The History of Jakobs - Borderlands

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hey how's it going everyone in today's history of borderlands video we're going to be talking about the jacobs corporation this brand of weapons focuses heavily on delivering the highest amount of damage per single round usually accompanied with a fire rate as fast as you can pull the trigger the company was founded by singleton talbot jacobs he first started the company with his family when they crash-landed on the planet of eden vi it was a very swampy forest-filled area fortunately for them however the trees that grew there were actually incredibly high quality and would be the base material that they would use to create their hand-crafted weapons talbot was an incredibly detail-oriented man and that came through in the creation of his weapons as well using only the highest quality wood and metal for their guns they also crafted their own bullets their specialty allowed for devastating damage and a quirk which ricocheted the bullets perhaps this has to do with the fact that their gunpowder is aged in liquor casks which also gives it a distinct scent but perhaps that was just talbot's eye for detail going above and beyond much like many mega corporations jacobs was partially involved during the corporate wars but seeing as they were a much smaller company back then they tried their best to keep their heads down and keep to themselves a strategy which worked for them in the long run as they were capable of avoiding getting involved and came out of the war largely unaffected talbot wound up having two kids of note wharton and maddox jacobs at some point in time talbot wound up getting killed by a robber when he was distracted by the attention to detail on the barrel of said robber's gun the company then fell to the eldest son wharton under his leadership he was the one who really launched the company of jacobs to galactic notoriety he was also for the first time in the company's history the one who started selling their guns to non-mustached individuals but his greed is likely what pushed this direction he was a notoriously greedy man and likely where a lot of these shadier business practices wound up taking place one for example was jacob's cove a lumber yard on pandora which suffered from an unfortunate zombie outbreak while the company didn't exactly have anything to do with that they didn't do much to help out those working at the location and they left messages for those who were not undead and expected them to keep working this point in history showed that they valued the company more than the individuals working for them it is also likely during this time that they had expanded to the planet of gehenna to test the waters with new experiments this new endeavor was known as project endless horizons it was here that they discovered an element known as core and it possessed many mutagenic properties jacobs decided to monopolize this and began experimenting on the wildlife and flora to a certain extent the animals could be controlled but what was their real golden ticket was enteritus regina or the ruiner this was meant to be the apex of bioengineered weaponry but they faced one single problem they couldn't control the beast it was too wild and dangerous in fact it was going to be the end of them if word got out that jacobs had created such a monster so the company chose to pack up and bomb everything burying any and all traces that they were there to begin with though this would be far from the truth as the planet and the people on it would never forget what happened and what they did but they did omit jacob's name and only referred to them as the company anyway wharton would go on to also have a child named montgomery fast forward in time and wharton winds up dying of fatal testicular devastation after slipping in his factory with wharton's death the company then fell to talbot's second son maddox details about his leadership with the company are lesser known and likely not impactful to begin with because maddox was a very paranoid man he always surrounded himself with copious amounts of protection but wound up getting killed by the only man he ever trusted his butler but after his death the company then fell on montgomery wharton's only child under his leadership he carried on many of the core values the company was founded upon particularly the concept of family speaking of family montgomery had one of his own his wife named margaret who he would go on to create a gun after dubbed the maggie and a child named wainwright from here on some creative implications need to be made to fit the timeline coherently by that i'm referring to the vault on eden 6. it's never stated when and who discovered the vault on the planet an underlying implication implies that it's been a secret passed down from generation to generation however how the timeline plays out typhon de leon had only discovered the very first vault when montgomery was already ceo so either the jacobs family were really the ones to find the first vault and do nothing with it or the only other possibility that can make sense being that after the galaxy learn to vaults montgomery almost immediately uncovered and subsequently buried and hid its existence on the planet the reason i say montgomery had to find and hide it so fast is because not long after typhon got his payday from atlas for finding said vault he was hired by montgomery to find the vault on eden 6. the time span between the first vault and eden six's vault is very narrow but anyway the point is there is a vault on eden 6 that was hidden away with montgomery's full knowledge of it but montgomery had a really bad feeling about it almost as a sixth sense he felt that there was going to be yet another war akin to the corporate wars and he wanted no part of it and the only way to not get involved in the war about vaults is for there to not be one so he needed a way to clear eden 6 and let people know that there was nothing on the planet his plan was to hire typhon deleon and have him fail at finding anything if he couldn't find it there mustn't be anything worth a value there to begin with and so he did typhon came to the planet and began his search the two throughout their time formed a great friendship and camaraderie with one another though typhon was fully aware how dangerous montgomery could be also it was typhon de leon who came up with the signature jacob's slogan if it took more than one shot you weren't using a jacob's one time i went skinny dipping in that waterfall with money jacobs his wife margaret and some of their friends well next thing we knew some jabber stole our clothes so we started walking back to town naked sharing a flask of bug wine and howling at the moon all of a sudden asarian steps in our path but old monty shoots him dead in the eye oh boy i say what a shot but i guess if it took more than one shot you weren't yelling at jacobs and he says now that's a fine slogan mind if i use that eventually after almost giving up believing that there wasn't a vault on the planet typhon had an epiphany as to not where it was but where it may be hidden and he hit the jackpot after making his way to the vault's location montgomery congratulated him however warned him of the danger he felt was coming all with a gun pointed at him of course as a courtesy he asked that typhon keep ward of said vault hidden if the legendary vault hunter couldn't find it there must not be one on the planet old montgomery jacobs he catches up to me and demands to know where i was going so i say you know where i'm going monty then i hear the click of a pistol chamber and he says jacobs might have escaped the big war but the next one is coming the war of the vaults good thing there's no vault here hunter leon i nod slowly and if the great typhon de leon couldn't find that vault no point in anyone else looking he smiles and hands me a solid gold revolver pleasure doing business with you deleon and with that typhon left eden 6 as there was no vault to be found as time passed on montgomery would continuously begin trying to prepare wayne wright to inherit the company when he was gone however while wayne wright respected and wished for its legacy to continue he didn't see himself fit to be the ceo he tried to pawn that off on another figure montgomery knew well and was a friend of the family clay however jacobs is a family name and montgomery never swayed eventually the rise of the calypsos would begin and their search for vaults began such curiosity wound up getting pointed towards eden 6 yet again as worn by clay it's clay what the hell time is it you slick bastard late enough for this to be the kind of news that'll keep you up until morning shoot listen some of my old crew tipped me off to a gathering of sorts in the handful figured i'd swing by and see what trouble they were brewing turns out they're part of that cult i was telling you about a lot of them enough and growing by the day apparently the calypsos have been telling these dumb bastards you've been holding out on them that you've been covering the riches of the eden vault for yourself a heaping sorry and turd that's what that is but don't i know it but what they don't know could fill a black hole look if you've got a friend or two might be time to make the call money just in case but this wasn't the only new threat that arose during this time you see wainwright had begun dating alistair hammerlock and his sister loves to tear him down because of this she set her sights on the jacobs corporation being insanely rich he attempted to purchase the company but montgomery refused and never even budged an inch just need a walk to clear my head as all gardens always take the weight off a little something about looking up at a gallery of brilliant fools who got it worse than me it's nice to know i could piss it all away and someone out there would still be dumb enough to carve a statue of me still i wonder what wainwright will have to remember me by what even is a legacy anymore is it the house you built or the bodies buried underneath the lawn montgomery jacobs you've been ignoring my offers i don't like being ignored get off my echo woman can't you hear i'm in the middle of morose ruminations oh monty may i call you monty i'm going to call you monty you've been a ceo long enough to know that you can get anything provided you're willing to pay the price for it jacobs ain't for sale you harpy i beg to differ aurelia then allied herself with the calypsos in exchange for their services and they proceeded to assassinate montgomery while he was buttering a biscuit during the events of borderlands 3 aurelia has command of the company having forcibly taken control however throughout the game wainwright fights to have the honor of the family name back and once it's all said and done he takes the mantle as the newest and current ceo of the jacobs corporation but for now that does it for the history of jacobs not exactly a squeaky clean mega corporation but one that's still considered one of the more neutral ones in the past definitely now they're on the side of good but if there any more history of borderlands videos you'd like me to make then be sure to let me know in the comments below and until next time i'll see you in the next video [Music] you
Channel: EruptionFang
Views: 42,244
Rating: 4.9656653 out of 5
Keywords: eruptionfang, anime, rwby, rvb, redvsblue, borderlands, borderlands 3, bl, bl3, pc, guide, tips, tricks, let's play, walkthrough, playthrough, gameplay, theory, animated, rt, roosterteeth, 2k, gearbox, jakobs, corporation, eden 6, shotgun, rifle, montgomery, wainright, eden, history of jakobs, megacorporation
Id: bw69DquEeoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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