A Handyman Can Fix Anything | THE HANDYMAN |

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first delivery can you tell I got the the mascot supposed to be venting out the bottom I got the nose thing pinched down I can't see fogged up already look at that jeez Patty's for just a couple hours and they're fogging up I think you can get some stuff that you spray on here some sort of coating anti-fog coating that I need to look into because I got a feeling this is gonna be a problem with whatever I would have whatever I get as far as safety glasses or safety goggles we're really interested also to see how long they they hold up to you know not scratching is that one common thing is they always get dusty and you're always trying to either blow them off or clean them off so that you can get back to work and I don't know I mean I'm sure there's a proper way to clean them without scratching them but you know who really has time for that this lens is replaceable and I think you can even get a tinted one this is a deep Walt nice and yellow look pretty flashy but we'll see I got another one should be in the mail the next day or so that I think it cost about five times more than these that I think should work pretty good next update look nothing's hanging from the ceiling anymore I got rid of everything that was hanging up in these things I just cut these off so I there was no option for me to rehab restore junk up there it's all gone I just zipped it right off so that I can't go back to it as a handyman I guess it's a weird term because it's it's not a very defining of what a handyman does there's a handyman a repairman does he do remodeling work does the only clean your gutters you know I get called in to do everything I've been recording you know quite a bit of my work over the last two years and the project for today is not unique to what I do when people don't know what to do they call me I mean not just related to their home today I'll be working or though the video you're gonna watch today is me working on a food trailer kind of like a food truck but it's a pull behind trailer and they hit a tree with it and there is a vent a commercial-grade vent on the ceiling around the roof that exhausts right over this commercial grade grill inside so there's about 24 hours before the biggest event of the year and they will be there will be inspections so they have to have a working ventilation fan or they either can't go or they go and risk getting fined it's a serious situation when someone comes to inspect your food truck at the city's largest event of the year only and said can you come fix this we have no idea who to call there's no way to get a replacement or find a person to install a replacement so I said you know couldn't hurt to have me come take a look at it and watch the video and I will discuss a few details at the end come on think take this out [Music] way down here I'm not sure if this is aluminum or not it's pretty pretty strong don't think is galvanized steel I'm gonna try to beat this out so at least the fan can spin it's actually going pretty easy maybe it is aluminum bend out pretty easy [Music] [Music] time to fire this thing up see what happens it's like it works now I just need to fix this even worried about if they park wrong angle we could flex the trailer and flex this and the squirrel fan could start rubbing again there's this piece here on this flex line that broke off so I'm going to that's why I just have this temporarily hooked up so I'm going to undo this whip here and take this in to Lowe's and see if they've got one it'll replace it [Music] isn't necessary but again some of you may caught on that there is a dummy switch it's on that electrical box on the outside I don't know what it's for it could have been for some sort of inspection that they need to have another disconnect up there I just put it back the way that it was and told them that that switch up there doesn't do anything and it wasn't hooked up and I don't have a hooked up now another thing I told them is that since this is made of aluminum if it's sitting out in the hot Sun that housing that round housing that I beat with a rubber mallet to clear the squirrel fan it may expand and contract and warp and twist and it may start rubbing it would be a light rub it wouldn't be anything too crazy but they should put in their budget to get a replacement housing the motor and the actual fan seemed fine there was one fin on the squirrel fan that was bent in a little bit and I just straightened that out didn't have any excessive vibration and they were able to go to the event and they did get inspected and they did not get any fines at all they had worked the entire night at a commissary that's where you ran out of a big commercial kitchen I think that's how it works and spent the whole night cooking and preparing food for this event and what I heard was that they sold everything and it was a complete success some other strange I don't they're really strange but what happens when a rabbit falls down a window well who do you call you called the city Animal Control actually you probably could call them pest removal but a lot of people just don't know who to call and they call their handyman and I've removed dead mice dead squirrels still alive rabbits just to name a few odd things that I've been called to do I remember this one time years ago I hadn't even gone into business you I was still a superintendent on the job site of the house the the houses that I was building and I get a call from a woman and it was a year after they had purchased we were still building out this gigantic neighborhood I mean it's huge hundreds and hundreds of houses and calls me up crying they turned their sprinkler systems on too early and it froze and there was a geyser at their backflow preventor and she didn't know what to do her husband he didn't even know how to turn the water off though I show up with mom on the fancy white hardhat and polo shirt and she's in tears and he's you know kind of flustered and walks out the door he gave me a nice greeting and said hey thanks for coming over to take care of this I got to get to work and I just went downstairs and shut the water off and told him not to turn it on until at least the end of May that customer actually wasn't a customer at the time they turned into a customer and it's been like 13 years or something that I've known them and I still do work for them and it's it's weird they just sold that house they haven't closed on it yet remember maybe they did close they're moving in like two days but just another story from my experience in the construction world and handyman business don't forget to click the like button what it does is it shows engagement that viewers are engaging in the video and the program the art of AI artificial intelligence YouTube logarithm sees that if you click the like button and you type a comment you're tube like SAP and it boosts your video in searches and related videos and recommended videos so if you could give it a like you got a 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Channel: The Handyman
Views: 210,145
Rating: 4.969358 out of 5
Keywords: the handyman, handyman, handyman repairs, food truck, how to build a food truck, how to make a food truck, hvac repairs, storm damage, diy, diy projects, how to be a handyman, handyman business, handyman jobs, home improvement, home repair, wetal working, how to bend aluminum, how to fix anything, carpenter, carpentry, workshop, workshop tools, workshop setup, wood working, safety glasses, safety goggles
Id: 4_LH4q6Vs3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 7sec (1567 seconds)
Published: Mon May 21 2018
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