The Handyman Gets Called In to Fix 3 Million Dollar house | THE HANDYMAN |

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welcome back to my channel today's video is of me doing a lot of handyman work from electrical to plumbing in a three million dollar house before we get into that I have to ask you a question most of my views do not come from people who are getting into the handyman remodeling business this question is for the few that watch my videos that are getting into the handyman and remodeling business and I need to know if you were interested in things that I've learned to improve the success of my business the original reason I made this youtube channel was only to share my experience and things that I've learned along the way because they've got to a certain point where I would I stopped increasing the amount of money that I was making and it got to a point where I had to think well is this really worth it and after a lot of research and some trial and error I was able to double that income like almost on a monthly basis if you are interested in that type of content give this video a thumbs up if you're not don't give it a thumbs up this video is gonna get between five and seven thousand all so it could be up to ten thousand views in one week this video gets 1500 likes within the first week I will put out some videos on things that I've learned that have drastically improved how much money I make another thing at the end of this video I'm going to show you what's inside this box what's inside this box is my latest addition to the tool trailer you do not want to miss it going to everyone's favorite customer a rich person's house so this project today actually I don't even know what it all is is for the customers that I installed the flat screen TVs for I've also done quite a bit of other work I think it's involves changing light fixtures and there could be a a pig door hey piggy about a month to two months ago I posted a video about called handyman to the rich and famous that got a little bit of attention in the comments about how much I charged for adjusting the height of this specific light that you see me taking down right here well the customer had their kids change bedrooms as in the kids wanted to sleep in a different bed room so they moved all the furniture and each kid has a specific light fixture that hangs from the ceiling so I got called back to relocate the light fixtures from one room to the other and that's what you see me doing right here is just pullin a light fixture down in one bedroom and moving it over to a bedroom across the hall I get a lot of questions about this little screwdriver that I use whenever I'm doing electrical work yeah it's a Klein screwdriver and you can find it in the electrical tool section of both Lowe's and Home Depot it's just a fast way to screw and unscrew a light fixture screws and an outlets and kind of speeds things up installing light fixtures and ceiling fans is one of the most common handyman jobs that I get called to do when I first started out I was only charging thirty five dollars a light fixture and that was about 12 years ago nowadays guys are getting anywhere between 85 and a hundred dollars for a light fixture and a hundred and forty five dollars to $200 for a ceiling fan with a light kit today wasn't able to take you in with me but one of the jobs I did was replacing the guts of a recessed can recessed lighting the reason it kept overheating it would only stay on for 15-20 minutes this is the heat sensor right here and you can tell how crispy that is the reason it was overheating it was packed full of insulation as in all the cellulose insulation was packed tight around it and it clearly states on it that insulation needs to be three inches away so I replace the guts of one and add another one I pulled down the can part and then pushed all the insulation back because all the wiring was still intact and had not yet gotten discolored but it was still turning off every 15 20 minutes now I'm gonna take you in and just show you some of the other stuff I'm doing like a what is it a drain stopper and a tub and clean to pee traps and adjust a strike plate I think that's it so I think I'm doing shoes outside we got to show you something hey little piggy I don't baby this is what we got going on here is this tub thing is not not working right it's in there stripped crooked whoo that's probably why we've got some blockages get your gloves on so this is a replacement and it's supposed to just screw right on in there Universal for two different thread sizes you go probably other take it back off and clean this room there's a lot of hard water deposits on there next item is a slow draining sink so we're gonna okay pop this p-trap off here okay the next thing this came off of this so far I've just pulled this this apartment it's covered in so slippery barn doors Wow holy cow this here gotta light the pilot rarely our jobs this easy but pilot burners way back in there just like studying at the pilot in a hot water heater so I'll keep the button push down until the thermal coupler switch has heated up and then I'll let it go now I'll flip the switch and test it someone is paying me to light the pilot light on their gas stove make sure during this two odd here we go Oh but he said I can let this in I think he wants to come in face is a mess though gotta stay gonna stay focused on work and though I'd love to play with that little thing so this is uh I think my last item guys can get a perspective of this it's gonna tighten up the door strikes because we've got air gap there it's it's touching fairly tight here and then we've got more of a gap way up there so the door is is well it's warp but on when I pull it in most the day leg goes away except for a little bit in that corner didn't reward us it because what it does when I slide it back it actually bumps it out this way to make this strike plate closer to the door oh look at that beautiful a little bit down here and I can fix that nice this was trapped behind this gasket shoved away in there like that so I did I sliced it and popped it out now will safe see if it stays popped out okay this is one of the closet lights that I replaced all the insides the heat sensor all the wiring and the socket this light has been on now for two hours and has not overheated and kicked off and this is the other closet light that what it is I pulled everything out the big can and got all the insulation pushed back out of the way and this lights been on for Oh prayin hour and it hasn't kicked off yet I couldn't leave and until I said hello to this little thing you married re you got a messy snout I want to answer a question a common questions from last week's video in the comments everyone was asking where's your tool best and I did respond by saying that for electrical work I have a dedicated electrical tool belt with suspenders I'll put the link to my suspenders in the description box I did a full video comparing tool vest to tool belt when I use each of them they both have their place the tool vest you can't have can't wear twelve pounds of tools on a tool vest because you're gonna just compress your spine too much you want to wear the weight around your waist I'll put a link to that video in the little box it shows up on either side of my head here at the end of the video this is the tripod that I use I do not use a cell phone they just have way too close of a field of view to be usable I actually had to use this thing in a video I was filming a few days ago because I didn't have an SD card for the camera I know it came out horrible but I'll make the best a GoPro gives a nice wide angle view so that all my work is in this shot and it's not like I'm you know right up real close to you J OB y Joby something like that I did get a I do have a cell phone holder for Instagram videos and Instagram pictures there it is my new work trailer toilet my old one have been in there for years and I actually neglected the maintenance on it so I upgraded I got a brand new one this is like a deluxe model holds five gallons of everything you got two and a half gallons of flushing and man may sound weird but one of my number one rules is never never use your customers bathroom this keeps me on job and does keeps me from using their bathroom this thing is pretty amazing I've heard a lot of horror stories from past customers that they have had people come into their house and work and use their toilet and things didn't go well so just stay out of the bathroom unless you're working on it and get yourself one of these put it in your tool trailer and you save yourself a lot of headache well remember only like this video if you want to see some of my business tips that have helped me increase the amount of money I make as a handyman also if you're not a handyman you're just curious feel free to give that like button a click also I am
Channel: The Handyman
Views: 323,438
Rating: 4.9729161 out of 5
Keywords: home improvement, handyman jobs, diy projects, handyman projects, remodeling, plumbing, electrical, recess cans, recess lights, how to install a light fixture, how to be an electrician, workshop tools, handyman tools, p trap, sink drain, tub drain, clogged drain, home repair, tool belt, tool vest, tool suspenders, tool trailer setup, tool trailer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 7sec (1027 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2018
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