The Hair Dryer! | The Fixies | Cartoons for Children | #HairDryer

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the hair dryer lulic are you here yep i'm here i got a cool trick to show you that was real magic dude took long to learn it no that's not the trick it's a trick with helium oh what is helium well helium is a very light gas they fill balloons with so they float in the air that's not magic at all you silly who's never washed a flying balloon the trick's not about the balloon flying i need to get it how can i get it down from there get a hair dryer that's the way to do it yeah what for so i can show you a trick all right mom can i use the hairdryer for a minute [Music] a hair dryer is a great simple invention inside a hair dryer the fan that sucks in the air from behind it and pushes it out the front to blow your hair around and make it dry to heat up the air there's an electric coil inside of there when the coil heats up it warms up the passing air and the hot air helps your hair dry faster of course you don't have to turn on the heat setting but then you better like that cold wind no look i'm right here here's the dryer i want to see your trick all right flip the switch now you lay the ball right into the air stream oh great the ball's flying and now it's my turn to fly really whoa yeah i'll shoot right up to the ceiling so i can grab the string and pull the balloon down so turn off the heat and away i go [Music] [Applause] [Music] got it give it to me i can't get it down it's probably because you're little and weigh like nothing and what do i have to wait till i'm heavier and older to get down i don't know then you'd better get my sister she'll tell us what to do simca come on out [Music] well what's going on look [Music] hi there how'd you end up on the ceiling i was just showing off that funny hair dryer trick i'm laughing out loud ha ha ha i can try flipping on the hair dryer and lifting you up snorlax so both of us can get caught hanging up there well thanks but i don't need it then what do you need just a broom or a mop you know how to do a trick with a mop uh-huh just make it fast they can be quite ingenious creatures those humans sometimes they figure out clever ways to use ordinary devices like the hair dryer of course it can be used to dry hair but it can also be used to dry a wet spot on clothes and a hair dryer can even be used to remove a sticky price label now suppose you buy yourself a new cup that has a terribly sticky sticker that just seems impossible to peel off well try warming it up with a hair dryer the glue will dry up a bit and the label will come off easier there's no doubt that a hair dryer can be very useful in any household but you need to be extremely careful with it especially in the bathroom if water gets inside a hair dryer there's a real risk of getting a horrible electrical shock that can seriously hurt you and destroy the hair dryer as well [Music] pull it down hooray going in for a landing [Music] tom thomas i can't tell you how great it was to fly inside a stream of air good for you now i'll sound like a fixie really uh-huh watch me hey what are you doing just look i'll breathe in one breath of helium isn't it bad for you you can only breathe a little hey hi there oh tom thomas became a fixie and that's my trick for you funny huh oh that's too funny what a squeaky little voice you got there see i'm already not a fixie the helium stops working after just a couple seconds the internet well maybe it's uh don't think so it's probably uh you call for me children what's the matter take a look i've never seen anything like it [Music] what in the world could it be maybe it's a bathroom scale or a clock with a digital display wait a sec are there instructions around here for this thing i couldn't find them anywhere that's a problem well then let's try to figure it out what are you trying to figure out up there what a huge hockey puck it's big enough for a monster and the name is so silly t robot why don't they just call it the troll butt or i got it the troll boat please stop the racket so what could this thing do huh i have no idea we could try finding it on the internet where just run along you two we don't need any internet so we can handle this go on go don't interrupt us sure whatever you say come nolic we'll find it out by ourselves yeah uh so you remember what it was called uh-huh uh a troll boat nah a trollbot you're right hop to it [Music] that's not it oh t-robot you're right there it is a robotic vacuum cleaner you mean vacuums by itself it's a robot so yeah class there's just so much cool stuff in this computer no this information is not on this computer it's on the internet from your computer you can send a letter to another computer you can also download a song or a photo from another computer that's all possible because most of the computers in the world are connected to one another as part of a huge web and this world wide web is what we call the internet thanks to the internet we can take a peek at just about anywhere in the world and find information we need about anything [Music] it's an electronic vegetable slicer no it's a printer for round sheets of paper there's no way grandpas we found out what they do with it you're back again you mustn't interrupt the adult just wait a second no like turn it on uh turn one on don't you turn on anything ready set jump [Music] [Music] [Music] it's a robotic vacuum cleaner it runs itself and where did you find the instructions for it on the internet just ask and it tells you you can really just ask and it tells you uh-huh if you want we can show you we'd love to see it sure why not [Music] on the internet hey hey wait for me [Music] it says it weighs five tons it says it weighs five tons it says it weighs five tons here on the internet it says it weighs five tons it says it weighs five tons because 5 [Music] letters now through the internet [Applause] [Music] the talking doll [Music] well then now you know what you need to do to fix it professor professor our lesson is over i'm sorry to be a bother no problem professor eugenius our lesson's over i've got an urgent matter you see you've got yourself a talking dog yes only she speaks japanese the problem is i've been asked to get her to talk in english we can teach her it's a new technology i'm puzzled don't you worry we'll figure it out professor thank you my colleague you're always there when i need it what would i do without you [Music] professor can you tell us how toys talk not now children we'll learn about the doll tomorrow now it's time to go home i already know everything about that doll you do changing your voice is so easy that anyone can do it how here come i'll show you [Music] early talking dolls used to work with a noisemaker inside when the doll was turned over air inside the noisemaker got pushed through a squeaker at the end of it making a noise that sounded like the word mama funny today the noises are recorded onto an electronic chip that's part of a little player inside of the doll just press a button and the sounds start playing so now dolls can say much more than just mommy or daddy they can say anything at all [Music] well here's the chip this is where the recording of the doll's voice is that's awesome can you re-record the voice on there well yeah okay i gotta go see ya [Music] i thought of a really funny joke to pull what if we sort them and then we thought [Music] well now as i promised yesterday i'm going to tell you all about talking dolls some start talking when you rock them while others react to noise and for this little lady you need to press a button to get her to talk who wants to doula me well okay i can do it go ahead and you'll hear her say hi there mama but in japanese for now [Music] [Applause] [Music] how could she ever know that maybe they call that joking i just thought of a better joke that we can play yeah what don't cry she's not alive she is alive i'll tell you who did this horrible thing it was fire and knowledge it was true but now the joke will be on them how [Music] [Applause] sometimes i think that he knows everything about everything professor grant has a lot of respect for him digits always in thought whenever you see him and he doesn't like when anyone distracts him he just has no time for fooling around with the other boys [Music] digit prefers to solve problems using his brains and not his muscles that's why he can have a tough time in gym class but he's so sweet that he makes you want to help him to tell you the truth digit isn't always great fixing things with his own hands but no one understands technology better than he does if something breaks digit can always figure out exactly what's wrong with it and the very best way to fix it you're gonna make it even funnier this time uh-huh you came back what you must be trouble makers now i'll show you what happens to bad boys oh you got scared who's crying now huh they probably thought that the doll came to life you know what digit i just started thinking that it it might be better if she were alive you know tula you sure are hard to please [Music] the baby monitor [Music] oh it's my old baby monitor on check check checking one two three checking it's working why don't we give it to the johnsons i just had a baby the other day oh this is mine and i'm planning on using it aren't you a little too big for it no i'm not big at all well i didn't realize that you're still a little boy and a greedy one at that [Music] they're never gonna notice this hey fixies are you here [Music] [Applause] we're here now why did you call us i gotta show you how i turned into a mind reader i find that just a little hard to believe okay then i'll show you i'll leave you alone and then you'll hide this button wherever you want then i'll come back and find it you got it so where's a good hiding place well we gotta think of one right here under the keyboard great go on come on in we're ready for you and now i'm going to read your thoughts here i go you hit the button here look tada he really does read mine oh that was a lucky guess bet you can't do it again well i bet you i can [Music] we're gonna have to be sneaky [Music] she's the most beautiful girl in our class she knows it too and doesn't hesitate to use it she can even be a bit sneaky like when she needs help with her homework then digit suddenly becomes her best friend but if she doesn't want to carry her pack a match she'll say fire please help me you're just such a strong fixie but all those boys like are just the same digit does and no it does then i guess i do too although i really like simca moore or maybe vera or both of them i haven't decided yet verda can be difficult and even bossy sometimes but one thing i know for sure bear does a good friend a friend that'll always come help well that is if she's able to pry herself away from the mirror [Music] i think that we should throw it down into this pencil cup but then we concentrate on another place that is good but it won't work fixies come on in [Music] were you thinking about the cup no i swear and my mind was blank then who did huh hmm thomas what do you say we go again as many times as you want i know how he's been doing all of this it's a baby monitor that's how we can hear what we're seeing i don't get it [Music] a baby monitor helps parents watch over their babies the system has two units that look like wireless telephones the parents keep one of the units by their side and put the other one in the room where the baby is sleeping if the baby suddenly wakes up and starts crying the unit in the baby's room will pick up the sound and send it by radio waves to the parents unit mom or dad will hear the crying and go and comfort their child and so he's listening to us now this time i know what we should do [Music] huh where is it if you read our minds you'd find your button under the baby monitor you tricked me that's really not nice and spying on us is nice you think i'm sorry i just thought it'd be fun well anyhow tom thomas you're too old for this thing unless of course you still need it i'm not a baby i was just you know checking it i'll go and give it to mom mom i'm not greedy about what let's give this monitor to the johnsons and this car is for their baby boy i don't think that baby's big enough yet for your car so what soon he's gonna get bigger and become a big boy right like me the toothpaste food ready rocket ready and who's flying to the sun me i'm ready [Music] tom thomas did you see there it is you nearly spoiled a vital experiment of global interplanetary significance spoiled what our scientific testing of the latest toothpaste formula i will brush my teeth with it and i as chief dentist will be monitoring the testing and so i don't want you even touching it great how am i supposed to fly to the sun now strange they make that toothpaste for kids so then why is your mom using your dad then that's right i'm gonna go tell her mom that new toothpaste i should test it no i'm using your dad because he's a responsible person and so am i i'm very responsible who knew your room's a total mess i had no time to clean it you didn't water the plant i forgot did you brush your teeth yeah for a whole minute too you're supposed to brush your teeth for two minutes in the morning and at night sorry great toothpaste honey [Music] if you don't want to get a toothpick you need to take good care of your teeth by brushing them with a toothbrush and toothpaste toothpaste helps remove food that's stuck on your teeth kills harmful bacteria and keeps your teeth strong healthy and beautiful toothpaste should be in every house adults should use toothpaste made for adults and kids should use toothpaste that is healthy and safe for younger teeth it's important to make sure you're using a toothpaste that's right for your age [Music] tom thomas don't touch it before the experiment i'm just gonna smell it don't worry well it smells like bubble gum hey just a peek at the collar that's all come on do you want to spoil the experiment now put that toothpaste right back hmm [Music] again [Music] what's up [Music] well now so we caught you again i want to try this toothpaste so bad but how well what if you [Music] do you know how to brush your teeth correctly let's check first take your toothbrush and rinse it with water then squeeze on a bit of toothpaste a small pea-sized drop is all that you'll need now one brush the outside of your front teeth up and down two brush the backs of those teeth from the gums on down three open your mouth real wide and brush the teeth in the back these are the teeth that you use for chewing go back and forth over and over you should brush a full two minutes no less now it's time to rinse out the toothpaste from your mouth and clean the brush that's right the brush needs to be clean too and please don't be lazy if you brush your teeth two times a day they'll stay in great shape for many years to come [Music] mom dad see i've done everything [Music] well done and i promise that i'm gonna brush my teeth the right way as long as i need to and and twice a day only let me be a part of your awesome experiment please would ya well i don't know i think we could try it oh what well we also have this foam for teeth who's gonna test that me a real hero [Music] how many ways did we try to get him to brush his teeth before that didn't work we never sparked his imagination before your idea about the experiment was brilliant do you think we should tell him the answer is no we can't disrupt the experiment the [Music] oh telescope that was scary is no look with you he said he was gonna help us out [Music] beautiful whoa just look at all those stars it's just like magic this telescope splendid [Music] the simplest telescope is a tube with two lenses they gather and refract light we look through a telescope at a far away moon and see craters mountains and crevices on its surface as if they are very close a telescope helps us examine stars and comets distinguish the colors and shapes of planets and find their moons but it's only possible to look at the sun through a telescope if it has a special filter to protect your eyes from getting damaged but what's really cool is that it spins no really well should we get going aren't we waiting for no lake he'll catch up i'm gonna leave him a note no look we're in the computer [Music] hey here i am hello where is everybody [Music] somebody help me [Music] she was here a minute ago the only thing left of hers are fixing a huge monster enormous with sharp teeth and jaws like [Music] the monster i know you are but what am i what's all the screaming about you already what do you mean eaten by the monster that was after you ah the monster attacked fire [Music] an unfortunate left turn fire didn't want to eat you who the monster it's enormous with jewels oh yeah i think i know who that is it's a fixie eater he's gonna eat us but fixy ears they don't exist for real it could be from another planet this is our sun and the earth isn't the only planet revolving around it but people couldn't even imagine that idea until the telescope was invented then astronomers could finally see how our solar system is organized the closest planet to our sun is a small planet called mercury then comes the planet venus then our earth then mars jupiter saturn uranus and neptune the furthest planet is it possible that life only exists on earth so far not even living bacteria has been found on any of the other planets let alone human life but we'd like to believe that deep in space someone is looking through a telescope and just like us dreaming of finding their outer space brethren [Music] that's where it was [Music] come on out fixy eater we're gonna need to use live bait where are you gonna get it from it's me no like he knows you already don't be afraid we won't let him hurt you there's no way [Music] fix eater come out right now ah i'm not afraid i'm not afraid of you barely help me [Music] that's who you just caught [Music] then where's the fixie eater [Music] did you see the monster look at those jaws just like the monster no look show us where you saw the fixie here up there i saw him through the telescope buggy could you please go up to that corner over there [Music] uh-huh and now yawn take a look ah [Music] what do you [Music] need a think please don't let that secret up but if you need a fixture please
Channel: The Fixies
Views: 1,622,330
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cartoon, animation, the fixies, fixiki, Cartoons for children, Nolik, Simka, Papus, Grandpus, Tom Tomas, fixiki episodes, fixies episodes, cartoon films, fixiki in English, fixies, фиксики на английском, fixiki english, the fixies english, fixies english, fixiki in english, the fixies episode 1, fiksiki english, fixies cartoon, fixiki 2016 new in english, лунтик на английском языке, the fixes, фіксіки англійською, fiksiki, fixies russian
Id: 8Kp1JhOZOEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 27sec (1887 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 17 2022
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