RIDDLES KAZUYA MONTAGE - Super Smash Bros Ultimate
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Channel: Riddles
Views: 47,761
Rating: 4.9567046 out of 5
Keywords: smash ultimate montage, riddles, ultimate, smash, smashbros, nintendo, nintendo switch, kazuya, how to play kazuya, kazuya combos, tekken, smash bros, smash ultimate, super smash bros, super smash bros ultimate, super smash, elite, elite smash smash ultimate, super smash brothers, super smash brothers ultimate, smash bros ultimate, riddlesmk, terry, online, super smash bros ultimate gameplay, competitive smash bros, super smash ultimate, smash ultimate dlc
Id: zCidWUCXrPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 46sec (286 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 13 2021
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Montage is good, editing is REALLY good but damn, there isn't much combo variety
It's a lot of combo starter > EWGF > nair > d-throw > EWGF > kill confirm
So is Nair -> Stature Smash -> first hit of Tsunami Kick -> EWGF -> Up smash just a legit kill confirm on the whole roster?
Man did that Little Mac dirty lmao
Electric Wind God Fist is the truth.
30 second intro could be widdled down otherwise it was a good montage
There are more electrics in this video than I've pulled off in my whole life (Smash and Tekken combined).
I was super hype for the king of skill montage
I wanna see someone do a Kazuya combo/highlight video with the Snoop Dogg from Tekken Tag 2.