The History of Atlas - Borderlands

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hey what's going on everybody for today's borderlands history a video we're going to be talking about the atlas corporation so atlas was one of the many mega corporations that took part in the event known as the corporate wars while it is still largely unknown what took place and what it even was about the corporate wars almost completely wiped atlas out they were falling behind greatly during it and so they began throwing anything and everything they could at the wall to gain any sort of advantage at the time there had been rumors of the iridian civilization but no one had found anything related to them despite this atlas still hired explorers to try and find them one such explorer was typhon de an unsuspecting turd farmer would send the mega corporation to the forefront of technological advancement and weaponry as his early life of hunting iridium remnants himself led him straight to the very first vault on the planet of prometheu atlas was lagging behind the other guys they'd almost got wiped out during the corporate wars and were looking to rise from the ashes like the what's it called that firebird anyway atlas was just throwing explorers at every dig site they could find now i never thought growing up on pandora would do me a lick of good but i spent my childhood hunting meridian ruins and that gave me the edge how about that pandora's good for something after his own journey of betrayal and adventuring he found the key sitting at the doorstep of the vault but instead of opening it for himself he sold it straight to atlas as he was hired for and made off with the cash i found the key just sitting there in front of the vault good thing i didn't open it myself i gave the vault key to atlas got a boatload of cash and the rest is history as for the megacorporation upon opening the vault they found all kinds of iridium technology their best scientists and researchers reverse engineered these to make the most advanced weapons equipment and overall tech that faced almost no negative tradeoffs in the process this was unlike anything the universe had ever seen and put atlas far ahead of its competitors in the galactic arms race now all of a sudden from a company on the verge of disappearance became the gold standard for the future they really began leaning into the concept and marketing that their products were for the gods themselves as atlus was the titan god and that such power that consumers could wield themselves this inspired a whole new era of history all sorts of other mega corporations like doll hyperion maliwan and many others followed in their footsteps and focused their efforts on uncovering ancient alien vaults promethea as a planet would become very popular and a central homeworld for the company in addition atlas also had the crimson lance a highly trained private military force this was atlas's powerhouse as there was hardly anything that could stop them in tandem with their own army they had the lance assassin program candidates for this were much more specific and catered to a specific purpose lance assassins were strictly limited to women girls would be taken when they are children where they are trained to be loyal to atlas and only atlas one of the tests these women would be put through would be killing their own parents and family to show loyalty anyone who is already a lance assassin had done this anyway we don't know many of their separate attempts to hunt vaults elsewhere in the galaxy but one of if not the most prominent planet they tried to hunt vaults on was pandora atlas were not the only ones here though dahl had essentially set up many separate mining operations and connected the whole planet for themselves as they were the first ones on the planet but they bit off more than they could chew as the planet was much too hostile than they were prepared for because of this doll began to evacuate and during this atlas saw what was happening and came in with their crimson lance and pretty much bullied an already crippled doll off of the planet forcing them to leave behind all of their workforce though it's not as though doll ever intended to save them anyway and just like that atlas took control of the planet and began their search for the planet's vault but unlike doll their military force was capable of withstanding the hardships of the flora and fauna in charge of hyperion's vault hunting was commandant steel one of the legendary sirens it's unknown how she became part of atlas and if she joined because of their prosperity but she did and commanded the atlas forces on the planet but you see atlas faced a slight problem despite being the mega corporation who founded the first vault typhon de leon was the one who actually tracked it down in reality atlas had no idea how to find vaults so one of their earliest endeavors on pandora was not to just aimlessly wander the planet but instead invent technology that could find the vaults for them this led to the creation of the gordus project it was designed to of course track vaults in this case one specific vault on pandora that was constantly moving to do this they needed a base of operations they hired a bunch of bandits to wipe out the town of oldhaven and once everyone was dead atlas double-crossed them and killed the bandits as well a secret underground base was built here where the core of the gordus project research and development would take place the order of events is a tad confusing because oldhaven was built on top of the facility meaning the underground base would have had to have been built then the city after it where then atlas lost control and people moved in only for atlas to then hire bandits to wipe them out and regain control obviously the canonical issues are due to this aspect of the story having been added five years after the fact so that's why things don't seem to fall perfectly into place either way the gordus project was a big and ambitious idea which atlas would work on continuously for as long as they were on the planet this failure to find vaults lasted quite a long time and when i say long time i mean decades so long in fact atlas actually began regressing to its former worsening state of disrepair the planet where the first vault was found promethea they more or less abandoned and became incredibly hostile and treacherous to live in in fact the residents of pandora will often pity the promethean residents the crimson lance also fell into the command of a five-year-old due to nepotism while he is guided by advisors they're not too bright or wise themselves the beginning of the end for atlas would be during the events of borderlands 1. after commandant's failure to find the vault key on the planet for so long lilith brick mordecai and the former crimson land soldier roland served opposition to her and her forces where she and her men are inevitably killed by the destroyer who's released from its cage while the mega corporation had been struggling for some time not being able to catch lightning in a bottle again this showed just how much they were struggling and during the secret armory of general knox this would be the nail in their coffin one of their former lance assassins athena was tricked into killing her own sister and sought revenge on everyone associated with atlas she recruits the characters and helps you take down the last remaining general knox once he was killed athena roamed the planet and killed every last atlas employee she could find and successfully did so atlus effectively went bankrupt after this and it was handsome jack who after rising to power absorbed the remnants of the company into hyperion however he never did anything with this he just held on to the deed as a trophy to be proud of in fact after their downfall post borderlands 1 atlas's weapons went out of manufacturing and players couldn't get their hands on them due to no longer being a company this is explained by marcus who tried to sell their weapons but after their bankruptcy all of their weapons locked up making them completely inoperable after atlas winter the business i was the only gun runner on pandora with the stock of their weapons i thought it would be a gold mine but those headless bastards were tricky they installed brickware on every gun they sold when the company went under their weapons disabled themselves what a waste it wasn't until reece strong fork obtained the deed to the atlas corporation during the events of tales from the borderlands after killing handsome jack once again rhys spots atlas's deed and having always wanted to have been a ceo figures this would be the perfect opportunity rhys proves to be a natural at this as he rebuilt the company from the ground up to be a more respectable mega corporation once again after a few years he started making all kinds of new tech thanks to the vault he and fiona had uncovered and set up base on the once famous and proud location where atlas first uncovered their vault promethea but this growth didn't go unnoticed as the head of maliwan's company katagawa saw this and thought he could stop it by absorbing atlas into his own initially it was a very business-esque approach selling the company but becoming part of maliwan and helping them but rhys denies the offer which only escalates into maliwan trying to physically destroy and take down atlas by force this doesn't work and atlas is capable of standing their ground defending themselves thanks to the vault hunters in borderlands 3. as it currently stands reese is overseeing atlas personally having completely abandoned its old ways because no one is around from the old days some other fun facts about atlas are they produced not only guns but various other goods and amenities liked canned skag meat coffins life insurance and engorge a male enhancement product but for now that does it for the history of atlas single-handedly the most influential mega-corporation to the modern era of history the story takes place in they've been through some ups some major downs but now they're in much more capable hands if there are any other borderlands history videos you'd like to see me do then be sure to let me know in the comments below and until next time i'll see you in the next video [Applause] [Music]
Channel: EruptionFang
Views: 85,691
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eruptionfang, anime, rwby, rvb, redvsblue, borderlands, borderlands 3, bl, bl3, pc, guide, tips, tricks, let's play, walkthrough, playthrough, gameplay, theory, animated, rt, roosterteeth, 2k, gearbox, atlas, corporation, megacorporation, dahl, hyperion, maliwan, knoxx, athena, rhys, strongfork, katagawa, secret armory, lance, crimson, assassins, borderlands history of
Id: LWHMdu8y3Is
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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