Handyman Vs Licensed Electrician | Handyman Wins Every Time | THE HANDYMAN |

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flip it off flip it on collect your $1,000 go home let's get out of here welcome back to the number one home improvement YouTube channel in the entire world today I'm gonna save you a lot of money ton of money I was called by a great customer they own a rental house it's not quite an investment house it was their house that they lived in and then moved and retained it as a rental house so keep that in mind we're highly repeatable customers it's not managed by a property management company it's not an investment firm it's a very good customers rental property there is an electrical lighting circuit in the basement that is out it's out the customer was changing the light bulb and all of a sudden it went out the homeowner is pretty well rounded in DIY projects he attempted to find the tripped breaker or short he couldn't find it he called in an electrician the electrician decided to remove the inner part the can of the recessed light so you can fully disassemble a recessed light this is would be a like a new construction light with a cans all up in there the junction box is on the outside we can disassemble it all pull the can down and get access to that junction box and they were hoping to find a short there and they didn't and they just wire nut it off the wires I don't know where the rest of the can is unfortunately I'm gonna be tasked with trying to rebuild the can hopefully that goes smoothly and I could just put a light bulb in it we'll be done with it that's a little bit of the background just wanted to jump into this video real quick and tell everybody about it flash sale on flash lights Oh light is having a flash sale tomorrow which is the 27th you get up to 40% office if ik lasers and lights a limited edition flashlight I have a special link and a code called Handy click that link go shopping to get yourself some flashlights this is the one I carry every single day this is the one that I've been using in all these videos I'm looking for a subpanel for the basement and there is no sub panel I go to the main panel and it's full 100% full there is like one circuit labeled basement suspect to me that would be a part of the original construction one circuit to the basement I pull the panel off and I see that there is conduit that goes down out of the panel and into the house if - is an outside panel I know it's weird just crazy laws in certain places there is about four circuits coming up that go into various breakers some have two pots coming in wired nutted together with a pigtail to another breaker not the best idea I take out my tool and I have these four wires that are going to the basement do you know BBB beeps go up find the breaker it looks like it's on but it's not when it's tripped it's stayed stuck to the left flip it off flip it on collect your $1000 go home let's get out of here okay all jokes aside no I'm not charging $1,000 so this conduit here goes into a crawl space in the basement there is no sub panel come up these are the basement circuits and you can see this one here I know what controls lights and some outlets in a bedroom and it goes up to this breaker right here and it was tripped but it was stayed in the on position so all you do is you flip it off flip it on and now power is restored I'll get into how this got tripped once we get to the basement got to show you the basement and put all this back together just push this in to electrocute myself good day fair game call lots of work to be to be done here on this rental property here lots of work Olli cow need a new deck me this back door is trashed and they live next door which is crazy that's a I can suggest a ton of maintenance on this place okay so things that were on that circuit were the lights in here there also that GFI was on there the the lights in here and off the lights lights in here Oh creepy man smells interesting that's a potpourri the lights in here were out the outlets in here were out and the lights in the bar or out and the whole reason is this wait there used to have a can in it you can see how he took it all apart and it's gone now don't know where it is well there was a broken light socket there a light bulb in there so it looked just like this one and a light bulb had broken off and the renter tried to put a new light bulb in on top of the broken light socket and that's what tripped the breaker though it's been going on for a couple weeks and the handyman got it done in about three minutes it was the second guy the homeowner was the first guy the second guy took the can took the can parts with them so I can't put it back together I told the customer I can dig this thing out of here shove it to the side and then why are in a remodel so they even have a light today he said he's gonna try to get in touch with the first guy and see if he can bring back the actual can parts that he took out of there so I know everybody wants to know how much am I gonna charge for this and I go into detail extensive detail on my other YouTube channel the handing me in business about this topic my initial thought is I'm not gonna charge him anything it was so easy highly repeat customer they refer me like crazy does not want a handout it's gonna be $175 and he sent me over to his house which is just up the street to take some measurements for some more work I guess that's why we make the big bucks when I say we highly skilled home service providers tradesmen whatever you want to call us that's when we get paid for to flip switches so where other people don't know how to find the switch to I hope this was informative don't know if we're gonna get to ten minutes I might think of something to put at the end maybe some bonus material I it's it's not even noon yet I'm gonna go put some solar panels on the roof of this this magnificent beast of a truck so that will be on the super-secret third channel yeah you can DM me an Instagram that'll be right across the screen go get yourself some handyman merchandise so check out the handyman diet store Lakes in a description all tools that were used to diagnose to troubleshoot this problem will be linked in the description below $175 three minutes so no there's gonna be some questions about the condition of that electrical panel I want to tell you a few things that you may have missed there were a couple circuits that were doubled up that means that the black the hots there were two hots underneath one breaker I see that more than I don't see that when I take a panel cover off that's very common it's an obviously you're not supposed to do that I see mislabeled panels all the time I see pigtailed together wires a lot of times I'll see grounds pigtailed and neutrals pigtailed and then going into the ground a neutral bus because they were too short doesn't happen in the remodel or the renovation now what do you do concerning a homeowner when you are presented with this situation I do not leave anything out says well how did you fix it so fast we spent days there and I said well at the panel cover off told him exactly what you guys watched I told him about the jumpers I told him about the doubled-up breakers told him that if he wants what I can do is go through and get him a correct label of his panel is that one to his mark dishwasher is the one that went to two circuits in the basement a lighting circuit and an outlet circuit and I said you know I could get some tandem breakers and create a little bit more room so you don't have things doubled up it's a rental house even though this guy is not a rental manager they put his little money into it as needed to keep those renters there the renters are antique dealers that's why there's so much junk in the house but they pay their rent every month maybe during a turnover they would put some more money into it but they're not gonna put it into something that isn't gonna make the house more rentable told him everything they needed to know I made myself available and he wasn't me wanted me to go up the street to look at some other aesthetic things on his personal house go check out Oh light I'm very happy to be working with them if you don't know who Oh light is they are they're the highest value for the money and flashlights you've seen just about every youtuber use these I've been using them for six years I just kind of partnered up with them in the last week so I'm pretty excited about getting some sweet flashlights if you watch my videos you'll be notified whenever there is a flash sale no a flash sale they've got 40% off a very specific light that mounts to a defensive device and so I know there's a lot of guys that would be interested in getting 40% off that specific light that has a little laser beam on it the sstc is growing and it's growing quite fast and it's gonna slow down we're gonna get to a certain certain level and then it'll I'll stop promoting it check the links out click the like button go get yourself a sweet flashlight you got it attached to your your hat or you've got it stuck to a piece of metal a refrigerator anything a clamp
Channel: The Handyman
Views: 439,762
Rating: 4.6747293 out of 5
Keywords: power out, reset breaker, circuit breaker, electrician cost, handyman, electrical, electric panel, reset gfi, electrician, handyman laws, handyman jobs, diy projects, diy electrical, home improvement, home remodeling, reno, renovation, electrical work, handyman business
Id: 1EslXq5nsO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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