Curry Blake How to Pray for healing

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okay this is good this is a question this is one the healing question man we told you to write in your questions to us and we will be glad to answer your questions as best we can by the help of the Holy Spirit I'm sorry my mom went to the next question I was looking at there real quick but the first question is this and it says from dwarfing and he says they say hi I have a question about healing when we say to sickness to leave the body should we say it once and believe it's gone even though in the physical realm there's no evidence showing it is gone or should we continue telling this sickness to leave until it does now that's a really good question and to be honest with you it's really hard to answer now the reason I say that is because this comes down to what you're believing and it's where you are now here's what I generally do now many times if there is a certain situation going on then I will speak to that situation I will command that sickness to go command it to leave their body and once I would give that command it's like the here in the states and we have a constable that when you get evicted out of a dwelling then you have in the the constable gets the written order from the judge from the court and then he comes up to your door and he will knock on your door or hand hand you that and serve you the paper so you have been served eviction papers that means you have the amount of time on the paper to leave the premises now if you're not gone by the time it says on the paper then they will come back and forcibly remove you right now so along the same lines that's kind of what we do now what we do is we issue the order based on or we deliver we serve the order that is based on the Word of God and so we get the order from the Word of God we tell the thing to go and we tell it when to go we tell it what to do now many times and you this even with jesus's ministry many times whatever he would command a demon to come out of a person for instance the thing would then immediately they said it in one case particularly says it tore the spirit tore the boy and i think about that it tore him in other words it was like ripping apart from him and apparently he had had this for a while as we can tell but it was like ripping that it had been assimilated as part of him and so it tore him and it even says that the boy fell down as one dead in so much that the people said he's dead or thought he was dead now so there jesus told it to go why didn't it just go well it did but before it left it tore him and this is kind of like a person that is getting evicted that just before they leave out of the house they tear stuff up why cuz they're mad they're having to leave and so they have to go now they know they have to go you given the decree if you've said it in faith in faith in God and His Word that thing knows it has to go it's just that simple now it will act as though it doesn't it will take its time it walks slow so to speak getting out and what it's doing is trying to get give its most Christians don't know how to stand so they will say something and then they look for it and then if they don't see the immediate change then they assume it didn't work so then they'll try something else and they'll try to do something else or maybe it'll end and that's the question I usually get did I not do it right that are not doing enough what was it no whatever you say whatever you've told this thing to do stand tell it to go and don't back off because the minute you go maybe I didn't do it enough maybe I didn't do it right maybe I need to say it like this you have just wavered and it won't work the enemy at that point because you're wavering the enemy can stop they can stay where he's at so you have to realize that he's slowing down long enough to give you time to question and you know second-guess yourself right but give you time to question whether or not what you're doing is working because the enemy knows in dealing with most Christians and those Christians if it doesn't happen instantly they'll back off and say well and that's not been God's will well it must not have been God's timing well I must not have had enough faith I don't know the thing it takes a sometimes a little bit of time but the thing has to go as long as you don't change what you've said as long as you don't negate what you said by negative the command by saying well I guess it didn't work well I guess it's not God when you start saying that you've wavered everything stops and the enemy stops leaving he could have one foot out the door and he will stop right there so now so but the question is you know should we say it once and believe it's gone okay well it's let's go back to a mark 11 22 and 23 and what he said there he said have faith in God right have faith in God and the words you give the command you do the word God does the work so you'd give the command you have faith in God's Word and you're gonna give the command right that whatever you say that if you believe in your heart and say with your mouth and right then whatever you say you believe that it shall come to pass then after that it says that when you pray believe that you receive it and you shall have it now notice there is often a distance or a time lag between believing it and having it right so you have to believe that you receive it right then and the best way the best example that I can give really it would be like you go online you have a special email with everybody ordering things online you can go online you find what you want and then you order it and you pay for it now once you pay for it they send you a confirmation usually and that confirmation says okay your payment has gone through and this thing is on its way now in many cases you can track it other cases you but the thing is at that point you know maybe you print out your confirmation but you go oh look man guess what I just got I just I just got a you know set of clothes or just got a you know a 48 pack of toilet paper that's but whatever you order you just ordered it but now notice say this would be saying you've ordered it you have it you you paid for it right you believe that you receive it in other words it's as good as yours right then and it's on its way and now you are anticipating and you even go to the front door and look out and wait you know you're wait why cuz you're expecting you're anticipating it to to arrive and so you you receive it you pay for it you have it it's yours you got the paper if it doesn't show up somebody's in trouble cuz it's yours and then you shall have it so then it comes after you pay for it after you've ordered it and it's the same thing now Jesus is already paid for it but now you have to as we say it's kind of like used to I remember with with Sears you would go online pay for it or whatever and then you would they would say do you want us to deliver it or do you want to come pick it up and if you want to come pick it up you say well you go to will call and it's waiting there for you in will call so you would go to the Sears and you would go there and you would print out your paper and show it to them and say here's my name here's my order oh yeah here it is right here and so in many cases it's like that to wear with us we're going to we'll call so we've already that the things been paid for by the blood of Jesus by the sacrifice of Jesus then we have our confirmation see our confirmation for healing is isaiah 53:4 and five and eleven and twelve you can see that and then you can go to Matthew 8:16 and then you can go to first Peter 2:24 see these are your confirmation numbers and your tracking numbers alright so you have that and then when you you take that and you go up and you say okay I want this and now now you're your confirming it and you're saying now okay this is this healing for this person Bible says they were healed so in the name of Jesus this thing has to go now and now you were exerting you're saying and here's my confirmation here right here is proof that this has to go so this is proof not the lack of the situation not the lack of symptoms not the effect on the body this is proof okay matter of fact you know I'm putting together a teaching actually it's gonna be a seminar on faith it's gonna be probably a full three-day tap seminar on faith and I want it to be conclusive I mean it's gonna be conclusive it's gonna be you know like they would say Strong's exhaustive concordance well with this is this gonna be a exhaustive hopefully exhaustive not exhausting okay there's a difference here but this is gonna be a seminar on faith it's going to cover every aspect of faith it's going to readjust some things and show people what the Bible says about faith so we're putting that together even right now but here's what it says in Hebrews chapter 11 of course everybody most of these know these Hebrews 1 even through verse 6 and he was a loved one it says now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen so your faith is the substance your faith is the evidence you understand so when you exert faith the substance of faith is the fact that you believe and you have acted and now that substance is applying to that situation and whenever you have a question about it the evidence your faith is the evidence not the healed abadi not the change in the body and now people say well well you know it just didn't make sense because I mean if I'm Hill shouldn't I shouldn't see that well I Got News for you you're not going to get healed see that's the problem people think God is going to heal them when they're sick God's not going to heal you when you're sick say what it is is that and I say at 53 it says by His stripes we are healed present tense then you go to 1st Peter 2:24 and it says by whose stripes you were healed right so the were healed means it's already done well when was it done on the whipping post right that's when your healing was purchased so it's already been paid for so he's already healed you how by His stripes do you that by whose stripes we are healed we were healed for first bit of 2:24 says so by his stripes we were healed so we were already healed it's already done it's already established he has already blessed us with all spiritual blessings every spiritual blessing in heavenly places he's already given us everything that pertains to life and godliness and healing pertains to life and godliness so all these things it's already done now it's up to you now you can beckons that promise which about us says all the promises are in him yes and in him amen so be it so that promise can sit there in that Bible you can have your Bible right there on the table next to you all day long right there on your desk it could be right there and that promise will sit there and it will sit there dormant and and basically ineffective until you decide to choose to believe it so your faith in God in his word is actually what causes it to come to pass in so because if it wasn't that you would just already been healed and stayed healed and there you go but that's not the way it is it the promises here you have to believe the promise and when you do now your faith is what activates that promise in your life so and it's by grace that were that were healed that were delivered all that stuff it was the grace of God that allowed Jesus to bear the stripes for our sickness so he applied the grace and because of the grace now we get to apply the faith in God in His Word in the finished work of Jesus and we say you know what he says we were and if we were if we were I am in that simple and then when you say I am and by His stripes I am healed and so that means sickness disease you got to leave this body right and so you have to remember we're calling those things which be not as though they were now again people say well that just doesn't make any sense well of course not since is carnal see since meaning since operated since ruled dictated to by your flesh by your senses is carnal say faith is not carnal faith is spiritual spiritual looks at the spirit see spirit looks at the things which are not seeing and as long as it looks as the things that are not seen then the things that are not seen will become the scene and when they become the scene then the scene becomes the unseen I know that's totally sense confusing to you maybe but why all I'm saying is that right now you're seeing the scene all right you can see the scene you can see the problem in the body but you take the scripture and you look at the unseen what is the if you're sick in your body if you're experiencing sickness in your body what are you seeing you're seeing the symptoms you're seeing the aches you're seeing the paint you're seeing the whatever the fevers or whatever it is you're seeing that right but we don't look at the scene the Bible says we look at the unseen and if we look at the unseen which is what what's unseen when you're sick health healing wholeness that's the unseen so when we look in this perfect law of Liberty and we look into this then we look at it and it describes to us what we're not seeing it describes healing it describes health it describes God's will concerning our health so we're looking at the unseen and as we look at the unseen it becomes a scene and the good thing is when your faith is applied to this word then the unseen is activated in you to the place where now the scene will change okay whenever we read the other day that as long as we look at the unseen it works a far greater weight of glory in us because this scene is temporal or temporary changeable whereas the unseen is eternal see this unseen this is the only thing it's eternal is this word of God so the unseen is the word of God in the and the unseen is eternal so it'll always be there so when you're looking at that then and you look at that then your body will begin to change to meet that because the unseen health and healing becomes the scene because the scene is temporary and the temporary changes to match the unseen or the eternal now hopefully you sort all that out I hope that said it clear enough so
Channel: Shepherds Lighthouse New Castle, PA
Views: 35,919
Rating: 4.8743458 out of 5
Id: 4DBp1tGUhiA
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Length: 15min 30sec (930 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2020
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