The Most Painful Platinum Trophy of All Time

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[Music] this is the face of someone who wanted to break their playstation 5. and that's because how hard going for a crash forest platinum trophy is and here's an outline for what we'll be doing in the video step one is to play the story mode i'll skip the story and i'll just pop up the trophies for you step two is to get miscellaneous trophies which in this game are really easy step three is to get all 38 insane perfect relics which means you have to break all the boxes without dying in every level in step four is to get 38 platinum relics which are time trials and you need to beat the level under a certain amount of time to get the platinum relic step three and four is where the real pain and suffering comes so we have the game loaded up step one is to just play through all the levels normally [Music] so i beat the game step two is to clean up miscellaneous trophies i'm going for the trophy called fleet of fleet i have to play a game of checkpoint race i have to press bandicoot battle two players then checkpoint race i'll choose this map so what i'm gonna do is i'm just gonna like literally just kill myself in the game so he's gonna jump in his pit right here pass the controller to i don't even know where her name is to be honest but i'm uh kill her too she's done i'm about to end her right here bro jump in the same exact pit do you want to restart or skip this checkpoint skip i think i have to press skip oh okay okay and then just kill myself again and just continuously do this until i think the level is over with oh there it is fleet of fleet alright next up essentially i have to do the same thing but play crate combo the fastest way to do this is to do the exact same thing that i did before and just kill myself until we get to the end of the game whoa we got a trophy for whoa pull off a triple spin i was just spamming square while i was trying to get this other trophy because i was bored and i guess we got that all right there's the trophy settle the score find the source of the bumper berries all right so i just loaded up this level and i have to jump and spin on these tree branches and i get a trophy simple do some target practice you see that purple bat symbol i have to destroy that it's the last one i need for this level and i'll it's the last one i need for this level and i'll get a trophy boom there you go make music in an unlikely place so i just loaded up these levels these barrels right here if i hit them or spin them they create noise if you heard it created some little music and there's like three more that i have to hit throughout the map in order for uh to get a trophy i can't even talk bro so the next three crates are right here this is one of them this is the second one and that's the third one junkyard jams grabbed a bushel of bumper in this level i have to collect all these berries that look like this when i jump through this portal it'll take me on this rail and i gotta collect every one of these berries that you know is along this rail so there's 18 of them this is the second one and i'm just going to speed this up there we go that's 18. boom whoa whoa let's see the trophy whoa yeah make some noise in this level i have to hit those golden gongs that are hanging like that so this is gonna be the first one i don't know if i spin on it or something yeah i just spin it there's three more this looks like this is the second one this is the third one and it appears that i actually missed one so that was the fourth one there's one right here that i have to hit and there goes the trophy hammer it home aiming fire oh we got a trophy complete any timeline to help you understand how this works is there are three separate side characters to play as in this game each of them has three of their own levels that you can play through and those create their timeline so all i have to do is complete the three levels for any one of the characters and i get this trophy we got putting things into perspective scare the cat hiding from a party in this level you see this dumpster on the right you just have to spin it and there it goes here kitty kitty defeat an enemy with triple spin i also have to kill an enemy with the triple spin so this man right here is about to get destroyed bro oh i missed there we go show off complete a level with pass and play enabled so i have to play through a level on pass and play mode and hold on of course i die bro but if i pause the game here pass and play is enabled it's sort of like this offline multiplayer mode that you can play with like a friend or like a sibling where at each checkpoint it switches control and you just hand over the controller to whoever you're like i it's stupid but i don't know man this is what they got in the game i just have to complete a level using it for a trophy and that's it here we are at the end of the level i know i didn't just die there right okay we got the trophy no it's my turn so this is a boss fight in inverted mode this is what it looks like it looks really weird i know honestly i hate it but i have to complete one level in inverted mode and i also have to complete a boss fight in inverted mode so those will give me two separate trophies and then i also have to complete a level as coco so you can't tell i'm playing as coco which is the female character and once i get all this done i should unlock three trophies the thing that sucks is i have to beat every level in this inverted mode and i hate looking at this why is this even a thing this stuff is stupid we're at the end of the boss fight right here as long as i don't die i almost died right there um so yeah just have to come up here and spin this dude and then that should be the end of it beat him any which way which is for beat any boss in inverted mode then we get ladies first which is completely level as coco and it's messing with my head man which is beta level in inverted mode there are four trophies for different gem colors find the hidden blue gem find the hidden green gem find the hidden red gem and find the hidden yellow gem the first gem i went for was the green one so there's this garbage can right here and have to spin that what oh okay it was that one that i had to spin and then you see that remote control came out so i have to spin the remote control okay there out comes like a toy car so i have to continue to spin it so we can drive itself into the nitro box that you see right there and then boom there's the green gem so i just collect it and i'll get the trophy i actually have to finish the level off though so we're gonna oh i should have hit the checkpoint i'm a dummy it's okay all right so this is the end of the level and let me see my trophy man there it is emerald general all right so i'm about to unlock the red gem in order to do this i have to jump on each platform in this like sequential order and it's like just this counterclockwise um order and once i get to the middle it'll uh bro are you serious after we start now oh my gosh i jumped on a box and it reset the sequence okay all right bro all right bro so stupid man like of course that would happen to me bro it's all good i mean it's only going to waste like 30 seconds of my life but like come on now all right there we go oh bro is the gem still there do i have to redo it of course i have to redo it bro all right let's do this again man you know what it's all the boxes fault if it weren't for the all right bro man bro like this is what happens to me bro is it because i have the cameras on i i don't know man i don't know i don't know i really don't but i'm not failing this time this box will not get me again i'm going to get this gem there we go all right bro finally now i just have to complete the level which is this the end of the level i'm not sure oh i just have to do this running sequence and then i'll be done with the level i'm pretty sure so i'll just skip to this all right here's the end of the level and let me get my trophy ruby red so in this level i will unlock the yellow gem i just have to jump across uh this platform here then make my way over to this platform oh it's right above here so i have to jump up and grab it there it is i got the yellow gem now i just have to finish the level here's the end of the level and just walk to the crate and i should get my trophy topaz pizzazz now the thing about this gem it's not like you just go grab it anywhere i have to complete this level without breaking any crates and of course the exit or the entrance i guess into the level is completely blocked off by crates so i'm gonna try my best ever we got through so i'm just gonna you know speed through this real quick try to speed run it as fast as possible so i can't break those checkpoint crates either i'm assuming man that's tough all right i'm not gonna lie completing a level without breaking crates is actually hard oh my gosh i'm gonna struggle with this aren't i the thing is if i mess up once bro i have to restart the entire level and like if i die mess up like that's that's going to be annoying so i have to be very very careful here like there's crates right here that i cannot break bro if i break a stupid crate how am i supposed to get through that part without breaking those crates um bro jump here first i'm watching a guide by the way in case anyone's wondering bro i can't even get past this first part bro come on come on come on let's go all right very careful let's go man all right don't sell bro i can't do no checkpoints don't sell don't sell don't sell don't sell oh my gosh bro i can't bro i can't see that rope grab the rope grab the rope there we go there we go let's go all right come on the objective here is no no no no no i can't i can't i can't do that hold on pause i gotta watch into a guide what he did was this he slid off this platform oh no bro we're back here again okay okay okay uh what do we do next we do this [Music] okay let's go let's go man all right got past that part i wish this was the end of the level man how am i supposed to not destroy those crates though okay this is what we do you ready ready okay oh okay we're good i thought he's gonna destroy a crate oh i those tigers these tigers man like because if i spin them off it's going between go in between oh they didn't break any crates let's go oh my gosh all right so for this part we just have to jump across the gap and do that perfect perfect [Music] all right so we've made it back to this point and i'm not making that same foolish mistake that i made before okay absolutely not jump across here okay do not jump on that box or what's next uh climb up here or do this okay oh i almost fell right there bro i gotta i gotta watch the guide okay so he jumps wait is the spinning over the spinning this the spinning phases is over i think it's over i think it's over with oh my gosh i think this is close to the end of level you don't die bro i got so nervous all right bro all right we've made it back to this point and i bro this is like the easiest that's like the easiest part of the entire level and somehow i die i gotta watch out for these dragons these dudes would take me out bro okay okay we're good we're good don't break these crates i didn't break any crates right according to the guide if i hit this bonus platform right here this will activate a checkpoint so i don't have to restart from the beginning if i mess up so just gonna go here and die all right so we're just gonna make our way up this this is easy since there's no boxes in the way i don't have to worry about breaking any oh my gosh look at this bro no bruh well i got i got my checkpoint i got my checkpoint so none of that matters to me all right just making our way through here uh just gonna jump up here boom all right now we're here so you cannot break this so i'm assuming i'm gonna jump like that and go like that yep okay make it across here we're good no bruh all right okay we're good we're good we're good oh watch out for that dragon uh we gotta time this perfectly okay right now right now right now right now right now right now there we go there we go there we go okay watch out for these boxes pause right here um okay we're gonna do this and guys this is very close to the end of the level so okay okay you know what i had an extra mask that it doesn't matter okay okay okay we're good we're good i think i think we're going to do it i think we're going to do it i think we're going to do it blue gem yes let's go man let's go man let's go let's go give me that trophy sapphire acquire earn half of the clear gems so there are a total of 228 clear gems throughout the game consisting of six clear gems per level these are the requirements for getting a clear gem collecting forty percent of the whomper fruit collecting sixty percent of the whomper fruit collecting eighty percent of the wampa fruit breaking all of the crates in the level died three times or less finding the hidden gem in the level and in case you didn't know this is what wampa fruit looks like oh we got a trophy like a rhinestone bandicoot earn half of the clear gems okay complete all timelines after hours of playing i think i'm finally about to unlock this trophy just walk through here and i think this is the last yep the whole picture this is the last level earn any flashback relic this right here is a flashback level once i complete it no matter what kind of score i get i'll get a trophy so i'm just gonna go through this i'll try to get all the crates because you get something you get a platinum uh relic if you actually like get all the or get all the crates right but i'm not focusing on that right now i want to just get this done and then um just get the trophy and then i can go back and you know clean this up if i have to but let's let's finish this off looks like i will be getting the platinum relic i believe we just completed the level this should give us model test subject okay earn any insanely perfect relic this is an insane perfect relic you get this by breaking all the boxes in a level without dying if you miss one box and you can't go back to it or if you die you have to restart the level all the way from the beginning oh we got a trophy so-called perfectionist and it was after that trophy that i got into what i thought was the hardest thing that i've ever attempted in my life the last time i claimed something to be the hardest thing ever tried in my life was in crash one but this has to take the cake getting the insane perfect relic on every level 38 of them was the hardest thing i've ever tried to do in my life i've got some clips of me failing time after time again and the first level you see was just regular you know it was tough but you know it wasn't as hard as what was about to come this is the video clip from the intro where i got really upset that's because i was right at the finish line as you can see the crate floating in the back that means you're at the end of the level and right here was where i completely messed up fell to my death and had to restart from the beginning [Music] i beat that other level to get into this level which was the hardest level i've ever tried to get the perfect relic on as you can see so you see bro i messed up man [Music] oh that was the furthest i've gotten oh my why did i gosh that i'm gonna lose balance i'm gonna lose balance i'm gonna lose balance bruh and i kid you not i spent i think four to five hours on this one level alone restarting from the beginning just over and over and over just dying oh just losing my mind i was so close i was so close i'll never forget this stupid level in the rest of my life bro i'll promise you that bro for as long as i live bro and in this clip right here just look at what happens i just want you to watch [Applause] that is literally the finish right there if i would have made that jump right there i would have finally beat this hard part that i struggled on for hours but then this happened i did it i did it i did it i did it i did it i did it oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh it's not the end of the level i'm watching the guide if i'd lose here i still have to finish off this level if i miss one box or die i'd say i have to restart and i've been doing this for hours i'm not no i gotta watch the guide oh i got a smile on my face because i know i know i have an opportunity of a lifetime right here i'm gonna be very very very very very cautious with this by the way touching these green boxes will cause an explosion which will either damage me or kill me if i don't have a mask protecting me very slow very slow go to snail's pace if i miss one of these these gigi's for me bro i will be crying probably i'm taking it as slow as i can take it bro i am not yep go even slower if i need to like i will do this all day bro oh my gosh [Music] [Music] fortunately for me i was able to make it back to this point in the level now if you're wondering why it looks different it's because previously in all the other clips that you saw i was working to do the inverted version of this level which means everything is in reverse and there's also a filter applied to the level where it just looks visually different but the catch about this specific world that i was in because there's levels within a specific world in this world every level on inverted mode is faster than the original so i just switched over to the normal version so it can be easier cruise let it cruise let it cruise i need a mask i'm done pause the game come on guys don't touch the green bro bro just oh my gosh [Music] oh that was so close that was so close bro bro i can backtrack [Music] bro that was way too close man bro that that's not cool a game bro my go go back go back go back go back go back go back [Music] my heart is like racing brah [Music] oh my gosh man that's not like you can't do that to me man i think this is it man i think we've done it after four five hours maybe i finally got the perfect relic for this level bro oh my god wow bro this was another level that i struggled on for hours and there were plenty other ones but i didn't want to throw too many of them in the video but these were like the highlight of my struggles but right here in this clip was when i finally completed the level and just just watch my reaction oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh this is the last level that i need the insane perfect relic on as soon as i grab this gem i will get the perfect relic and my perfectionist trophy pops man complete all levels in inverted mode got him let's go it's my trophy backwards and forwards earn all inverted gems [Music] oh we got a trophy which i'm not even gonna try to pronounce that earn all inverted gems i thought i had a lot more to go but apparently that's it earn all of the clear gems oh we got a trophy watch the 100 bonus ending so we got 100 completion you did it 100 completion you've unlocked the bonus ending visit the gallery to view and i think once i just view that i will get a trophy so just press this and we get overachiever earn all of the platinum flashback relics all of these objects are called flashback tapes each one of them is like a mini level and in order for me to get a trophy i have to complete all of these levels while also getting all of the boxes as you can see i got the platinum relic on this one for getting all the boxes and this one was super easy but i don't know if the other ones are like harder or not because i haven't played them yet as you can see i've gotten all the platinum flashback relics except for one so we're going to go through this level together because i don't think i've shown you guys one of these levels before they're like these uh i don't want to say 2d because it's not really 2d but sideways as you can see sideways levels like here i just have to break every box to get the platinum relic and make it to the end it doesn't matter if i die which is good because if i had to do this without dying as you see i just died right there bro i'd have been pretty upset so we're just gonna try to get through this as fast as possible um i don't really know what i'm doing here three four five huh all right nice okay we're gonna try this again we're gonna do this seriously i'm not gonna lie i'm watching a guide because i'm not about to try to forget [Music] all right let's do this again i'm not about to try to figure this out on my own because i don't want to be here all day i just want to save myself the time three four five trigger this come back down here trigger this [Music] go down here all right yeah this is exactly what i have to do all right cool all right let me pause and watch his guide okay so we bounce up from here i have to be careful not to hit that nitro that green crate it'll explode on me if i do if you haven't played crash um bro oh this is this is what that game does to me bro this is what this game does to me man [Music] bro all right cool we're back here all right okay okay one two three four five one two three four five one two three four boom boom uh yeah that's going to blow up you go like oh my gosh how am i gonna get out of here okay so we have to slide i have to get all those crates right there so you know [Music] all right here we are again i'm gonna try this jump again all right hopefully we don't three four okay i screwed up wait no i didn't let's go like this like this what what [Music] four five thank you bro thank you bro that's not what he did in the video though i had to do it on my own will bro come on okay so i have to break these boxes right here gotta be very careful because the flame that they spew out can hurt me so not hurt me you can straight up just kill me all right there we go and then i need to blow up that tnt box so i'm gonna just insert myself right there blow that up and boom okay i have to body slam through here trigger this tnt and then jump right when it's about to blow up if that would be the thing that kills me bro oh i would have been so angry let's see what i got to do next get that okay we're good we're good we're good okay so i have to cross this this is a checkpoint right here there's a box there but that's going to blow up towards the end that that box with a golden apple or whatever pair whatever that through it is i don't know all right we got to break these boxes right here assuming nice we got to do this right there boom break these boxes uh pause the guide body slam right here on that box and then break this break this and then come back here make the jump make the jump okay nice nice nice i have to make that jump now okay so looks like she's about to fall can barely keep her balance there but go like this boom activate those now these can kill me right here so i have to be very careful right here so i'm gonna time this perfectly boom boom boom boom boom nope no no that was too risky wait did i just sell i think i just sold i just sold i have to restart not from the beginning but from the checkpoint idiot bro [Music] okay i just missed i just missed such a simple jump bruh okay now we break that i have to break these three before i activate this nice that's where i messed up before okay so i have to jump here if i spin it doesn't bounce me this right here has an arrow on it that means it's going to bounce me up if i jump on it but if i spin it kind of like cancels it out so just have to check and make sure i have to bounce oh oh yeah i just sold okay this is what i was supposed to oh i think i think i messed up there i think i messed up wait did i mess up did i mess up no i don't think i did jump back here jump here now i have to slam through those that's the only way to destroy those crates is to slam through them like that okay i have to destroy these okay we're good we're good we're good we're almost died there that was close all right this part is tricky right here at the spin jump there's no shot bro all right man we're here again i can't believe i messed up on such a simple part last time that's just typical me all right man so i gotta do some crazy stuff so i had to hit this tnt and then right before it blows up i have to jump on okay we did it right there boom back here okay okay so we body slammed through this and i'm assuming we have to jump over to that tnt it seems like the only viable option okay so this is the last part as long as i don't sell right here on these jumps and it's done oh almost through my controller it's done just walk into here get my there it is closing the experiment log thank you man this wasn't such a hard trophy it was a little bit challenging though this one right here is called over overachiever watch the 106 bonus ending won't be able to get this until i complete all the time trials these two trophies earn any time trial relic and earn all of the platinum time trial relics from what i've seen online the platinum time trial relics are the hardest thing in the game and then i have this last trophy right here spend some time surfing the waves this is just the easy trophy i can get like right now if i wanted to but i'm saving it for the end in order to start a time trial just have to grab that watch and now that time pops up and if i break those boxes like you just want to go back and break that box and these boxes right here it stops the clock for however long it said on the box so the boxes say like one second two second and the largest is three seconds so it'll stop the um the clock for that many seconds so try to move as fast as possible do some fast movement here and i'm not really trying to get the platinum one right now what i'm also trying to do is just to get the if i get any score literally any score right now it'll give me a trophy so it i don't even need to be fast right now but obviously being fast would be optimal right so see what i can do i'm just gonna try to speed through this this is this literally the first level of the game so a couple people on reddit were saying that the this first level's like the hardest one to get the platinum relic on i'm like really no way i don't see how that could be possible but that's what they're saying so we'll see bro just try to get through this as fast as possible look at that but i'm taking damage and all right come on go go go go go go go cue the intense music yeah i don't think i'm gonna get the platinum relic bro i'm trying to move fast we got we have some time right here right here right here i'm pretty sure this i seem like a shortcut for this but i'm not too sure how it works so i'm just gonna take this the standard way which is just jumping on these platforms oh gg and if you die you gotta spawn all the way back in the beginning all right we're back here again not gonna fall this oh okay we're not going to fall this time we are not going dude okay let's see what time i got uh i mean it says it right there but let's see what kind of relic this grants me we should get the trophy though faster than a tortoise yep um that's that's the only trophy we're gonna get and the next relic i have to complete also this is i got the gold one so the platinum one have to complete in 53 seconds and or 53.97 seconds how bruh i have to cut off that much time so i just got the first platinum relic on the first level and it says time to beat 39-27 apparently there's these other relics called developer relics or toys for bob relics where if you get it underneath that time you get an even better relic funny man you think i'm going for that bro so i began my journey to get all the platinum relics i did not need the developer relics to get the platinum trophy those are just like if you want to go above and beyond you can do that but that was not needed this level right here is the one that i struggled the most with when it came to the platinum relics i was spending hours on this and i was actually considering this to be the hardest thing i ever tried to do in my life but then i thought back to that other level that i did earlier in the video and i still think that takes the cake by a little bit but this was really tough and also excuse the bad lighting because i didn't have my my big lights on the ones that i used for my setup because it was hurting my eyes but other than that i was just struggling really really really badly on here and it was just very annoying sometimes i would get all the way to the end and just die and then as you know you have to restart so all the way from the beginning the funny thing is actually found out the designer of all these relics and all the time trials the guy's name is stephen so i did some digging and i found some dude named steve now i don't know if these two guys are the same person but i found a video with a guy named steve and so i decided to reach out to this man and give him a piece of my mind and i continued to struggle on this level until this happened [Music] oh my gosh i clutched up i clutched up i clutched up finally oh my gosh oh my gosh finally bro finally bro finally finally finally finally bro bro did you see how close i was to hitting the lava bruh oh my gosh [Music] i'm literally one platinum relic away from getting platinum the platinum trophy on crash four oh my gosh this is the last level that i have to do i'm gonna show you my my winning run though [Music] hmm [Music] so [Music] i did it i did it i did it i did it i did it that's it that's it that's it bastard and sound baby oh platinum relics crash bandicoot four baby let's go man let's go bruh let's go bruh i'm about to get my platinum trophy bro so we have two trophies remaining guys i simply have to go to the gallery right and press 100 or 106 bonus ending and i get over over achiever and now i just need one last trophy and i get my platinum and i save this one for last on purpose because it's super easy i just have to load into the first level of the game right here so we're just slide across here load up in right here so i'm here loading the level on this tv right here you have to spin it a few times it says crash bandicoot crash bandicoot 2 crash 3 and then crash 4 and i get channel surfer and come on let's go master marsupial oh my gosh this platinum was so hard this was so difficult subscribe please because that was so much effort into this video and if you want to see another video where i went for a hard platinum you can press on the screen where i got hollow knight
Channel: Nick AR
Views: 2,300,983
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crash 4, crash bandicoot, crash bandicoot 4, crash 4 platinum, crash 4 platinum trophy, crash bandicoot platinum, crash bandicoot platinum trophy, crash, platinum trophy, platinum, hardest platinum, hardest platinum trophy
Id: uxg4g1RZqus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 52sec (2212 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 13 2022
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