How To Schedule Handyman Jobs | THE HANDYMAN BUSINESS

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the galaxy I put a post on YouTube it's something new that people are doing and it's more kinda like a Facebook feed a Instagram feed you can post video clips pictures polls that sort of thing and I ask people to ask me questions and I'm gonna read them to you and answer them quickest way to install a broken floor tile do you wait the 24 hours before grouting I want to do it in one trip Thanks many moons ago were going back 10 years I used to do restaurant maintenance and one of those restaurants was a famous world famous Steakhouse and I guess you could probably guess which one it is and I had to replace these square tiles they're like a british type tile the red tiles so as soon as it closed I would go in and chiseled things out got the tile all set up well like 2:00 3:00 in the morning some guy comes through with a hose literally a hose and just hoses the entire kitchen and the make lines everything out and the next day my tile job was a disaster there is a quick setting thin set that you can get that sets up in a few hours and then you can go out so that tile that I installed the second time with the fast curing thin set it's been there over a decade going strong look for the fast curing thin set and you can get it done in one day or you can go to lunch or something like that you don't have to do a whole 24 hour deal keep mine these are just my opinions and my experience so just take it for that what's more important to success marketing or sales I'm gonna say this day and age right now forget the corona thing but go back 3-4 months I'd say they're equal is there so many marketing opportunities out there there's just a ton of different methods to market your business to fast-track your growth I've always said word-of-mouth is is the best advertising the salesmanship part of it separating yourself from the competition when you're in front of somebody you sell yourself your work presentation it sells itself once you have an established reputation and you you pick up that word-of-mouth referral then you can get rid of your marketing budget and your salesmanship really isn't sales gimmick it's just you sell yourself your quality of work your presentation your customer communication the interactions your professionalism it's very very easy to separate yourself from the competition and that right there is sales how you handyman my question is about scheduling I work by myself I do one job at a time right now I've got about a dozen customers that want me to do work for them most of these are two to four day jobs how do you tell the customer that you very much like the work but it's going to be X numbers of days or weeks before you can get to them do your jobs in order that the person called I really struggle with this I hate to turn down work how do you tell a customer that you very much like their work but it's going to be X numbers of days or weeks you open your mouth and just say it if you are good and you have a reputation it's expected that you can't go to work tomorrow or next week most people they call me or referred to me and they call to get on the schedule we want to get on your schedule we're thinking about doing a deck in the spring and they're calling me in November or December if I have a longtime customer that has some sort of emergency and it's a quick half-day job I bump them right up to the front of the line but in general I just tell them this is what I'm available for a lot of things change and people come and people go people reschedule people die I've experienced so many reasons for people changing the schedule so I don't over book or something drops off I'll get in touch with one of the jobs that I really want to do maybe he's gonna make a little more money maybe they've been a little bit longer customer and I'll bring them in to fill that spot do you do your jobs in order not necessarily in order but a lot of it's a mental game for me so if I have something that's a dirty pain-in-the-ass job the next one I'm gonna schedule is something that's a little bit cleaner a little bit faster pace a little bit more dollars per day type thing just to kind of change things up got to keep myself mentally in the game so that I don't just get worn out and burn out yeah this is getting technical what's your highest net revenue amount what's your highest grow its profit amount and what allowed you to get there this is probably before I did YouTube I was highly motivated and in better shape and less worn out like less joint problem less back problem I've told the story often I changed up a bit bit of the way I talked basically just ask for more money and I asked for it a certain way like okay just say $10,000 a month which was the profit the total project amount was only twelve five to thirteen thousand so I had about $10,000 profit later that summer you did like 28 thousand in one month the very next month is the month that I bought my sailboat and that is Kim remember what year it is 2014 maybe 2015 oh and he says what allowed me to do that the reputation kind of sold my work for me and just asking for their money and and saying it as a matter of fact a lot of people in a certain neighborhoods didn't even bat an eye they didn't even they didn't even get second quotes third quotes they just said oh yeah well this guy or this lady said that you're that you're the best I've ever worked with when can you start that's how I went someone asked you 45 or you cope your baseboard joints I've done both lately I've been coping where you cope it and then kind of spring load it in there and then the next one you cope it you you cut the next one you got a spring load in there it's a real nice and tight weight presses in there I'm not like a any sort of master trim carpenter I do use caulk whenever I do paint and it's very very rare to see me do stain grade trim honestly it's just not that popular right now is white paint here's a good one any suggestions on how to take on bigger projects that might fall outside my comfort level and expertise I want you to slowly build up to bigger projects but don't want to take on more than I can handle there was this one flood job that I did it was very proud of myself after it some basements have structural wood floors when you have too much of expansive soil and you want a basement you can't put a slab on grade so what you do is you put in a structural floor some of them are steel structural floors with a concrete slab with an air gap like this a lot of them are wood structural floors where there's TJ eyes that are about this far off the floor so anyways it was a basement washing machine floods a section of about not the witness table saw and workbench I've got soaked and the TJ is sagged so in their basement they had just a big droop in their floor highly repeat customer a lot of their houses are on the channel the main YouTube channel so what I did is I pulled the carpet back pulled out all the subfloor cut out all the warped TJ eyes ordered new TJ eyes I had to put in some case on some posts and a beam for these TJ eyes because there was no way to get them inside the house to do the full span was well over 20 foot span and put it all back together passed inspection and they ended up selling the house two three years later one of many that that I got into I've done entire house remodels from flooring to paint to railings to windows doors cabinets not countertops setting the expectations with the customer don't over promise under-promise over-deliver especially on the schedule make sure they know that you're doing this on your own you're the only person that's going to be in their house the only person they're gonna have to deal with you break it down into small pieces and keep yourself mentally in the game it's pretty easy so someone asks which stock did you finally pull the trigger on and they're referring to a post that I put up on here is what a week or so ago today is the third and what we have the jobs report a lot of stocks are starting to creep down and it's so so tempting have both a Robin Hood account and a weeble account the Weeble that's still in process of transferring money over there I'm still holding out a little bit longer to try to catch the bottom if I missed the bottom I'm gonna get in on the upswing I'm trying to avoid getting in on the downswing I did get lucky on the I think was March 26 it was a Monday where everything crashed it was the lowest of last year got in with Disney it's gone up since I got in it hasn't even gotten close down to the purchase price state consistently ten dollars or more above what I bought the shares out there's a whole bunch that I'm looking at I don't know if I should rattle them off now this video it's probably getting along I honestly like the interface of Robin Hood better.we bull is got a lot of information way more that I'm capable of understanding I'm still watching Disney to see if it gets down to what I bought at or below watching Boeing it seems to be up today United Airlines ExxonMobil Chevron Halliburton I'm looking at this one called ladder capital it was the lowest drop today it's only three dollars and thirty nine cents right now but who knows the company could go out of business so yeah only been in business for a couple years it's a real estate type lending company I'm watching 3m and watching General Motors I'm watching coca-cola you'll notice that a lot of them are very successful companies they call them blue chip stocks one other what I'm looking at is penny Mac they're only at seven dollars eleven cents right now probably could do a whole video on my learning process of this which is still very small don't want to come off as an expert every morning I glued to this phone checking stocks checking the history of the stocks by four prior to 2016 because of 2016 things kind of just shot up out of nowhere I don't want to get go down that rabbit hole too far I talked about the corona I'm gonna do a video specifically to that how it's affecting me the unemployment that thing there I've been reading every day trying to get the late just information about how self-employed or gig business type people people who are like musicians or people like us who are self-employed how they go about getting unemployment I'm gonna have to make you wait for that video this past year what was your favorite project and why my most favorite jobs to do our troubleshooting jobs where someone says we don't know why this is broken whether it's the sprinkler system that was erupting in the backyard of that house last year spending about a year maybe a little bit more things like that are my favorite things to do long-drawn-out remodeling jobs don't really like to do I like quick turnover jobs that's why that's what I mean moving to in in the future can I schedule a live stream oh the live streams have been getting too crazy the last several times I've tried them be putting them on the third channel a lot of people have been asking to be part of the third channel but they have no idea what that third channel is and that's bad news so if you have no idea what it is it's gonna stay that way you got to email me or send me a direct message saying I want to watch a third channel because I know it's all about this I've had a lot of weirdos highly confused by what they saw once they got there but that is where I'll be doing the live streams how much whiskey can I drink in one sitting we'd be surprised you'd be surprised a lot remodeling handyman industry will pick back up where it left off after the mess or will it take some time for people to start spending money on their homes again is it gonna take some time for them to spend money on their homes I think the maintenance part will bounce back faster than luxury things things like that that you know the HGTV frenzy shiplap floating shelves lots of backslash jobs were out there I think those are gonna be slower to come back the core maintenance roof leaks lots of things coming this spring I just said roof leaks there's gonna be a ton of those but I think general home maintenance will bounce back relatively quick once they're not worried about you brain Corona into their house another thing is like rotten decks would rot repair outside stuff people are getting outside they're looking at their house like oh geez myself it's rotting I got that sort of stuff is gonna be bouncing back faster than the luxury aesthetic things please give the video a like subscribe this is your first time here maybe it's not and look for a corona video on that cares act stimulus plan the details haven't come out on how to do it goodbye [Music]
Channel: The Handyman Business
Views: 51,138
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Marketing vs sales, marketing handyman business, handyman business, handyman profits, handyman, small business marketing, entrepreneur, entrepreneurship, business tactics, remodeling business, construction industry, home improvement, hgtv, home repair business, investing, day trading, scheduling, construction scheduling, handyman scheduling
Id: V9d9zWKcDE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 47sec (827 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2020
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