The Halfling Race | Baldur's Gate 3 Lore

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welcome back for another lore video in today's video we're going to be talking about a joyful compassionate and brave race the halfling i'll start off talking about the halfling race as a whole such as their culture and sub-races and then near the end of the video we'll talk about the halfling when relating to baldur's gate 3 specifically so you're going to want to stick around for that before we get started i want to say thank you to a recent youtube channel member the red dragon and also thank you to some recent channel patrons shy violet vegas and t-virus i really appreciate all of you guys support if you end up enjoying this video please subscribe for there will be much more baldur's gate 3 content on the way links to my twitter and my discord server will be below let's talk about the half liens halflings are humanoid creatures whose physical appearance is very similar to humans but you guessed it they're about half of a human's height in fact the name halfling was derived from this observation an average halfling stands between two foot eight to three foot four inches tall or eighty one to one hundred centimeters their average life span was a little longer than humans and was around 150 years most halflings had dark hair and eyes and skin complexion similar to the range that humans have mal halflings were not really capable of growing good beards though but they did have a great sideburn game the halfling race was well known for getting along well with most other races and were also known for their curiosity especially in collecting things other races sometimes referred to halflings as the good folk and the sly folk most of us know of this race from tolkien's hobbits and actually in the original 1974 release of dungeons and dragons halflings appeared under the name hobbits tolkien's work has inspired much of the fantasy that we know today i think most of us are grateful for that the average halfling was joyful in nature and very friendly in their dealings with others and just because of that i might have to do an evil play through as a schizophrenic serial killer half lean halflings were a practical race and took pleasure in the simple things like in tolkien's world halfling adventurers were a less common sight for the great love that they have for home and family was of prime importance to them however in modern age forgotten realms the halfling culture is changing and halfling run adventure companies are becoming much more common in major cities of faerun although their lack of ambition for crazy adventures didn't mean that they were a boring race for they were notoriously curious and preferred trouble over boredom it was also less common for halflings to aspire to greatness in the same way as a typical human's view of greatness might be in our modern day social media society we could use a halfling societal takeover think it would benefit us all if you have the pleasure of befriending a halfling they typically make for loyal and courageous companions much like the hardy dwarves in that way they are certainly willing to put their own lives at risk for others their immense bravery and daring is actually hard to match with many of the other races brave loyal compassionate care more about family and home than world renowned fame halflings are a race to admire we can't forget that they also do love to party with their vast food culture drinks narcotics yup and clothing halfling communities were found all around the world of toril usually near or within other settlements from other races they were very good at fitting in with other communities with races such as humans elves dwarves and gnomes although they do value the place that they call home their home was many times on the move for many halfling communities were actually nomadic by nature as we said earlier halflings tend to be less adventurous and that kind of contradicts a nomadic lifestyle so when i say less adventurous i'm more so referring to forming dragon hunting parties or wandering off into the underdark in search of treasure not all halflings were like our very own regis rumble belly if you happen to know who he is let me know below in the comments since the occurrence of the devastating spell plague in the late 14th century of the forgotten realms many races homes were destroyed including many homes of the halflings now in modern day 15th century the greatest concentrations of halflings could be found within the nation of am south of baldur's gate they could also be commonly found along the sea of fallen stars human cities in general were the most common place where you could be sure to find them halflings didn't recognize kings or nobles like other races do but instead placed great honor in their wise family elders their society is filled with tradition and a sense of community the telling of stories and legends was one such tradition and a lot of preservation and care is put into the retelling of these stories now there are many sub-races of halflings that have existed and still exist and all of these take on their own qualities the canadian halflings resided on a planet called anadia which is the planet closest to the sun in the realm space this planet had large populations of halflings that survived on the poles of the planet for the rest of the planet was too hot to survive the canadian halflings tended to be people of extreme emotions and attitudes the ghostwise halflings were the rarest of the halfling peoples and were reclusive and known for their strange talent for communicating without speech these were the more barbaric type of halflings and sometimes could be seen riding giant owls lightfoot halflings were the most common subrace of halflings and they were typically nomadic by nature they took great pride in meeting new creatures and people they were very comfortable living alongside other cultures they might even adapt other cultural practices including the worship of certain deities the lightfoot halflings are the ones that really give halflings a great overall reputation the strongheart halflings also known as the stout halflings were the sub-race of halflings that were very martially inclined and could be compared in many ways to the industrious dwarves there is very little out there that could upset or corrupt this sub-race they are very tough in combat halflings were quick and dexterous and the race as a whole is regarded as a lucky race for it seemed like they were less likely to be injured in perilous circumstances their smaller size came with its advantages for halflings were good at stealth and generally hard to catch however with that small size comes the inability to wield larger weapons such as greatswords and halberds so keep that in mind in baldur's gate 3. now let's bring up a screenshot of the halfling and baldur's gate 3 specifically in character creation and go over the features so you know what you're going to be getting in baldur's gate 3 you'll be able to choose between multiple races of half liens we know for sure that the lightfoot halfling will be one of these choices the other likely choice will be the stout halfling for it is in the 5e dnd players handbook but who knows maybe we'll also get to see the ghostwise sub-race all halflings will get a plus two to dexterity which makes them great for many classes especially the ones that rely primarily on dexterity such as rogues rangers and possibly even fighters many other classes that don't necessarily rely on dexterity as their main ability including some of the spell casters can still benefit greatly from a higher dexterity for it will boost their armor class number all halflings will also get a feature called lucky and this is in many people's opinions one of the best racial features that you can get in dungeons and dragons and this will likely also apply for baldur's gate 3. lucky is a feature that allows you to re-roll your die whenever you roll a 1 on attack rolls ability checks or saving throws so basically if you get really unlucky and roll that dreadful one you could potentially turn that around to be a nat 20 which is crazy and lucky as the sub race of the lightfoot halflings specifically you'll also get a plus one to charisma to go along with the plus two to dexterity you'll also get a racial feature called naturally stealthy which allows you to attempt to hide even when you're obscured only by a creature that is at least one size larger than you so basically as a halfling you could hide out in the open if you're blocked by a creature that is larger than you which is most creatures this will likely be a very situational feature but it could come in handy if the game has the stout halfling as the other sub race choice then you'll get a plus one to constitution to go along with the plus two to dexterity and you'll also get resistance to poison damage and advantage on saving throws against poison the stout halfling is basically the more tough choice and goes great with classes that you want to have more survivability with halflings will likely have a base walking speed of 25 feet which is shorter than many other races that get say 30 feet to move per turn however your small size will allow you to be able to move through areas of creatures that are larger than you which can save you some distance and also your general ability to hide behind things better than other races may make it so that you don't necessarily need to be able to move as far per turn as the other races need to and that will be it for the halfling race when the game actually comes out we can do some more in-depth videos on the sub races and their features and stuff like that there's not as much lore available for the halflings and the forgotten realms as there are for some of the other races hopefully you guys still enjoyed this video i really do love the halfling race overall as a whole they're gonna be great to have in the game and i do definitely plan on doing a play through with one of them thanks so much for watching guys if you guys enjoyed this video please like comment and subscribe i really appreciate it it's a huge help to my videos i do all sorts of content on this channel ranging from live streams to game reviews to game tutorials and much more i will be live streaming early access on this channel so turn on the bell notifications if you don't want to miss that until next time
Channel: WolfheartFPS
Views: 17,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldur's Gate 3, Baldur's Gate 3 Races, Baldur's Gate 3 Halfling, halfling race, halfling, hafling, bg3, baldurs, gate, classes, lightfoot halfling, stout hafling, early access, bg3 ea, early access races, gameplay, wolfheartfps, larian studios, lore
Id: mmZ0jQTsf1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 01 2020
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