The Grind 148 - Riddles (Kazuya) Vs. Peanut (Little Mac) SSBU Smash Ultimate

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post quarantine which was get in my basement number four an invitational event in ontario where he won only dropping one game and that one game was to poke cheese's me gunner bro this this character is something else we're getting ready to see on fd the flat stage for both kickers i kind of like this pick yeah i mean it's it's good for both of these guys because neither one of them really likes uh platforms all that much i think this is really going to come down to if peanut can can use that super armor he's at least off to a fantastic start 93 what a call out right there looking for another f smash tries to catch the landing but riddles well that's that might be a dead peanut almost almost got caught swinging there and paid for it almost with the stock comes back up onto the stage and gets the side b that's gonna be that is he is out of here look at how quickly that was man all he needed was side b into the grab and you are gone back characters what gets the upbeat peanut trying to to salvage riddles just absolutely deleting one of his stocks now coming back up onto the stage regaining center stage controlling getting the f tilt very fantastic fantastic use of it there i think this match is really just going to come down to who's holding center stage right now it's riddles he's going to be trying to stop peanut from coming back though but he gets back unbelievable okay but again stage 130 this is looking super rough right now he is almost out of resources that's that's the one thing about peanut like you you every single situation that you'd expect little mac to just be dead in like well that one he's dead there because riddles gets a fantastic read on the roll get up good patience right there peanut usually does manage to make it back from spots that you would think max just dead in now what i'm liking here is you've seen him use it a couple of times that upbeat to get out of these causes except for right there it could not save him that was disgusting and riddles takes game number one with barely breaking a sweat oh my goodness that was just that it was pretty even at the start as they were feeling each other out but then i feel like riddles just kind of started to run with it once he kept center stage like you were mentioning there like there was just no getting in on them and oh my god that character just hit so hard like there were a few moments during that where peanut was able to get control of the center stage and that's when he was making good use of like the super armor on f smash the f tilt right and when he was keeping riddles boxed out on the ledge he was actually looking very good able to get his combos and able to get his percent especially at the very start of the game right and then riddles got in and just evaporated stocks within seconds of each other it just ended it just ended here we are game two all right we are going to battlefield this time i wonder if he thinks this the platforms will give him a bit more leeway or be a bit more forgiving give him a better chance to get off the edge he died at the end right there off a really bad roll reed so who knows i mean there's more room to run and that's never a bad thing against the character like kazia absolutely not 72 off the bat as well a good start from peanut manages to get out of that grab tries to chase onto the platform but he might eat a big old punish for that okay he's safe he's safe only 56 we're still in but he gets caught overextending right there [Music] good perry but manages to get back down now ko punch active he has the opportunity to turn this all around but no riddle steals it away peanut with the follow-up up b not gonna kill that is going to take it all right and peanut with a pretty nice lead right now he just needs to not run in and get caught but he's living so he gets the second chance of life right here sakurai can we please talk please i know you're a little bit sad what an option but again right here peanut using this uh these these smash that colors right here especially with the armor is just doing so much work for him he catches the side but he backed up space quite perfectly right there peanut as long as he's able to like have his feet underneath him he's doing a great job gets the roll get up read with the uh the f tilt sends riddles right back up off stage but the thing is he's like it still feels like he's in danger even though he's only at 12 percent just because of the way that riddles plays this character still trying to keep him held there a little bit of spaghetti on the floor both players whiffing a little bit but he just needs to comp he needs to calm down and keep holding center like he was doing he was doing a really great job not giving up stage presence right there when he was doing all that edge guarding but it looks like that has kind of quickly quickly slipping away from him peanut landing back on the ground does not manage to use go or not go excuse me i was thinking of riddles as terry he's not managed to use ko punch but does get the upbeat out of shield of his own takes the stock lead back yet again 97 but like you said you're never quite safe against this character man kazuya is crazy okay what was that hitbox i i have not a clue man but qazi is putting on i mean he is putting in a decent amount of extra credit right now tries to get the up tilt they can't quite connect with it and riddles of spot dodges are just on point peanut trying to make it back but now his jump's gone he can't make it he's making it back from that if he did still have his jump he would have been able to come back to the stage but riddles did a fantastic job of getting the run-up and then the steal uh now we're just about even like there is 50 between the two of these guys but it could be gone in an instant if i say that that number can change very quick all cause you need just one one way to get it right there good on a peanut on the down to the ground right there so you get that jab interruption tries to go for the up air to chase peanut up onto the top platform but peanut staying safe riddles though remember what you said a second ago that number changed very quickly now only three percent oh my goodness he gets stunned into the batter he's living though still alive coming back to stage gets the upbeat kale punch on the board this could be peanuts opportunity to steal it away from riddles comes back in gets the downhill and chases yes sir peanut getting a fantastic chase to take away game number two from riddles and this is a set ladies and gentlemen oh my god the patience right there to hold on to that ko punch uh to not run in and get knocked out of it so you know he didn't get he didn't get beat up in a tumble and it oh my god there's the presence of mine to go oh he's landing on the platform my ko punch reaches up there all i gotta do is perfectly position myself when he lands bam that's game so well played from peanut always aware of what options he has in every single situation riddles made the mistake of trying to be safe on platform because i bet riddles thought that if he went up on the platform peanut would probably try and chase with an upbeat something along those lines but he would be able to live it come back down to stage and try and get something going but instead he loses the game for it exactly but now he's gonna have that in the back of his mind so peanut has to be aware that same trick might not work twice now going right back into it i think we might i think i saw them go battlefield so i think we might just be running it straight back running straight back or it could be i believe psg okay they might have hovered battlefield for a second but yeah so ps2 very very even stage between the two of them peanut has the opportunity to go up onto the platform to try and escape a little bit but i think this is pretty much in favor of riddles still oh my goodness the movement right now from riddles is just throwing peanut for a complete loop already 88 oh are you dead he's dead he's dead bye peanut uh that's unfortunate way to start game number three he's not out absolutely not no i'm gonna say this is still a little mac as you can see if i've learned anything from watching peanut offline peanut online just peanut in general he's more than capable of making these big comebacks but he needs an inroads to start this off and this up tilt could do it he chases riddles onto the platform with a mac aerial you don't see that every day definitely not oh my god air dodging for his life right now they're trying to keep this ko punch alive unfortunately going to lose it right there oh i think that was a misinput it might have either been he was trying to go for a hard read on riddles chasing him off stage or just an unfortunate he's definitely died before too uh riddles running out and like run off narrowing him so i think he was trying to get a read on that but it's a read on that okay yeah i want to say the smash right there okay still it's entirely doable gets the f tilt tries to chase but riddles the micro spacing here from riddles has just been absolutely fantastic throughout the entire set and peanuts been in a little bit of a struggle especially this final game to get anything by him clanking they're going for the ko punch but no connection so sad because that definitely would have made this much much easier for me oh my goodness oh riddles going very very low to try and bait something out from peanut follows up with the up air side b sends riddles way off stage but no chase quite yet gets the f tilt okay good but the rage is now a factor so one up throw from riddles could decide and the weight wow what a read on the air dodge upwards from riddles and we have a last stock situation okay taking on the platform he's not quite dead yet but the fb is going to take it oh my goodness this character is disgusting you know that's just the moment where you go yeah okay shaking my head i'm dead yeah yeah that's it for me but a fantastic set from both of them absolutely like i said that was super exciting just like i said in the beginning i was really looking forward to that the moment i heard that those two were playing i was like oh my god this is going to be amazing shout outs to peter though he put up a really good fight especially in that second game with that last the read on that last stock man beautiful absolutely beautiful but kazuya man what a character it's i'll be honest with that's the exact same thing that i saw it get in my basement for when riddles just went in there and dominated with kazuya as well um and i think that might be what we're destined to see for a little while it's good you know i'm okay with it you know shake things up shake the met up a little bit this character came in people are gonna have to learn how to adjust it's still a little early you know what's really gonna be the make or break for this character is the longevity of it you know when people get a chance to start getting in sets and start having practice you know sets the study sets against this character uh how good is it going to continue to be when people start to learn the ins and outs of how to approach kazuya yeah and i think actually tomorrow chat make sure you tune in for the comeback because riddles will be here too alongside a lot of other top level talent with mr e tweak um adam is like there's it's it's really stacked so if you want to see more riddles is kazia make sure you're here tomorrow absolutely and up up next we have kyle versus pup a puppet
Channel: VGBootCamp
Views: 99,077
Rating: 4.9591022 out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch, vgbc, the grind, kazuya, smash, smash ultimate, ultimate, ssbu, super smash bros, riddles, tweek, sharp, mkleo, pyra, mythra, smash bros
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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