The Largest Family In Britain | 21 Kids and Counting | Full Documentary | Origin

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i like loved it like hattie as well you did you said you did not like lottie when we got to 20 kids we did say enough is enough and that's it but we just love having a big family so our big news is i am having another one it's crazy [Music] more come lancashire this 10 bedroom house is home to britain's biggest family the radfords come on are we getting up [Music] 43 year old sue and 48 year old noel just can't stop having kids i think having a big family is is miles better than having a small family just because you just have lots of different characters in the house you know there's never a dull moment is there in our life sue and nola are now the proud parents to 20. [Music] we've got three under three hallie phoebe and archie love that kind of age group where they're just into absolutely everything then we've got oscar casper tilly they are kind of the mischievous ones then there's josh amy ellie and then we've got obviously the teenagers james katie miller and luke and they're just just lazy typical teenagers hard work to get up come on get up and then we've got the older ones still and then they sort of come out of that age group into the 20 year olds and age groups they turn out nice [Music] the noise in my house every day is like being a playground full of screaming kids [Music] it really makes me wonder how much i'd cope with it all to be honest come on we're late i've lost my shoe josh did you look in james's room with 14 children still living at home the morning routine needs to be a military operation max now morning times in this house are just a bit chaotic come on you better have your shoes on we've got six in secondary school four in primary school but two different primary schools and then we've got halle who is in nursery i can get a little bit crazy after archie was born last year sue and noel swore their baby-making days were finally behind them but sue is now five months pregnant with her tenth baby girl we did say i wouldn't have anymore we were quite adamant that we weren't going to but i think it hasn't planned out that well really i think it's cold electric was off um so [Laughter] we're just no we we weren't quite ready to quit where we just wanted another one [Music] this time she she really did like convince me that she wasn't gonna have any more so i was just like when she told me i was literally like what did i believe her last time no no i didn't believe her last time she obviously stopped taking a contraception hurry i just want to know what goes through like mum and dad's mind when they often have won it's like when can you learn to stop yeah i think this is going to be the last i know i've said that before i think one of them peer pressures the other it takes two to tango we must not change our minds this time we must separate bedrooms for about a year afterwards heidi aubry i've never heard anybody called aubry i tell you what right why don't we compromise or be heidi radford i think the aubry bit sort of spoils it but they're struggling to agree on a name for daughter number 10. who likes aubry me really no you don't put your hand down does anybody like heidi i like having thank you emily without a clear consensus they put it to a family vote oh my god the noise there is we've got three heidi's three all orders a penelope two it's basically it's a draw between heidi and aubry again so we know we know better i'm really worried that i'll give birth and this baby will not have a name i just don't think she's gonna have one to splash out on each new arrival but shopping on mass for a new baby is not for the faint-hearted [Music] no darling shopping with so many children it's just carnage isn't it really oh you just hit me in the face with that go on she's just madness hallie shopping with kids is such hard work this they're all coming at me from every direction look at this dad look at this can we get this there's another one that's just ridiculous no it's not let me see this why are you walking around with kiddies leggings don't put them back but ten needy children are the least of nose worries that's nice she has this thing about prams i don't know what it is every time we've had a another new arrival it's all you know let's get our pram do you know how many problems we've had it must be at least 30. and sue has very expensive taste i'm after something like this i'm hoping i can just get to the exit without buying a pram today and that'll do me all of this this is quite cheap it's not cheap katie's just said look at this one dad this one's this one's cheap it's a thousand pounds come on let's go not yourself do not come shopping with lots of children and a husband that moans come on your own as far as i'm concerned it was quite successful because we managed to come out without a pram we don't go out we don't drink we don't smoke you know we don't waste money do we um but yeah no i didn't want that what time are we on chloe we need to get a move on to support his ever-expanding brood noel runs a local pie shop ably assisted by his daughter chloe can you think of anything that we might need he ain't in a pram don't don't mention pram with baby 21 due in just three months time the family finances are under more strain than ever before there'll be 20 of us all under one roof 20 miles to feed every day three times a day so it does stretch the purse a little bit further for every new child that sue and nol welcome into the world another one is preparing to fly the nest i need to block these out [Applause] chloe has worked with her dad for the last nine years but at the age of 23 she's thinking about moving on i'm training to be a makeup artist at the moment so uh i do kind of want to just branch off do my own thing do something that i really enjoy and i'm passionate about i would miss her a lot i really would because we just worked so well together you know father and daughter team might not be here next year who knows we'll see i do encourage them to be independent but it's hard because you know we live in this odd little world you know with such a huge family they don't need to go off and be independent because everything's here don't know for a bit more it does make it a bit harder to branch off and do our own little things like um like moving out the trend in the russia family house to kind of leave quite late in age just because you kind of have everything you have siblings you know you got great parents you got a great house so you don't you don't want to leave because it's all so good where you are it would be weird to not be around each other all the time so i think for me that is what makes it a bit harder for me to think about moving out [Music] oh look [Music] sue is now over six months pregnant i definitely feel like she's had a bit of a growth spurt my back started to hurt a little bit at the bottom 16 pregnancies were problem free but her 17th baby alfie died in the womb it is a very anxious time pregnancy i don't really enjoy it as much as i did before we lost alfie i think when you you lose a child you never you never ever get over that sue's pregnancies are now closely monitored with regular scans okay i'm ready when you are the nerds are still there when i have a scam but once we know that everything's all right then you can just relax and enjoy oh look there she is [Music] it's amazing isn't it it's it really is she's so cute she looks good everything looks good she's so cute yeah so what do you think she looks like in aubrey i certainly don't know oh come on sue is extraordinary she's a medical marvel i think i mean there's not many people that you'll meet with so many children bye but the risks are high you know the more babies you have and the older you are i've been through 21 pregnancies with sue and i must admit this one i've been more worried about it mum has definitely been a lot more tired throughout the entire pregnancy it does sometimes weigh on your mind actually you know there's lots of things that can go wrong [Music] sue radford is pregnant with her 21st child but today there's another reason to celebrate how old is millie do i look one year ago it's millie's 17th birthday and her siblings are throwing a party in her honor i think their 17th birthday is quite a big one isn't it really they can learn to drive which is a big thing for millie i just want to be a bit more confident in life and not rely on my mum and dad milly's hoping learning to drive will be a stepping stone to eventually moving out of home i know why you want your own place it's because you want boys in your room oh yeah and you're not allowed boys in your room no i i am a loud boy now no you're not last time i tried bringing a boy around they won't let me in my bedroom which caused chaos nol and sue may be expert baby makers but they don't necessarily want their kids to follow in their footsteps so we don't let the kids have boyfriends and girlfriends in their room it's just the rule that we've got much to milly's disgust with me it was oh why not i'm 16. don't care milly it's not happening well darcy my friends here with us as well doesn't matter it's not happening i try and avoid bringing boys around to my house i hate boys really i'm not lesbian [Music] i definitely think if you're up to something in this house there's days of planning at the very least you gotta have like a scheduled timeout of when he's gone when they've gone when will they not come in i think that's the biggest worry is getting caught mom and dad are definitely the masters of that kind of thing because no one ever walks in on them when they get a bit older like chloe's kind of age group then that's fine if i have a boyfriend they obviously know that i've got a big family so they've you know they put the foot in the door and they run away but that's about it casper whose birthday is it today it may be milly's special day but in a family with two parents 20 children and four grandchildren in some months there's a birthday every week october and may time are really busy months for us for birthdays they really are it is relentless case of birthday shopping organizing birthdays out and just and then when you finish with one you think oh yeah that's up and then you've got to start another one and another one and another one you do feel like you constantly celebrating birthdays and i definitely do feel like i have birthday fatigue my dad doesn't know anyone's birthdays no one's luke's the first of october yeah no james october yeah 10th no i don't know for her birthday millie is getting some quality time with her dad in his wisdom knowles decided to become her driving instructor you know what i don't i don't think i look worried enough on there no and i'm going to be panicking something rotten when i take you out really all i can say is i'm so glad i'm pregnant and i don't have to do it my dad's definitely scared he's i'm scared i'm worried for him the opportunity to spend one-on-one time it is quite rare come on birthday girl you are first i'm not sure if it's going to be father daughter bonding or a car crash as they say you know you never know so we'll just have to save [Music] [Music] it's bliss it's 20 past eight and we're all still in bed it's the start of the summer holidays and sue is enjoying a rare break from the usual morning routine [Music] i'd honestly hear a pin drop so quiet yep love the fact that we don't have to get up early in the morning that there's no where's my shoes where's my book bag you know it's just a lot more chilled out it's relaxed and i love it but saying that when they get up it is a bit crazy [Music] in fact it's really crazy during some holidays it's like 10 times more hectic at this house [Music] it's very noisy it's non-stop you'll wake up to kids train and you'll go to sleep kids crying all day every day for six weeks i love it i love it you're just counting down the day for them all to go back to school really got friends sleeping over pretty much every night of the week so there's big differences between my house and the rafters house like you could just hear loads of crying screaming and then fighting and yeah it's just a bit mad house i'd love to have this many brother and sisters [Music] during the holidays there are 14 hungry mouths to feed at home and the radford's food bill can top 350 pounds a week [Music] honestly the amount of food that the kids can eat in the school holidays is actually ridiculous they basically eat us out of house and home can i have the cheese baby come on we have the cheese they just i don't know where they put it on like locusts boxes of cereal go through like three boxes a day 200 packets of crisps 90 pints of milk 20 odd loafs of bread about 80 apples yeah it just got yogurts just yogurts are just as fast as you can buy them they can eat them try not to think of it too much yeah you just gloss over that bit just keep shopping we're not rich by any means everything that we earn just goes straight back into the family in the home we're not on benefits but people just presume we are you know i think anyone with more than five children you just all right well we're all paying for them aren't we it's no big families are the hardest workers out there i think is it exciting for you driving lesson yeah i'm very excited the big day has arrived and millie's new driving instructor is ready and waiting oh god god help you know she's never driven a car ever before no instructors no nothing so i'm the first uh victim of millie it could either go very good or i could ever ruin my own dad's car so did you ever go yeah okay so you just need to lift your clutch up slowly until you feel it sort of bite you know like a starts to move then you're off no way oh stop start again right now the gearbox is going to come out where is it going i think it's 100 years back there to be honest straighten up straighten up after an hour of driving in circles throttle it a little bit let that one go completely roll it a little yeah and get ready to straighten up milly finally seems to be on the right track that's it excellent right keep going get going and steer perfect doing all right millie doing really well next week we might get into second gear uh you know i'm absolutely chuffed to bits with her it's brilliant she drove the car she absolutely nailed it i think i'm happy and we're both alive and the car hasn't been crashed it doesn't seem like five minutes ago since we know bringing millie on from the hospital feeding her bottles changing a nappy and now this it's a huge milestone that's come along she's 17 learning to drive this is the start of growing up massively being able to drive and go out and do your own things are you excited to go on holiday it's time for the radford's big summer getaway i started the packing about two weeks ago because if i don't i'm not going to get it done at 28 weeks pregnant sue noel and the family are going on a super-sized holiday to spain sunny bernido the kids are so excited about it so excited the thing i'm most looking forward to is just chilling out with the kids having a right good laugh but with 20 kids and grandkids in tow it's the most children they've ever taken abroad 13 14. there's one missing they just freak me out to these things panic about losing them all the time so we've got daniel casper amy josh [Music] i'm the only one that's ready at the minute i'm ready to go so the rest are a bit some are still asleep some aren't dressed some are still packing this is the hardest but getting everyone ready and in the car get up get up we're doing in about 15 minutes it's just hard work getting out the door it really is we're going on a holiday in 15 minutes maybe one two three four five six seven eight nine it's our time to spend quality time with the kids and just de-stress but sometimes it kind of is out the frying pan and into the fire because it's just stressful all right girl let's go it's 1am and with no minibus available nolan and sue are driving separate people carriers to their resort right where am i going katie straight arm yeah straight up yeah alicante sue is meant to be following knoll but 10 minutes in and she's nowhere to be seen i tried my best to get out the car park all together but we couldn't at the top of the sat nav that you're following what does it say no you've gone wrong just follow the stat nav nol however may not be the best person to be giving directions this is quite what the hell this is a walking path not a dragon we're in the bushes where the hell are we going honestly i'm giving losing the will to live that sat nav is crap the capital crap there it is look it's in front of us we're here holly freaking lou yeah noel and half the kids finally arrive at their hotel but sue is still miles from the resort right you've got to go back to your sat nav maps you've got to we can't find you put in magic splash and follow it it's 3 a.m when sue eventually arrives [Music] that was horrendous yeah the two of us i think it is definitely sue that gets a bit more stressed honestly was it my fault no no i didn't yes you did or whatever you better all stand well back when i get stressed don't even speak to me i don't want to know all right with 20 tired kids on their hands it's not the start to the holiday that anybody wanted [Music] just a 23 to check in the radfords are on a package holiday in benidorm with 20 kids in tow you've got them that's it they're all kids sue and knoll are looking forward to a relaxing break in the sun but even leaving the hotel is easier said than done calm down right next be kept still this will be so much easier it's hard work getting out it really is it's just everyone wants scene two at the same time mum and dad aren't even ready yet maybe another quarter of an hour before we even think about leaving here can you just stand up then we can go max [Music] there's such a lot of us you know whenever we turn up we do find that we just overtake everything and it gets a little bit embarrassing doesn't it definitely see people looking counting and all that and you're just like right i hope the kids behave because you don't want to annoy the people on holiday as well sometimes you do feel like you're kind of in the way of everyone because there's such a big group you just feel like they're constantly looking at you and like counting you up and what can you do we're on holiday we pay to be here get over it keen to spend some time with the older kids nor's taking them on a tour of the spanish countryside no you don't get there anymore it's been 26 years since noel and sue married and took their own jeep safari on honeymoon in the gambia dad if you would have known 26 years ago you would have had 21 kids what would you would you still said i do no couple actually think did it right and set out think we're gonna have 21 children and we always thought we wanted the three did you fail maps and we never failed manslaughter we're very good at multiplayer [Music] when you're away on holiday and you're just sitting back watching all of your children that we've created have been so much fun just put price on that can you it really is priceless just making those memories with them ready go the children are getting older now they've got jobs they want to do their own thing they've got their own independence you know and there will come a point where you know they won't want to come and hold you with mum and dad people josh it's really nice that they're all 18 19 in the 20s they want to come away that just shows just how close we are as a family as well that they do still want to spend time with mum and dad [Music] as the holiday draws to a close it's the radford's last opportunity to sample some of the local cuisines and for britain's biggest family dinner is 23 portions of paella look at that whoa look at size they're mussels they're very used to what they eat at home and then when you put something different in front of them you never know what reaction you're going to get casper [Music] [Laughter] oh stop it i'm sorry casper it's gone now just eat it maybe we should have gone for something else instead of paella after all [Music] sue is now four weeks away from giving birth to her tenth baby girl i have packed the hospital bag 20 times so um very used to packing a hospital bag now her labors can take less than an hour so she prepares for each new arrival weeks in advance it's going too fast and you know when you get to that point where you start to think hmm remember remember what um labour and delivery is like now and then the nerves start to kick in sue's new baby will be sharing a room with three of her siblings and with the family welcoming a new child almost every year this 10 bedroom former care home is now bursting at the seams the house over the years has had a hammering it really has you might have one or two accidents a week with a normal family hours at your times in that by 10. everything you can think of they've tried it if you walk into any room in the house there's probably a hole in the wall i think this hole here started with tilly what have you noticed what's in there now what's in it toys so isn't it there used to be a hole in our room just as you walked in in the left is massive i can't remember who did that the house gets smashed up from tvs getting smashed we've gone through loads of tellys haven't we i think tvs over the years i think there's probably five in total it's mostly you you smash two tvs that's the other thing because there's so many of them something can get broken and you'll have no idea it up who it heidi but don't grasp on me [Music] go and use the other bathroom now go on you're not going in here take hammer with you right go off you when we first moved here we loved it and we're doing all doing the bathrooms decorating and now it's an absolute chore i've got four or five little ones at the bottom of the ladders hands in the wallpaper paste help help me wanting to paint and do everything so it just becomes so difficult mum and dad are constantly decorating and trying to just make improvements on the house and it just feels like it's a never-ending project to be honest and there's one room that's taken more of a battering than the rest there's 60 meals a day prepped in here time's up by over many years we've been here that's a lot of meals that have come through this kitchen there's lots of things wrong with this kitchen you know there's drawer fronts that have fallen off the cookers not really working very well i think we've had four dishwashers i think that's the third fridge yeah it does seem like you're fighting a losing battle aren't you and it's just we're definitely losing yeah aren't we yeah we're losing the battle we'll win the war there's a battalion of older kids ready to assist with the household chores so who's done all the jobs all this week really have you right one last thing as long as your room's tidy today all your rubbish pots everything put away you can get your pocket money come on bye and i'll be checking i've worked since i was 12 years old and i've never not worked and the pair of us we get it across the children if you want something you work for it that corner that corner last night was right that corner's katie in katie ellie and amy's room some of the girls are tidier than others you have to admit don't no my daughter's my bad my side's always fine because my son has nothing on except for my clothes downstairs no they're yours no mine are broke mine are broke oh they're yours because my brother hey listen up yes can i help you difference is settled it's time to collect their wages don't waste it on rubbish that's my money yeah no that's my money and you're around that's what it is oh yes no you don't need to get out of there [Music] somebody open the bag along with chloe working in the pie shop four of the teenage radfords also have jobs in catering when i was about 15 ish dad does it with everyone he like make he makes them come in to work with him you've got to be independent and make your own way so you can do your own things and it's sort of like drills into a young age the older ones that are working they do pay it board it's not a huge amount of money but it is something towards the family finances to help with like the food shopping and the mortgage and like little things like that don't just touch it oh put that one back okay [Music] with the birth of baby 21 looming sue and knowle are still no closer to agreeing on a name for their little girl rosie yeah see ruby's a nice name and then we like that but we're the dog so we count off that but there's one stick of rock that's caught knoll's eye oh what's that but look it doesn't have an e on there no we just put one on they're running out of time to decide sue is now just three weeks away from giving birth i'm starting to feel a lot bigger and like there's not much more space there for it to grow i'm definitely feeling a lot more tired if i could just sleep all afternoon every afternoon i would just be asleep you just want to just have a break but you just can't because it's just so full on and life at home is about to get even harder with another hungry mouth to feed noel has decided now is the best time to replace the kitchen there we go it's gonna be a long drawn-out job for us when you've got 18 kids at home however many there is it's going to be hard work and there's no guarantee the work will be finished in time well our kitchen is like it's the heart of the house really so to not have your kitchen when you're this pregnant it's not ideal is it not when you've got so many kids as well it's like ah new kitchen and she's got just over three weeks left so yeah we're cutting it a bit fine to be honest we can't afford for any cock-ups and knoll has already hit a snag did you not think right well actually that might be the main hot water yeah but what i'm saying is it doesn't carry on from here but no you've cut the hot water supply the last few weeks of pregnancy is supposed to be like very chilled and i've decided to just rip the kitchen out the doll's decided to cut through the hot water pipe this is definitely not what a 35-week pregnant woman should be doing is it really honestly i know [Music] are you talking to your banana after working round the clock sewer knowles new kitchen is in so what does everybody think the baby's name is molly and they finally agreed on a name for their 21st child alex what do you think your baby's sister's name is strawberry but the kids will have to keep on guessing as today sue is leaving for the labour ward to deliver her latest baby girl feeling a bit you know maybe we could just you know postpone it for a bit didn't get much sleep last night i think i woke up like every hour and now i can't find my notes [Music] no they're not in there they were in the drawer in the dining room this pregnancy and this birth i'm feeling a little bit anxious about just because of everything that happened with alfie [Music] come on not as if you ain't done it before obviously with mum being a bit older and having so many children you do worry a bit more throughout the pregnancies i think once she's finally here we'll all just be able to relax and just breathe you never know how it's going to go do you every labor and birth is different so the nerves are still there [Music] meanwhile chloe with her sister sophie's help has her hands full at home right stop if you're not gonna make it nicely we're not doing it at all it's up to me to kind of rally them all around get the teeth sorted get them ready for bed get them to bed it really depends on the kids moods is how hard work they're gonna be [Music] i don't worry about it all going out of control and everything because chloe is quite strict you know when chloe shouts you know the kids listen more than what they do when mum and dad shout at them calm down chloe is really mad when she gets angrier to yeah it's quite scary yeah it's really scary too many people in this house when they're all running around and screaming and fighting and just not doing what i'm asking them to it drives me insane what do you think should we do can we move back unless you want a cake on the floor [Music] i don't think they like me very much when i babysit but it's what it is [Music] it's been a long day i don't honestly i just i don't know how my mom and dad do it and stay sane we are officially in labor and waters are now broken there's no sign of the baby yet we are still waiting she i think she's comfortable in there after a 40 minute labor it's the news everyone has been waiting for oh well here she is the newest little raspberry she's um about 40 minutes old and she's gorgeous oh hello hello is she yeah oh god you're baby how are you feeling mom i'm alright i'm tired yeah are you telling us her name when you get home yes [Music] i can't believe she's finally here she can't believe it see how amazing mum looks it's like this woman has just given birth and she looks like she's done nothing it's crazy she just looks amazing blows my mind as that woman bless her 24 hours later and sue is on her way home oh my goodness i bet you they're all really excited i need you to get all the shoes in pairs and put them neatly away in the shoe rack bringing them home is one of the is one of the highlights and you just know you just know what the reaction's going to be don't you is your sister coming home i'm going to finally get to meet my sister it's been a long nine months it's exciting because they're so little and they're so cute i do love this vic do you when they meet their new little brother or sister for the first time [Music] after a nine month wait britain's biggest family finally gets to meet its latest [Music] [Applause] [Music] membership what is the baby's name welcome home bonnie coming home to all of the kids and that oh so special it never gets old does it that oh nobody else was allowed to cuddle she's really cute really cute bonnie was an unexpected name but it's actually a really nice name meeting someone new that you've waited a couple months for quite exciting it's really cute meeting our new baby sister happy birthday my face is aching from smiling so much this evening it's just uh it has been really it's been lovely it does show how actually how close we all are yeah it's just such a heartwarming amazing special moment isn't it it's lovely yeah it's beautiful yeah she's so happy she's here this is it isn't it yeah no we've both said endless times during the pregnancy this is it now no more 21 and that's it yes most people said no she's not going to have another one but i was like you will mum i know you will and she did and she probably will again she'll probably have another one oh they're cute aren't they i mean she probably said after me no more now and i'm number two i think she'll stop after this one every year they've said no every year i've said yes and then he's like me unless they absolutely have to stop um i don't i don't think they will stop having babies i don't think she could imagine herself not having a newborn dude you know we would not swap it for anything in the world you don't you don't even look back and just think oh we should just have three or four or you know or even 10. um but no just absolutely love everything about having so many kids it's just never never quiet never boring never dull it's just brilliant isn't it yeah you
Channel: Origin
Views: 3,302,387
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: big families uk, big families uk tv show, 21 kids and counting full episodes, 21 kids and counting, large families documentary, large family, large family uk, big families documentary, 21 kids and counting full episode, large family documentary, 21 kids and counting episode, The Radfords, the radfords baby 22, the radfords family, largest family in britain, biggest family in the world, biggest family in britain 22, big family, uk's biggest family, biggest family, budgeting
Id: Cjvsb3ORskc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 33sec (2733 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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