Renters Kicked A Hole In The Wall | I Fix It Step By Step | THE HANDYMAN|

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so this is a patch i don't know if you can see it's flexing in there i don't know if they used a home depot patch kit or what but what i'm going to do is hit this with some 80 grit on my shop back sander and and see what we get and i'll probably mix up some hot mud and float it out to here while we're down here this is a different style texture this is knocked down texture you can see how it's been knocked down like a knife after it was sprayed on so it's different than the last drywall job i did where it was just orange peel so you can see it all flattened out so let's see how this goes this is probably some sort of patch kit i honestly don't know i've never seen one i don't use these so i don't know much about it i have made pretty quick work of it there's no dust in here didn't breathe anything in but this shouldn't be too difficult to pass that whole thermostat wire [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] fish so so so [Applause] [Music] so that's it this is hot mud or setting compound this will be dry in about 30 minutes when i'm in 30 minutes i'll come back and i'll scrape this little ridge off here and then i will give a little bit of a spot treatment right in here it's not necessary because i'm going to spray knock down texture all over the area here i'm gonna go do something else for 30 minutes uh and you'll let this completely dry and then i will sand and feather the edges and just give a little bit of sanding in the middle and then we will texture so as you can see it's not 100 cured notice i said cured and not dried it's close enough the last thing on my list before i go home is get texture on this so to further blend these edges especially down here i'm going to use a wet rag and just wipe it clean it also works for cleaning it up so if you get some on the floor just wipe it right off keep in mind this floor is going to be uh been refinished these spray cans wall texture i've been having problems with them you got to make sure you pull the little safety tab off and obviously you got to break this front tab off but even even with that i've been having them like have a malfunction in here just start spewing texture all over out of inside of here now the first thing i'm going to do is go out to the garage and shoot this at the garage and adjust my spray pattern this is a random spot on the garage wall then come back and spray the wall i want to give you a close-up of what this is going to look like keep in mind this it will all be painted and this semi-gloss will most likely be covered i don't think they're going over it with a semi-gloss it's that shiny so just about every bit of that repair gets this sprayed on and then knocked bit down got it on its heaviest setting trying to get some good size globs on there for me to smear out now next step is you gotta let it set up you gotta let it dry a little bit so that when you drag your knife over it it just doesn't smear it right or just doesn't scrape it right off there's a lot of factors that determine how long you gotta wait i'm gonna be using a combination of a 12 and a 6 inch knife on larger projects i've got a big wide purpose made knock downer knock down knife it's got a big bar on it you can do entire walls another thing is it's going to dry faster over the repair and slower over where it's been painted because it looks good because it soaks in to the mud oh nothing better than that is so since this house has been painted so many times the texture up there has been filled in a lot with paint uh so before i primer this excuse me before i prime it i'm gonna go over with the dry rag just to kind of soften the edges and and i call i say mute it mute it down a little bit so that it so that it's a closer match to the wall that's been painted three four five times close up before i'm out of battery once his entire wall gets a full coat of paint of course i'm not painting this they got painters coming to paint this entire house this here has to be primed or else it'll soak in the paint and it'll flash and you'll see all that that's it for tonight i got a few little a few little spots i gotta make better more better so saw one up here there we go so tune in next time hopefully this place is painted and i get back in here and show you what it looks like with a new carpet fresh paint job all that well that big snatch you don't want to mess with it too much but since it's got so much paint on it i can kind of mess around a little bit more get it knocked down a little flatter subscribe click the bell give me a like leave a comment questions safety concerns always interested in hearing about that goodbye
Channel: The Handyman
Views: 774,897
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rental damage, drywall repair, drywall patch, matching texture, knockdown texture, orange peel texture, Remodeling, fix and flip, handyman jobs, diy drywall, diy projects, home improvement, tools, tool review, drywall tools, reno, renovation, handyman business, handyman, Bad renters, drywaller, wall repair, plaster walls, plaster repair
Id: eDS5X0lTFBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 15 2020
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