The Hard Choice Between School & Circus | Circus Kids | Real Families with Foxy Games

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[Music] Circus is all about family living together this is my brother this is my and working together I fray them at my poor old man is 16th generation service this is the secret world of circus kids coming up a teenaged tearaway hopes the circus will turn his life around 15 your branding you told me to do some I'll tell you where to pull it either attitude I had a real bad attitude a nature old hopes to follow in his father's footsteps I look like it comes from me and I look like a girl but one circus kid is not so sure about the family business he'll be upsetting it's now on were to take over and massages cuz it's a 200 year thing Kenny can do a real good backbend I was a nice fight two years ago seventeen year old Brandon was in trouble at home he now lives in a bunk house at the circus but to stay here he had to join the basic circus troupe I actually went into circles of punishment as a be annoyed schools misbehave and that much it was causing so much trouble I'm pleased at the door so my mom basically just got to the end of a line and said Pat your badge will go now I look back and I think my car was back then like massive love such a such a bad person so even to my mum I should give us so much actually so she told me to do so now you did it ain't doing that well should I do it that wasn't my achievement it's roughly within a week I thought myself either on a unicycle and juggle free clothes I'm not in a treatment people I work with treatment my family my mates friends like people are crazily so I like doing nice so fun being in this troops great being part of the circus requires more than working inside the ring get out the kind of tango please t ski every seven days the big top moves on to a new stand and everyone has to muck in oh no I work hard I know what to do well the electric make sure that these lights will work click down to a team I do so the South had rallies as well nothing impressive thoughtful machi it is really hard work like pulling down and moving it oh my god you have no energy body and it low you sit on your bed move into second you've done was that tyrant brandon has circus in his blood his parents now separated met in the big top do you want to call it my mum when she was 16 she ran away her first job was cleaning in the stables and she learnt a trapeze act and she met my dad so she went in the Western that were like dad and that's inspired his new solo act I'll go get some weapons I'll be anything my dad was that means a lot to me so just about making proud he didn't treat you in my mom she stood at the court like this and he said up and she went up and know if she was wrong at any point she would have died no such a buckety I went straight for school but she didn't don't follow in my dad's footsteps and I want it to be Brandon is Nora now just open strings and go now play it very good eight-year-old Luis comes from a long line of clowns my mom is a clown my stepdad is a clown my dad is a clown I'm a clown very good now his parents are separated Lewis splits his time between several circuses we go to stay a month for my mom and I sometimes stay week with my dad it is really really hard this is where's all my school uniforms but split parents on the road means lots of schools I've been to 52 schools there are lots of different colors of jumpers I got red I got blue I got gray some schools not the same colors because you know some schools meet different colors so they don't get confused from the other they dinner have grey they had the little dark purple so I wear this and I think it was you know that school with the purple that was in ruins yep it was risk a primary that was in was in Wales I think it was and this was round Manchester was young Manchester how do I make friends I just say sometimes I say hi my name is Luis the teacher says who wants to be Louis's friend because he's belonging to psychos and everyone puts their hands up what I don't like about school is boys carry skin they said you stop telling lies about the circus because everyone's gonna believe you stop kidding me it makes me feel bad inside this season Luis and his dad have been developing a new act so make sure listen to me carefully you have an audience okay look you have the people so don't stand like that always stands face the audience okay just um that's all right some of this Luis pay attention to what I'm saying to you to be a good clown it does take a lot of work you got practice every every week compliment that's it clap-clap-clap clap-clap-clap but it's more easy when I do it one time because I am okay Luis has just under a week till opening night to perfect his act well I can't wait because I really want to get paid [Music] in cheltenham 17 year old Brandon and the troupe are getting ready for today's show this is our dressing room unicycle Kashi is our juggling stuff I'm a skater we just had to any people in the queue so they're not just standing in a queue just staring at the ceiling five minute I'm going to run backstage demo sure I'm going to do this gate and come out with this guy narcissist with a few magic props and stuff it's all glamorous there is damn sauce to it and your hands are never clean you always do so much there's always so much to do sometimes we'll do free showing today so take the whole day which is absolutely knackered by the end of it it's my stylist this is an adult's I just get booze out of inferno stage whenever during the three-hour show Brandon rarely gets a break when he does it's back to practicing his act [Music] it's not for everyone if you've got no pump and you've got no will to do anything or no potential you might as I stay at home and play your xbox mate right you ain't gonna be asked to do this every week the big top moves on this is a pool now we have to get this done as quick as possible everyone works together everyone helps each other out right now I'm just Dee rigging all the lights when usually it takes about three hours for in our depends depending on the weather a lot when the when it rains the tent is extremely heavy so like maybe because the tents heavy you can't necessarily do it it's fast food well it's dry working as part of a team like this is something Brandon could never have imagined in his old life 15 your Brandon care 15 your branding you told me to do something I'll tell you how to bullet IRA attitude and real bad attitude this working environment is definitely switched my life to the right direction what helps here is everyone it so if you don't do anything they probably get on your back until you do it when I'm 80 so much look black Wow I worked all over the world all in big shows big names I got paid big paychecks all around a big cars like do people think arts circus like I thought you didn't care about what a cheapskate name a so many people here on zoo bandar week to do an act come on out Luke circus parents are also separated but he's less keen to follow in his dad's footsteps Luke lives with his mum in a house during the week but most weekends are spent with his dad in a small traditional circus everything from circus Janette here we've got some old stuff we don't really use anymore some old signs we've got stuck around the walls my dad runs a circus that's been running for about 200 years Luke this is Jeanette circus at Wembley football stadium 1925 nearly all of the circus families of my dad's area there nearly all gone we are now one of the oldest circuses in the country date back to Napoleon so we're gonna keep going notice not something they are nearly all horse acts because in those days 3/4 of the horse it were the transport because those days there was no lorries there's all horse transport but your great-great great-grandfather had two hundred and eighty horses my grandad circus went bankrupt because because the army came along the First World War I took all these horses I mean in its time dudettes has been a little circus a big circus and a bankrupt circus so we've yes so we've had all of it and it all come down to you it will eventually I don't world ID I don't really want to like run a circus cause it's not really my thing but Luke's dad still wants him to enjoy all the perks of being in a circus family [Music] the way of life for me well the kids in the school have got that diversity but all the kids in school the Japanese love [Music] probably our fastest vehicle looking at it the circus has a tiny cast of ten performers including Veda the dog but Luke's dad is hoping his son will become the eleventh showman the people would love to see a kid working with a dog how would you feel working in the show with Vader a little bit shy after you've done it a couple of times it will be normal though Luke is quite shy and that he's not great family doesn't want to be on stage in front of people really like to be standing in front of people doing it at a struggle do this school assembly and there's about 20 adults there than 150 lift your legs up like that invade is gonna come and jump over you over here Vader this is very scary ready and then you have to say go go go go go over and back again go for get them up get them up the bumps on the other side that's it I think I might do that jumping trick it looks just like fun you can do the jump in watches for fun you can do it just in the star of the show come in lay down and let me to jump over you and then run back out again but Luke loves working with his dad behind the scenes okay getting nice and bubbly guys filthy mud here let me let me give it to me getting to get some proper muscle into it leave into it keep going oh sorry well I don't know about the lorry but you look a lot greener the main reason I'm running the family circus now is because of Luke it's the only real way that we can see Luke every weekend is by running my own show if I was working for somebody else I wouldn't have that opportunity eight-year-old Lewis splits his time between different circuses this week he's with mum we move into next place we will move every two days we travel sometimes in the morning sometimes in the night it's second day two shows fall down move again in the morning and we keep going come on let's go in the one yet oh dear quick is raining quick we off to Canterbury and you ground only 100-mile three hours drive with a Carolina [Music] Louise just walk you know this place we go in here Canterbury is the first time I ever saw your daddy when I came to Santa service promise you are you okay it was just time 16 died he was very young a mummy the same but hey Justin I give gonna give birth a 16 it happened my problem he was so now he happen after we was five years the kids doing fine they do they get used to it I think they get bored to be in one place in surface I learned so much and we don't force it they want to do it Lewis speaks French English as his first language Romanian and Spanish Luis learned from us and on the roads because they always meet with different kids from different countries traveling between circuses means Luis has a large network of friends okay we're making a film that is called Benjy and the ink monster chapter two best pose on will the cutting teeth neck is finished yeah your money [Music] um make sure you have a girlfriend no you gotta save the tree no no serious it's known every night luis watches his mum's clown act [Applause] but their life on the road may soon be coming to an end I'm gonna probably be in the circus for two to three years more so I can put Lewis in a proper school because I want him to have the both words circus life and normal if he wants to go back to the circus he can always go back to the circus if you want to stay in school I'll do anything you will stay in school nobody will give up anything for him do you want circus or school obviously nobody loves school but you have to do it cool I know you like school Oh mommy's gonna stop with you Louis mommy's gonna stop with you I promise you one if I we stop surface to put you in school I'll stop with you if you want me to but don't make me love no I'll be with you your hearts belong into the circus like your spirits I love you I love you in Brighton Brandon has found a willing partner who thinks he's ready for his own Act start with the whips and then would do the knives but just walk walk through it so we actually know we're doing before we run it like basically just about to start putting together a small version of what like me and Brandon wanna put together and whip cracking and knife-throwing act so we've got a chance to do and literally just two minutes of the show so we're going to start with the basics let's do a few nice tricks together so provide to practice it really okay forget it don't it's so important for me to get it is opposed I don't like my dad round down ready when we do is I'm going to take your time with them but rush it the second and I've taught in there I just wouldn't really want to carry it on because none of my living room chokes him but I didn't want to do it wouldn't be shame if my dad come out that his daughter is no longer my bread in it so I said babe partly reading today I don't want to let my family down how are you failed to give up 1000 at this nine no boys oh no they keep losing count yeah simples scary one nut - it's like yesterday's like throwing the knives I didn't realize I was on more and I literally stood up and this knife just past my face turn over the act can be very dangerous God nearly killed my mom dad's hands worse way and then he went for a long because it slipped it moved and just hit it directly in the femur that layback thing we just done that was a first-timer yesterday wasn't it so let's try this who's like shall we oh yeah that's right no he's good he's good I just don't wonder why I'm not bothered by a talk they'd be fine I'm not scared of friend knows I'm scared I have to work extremely hard to get his right I think that's what people need to realize need to wake up and know that nothing's gonna get given Sonia needs to work for if you wanna [Music] tonight Lewis and his dad will be performing their new clown routine for the first time Lewis only started clowning last season he did he did a sketch with me like a motorbike represent motorbike sketch and he came in and fixed my motorbike because my bow right wasn't working so yeah remember with a hammer oh yeah okay what I'm gonna fixed it and then you went I know what do you do it will be tight have a good job at 8 years old it's really fun because you get more honey I got thousands in my bag but this one do you have to now daddy will get [Music] I think I'm feeling nervous a little [Music] there you are and you are [Music] what's it like working my dad is kind of like you're an adult is working is the same as your dad when I see Luis walking into a circus feeling the first thing I want to do is cry working with my son is amazing you know because he's mean we got in a miniature version this is very very good a clown he's a funny kid anyway as a clown he would not have problem whatsoever he's a natural [Applause] [Music] two year old twins Scarlett and Esmeralda were in the ring almost as soon as they were born but life is about to change Esmeralda do you wanna be a cowgirl a new baby is on the way surprise we wanted to have another one but maybe wait four years for the twins it's work as usual a last suit well they don't do a whole lot but they assist my dad and they come in and spin last zooms it's gonna be really hard though I think when the newborn comes cuz I don't know how I'm gonna juggle work and and everything else and then she took it from your hat oh that's from that hat look this from that all right I don't know don't fight having a newborn in the circus is really hard because when you have like their health visitors that come and check and things like that it's not the easiest thing when you're traveling and they're trying to find your Caravan like in the middle of a field somewhere or even going for Hospital checks with the twins I had to go every two weeks for a scan and we would sometimes be four hour drive away give it a mommy they'll want to help sell you no lights or anything that we've got they'll sell slush they'll they just I suppose it's what they see us doing you know and they want to copy us and do what we do oh he came to people now quickly we got to work so all the money that they earn and birthday money it all goes into a bank account so when they're 18 or something hopefully they can buy a car or whatever they want to you know yeah you want to get the clowns i-5 the twins great-grandparents run another circus which tonight is just 40 miles away it's a rare chance for the whole family to meet up and the twins get to see their five-year-old cousin Kiki [Music] twins what your present unlike the twins Kira has not yet started to perform but she has got her eye on an act [Applause] [Music] when I owe you and I want to bring a foot tubs out in the sachet and I like one day by interested in the Gauchos de nada and it's underfoot here are you hungry darling kiera's grandmother has been working in the circus for over sixty years and knows what it takes to make it here's your bread and butter children have to practice maybe two hours a day it is a lot of hours but that's that's just how it's always been and that's what the kids do what's your name going to be when you're a foot juggler miss Cheerilee maimie miss Kira may Mac with her fantastic foot juggling yeah that's gonna be really good isn't it in a circus when you see one of our kids one of the circus kids start to be like interest in in a in an act then you start to encourage them bringing here inside to have a look when they practice is like a push a step forward for her make her oh I want to be like them what about one foot only try balance a but whenever eyes you have to make it like a play and slowly slowly they realize its responsibility they're caring and then they realize it's serious you got quite used to it I will I don't you see it's it's a lovely play isn't it Kira has another six years to practice and then I think she'll be really really ready you choose to be a food jungle [Music] being attacked by despite his circus family history 10 year-old Luke has no interest in learning and act he's in the way got the best of both worlds because he has the schooling and understanding of sort of normal society I think it's weaning time for Timmy the turtle but he also has the relaxation of the circus and the understanding of his father's side of the family and their long history with circus and he's still in touch with that so must be nice for him to have a foot in both worlds Luke spends every weekend with his dad at the family circus when he's at the circus he's quite naturally just fits in with everybody else he likes to be a part of everything so any little jobs that are there are for him to do like he'll be doing the music later on and helping out with the lights Luke has no ambition for stardom he likes the way of life he likes being with us he likes visiting new places so just put one I don't have an axe because there's not as much pressure make a mess up the people don't look at you yeah like kind of whispers of themselves ah that guy's so bad one of the jobs that I don't like it's done stacking and stacking all the chairs cuz that takes forever you get exhausted it's just so my gosh it's so you're just gonna sit there and torment me oh yeah it's a great place to come for Luke because he goes to school just down the road and all of his friends can come and visit [Music] listen Luke I'm taking Vader so come in ten minutes yeah there's been a new arrival at the big top and Luke Circus future is suddenly looking brighter I don't mind taking over the circus with my little bro and I'll have somebody to do it do it and since I had to do like a nother job he I could just leave him and George hopefully Luke will find an interest in it and carry it on we'll see it's only ten we've got Logan as well he's just been born six weeks old we gray if there was if they love to do together and run it together wow I think it's gonna be one of the busiest shirts are gonna get happier I just find it exciting [Music] Lupe's main job while the show is on is to stay stay around the music area where the music device is controlled and he can change the lights or anything [Music] welcome to service in white oak garden center [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thanks it okay link appear older and think actually now sir cuz it's pretty cool we'll say with it they'll be upsetting us now on were to take over and the surface still pretty important to me because it's a 200-year thing that would be stopped forever just gone in a heartbeat it's early morning in Brighton and 17 year old Brandon has an important call to make [Music] yeah down not too bad thank you you good good i'm yeah i'm doing a western that today yeah no i should already good yeah yeah yeah No thank you Dad thank that I don't see that I love you boy baby [Music] when I told my dad he's very happy and excited because this is what he did for most of his life and my granddaddy passed away not long ago he did it for his life so it's do the best I can to make him happy yes so me doing what he did it's best really he's just an actually an amazing person [Music] [Applause] it's three o'clock and the matinee is in full swing Brandon is counting down to his solo western act just like his dad's era what's it I feel a bit more nervous than having knows having gotten more nervous now the only thing I'm nervous about is the last trick as well absolutely in my pants at us is easy do you bring my nose on us I'm part of me good guys this is a moment I'm ready shot [Music] should I set these onstage [Music] [Applause] this is what I've always wanted to do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it's very strange thank you thank you gonna chill I swear ma [Music] Terra your dad yeah oh just doing it yeah it's good yeah you get used to it and yeah I will do thank you all right thank you daddy love you right lately with the circus on the road it's not easy for Brandon to see his parents but his mom has turned up this morning for an unexpected visit I don't come often enough with work constraints but yeah it's really nice to see him and you know with the people I used to work with and it goes without throwing I'm really proud of it and what is achieved yeah from coming you know from from being in the surface with nothing and not having an act or anything to do what is achieved now having his own act and yeah doing what his dad used to do as well yeah me and his dad are really really proud of him really proud when we used to be mainly dad used to do that to me doing the trapeze oh thank you that's mean yeah yeah the beginning when you just wish that's walking in yeah dad used to cook yeah I did something good spin in and that start doing the whip cracking not in the mold in the paper that's me and your dad yep I just been in the circus I knew what such a good environment it was for kids so I knew it was the best thing for him it would either work or it wasn't but I had to I had to give him the opportunity of trying to prove himself and he has that's you cheeky dad shoes so how'd you feel now that know that you do yeah you glad that I bought you or not yeah yeah how did you feel at first did you hate me I told you oh yeah that was the first time that day yeah glad now yoga it's the best thing I've done for you Broncos worked out but for me I knew no longer [Music] proud of all of Yuka's guests in Doncaster they're celebrating the coming of another circus baby I think having a baby in a circus is an amazing experience you don't have to worry about you know is that the correct nursery for the baby join have to rush back to work and leave my baby with a stranger no you don't because we're not strangers we all take care of the kids together [Music] it's easy enough to send the twins over to for a sleepover at either one of their auntie's or the grandparents place just that I can get a bit more rest with the baby I'm guessing that will be the case within the circus you become one family because you work so closer together you know our social life our love life our family life it's all intertwined with the whole community it's not just work it's it's a whole sense of everybody [Music] it's just our lifestyle [Music]
Channel: Real Families
Views: 166,603
Rating: 4.9475293 out of 5
Keywords: eye-opening stories, child's eye view, children's rights, Real Families, Full documentary, Parenting Documentary, Tips for parents, Full episodes, circus kids our secret world, circus kids our secret world episode 3, circus kids, our secret world, episode 3, what is it like growing up in a circus, growing up in a circus, living in a circus, circus artists, young acrobat, circus school, circus school documentary, circus school performance, circus school europe
Id: Z6RrnPrH8x0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 16sec (2596 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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