Conjuring the Beyond | Full Exorcism Horror Movie | Horror Central

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[Music] [Music] [Music] TR [Music] [Music] what [Music] [Music] oh I mean you've barely done anything since you've gotten here all right you spend most your time upstairs you only come down down to grab food or to watch TV once we've gone to bed I mean you can't even be bothered to have dinner with us most of the time and now you want to take off to go God knows where to take part in God knows what I told you it's a sleep study right and that's all you've told me I I don't know why you're playing this so secretively w it's like you're planning a jailbreak or something aren't I though I'm a grown woman yet I feel as if I need to ask your permission to go and do what I want you're right you are a grown woman living rentree in our house I'm sorry that my divorce was such an inconvenience for you Lucas oh please don't even start with that this has nothing to do with that all right we are more than happy to open our home to you but the issue I have is for weeks now you've been saying you're going to go buy your own car which you haven't done right you've also said that you were going to find a job you haven't even filled out an application you blame your lack of motivation on your anxiety and your depression but you can't even pick up the phone to make a doctor's appointment all right I mean I'm asking simple questions and all I'm getting are Dramatics Dramatics I'm not the one who's being dramatic look I'm just asking to borrow the car for a few days so I can drive to Mineral a place where people are expecting me to be a job isn't that what this is really about what do you mean you think I'm milking this wallowing in my own self-pity oh no wait a minute W no just hear me out look I understand it's been hard having me here trying to get back on my feet I can't begin to thank you enough for helping me but now I just need a little more help I just need to borrow the car and then I'll come back with a little money and maybe then maybe then I can take that next step forward I just don't think it's a good idea why something seems off about this whole situation first you want me to go out and make money then you feel skeptical about the work I did find and want me to stay back why don't you make up your mind and get back to me I just think your time would be better spent here on something more practical okay listen I'm not trying to be an here I'm not when you and Glenn got divorced you said you needed some time to bet yourself I'm sympathetic to that I can't help but think you're using this as an opportunity to take off and just Escape reality for a few days is that so wrong how do you even know that this is a real thing Wanda I mean you filled out some clickbait survey online what are you gonna say when it turns out to be some sort of time share pitch or something well I guess then you'll get the pleasure of telling me I told you so please Lucas I need to go I'd much rather drive myself there and back rather than I don't know hitchhiking God there's The Dramatics again Gloria Jesus it's late let's just call it a night we can talk about it again in the morning I'll have to leave by at least 1:00 but whose fault is that that you waited till the last minute let's just let's go to bed we'll talk about it again tomorrow okay listen at the table we can have some breakfast right at a decent hour okay fine [Music] whatever [Music] for who what's up I thought Gloria made you quit smoking uh yeah no uh she did looks like sneaking out runs in the family huh I I wasn't I was just going to run to the store I never thought you'd actually swipe my car Wanda Lucas got some balls you know that I need to go go seriously it's okay you can go I get it I I really am just trying to work on myself yeah clearly I mean the old Wanda she'd still be upstairs in her room sulking right now so what are you going to tell Gloria you know uh um I don't know but we'll talk about it in the morning but hey uh do me a favor and bring my car back in one piece though okay otherwise we are both going to get it I love you sis you know that I know you're going to find what you're looking for okay get out of here before you freeze to death hey do me a favor though and pick that up I don't want Gloria to find [Music] it [Music] for for Excuse Me Miss you wouldn't happen to be want to FIA would you yes I am my name is Victor I'm the assistant to Dr pretorius all right uh if you just follow me up to the old school that's where you'll be staying the address brought me here yeah the uh Google Maps doesn't really pick up the building very well small towns like this what did you say your name was again Victor fair man and you work for the doctor that is what I said isn't it follow me up to the old schoolhouse they're expecting you [Music] [Music] e [Music] e [Music] don't you want to get your things I didn't bring anything with me all right I'll get the doctor for h this used to be the involing room you know Jesus Christ you scared the out of me name is margarite but my friends call me Margo oh so you're not the doctor nope like I said name's Margo I was joking you know what I was joking about it being in embalming room I figured as much well aren't you going to tell me your name du Wanda wonderful we've been expecting you you work for the doctor oh no I I didn't know who he was until I got the email saying this was a quote unquote sleep experiment right but don't worry everything seems to be on the up and up what well that's what you're worried about isn't it that this was yet another let down or better yet something sinister how do you know what I'm thinking you wear your thoughts on your sleeve Wanda ah there you are I'm Dr Richard borus this here is Fodor Olsen hi and you've already met Victor I assume hi it's it's nice to meet you my name is Wanda Wanda forer you we've been expecting you now it's a party we're just uh waiting on one more if you'll just follow me to the back of the room now or we can perform the exam while we wait it's extremely invasive now take a deep breath and again well doctor am I dying we're all dying Miss for here it's just a matter of how long well we're going to use this as the the main operating room the center for operations cheerful oh I don't know nothing is more comforted than my sixth grade math class oh so you're from around here oh no no no no I uh grew up in Idaho Falls actually I just mean it well you know once you seen one small town School every rewardville USA yes look believe it or not until fairly recently this school was used as a overflow wward for the local hospital during the covid-19 pandemic now it was supposed to be torn down when the city commissioned a new building to be built in town but luckily my funding came through just in time it's a perfect place to conduct group studies don't you think more than accommodating lodging with plenty of living space and quite the aura of Academia to it the plan is for doctors like myself to use this sort of shared space to conduct our research what is it exactly that you're researching the criminally under researched phenomenon known as sleep paralysis but I've never experienced sleep paralysis exactly why you were chosen I don't understand the good doctor here thinks he can give it to us look I'm not taking any experimental drugs you won't have to this is strictly a istic study now all I need is your time and open minds as soon as our last guest arrive I'll be more than happy to fill you in hello it just so happens that time is now me Welcome Wagon oh you must be Pa Watson and Dr ptus what up doc hey you got a place where I can sash my stuff yes I'll have my assistant Victor show you to room here shortly perfect baby hey yo doc how about introducing me to the rest of the band Catra isn't it margarit Swanson our resident fortune tell but my friends call me Margot logger Theodore Randol hey what up man and Mrs W full cheer miss wonderful Che so uh I'm afraid I didn't catch a social security occupation for you there miss what she well I'm in a bit of a transitional period at the moment a woman after my own heart well I got to say if you two ladies are the spects that H these gloomy Halls well I'm still glad that I came now that you're all here can I offer you all the drink back in the operations room yo this surprise party just keeps getting better and better doing it and again well do you pause you know I didn't hear nothing about them flying colors you're a thorough for a sleep study there doc my re said is far and what is that exactly we were just getting to that when you arrived before the Welcome Wagon was summoned my sincer apologies y'all fight the hassle you really threw a wrench in the whole operation man yeah Mama says I got a knack for doing that you best get a hold of your class doctor yes as some some of you may have guessed I belong to a collective of independently funded researchers dedicated to solving the biggest mystery since man first arrived on the scene the human mind couldn't have picked a better study group I'll say well being someone with degrees in both Psychiatry and hypnotherapy I've long been fascinated with disorders that a company generalize anxiety post-traumatic stress and obsessive compulsion none of that was on the survey doctor no no it wasn't how many of you here have heard of sleep paralysis good I can spare you mostory details about Shadow creatures and witch demons now as you may have guessed has been proven that the majority of people who experienced sleep paralysis and night terrors have also been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress and panic attacks the reason for these outbursts uh is due to the overstimulation of the amydala and the mid interior singlet cortex um the same Center is of course tied to nightmares hence sleep paralysis you're losing me Doc yeah can you fast forward to the part where I don't know we can understand yeah certainly my purpose here is to try and find a way that we deal with both sleep paralysis and night terrors though the focus is on the latter now as I mentioned you wonder previously I don't plan on using any experimental drugs similarly I don't plan on using electrotherapy or lobotomizing you so there's no need to worry we aren't living in the days of Dr Frankenstein I believe there is an option for a more holistic approach because the overstimulation of this part of the brain is the reason for these issues and through my research into hypnosis and cognitive behavioral therapy I believe that we can find a way to you know o open the door if you will to where these issues lie now I specifically chose you for because of your lack of experience to sleep paralysis that is evidence that this door has never been opened but the goal through understanding how to open it is then to understand how to reverse engineer it closed again without the use of psychotropic drugs which ends up being more than a mask for these demons rather than a solution how ghostly uhuh don't get Ghostly and goulish Confused that off them look I I'm training on in in in layman's terms the study itself I'll be hypnotizing you as a group and with any luck I will excite that part of the unconscious mind and I'll monit your sleep habits for a couple of days and if successful I'll reverse the process I'm sorry you're going to hypnotize us now that is ghostly look look I I can I can assure you I am I'm very experienced and have been able with to help people with unlocking memories to further deal with their trauma and therapy sessions you you're in good hands I'm I'm sorry for the skepticism I just I don't know well could be the biggest trip I've ever taken I'm in your sanity is nothing to gamble with I've leveraged a lot more than that for a dollar you're here and I knew there was something about you uh what do you mean I don't know I just figured you looked a bit strange to to be a doctor well perception is everything and your name Victorious well it's it's it's half German n no that's not it yo why do I feel like I've heard that name before well my my great grandfather was quite famous back home huh okay so at what point doc do you try to sell us your toeu weed grass supplements out of the trunk I take it you don't believe in hypnosis is a legitimate form of therapy no and I don't believe in energy crystals either a here I thought your brutish Persona was just an act hey look here baby girl I'm just as open-minded as the next guy but this kind of homeopathic stuff just ain't my jam shocker look I'm just saying there's a reason why my grandma lived to be 83 years old and it wasn't because of Jin sing or water chestnuts look this might come as a surprise to you but just because you kicked around the same city blocks your whole life to become a what amateur boxer doesn't mean there isn't a whole world of possibilities out there that you couldn't even begin to imagine list listen I'm I'm not denying the importance of modern medicine Mr Watson my interest is strictly in cognitive behavior that's the thing that's what I mean with these whole people that think smoking weed and cheese seed oil is the cure for everything and that the ancient Chinese had it all figured out with natural medicine even though the life expectancies of a 1500 China was 25 you're all over the place did I don't even know what your point is all right look my point is this if you got sleeping issues they made a pill for it well I'm going to peel for everything yeah exactly no one's making you stay here yeah if you want to leave the door is right there who chill who said anything about leaving look a couple hundred bucks to play Chris Angel Mind Freak yeah I'll Stick Around even if it is to keep a fair skeptical opinion that's he is now if rest of you wish to continue on with the study we will begin first thing tomorrow afternoon and after to dinner I will have you leave your keys and phone with my assistant Victor who will return next Friday after the exam is over are Keys have you ever heard of a man named Kenneth Hawkins so Kenneth he suffered from a ever worsening sleep disorder which led him to sleep walk say one night he climbed into his car he drove up the wrong lane just here on the interstate on on i12 it was one of the many tragic cases of sleep driving man that sound made up most things do until it happens now tonight I want you to relax carry on the way you would in any other setting then there's drink and food in the cafeteria and hopefully a bottle of Scotch read my mind hey maybe you are a Mystic after R dog feel another one hell yeah [Music] player hey yo dog you might have to conour some more makers I imine last the whole week I can't tell if you're actually being funny or you really are that ignorant could be true jeez I'm just breaking balls maybe somebody ought to break yours is that an invitation I for what is it you do again Voodoo practice I'm a bank teller but I also practice tarot card readings on YouTube so is she like the plant there is a world of difference between spiritualism hypnotherapy and Voodoo it's all it's all Croc no offense not taken your skepticism is exactly why you're you were chosen in order for the study to be a success I'll need to prove beyond the shadow of a doubt Shadow of Doubt that title suits you well haven't you guys ever heard of people being operated on while being under hypnosis I've heard a lot of things then how do you explain a surgical blade being stuck into someone without them drawing a single drop of blood it's all I've actually seen it happen really yeah I was at a show well there you have it I'm serious I watched this guy get stuck with a needle in his arm and he didn't even feel a thing interesting although I wouldn't exactly recommend it hypnosis should only really be performed by a proper licensed hypnotherapist at the PT baram Institute where it should be used to create a state of focus of attention focused attention in a treatment of a medical or psychological disorder what exactly is it that you find so interesting about sleep paralysis other than being a victim of it myself really well during my nightmarish years of internship at Mercy West I was so mentally exhausted and more anxious than my conscious mind was aware of it was two or three nights a week for a year Jesus I can't imagine won't have to long enough well yeah I mean the H history also fascinated me the first recorded case of sleep paralysis wasn't documented until 1666 by Duck physician who referred to it as the incubus I it's intriguing to me that over all these hundreds of years the symptoms and the experiences have all remained the same the same sh Shadow like witch woman most commonly referred to as the hag and no doubt having something to do with our more animalistic side of the brain conjured up from that deep dark primordial jelly that we inherited from the time of the dinosaurs Mass suggestion maybe the law of the time was that I mean Edward Kelly he was a 17th century Necromancer who claimed to have the powers to communicate with the Dead was to blame thinking he had cursed a town with the devil's plague don't worry I highly doubt Superstition and spiritualism is a foot don't be so sure uh way to alienate your base there doc there's just so much we can't yet comprehend and we don't know about the universe around us so who's up for little music I got my boom box one can be entirely faithful to the path of inquiry and honesty while also embracing the totality of your Human Experience I'm going to go get my boom box it would be ignorant as truth Seekers to be closed-minded to any possibility well I suppose you're right until fairly recently we were convinced that the atom was the smallest unit of matter until it was split you know unleashing the progress into the atomic age not exactly the most comforting comparison to make perhaps not all right you go the [Music] dance may I of course not a dancer no not really why are you propositioning me I'm I'm afraid not I'm unable to on the on count of my terribly debilitating condition we got two lift feet they played me my whole life I can really you know in a sense you know shyness or anxiety yeah I've been attempting to get myself out there more take more risks and my being here uh drinking whiskey in an elementary School interesting uh you know this here is precisely the reason I got into Psychiatry getting smashed in a school no that's one of the many perks but understanding all the personalities that make up this world figuring out what makes him tick what what are you hoping to gain from this really what do you mean well you don't see seem to fall on either side of the Waring fences and you don't appear to be overly concerned about the payment and you certainly just like the others don't really believe in my hypothesis well doctor what conclusion do you come to well I'm sensing some major recent Life Changes yeah I think I'm just searching for some confidence you're stronger than you think you are wo hey guys come on we got to hit the Dance Floor what up the you [Music] [Applause] [Music] critic analytics for the promises Assurance is the Rival of the love you shared all the times we try to face what we know gravity for something only top can have drag me to the corner cuz I'm feeling sad Open like the mouth that cries out don't let go walk me home on that notse let me show what I know if I [Music] love is everybody comfortable yes I'm getting sleepy dog very sleepy shut it you can make me I will ask you all to just settle down and reduce the hostility I'm not hostile do I seem hostile to any of you yeah damn my bad I'll uh follow every instruction okay let's begin now please close your eyes and take a deep breath now listen for a moment listen to the sound SS around you just let yourself sink into the grooves of the chair fix your eyes on a spot in the dark it doesn't matter where just fix your eyes on the spot in the dark and begin to relax if you have any thoughts just let them drift through your mind like beautiful clouds across a clear blue sky they drift through your mind and away from you through your mind and away as you relax deeper deeper deeper relaxed that's it just let go and relax now I want you to imagine staircase standing in front of you with 10 wide safe stairs down down to a perfect relaxation down to peace and contentment down towards happiness that you deserve as I count down from 10 I want you to take one step with each number one step down the staircase 10 9 eight there's some letters at the bottom of the stairs that are out of focus can you see that 7 6 five the letters are being clearer closer we get four 3 2 1 can almost see it now the letters spell [Music] TR it's [Music] [Applause] wait up holy how do you feel right no that was intense I think I need a minute you okay I've I've never experienced anything like that before I know right it was was like a nightmare screaming you heard screaming yeah someone's screaming like wake me up what do you remember seeing Dr potorus you got to hear this Wanda and I had similar experiences the woman the the the black figure what the are you trying to pull here Doc it's remarkable are you telling me we all saw the same thing or went to the same place how is that possible look a a form of mass suggestion I suspect how's that look we we we all sat around and discussed the common experiences of sleep paralysis together your unconscious minds Drew on that conversation in the projections it used so how do you explain the screaming right someone wake me up that's wasn't part of the discussion doc I knew I never should have left Idaho Falls this whole thing has bad juju written all over it man look I I can assure you there's nothing to be concerned about I need to make sure I take complete preliminary notes please just help yourself to some food or a drink I I'll join you all shortly I I think I need to be alone for a little while [Music] for I don't know you [Music] smoked I don't well you know if there ever is a perfect time to start and you know the doc is knocking around in your head maybe he can lock the door to the nicotine addiction that was really strange you guys yeah you can say that again no I mean even Dr Dr ptus seemed caught off guard what did I tell you guys about this black magic it's sick [Music] [Applause] me hey there Sleeping Beauty hey how you feeling there Theo all right all right she's got this funk keep shaking doc hey take a sip at this my friend I'll make you feel a whole lot better try not to get too sloshed tonight I want accurate notes in the warning what are you expecting us to experience tonight no expectations but with any luck a few moments into your REM cycle your'll experience textbook case of sleep paralysis but what if we don't if you don't well my studies off to a rough start hey DC uh we still get our money though right oh yes you'll be a part of the study for the full seven days until Victor returns with your keys but you could call him though couldn't you of course anytime not before you unfuck my head man all right guys so what are we drinking to uh to progress progress progress progress [Music] [Music] oh beautiful [Music] discovery [Music] [Music] sh [Music] see [Music] way [Music] it's [Music] [Music] job [Music] it's stop [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] waito Dr notorious what's all this commercial we can't find Theo well what do you mean look around doc he ain't here what he didn't just disappear last night we all we all heard him it was it was awful was it was like last night because we all saw it saw what do oh did you experience the sleep parisis yeah you better believe we did we all did we all saw the exact same thing and we all heard you trying to tell me you didn't hear nothing dog what Theo he was screaming for someone to help him and now he's missing what's happening look let's just all calm down um let's go back to the operations room um you say you all heard this as well yes yes trust you Doctor we have to find Theo it'll turn up the screams were so loud they echo through the halls I mean as long as I've lived I've never heard anything like that before you all had the same experience right down to what the thing looked like imagine sharing a bad hair day that's niaz to who was the first to share their occurrence this morning Wanda and I woke up at nearly the exact same time and then and then we woke up Porter when she realized that Theo was missing uh you informed Wander of your experience we both knew but who was who Shar the details first I'm not sure why have you heard of a phenomenon for w Adu doctor last night Theo was screaming for someone to help him and now he's missing what do you happened to him I don't think we know but shouldn't she be more concerned I'm very concerned with his well-being as I am with all of you you've all just experienced for the first time what it's like to live with a sleep disorder this can be extremely distressing for some my guess is that Theo needed to be alone after such trauma uh or most regrettably he took himself home on the bus he came in on that doesn't sound so regrettable to me DC well without proper treatment poor Foo may suffer from a debilitating sleep disorder from here on you mean without the hypnotherapy it's entirely possible it's also equally is possible that last night was just a coincidence and had nothing to do do with the study in the first place a sample size such as this really tells us nothing gosh I just feel so paranoid you know what really worries me is you hear stories like this about people being stuck together sharing the same paranoia like Mass hysteria de loves pass and I don't know I used to um I used to watch those YouTube channels like five Unsolved Mysteries that keep you up late at night about families being away at a cabin and tearing each other apart for seemingly no reason at all and if I'm being honest I'm really starting to get scared my ex Glenn it's like he woke up when day his entire mood and Outlook had shifted it was like he was a new person with a clear sense of what he wanted and he had come to the realization that that wasn't a life with me I couldn't understand how something like that could happen so quickly now I I think I'm starting to understand what's the verdict no you're all rather quiet don't tell me we all still worried about last night come on what should we drink soon how about to Theo I told you that he probably left early this morning and it turns out I was right now why don't we drink to success how do you figure success back well you're all still here aren't you and last night went to be as expected even a small bit of success is still a success doctor how do you know that Theo left on his own accord come with me now I would suggest that you all get in the habit of fully reading your contracts before sign even so you saw what happened last night I reviewed it after interviewing the three of you hey Doc uh we should probably talk about what you going to do with that footage no don't worry your extracurricular activities have already been erased please where is he going look I I only have five cameras and this one's facing the entrance this is weird I I don't think he just kid up and leave leave like that we should go to the police uh we can but I believe they would require more than 48 hours before doing much about it but if it would make you feel a lot better I believe the sign says girls yeah I'm not into the whole gender identity thing so how you feeling about everything that's been going on I'm just trying to stay rational yeah I swear if another person makes a run forward in the we hours in the morning I'm going full a ramble on this likewise sh [Applause] J fck youself [Music] you [Music] w [Applause] [Music] me please nobody [Music] help [Music] [Music] this Dr potorus no way this is happened Dr potorus I think I'm actually having an anxiety attack Dr potorus what you stop yelling what the is happening you guys that thing you know what I'm talking about God she came in through the door she looked right at me this Porter where are you going detect the cameras all right let's let's figure out how to rewind menu playback there what's he doing sleepwalking so what we heard heard last night was what a nightmare but Dr pretorius did walk up out of here like Theo I that's insane this I'm out wait where are you going home to hospital anywhere but here good idea wait just wait a minute for what we have to find the doctor and Theo that I said we call the police and let them handle it and as far as us I said to use bus stop and get the out of here until Vincent or Victor whever the his name is comes back I'm not so sure that's going to work Something's Happened To Us you guys yeah yeah something did happen we're being punked or Worse we're all actually disappearing one by one then we have to do something great plan Napoleon Porter you coming maybe we're overreacting look I i' rather overreact than underreact when it comes to people disappearing let's just think about this okay we're all having these dreams right and we know that something's happening to the person that gets up and leaves in the middle of the night Porter I'm out Porter well go go on with what where you were going with that I don't know what's the real reason you don't want to leave Wanda how do you know that isn't you wear your thoughts on your sleeve I got nowhere else to go maybe we can find his assistant's phone number or something get him to help us yeah there's a plan okay okay okay trying on her you can hear her hello Victor uh this is Wanda Wanda FIA who Wanda from the sleep study all right Wanda sleep study we really need you to come back here something something strange has happened can you get over here quick you know I could lose my job for something like that I uh you read your contract right listen Theo went missing okay Porter just left and we can't find Dr ptus we need you to get over here will you please look put the doctor on the phone he's missing okay he's not here yeah all right I'll see what I can do thank you thank you so much okay okay see you soon thank [Music] you anything no not really huh what it's an article so nightmares suspected in bed deaths of 18 Loa shut your mouth what the is this yeah it's from 1981 the Department of Health and Human Services in Atlanta is conducting an intensive inquiry into the manner in which 18 apparently healthy luaan refugees died mysteriously in their sleep why the is this in his notebook I'm not sure [Music] the doctor was really obsessed with the details of the sleep paralysis experience it's truly fascinating probably inquire more about that if I wasn't so afraid for my life right now seriously he goes on for pages about the hag I mean he's got quotes and like this one I remember hearing a roaring sound and seeing a shadowy figure standing in the middle of my room either saying my name and laughing or just watching me it was so real I refused to sleep as a child but when I told my mom she didn't take me seriously until it started chasing me I would wake up and it was still there it started chasing me around my room Chester Fair 10 2220 W what the Chester Fair Victor fair is that like his brother W what difference does it make look I'm less interested in what's actually happening and more interested in what's making it happen is is there a way to stop it I don't [Music] know [Music] [Music] w [Music] hello Wanda hello doctor God it's dark maybe we should have gone too I think that would have been a mistake how do you know just a gut feeling I wonder where Porter is right about oh Wanda what what the doctor I just saw him in Theo are you sure I looked right at him doctor Theo my bad my bad can't you cough or clear your throat or something to let people know you're coming I'm not in the mood all right did you guys find them or away we just saw them you did well I didn't I swear I saw the walking down the hall just now yes God damn it oh they didn't go this way I would have saw him what are you doing back here look the bus station comes around once a day all right and I just missed it and this place is like a ghost town did you guys know the police station closes on the weekends but but but I did manage to flag down a patrol car from a few Towns over and what do they say not much other than that they'll keep an eye out for the both of them and reported as a potential missing persons that's it great so did you guys make any dinner I'm starving no so what's the plan Napoleon me yeah you I mean you're the only person here trying to find a solution and well my plan for the bus doesn't pan out in the morning so let's hear it um well the doctor had documented extremely thoroughly how to perform the hypnosis so so Mar go has some experience with that kind of stuff whoa I only perform tarot card readings as a hobby I mean but but we could try to perform the hypnosis on one of us I I I just don't think I can yeah that's out any other ideas no no well I guess we'll just never sleep again I mean how hard could that be right yeah I mean what about that right two of us stay up watch the other one I mean that way if something weird starts happening we can wake the person up at least that way we'll know what's going on all right Margo call it um uh heads heads you ladies better Brew up some coffee it's going to be a long [Music] night Jesus Christ what I um I I made it to the end of his journal and and all it says is it no longer appears to be a matter of inward projection the door was opened and something has gotten outside what the does that mean [Music] is [Music] God damn I am so tired yeah does look nice does isn't it I can't wait for the morning to come and for Porter to wake up and we can all laugh about that one time we almost went crazy hilarious I'm going to go splash some water on my face hey watch him oh hey can you make some more coffee on [Music] it [Music] [Music] somebody [Music] [Music] Porter wait Porter porter porter Margot what are you doing he's gone what he's gone oh my God Margo I'm Sor what the happened asleep okay you have to listen to me all right yes Margot you have to listen to me okay we're going to fix this we're going to fix this okay all right come on we're going to do this it's going to be okay it's going to be okay no I don't want to do you have to sit down okay I don't want to look at me no I don't want to die you're not going to die Fargo you need to calm down you need to calm down and relax okay can you just relax you you take a deep breath sit back and relax can you trust me Margo do you trust me okay sit back relax now I want you to imagine a staircase 10 wide safe stairs down you're standing at the top of those stairs I need you to take one step down 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 deeper deeper relaxed now listen to me Margot we opened ourselves up to the forces around us we opened that door and when you come back you're going to have that door closed when you come back you're going to be less receptive to things less receptive than you've ever been but you're going to come back with that door closed listen to me Margo I need you to close that door somebody W me up when I call it Margo you're coming back with that door closed wake up wake up Marco wake up what are you w up Marco wake up what the happened oh my god oh Jesus Christ I feel like they were in the room yeah um I don't I don't know um it don't work don't work did we get the back I think so uh I think so Jesus Christ oh my God need I need a drink yeah yeah um Margot um yeah yeah why don't why don't you get some water and we can talk Marco somebody wake me up wake up that was intense holy how do you feel all right no no no no walk me home on that not let me show what I know if I time will walk me home [Music] watch me go Tu down in the chambers locked in la la land worried we could wake up at our arms again steady apparatus boiling ink from the Thrones something doesn't measure and I can't relate to heavy head for something while the brain remains TI it in the last you spend all alone walk me [Music] home walk me home on that not let me show what I know if time will walk me home watch me [Music] go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah oh yeah riddle by the crimes Tangled with the rules lost in the rep they singing Val school we can reli the strain can and do the lies you've spun so hold them to their work don't reveal the spines leave it to the world that turns before it shines we watch it fade away just like all the times we [Applause] [Laughter] R yeah walk me [Music] home yeah watch me [Music] go yeah walk me home M yeah [Music] yeah
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Keywords: Horror, Movies, New horror movies, conjuring universe, film horor, free full movies, full movie, hollywood movies, horror, horror central, horror full movie, horror movie, horror movies, horror movies 2023, horror movies full movies, movie, movies, conjuring the beyond, movies 2021 full movie, scary movies, slasher movies, zombie, zombie full movie, zombie movies
Id: atnW4D6pc-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 16sec (5416 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2023
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