Having A Baby With My Daughter | 16 Kids and Counting

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meet the Radford's britain's biggest family with 15 kids all under one roof and now they're getting even bigger he is only five months and we're three months pregnant with another one which is crazy but Nolan Sioux aren't just having their 16th baby they're also about to become grandparents for the very first time 18 year old daughter Sophie is pregnant - how she's managed to go through 16 pregnancies I have no idea cuz I'm stap ones enough for me this extraordinary household is already stretched to the limits just coping with the washing mealtimes and getting the kids to school a military scale operations now the family will have to deal with two new babies moving in and they're not all convinced that it's a good idea do they too many I think it's mad having so many children I could never handle 16 children so when will enough be enough for Britain's biggest family I think myself up to 18 or 19 it's my hope - 20 [Music] Morken a quiet seaside town on the Lancashire coast home to the noisy world of Sue and nor Radford and their 15 kids well there's Christopher you've got yourself a Sophie's one of my favorites shouldn't say that let a I've done and Chloe Jack Daniel okay Emily kt la Amy Josh that's Tilly I just forgot that last one the little boy is what is one just about one gotten his new Oscar that's it haven't missed any out today is the birthday of child number 12 josh is turning five pregnant with her 16th child there's no rest for Sue [Music] barely a month goes by when the Radford's aren't celebrating a birthday some months there are three no struggle sticky part I can't remember all the birthdays I've got them written down on a piece of paper I remember the first two or three and then it all goes pear-shaped Chloe 31st August bear with me let me just check in here and having so many children comes at a price over the course of eight years sue and Noel's spend over 3,000 pounds on presents a party today let's cost another 235 pounds why do you think sue has so many you know idea really very strange I mean we found two quite sufficient really I think she said she only one is three and she's having her sixteenth I think it is Myers at what I wouldn't have that many I suppose you could call it an addiction hopefully this is last we started wanted about far obviously I've lost count we've kept going we choose down because we love having kids around and that well that's it [Music] Nola's whose compulsion to have kids means that nearly every evening for as long as they can remember has been dedicated to getting the little ones to bed we've been at once I think one till last year I think it was no not to forced on going out that way it's a bit weird it's too quiet and it doesn't some same right was stopped in no even with all the kids sharing Nolan su still have to run five baths a night [Music] [Music] in order to fit their fifteen kids into a house Nolan su had to buy a ten bedroom ex care but still the kids can't get a room of their own three of the littlest share one of the attic rooms at seven o'clock the battle begins to get them to bed [Music] I only see them once a week sometimes now so I I don't monitor their behavior at all what's she doing Knowles are saying really you're not funny strangle a few know is outnumbered and unable to separate the little ones he has to continually come up with new ways to keep them under control no no the messing around that Plus playing to just cut off and weave take the handle off the other side because they used to come out the next you know they'll be downstairs in Livigno had to take the door handle off then I'll run back in bed now think I'm coming in there if we were the sort of people that did like things get on top of us then we'd never be able to cope with having so many children I think to some people things that we let go over our head some people [Music] Suz obsession with having kids has had one major consequence she's become a slave to the housework job honey Liz Washington probably about eight or nine loads of washing day I would have said the laundry room is right on the lower floor so we've just got into her habit of just throwing it down the stairs the kids tend to just get their clothes now and just throw them down the stairs as well we found on the stairs there's someone comes in gets in the morning that's genuine the mom with nine loads of laundry sue ends up ironing over 100 items of clothing every day don't mind the washing don't mind the drying but I really hate ironing and putting it all the way and I can still be doing that up till about half-past nine ten o'clock at night with the house work around the clock job the kids have been monitoring houses doing at first we got to double figures of kids she was like oh I can't stand this no it's too hard after that she picked up the pace of it is a lot but I think mom's used to it now yeah with just three months to go until she gives birth sue is still doing all the housework she's now 37 and due to her love of having babies she's actually been pregnant for 12 years of her life I think I do pregnancy pretty well really so it's not really hard a toll on my body would just get on with it I know people thinking about all these kids you must be right Rach well you know she's no she's good she doesn't pile the pounds on she's not good in stretch matters I mean to look at a tummy you wouldn't think she's ever had any kiddies really by the time sue has this baby her sixteenth she's going to be a grandmother and helping to raise her grandchild eldest daughter Sofia's also pregnant and will be living in the basement of the family home with boyfriend Joe when their baby arrives in just two months so in this cutout I've done it round but they're the matches holder thing upside down yeah put it common our instructions they just don't leave me alone I can't oh boy because there's a lotta women [Laughter] [Music] Sophie and Joe have been going out for two years but Sophie wasn't planning on having a baby at 18 I think at the beginning it was such a shock but she just is quite a maternal person anyway she's got a steady boyfriend and you sort of knew that she probably would have won at quite a young age but 3756 grandchildren what's it yeah if we all have her she would have 256 grandchildren don't it 16 is 14 yeah 16 kids is it 15 now you know this 1500 sauce countless out my gosh it's three months before su and not Radford too to have their 16th child and become first-time grandparents to boot [Music] before that happens they want to take their entire family on holiday to France maybe Oscar needs his first Passport eight of the other kids need their passports renewed we always leave things so last-minute totally on old nice it'll be fine the passport will cost 493 pounds plus 54 pounds for photos it's another chunk of money that know we'll have to work every morning at 5:30 nor starts work in the family bakery that has to fund their lifestyle but just two hours later he has to be home again yeah just gonna go and do it now with so many kids sue can't get them all to school on her own doing why are you down there I can't the comfy darling come on get up come on no idea why she's done that because they've got their bedroom there but they all like to sleep in one bedroom that's crazy see this is what I mean pop them new beds all in the bottom bunk they just like the company I think that's the thing of living in a big family really is that they don't like their own space really they'd like to be around people with ten kids in school filling the lunch boxes over a whole year takes 200 loaves of bread 1,400 packets of crisps 27 kilos of biscuits 133 kilos of fruit and veg and 59 gallons of soft drinks the family get through more than 60 pairs of shoes a year costing well over 1,000 pounds school trousers dresses Blazers and sweatshirts set them back over 700 pounds and to get them to school Knowle has had to buy a 15 seater mini bus and the finances look like they're about to take another hammering this week we're all going holidays France holiday gang no you saved mug again [Music] but there's a problem it's four days until the holiday and the passports have been delayed they could pay extra to get most of them back but baby Oscar's is a first Passport and there's no way to get it in time the holiday may be off we're a bit stuck at the moment really do we lose all of the money on the holiday and not girl or do we spend the extra four hundred and sixty pound on getting the other eight passports back and leave us with my mom the only real option we've got is to pay the extra for the 78th house paint passports and just take out the spending money so just limits really what we can do when we're out there yeah be a bit of an emotional wreck actually on holiday for after leaving behind it's just a complete nightmare the passports are an expense they can do without although Nolan's to have their income boosted by 160 pounds in child benefits each week it's not enough to cover the weekly food shop oh yes and either they've had to learn to live within their means mealtimes are trying to make on a budget you know we're not having flush meals every night so we'll be just you know what I can make it as cheap and cheerful and keep them all happy [Music] get the meat I've probably got three pounds that'd be nearly four pound in Blahniks to back to suppose that's a two pound one pound 50 say on carrots don't broccoli there's 18 of his 18 in snack so 25 pH is it no we have to be friends not thinking 50 P having spent most of the last 16 years with at least three children in nappies sue has found a new way to save on the cost it's Dale the cloth nappy we decided that the disposables were just costing us far too much money we're probably gonna say maybe about a thousand pound easily I would have said a year with the three of them being nappies I think it's really important to look for ways of saving money when you've got so many definitely any way that you can save money you try and save it we don't go out socialize and we don't go thinking we don't smell without pretty calves dust off on HP we'd have a flash cows on the driveway so we know we don't waste our money that way I think that's the way we've got it [Music] eldest daughter Sophie is earning her own money towards the holiday by working for null it's two months until her baby is June I can't wait to get it over with I just want to fit back in me nice clothes yeah I can't wait for that telling Nolan su they were going to be grandparents was daunting for Sophie I said what to talk to her and she was a like all happy Laurie yeah what don't talk about don't be like that mom yeah she wasn't as bad as what I thought she was going to be I thought I'd give her heart failure in the tardy but now we found out that we were pregnant on the same day that Sophie told us that she was expecting and that was like wow we're gonna have two babies in the house within a short space of time thank you so it's been pretty amazing time for us both and especially when they're both born I think it's gonna be lovely with mother and daughter pregnant at the same time they're able to go and see the Midwife together mommy's baby is an uncle mom's one Oh baby uncle I'm born I know I might know it might be auntie auntie uncle when Sue was Sophie's age she was already married - no with a four-year-old son and all used to live in the cul-de-sac next to me and we met when we were really young I was 13 Noah was 16 and I was 14 when I found out I was pregnant with Chris and that was a massive shock you know it was one of them things and it happened we just sort of coped with it really and got all my life serious mum and dad were I guess it may have been a bit NIF but they never stopped me seen so as such well he's very young yes it is yes I know yeah I wasn't happy I must admit it takes your breath away but these things happen do it then and a null is a nice land you know and they've always been together and made it work I think a lot of people thought we'd never stay together never but they ever have thought that we do have bass now but I think you know at the end of the day we were definitely soul mates [Music] it's now only three days before the holiday sue and nolé have decided to pay to get the passports back in time even if it means leaving Oscar behind but no one's answering no stress I'll leave it for a bit and I'll ring back max just don't touch my I sit down Shh can we do the upgrade then on the other passports yep hi yeah what a nightmare just gets even better unless we can actually get through to the passport office none of us will be going I'm just ringing just it's as if somebody help me tie up my three - no no passport office again now she can't all of the systems are all down I just want to just that's it now I've lost the will to live today in just two months sue and no Radford will become grandparents and have a 16th child of their own but before two new babies arrived in the house they want to take all the children on holiday with Sue's Paris looking after the little ones Nolan sewer off to choose the kids summer wardrobe know how fifth day I think that sometimes they stick me with having a big families that people do expect them I suppose not look as nice as what maybe a family have say have two children do you think those for Daniel or do you think those one those flowery ones don't think doesn't like that you know in that way is really important for them to really look nice do make a point of making sure that films do look nice doorway yeah there's a few bits and bobs and that's a day [Music] that's my thought Leo I'm not paying for that that's two hundred and sixteen pound please [Music] although they now have enough clothes they don't have enough passports with two days to go eight of them haven't been renewed and it looks like Oscar might have to stay behind with Sue's mum what do you guys think about holiday situation - absolute nightmare should regard if we don't end up going and pay for and everything so I think she's stressing about it that's a bit crap I don't think she'll be able to enjoy yourself as much as she's got to leave in because she'll be constantly like always you all right and stuff like that just keep your fingers crossed but on their way home from the shops the passport office finally call right yeah thank you so much for that Oh result is that the doing are alien the holiday is definitely on baby even Oscar can go but it's coming a price including all the postage and paying extra to get him back in time thousand one hundred and fifty six pounds oh that is a ridiculous amount of money isn't it I'll have to sell about four or five hundred pies now to get me back on the passport anyway I'm not gonna think about it anymore no it's best not to really think about the Paula Deen's getting ready to go on a week's holiday with seventeen people takes longer than the holiday itself packing for like a normal couple probably just take him a few hours or something but for us it takes us probably a good week they'll all be taking a minimum of five hundred fifty t-shirts but I suppose when you're packing it you don't really notice it no you just bung it in enough you go with the family all packed there's only one thing missing I don't think very many people could splash with their roll packs and slightly for our holidays would you two like go at six o'clock it's half past 10:00 in the morning but we haven't got any passports yeah a bit fine isn't it [Music] it will be a 21 hour drive to the French campsite with a family a holiday seven months pregnant Sophie isn't looking forward to it I'm hoping that I don't need to turn our town yeah Noah's minibus can't fit the whole family in so he's had to hire a bigger one but it's still a squeeze I forgot to somehow get the suitcases along here now where are you going there's no Wells left and you faked it lit up every pockets been filled the emergency exits have gone [Music] the family will be stuck in the minibus for the next 773 miles [Music] apart from a brief stop on the ferry Oh soggy soggy child tired and fed up we've just about some I think really it's now [Music] twenty-one hours after leaving Morcom the holiday can begin it was good to get out there to see washed up in it hm-hmm the kids immediately decide they want to go to the pool after 36 hours away Noel has to keep his eye on another poor loss of children six of whom can't swim amy le let go of him you pushing him slow it's gonna be very manic holiday for them very very manic holiday James No you wouldn't have admitted to yourself that means if you're not watching to know all gonna be in the same place at the same time Lizzie got me like an eagle under your pants got me everywhere while Noll tries to watch the kids sue get some precious time with baby Oscar before the 60 the rival takes over Sue's twin obsessions are costly the holiday this time is setting the back five thousand pounds but Nolan Sue's still have to share one of their with ten children Sophie is showing the caravan with the three oldest listen you listen to me say that night to each other okay now that really I love debate yeah no shirts it is good I like nice you've been oh sure [Music] on holiday away from the endless chores at home is one of the few times sue gets to spend with all the kids I know a lot of people think that big families kids must suffer with the tension and they can't get to do things what maybe families with only two children get to do so getting to watch them really enjoy themselves and just loving life means everything really but you know you sometimes get back from own you think well I could really do it another holiday to actually recover from that whole day that would just be ah but worth it it's been four weeks since the holiday and Nolan's who are about to become grandparents [Music] you know sophie has just gone into labor make it another contraption contraption her 14 brothers and sisters are waiting at home for Joe to call telling them they become aunts and uncles [Music] it's been a long day today just waiting for news now I'm starting to feel a bit 16 hours a minute yeah much rather the other end [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] she's Daisy Nolan Sue's first grandchild is a little girl born after thirteen hour labor so cute [Music] the next day Daisy becomes the 19th resident of the Radford's home and the first of a new generation self is a mum and we're a nanobot know we're gonna know oh you gotta know mom I'm gonna wear a Nana - no not minding ahead I've gotta if you want to be an uncle then you need to have your hair as a boy so welcome to the crazy family it's so much fun with all these auntie than uncle's oh it is really weird it's Sam we're so you start bringing our own newborns home different feeling isn't it totally different feeling to having your own - you know you done little grandma trails just can't take my eyes off I don't wanna throw down just want to keep older in just a few weeks Daisy will meet her as yet unborn uncle but Sue's worried that after 15 normal pregnancies this time the baby is the wrong way up she may be facing her first ever cesarean and is desperate to stop that happening [Music] toys under the sofa the last thing that we want to do is have a cesarean because I think there could be time that is going to be horrendous with all of the children and things so pick the nightmare really you do still worry whether it's the first are you 16 that doesn't have a go away still get nervous sue is now 8 months pregnant with a 16th child and has just become a grandmother Miki bomb a sister feeling of her fate going along here and stuff I miss it oh I can't wait to get him out now her new baby and her granddaughter will be brought up under the same roof I just can't wait to see what they look like when they're together I think they'll love each year keeping their children close is important for Sue and Noll having both been adopted at birth sometimes you sort of just think you know being adopted all the rest of it did make you feel like you weren't really wanted by your birth parents were there any things ever come from that you know something in the back of our mind we had think you know so it makes you stick together you know because we were given away I don't think that's the underlying reason why we have so many kids we have them because we love them we want them we don't really want them to move out but I think it's nice that they're growing up together I think if I could they'd all still be living here and there were like 50 maybe today Suze booked in for a final scan she's been worried that the baby is upside down meaning she would need a caesarean yeah and that would disturb her routine which keeps the family functioning the thought of having a cesarean having to look after the kids as well as been I really don't have to do that well done little man that's brilliant news [Music] although the baby is turned with each pregnancy sue is risking more and more complications your body is more at risk at the more times you have a pregnancy because everything gets stretched so when they're in labor if the uterus doesn't contract then they can bleed quite heavily and they can have fast Labor's as risk of hemorrhage all kinds of horrible things like that can happen the risk of hemorrhaging is so great the tzu's doctor wants it to be induced two weeks early but so far the hospital haven't been able to fit her in she's worried that if they don't find her bed soon she might not actually get there with her 8th baby Katie the birth only took 12 minutes and they live 40 minutes from the hospital I just hope that is not delivered at home to the hospital well I'm good going into labor court it's just getting from here to the hospital in time say fine at home in the morning on my own and normals at work just that thought scares me to death really just wouldn't it would be a complete nightmare because you'd be worrying about the chances of obviously having a really heavy bleed but she's worried she might so I did a little bit but I know I know she's been bit of stress now and I just better make sure I've got petrol in the car this time because I've got to stop before I think that was with Katie actually that didn't help the cars do it really just doesn't put petrol in on the way a week later on their 6th child Luke's birthday sue is still desperate to be induced but can't get through to the hospital Marcus no they just go in my mom and dad have been drafted in to look after the kids but max is at nursery all day today when I'm alone I have the two little is so he'll be quite easy for I think sue and no plan to be back with their new baby in time for Luke's birthday tea but the hospital has other ideas hey dog very mega busy today so no beds under Lucas oh I'm on the ward just waiting for a bed hopefully it will be today so much today the doctors are insisting that su stays until there is space to induce her this it means she an Ole Miss Luke's birthday and her parents who only usually look after the little ones will now have to keep all the kids under control I think it's a bit good that mom and dad to come Pierre but my dad he was ever upset as well you know it's not laugh for their to miss my birthday really we're gonna have musical shoes now 36 hours later sue is finally induced the news is she started and she will eventually be coming out hopefully six hours after the baby's born all been well her parents continue to hold the fort with some help from the [Music] [Music] it has been a bit hectic it's not too bad once they're all at school it's a lot easier but once they come home from school it's sorting them out isn't it so hectic but after that whilst they go to bed peacefully go it's been three days since sue went to hospital and everyone is still waiting for the phone call to say she has had the baby and is on the way home in the end sue had her 16th baby Casper after just a 20-minute labor and now after four days away from the kids sue is finally jus home it's the longest the whole family have been apart from their mum I haven't seen the wrong way max so mommy's coming you long enough Amy go and put that in the bin and go and get some socks out did you not see the whole English in the south of that big baby Caspar can now meet his nice baby Daisy oh she's smiling yeah it but it's lovely it's really really nice isn't it stop them both together put yeah it is it's strange over the years sue and Noel have quickly adapted to the arrival of each of their 15 children but the arrival of the 16th and the second newborn in the house within a month is a challenge yeah he's just constantly demanding your attention all the time as new Ben you it doesn't mean he doesn't like the important his bed and you just do not get a break all yeah it's crazy they may be struggling but having raised so many children Sue and Knoll know that getting on with it is the only solution with Noel's straight back to work Sue's got to do the nursery run with five children in tone don't push it no not in the round not on the road whatever their difficulties caused by Sue and Noel's compulsion to have kids the family don't believe they'll be stopping anytime soon I get your naps don't my basement I think she myself up to 18 or 19 should I go up to 20 we don't let go now you've blown it toy box you're gonna be Wow all the toys out from the toy box if mom don't stop having babies wait oh man go oh I think there's gonna be another four babies yet no no I'm serious no this way I've got to go this way look I think there might be two no less than three two three would be 19 and she doesn't like odd numbers we don't know if mom's ever gonna stop home babies hmm we know when some of them have gone Bobby wants to take our place I mean that we won't be forgotten we'll still be known to him or so be know as their children the kids all think we'll have 20 I don't know who knows but definitely not ready to say no Mara I don't think it's an addiction I think that we just absolutely love having kids when the time comes when we can't have any more we'll take a long time I think to get your head around that but when that time comes then we'll just say well you know what we have got is amazing and you can't ask for any more than that really [Music] you
Channel: Origin
Views: 2,333,311
Rating: 4.8374052 out of 5
Keywords: parenting, teen mum, wellbeing, mindfulness, support network, nct, first second third trimester, mums meet up, charity for parents, family lives, kensington mums, mums group, mummy social, raising a child, snowplow parenting, inuit parenting, co parenting, weird parenting wins, bare minimum parenting, respectful parenting, 18 and pregnant, 16 kids and counting full episodes, radford family, biggest family, big lancashire family, biggest family in the world, parenting tips
Id: PWsfAdWnPw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 44sec (2804 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 17 2019
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