The Flying Missile (1950) - Glenn Ford

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[Music] so so [Music] admiral bradley i wanted a conference sir very well now here is the exact position of our carrier senator if you step over here you can see the charge we're 750 miles from the west coast this is the point from which we'll make our attack for just a moment admiral bradley am i to understand this carrier has evaded all the submarines you set up as a defense not all of them senator well let's say most of them admire williams you stated that the point of attack is 750 miles out could you actually hit the coast from that distance yes senator and from a lot farther with his new weapon this is the first time it's ever been fired from the deck of a carrier and if we're successful it could very well change the whole future of naval warfare now hear this all observers report to the bridge with one of my submarines unaccounted for we still have an outside chance don't make any bets on it we're going to fire in just 10 minutes stand by for the 10 minute warning there it is gentlemen the result of two years of preparation a v2 rocket which will be directed to its target by radar from this carrier heavy ships at zero seven five bring it up to 62 feet 62 feet down periscope right ten degrees rudder steady on course two seven zero right ten degrees rudder study on course two seven zero 150 feet 150 feet we're gonna go into the screen rig for silent running rig for silent running secure from silent running secure from silent running i'll hit stand it all i had standard bring her up smartly periscope depth periscope depth torpedo tubes up there's hope fast propeller is one zero five periscope 150 feet emergency 150 feet 10 degrees down bubble button message from fleet umpire to submarine bluefin you have been sunk by depth charge service now that's what i call being sunk with dignity everything high class no rivets bringing a leak no banging your head with every depth charge and no upper plate wobble you're a very funny man admiral bradley's gonna love this service bradley a message from the fleet umpire there goes the ball game the bluefin was the last submarine we had in a position to attack why don't you command it isn't every day a submariner gets to see a rocket fired off a carrier stand by for the three-minute warning take a look at that brother wouldn't want to be around when they let that go how'd you like to be around where it lands well then i'll be out i've done my 20 years now on in i'll read about those things in the newspapers that's what we need on our subs what you heard me fuss we need a rocket like that on the blue fin eight seven six five four three two one why can't they go back to bows and arrows [Music] signal all units to cease present exercise and return to port aye sir congratulations on a successful operation thank you bradley congratulations thank you captain whitaker when we get to port have your commanding officers report for a conference aboard my flagship all right get over number one get over number one the animal's in the pilot house sir thank you it was the job of our submarines as a defending force to stop that carrier and we failed if this had been actual warfare of the type we'll face in the future a west coast would be trying to recover from its first atomic attack pardon me admiral yes we didn't have much of a chance against their anti-submarine devices when i tried to close in i couldn't evade their sound screen i don't think torpedoes are the answer anymore you're a taliban aren't you yes sir report to my cabin after this conference talbot i know that was a tough spot to be in but if you would handle your ship properly and approaching the destroyer screen you may not have been detected maybe not soon but the only place any submarine should have been was 50 miles away from that task force that's the way we'll whip them in the future sir by staying outside their anti-submarine range and just what do you expect to do out there give us some guided missiles sir once we can steer right under the target we'll sink them is that all yes sir we could hit them and submerge before they even knew we were in the same ocean you're on our buck rogers bill but launching guided missiles from submarines isn't a isn't a funny paper idea it could be practical the captain's not talking against your basic idea talent neither am i it won't be any surprise to you to learn the navy's been interested in such a weapon for a long time but it'll take special submarines and until we get a larger appropriation why not equip the subs we have i mean if we experiment with our present ships that'll save time and money when the new ships are built in the meantime that's the best defense against attack don't you think that decision is up to the chief of naval operations yes sir with your permission sir i'd like to make a request to the cno to take my ship to the missile test center at point magu for special training with guided missiles in other words you want to jump the gun on the whole program suppose your request is approved and suppose you fail at point magu just as you did the other day it could cause the navy to drop the whole submarine guided missile project it might never get off the drawing board i'd still want to try it sir very well table i'll forward your request but without my recommendation aye sir well whitaker how does it feel to be out of date well i don't think he meant it that way sir what are you up to that's the way i felt about my superiors when i was his age if our young officers ever stopped feeling that way occasionally this navy will be in trouble communications admiral bradley cody dispatch chief of naval operations bluefin request permission proceed point magoo better get those things off tonight this dispatch just came in sir i thought you might want to see it while we're still working on the budget estimates what's got into bradley he knows there's no money for this that's why he passed it up without recommendation sir but they didn't look too good on that last operation so you can't blame the submarine skipper for trying i thought you might like to hear what the viewer of personnel has on talbot commander william a commanding officer of submarine bluefin 1944 won the navy crossed at silver straits installed improvised rocket launching equipment and bombarded coast of japan in 1945. oh that talbot eh all this dispatch request is to proceed to point magoo for experimental training we've got to give submarines a chance to fire guided missiles pretty soon otherwise it'll look like we're committing ourselves to just launching them from surface craft but without a larger appropriation talbot try it as a final armed services budget meeting in seven weeks if you can show any results by then we'll have a good argument for a real appropriation oh we got a big job ahead of us fuss we've done him before sir blue finn's a great ship yeah i went through a lot during the last war didn't that's submarine in the navy not many of the old crew left now there's pete hack andy myers and you we're in the sea test range sir messi's just came in for us to dock a port winami it's only a few minutes by jeep to point magoo fine first thing in the morning we'll take off the wooden deck aft clear space so we can rig up launching rails i figure we'll need about 20 feet well i'll i'll get the men started on it anyway what i meant was that my retirement orders ought to be coming through in a week or so sir now you're really going through with it this time a flush yes you own a chicken ranch that'll bring me something i wish you'd think it over oh i have sir i got another letter from my sister sir say did i ever show you the picture of her boy my nephew yeah he's a bright looking kid going on 15 now too big and sassy for a woman alone to handle needs a man around to show him the ropes you uh you understand don't you sir sure i understand just that i've kind of got used to depending on yes sir looks like fishing boat sir something trailing alongside sir we filed one of their nets not so fast mister who said you could put nets out on a sea test range they tell me a point magoo they don't shoot tonight any night they don't shoot they fish here you cut my net you know i don't cost i'm going to sue the government don't let us stop you why don't you write a letter to your congressman let's go chuck all in standard now so your identification sir commander tablet reporting that most got i'll take it sentry sign this wear this [Music] carry this whatever you do here whatever you hear here whatever you see here leave here right oh now you can squeeze me in for a minute karen admiral scott has to approve these modifications pony has to prove everything i'm sorry you'll just have to wait your turn hello hank hello bill what are you doing here me why i'm the pilot that teaches him to fly without pilots come on let's grab a cup of coffee no thanks i've got to see adam scott right away yeah well observe my boy observe you'll be lucky if you get in by next tuesday i want to be launching rockets by then well it's nice for you to tell us do you have your papers please yeah bales of them can you tell that moscow tonight just to see him commander talbot is here right across the hall thank you send them through as soon as you can make up specifications hi sir oh your taliban eh what's the idea of cutting fishing nets all over the channel fishing nice well i only found one sir well one's too many the first call i had this morning was from a fisherman threatening to sue everybody we've had enough trouble convincing the ranch owners we're not going to blow everyone to kingdom come without you getting us involved with the fishermen too i was very anxious to get here sir everybody's anxious to get here navy army air force marines but you were the first one who brought a submarine along it ought to be interesting very interesting did you bring any money with you well what we're here for won't cost very much sir we can't afford it if it cost anything operation six deferred 20 minute warning on the loan has been sound we're loaded with projects guided missiles from land to aircraft from ships to aircraft aircraft to aircraft and we've barely enough money to keep those going without experimenting with submarines well i know things are tight sir but i wouldn't be here if cno didn't think it was important all i need are the materials and so that's all a few guided missiles maybe some launching rails to fire them from what about a few other little things like special training for your crew do you know what that consists of one basic construction of missiles and launchers two of the theoretical and practical aspects of raucous jets and pulse jet engines three handling and maintenance of the miscellaneous launching equipment four preparation of missiles for firing five theory of radio and radar control six adjustments and maintenance of special control equipment seven technique of controlling the missile in flight i could go right on tablet but i won't because you're an expert already and all you need are the materials well i thought since we were only going to be here for seven weeks sir seven weeks i've been working with rockets for 13 years and it's taken me that long to figure out how we can boil this course down to four months classes start in the morning any questions no sir my crew learns fast what do you feed the admiral for breakfast small commanders no he's a nice man it's only that he has to spend most of his time saying no no money no equipment and no dice commander cup of coffee please yes sir you didn't pick that accent up around here did you no my family was danish we came over during the war you live on the base none of the civilian employees live on the base most of us live up in oxnard that's the nearest town well i'll have to look into that i'm a great believer in knowing where everybody lives you have a pretty responsible job here don't you i guess you know that we start school tomorrow ah what a shame to waste all that time in classes you think so working with misses can be very dangerous it's important that everyone knows his job that's why i feel it's best to concentrate on just the courses that really count maybe you know a couple of shortcuts sure all of them so i should be very careful in checking your attendance i wouldn't want you to miss a thing as security officer of this station i want to impress two things on you one you are the first submarine personnel to receive special training and guided missiles this fact in itself is confidential two you will discuss this training with no one instructors at this station will be glad to answer any questions that may arise at all times complete security will prevail you'll now report to classroom number a one is anything that can be projected to hit a distant object a guided missile is one that can be controlled by a radar and directed to its target for you submariners launching a missile will not be unlike firing a torpedo with wings but before you can launch one yourself you must know all about them now they're assembled what makes them fly they're characteristics in varying conditions three or four months you'll have a pretty good idea what they're like all of these are guided missiles this is a dragonfly it's last test it flew 1500 miles in 41 minutes this missile over here is a loon it's equipped with booster rockets which drop off after the missile has gained flying speed now this is the type you'll probably launch from your submarine it can travel a distance of 150 miles in 18 minutes this is the m27 which is launched from the ground against attacking aircraft travels about 750 miles per hour you know we're pretty well pressed for time and since we're only going to use the loom admiral scott insists that each class be instructed in all types of guided missiles a launcher is the mechanism from which a guided missile is fired firing a guided missile gentleman is a whale of a complicated business therefore this course will deal with aerodynamics electronics and gyroscopics before we finish you will know more about these books than the men who wrote them i quit high school to join the navy before any missile is approved for use its motorists first tested and restrained flight any flaws that might make for erratic fights are detected here hey where's the pilot that's one of our target planes in flight it has no pilot but it's directed from another plane takeoffs and landings are cheap here is a pilot okay chief [Music] well that does it when we get down to submarines without cruise you think they'll ever learn how to swab a deck by just pressing a button that's it fellas maddox and thomas you'll stay here so far we've done just about everything except what we came here for i'm gonna have a talk with that professor you know we may have to set up shop for ourselves but we haven't learned anything about launching missiles and we've got to know how to build a launcher and if we wait until the last minute now don't be impatient commander after you finish these courses you'll learn the practical side of building a launcher i know outside the classrooms [Music] what are we doing here there's a third place you're taking me and the sign still says keep up only this one is smaller look the skipper said you may have to set up shop for yourselves didn't he what are you guys gonna do when i'm gone so hi hi hey uh is this a new type of launcher it looks different to me oh same old thing r10 r10 huh be sure you keep it 15 inches away from the outside rail oh still keeping the distance at 15 inches huh sure why not i heard that the latest specimen what do you mean these are the hey you new here for me oh no i i just been the hospital that's all just just checking out to make sure that i haven't missed anything huh see you around chief well well what we know there's an r10 launcher and that the inside rail is exactly 15 inches from the outside rail now all we have to do is go back and draw up a blueprint yeah [Music] hey chief you're a pain aren't you mcavoy we might be that's the way i like people to talk everything open and above both look chief you can save us both a lot of trouble by just following regulations you want to know anything special ask the instructors that way nothing leaks out and we keep all this secret you do that you'll stay out of trouble now stay out of your hair okay who is that guy remember what they told us whatever you do here whatever you see here whatever you hear here he's the guy that makes sure it stays here come in you uh sent for me sir yeah what's with you in the security office nothing much we just wanted off limits that's ulcer you must be getting old you've never been on report before i never hit point magoo before sir this outfit knows all the angles they throw you nothing but curves and some of them come in pretty nice packages huh oh i thought we'd take a drive down to the beach as i hear the view's very beautiful down [Music] that what we came up here for well well i think of the time you've said you see commander i've been out with sailors before yes i i was beginning to get that idea and they usually feel that at first they must be polite so for half an hour they talk about how beautiful the night is the ocean is and i am well it's very flattering but every girl has heard it before and when a man has spent all that time talking these have to be difficult to handle so i'd rather kiss him first and then say no than to start off by saying no and kissing him later you take a lot for granted don't you and how do you know that was my intention can a man take a a girl out for any other reason than just yes there's a second type of man they buy me nice dinners they pay me compliments but it always turns out that they're in some kind of trouble at the station and they suddenly think that since i'm the admiral secretary that maybe there's a way i could help them what makes you think i'm that type i mean you've you've got a very warped opinion of men i wouldn't play a trick like that on you that's fine because then i don't have to embarrass you by saying no to that either and i'm just waiting you see i realize how important this work is i know what it means to be on the losing side of a wall to me my work is much more than just a job in an office and since my day starts at 8am and you don't want anything from me after all i think you better take me home [Music] good night commander thanks for a pleasant evening now what now what yeah you're the girl who always knows what a man's going to do next aren't you well well i'm sorry if i hurt your feelings you don't know what you did to my feelings i wouldn't blame you if you didn't want to see me again you know there's a third type of man you didn't mention what cat is that that's the kind of man who likes to make up his own mind really now that kind of a man could be very interesting but not tonight wait a minute you can't say no until you've kissed me that's your philosophy isn't it oh my philosophy is only one kiss to leave me one to a customer yes well maybe i'm not a one evening customer please you don't have to be polite and see it to the door oh i mean after all you are going to invite me in for a minute aren't you no please my family may be waiting up for me we want to wait up for a girl who can take care of herself like you so we can talk about that some other time sure we can do our talking later oh yeah well i guess i've stayed my minute good night commander hey all right now let's take it back this transfers it and regulates it down to your other valve which is turned on after we invite him in to last 10 minutes all observers control able from area clearance what's the status of the loon this is controlable we're all set to start a five minute warning is the area clear area is clear controlable from area clearance we are ready to track loon the area is clear okay for five minute warning mark five minutes firing circuit's safe firing circuit safe plug in firing leads close the safety switch check the firing circuit firing circuit okay launcher's arm launcher stand by for the two minute warning mark two minutes boxness this is control chase plane take off [Music] 45 seconds take over commander 40 seconds stand by to start engine 35 seconds start engine 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 three two one [Music] this is control go ahead control we are directing loon at three thousand feet how's its flight at three thousand feet speed 500 flying steady loon test check speed 500 course steady altitude 3000 feet hello hawk one this is controlled um hey you guys listen to this my kid nephew wants to know how soon he can get into the navy as if 20 years in this canoe club wasn't enough for one family well i'll soon wail that idea out of his head you won't have to when he gets a look at what 20 years did to you fuss is just kidding did it take a 20 mule team to get him out of this man's navy that's what you think there i'll be sitting on my big fat retirement check drinking my beer while your nephew police is the area i'll bet he'll have to join the navy just to get away from you some dirt over there any news sir the only good news i've had today was about you meesa i heard you reenlisted oh i i figured you might be able to use me sir if anybody's got anything to say who's saying anything civilian no luck with admiral scotzer no i told him we only had 10 days left it didn't make a dent there's just no launchers adaptable to submarines and i'd say does that mean we leave here without ever doing what we came for maybe they'll give us some more time sir not a chance you know what burns me up is that i could build that launcher myself the only problem would be locating the parts parts yeah why they've got everything you need right over there oh well just knowing where they are you see that isn't good enough oh besides they're probably all earmarked for other outfits now they got plenty of spares oh really well now isn't that a shame all those nice parts going to waste you know it's too bad i can't requisition them myself yeah oh oh yes sir yes sir is too bad yes well i guess we'll have to forget about it oh uh sir uh in case anyone should come calling for you tonight uh where would we find you at the officers club well there goes the weekend what do we do now here's the way i see it this isn't gonna be like any other deal we've pulled before this place is crawling with security first we're gonna need someone who can make with the locks it's not enough i'm a broom pusher i've got to have a mechanical mine too next we'll need a strong back some tomatoes gonna miss me tonight mark what a big liberty this is gonna be work saturday night and spend sunday in the brig okay we'll shove off after dark i've handled trickier jobs than this haven't i pliers [Music] i'll take care of my and you'll figure out where we stash this stuff i got a vacant boathouse all taped loaded with tools it's the only place on the station they never check for a guy who says he's never done time you think of everything come on come on how did you ever get out of the reform school anyway flunk out i don't want to set off any burglar alarms see what do you want the navy cross hey pete bring up the truck [Music] andy you'll be the lookout we'll just take what we need that way they won't miss anything until inventory [Music] hey snap it up you guys i think i saw some lights [Music] i guess we showed them a thing or two they won't even know we were here okay the light's gone now one two three glad i met you at last commander you've certainly made an impression on my husband good i hope it's been years since i've heard of anyone who could irritate the admiral quite so thoroughly you also seem to have made an impression on my husband's secretary also irritating that's not quite the way i put it why don't you ask yourself and find out oh he's worn me out karen because i do see enough of my husband at the office every day don't you believe her she wears very well karen she's really wild about dancing he's impossible i like that commander tom it looks like you're not the only one oh uh care to dance with an older man peg my tom telephone for you admiral then you're the officer calling oh excuse me peg i'll be right back i knew it was too good to be true the last time you asked me to dance they bombed pearl harbor patio time i thought we were going to dance you need a breath of air do i well not really i just like to get you alone and drive myself crazy you know you get more beautiful in the moonlight and who doesn't the dance is over there oh that's right so i wouldn't want you to think that i'm making love to you i'm the subtle type so am i that's well the only difference is you see your system works and mine doesn't when we dance are stubborn people oh i don't know i've made a lot of progress with your uncle you have oh yes yes you know when i come to pick you up now he doesn't growl at me anymore he just grinds his teeth you and your jokes now that's the trouble i'm a serious girl yeah suppose i fell in love with you you'd be late i've already fallen for you that's not the same thing i don't know now it feels exactly the same what's this am i trapped [Music] no doc on it i am what you know this world has really gone downhill karen in the stone age when a man had a girl in the corner he just hit her on the head me i'm civilized yes i suddenly realized that i've got honorable intentions what a dreadful shock to you well you can't say i i didn't fight against that's not fighting too hard commander talbot i've been looking for you sir there's a chief at the door anxious to see you thank you you uh think i can trust you with all these sailors huh well i'm in training i'll be right back i hate to bother you sir but pete's had another bad attack it's his uh appendix oh appendix yes well i was afraid something like that might happen i'll make some excuse and be right with you let's take a look at that appendix well you picked a good place for the operation first part of it's all over sir i call it a nice clean removal now all we got to do is figure out how to put this little erector set together did you men leave anything oh there's plenty left sir i'm only stumped about one thing sir i don't know where we begin all right i'll show you oh this is gonna have to be a night job we can't start cutting classes boy this will really be like old times are you sure you got away clear tonight oh you can count on it sir we didn't even leave fingerprints it's a print from one of our new photoelectric devices whenever anyone enters a restricted building after hours a picture is automatically taken by an infrared camera they didn't have to steal that material if i thought they're already i've given it to them do you want me to pick them up sir no talbot was smart enough to stay out of the actual theft himself i'm curious let them go ahead well but if you do that sir as long as that material is needed on another project let them have it for the time being talmud has a lot to learn well i think it's very generous of you to let them proceed under the circumstances sir you see they've uh they've set up shop in your own boathouse they've what see that i get daily reports yes sir come in these reports on the looms just came in sir from the ordinance i thought you might want to take them ordinance reports security reports by the way ms hanson i hope you won't be getting yourself involved one of your admirers is under technical surveillance actually tight as a drum sir next time i borrow some iron like this i'm going to borrow some men to put it together you did all right fudge oh yeah we ought to be finished in a couple of hours it sure looks all right then well you know this uh just ought to call for a little celebration how would you men like some liberty like it we not only like it we'll take it sir sure well that is if you won't be needing us well first i got to talk admiral scott into letting us use this think it'll work all right sir well it has to when i see the admiral good evening talbot i take it i'm in time for the christening christening sir whoa we were just i know i've had daily reports from the time you first set up shop in my boathouse step aside velvet i'd always heard that submariners pride themselves on being self-sufficient now i believe it thank you but i still don't admire the way you went about it what was going to be your next step i thought that once we'd gone this far you might arrange a test and what did you intend to fire off the launcher why why loon sir well there's just one thing you didn't allow for talbott we haven't had a loan at point magoo in two weeks since you didn't take us into your confidence we weren't able to foresee what material you need in the future you might do better by trying to work with the navy uncle chris yeah you're famous i'm always home early since the navy came they're firing into the sea again today and what are you doing getting ready for a picnic with commander talbot he's coming here again you won't have to see him i told him i meet him outside karen i don't want you to see him either it's bad for you to be serious about such a man well i haven't said i was but if i want to dance or picnic with him i know you can you think this is only your stubborn old uncle talking but this is more than commander talbot it's the way i feel about all the sailors like him men that work with things no simple fisherman can understand and what they can't understand they don't like so you turn your back on it why not this business frightens me there's no answer to it you are wrong there is an answer but you won't find it by looking away karen uncle chris the men at the station have wives and children and people they love if you are frightened think how much worse it must be for them who who really know how terrible these things can be do you think they want to use these weapons they've discovered or the one that will come later or perhaps the one that will blow the word apart what can they do they're not god to say what's right and wrong and how it will all end they only men and they do the best they can karen i still don't have to like it but i'm glad to hear no one else likes it either i guess i've wasted these past few weeks haven't i what do you mean i mean i'll be leaving point mcgrew in four days all i thought about was how much work i could get done in that time instead i should have been thinking that i was gonna have to leave you will it matter for very long too long karen i'm awfully sorry i haven't been able to see very much of you since the night of the dance i understand i wouldn't blame you if you didn't i just hope i woke up in time walk up to [Music] what i i've been trying to think of a way to say it that wouldn't sound too corny but now i don't care anymore i love you karen i love you that's a very eloquent way of saying it i got four days to tell you how much if you're willing to listen i can't think of anything i'd rather hear [Music] tonight tomorrow the day after that and then you'd be gone oh that won't be for good no not now you know admiral scott i'd hate to think that he he was doing me a favor but he gave me lots of time to sit on my hands now i can use that time don't be better toward him the admin isn't against you he only told you the truth don't try to kid me ken but darling we haven't had anything to do with his appointment for two weeks it was only yesterday that we learned that the new shipment was at the army ordnance depot they're not far from here but it takes time to go through channels oh it does doesn't oh try not to worry but there's nothing you can do but nothing anyone can do hank i'll see you tonight i still think we're taking a big chance if admiral scott ever finds out you came here and i brought you he won't how do you know the loons are stashed here well this is the only army ordinance set up close to point magoo and i suppose you think you'll just borrow a few remember son this is the army do you have an id card sir report to the officer in charge of the gate sir commander talbot to see your commanding officer what's the nature of your business sir expediting navy cargo navy who's in command of this post lieutenant the commander of this depot is general benton sign this initial this i'll have one of the men round you up sir cassidy take the commander to the headquarters [Music] [Music] me [Music] thanks cassidy you think you're gonna find your way back without a compass let's only admit you to the reception room sir you can explain your business to the captain in the first office commander talbot to see general benton for what purpose sir i can only tell that to the general i'm afraid i need more information than that well it concerns guided missiles can sign to the navy initial list sign this there you are commander present these to major wilson around your right major wilson no major kennedy did you tell me i see your papers please you find major wilson in the next office straight ahead thank you major wilson yes commander talbot to see general benton may i have your id card this is a pretty old picture commander where'd you get that uniform i bought it where'd you get yours why but sign these need all these papers to see general benton oh you need these to see colonel halliburton next office thank you colonel halberton i'm commander talbot follow me colonel halliburton this is commander talbot why did you want to see me well i didn't sir it's very important that i see general benton your appointment cool who's the commanding officer there admiral scott general benton left for washington 20 minutes ago washington that's right i have to see him sir you might try the airstrip if this plane hasn't taken off you may still find him in the coffee shop or commander yes your papers yes thank you very much i've been spending so much time in planes i'm beginning to feel like i was in the air force i think i'll just have a ham sandwich and a glass of milk quite a ride excuse me miss by any chance did you happen if you don't mind young man i have to catch a plane i'm sorry right brent all right get him right up i'm sorry so am i why don't you watch where you're going young man but i said i was sorry i i was just looking at the plane there and i i mean if you hadn't left your briefcase sitting in the middle of the floor i think that wouldn't happen well do you plan to block it while you're at it uh i guess this just isn't my day tell me y'all man do you ever have a good day not when i have to spend the whole morning with the army that's enough to follow up a man for life oh it is hey well i'm supposed to a maybe man no no it isn't that sir have you ever tangled with the army have i what was so tough about your morning well i spent the whole morning collecting calling cards i saw sentries i met lieutenants i met i'm at captains i'm at colonels did i meet the right guy no no who is the right guy oh some character named benton oh oh that character here you are general benton oh i'm i'm sorry sir i i said that before didn't i yes you did yeah what are you doing down here uh well i i wanted to get something from you sir yes you see i command a submarine down at point magoo and we're just finishing special training we were about to fire our first loon and i find out they don't have any what do you expect me to do well i thought you might give us some sir i know you have them here and they're a consigned appointment but they haven't been transferred yet i know about your project talbot there was quite a little talk about it among the joint chiefs on my last trip to washington perhaps next week you may have some good news you know next week would be too late sir within 72 hours i may get orders to report back to my squadron some years ago i intercepted a navy pass and ran 59 yards to a touchdown the final score was army 17 navy 14. i've always owed the navy something for that i'll do what i can oh that's fine sir oh i'm sorry you said that before yeah [Music] three loons compliments of general benton sir who authorized you to go to the army yard nastepo no one sir when i found out where they were [Music] you know our orders will leave here by sunset tomorrow sir may we have your permission to fire the loan worried that your trading was authorized by the cia tomorrow morning sir could be ready by then yes sir if the shop will install the launcher we'll do the rest in fact my crew will work all night getting the loon ready very well i'll make the arrangements thank you sir just a minute commander [Music] from the day you came here you've chosen to go your own way i didn't like that but i could understand it in a way i almost admired it there's some things no man could admire you know of course that i'll have to change my secretary now so she didn't save it talbot i think i have more regrets about this than you're capable of that's all [Music] karen i care and i didn't know if it turned out this way but you know how important it was for me there are things that are important to me too this job and the way i felt about you but you when it comes to choice you sacrifice anything for yourself i never meant it karen will you just listen last sunday i listened now there's no listening left in me [Music] are the booster rockets ready all sets are ready to test the firing circuit hold it is it safe to switch unsafe safety switch one's safe sir check the firing circuit check firing circuit firing circuit okay firing circuit okay stand by for the ten minute warning mark ten minutes ten minutes to go sir till control will fire on schedule low control this is bluefin luffy and this is control go ahead we will fire on schedule is the area clear range panel sir small prayer for big rock where's the patrol plane right here sir contact hello snoopy this is control hello control this is snoopy go ahead check small craft fouling range north of big rock we'll call the rain just follow sir what give me that hello hank yeah bill this is bluefin can't you do something about it take it easy bill i'm working on it now hello control i love bluefin this is snoopy just spotted fishing craft we'll contact where did we see that school of fish this morning ten miles north of here we'll take her down maybe i can stir up these fishermen with a bullhorn [Music] you hear what he said he to play make full speed hello control i love bluefin this is snoopy the range will be clear in five minutes thanks fella control this is bluefin how's the time five minutes to go sir hawk's nest this is control chase planes take off control this is hawk one heading for bluefin hawk one hawk two this is control maintain station over blue fin and track missile shoot down if it goes into erratic flight welcome out [Applause] this doesn't look good sir i thought we'd be through before the fog came in we have orders to leave point we'll go with sunset today this is it battle stations we've just developed some trouble the firing circuit sir take over on the bridge i'm going on deck mark two minutes two minutes sir i tested everything so you better delay the firing i'll find the trouble myself get the law but sir clear the deck [Applause] sir we'll make it test the firing circuit quick that's the party circuit [Music] explosion on bluefin hello blue fan this is admiral scott and why is the state of accident commanding officer and chief badly injured returning to port weiner at full speed operator send an analyst to portland dock immediately [Music] they've still got a light on how long can i keep guys on the table how am i supposed to know been in there for hours [Music] skipper's just coming out of surgery i still don't know don't know what what shape he's going to be in it's his legs house fuss [Music] he didn't make it never came to [Music] so [Music] has he been equipping dr gates for eight weeks in the hospital surprisingly good commander doctor i brought you a visitor hello talvin well this is very nice of you to come down here sir oh the lake's coming along not bad they're beginning to feel more like legs i'll have them back on duty before you know it what have you got here those are planned sir i think i know what caused the accident now if we make a few changes in that safety switch for one thing well i have some other ideas but i'd like to get them to the board of investigation before they make their findings they already have in spite of the explosion we're going ahead your submarine is staying on at point magoo that means you must have put in a favorable recommendation i did you see at times i am a reasonable man that's what karen tried to tell me you should listen more to that young lady you're a lucky man yes you don't know how lucky sir i nearly lost everything but instead it all turned out fine admiral this young man ought to be getting some rest why don't you take them with you oh right i'll be back on duty as quick as i can sir i hope it'll be soon albert oh thank you you haven't told him about fuss not yet i didn't want to take any chances till he really got him back on his feet we'll start him walking tomorrow we found that in his locker we always thought he's kidding about a house what do we do we can't go ahead without the skipper's signature and we can't talk to him until dr gates says it's okay i'll see if i can reach dr gates now nurse if you've seen the doctor anywhere i'd like to i'd like to show how i get her well what do you know hello andy hello sir pete how are you feeling sir oh fine mac hi sir commander you shouldn't be moving around without a nurse oh i'm fine what are you men doing here well oh we uh we were just asking the nurse if we could see you oh it's about time i thought you fellas had given me up for dead have you spoken to us yet no no well let's all go see him together come on commander let me help you to your room oh i'm fine yeah i i it's my first time on my feet i sit down here in a moment the nurse is right sir we'll go along with you hell let's take a breather [Music] it wasn't your fault sir who said it was it's the brakes that's all sir that's the way it goes [Music] i need some kind of a form to fill out want to keep up these paintings [Music] yes [Music] will you get me dr gates quickly please this is the third time doctor that i've been put up with that excuse i haven't been able to see him for a week sit down i'll tell you why you haven't been able to see him commander talbot has suffered a relapse is it because he found out about fuss but no one blames him i know it but he blames himself then what can you do if there's no change in a week we can send him to another hospital your new surroundings he may snap out of it and if he doesn't we have no choice him but he can't be retired doctor the navy's his whole life perhaps you haven't encouraged him commander david says that that you won't let him say bill either well don't you say that's a mistake doctor it's time like this a man needs his friends more than anything don't you think i know that i wish i could make him see his crew and you i'm sorry when he has time to work this out i'm sure he'll want to see all of you i hope so i think we better wait here yes sir think of what the japs would have paid for this scrap iron once you should be able to do without them before long you'll be under the care of specialists they've had more experience with your kind of case thanks for trying to kid me along doc bill do you want to leave the navy it's up to you more than anyone else if you're as determined to throw off those supports as you are to throw off people so long may i help you commander i'll get it goodbye sir [Music] so [Music] [Music] carry on will the launches be installed aboard the submarines in time for the next big exercise yes sir using the crew of the blue fin has speeded up the whole program sir commander designed this gadget after his action see you can't rip this safety switch by mistake they look all right to me sir i just hope we have better luck with him than the child dude wait around this new type firing key won't work until everything checks it's an idea i skipper had while he was in the hospital come in hello karen scott you sent for me yes yes i did here thank you have you heard from commander talbot no i haven't well i've been in touch with dr gates right along they still haven't found any reason why he shouldn't be able to walk without support nevertheless he can't then he hasn't changed that's what bothers me i feel it was my fault too letting him go ahead that day but these things can happen to anyone the only thing a man can do is put them behind him and go along with his work but how do you convince him guided missiles off submarines will be the most important element of our test at the next fleet exercise if we could have him take part oh yes i understand i thought when i went down to san diego i'd go to the hospital and talk to him to make him see that the navy needs him that he needs the navy but talbot has to want to come back not only to the navy but to life itself only one person i know might be able to call him back to both will you go down to san diego with me karen and talk to him [Music] i don't think it'd be of any use [Music] that he needs the navy i think he does it's from it if you're right karen that young man's even sicker than i thought but i don't believe it if anyone can shake him out of it you can will you try [Music] hello bill aren't you gonna be polite and say you're glad to see me i never felt less polite in my life it's good to see you what brought you all the way down here a business call i thought i might collect something on my 48 cents 48 cents a bad investment i made in postage stamps [Music] why didn't you answer my letters babe [Music] i've just been too busy easy doing nothing takes a lot of time maybe it's time you stop doing nothing admiral scott has a job for you [Music] doing what knitting a pair of socks now an important job you've heard about the fleet exercises yes i couldn't help hearing about it well did you hear that admiral scott has been put in charge of all missile equipped submarines he has picked a bluefin for his flagship and he wants you on it why he knows you can be your help to him it's too late can as the navy's turning me out to go to pasture next month and you're going to sit there and do nothing about it what do you think i can do you think i can get on a submarine but the doctor says you can you fallen for that stuff too you gotta know when to quit i used to know a man who never quit never gave him if i'd known when to quit i wouldn't be here now and first would be alive is that it look since i've been here i've heard all the pep talks i know all the routines up and down back and forth so whose bright idea was it anyway to send you here to make the last try they really loaded you with ammunition didn't they all about the navy needing me what was your next step how far were you willing to go i was willing to go a long way because i loved you but you wouldn't understand that you're too selfish to know what loving means but first understood [Music] in his own way he loved you and he died because he believed in you what would he think of you now quitting his dying was one thing but it's another dude to turn your back on the only thing that made his death have any meaning [Music] please yes what but that didn't he tell the people at the hospital well he must have told someone where he was going he can't just yes i'll be right over well keep on checking we know he hasn't left town well he must be somewhere a man can't just disappear yes let me know we don't hear something quick we'll bring the police into it why did i say those things i didn't have to i didn't mean them karen you have to get some sleep not till we find him yes yes of course well thank you he's on the base the sentry at the gate said he was heading for the bluefin [Music] [Music] [Music] good to walk through the ship again sir let me quickly brief you on what we're doing our target the carrier is out here protected by destroyers captain whitaker commanding the submarine's barracuda devil fish tuna and whale will try to get by the destroyers for a torpedo attack meantime our group of submarines will stay back here as soon as we pick up the carrier on our radar we can launch our guided missiles message from captain whitaker sir the submarines haven't been able to penetrate the destroyer screen and the carrier is now launching an anti-submarine air patrol have we your target bearing yet no sir [Music] we stay here on the surface and any planes pick us up with these missiles on deck we've got to fire them now sir i know we don't have contact but i think there's a way of putting the missiles over the target it's never been tried before but it should work let's hear uh we know where captain whitaker's submarines are we know they're in radar contact with a carrier now if we shoot our missiles up to them they can guide them over the target go ahead talon thank you sir hello barracuda this is bluefin in exactly three minutes our submarines will commence firing in your direction take control in flight and direct over target over we'll call ready fire and succession on signal left to right commencing with bluefin good luck to all hands stand by stand by commence firing commence firing ten seconds nine eight seven six five four three two one plant no radar contact with missiles as yet [Music] hello bluefin this is barracuda missiles now overhead taking control [Music] it looks like this is your day bradley it's a big day for all of us guided missiles now crossing fleet intact congratulations all units cease present exercise and return to port talbot's the most persistent officer i ever had whenever he wanted something from the navy he got what it there for right now even the secretary of defense couldn't give him you
Channel: Classic Robb's Glenn Ford Channel
Views: 1,004,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: C3fPf5oCC_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 35sec (5315 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
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