I Platinum'd Every PS3 Spider-Man

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I'm about to get four Platinum trophies on four PS3 Spider-Man games starting off with Spider-Man shatter Dimensions these are super rare games if you're wondering how I got them I went on eBay 75 for this there are 14 levels in this game and each one of them has their own boss fights and Trophies the first step was to complete all of them but I got my first trophy from completing the tutorial it introduces you to the four different Spider-Mans you can play as in this game look at that first trophy lead on mdubs after getting a trophy for defeating 100 enemies in combat it was time to take on a boss these levels all follow the same format they basically fight the same boss multiple times and at the end you get a trophy there it is though survival of the fittest we got two no harm done okay I don't know what that's for turns out that was for completing a level without dying but now we have to complete all the rest of the levels and defeat all the other bosses some of the notable ones are Deadpool Sandman Goblin vulture but there's many more and I'll have to continue that until I get to the final boss along the way I was also unlocking miscellaneous trophies related to Collectibles and combat and then I made it to the final boss so here's the final mission of the game and we need to go up against this fight with Mysterio so we're just gonna zip from platform to platform okay we're climbing up this wall press Circle to web pull oh snap we got him spam Circle spam Circle spam Circle oh so they're gonna make you play as all for Spider-Man's in this one fight I guess so now we're actually taking on Mysterio in a fight like in my rage meter build up I can easily take all these dudes out which we're about to do right now look at that oh okay so we blow up those spheres and it deals damage to him got it so just like that like that like that nice and I did that exact process that you just saw until I got to the end of the fight okay look now now I have the uh prompt price Circle web pull come on oh it's not come on attack web pulled Mysterio not all these enemies okay okay we're gonna have to kill them okay there we go now we spam Circle yep so we're falling out the sky this is actually really cool do we have to go through these rings oh I think there's there's gaps and we have to go through those those gaps like between those shapes I think and I can slow down time to make it easier like that and of course okay we're getting we're getting quite close there we go punch him punch him nice and you go through this process two more times each one gets progressively harder but once you beat it you move on into the last Spider-Man and now for the original Spider-Man I think they call it the Amazing Spider-Man when we take out this first batch of enemies there's a rock I have to throw at him I could just Spam this attack all day long okay now it's prompting us to use the Rock so press Circle spam Circle and kick it towards them that's how you deal damage to the man move on into the next location it's another rock right here so I assume you do the same thing boom and it was on the next platform that I had the opportunity to get the 200 hit combo trophy 135 152 161 168 171 173 175. oh we're about to get it yes that's 220 right there the trophy's gonna pop two hundo nice and the rock is available to throw circle circle boom I think we go to the middle now because he's down bro my controller disconnected mid fight like come on it's literally connected to the thing I don't understand how that's happening nice excuse me it's literally connected to the wire come on oh well we got final curtain call that Trophy Works for beating Mysterio I also got two for completing the game on easy and normal easy as pie and is this normal after all that we are 52 done with the trophies we do have to complete the levels on hard which could be challenging but for right now we're gonna go for collectible Trophies the main one I had to do was for collecting all the golden spiders these spiders are hidden all throughout each level just gotta play through and to collect them all okay we're finally about to get this bug collector trophy for all the spiders in the game and man this was kind of a grind because there's eight per level and there's 14 levels you can do the math I'm gonna drop out but this is the last one and that should give us bug collector trophy let's see it where delayed trophies on PS3 ah there it is bug collector finally that's over with now it was time to get platinum metals on every level on hard difficulty which means I had to play through all the levels on hard while speedrunning getting 19 000 combat rating and collecting a certain amount of emblems per level for the 19 000 combo rating I would just Spam this same combo throughout every level for the emblems it's simple just run around and collect as many as you need for that specific level for the speedrun it's simple just beat it under the time you need now it's possible to get all three requirements done in the same run but sometimes I would have to play a level multiple times because I might fail the speedrun while going for the Collectibles or I might not get the combat rating and I'd have to do it over kind of annoying but I had to do it now these three trophies for this one for getting four levels done one for getting eight levels done and then one for getting 12 levels done that's it we got 20 000 combo rating finally hot tomatoes are done I'm about to get the trophy yes spectacular the grind is over we still got a few more trophies for the Platinum though and then we're gonna move on into the next Spider-Man game now that I got all the metals done I just had to beat this last level on hard difficulty for another trophy you guys already saw me beat this boss so I won't show it again we're about to get the trophy for completing the game on hard yes hard pressed woof we're so close to the Platinum now that I've beat the game on hard we have to complete the web of Destiny here those gold circles are the challenges that I already completed the silver ones or the gray ones are the ones that I haven't so for example tornado chaser stay airborne for 30 seconds by web zipping on objects hurled by sandman's tornado that's the only challenge I need for that level so I'm gonna go ahead and do that right now so I loaded into this level and continuously zipped to these flying objects and it was that simple [Music] and just like that tornado chaser is complete and I still needed 21 challenges for the trophy so I just went through each one did the challenges until I got to the last one okay here we are this is where we do the last challenge we have to throw that ball at five thugs so we just got one out of five and after we do this we'll get the trophy going this mode and throw it like that three out of five simple that ball is bouncing around like crazy sheesh there we go four no don't grab that oh we got it play ball and we're gonna get our trophy Manifest Destiny and now we can also upgrade uh the character upgrade so if I just buy all of these I will get another trophy so we'll get two and one basically and let's see it the complete package for this last trophy for the Platinum we need to get through a boss site without taking any damage so I'm here fighting Hammerhead and he's shooting his Gatling gun at me if I can just continue to run in circles then he won't be able to hit me and eventually he's gonna lose track of me like he did right there so I avoid the lights and simply get behind them and then it says Circle for takedown and you punch him in the face and it does major damage just like that now we have to be careful and we're gonna repeat this process and then get to the second boss fight and first boss fight or first phase is down we gotta take no damage on the second part as well to damage him you have to throw something at him to get his attention and then get him to shoot these turbine things or whatever these engines are they blow up and disperse smoke everywhere and then you get on top and then you do a take down come on bro are you serious the turbine blocked again oh my he shot me man I gotta restart the entire fight now okay okay take down if we do it once we can do it two more times the tension get up there okay that's two we need to do one more one more and then we there's like a final attack that he does it's very easy to dodge so this is number two if I mess up I'm gonna be like so upset I have a feeling it's just gonna happen wait for him to shoot throwing out door now oh my gosh that thing blocked it I'm so scared right now okay okay here we go no oh oh oh it worked it worked that worked okay okay everybody get a platinum if I don't mess up here we get the Platinum hold on I gotta pause and just watch I gotta pause it and just make sure I'm doing everything right okay so we take him down and he still has a little bit of Health left but there's no more turbines so he's gonna start shooting Rockets oh my gosh he's gonna start shooting rockets and bullets and we have to dodge him [Music] oh I dodged it no oh my gosh he didn't crash into the wall like he was supposed to yes yes I think we did it okay we just gotta punch him in the face and Dodge come on ugly I think that's it I think we're gonna get it that's it the boss fight is over we can move on to the next Spider-Man game right here if I get the trophy yes missed me does whatever a spider can let's move on into the next Spider-Man game let's go 57 for this game it doesn't even come in the proper case this is Spider-Man Edge of Time the first step of getting this Platinum was to play through the story on normal in this game you get to play as modern Spider-Man and 2099 Spider-Man during my playthrough I got a lot of Story related trophies and combat related trophies they're also I think 92 golden spiders for me to collect throughout the levels and there are other golden spiders we'd have to get through challenges which some of them were actually pissing me off I wasn't raging like God of War video but man it was kind of annoying and So eventually I beat the game and I was awarded four trophies for this boss of bosses and Intrepid adventurer and read all about it Fearless front face or sheesh that's like four trophies now that the story was done I had to go back and get some spiders that I missed throughout my first playthrough I also had to buy all combat upgrades oh outcome hacked out nice but now it's time to do some challenges that got pretty annoying all right right here we have What's called the web of challenges it's a little different than the previous Spider-Man game for example in this one defeat black cat in her seven clones without taking more than five hits to earn a gold medal there are several trophies tied to completing these challenges so we're gonna go ahead and do all of them and we need to get gold medals on everyone this is an example of a challenge that makes you build up a certain number combo in a short amount of time in this one you have to defeat a group of enemies while limiting the amount of hits you take and in this one I have to Traverse to this area while also limiting the amount of hits I take but those were quite easy I just wanted to show you an example of what those were like so you have a feeling of what the rest were like because a lot of them were very similar but there's one that wasn't so easy bro in that stupid pipe bro oh my gosh I keep hitting that same pipe man what literally how how how how I'm literally moving to the side of that how is that hitting me I don't understand that the same exact pipe every single time reach the end of the Free Fall without taking any hits to earn a gold medal it's a 4 500 meter free fall and that pipe section always came when I had around 1800 meters left so with each fail I had to restart from the beginning and for some reason I could not get past that pipe every single time bro if I hit the same pipe again I'm telling you I'm gonna break how I'm um no oh my [Music] um and after so many tries I finally got through those pipes but I wasn't excited because I still had to get through the rest of the obstacles without taking any hits I've been stuck on a stupid challenge man but oh if I yes yes yes oh man that was tough and that was probably the hardest of the 68 challenges I had to complete after doing all of them I set myself up for four trophies yes yes that's gotta be it consummate completist that was such a grindy trophy now we can get some of these other ones too spider snagger Supreme ha look at that two back-to-back gold trophies if you go to bonus Gallery we should be able to unlock the alternate suits we need for that other trophy so we just unlock it like that and we get a new suit unlock all of these we have enough keys to do this so we're just gonna go ahead and unlock all of them here it is yep super suited swinger and one more trophy we're gonna go to chapter select load up any chapter doesn't matter and we're gonna go to upgrades and we have 65 golden spiders which means we can fully upgrade this Spider-Man stamina on overdrive this is the last thing I need to upgrade for the fully upgraded trophy gold standard now here's a trophy that truly exposed my IQ you have to perform three of each type of grab attack on enemies you can grab an enemy with R1 and then either press triangle Circle or Square those would all do different attacks the trophy is as simple as that but for some reason I got confused and was going for another trophy that I already had done in the past in which you have to perform three of each Air Attack on enemies so they're kind of similar but not the same and I was so frustrated because I was doing this for like an hour and I wasn't seeing the trophy pop bro this trophy is not popping for me man I'm doing the right thing my gosh that was until it hit me no way did I just do this bro I'm literally I think I think I think I'm the dumbest person on the planet oh my gosh I'm literally the dumbest person of all time oh man I literally just had one more attack to do to get the trophy and I wasted so much time on it thank you man two more trophies before we move on into the hard mode playthrough one for getting 100 hit combo the other for getting a 200 hit combo I did both in the exact same place and in the exact same way so I'll just show the higher combo I would basically swing kick these enemies until I had a decent combo build top then just drop down and punch him continuously we've done it 200-day combo thank you oh yes was not hard at all it was not infinite Slugger the last trophy before moving on into the third of the four games we're gonna be playing in this video was to beat this game on hard I try to get this done as fast as possible so I was just speed running the entire game skipping out on a lot of fights skipping the cutscenes I mean I had already seen the cutscenes the first time around and I was just excited to play the next Spider-Man game coming up because apparently it's a lot different because of my experience playing through the game on normal and also doing all of those combat challenges and everything I was pretty good at the game at this point so it was a breeze alright we're about to finish off the game on hard it's probably been four or five hours of me playing this I I just spit but I've been speed running this game and we're about to get this platinum and it's like 4 am I can't sleep until I get this plot all right cool walk away from the explosion whatever and we should be getting our trophy here master of all you survey and Spider-Man Edge of Time planet we gotta move on to the next Spider-Man game the cheapest one here at least this one's only 22 dollars here it is The Amazing Spider-Man new game and we have to play on superhero difficulty for hardcore players only now this playthrough of the game actually wasn't that hard I did have some troubles later on in this Platinum playthrough but all that came after the story but I just played through the story regularly defeating a lot of the bosses while also grabbing Collectibles at the same time I wanted to reduce the amount of Collectibles I have to clean up because there are a lot in this game I just beat the game Peter Parker nice do we get any other trophies I think we do yep we got vigilante and Spider-Man so I've just beaten the game we're over here swinging around the city there's some Collectibles that I missed out so I'm gonna go grab those as the next step and then work on some of the other trophies that we have here so I went through each level getting the Collectibles I needed until I came across a major problem I'm so scared right now I think my game is glitched if this collectible is not here I've searched every one of these places multiple times and I'm missing one collectible I can't get the trophy without it it's supposed to be right here in this corner like it's not here I've checked every single spot I don't know what to do I've gotten every collectible there is to get here I'm gonna go through this level one more time if it doesn't work I think I can only think of one option I would have to start up a new playthrough I guess get everything there again which would be so annoying and set me back further for this video this is my fourth time playing through this Mission man okay the first one would be right here but I already have it so it's not there Parts two and three supposed to be in that corner and in this corner they're not there I already have them the fourth piece is supposed to be right here on top of this box it is not here meaning that I already have it I've checked every single spot there is to check in this level multiple times over it is not here that's it it's over with it's over with my stuff is just it's just glitched wait is that it right there [Music] yes tech savvy I'm literally an idiot oh it's the second time in this video I've done like the stupidest thing ever after getting all the Collectibles it was time to take on Rhino and the sewers for a trophy oh my gosh we are taking on Rhino here in like some water plant Dodge okay Dodge oh my gosh I'm pressing triangle I'm so dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead link electrical wires here we go finally okay so ah yes nice I suppose we do this multiple times over and we can beat him oh there we go got him what I just okay the web literally went up and now it's just not there it seems as if we're doing pretty good nice well we got down for the count next I had to make it through this criminal infested bank and fight a boss at the end for another trophy we've got to stop the bank robbery let's do this so we're gonna hang from the ceiling the thing I like about this Spider-Man game is it feels a lot more like the modern day ones I'm gonna stealth takedown on this guy they might see me though yeah they definitely saw me I'm gonna zip over here and lose them but I think this game definitely took inspiration from the Batman Arkham games if you've played those yeah perfect just like this nice oh wait I can drop this chandelier thing let's see what happens oh oh these yeah they're dazed hold on let me uh web tie them to the ground sheesh that took out like three dude well I knocked out more but I couldn't I couldn't web tie them all okay shoot my webs at this guy oh my gosh oh my gosh I'm in a diamond diamond okay I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry get out of there and then shoot my webs at this guy so he can't shoot me and then there should be one one more enemy where is he is he over here somewhere okay I don't know what happened I tried to web strike him but it didn't work but here we go okay he's done after making my way through the rest of the bank it was time to take on the boss fight which is Felicia also known as black cat all right Felicia I guess uh we're fighting her again in another Spider-Man game shoot the web setter web strike web strike again oh she's running come out come out wherever you are Felicia what if I crawled on the ceiling try to catch her unexpected let's see what would happen you're not the only one who can hide Felicia there you go look look she's right there look yep my strategy worked it worked come on she got to be like close to being finished and after subduing her we were able to get the trophy [Music] and look at that she's defeated We Get Jinxed now although I was done with the Collectibles that were in the levels there were still one very daunting collectible trophy I had to get it's forgetting 700 comic book pages throughout the entire city I would swing around the city and grab as many as I can and once you get 500 the last 200 start to show up on your minimap as these yellow dots I spent several hours swinging around the entire city when I ran into this problem I think this is the worst collectible experience I've ever been through I need 10 more but I like they're not they're not showing up I don't know where they're at like I know where one of them is at I'm literally going section by section like Street by Street swinging back and forth the other ones are just not showing up I've swung through the whole city a quick look at the mini map here in the game shows all these different icons on the map I saw online that these icons could potentially be blocking the yellow dots that show where the comic book pages are at so I went through the process of clearing these out I would need to do these for other trophies as well like these red ones are infected patients that you need to drop off at certain locations doing all these cleared up a lot of space on the map and it got me a trophy by civilian for the trophy come with me buddy drop me off right here there you go boom sanitized some of the other icons to clear up were for doing car chases extreme stunt challenges and also photo ops where you just take pictures of things after clearing most of the map I started to find more of the pages let's go another comic book how many more left seven left seven left nice and with a clear map I didn't have much trouble finding the rest oh my gosh that was like looking for a needle in a haystack oh my gosh that is so relieving yes on the Fly after this I had to get a trophy where I took pictures of all the different enemies there are in the game so I just went through each level doing this until I got it [Music] come on that has to be it [Music] Amazing Spider-Man one more trophy for this Platinum before we move on into the last Spider-Man game of this video for the last trophy we need to defeat some sort of robot without touching the ground so the key to doing this is as the cutscene is playing I'm gonna hold R2 and I'll skip it but yeah if I hold R2 as the cutscene is playing out it starts me off the fight swinging in the air and we just need to beat this boss without touching the ground so uh shouldn't be too tough of a task I hope just continuously hold R2 don't touch the ground at all web strike game freezing up a little bit PS3 game or what can you expect swing around swing around swing around web strike right here he's opening up the behind let's get in there and destroy that part spam Square to take out his eyes spam Square yes this is the new PS5 controller I am playing on it with PS3 I just plugged it in that's all you have to do okay we have to shoot webs at these blue these blue lights on his legs so just keep continues to swing around and just keep shooting keep shooting just like that and each one of his legs will fall down after enough shots I think I think that's it is there more to this fight I don't remember okay well he touched the ground here but that's out of my control that's literally part of the cut scene yeah this is out of my control so that should give me the Platinum yes this guy's the limit does everything a spider can this Platinum was kind of annoying but it's time to move on into the last Spider-Man game of this video I am excited 45 6.10 shipping here we go The Amazing Spider-Man 2 a sequel of the previous game I actually played this one on my PS5 I bought the PS4 version of the game and obviously you can play PS4 games on a PS5 but this game was also released on PS3 so we're throwing it in this video surprisingly my first trophy was for getting a 42 hit combo we got I'm on a roll and this isn't a tutorial first trophy of the game nice throughout the story you fight several bosses such as black cat again Craven Green Goblin Carnage and more by the end of the story I had 23 of the 47 trophies I think the best part of getting this Platinum was just seeing all the crazy glitches that we have coming up some of them were so ridiculous like this one for example bro what I was just punching this man and he's just glitched like what is this man it's literally just glitched wow what a game okay the game is over now I have to clean up more Collectibles a lot of the trophies in this game are similar to the previous Spider-Man so I'm not going to show those I'm just gonna show what's different in this game versus the previous one after getting all the Collectibles I now had to get all the suits now you get suits in this game by doing various things a lot of them come from these Russian hideouts and there's actually a trophy for completing all of them so this is the last Russian Hideout I need to complete for the infiltration trophy there's an awareness level meter at the top left so if that fills up I have to retry so we're gonna try to do this stealthily okay there's a guy coming here we gotta Gotta Move we gotta move oh my gosh he's gonna see me get back on the ceiling drop down behind him take them out yes this guy right there this guy right there he didn't see me did you see how that how high he just jumped whoa that was weird okay I didn't know man was like superhuman that was the most unnecessary jump of all time like he literally could have just walked down there he said he jumped like a madman whoa whoa whoa stop pointing that laser at me bro he's coming around the corner get up ceiling ceiling ceiling did he see me the awareness meter is going super high okay we got to be careful we got to be careful that guy keeps spotting me or we're gonna go around we're gonna go around there's two guys right here we're gonna go for this one that's closer to us wait for this guy to turn around and then yep perfect now we can take out this guy go to sleep buddy okay let's go to the ceiling and then drop behind him just like this [Music] nice perfect looks like this guy found the the other guy we gotta take him out he looked like he was getting Dragged In Like a horror movie or something two more two more two more left two more left perfect all right we managed to do it without uh raising the awareness meter full so now we just go here press triangle and we unlock a new suit and we'll get the trophy um okay okay pretty cool and we get the infiltration trophy now that I got all those suits from the Russian hideouts I still had to get some from races after completing five of these I got a trophy Fast Tracker and I'd also get another suit from completing all the combat challenges there are 12 total you just have to defeat enemies under certain conditions that make the combat a little bit harder a couple interesting things happened as I was doing these number one I got the trophy for defeating 500 enemies let's go heavyweight champion but number two Spider-Man might have been tinting at something here you don't gotta tell me twice survive watch out for the fire okay cool shouldn't be too bad hopefully but here we are on the last challenge If I complete this I get two trophies all I gotta do is survive what is this I got the whole place Up in Flames survive watch out for the fire okay cool got this dude throwing bombs at me bro back up oh nice okay they changed up the fire pattern oh the fire moves locations pull him down nice oh my gosh I got hit by another bomb he's down I kicked him into the fire sheesh oh my gosh oh my gosh okay this is I don't have much space to fight please don't fail this is not looking good there's like no space this guy keeps throwing uh bombs at me there's two of them throwing bombs at me oh my gosh I just got hit by a bomb that just did a lot of damage I can't die here this is literally the last one I need for the trophy I think I'm gonna die I think I'm gonna die yeah I'm so dead I'm so dead there's no chance I mean I don't even have time to heal that's a problem no no no no oh I'm so weak I'm so weak yup yup yup yup yup yup yup yup yup yup yup wait I can tie this guy up oh come on okay we took one out I think we did it I clutched up yes Luchador who complete all combat challenges and we got fashionista unlocked all suits at this point we were really close to the Platinum all I pretty much had to do was to save 50 civilians complete 10 building on fire situations rescue situations and Deadlock situations for three separate trophies now I was able to save 50 civilians as I was doing the fire situations hero of the people nice fireman for the rescue situation you simply free a person from this debris and then drop them off at the hospital Guardian Angel and for the deadlock situations I basically had to take out a certain amount of enemies to help out the cops they just sit back and do absolutely nothing as I take out everyone we just got enforcer and while I only needed 10 for the trophy I ended up doing a ton of these for the next one the last trophy you had to fully upgrade every suit there's 13 total and I had to continuously replay these deadlock situations because they gave more XP than anything else in the game and this is where all those funny glitches I mentioned from earlier started happening yo what the heck I literally webbed him and he's just stuck in the air what is this wow what is this how is he floating on top of the other guy absolutely no sense this game makes we've seen some of the craziest things in this game what the heck how did that just happen despite the little funny glitches I experienced while doing this grind it was actually very tedious each suit would take about half an hour to upgrade and it was 13 total after doing the math it's 390 minutes of grinding to get this done which totals six hours of replaying the same deadlock missions over and over oh man after completing one he always repeats the same dialogue every time died just then of boredom this dude says the same stupid jokes every time man but a reused dialogue option wasn't going to stop me from grinding this out oh man the grind is about to be over four videos in one or what am I saying four games in one video I'm so excited I can't even speak I just gotta do this last deadlock I'm my suit level seven I think after this one I should be level eight so we're just gonna stealth take down on this guy in the roof stealth takedown to another one more rather not fight unless I have to I'm gonna have to fight these guys right here oh I got it I don't even need to finish Ultimate Spider-Man I don't even need to finish it we got it does everything a spider can four Spiderman platinums in one video it took me like two weeks of recording oh my gosh I have now platinumed every Spider-Man game that has ever had trophies if you never saw me do Spider-Man Miles Morales I have a video here on the screen for you to watch [Music]
Channel: Nick AR
Views: 1,260,564
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: platinum trophy, platinum, platinum trophy ps5, platinum trophy ps4, ps5 platinum trophy, ps4 platinum trophy, ps3 platinum trophy
Id: llUC3gjcFT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 58sec (2038 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 07 2023
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