Time to Bruise the Serpent - Prophet Kobus

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let's do a portion in Psalm 91 to start with seeing that we are serpent bruisers thank you Father take your Bibles say this is God's holy work it has been inspired by the Holy Spirit the anointing that wrote it is uncovers to teach it on me to hear it to bear good fruit I'm not along the wayside I'm not stony ground I'm not thorny ground I'm fruitful grounds not 30 or 60 I go for hundredfold in Jesus name the word will be taught in power and I will be changed verse 13 they shall tread upon the lion and the adder the young lion and the dragon shall you trample and the feet old Devils young devils big devil small Devils remember in Revelation 12 and he said there are old serpent the dragon which this called Satan and devil has been caused out and his place was found in heaven no more so you shall trample on lion and the adder the young lion and the dragon you shall trample under feet I think Jesus more or less said the same thing in Luke chapter 10 verse 19 when he sent the seventy out and he said to them the following he said behold I give you power over all the power of the enemy you shall trample on serpents and scorpions and nothing shall by any means hurt you you shall trample on now first Peter 5 tells us exactly what disease is your adversary the devil is walking about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour not weaken hua Mei so he must have permission by somebody that's you so but you got another permission that if he tried to get permission to get to you you got permission to trample on him so you shall trample on the lion the adder is a big snake is the ugly serpent the young lion that's a demon if the big lion is the devil than the young limas adder the young lion and the dragon you shall trample it under your feet okay Jesus gave you that permission and so that Moses wrote things all 91 okay so jesus said behold I give you authority over all the power of the enemy use your trample upon serpents and upon scorpions but this is the portion that we need to know and nothing shall by any means harm you or hurt you that is more or less exactly what Psalm 91 say this says it no harm shall come near you no evil shall come near your dwelling place when will it not come near you when you know what the place of the lion the dragon the editor and the serpent is if you know where they place is if you know where your place is nothing shall hurt your harm you people get hurt and harmed by demons because they don't know which place is whose place they don't know who's supposed to be where before Jesus sent the disciples out after his resurrection if you could take the account out of Matthew you take the account out of Luke and you take the account of Mark you put the three together this is more or less what Jesus said in Matthew appeared unto them and he said all Authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth go in mark he appears and says he rebuked him for the hardness of their hearts and the unbelief and he said go and if you believe these signs shall follow you number one you shall caused our demons number two years of speaking other tongues number 3 you shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover you shall take up serpents and they shall not thank you so we have the Serpent's the Serpent's the Serpent's we have the old authority over the serpents and the dragons and the adders and I wonder what is who doing about it so in Genesis more or less this is where the story begins I said if you want to really split the Bible in two don't split it at Malachi and Matthew split it at genesis 3:15 the fall of man and the rise of man you didn't get that was out too fast if you want to split the Bible to split it at genesis 3:15 I will put enmity between your seed and he said he said they shall be inventory between you your seed and the seed of the woman and why this is why they put Christ in there because it talks about the seed of the woman and we know a child comes from the seed of the man and all the seed of the woman the only one that didn't add a man's seed was Mary so that's why it's they're taking it back to Jesus Christ for those who struggle to find out why they referred to Jesus they because the enmity between your seed in the seed of the woman okay you the seed of the serpent shall try and bite his heel but Jesus seed of the woman the Christ shall bruise his head okay so Jesus says because I am that and because you got to be in mean you got to be like me and you're gonna take up my job when I leave here because I'm gonna give you all authority and power so go in my name I'm gonna go so you got to go in my name so I give you the checkbook and the signing rice we go to the bank and you got the right just a checkbook sign it so this is more or less is it for for those who don't know I explained it like this I was working for a company that designed geophysical instruments and made it and distributed it and sold it all over the world to to find you know radioactive materials mostly that was the trace elements of gold like uranium and stuff like that and I worked for this company and there was a place outside Pretoria called Pell Indaba it's not much left now but they had all these radioactive sources where we celebrated our instruments and it was very high-security so you couldn't really go in there but I had a cart that said I worked for this company so a one-day stopped at this gate and they all knew me so I stopped at the gate and there was a strange guy at the gate and I just blew my horn and he said were you I said the company I'm from he says I don't know you I said but everybody here knows me he said I don't you can call any of the guys that's normally at the gate they all know me says I don't know you and I'm on duty today I found the two professors that I was working with I said professor professor you've got to find these guys they don't want to allow me I had to come back all the way to push this room get my cart and go back the next day they wouldn't allow me though I was going there for 16 months and I realized when God spoke to me he said I give you my name go in my name says the Lord Jesus Christ and if you really know who you are and you carry the tag that you come in my name all devils and demons and Dragons and serpents has got to obey because you are part of my generation that comes from the seed of the Christ you are the Christ generation you've got the authority to bruise the serpent's and break the bondages you've got the power and the authority okay so in in John chapter 12 verse 31 you don't have to go we're gonna go read more now but in John 12 verse 31 jesus said morrel is this he says now is the judgment now is the judgment of this world now the ruler or the Prince for some other translations of this world it shall be caused out there okay he says now is the judgment now the ruler of this world the Prince of this world because doubt he says this is how it's gonna happen when I am lifted up that will be the judgment and the casting out of that ruler he said and this is said signifying what death he should die okay that means he talked about the crucifixion hmm so he says the judgment of the world will be when his ruler shall be caused out it'll happen when I am lifted up on the cross and the the next verses of Ares speaking for themselves because the whole context is where the Greeks wanted to see Jesus and Jesus said I must first could die and then I will have many sounds like but just like me our left seat if this.c dies there's gonna be more seed and that seed will grow so he says and this is how it's gonna happen I have to take the judgment if I am lifted up I will draw all to me if you have the King James you'll see the word men is in italics it's mean it's not in the original Greek language so he says I will draw all to me or what he's talking about judgment so he will draw all the Russ all the accusation all the sin all the sickness all the evil he will draw it unto him on the cross to be made Tsin to be able to die because the wages of sin is death okay so we had to take it all before he could die had to lay down his life to add lay down his life he had become obedient to death which is sin and unrighteousness and the law Jesus said if I am lifted up I will draw all to me signifying what type of death he should die and as he spoke the Pharisee says how can you say the Son of Man must die if we have in our law that Christ abide forever how can you be Christ if you say Christ must die we know that Christ abide forever Jesus says I am the light if you walk in this light you will all be sons of light so I'm trying to tell you that this seed will die to bring forth others seed will there be exactly the duplicate of the one that died so if I am the seed of the woman that will bruise the head of the serpent then you will be able if you are my seed in my generation you will trample on serpents you will trample on lions you will trample on adders you will get the dragon under your feet and nothing shall by any means hurt or harm you because you will know that you are born again and you've got a new father now and you are a son of God and no more a son of man John chapter 1 verse 13 we do not owe Albert to the flesh neither to the will of the flesh neither to blood but we are born from above we owe our birth right now to God Galatians Force's because we are now sons goddess with the spirit of his son and us and that spirit Christ ever Father and because we are sons we are heirs of God and joint is with Jesus Christ first Peter chapter 1 verse 18 says we have been taken out of the fruitless way of living that we inherited from our forefathers by the blood of Jesus verse 23 because we've been born again by incorruptible seed by the Word of God so the seed of God made me to be born again so I'm of a different seed I've got the seed of the Christ life that are bruised the serpents and the devils and the demons zenner again so how does it happen so he takes it back to signifying his death that is a lifting up that is the judgment that is the rulli's cause doubt that is the devil's got brain damage more or less so going to the cross in John the first guy you know outside of the guy that brought it's just the forerunner that got the revelation was Nicodemus so Nicodemus like the head of the Pharisees came to Jesus by night because he went by day they were scalped him for no man can do these miracles except God be with him Jesus said to Nicodemus you must be born again says can a man enter his mother's womb when his orgies a Nicodemus you must be born with a spirit you must be born by the words you know the water stuff like it so Jesus goes on Nicodemus struggle to believe Jesus said I'll tell you how it will happen as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness I want you to take note of the word lifted so the Son of Man so the Son of Man must be lifted up Psalm 91 13 you shall trample on the lion and the adder the young lion and the dragon you shall trample under feet we all I give you authority over all the power of the enemy we shall trample on serpents and scorpions and nothing shall by any means hurt you how are we gonna do it are we gotta go back to the promise in Genesis chapter 3 15 okay there's the serpent he beguiled Eve and sin came into the world because of Adams disobedience and because of sin death entered because of the serpent that spoke to them in the garden okay so there's the serpent there we got him the first time so God speaks serpent you're gonna have trouble with this man this woman will someday have a seed of a woman and the two of you will meet each other you will go for his heel because that's as far as you'll be able to get but the minute you get his heel that same foot will trample your head edie talking about the rulership of darkness talking about head-office talking about supremacy talking about power talking about authority if Jesus in Ephesians 1 verse 22 is the head of the church and Satan is the head of darkness and his head is crushed then we have no right to say what power darkness has on the earth what power sin has on the earth what power the devil has on the earth here you you are canvassing for the wrong party so we got to decide which side we on so out of the CD says but now that seed I'm gonna put that seed on the inside of you and call it work and if that seed falls in you you'll be born again if you are born again you don't know your birth anymore to your fleshly father now you owe your birth to God God is now your father now you are his son if Jesus was his son and that's what he did now you already son now you're gonna do the exact same thing hmm it's good stuff say how's it gonna happen Oh it'll start this way the judgement must first come over the ruler so this is how I'll judge the ruler I will cost him out when I am lifted up on the cross sir Nicodemus listen as Moses lifted up the serpent so the Son of Man must be lifted up that's why Jesus had to become sin serpent sickness serpent he had to take on everything that the devil is has and can do to take the full judgment of God on the cross to finish the accuser of the Brethren to get him out of his place and excess that he had in heaven so that once and for all we can know God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever now believeth and what happened at the cross because as the serpent was lifted Jesus was lifted up as a serpent to take everything that the serpent brought into this world to take you out of that deliver you from that free you from that as the serpent was lifted up Jesus will be lifted up as a serpent to take all judgment all condemnation all accusation to make sure that you shall not perish but have everlasting john sits and he writes he says he's just finished this thing Son of Man must be lifted up he says so Jesus went through the city of the Samaritans he's writing his gospel and he came to a well I mean this is the guy writing his letter said down and a woman came to him and she said Jesus said give me water to drink she says you've got no thing to get the water from Jesus if you knew the gift of God for God so loved the world that He gave if you knew the gift of God and who it is that is speaking to you you would have asked him and he would have given you living water john 7:37 38 39 on the last day of the great feast Jesus stood up and cried out with a loud voice if any man is now thirsty let him come unto me and as the scripture said he that believeth in me out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water but you first got to be thirsty to get connected to the river to have the rivers flow out of you so you've got to be that kind of combination the Christ in you and you in the Christ so if you drink from the water you become the water so you drink it well at Woollett your own well at the end of the day the woman says lord give me always this water he says if you drink of this water it will become on the inside of you a well springing up into everlasting life John's writing as Moses lifted up the serpent Son of Man must be lifted up for God so loved the world that He gave so if we now believe in the Christ on the cross as lifted up as a serpent then we shall have everlasting life so Jesus came to the well and he said if you drink of this water and know the gift God so loved that he gave if you know this gift you will ask him and he will give you come unto me all you that are thirsty Isaiah 55 all are thirsty come revelation 20:2 all walzer's to come revelation to anyone you can come and drink of the water of life freely so come come come Lord Jesus we want to drink from you says if you knew the gift you're asking me would you live and the minute you drink this water it'll would come on the inside of you or well springing up into everlasting life so we pick the story up in numbers 21 see how good can say how good God knows his word and the people verse 5 spoke against Moses and against God wave 4 have you brought us out of Egypt the murmurous that's why God said they all died in the desert to die in the wilderness 1st Corinthians 10 as well as Hebrews chapter 3 and 4 okay out of Egypt to die in the wilderness for there is no bread neither is there any water and our solos is light great God said he gave them the desires of their heart till it became so shows noisiest that they spit it out and vomited it out of him and the Lord sent navarre Elliman globe or the God same fiery serpents among the people hmm fiery darts of the enemy God see fiery serpents among the people and they bit the people and much people of Israel died therefore the people came to Moses and said we have sinned for we have spoken against the Lord and against you praying to the Lord that he take away the Serpent's from us and Moses prayed for the people and the Lord said unto Moses make you a fiery serpent set it up on a pole the word pole is cross again set it upon that cross pole drape it over the thing and it shall come to pass that every one that is bitten when he looketh upon it shall live it's to the Amplified Bible Moses made a serpent of bronze the word brass or bronze in the Old Testament in the in the tabernacle in the temple area stood for judgment okay so brass and bronze is for judgment make a serpent of brass bronze the same thing hmm one came from Ireland and the one from England and they didn't know he was Irish call it brass and the English call it bronze it's the same thing make a serpent of brass drape it over a cross now is the judgment if I'm lifted up make the serpent of brass talking about God's judgment if I am lifted up this will be the judgment and Moses made a serpent of bronze and put it on a pole across and if a serpent had bitten any man when he looked to the serpent of bronze attentively expectantly with the steady and observing gaze he lived [Applause] so she serpent talked about the devil and the context is there we have Cynthia for the serpents of a so if you sin you're bitten by a serpent now when they were in the wilderness the serpent of bronze was hanging on that cross so every step the 12 says looking unto Jesus for the joy that was set before him endured the sufferings of the cross so look away from all that will distract you look away from the stuff that will distract you look away from the stuff that tempts you makes you sin makes you evil ugly look away from that stuff that wants to condemn you and judge you look away from the stuff that you weigh you missed up and missed up and away you jazzed up and blow up look away from all that stuff get your gaze on the crucified Christ attentively realize what he did when he cried out father forgive them they know not what they do attentively gaze at him when he said it is finished attentively gaze at him we said father forget in triplicate and if you see it no matter if a person was bitten by one serpent or if he's was bitten by 1 million serpents the person that looked left there was nobody with his stock taking books at ah one serpent let him just quickly goes ah thousand serpents he needs a week of gazing the minute they gazed at the serpent they lived come on God's grace God's mercy Jesus took the judgment you don't have to spend hours of repentance just look at the cross saying Jesus for the blood [Music] verse sixteen see if you can get John three and four together from there the Israelites went on to beer a well the well of which the Lord had said to Moses assemble the people together and I will give them water then Israel sang this song spring up a well and let all sing it can anybody tell me where's the context what is the purpose John came and revealed it in John 3 and 4 he says when they are when they are button look at the crucified Christ and when you want to have living water come drink it the well so it'll spring up on the inside of you into everlasting life so Moses one day we will rewrite the story so would you just write it for the people that one day they will understand you were a prophet just write it so he said to Israel let's sing the song spring up or well within my soul spring up over make me whom spring up around give to me la banda now to understand the whole story Psalm 91 if you read Psalms it's a song a psalm is a song we could have just as well written songs instead of Psalms Psalm 91 for those who have a Bible translation with headings on top it'll say a psalm of Moses which he wrote in the desert so Moses says he there dwells in the secret place because he had the vision of the holy of holies okay so he that dwells in that secret place of the Most High knowing that one day the veil will be strenght come on Moses prophet he said God will raise up a prophet like me he that dwells in that secret place knowing that Israel will not well they but let's sing the song because one day the revelation of the well the serpent and the secret place will break through when the veil is rent and the judgment is taken and Jesus died with that serpent nature you know taking it upon him to see humanity free he says you know he that now dwelling this secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty and I shall say of the Lord my rock and my fortress my god in him will I trust for each I'll deliver thee from the fowler from the noise and pistolas over all the stuff that walk in the day and the stuff that walk at night and you shall not dash your foot against the stone and know no evil shall come near you no roots and a harm shall befall you and use your trample on your lion and the Ender and the young lion and the dragon use your trample on the feet jump to the lost verse and I will satisfy him with long like so Moses wrote the psalm so your Moses writes another song spring up a well so let's look at another Psalm of Moses Deuteronomy 31 keep your finger in Deuteronomy 31 and quickly jump to Revelation chapter 15 verse 3 and all these people sang the song of Moses Selah and the soul of the Lamb what's the song of the Lamb Oh the blood of Jesus the song of the Lamb no game at the cross at the cross where I first saw the light okay on a hill far away that's the song earth at him what's the song of Moses spring up a well point number one point number two lift him up as a serpent point number three we're gonna come to it now they say then they saying great and marvellous all thy works Lord God Almighty just and true are thy ways thou king of saints verse five and I looked and behold the Temple of the tabernacle of the testimony in heaven was opened when was the veil rent in the place in heaven open for us to enter when Jesus died on the cross thank you okay Deuteronomy 31 verse 19 and now write this song for yourselves and teach it to the Israelites verse 22 so Moses wrote the song chapter 32 verse 1 they'd hear the song give ear o heavens and I'm Moses will speak what will he speak a song let the earth hear the words of my mouth my message shall drop as rain as the rain come down from heaven and do not return to it again so shall my word be that goes out of my mouth it shall do what I send it for and shall be prosperous they in verse 10 and 11 of Isaiah 55 but first one says o everyone that is thirsty come to the waters and he that has no money come Buy and eat without price wine and milk and come enjoy yourself let your soul delight itself in fatness hmm hear and your soul shall live call upon the Lord while he is near let the wicked forsake his ways and the unrighteous Esau's because your ways are not my ways and your thoughts are not my thoughts because there's a heaven is above the earth so my thoughts are you thoughts of my ways higher than you always but as the rain comes down from Evan and does not return to it so shall my word be that goes out of my mouth it shall do what I send it for so he Cindy's words saw 107 verse 22 heal them and deliver them from all destruction so I am the word put in flesh and I'm sent to deliver humanity says Jesus Christ Spirit of the Lord God is upon me for he has anointed me Luke 4:18 to preach the gospel to the poor bring deliverance and bring healing to the broken hearts etc etc today the scriptures for folding your eyes okay my message shall drop is the rain my speech shoulder still is the dew as light rain upon the tender grass and as showers upon the herb for I will proclaim the name and presence of the Lord conceded ascribe greatness tree Oh God now here is that we had a three times here in our church he is the rock [Applause] Amen or sight Rex Moses Lord they're gonna kill me there is no water God says that's easy Moses go to the rock [Applause] when you see me standing on the rock smite the rock water will come out when you see me Moses you first gotta see me on the rock then hit the rock smite it and water will gush out the Bible says smooth the rock and water gushed out they drank the animals drank and the water kept running for miles listen to this first Corinthians chapter 10 they all ate the same spiritual food they all drank the same spiritual drink that drink that came out of the rock that followed and that rock was Christ for you are my rock you are my rock have you seen how many Psalm says he's a rock is a rock his Arak his a rock he's a rock he's a rock that rock is Christ yes I got safe with Rock of Ages his rock his work is perfect for all his ways are law and justice a God of faithfulness without breach or deviation just and right is he so they sing the song and Moses is this is how the song goes he's a rock there is no breach in him which is better English word is gap there is no deviation with him in other words he does not deviate from what he's doing if he said something he will do it there is no gap if God says this is the way I will do it with you he doesn't leave a gap in it so if if it's your time to be blessed you know and here comes God and there's no deviation he's on track but even it comes to you there's a gap he jumps already starts blessing him God has no breach either in blessing I will bless you in multiplying I will multiply your God's ideas to bless all and everyone bless all and everyone multiply each and everyone prosper each and every one there's no gap in God's ways there's no deviation because he's our rock what is rock he is stable he's safe got stability there is no shaking foundations than him he's our rock on this rock I will build my church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against that he's our rock okay so he says how's it gonna happen the song here's the song verse 41 if I wit my lightning sward and my hand takes hold on judgment I will wreak vengeance on my phone's and recompense those who hate me I will make my arrows drunk with blood and my sword shall devour flesh with a blood of the slain and the captors from the long haired heads of the phone read Joyce these people are your nations for he avenges the blood of his servants verse 44 and Moses came and spoke all the words of this song verse 45 then Moses had finished speaking all the words of this song he said to them set your minds and hearts on all the words which I command you this day that you may command him to your children that they may be watchful first 47 for it is not an empty or worthless trifle for you this song is your very life by it you shall live in Genesis 3 I will put enmity between your seed and the seed of the woman you shall bite him on the heel but he shall bruise your head okay so God took man and he drove him out of the garden away from the tree of life and he protected the Tree of Life with a flaming sword so he says Moses sing the song the day when I take my sword okay and the word went there the English people say that means to to sharpen it or to put it back in the sheath but that's not what the what the Strong's Concordance says the word there means to pierce flesh if I take my sword to pierce flesh this song the day when my sword Pierce's flesh it says this is what will happen I will take hold on judgment my arrows I will make drunk with blood my sword shall devour flesh the word became flesh that flesh word had to go to the cross where the sword was taken away to pierce his flesh to open the Tree of Life this is your life the judgment of God was taken out not on Adam not on Moses the wrath of God the judgment of God was taken out on Jesus he took his sword he pierced the flesh blood and water came out and he said humanity free there's the blood for the cleansing of sin there's the water for the fountain of living water the river of life this is the song of Moses and the son of the Lamb [Applause] Zechariah 13 says in that day there shall be a fountain opened to the house of David and in evidence of Jerusalem for sin okay he says in verse 7 this is how it will happen verse 6 is what are those wounds in your hands since this is ours wounded the house my friends verse 7 this is how it will happen awake o sword against my shepherd hmm okay can you see the prophecy of Deuteronomy 32 right in Zechariah 13 coming right from Genesis chapter 3 the serpent beguiled Eve the serpent on the pole bitten by serpents because they send son of man like the serpent lifted up the son will be lifted up draw all judgment unto him so that all who look and live can have everlasting life and shall not perish but they will drink from the fountain and they Noel will spring up on the inside of him the song of Moses and the song of the Lamb this is not the difficult thing Moses this song is your very life the day where people will realize the prophecy here that is confirmed again in Zechariah that will be fulfilled in Matthew 26 when people realize that they will jump right into revelation 21 and 22 they will drink from the fountain that will never run dry they shall live and never die Matthew 26 verse 26 as they were eating Jesus took bread blessed it and brake it and gave it to the disciples and said take eat this is my body and he took the cup and gave thanks and gave it to them say drink you all of it for this is my blood of the New Testament which is shed for the many for many for the remission of sins but I say to you I will not drink henceforth of the fruit of the vine until the day when it I drink it you in my father's Kingdom when that son a hymn they went out to the Mount of Olives and then Jesus said and they were all ye shall be offended because of me this night for it is written I will smite the Shepherd and the Sheep of the flock shall be scattered abroad but after I am risen to stop and force look yeah I will smite the Shepherd the Shepherd is the rock so as soon as the rock is smitten blood and water will come out and that day they will be a fountain opened when the Swart is taken and judgment is wrecked on Jesus Christ and flesh is pierced so that the judgment is taken and the ruler is caused out and the serpent is underfoot Solomon and all his worldly wisdom says there's three things that I just don't understand there's four things that are just too hard for me the way of a serpent on a rock said proverbs 13 30 29 or something 19 billion yeah yeah okay listen to this Solomon says I saw a vision I couldn't understand it I saw a rock and a serpent on the rock as Moses lifted up the serpent so that people had to look at the serpent of bronze judgment and lived so the son of man the Rock of Ages when he's lifted up as a serpent it's one thing I don't understand when I saw the rock I saw a serpent on the rock the way of a serpent on a rock I couldn't understand the serpent on the rock I couldn't understand the rock taking on the nature of the serpent to say humanity free from sin and unrighteousness sickness and disease poverty and lack and shortage and judgment and condemnation and law and evils thoughts and stuff like that there's the thing that's difficult for me to understand since Solomon is wisdom I couldn't understand the way of that serpent on that rock so lift up the rock cleave the rock smite the rock put the serpent on there take that nature out of humanity sick you manatee free and say it is finished [Applause] as I 34 verse 5 now remember sayest is the profit that speaks most about what Jesus had to come and do for my sword shall be bathed in heaven behold it shall come down upon jamia upon the people of my curse to judgment the sword of the Lord is filled with blood it is made fat with fatness with a blood of lambs and goats with a fete of the kidneys of rams for the Lord had a sacrifice in basra are you in the Zion 63 who is that that's coming from Edom with dyed garments from Basra crimson stain from Basra this is one who is glorious in his apparel striding triumphantly said his face like a flint striding triumphantly in the greatness of his might it is I I am the one who speaks in righteousness proclaiming vindication mighty to save why is your apparel then splashed with red and your garments like the one who treads the winepress I have traded trodden the winepress aloneness and the people's there was no one with me I dropped them in my anger I trampled them in my roof and their lifeblood is sprinkled on my garments and I stained all my raiment for that day our vengeance was in my heart and the year of redemption you can read on how we drank the cup and now we break the bread and how we did all the stuff there in Isaiah 63 okay Jesus stood up in the synagogue when he came out of the world earnest tempted by the devil forty days picked up the scroll and read the Spirit of the Lord God is upon me for he's anointed me to preach the gospel and then he says to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord that day of the vengeance of our God this is vengeance was on my heart when I trotted the winepress alone and I took the blood of all nations and sprinkled my garments with their lifeblood so that their blood don't have to be on their hands anymore I will take their guilt I will take this and I will take their judgment I will take the unrighteousness let the serpent come on the rock lift me up take the judgment and I will draw all judgment to me and if any man look he shall live for as Moses lifted up the serpent the son of man so that every one that believeth on him should not perish but have everlasting as I 27 okay can we just before we just 27 just quickly pause again at revelation 14 19 and the angels thrust in his sickle into the earth and gathered the vine of the earth stop pause look I am the vine says Jesus okay okay they gathered the vine of the earth and cost it into the great winepress of the wrath of God and the winepress was trodden without the city so they laid him outside the city into a garden and nailed him on a cross and blood came out of the winepress even unto the horse bridles so they took him to a mountain in a garden outside the city they said I will tread the winepress all alone and I will take all the blood of all nations I would take their guilt they wrought a judgment the condemnation I would tread the winepress alone the blood will run to horse bridles chapter 27 verse 1 in that day the Lord with his soul and great and strong sword shall punish Livius on the piercing serpent evenly the essen that crooked serpent and he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea in that day sing ye a vineyard of red wine you can't have it clearer than this don't you fight they struggle to understand what he says he's trying to tell them they are of their father the devil serpent that's why John the Baptist called him usurpers Jesus called him brood of vipers so they struggled to understand his serpent sermons so Jesus is the only way I can describe my serpent sermons to you is the following I am from above you are from beneath that's the closest I can turn to describe you why you are from the serpent and I am from my father so listen to this one Deuteronomy 32 verse 3 he says the song of Moses and the song of the Lamb revelation 15 is this he's our rock there is no breach with him neither deviation rock no breach no deviation pretty but he's also the light of the world says Paul to Timothy he dwells in an unapproachable light God is light says first John and there's no darkness in him I am the light says Jesus me he's from above he's the gift of God that brings living water that brings the blood for cleansing that took the piercing of the sword who has no deviation no gap in his light when it comes to do miracles he says while we have the light let's do it so if you are the light shine your lights by doing good stuff so when the blind man was there who sent Jesus this is not a sim question let's go shine the light when Lazarus was in the tomb he says let's work while it's daytime while we have light let's get him out while the light is here let's get the secured let's get the dead out let's get the demons gone it'll shine the light I am the gift from above I've got no variableness I've got no say James chapter 1 verse 16 and 17 do not earn my beloved brethren do not be mislead every good and perfect gift comes from above from the Father of lights with whom the gift that came from above there is no variableness there is no shadow of turning he will not vary he is the same Hebrews 13 verse 8 yesterday today and forever Malachi 3:6 I am God I changed not there is no deviation there is no variableness if I did it then I will do it now you can trust me I'm the rock I have no breach I have no deviation I am the gift from above I've been light I can't vary [Music] so if you loved physics a variable is the opposite of a constant a constant is the thing that makes the equation work if the constant is taken out you can't make the equation the rest is a variable with God there's no variableness he's the constant that makes the equation work awesome stuff amen Stan shouts say thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you for the cross let's get music thank you Lord Father we thank you for the cross of Christ blood of Jesus thank you for the fact that it's finished and that day when John saw the whole vision he said they sang the song of Moses and the song of the Lamb where the price was paid people were delivered thank you the Serpent's head is bruised thank you the dragon is finished thank you that the Leviathan has got no more power thank you that we don't have to struggle to get people free we just turned their heads and get them glued on the crucified Christ tell them what Jesus did and they are free forever free show us the power of the crucifixion take us back to the passion and set us free from doctrines made of men philosophies and vain deceit that men tried to produce and reproduce inside the church to control crowds help us to live in freedom wherewith Christ has made us free Oh God as the Galatians we want to run and run well and not be hindered from our race we want to be like Paul in first Corinthians 9 and in Philippians we want to run our race God and we want to keep on running it because we will run and not be weary we will we were walking we will not grow faint because we are of the people that are of the God kind we've got another seat on the inside of us we are born again by incorruptible seed we are the generation that will be serpent bruisers amen hey guys please remember to click the subscribe button on your screen so that we can inform you when we are plating more contents and we have a full library of content to be uploaded so you're going to be blessed by that remember to click Subscribe bless you
Channel: Spirit Word House
Views: 6,734
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: spirit word, spiritword, kobus van rensburg sermons, prophet kobus, spiritword ministries, prophet kobus sermons, prophet kobus van rensburg teachings, prophet kobus van rensburg, kobus van rensburg teachings, sermons prophet kobus, kobus van rensburg, prophet kobus van rensburg sermons, prophet kobus van rensburg miracles, spiritwordministries, spirit word ministries, time to bruise the serpent - prophet kobus, Time to Bruise the Serpent, GENESIS 3:15, curry blake teachings
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 14sec (3314 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 09 2019
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