conquer  the lands of Ithilien. Their forces   attack and destroy the city of Osgiliath,  which had once been the capital of Gondor. Eventually, Steward Boromir would  win back the lands of Ithilien,   and the orcs would withdraw once more. During the  war, Boromir receives a Morgul-wound, which would   give him tremendous pain and greatly shorten  his life - though he would not become a wraith. Once again, Minas Morgul would wreak havoc  upon Gondor during the War of the Ring.   On June 20, 3018, Sauron’s forces  would attack Osgiliath once again.   This host was merely sent to measure  Gondor’s preparedness and to provide   cover for the Ringwraiths to enter the north of  Middle-earth and begin their search for the Ring. Months later, in March 3019, after the  Witch-king is forced to return to his stronghold,   Sauron would amass a great force with which  he would attack Minas Tirith. After a brief   skirmish in Osgiliath, the Witch-king leads his  forces in the Battle of the Pelennor Fields. As we know, the Witch-king, his army,  and Sauron himself would meet their   demise in the coming days as the lands of  Middle-earth are freed from the dark lord.   With Aragorn now leading Gondor, the Army of  the West pulls down the bridge leading to the   Morgul Vale and sets its fields ablaze. As the  army of Minas Morgul had been destroyed at the   Battle of Pelennor Fields, they encountered  no resistance as they raize the lands. In the days to come, Faramir is made Prince of  Ithilien. And at the advice of King Elessar,   he and Eowyn make their home in Emyn Arnen  rather than attempting to resettle Minas Ithil.   Aragorn declares: "Minas Ithil in  Morgul Vale shall be utterly destroyed,   and though it may in time to come be made clean,  no man may dwell there for many long years" Whether the day would ever come when Minas  Morgul would be rebuilt as Minas Ithil,   we can only guess. For no tale tells  of the ruins of the Tower of Sorcery,   and whether that land would ever bring  light and beauty to Gondor once more. as always i want to say a huge thank you to my  patreon supporters who make this channel possible   tom de bombadil 19 listen me the cinder mandu  pendu andrew carlisle the mighty mim team   weasel rabbi rob thomas sky carcass  slide belts dane ragnerson seliman   zetrok burtleberg grand strategy nerd  graham derecott the dark haired one   wyland michael wu and debbie if you  enjoyed the artwork in this video   check out the artists in the description and  purchase prints of their great work for yourself   thanks so much for watching and subscribing and  we'll see you next time on nerd of the rings
Channel: Nerd of the Rings
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Keywords: tolkien, lord of the rings, lotr, hobbit, the hobbit, nerd of the rings, silmarillion, minas morgul, morgul, minas tirith, minas anor, minas ithil, shadow of war, shadow of mordor, isildur, anarion, elendil, sauron, witch king, witch king of angmar, angmar, minas morgul witch king, witch king morgul, morgul lord, lord of the nazgul, nazgul, men of the west, history of middle-earth, rings of power, lotronprime, amazon lotr, amazon lord of the rings, rings of power lore, isildur city
Id: sP1zQWvRVk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 52sec (592 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 18 2022
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