"April Morning" 1988 Lexington/Concord - American Revolution TV-Movie

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] have you a name killing nicer and a fine one Solomon Sullivan Chandler of Lincoln Town is your occupation Solomon Chandler I sell necessaries to the ladies of Lexington and Concord Bedford on the Scylla ladies indeed there are no ladies in these colonies that are only Gilley women get down suppose you have a ready explanation for having his Majesty's musket in your position I found it found it with some poor drunk devil of a British soldier dropped it did you now hmm and the barrel of powder in the box of shot I suppose you found them to MMA that too sir you disappoint me Solomon Chandler a good thief must first of all be a good liar [Music] no let him live to talk we want his wig friends to know that their days of stealing from us and smuggling His Majesty's munitions out of Boston are at an end [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] was a patrol of some sort they were I'm the Menotomy Road how many five - in uniform three without same five I rode through here earlier today I saw them from the fields I searched my wagon they did found my delivery for Concord delivery for Concord powder and shot from Cooper whatever the conquered lands been pleading for these last month's except the Tories in the midst they had a man between 16 and 60 there who wouldn't rather have the powder and shot than a guarantee of salvation signed and sealed by Jehovah himself Solomon you didn't tell them did you that the powder and shot was destined for conflict they didn't ask why should they we're all peasants for them all guineas what the Redcoats think of us is not important Solomon what we think of ourselves is what determines our lives and we only want to be left in peace peace what does peace without dignity what does peace without honor peace indeed the King's peace is slavery slaves live in a kind of peace without honour as men you are beginning the same speech you have been preaching up and down our Massachusetts colony since grown men can remember we've heard it a thousand times we have no need to hear it again yeah it hurts your ears to hear the truth you preach revolution Solomon and you call it truth Moses Cooper it is our duty to throw off that which demeans us as men what do you know a beauty Solomon sadly enough you have always been alone Eagle pride you give me that oh yes I will give you that a lonely prideful Eagle with no wife no children no loved ones no one to cherish him while he's here none to miss him when he's gone your whole life Solomon chance has been a history of bloodshed bill you see I've never had a master no man has assumed authority over me without suffering great regret for heaven done so oh yes we know you well for what you are Solomon if you hadn't agreements you'd sit awake at night inventing one I'm calling a committee meeting for tonight what need is there to call a special meeting John because before last month there was rarely a red court or an agent to be seen on a road this side of Cambridge and now every week there is one patrol or two I see no reason to call a special committee meeting without a specific reason we have won Solomon's blood Solomon's blood oh yes he could lose a gallon of it and never miss an ounce everybody knows Solomon's history he fought with the British army against the French and he fought with the French against the Indians and he fought with the Indians against the Indians I am NOT what you might call happy with the blood of such a man determining my future Moses right you got what you might expect you stole from them in your work cut I think you're fortunate you weren't shut if you think the Redcoats are up to something it is right that the committee be warned but I will tell you this John was no shame when we first formed our militia and picked up our guns to drill I was apprehensive I am no longer apprehensive I'm frightened your mother told me I'd find you working don't looking at all you're dreaming supreme fever and the old days men was spring fever we'll put into the stocks because their wives and children were going hungry why are you looking at me like that like what you know do you think I should be put in the stocks for your thoughts you should perhaps be hanged tell me something Ruth Simmons why is it that girls always pretend they don't have the same thoughts as boys could never be the same well if you don't have the same thoughts that I do and how do you know what mine are doing well you understand that well well I guess I don't really think it's worth doing father not every day you don't know I don't see what's so important about that old stall it's not the stall so much as your attitude towards life that concerns me I thought we were talking about the stall so just the stall and feed myself and say nothing to you am i boring you yes look as if I'm boring your mother will be needing evening water now [Music] holy ghost and Holly how get the out of the Massey well [Music] maybe the only one I think somebody had words Nearpod again haven't you well whatever it is between you and your father will remain between you and your father refused to be one of those women to allow our children to Peter against her husband not a child neither I wasn't thinking of doing anything in this or I responded sufficiently help me up Adam I want to get a little breath of fresh air I'll tell you one thing boy this is the time of day when an old lady wishes she drank hard spirits why don't you start that has bad habits you begin early in life if they're gonna have any gossip patty what's wrong you know you're the only person I can talk to you around here granny yes you're so old you don't care what you say that's supposed to be a compliment well you admit yourself you're all a woman can admit any truth about herself until it's pointed out by another and then it becomes an insult now why don't you just forget about my age and condition and get on with what's bothering life why does father consider that everything I do is either wrong or sinful wasn't it my entire life he has never told me that I'm right or maybe right about anything I'm always wrong according to him you me yes Adam don't you know your father by this time it isn't just you II considers wrong according to him he's the only right thinking man on earth he's my son your father is and his father was just the same my pleasure has been doubly dubious we thank thee Lord for the food we eat we thank thee for it even though it was we who planted the seed even though it was our hands who guided the plow and even though it was our backs bent in toil under your hellish Sun the ground is as dry as dust and I will take the liberty of asking we know they'll give us with one hand and take us away with the other but sometimes it seems to go beyond the bounds of reason if I was the Lord I'd walk away from a speech like that Moses Cooper and then strike you down with the first handy bolt of lightning Lord understands straight talk with her granny was only suggesting a little respect Moses but greater respect can a man show to God or to this fellow man than honesty how big are you Adam Tom what is your height I stand somewhere between 16 and 17 hands father Paul as a man whatever it is knows as it can wait until the meal is over Adam won't be any taller than he is no tall as a man Adam some man tall as a man strong as a man one would think that a man's mind would go along with all that don't you think so Jordan Oh Moses all this is going to interfere with your digestion I don't know what you're so angry about father I really don't I'm not angry I am disappointed I'm disappointed that I have a son as big as you who insists on repeating a superstitious oath when he draws water from a well you know what I'm talking about doctor yes Oh No thank you I just finished my own supper I couldn't eat another morsel oh yeah donkus there's no one makes them as good as you do Sara I've come to walk you to the committee meeting Moses as you are coming aren't you of course I'm going have you finished the statements not quite what statement the committee is appointed Joseph to compose a statement on the rights of man we're all going to sign it they'll be posted in Boston my embossing what so the British will know where we stand that's why do any of you think the British give a fig where you stand let's get on to the meeting Joseph I have a long day in the fields tomorrow father I want to go with you to the meeting well I I know the committee made a rule about a man having to be 16 before he joins but are you a man though well you admit yourself that I'm tall and strong and I'm only a few months away from my 16th birthday talk to me when your mind catches up to your age and size Adam [Music] why does he hate me so H you're his son he loves you does he Chrissie does and why does never show it [Music] [Music] let's be off Godspeed [Music] we humbly ask God to have mercy on this gathering we ask it in the name of Jesus Christ our Savior there a man who doesn't know Solomon Chandler from Lincoln town there are many men here who wish they didn't he was accosted by a British patrol on the Menotomy Road this afternoon they beat him they confiscated his wagon his team and his goods stolen powder and shot no matter whether we personally approve of him or not it behooves every man here to remember that Solomon Chandler is one of us and if it weren't for men like him there would be precious little powder and shot for men like you if and when you need it what happened to Solomon this afternoon occasions this meeting here tonight our militia just to say this committee can lay claim to seven clothes four guns with rifled barrels sixty smoothbore guns ten of which are fire locks five Dragoon pistols which are probably worthless and we have 14 British army guns should the need arise our village has a hundred and sixteen assorted pieces all told John is it not sir the King George has five thousand soldiers now quartered in Boston yes that is the number of redcoats that has been passed on to us is it also not true that the British Army is the very best army in the world the British Army does have that reputation yes and we do not need our one hundred and sixteen pieces the British will fall down laughing at us that's all I have to say I think you are forgetting Joseph that we aren't alone there are hundreds and perhaps thousands of committees like ours from Maine to the Carolinas well Joseph means is that he's a blacksmith I'm a farmer most of us here are farmers all of our meetings all of her dealings will pick us soldier nobody claims to be as I doubt there is a man present here who has ever shot and killed another man I personally do not relish the thought no decent man does relish the thought of killing others Moses but we must consider that we may one day be presented with no choice what will you do then I don't know what I will do and no man here does well David slew Goliath didn't he would you care to speak to that Reverend David did indeed slay Goliath for the holy book tells us so unfortunately British soldiers can't read I'm just thinking about you and me does your mother father ever ask you anything about us no what'd they ask you know I really don't know what you're talking about what I mean is we could do anything we wanted to and it would just be between us wouldn't it oh really why not because cuz nothing's ever just between two people yes but we're here all alone there's no one else in these woods it's just you and me God is here with this Adam God's watching us if you thought we didn't believe that he'd be very disappointed in us Ruth why did you have to bring God into this there's a big question about you I mean it's begging for an answer that's what I'm trying to tell you if you would just leave God out of it Adam listen to me when two people walk out at night in the hold hands like you and I do what means they like each other more than commonly so it doesn't it yeah and if two people like each other more than commonly so then it must mean they have something uncommon in common I love you my mother told me that's far easier for a man to say than for a woman to accept she told me they're men who use the word love for their own selfish purposes Ruth your mother talks too much my mother's a good mother because she trusts me she didn't trust me you'd never be allowed to come tap tap tapping on my door you and I would never be alone together in these dark woods unless we were lowly skulkers I didn't intend out your feelings I haven't have I Adam Ruth when I tell you that I love you I mean that you're the first person I've ever told that to I want you to believe me I do believe you I'm special feeling for you [Music] [Music] it's a feeling that makes my heart beat faster and faster makes my brother come short so I guess it's love [Music] I think you better walk me home now now you want to go home now I'd say I wanted to just that I'm better because just because I better [Music] where the meeting lasts so long today because the deeper one sinks into quicksand and the more difficult it becomes to escape what do you mean like quicksand seems to be a rule of life things we hate the most are often the most necessary for survival talking about guns she burned a gun for as long as I've known you yes and I've respected it but I have never loved it why are you still awake from sleep I'll tell you and I've talked about something Moses Adam seems to have gotten the idea that you hate him I truly thinks you don't like it we already get an idea like that maybe you gave it to him Sarah I don't know ma'am good love a son more than I love that boy you told him told him no fathers tell their daughters they love him don't tell her sons that that would embarrass me and him knowing he's loved and cared about means as much to a boys it does to a girl losses I think I should tell him I love him you start but I think showing love means more than saying it maybe I've been too hard on him don't you know what that boy means to me I know it's more important that Adam note [Music] [Music] [Music] all right there's a rider down [ __ ] shot long enough to wake everybody up Grenadier isn't light infantry most likely are you sure we didn't wait around to see but there's no doubt about it at all they crossed the Charles River and formed up in the Menotomy road when we lit out there was four of us one took off for Medford one for Brookline and another one went down to Watertown but no matter which road those lobster bats take you can be sure they're headed for the stores of powder and shot in Concord how many soldiers are there well we have to know I call my bridle mr. I have to go on we want to know how many soldiers there are a thousand at least they had a line of boats stretching across the Charles and every boat was packed full of redcoats now get out of my way you're not the only one who's got to be whipped up this night I don't believe it anybody who knows the British Army knows they don't March at night why should they if they're truly marching this way at this hour is to take us by surprise at Concord what kind of surprise when it's got to be done before they get halfway there well the man who just rode through here wasn't drunk far as I could tell and he has no reason to ride out here in the middle of the night just to tell us a lie I'm gonna call out the militia to sign a muster book Reverend do we get the bill now wait just a minute let's suppose there's an army of a thousand men headed this way the muster roll of our militia only adds up to 79 men what's your point what are you going to do with 79 men facing a thousand is my point we don't know how many there are we don't know for certain there are any but if there were only one of us principle would be the same what do you say Reverend do we get the Bell told the bill summon the militia you are now under orders and indiscipline and this Committee of Defense and correspondents go home get your gunpowder and shot as well as a pound of bread in the bottle of water muster on the green at the sound of the drum name you know my name you have to state it Samuel Hadley you are now under orders and indiscipline and this Committee of Defense and correspondence go home get your gun powder and shot as well as a pound of bread in the bottle of water muster on the green at the sound of the drum named Josh Smith FICO just sign your own name Smith and let the good Lord take care of his own you are now under orders and in disciplining this committee of Defense and correspondence go home get your gunpowder and shot as well as a pound of bread and a bottle of water muster on the green at the sound of the drum point to sleep a boy woke up a man I Adam I truly hope so sir my father up there I don't know if I'll be signing a muster book or not what if he won't let you I guess I'll just sink right through this floor named Simon Casper you are now under orders and indiscipline and this Committee of Defense and correspondents go home get your gunpowder and shot I found her bed in the bottle of water monster on the green at the sound of the drum do your turn mr. sax I know why don't you go ahead named Adam Cooper thank you sir [Music] did you sign yes i i i signed like mr. Parker Hana me the pen and I signed he handed me the pen and my father watch me sign and I signed my name Adam Cooper citizen what do you do now I go home and I get my gun and I join the rest of the men on the green and we wait for the Redcoats Ruth this is gonna be the greatest day of my life your son your 15 year old son assign the militia muster book is that your way of loving him sir if I'd refused you in front of the whole village I would have lost him forever if the British Army is truly coming you may just lose him forever what was I to do I looked up and there he was didn't say anything standing there looking at me I tell you his face said more than all the words that ever pass between us it's only a boy yesterday he was a boy tonight he's not I don't understand that kind of talk a poison turned into a man overnight it tastes learning and growing and hurting and most of all it takes time playing people we live quietly we try to raise our children properly with a decent respect for God and man you don't cheat we don't steal we don't even have a jail in our town and now you're telling me did ordinary Village People men and boys we've known all of our lives are gonna try and stop an army and then our 15 year old son is one of those boys I'm not even certain the Army's coming but if they do come I'm see you standing for him they'll respect us well they firmness is not the way to have bloodshed it is the way to avoid it then avoid it without a doctor that we can't shelter in the house era we cannot yield in there comes a time this is that time around the plant there's a moisture in there start enough that's hunting measure you're not having well how many then three times I'll kick like a mule you can live with a bruised shoulder better than you can live with the British banner how many pellets 25 you can't pellets yes sir I count them you'll stop tomorrow to count pellets is that it yes sir listen think think use your head to save your life put your hand in that shop couch and pull out a handful feel it in your hand No it's 27 it's a large load it can break the breach your breech rusty no sir then it won't break now load them and remember what it feels like don't stop to count yes sir want you to close the shutters just as you would for a storm I want you to stay inside until Adam and I are back and I want you to remember that they don't want bloodshed any more than we do the soldiers may be trash but their officers are gentlemen and we're all the same people not what we're all the same people mother we're all Englishmen Sarah well there's no need to say goodbye mother crying she was those that are tears fool you into thinking she's weeks on your mother's not week I don't like to admit it but women are stronger than we are always wondered your mother doesn't think we understand what another sign she thinks I should tell you I love you tell them that's not the kind of thing men say to one another because love they both know it we do know about the feeling I have to you sir I think so sir down deep it's down deep where it counts that's where the roots are and if I've been hard on you boy it's because I want those boots strong another thing too I don't think much many things gonna happen here this morning [Music] [Music] you know my heart isn't fully in this don't worry Gus I just wish this would all go away go to the breeding now because you must and stand with Jehovah because you always have we pray for you Father with darling the Reverend 10 minutes until 4:00 that's the word John we've had further word there's no question now the lobster backs are coming sure enough and a great many of them I think we should decide who will do the talking when they get here you're the only one without a gun Reverend maybe you'd better talk for us there are some in this world who won't listen to a man without a gun if there's any talking to be done perhaps you'd better do it since we have no store of arms powder and shot it's plain enough they're interested in Concord suppose they see us standing here and decide to ignore us and go on past up the road what then oh my god then we stop them use the brains God gave you Simon the plain truth of the matter is we cannot stop them do you want a bloodbath Moses is right my feeling is that we take up our positions here and we hold them with dignity and courage if they propose to march on past us why then they march on past the damned thing what if they don't stop what if they march on through and pay us no mind they won't march on through and they won't ignore us they have too much false pride for that they don't see us as free men with rights you're gonna fight you better make up your mind about it just keep your fingers off your triggers remember now all fall in two ranks facing monogamy Road boys 17 years in under second rank two lines only regular parade odor spread out further along leaveth face that's right good music should be in the first rank mr. Parker how old are you Jonathan was 16 sir I should be upfront the better to see you is that it yes sir oh and the better hear me too all right first rank good hold the positions very good what could you play to ease our waking Jonathan anything you'd like sir would you render old hundredths for us please oh yes sir don't you to hold all all the earth so either hold on with gladness [Music] no the Jehovah he God is so due to over all the earth [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] make sure your Flint's are not on [ __ ] we don't want any accidents [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a personal obstacle so shall we pass them by we will not hold your fire keep rates kept in person front [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] steady hold steady do not fire nothing without de begin it first prepared to fail do lay down your arms disperse get off the Kings green we are here to talk talk of what this is our green lay down your arms and there will be no trouble disperse at once in the king's vein we are gathered here peacefully hold your fire better advance and disarm them oh no lads you stand you stand fast battalion wooden box [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] God's blood nature what's happening here it didn't have to happen like this it shouldn't have happened your men fired in direct violation of my orders but we were fired upon sir are you certain I heard the first gunshot sir it was there well no matter we've wasted enough time here form them in up for Concord [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my father's dead I know I yes they just shot him thank you was nothing they just shot him down for no reason he was laying there with us it's just blown away big his chest and I just ran I just ran and left him there I think your father would have wanted you to run would have wanted you to save yourself be a coward you mustn't believe that about yourself if you are a coward I couldn't love me the way I do I do love you Adam truly I do I just couldn't say it last night did you find anything can't stay here they're searching everywhere many run the hide in the woods should go too [Music] what are you doing in here hiding just hide it women and children have nothing to fear but you allow what right you have to come into our village like this is if you own it what right young soldiers sun gesture Bay waters like a dog you mean sit up roll over bad go I'm a soldier I think you found an enemy prisoner take me back to the green well [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is that easy me I'm Solomon from my town I mean you no harm Let Go me for certain that wind lad I don't know what you exploding that bread got in my face that's all alright let's take a peek in lobster Beck's won't be coming across the meta after you lad oh they're trained to do is stand in a row face to face with fools like themselves and blast away what's your name where's your home Adam Cooper Lexington Cooper Moses Cooper wouldn't be your father would eat he was but he's dead did you say they killed him they shot him down on the green earlier he was a good man Moses Cooper your father was a good man you knew my father I it is I knew and well I did you see I told you they wouldn't come across the better twelve minutes after that lets you and me walk for a spell where - all in good time laddie its long day what started and easily finished you'll witness the mighty terrible thing today it's painful nerve but give it time fathers dead talking like that won't bring it back that it won't add it nothing will bring it back your father had a sense of his duty so much we Letty we've got a little more to do today get a good long look at them it's a healthy thing to regard what you fear study them realize there's stupidity and ignorance we do what they're told to do that's all they know leave me lad it'll be easier for them to go to conquer that'll be for them to come back [Music] you recognize them no I don't believe so sir they're from Bedford and you'll be seeing more lad from every village and farm [Music] [Music] the men from Lincoln everyone mr. heard what happened to us I those who haven't willed this day's news travels on the wings are lightened [Music] dear friends our neighbors yes sir Go Go - I'm glad stay with them [Music] we'll be praised everlasting mercy Almighty God be thanked they killed my father they shot him down I know they did we started a mr. Sinha's I couldn't see who started they don't know we've talked about it we don't know where the shot came from a who findeth but we know it wasn't one of our militiamen we were cowards weren't we ran like cowards we weren't on the green this morning with the intention of fighting why don't we ever gotten to show them we had them and now we would fight if need be but there wasn't a man there fool enough to think he could stand up against the British Army face to face we ran we ran like rabbits and if we hadn't a lot of us wouldn't be here now but we are here and what we are going to do today is stack redcoats up like cordwood you understand me we're gonna kill them [Music] we conquered but they didn't find anything but some hard Santa flower how many hurt I'm gonna did there was fighting at North Bridge but I don't know well tell us what you do know what's the shooting back there well they've left Concord and they're coming back hit it this way okay I'm dry as a bone is there water do you have the nerve to ride back mister if it has to be alright through the whole Redcoat army no need for such tricks just go back and watch them when they're halfway between Lexington and Concord come right back down the road Yellin will be set for them yeah well don't shooting me by mistake I've got a wife and seven kids the Redcoats danced and now they'll have to pay the piper it wouldn't be proper for them to go home without exacting payment what do we do at least half that raw that they're marching on is boarded by Stonewall another part my trees we take our cover like Indians behind what we can we wait for them we give them no comfort will sting them all the way to Boston Reverend sir your blessing Jehovah watch over us all and be with us amen now scatter yourselves don't waste your shots take care to watch your rear the lobster backs have patrols out everywhere God be with you don't fire to smother Kings breath think of them as rabbits Adam rabbits in our garden it's alright I understand [Music] [Music] [Music] hurting another like this is a sickening business there comes a time when it's necessary to do it but there's never a time to enjoy it I just wish this day never come I want to go home I want to go home now so do we all but we can't the British are coming back and we must be ready for them Adam [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] my father were here you use at him he is keep down after we shoot and then run it would be death to remain here with a road full of British regulars how long the wait Joseph I hear the shooting planar planar I think are you alright [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what do we do now go towards Lexington find new positions have to screw up the head of the column mr. Simmons I know I'm I know you shot a Redcoat who had no business being here I don't like the feeling I don't either I doubt there are many of us who do we're not killers this is the warden I heard talk about war as long as I can remember when we've driven them back to their ships when they sail away from here when they leave us in peace in our own land but we're all British [Music] until today [Music] take yours we stay here talking like this it could take a good long while [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] God forgive us one [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I just got back officer 300 paces if it was an inch and that plucked him off neat as a feather of course it was a hand of Jehovah that reached down and spoke him Adam praise be you're all right how are you keeping son I'm all right sir working for mr. Simmons we were separated what a glorious day how can you feel that way killing and enjoying it an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth and no mercy is the way he sees it at him he's been looking forward to this for a good long while your name Sullivan Chandler hey you in charge I'm captain the militia we ain't got a general here we got 53 men from Watertown more of them joined us from Lincoln Bedford and Menotomy where do we go go well you go to where you say redcoats you fire you keep moving fire keep moving we'll leapfrog them all the way back to Boston follow me there's a British relief force coming fresh out of Boston and now a mile the other side of Lexington a minute we're here fifteen hundred well they'll come together in Lexington then but what's left of ease well what do we do the same as we've already done well in a march to where they're going we'll get them when they're coming yes but what if they take a different Road friend they the road in Massachusetts today that don't lead to British graves [Music] Hey major you must surrender Brenda surrender to who bloody fool they have no leader [Music] [Music] if Bobby [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] look [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I've been [ __ ] against that I told me like lady thinking I wasn't but today have you the company of brothers a panic [Music] [Music] I can't do anymore I can't do any more today sir I go on I'm gonna die I know I will please just go home please mr. Simmons I just want to go home like the seasons things change changes life life is good [Music] [Music] must have been terrible for you today it's just really confused no one seemed to know much about what to do except shoot at the Redcoats did you a few times yes did you kill anyone I don't know I tried did you want to know I don't hate anyone enough to want to kill them I'm glad you feel that way isn't the same anymore we aren't the same this morning when we lined up on the green no one in it intended to fight now we know that we have to but she won't go will you but where if your man and every boiled enough to bear arms has been called to surround the British in Boston I know you will I don't want you to I know you will Adam do you love me I love you Adam I don't change easily even if this war lasts a whole lifetime I won't change my feelings about you [Music] lifetimes long while [Music] [Music] it's alright it's alright mother I'm home please don't cry don't cry you're dirty never seen you so dirty I know you're gonna say that it's the first time in my life I ever look forward to hearing you say that how would you go upstairs now said your father lies there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespassed against us that's not so today we didn't forgive the trespassers I guess there'll be no forgiving or forgetting for some time to come Lord but if we must kill to live free and in your light we don't ask thee to bless our killings we don't ask for thy protection only for the right to protect ourselves [Music] my father used to say don't ask the almighty to take sides bear your grief and trust a reason [Music] it's been a long day of Lord thank you for the rain [Music] thanks for watching if you'd like to help us produce more compelling historical content like this please like comment below and share this video with fellow history buffs and of course be sure to subscribe to help keep history happening
Channel: LionHeart FilmWorks
Views: 528,588
Rating: 4.8228917 out of 5
Keywords: america, american history, american revolution, americans, colonials, continentals, george washington, john adams, military history, reenacting, re-enacting, reenactors, re-enactors, rev war, revolutionary war, united states, april morning, 1775, lexington green, concord, battle road, north bridge, cbs tv movie, hallmark hall of fame, tommy lee jones, chad lowe, robert urich, rip torn, British army, siege of boston, paul revere, april morning full movie, april morning lexington
Id: 1IQkkmGiTxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 30sec (5910 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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