The History of the Haradrim | Tolkien Explained

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Nerd of the Rings seems to be doing a great job detailing out the lore. I’m not enough of a lore geek to know if it’s all fully accurate but I’m gonna go ahead and have faith that anyone that puts that much into it probably has it all correct.

Another great resource on YT is Men of the West.

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/snyderversetrilogy 📅︎︎ Dec 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

Ai! laurië lantar lassi súrinen,

yéni únótimë ve rámar aldaron!

Yéni ve lintë yuldar avánier

mi oromardi lisse-miruvóreva

Andúnë pella, Vardo tellumar

nu luini yassen tintilar i eleni

ómaryo airetári-lírinen.

Sí man i yulma nin enquantuva?

An sí Tintallë Varda Oiolossëo

ve fanyar máryat Elentári ortanë,

ar ilyë tier undulávë lumbulë;

ar sindanóriello caita mornië

i falmalinnar imbë met, ar hísië

untúpa Calaciryo míri oialë.

Sí vanwa ná, Rómello vanwa, Valimar!

Namárië! Nai hiruvalyë Valimar.

Nai elyë hiruva. Namárië!

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Dec 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

I’m really hoping to see more of the East

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Hellbeast1 📅︎︎ Dec 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

probably not in season 1 tho

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/francesco_DP 📅︎︎ Dec 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

I defiantly want to see all of this shine in the new Amazon series. But it looks as if Amazon will have to travel outside New Zealand to film the sand dunes of Harad south of both Gondor and Mordor.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/arnebenne 📅︎︎ Dec 21 2021 🗫︎ replies
this video is brought to you by lord of maps   creators of some of the most breathtaking  maps you'll ever find and they have a holiday   sale going on right now stick around after the  video for a special discount code for my viewers   for They were a people caught  between two great powers - Numenor and Sauron.   They were tamers of the mighty Mumakil  and with the help of the Blue Wizards,   their kingdom would be divided between those who  served the dark lord - and those who opposed him. Today, on Nerd of the Rings, we  cover the history of the Haradrim. As we learned in my Easterlings video, Men  first awoke in Hildorien in the far East of   Middle-earth. While the Edain would migrate to  Beleriand, many would remain behind where they   are influenced by Morgoth - who works to corrupt  them to his will. We are told that even among   the men who fall under the dark lord’s shadow,  there is strife. And while some would settle in   the Eastern lands of Rhun, others would come  to lands in the far South of Middle-earth. Unlike a small portion of Easterlings, none of  the men of Harad would play any role in the events   of the First Age. In a way, this would be both a  curse and a blessing. On one hand, they would not   take part in the terrible and cataclysmic battles  of the First Age, but on the other, they would not   gain knowledge and craftsmanship from the elves  as the Edain would. Ultimately, this heavily   contributes to their later position, trapped  between a dark lord - and a darkening kingdom. For many centuries throughout the First and early  Second Ages, the Haradrim would be independent and   isolated from the rest of the world - living in  the vast lands in the south, of which we know very   little. However, they would be directly impacted  by the two great powers of the Second Age - Sauron   and Numenor. By the year 600 SA, the Numenoreans  begin sailing to the East and reach the shores of   Middle-earth - specifically Lindon, where they  befriend Gil-galad, Cirdan, and the elves and   by the 1200s, they begin making permanent  settlements along the coasts Middle-earth. Over the centuries, they would befriend the  men of Middle-earth, including those of Harad,   as they explore these coastal lands. And  while the Haradrim had previously missed   out on learning from the elves, they were now  taught many great things by the Numenoreans.   The Haradrim learn a great deal about agriculture  and craftsmanship from their new friends.   The Numenoreans construct the great port city of  Umbar, which becomes a very important location   in Harad. As we know, Sauron would work hard to  corrupt the men of the East during this period of   relative peace in Middle-earth. Likewise, he would  work to corrupt the men of the South as well. Sometime around 1600 SA, the Valar decide to send  their first two emissaries to Middle-earth - and   the Blue Wizards sail across the sea, likely  arriving at the Grey Havens. We’ve long known   that the Blue Wizards traveled to both  the East and the South of Middle-earth,   as they seek to disrupt the influence of Sauron.  While we’ve known for some time their efforts in   the East were quite successful, what we recently  learned from the new Nature of Middle-earth book   is that the Blue Wizards also  saw success in the South as well. It is believed that there was a great deal of  rebellion of good Haradrim against Sauron’s   influence, but little leadership among them.  Thus, the wizards make their way to Harad,   to rally those resisting Sauron - much as Gandalf  would later do with the men of the West. We are   told in this new book that it is in part thanks  to the wizards that 93 years pass between Sauron   creating his One Ring and the dark lord finally  making his war on the elves of Eriador. This   However, Numenor itself would fall under a shadow  and become a second threat to the Haradrim.   As the centuries roll on, the Numenorean kings  - and by extension their people - grow bitter   over their perceived curse of mortality. While  having lifespans far greater than the men of   places like Harad, the Numenorean lifespan was  nothing compared to the immortal elves - thus,   bitterness against the Valar and Eldar grows  among the island nation. In 1869, Tar-Ciryatan   becomes the 12th King of Numenor, which marks a  turning point for their relationship with Harad.   Ciryatan leads his people to set themselves up as  lords above the Men of Middle-earth - including   the Haradrim. They demand the Haradrim  to pay tributes of both goods and wealth. For quite some time, Sauron did not dare to  challenge the might of the Numenoreans - they   were simply too great a force. However, after the  creation of the Rings of Power and the reveal of   the Nazgul, Sauron comes to rule as a god-king  over many men of the East and the South. Under   Sauron’s rule, these men build many towns and  walls of stone, and become fierce warriors. So let’s take stock of the situation in Harad  as it stands in the middle of the Second Age.   We know that the evil Numenorean kings have set  themselves as oppressors over the port cities of   Harad. In 2280, these King’s Men make Umbar into  a great fortress. We know that Sauron is - in both   the South and the East, worshipped by many as a  god-king. And we know that the Blue Wizards are   working against Sauron in both realms among those  who oppose the dark lord. Now this is just my own   speculation here, but I can’t help but imagine  that the Blue Wizards are not only fighting a   battle on two fronts - being the east and the  south - but also fighting two enemies within the   south itself. Trapped between the opposing sides  of Sauron and Numenor - neither of which being   truly on the side of the Haradrim themselves,  but merely seeking influence over them. After what is likely hundreds of years of struggle  in the region, Ar-Pharazon is enraged by Sauron’s   claims to be Lord of the Earth and King of Men  and lands a mighty fleet at Umbar in 3261 TA. They   march through the lands of Harad to meet Sauron in  combat. However, the might of Numenor is so great,   that Sauron’s servants flee rather than face  them. Sauron, realizing he cannot defeat Numenor   through military might, humbles himself before  Ar-Pharazon and is taken prisoner to Numenor. Initially, we may think this would be a net  positive for the Haradrim. One of their oppressors   has been removed from their lands. However, it  would only get worse. In a remarkably short time,   Sauron becomes Ar-Pharazon’s chief advisor,  and under the dark lord’s influence,   the evil Numenoreans become even more  ruthless in their oppression of Harad.   The King’s Men begin enslaving not only  the good Numenoreans known as The Faithful,   but also men from Harad, with Sauron using  both for human sacrifices to Morgoth. As we know, Sauron’s corruption of Numenor  would lead directly to its destruction.   And while the Faithful Numenoreans would escape  to create the realms of Gondor and Arnor - many   of the King’s Men living in Harad survive as  well - thus becoming the Black Numenoreans.   With Black Numenoreans fully focused  on Middle-earth, and Sauron setting up   his stronghold in the lands of Mordor, the  Haradrim are once again caught between two   dark forces - but now, these forces are united  - for the Black Numenoreans worshiped Sauron,   and together, they would recruit many  Haradrim to the dark lord’s service. As centuries pass, and Sauron’s  power and influence grows,   the Last Alliance of Elves and Men is  formed to take the fight to Mordor.   Thanks in part to the work of the Blue Wizards in  aiding the good men of Harad, Sauron’s operations   in the South are hindered, and he is defeated  in the War of the Last Alliance in 3441.   As we saw with the Easterlings, while the downfall  of Sauron meant his direct influence over the   Haradrim was gone, his work of hundreds or even  thousands of years would not be undone so easily. Some among the Haradrim who had served  Sauron, would turn from his evil and even   became subjects of Gondor. Others would not be  so easily freed. Still, for nearly 1000 years,   the realms of Gondor and Harad would not come into  conflict. The Black Numenoreans dwindle in number   and merge with the men of Middle-earth. While  one of their number becomes the Queen of Gondor   and is both mysterious and conniving, no conflict  between the nations comes in these years. It is around the year 1000 that Sauron first  re-emerges in Dol Guldur, and it happens that   shortly before this, conflict again arises  between Harad and Gondor. In 913, Earnil I   becomes the 13th King of Gondor. He repairs the  havens of Pelargir and builds up Gondor’s navy.   In 933, he takes control of Umbar from the Black  Numenoreans by attacking from both land and sea.   Just three years later, Earnil is lost at sea  (936 TA) along with many of his men and ships. During the reign of his son, Ciryandil the Black  Numenoreans would return. These lords launch a   siege upon Umbar with a massive force and in 1015,  Ciryandil is killed. However, due to the great   naval power of Gondor, they withhold the siege for  many years. Ciryandil’s son Ciryaher eventually   brings a force by both land and sea, defeating the  Haradrim in 1050. As King, he extends the realm of   Gondor south to the river Harnen and to the port  and haven of Umbar. In his pride, he takes the   name Hyarmendacil “South-victor” and the Kings  of Harad acknowledge him as their overlord. They   paid homage to Hyarmendacil and give their sons  as hostages in the court of the King of Gondor. Now we’ve made reference many times to the city  of Umbar, and it’s importance to the Numenoreans   and the Haradrim. No doubt one of the first  things to come to mind when speaking of this area   is the Corsairs of Umbar - the pirates who sailed  from its port. And from 1448 all the way until the   time of Aragorn - Middle-earth would witness the  Corsair Wars between Gondor and the sea-raiders   of the south. While the Haradrim would often ally  with the Corsairs, and their histories intertwine   much during this period, we’ll cover the Corsair  Wars in their own video here on the channel. Instead, we will look toward the War of the Ring  in the third age. We know that the blue wizards   were at work in the East and the South and their  efforts would help defeat Sauron. For without   their work, the Easterlings and Haradrim serving  Sauron would have vastly outnumbered the men of   Gondor and Rohan. We also know that Gandalf  had at least once traveled to the south for   an unspecified purpose, as we are told his name  there was Incanus (Inka-nush), likely meaning   “north-spy”, indicating he was likely not trusted  by many he came in contact with. While we don’t   know what the Haradrim standing against Sauron  did, we certainly know about those who served him. The Southrons, as they are also called, are  among Sauron’s servants who attack Osgiliath   on June 20, 3018. Their forces  are led by the Witch-King,   and the entire attack is simply  to gauge Gondor’s strength   and provide cover for the Nazgul to sneak across  the Anduin to seek out the Shire and the One Ring.   Over the coming months, more Haradrim would  continue to Mordor, coming up the Harad Road. On March 7, 3019, Frodo and Sam witness  Faramir and the Rangers of Ithilien   ambushing one of these groups of Haradrim marching  to Mordor. And here we meet what is called one   of the most brutally effective beasts of war  the later world had ever seen - the Mumakil.   Referred to as Oliphaunts by the hobbits, these  creatures came from the jungles of Far Harad - the   lands off the very maps of Gondor to the far  South of Middle-earth. As the rangers attack,   the Mumak goes into a rage, smashing the war tower  upon its back and trampling men from both factions   as it disappears into the woods. In a famous  passage, we are told of the battle between   the Haradrim and Gondorians from Sam’s point  of view, where he guesses what we know to be   true - the situation in Harad was far from a  simple matter of all willingly serving Sauron: It was Sam's first view of a battle of Men  against Men, and he did not like it much.   He was glad that he could not see the dead  face. He wondered what the man's name was   and where he came from; and if he was really evil  of heart, or what lies or threats had led him on   the long march from his home; and if he would  not really rather have stayed there in peace… On March 14, 3019 Haradrim join the army of  the Witch-king in the Siege of Minas Tirith,   marching to the Pelennor Fields. We are told  there is some 18,000 Haradrim and several of   their beasts of war. The Mumakil are used to  bring forth war-towers and siege-engines to   use against the mighty walls of the great city. As  the morning of March 15 dawns, and the Battle of   Pelennor Fields ensues, the leader of the Haradrim  would come face to face with Theoden of Rohan. "Southward beyond the road lay the main force  of the Haradrim, and there their horsemen   were gathered about the standard of their  chieftain. [...] Then he was filled with a   red wrath and shouted aloud, and displaying  his standard, black serpent upon scarlet,   he came against the white horse and  the green with great press of men;   and the drawing of the scimitars of the  Southrons was like a glitter of stars." Then Théoden was aware of him, and would not wait  for his onset, but crying to Snowmane he charged   headlong to greet him. Great was the clash of  their meeting. But the white fury of the Northmen   burned the hotter, and more skilled was their  knighthood with long spears and bitter. Fewer   were they but they clove through the Southrons  like a fire-bolt in a forest. Right through the   press drove Théoden Thengel's son, and his spear  was shivered as he threw down their chieftain.   Out swept his sword, and he spurred to the  standard, hewed staff and bearer; and the   black serpent foundered. Then all that was left  unslain of their cavalry turned and fled far away. In the aftermath of their leader’s death, the  Haradrim use their Mumakil as rallying points.   After Theoden’s death at the hands of the  Witch-King, and Eomer discovering his sister,   assumed to be dead on the battlefield  - the new King flies into a rage,   charging against the forces of Mordor. Despite  a valiant advance, the horses of Rohan panic   when they finally come to the massive Mumakil, and  Gothmog sends in elite Haradrim warriors, Variags,   and troll-men against the Rohirrim. Sauron’s army  forces Eomer’s retreat to the docks near Harlond,   and when he sees the black sails of the Corsairs,  he prepares to die as the final leader of Rohan. However, it is not the  pirates of Umbar who arrive,   but Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas, the sons  of Elrond, the Rangers of the North,   and reinforcements from the southern fiefdoms  of Gondor. A great portion of Sauron’s forces   are now caught between Eomer and Aragorn - as  if between hammer and anvil. As most flee in a   scattered retreat, many Easterlings and Haradrim  hold their ground and fight to the very death. Ten days later, Aragorn leads the  remnants of the Men of the West   to march upon the Black Gate of Mordor.  Sauron’s army of orcs, trolls, and men   outnumber the Gondorians and  Rohirrim by more than 10 to 1. The men of Gondor and Rohan are trapped and  the hopeless battle ensues. But in that moment,   Gollum, having bitten the ring from Frodo’s  finger, slips into the Crack of Doom and the   One Ring is finally destroyed. With Sauron’s  power overthrown, and his Nazgul destroyed   in the eruption of the volcano, the orcs and  creatures of Sauron were completely directionless.   They mindlessly flee - some falling into pits,  others killing themselves, and many retreating to   unknown lands. Among the men, many Easterlings  and Haradrim surrender or flee. Others,   perhaps those most ensnared by Sauron, banded  together and fought on to their deaths. Once again, with the defeat of Sauron  - this time never to return - the lands   of Rhun and Harad are finally freed  from his rule and influence. However,   as we saw in my Easterlings video, the  ancient and long-standing corruption   does not immediately go away. Though,  it does seem that the men of Harad were   more easily freed than those of Rhun - where  Sauron had no doubt spent more of his time. We are told that after Aragorn is  made King of the Reuinited Kingdom,   he makes peace with the Men of Harad, and  that he completely subdues the city of Umbar.   And while Eomer and Aragorn would occasionally  need to march to the South or the East   to maintain peace, his relationship with the  Men of the South was largely a positive one.   We are even told that embassies would travel from  Harad and visit Aragorn’s court in Minas Tirith. The Haradrim we meet are great warriors and tamers  of the mighty Mumakil. While they would be among   Sauron’s fiercest servants, we also know that  like the Easterlings, many of their number instead   refused Sauron - possibly fighting against  him alongside the likes of the Blue Wizards.   In the days of peace in the Fourth Age, with  Sauron defeated and the Corsairs subdued, there   would finally be opportunity for peace to reign in  the lands of the South…the lands of the Haradrim.  now if you're looking for a great holiday  gift for the middle earth fan in your life   visit originally hand drawn these  maps feature locations all around the world in   a fantasy style sure to be a great conversation  piece and right now they have a buy one get one 50   off sale for the holidays or you can use the code  nerd of maps to save 15 percent off your order   visit today. As always I  want to say a huge thank you to my Patreon   supporters who make this channel possible: TomDaBombadil19, Celebrimbor, Jim Limber Davis, Lissomie the Sinda, Mandu Pandu, Skycarcass,  SlideBelts, DaneRagnarsson, Sal33mr3hman, Zetroc   BertoBerg, Grand Strategy Nerd, graham Darricot, The  Dark-Haired One, Wyland and Debbie. If you enjoyed   the artwork in this video check out the artists in  the description and purchase prints of their great   work for yourself. Thanks so much for watching  and we'll see you next time on Nerd of the Rings.
Channel: Nerd of the Rings
Views: 869,855
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Keywords: tolkien, lord of the rings, lotr, hobbit, the hobbit, nerd of the rings, silmarillion, haradrim, harad, southrons, southron, black serpent, theoden vs haradrim, rohan vs haradrim, gondor vs harad, haradrim lotr, lord of the rings haradrim, mumakil, mumak, mumakil lotr, oliphaunts, elephants lotr, elephants lord of the rings, mumakil elephant, mumakil lord of the rings, theoden, gandalf, blue wizards, alatar, pallando, romestamo, morinehtar, umbar, corsairs of umbar, corsairs, pirates lotr
Id: 90LjRagJXs4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 28sec (1228 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 11 2021
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