The Greatness Mindset with Lewis Howes

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a lot of us have wounds or patterns that keep us guarded and blocked from giving our love opening our hearts and and being courageous in our actions right and that's what I think holds a lot of us back is the the mindset of of healing really a lot of this book is about healing and figuring out what are these wounds or memories that you can start to mend right so you can create a new meaning around them not meaning it was okay what happened to you or what you struggled with it was okay but creating new meaning from the past so you can come from a place of peace freedom and Clarity in the present PC Richard's blessings I am Michael be back with the host of take back your mind [Music] [Applause] [Music] peace and Rich's blessings and welcome to take back your mind and today if you're interested in having a greatness mindset you've tuned in at the right time at the right place I'm going to be having a wonderful conversation with Lewis Howes the greatness mindset is not only his brand it's how he lives his life now we're going to move right into the life question of the week and if you have a question if you have a question about spirituality you have a question about whatever harmonizing Prosperity every week I take one of those questions and answer them [Music] our life question of the week comes from Brenda hailing from Seattle and she writes to me I truly want to believe that there's only love and that we are all one but then why is there so much suffering it is Harmony in the world why does God being the all in all allow this it's a great question it may be answered a couple of ways one God doesn't allow anything we experience our own perception beliefs opinions points of view positionalities the human race experiencing experiences their own belief many people in The Human Experience have a belief in an experience of separation from God and they've created a world of separation and a phenomenal world of lack and limitation distance hate unforgiveness Etc God doesn't know anything about that World God Only Knows its own potential only our own potential that's within us so there are two worlds there is the world of experience and phenomena that you describing hate and suffering and then there's a world that the presence of God sees Beauty and love and joy that is Untouched by experience so as we evolve and mature spiritually we spend more and more and more time in the world of peace and love and harmony and wholeness and though we can see the so-called negativities going on in the world we're not living from that world so we can be in that world of phenomena but we're of a higher world now there was a great teacher his name was Jesus and Jesus said there will be trials and tribulations in the world but be of good cheer for I have overcome that world so he was saying yes in that world there are trials or tribulations but then he gave a spiritual practice be of good cheer pray meditate come into the joy that's beyond conditions coming to the peace that passes human understanding and overcome that world that means you'll be able to walk in the world with a great degree of peace love joy and safety because you're not getting your joy from that world you're getting it directly from your own being now what I'm saying might be a challenge to catch which is why we always encourage to have a spiritual practice so you can break free from the gravity of the world of appearances as it is called and be pulled by your devotional intentionality to see the presence the way it really is I hope this assists you you can email me at podcast if you have a question about life about the presence about success or whatever is on your heart that you want me to answer just email me podcast Michael and your question may be used during one of our presentations have a beautiful day [Music] some blessings everyone you know who I am and uh it says to take back your mind podcast I have with me today my brother Lewis Howes and you may already know who this gentleman is the school of greatness but I'll give you a little background in case you're one of the six people in the United States who do not know who he is New York Times best-selling author keynote speaker industry leading show host former pro athlete play professional football and is a member of the USA men's national handball team really it's been a couple years but yes you can still play of course it actually pretty good yeah yeah the black blue black ball yeah yeah his show the school of greatness is one of the top podcasts in the world with over 500 million downloads Lewis was recognized by the White House and President Obama as one of the top 100 entrepreneurs in the country under 30. you still under 30. 39 got one more months ago one more are you still in the 30s man this and today we're going to talk about one of the things we're going to talk about is this latest book The greatness mindset unlock the power of your mind and live your best life today which is now available but before we get into that talk a little bit about your life you know uh I know a little bit about you I know you slept on your brother's couch I know that this didn't always exist just because the greatness didn't always exist so when people didn't know like where you came from yeah I mean I came from a small town in Ohio and I grew up very insecure and very unsure of myself uncertain and just not sure why I was here why I was born what my purpose was and I I struggled in school so when I got to eighth grade they started to test us and I had a second grade reading level in eighth grade wow so based on my academic results I always felt like the dumbest person in the room just because I struggled with reading and writing I struggled with remembering and comprehending and I struggled with standing in front of my classmates and speaking aloud I just felt like I'd get made fun of a picked on so I was always in the special needs classes tutor classes all the way through college and it just felt like those first you know eight hours of the day in class was a struggle and fortunately I found some gifts and talents through Sports so that's where I put all my energy into being the best athletic it could be and kind of just gave up on school because no matter how hard I tried it was like C's D's and F's so I said I'm gonna put all my energy in sports because that's where I got validated that's where I got seen acknowledged celebrated this is where I felt I belonged and I felt like I was part of a team so when I pursued my my dream of playing professional football but I got injured my rookie season so when that ended it was a big shocker for me because my identity was tied to sports my value was tied to being a good athlete and being needed on teams um and so then 2007 8 and 9 I had a this surgery and I was recovering from a a wrist surgery a broken wrist and I had a surgery I was in a full arm cast for six months living on my my sister's couch for about a year and a half and this was just another time of like uncertainty what am I doing what's my purpose why am I here uh can I even make a career can I make money I didn't even know what I was going to do and um I said to myself this is my early 20s I was like well the only thing I really know well is sports so how about I design my life like a sport and what do I need I need great coaches I had great coaches in athletics who taught me how to set goals about how to overcome adversity how to manage my schedule how to work hard and I was extremely coachable so when they would tell me what to do they would help me accomplish my goals I would just do the best of my ability so I said I need to find some mentors and guides and teachers to help me on how to figure out life figure out how to make money get off my sister's couch and that was kind of the process in my 20s was learning from people overcoming a lot of different fears and and starting to build my own business before 10 years ago I launched the school of greatness so School of greatness obviously that's a beautiful name and you I wish I would have taken that that's good yeah yeah it was good a great name too though I know I know I love it I remember when I first saw it I said that is really good that's a good trading way School of greatness so how did that emerge in your mind well I I understand the importance of education and learning yeah but the subjects I learned in school didn't support me right as I got older I realized I needed to learn how to deal with like heartbreak I needed to learn how to deal with managing my emotions in relationships all relationships I needed to learn how to deal with let down with failure with insecurities with managing money with uh you know spirituality and they didn't teach that in the school no and I was like I wish they would have I would all these hours that I spent in the classroom they would have taught me things that would support the rest of my life in terms of fulfillment personal growth in terms of um you know creating a mission in terms of building great relationships in terms of like how do I manage money how do I make money all these different things I didn't know how to do it so I said let me start asking much smarter people than me on these topics that's why I had you on I was like how can we get more tapped in spiritually right you know not just be successful but have spiritual success right and what does that look like and so it's seeking the top experts that I could find the top leaders I could find to learn myself and then share with others and that's powerful you mentioned something I think is very important in terms of school they don't teach you a lot that you need in life right they don't even teach you how to open up a bank account no they don't teach you how to deal with your emotions they don't teach you how to to heal emotionally and they just give you the reading the writing the arithmetic to a degree some history to a degree and then you're out that's it and you have to just kind of figure out how to do life yeah and most parents don't teach you how to manage your emotions either and so if your parents don't have the tools to teach you that right um and teachers and coaches maybe you pick up some stuff but it's like we've tried to figure this out on our own right and a lot of us have wounds or patterns that keep us guarded and blocked from giving our love opening our hearts and and being courageous in our actions right and that's what I think holds a lot of us back is the the mindset of of healing really a lot of this book is about healing and figuring out what do these wounds or memories that you can start to mend right so you can create a new meaning around them not meaning it was okay what happened to you or what you struggled with it was okay but creating new meaning from the past so you can come from a place of peace freedom and Clarity in the present and that's that was my struggle I struggled internally I felt like I suffered emotionally for so many years until I started the healing Journey and really realizing that it was a mindset of healing yeah I appreciate the fact that you took what you were good at your athletes the athletic aspect of life and the coaching you got from that and applied it to life yeah you know I mean I ran track I played a little football and what I remember what was built within me was never give up right you know there's certain things that you just get from Sports if you apply yourself you never give up you have a goal you work as best you can everything else is left to luck or chance or whatever the case may be you work well with a team you work with the team you know and so you you took what you had and applied it to life yes that's beautiful now we have today we have um well let me go back a little bit because your your particular podcast is amazing we have you had Kobe Bryant on they you have all kinds of people on there so I I love the way you uh I mean I've obviously have watched your podcast and you maintain a very powerful beginner's mind with it I mean you ask a question you you absorb the answer and then I imagine you're also applying it 100 yeah it's it's very you know I've watched it I say this this loss is good you know if you're learning but not applying it then it's kind of wasted energy yeah you know so for me it's about testing and trying things seeing what works what doesn't work and then adding to it to improve the quality of my life improve my relationships my mission my you know my team everything my health that's what it's about yeah but you listen well I there's there's some people I watch and they immediately want to let the person know that they know that too you know what I mean so you don't really get from the person right what they're trying to give so today we have the greatness mindset so um what was the inspiration behind this particular book I felt like I struggled at different ages of my life and stages of my life uh you know 11 years old was really a challenging time 16 was challenging 21 30 35 and I said what is exactly I needed at all these challenging seasons of life whether I was in transition or I felt stuck or I just felt unsure of myself and insecure I realized that after 10 years of of interviews and practice and making mistakes and improving and all these things that self-doubt is the killer of all dreams I believe when we doubt ourselves and holds us back from taking actions it holds us back from Having the courage to launch a podcast write a book use your voice get the career you want ask the girl out whatever it is we lack the courage if we doubt ourselves right and so how do we overcome self-doubt and I wanted to create a book that could help me back when I was younger oh that's great a book that helps me today a book that will help me in the future as I enter a different season Once I'm when I'm married and I have kids and and I have a bit more responsibilities what do I need and so I spent 10 years of research trying to figure out the answer to overcoming self-doubt hold on one second so uh the podcast has been going on 10 years 10-year anniversary was last week wow yeah almost 1400 episodes over half a billion down loads every week for 10 years so you went back curated through these 10 years and gleaned some of the major lessons everything since I started I I want to ask individuals who were you know I've had I think three or four of the top 50 richest people in the world on I've had some of the biggest athletes world-class Champions on gold medalists all this stuff from all a lot of great spiritual leaders like yourself to top therapists and neuroscientists and medical doctors and just a wide range of people and I would ask them all about doubt self-doubt because I wanted to I wanted to write this book 10 years ago this was kind of a journey of figuring out what is the answer to overcoming self-doubt because I have a thesis that that is the killer of all dreams it's what holds us back right if we doubt and so it has been a curated process of like research reviewing asking questions testing the model seeing what works for me and applying it and I realized that there are three main causes of self-doubt okay these fears the fear of failure the fear of success and the fear of judgment the fear of failure I never really experienced because I knew as an athlete that you needed to fail in order to succeed right I wasn't going to make every shot you know it just wasn't going to happen and it was more about okay here's how you correct it here's how you correct it so it was feedback for me so I I didn't want to fail but I wasn't afraid to fail and therefore I could take action in spider failing so it didn't hold me back the fear of but if you ask a lot of people they're usually afraid of failure the fear of success wasn't a thing for me either because I wanted success I was driven to be successful but I wanted success for the wrong reasons to fill something inside of me that was missing which I'll get to in a second right and when I when you ask people how many how many if you'll speak to a large room with people and say how many people here have ever been afraid of success a lot of people also raise their hand and I never understood it because it's what I wanted as a kid right but then later I started to realize there was a weight to Gold there was a weight to a success to having an audience a pressure this the Limelight right there's a pressure that most people don't know what it feels like and you almost have to leave your community leave your tribe to a certain point once you start going Beyond The Familiar that's right and that gets scary you might lose friendships people are gonna you know say what are you doing come back down here um so there's a there's a fear around success and they don't again they don't teach us in school how to manage success right that'll teach you how to still have humility right confidence how to not think it's all about you and lead with your ego like they don't teach about this um but I was never afraid of it it didn't hold me back from acting the third fear the fear of judgment was the thing that held me back the most it it crippled me in a lot of ways and it hurt me internally in a lot of ways because I was so afraid of other people's opinions I was so afraid of being accepted by others needing to fit in belong be liked be loved by others that it would make me just kind of go crazy inside emotionally and mentally and shift and be like what can I do how can I help you and defend myself if someone was attacking me I felt like I was always on edge because of the fear of judgment so it didn't hold me back from acting but it held me back from feeling peace and feeling love and abundance and at the center of each one of these fears failure success and judgment the center root of all these is I'm not enough I'm not smart enough pretty enough talented enough worthy enough all these different things so if we don't believe we are enough with where we're at right now it doesn't mean we don't want to improve and grow absolutely but if we can't accept our entire life up to now all the memories good and bad if we can't create meaning from the pain that hurt us it caused us to block our hearts and our minds then we'll always hold us back we will always be on some level of of Doubt insecurity so my intention is to give people the exact tools on how to discover which one of the fears holds them back the most and the exercises the application the science and the research to Healing the doubt feeling the insecurity of I'm not enough in whatever that is for you because I believe when you can get there you can courageously overcome the challenges that are that are coming your way yeah you're the example of it yeah you're not you're not teaching anything you haven't done for yourself so break down what do you where do you when you tell people you know to get the meaning that you can change the meaning of what's happened to you what do you mean by that you know if I speak about my personal experience and I've talked about this publicly before many times my first one of my first memories is me in a bathroom being sexually abused by a man and for 25 years I held on to the memory and it was kind of just a movie in my mind causing me to be reactive in life and I felt like people were always taking advantage or abusing me in life for the littlest things like someone cut me off in a car it was like I needed to go back in front of them and flip them off right or yell at them or something right it was if someone was in basketball game was elbowing me then I felt like it was unfair I needed the elbow back right it was always in defense mode because I felt like I was under attack right there was a wound that opened up in my memory and I never mended the wound I just masked the wound right I started to protect myself I started to get bigger faster stronger I wouldn't talk about the wound I neglected the wound and the wound was still there and so anytime someone poked me emotionally mentally physically it was like tapping into the wound of abuse right of of taking advantage of right and so therefore I was a loving happy fun guy but when I felt like someone was doing that somebody hit that trigger trigger exploded boom right it was a reaction some type of reaction and it would come out in different ways and it would also come out in ways of you know the wound drove me to be successful I wanted to prove people wrong you know that was one instance of many different things not sexual abuse but just the feeling of taking advantage of the feeling of being bullied the feeling of being picked on which I think people can resonate with these emotions the feeling of not being smart enough as my classmates the feeling of all this stuff um where that Darkness the wound drove me to say I'm going to work harder than anyone I'm going to be the best athlete I can be right right right to prove them wrong and to be right and be a winner right and it worked I I became a winner I became a great athlete I accomplished these goals but when I would accomplish it was almost like I would get angrier within 30 minutes right so I was like why am I still not feeling right like I'm gonna hit all the external stuff why am I not feeling like I love myself why am I not feeling enough why do I still feel upset and triggered because I thought that would help mend the wound but it didn't right then I transferred it into the business world and I did the same thing in business and it didn't work around making money or building a brand or a business like I would still get triggered so it wasn't until I really dove in and said I get to take a look at this face myself in the mirror and say why is this not working why do relationships continue to break down why do I get reactive here why like it should be working like people say everything looks good for me but it doesn't feel good right right and so I had to go back and create a different meaning and I did this through many different healing modalities I know you work with a lot of people in different healing modalities as well and there's lots of different ones that can work for people but I did a few different ones that just supported me in facing it full on facing it addressing it applying it and reviewing it in life where I would act and apply when the trigger would come up I'd say okay I have to keep facing and keep facing it and breathing you're embracing it Embrace breathing it exactly yeah and to the place where you know I don't feel triggered by by those wounds anymore and it took time you know healing doesn't a momentary thing sometimes it's a journey right um You might have an awareness of a route in a moment but then you've got to heal your nervous system and you gotta you keep mending those things so for me I don't think you can truly step into greatness without healing oh absolutely and there's a difference between success and greatness success is more about me accomplishing my goals and dreams and six and it's more of a selfish Endeavor which is nothing wrong with accomplishing goals and dreams but when it's just around me I feel like it's selfish and that's kind of where I lived in my teens and 20s unconsciously right where greatness I started to realize that greatness is about using your unique talents and Gifts like you do so beautifully to pursue your your mission and your dreams and goals your calling and impact others around you in a beautiful way so that they are lifted up and elevated and they're winning as well that is more about greatness than success absolutely you've you've broke down something that I teach yeah in the beginning um oftentimes people and you've described this just now you know I'm going to prove some something to somebody I'm gonna I'm gonna be successful I'm gonna be great I'm gonna do this I have to prove myself to somebody but the pollution is a sense of separation and then there's martyrdom you know I'm going to do this for my mother I'm going to do this for my family you get burnt out yes then you do it for yourself and they never appreciate it enough the way you want them to right it's like you don't appreciate all I did for you yeah yeah and then you do it for yourself you do it for yourself which is what you just described I'm going to do it for myself which is a lot of times the ego but then you go to the next level which is what you're describing I call it a calling you actually call to release your gifts and talents and capacities and then it creates this Ripple where other people are affected which is what you've done I mean 500 million downloads and Counting right you know what you've taken your personal life and everything you've gleaned and you're you're creating a ripple for other people to be healed and uplifted inspired and transformed so it's more of a calling it's like it's like you cannot be you now you know just just who you are is um vibrating a field right I mean I had a chance to speak at your your greatness yes you were amazing thank you thank you life-changing but I like the the energy you created and the um obviously the people you had speaking um and you you would like a perfect host your your your vibration your your interaction with everybody just created to feel that everybody got to be great everybody got to shine everybody had to to be themselves yeah and it was I just like being there it was like oh this is really good it was beautiful you did amazing incredible yeah so what what would you say are some of the other um hindrances to Greatness um I think it's something I talk about in the book is like enlisting support and I think a lot of people in these day and age you see this like in motherhood in America where it's like moms like want to do it all on their own or something it's like no no one's gonna look after my kid I'm not gonna have a babysitter I'm not gonna have you know family's not gonna take care of her like I have to do this we want to do it on our own and our businesses we want to do it our own and our health journey and I don't think it's possible to do it on your own in a healing journey I think we need support we need guides mentors therapists coaches spiritual leaders to allow support for healing to occur right I think it's possible to do it on your own but I think it's just it's it's easier to do it with support anything yeah and I think in listening support to support you in overcoming these fears these insecurities and get to the place you want to be is key you want to be where you are if you didn't have an amazing team and a great partnership and a great Community supporting you and bringing this forth absolutely and I think a lot of people try to do too much on their own as opposed to finding great coaches and teammates whether that's friends and family in their life yeah and uh so don't don't do it on your own yeah no I always mention pretty much most of the time you know when you see me standing up there there's a whole bunch of people behind me you know from the people in my living room where I started Agape people that I had an opportunity teachers that taught me you know that I leaned into still talk to them even though some of them are dead I still have conversations with them you know that that uh so you're talking about a level of humility to ask for help 100 you know and as in a lot of times the male ego doesn't want to ask for help no you don't it just wants to just just figure it out on their own yeah yeah I think that's for your help I think also uh for me it's about I just think that you know coaching is is crucial I mean again I come from an athletic background and when I think about the greats Kobe LeBron and Jordan all these guys what got them to their first championship was a great coach yeah they didn't get there with a bad coach right they had a great coach and great teammates right they didn't do it on their own even an individual Sport and Toby and Jordan had the same coach exactly even in an individual sport of tennis Novak Djokovic who I've had on a couple of times he doesn't do it on his own he's got a team of coaches and support helping him get there in an individual sport right but once these greats accomplish their first championship they don't say to the coach oh thanks but I think I'm done I don't need you anymore right like I'm good like I'm gonna go win on my own next year right they never say that right they actually go now we need a better strength coach now I need a meditation coach now I need a mindset a nutritionist coach right they need all these are the coaches to figure out their deficiencies and I just think why are we doing that in life more you know and we don't have to pay tons of money for all these different coaches but I think we should have mentors or personal advisors on our team a personal advisor board for your life to support you I know you're this for many people Sean Stevenson's always talking about how you guide him spiritually and emotionally right um and it's finding those people in these key areas of your life so I've got someone who helps me with my own nutrition I've got someone who helps me with my my workouts and my fitness I've got a coach that helps me I've got an emotional coach that I work with every two weeks to navigate and keep processing emotions right and even if things are great I go to the coach right and just say well how can I prepare for the future better how can I think about potential things that might shake me in the future so I'm prepared right it's not necessarily about fixing something or saying that you have a problem it's like a tune-up it's a tune-up yeah but again I can go to the gym and work out with the best of them on my own but I probably can't do it every day on my own like that right you just need that extra support that extra boost to keep you going and I think it's wise to have that support that personal Advisory board if you don't want to pay for coaches or finding those great coaches I have a money coach I've got a business coach everything I have yeah and I feel like it's just wise you don't need one but I think it's wise to support you in overcoming those challenges right you speaking of something very important when you were talking about Kobe after he did win a championship I mean he hired Elijah won yeah for his footwork I know it's amazing and he went and learned and then he hired some other uh ex-basketball player who had some other technique he was always learning always you know he was always a student yeah and he even he was even remember he was bugging Jordan about some things on the court you know he would ask him on the court yeah yeah remember that leave me alone boy you know but yeah I think that um because I like the word greatness I think one of the enemies of greatness is that people don't want to be great right they just want to just make it they just want to be average but they just want to uh survive and make it through the day but I I think with your using the word greatness and I've used it over the years too that's why I said man I should have gone but we want people to actually want to be great doesn't mean and it doesn't mean being better than somebody or it doesn't mean being um you know always in competition to somebody else it means always being in competition to your previous self yes you know yeah and you seem to carry that and I and I used to be very competitive and in some like sports or whatever I'm still like competitive but it's more that's that's you're supposed to yeah exactly but I'm I'm from a different lens where I'm more about collaboration yeah I feel like collaboration is the ultimate way to make sure others are uh growing around you as well and I think the greatest servant leadership that you can have is making sure everyone Rises with you right and maybe they're not rising at the same speed but at least they're they're leveling up yeah yeah you're creating the the feel for that to happen the field the environments the awareness for that to happen and so for me when I 10 years ago when I started the show I said I've been too competitive I've been too much about being right and winning at all costs even though again I was a good guy but it was more of an intention like I want to win I want to be right I want to look better than and it didn't serve me and it didn't serve others so 10 years ago I said I'm gonna create this show the school of greatness it's not going to be about me it's going to be about others I'm going to shine the light on everyone else right uh it was never about me being the expert me having the answers any of that stuff right right and I said I want to make this a collaboration experience where I serve and lift others that I bring on and then I serve the community right and you know Oprah did a beautiful job with this for so long when she shined the light on others there was always a reflection back absolutely and I think that's going to happen naturally as you think about your life in terms of service and collaboration over competition right absolutely if you're just tuning in this is Louis house this is his book the greatness mindset unlock the power of your mind and live your best life today it's available today it's available right now you need to get it so 10 years you have curated the enemy of greatness and you've curated insights into how to be great if you could I know you can't but if you could synthesize how to be great and you've covered a lot of material already what's left out what what we haven't talked about I think it's I think it's uh understanding the definition for me again I thought I wanted to be successful growing up but success for me was more selfish about accomplishing goals and dreams for me and there wasn't enough and so that's why for me greatness the definition is discovering which takes time energy to discover and try things discovering your unique talents and gifts to pursue and pursue your dreams using them and in that Pursuit make the best impact on the people around you for me that's greatness it doesn't mean you have to cure cancer and change the world and save everything in the world it's just how can you figure out discover it means you've got to explore you got to try you got to mess up you gotta fail you gotta discover your neat talents and gifts and pursue your dreams while using them in the service of others by lifting others up around you I think that's a that's what it's about and it when we can learn to mend and heal and create new meaning from the past I love Man's Search for meaning Victor Frankel which is like he went through one of the most horrible experiences and Edith Edgar who I've had on uh was a student of his she was in the Holocaust as well and when I had her on and talking about this she was like you know I had to face the demons the darkness I had to go back and face it she actually physically went back to Auschwitz and faced it and had to forgive and let go otherwise she continued to be a prisoner and continue to be resistant reactive defensive guarded holding back her love and her light to the world if she didn't mend those memories right and create different meaning right doesn't mean we can't grieve and be sad about them but we get to mend and create new meaning so that the wound is not exposed right there will be scars they will get stronger over time but we've got to come from a place of wholeness of healing yes and move into the world with a whole healed heart or of a journey of healing yes yes for me that is the greatness mindset it's there's a lot of Brokenness in the world I was very broken for a long time and it doesn't mean you're still not a beautiful human being and you're not gifted and talented and have a lot of love to give and generously mind but I think in order to truly Step Beyond that we've got to figure out a way to to create that that peace that freedom internally this is why I love your message so much which is so many people don't have Peace and Freedom that's why they come and listen to you to remind themselves they are peace it's there they are you don't need to go create it you get to be it yes and I was always searching for peace I was buying peace I was trying to navigate as opposed to understanding I am peace yes you're saying something very powerful yeah I mean because most people a condition has to be a certain way for them to have peace and yes but you you you're tapping into the truth of their being yes peace is here yes and then the condition changes yeah and also we are able to control every environment around it you're not going to control if cobit happens again or the economy or the housing market or someone breaks up you can't control the environment always right hopefully you can navigate a lot of what you want but you can't always control it and if you're gonna let everything affect you that means you are not living in your peace right right and so that's why you're talking about developing the consciousness of being unvulnerable to a degree yes yeah and listen we're all we're in The Human Experience so as you know this is you know I think we're in the field but there we're a human experience in the field of Consciousness and so it's a constant practice yeah and if we fall it's a key word it's a constant practice and if we fall from grace which is going to happen we just think okay how can I get back to being aware right and going back into my my way of being my way of Peace and Freedom right you're reminding me of there was a number of years ago there was a woman in one of my classes and I went around the room and asked can we hold anybody in prayer for anything and she said two things she said well my son has an incurable disease he's not going to live beyond eight years old my cousin just got arrested for murder for Crime he didn't do because you know we knew what he was at the time I want you to pray for my cousin once you pray for my son her cousin's name was Clarence chance so Clarence chance was in prison for 17 years for a crime he didn't do and around the 12th year someone put a book on his bed called freedom from the known by krishnamurti um and he read it and he began to not allow past experience to come into present moment if he gave the past and he became free in prison wow so from from the 12th year to the 17th year he learned how to play an instrument he learned art he learned martial arts he just was free wow 17th year the Innocence Project found out about him did research realized this guy had been set up anyway he got out of jail City had to pay him a lot of money being a millionaire obviously because they 17 years for Crime he didn't do so anyway he comes to Agape wow and and he's sitting in the front row and I don't I've never met him you know we we I prayed for him but we never met him and I'm wondering if this is him because he's sitting there with this beautiful smile on his face and I'm saying 17 years I might be a little upset why right so anyways Clarence chance here and he got up to speak and he was just such a beautiful being and he went on to tell the story that I just said oh he got free after the 12th year didn't allow anger to come in but meditated gave meaning to his life and then he said you know on the way here I saw a car accident and these two guys were about to fight over bent metal he said nobody was hurt it was just metal he said hmm then he said I came to Agape and people were stepping on flowers to get to the meditation service he said I realized that there was more free people in jail than outside I know he challenged us you know but he had spent 17 years and got the piece you were talking about yeah and went on had girlfriend and he's doing well sure his two people were arrested at the same time his friend that got arrested with him who was also innocent became a criminal in jail and did a lot of bad stuff yeah which is going to keep him there well he went back yeah he came out oh gotcha and went back because his mind wasn't right he didn't heal he didn't mend he didn't heal Clarence healed wow forgave everybody and there was some some things legally that happened to the police officers that arrest him that's a whole other story sure but what you're talking about was just like the the um the individuals that were in the Holocaust he gave me a different meaning to his life yeah and couldn't get those 17 years back yeah but he can live the rest of his life that's it that's it yeah I mean she um she watched her mom get sent to the gas chamber right yeah and so she had to learn to forgive herself for that as well it's funny because my brother was in prison for four and a half years so when I was eight years old I went to a prison almost every weekend for four years from eight to twelve and a half to visit my brother and we got you know visiting room uh sessions for a few hours once a week so I would be in a big room with you know I don't know 20 30 different inmates in their families and I'd witnessed it and I'd see some men every week that would just give me a big smile because I was kind of walking around and just being like an eight-year-old kid at first asking questions and some of them were just you know there with their family praying joyful they looked peace and you could see that some of them were emotionally mentally free locked up and others were still inmates right in their minds as well as prisoners physically right right and there's a lot of uh free people not behind bars uh like you said who are in mental prisons emotional prisons absolutely and that is almost a bigger crime you know than going to prison in my mind is like being free but not having the tools to Free Yourself right and and I I appreciate the fact that this is 10 years of your life this is 10 years of your listening practicing yes embodying to the best of your ability and and this is this is 10 years of your life yeah in a book this is powerful so any other enemies of greatness I mean you know I think you talk about hearing about stagnation sometimes yeah and reshaping one's life and I think the the enemy is really these three fears is kind of the big enemies but it's the an identity that holds us back if we allow ourselves to stay in an identity that no longer serves us I think that's a big enemy you talked about good people in the world there's there's people who live really good lives and there's people that live bad lives that struggle and for for whatever reason it's people that have good lives and bad lives that are the hardest to break through the hardest ones to get to Great oh this is good and it's because and I hear this time and time again a man will come up to me from a speech or something and say Louis I've got a really good life I've got two kids three kids you know I'm in my late 30s early 40s I'm making six figures I got a pretty good job and I can just sense that there's something missing inside of them and it's because it's good but there's like they're not doing exactly what they their highest self should be doing something off and there's a familiar and it's hard to break free of good yes because it's comfortable it's familiar and same thing it's hard to break free of bad or struggle you're at least comfortable and familiar with the discomfort yes it's almost like we need some type of extreme breakdown near-death experience divorce bankruptcy some kind of Crisis some come to crisis for us to wake up yeah and I think that is a big enemy of greatness is not a complacency it's a lack of awareness of breaking through that and waiting until something bad happens in order for you to wake up so it takes so much courage consistently I didn't have this for a long time and it and I could go back into complacency if I don't have coaches and mentors and guides pushing me and giving me feedback to practice the courage of am I truly being as authentic as my highest self can be in this in this day you know in my in my Mish season my mission right now or am I just living a good life and again there's nothing bad or wrong with living a good life for a comfortable life or staying stuck or things like that if that's where you're at and I think we all need those stuck seasons in order to like have that experience as well so this is not a judgment if people are you know in that scenario but I feel like it's an enemy to Greatness right if you are allowing yourself to stay in that space especially if you're aware of it so being aware is hard yeah and it usually takes something to get us to to wake up it's once we're aware and we stay in that space that's when it's okay now it's the time to act and that takes courage yeah you you just so basically your motivation is to continue to grow every day that's it every day that's it and know that I and the more you you learn and grow and develop I realize I know less and less absolutely you know what I mean it's just like you're like a child a child and I can learn from everyone yeah and so I just go into any type of conversation with okay what can I learn from this person right right what can I ask them that I can learn something I know right and that allows me to keep an open mind yeah this is Louis Howe I want you to I want you to to leave with this you want to grow every day you want to be you want to embrace the next great vision and version of yourself so that pulls you into catching wisdom transformational knowledge intelligence intuition you don't want to hold hands with mediocrity oh you want to hold hands with greatness yes and he's held a lot of hands with a lot of great beings and he's curated and he's applied it and he's living it the greatness mindset you want to get it you want to read it and most importantly you want to apply it I got a question for you I don't know if you're about to wrap it up but I have a question for you even though I know you're this is your show but I have I always have to ask questions at least one um you have had so much wisdom experience in this 3D World right and in the 5D world but in this kind of existence of time space you've had a lot of experience you've met a lot of people and you transformed in many different ways interpersonally personally with other other people in your life I'm curious do you share your age I never do you never do well let's let's imagine your 10-year older self is in front of you right now my 10 year old person no no 10 years older from now oh 10 years old 10 years older from now what do you think you're 10 years away from now self would give you advice on today in order to get you to those next 10 years in your greatness what would the wisdom of Michael of 10 years in the future tell you about what you need to overcome what you need to look out for what you need to let go of to serve you in stepping into that greatness that's great over the next 10 years so so I have to tap into much your future tap into my future self and he would say in substance you know stop more you know it's stop more become more still go into it deeper um slow down and rest so that you can speed up in other words don't try to speed up you would say just slow down listen he would say um continue to keep your heart open you know uh because as you know when you're in leadership people project a lot of things on you you know continue to keep your heart open continue to love continue to be a servant as a matter of fact a number of years ago I had an experience that's answering this question yeah when I was I think I was 26 something oh young I didn't obviously didn't have a copy and all this but I was wondering what to do with my life and someone had asked me to speak at the senior citizen Center I was a spiritual therapist at the time so I was I was driving out and I was just thinking what am I going to do with my life I mean so I'm driving and then Sun started Shining and I had this vision and this Vision was My Future Self telling me Michael said Michael keep doing what you're doing you're going to be okay okay I went I did this talk it was very good it was the beginning of my speaking so fast forward a number of years later I started agape I'm at a Wednesday night service and I reached this very expanded awareness to the point that as I'm driving home I'm crying I pull into my driveway and I have a vision I see Michael when he was that age asking what he was going to do with his life and I say to him keep doing what you're doing yes that's amazing keep doing what you're doing I'm here you're going to be okay yeah yeah it was me now saying it to him and then right here there was my future self saying there's more for you so you're asking me a question that I have experienced that our future self is always trying to get our attention so beautiful my girlfriend taught me something um when I met her about a year and a half ago we were doing this experience where we were you've only been together a year and a half year and a half yeah yeah wow but it feels like it feels like a lifetime I know when I see you guys together yeah it feels like you've had this broad long relationship we've had a lot of incredible deep experiences quickly spiritual experiences quickly which has made it feel like I've known her for many many years yeah um I used to always dream and have visions of the future and let's go cool you're saying this um I used to have dreams and visions of the future of where I wanted to be 5 10 20 years out right and I would practice and visualize and step into that we went to something um it was my 20-year high school high school reunion in St Louis so we went there did this whole thing and she was just like having me reflect we were on top of like a rooftop like restaurant and we went up to like a place on the roof where we could see out of all St Louis and she had me reflect and say did you ever think that like here 20 years ago this is where you'd be I thought man I had some crazy dreams but it's so cool to look back and reflect and she goes we need to scream keep going right right now so I get chills thinking about it because she we got up there and she goes I want you to scream out because we're in the place I was for 20 years prior in high school in the city and this is when you I'm kind of feeling not good enough exactly right and she said scream keep going so we were screaming keep going you got it keep going Louis and she said we're gonna time travel right now we're gonna time travel and you're gonna send this signature frequency back in time to yourself back then and um and she said and we need to scream right now thank you to our future self yes absolutely so we turned around and said thank you for encouraging us right to keep going right and it's like this process of like looking into the future reflecting in the past like all this process of that's a very powerful and so it's cool that you were talking about something similar yeah and I'm curious what would um what was the advice ten years ago that you wish your current self gave you then knowing everything you went through pre-covered to covet to take nothing personal um take nothing personal and I've grown into that yeah yeah but it still take nothing personal that's what you'd have said for 10 years ago the wisdom you have now yeah don't take anything personal people are living their own dreams their own dramas their own projections their own traumas their own unhealed areas don't take just love Yeah but take nothing personal yeah yeah I love it it's beautiful wisdom thanks for letting me ask you a question yeah thanks for asking you can't help it I'm curious that's your call but you know what you are curious with dedication yeah you know because I always tell people Curiosity has to lead you to dedication just just being curious is one thing but your curiosity LED you to being dedicated yeah and consistent right and just showing usually and applying it yeah and that's why you have 500 million downloads because you were dedicated every day man showing up every week yeah I mean it's like when I think back on 10 years of the show it's like I posted at least once a week every week for 10 years yeah and even if you're not that good or that great at something like you're gonna get better over time if you do 10 years of anything every week if you meditate once a week for 10 years if you're doing right practicing speaking on stage of your writing like you're just gonna get better right if you do it consistently right you're getting a lot here from Lewis get the book and get the rest thank you for and thank you for coming out in person appreciate you thank you my brother I could have zoomed it but you can't no man I want to drove in man anytime I get a chance to be around your energy I'm gonna take it very grateful yeah me too I said oh Lewis is coming in in person all right yeah yeah anytime I get a chance to grab me to touch you to hug you I'm I'm appreciative and grateful human being yeah and uh we'll be doing this some more absolutely appreciate you brother appreciate you peace and blessings everybody have a bright day [Music] blessings as we enter into our brief meditation mindfulness portion of our take back your mind podcast I invite you to allow your body to become relaxed and comfortable you may want to do the opposite for a second just take your shoulders and ring up to your ears and squeeze everything even your face then release close the outer eye turn Within you should be right here where your body is right here where your breath is and with every breath that you take every single breath let the breath be a reminder [Music] to relax [Music] in this moment of meditation we want to pull from the interview that just happened we want to actually ask our future self for wisdom and guidance some may call it the higher self the Future Self our true spiritual destiny but it's within us just as an oak tree is already within the acorn there is something about us of beauty and of love and of abundance and of greatness it's already within us we didn't put it there we have to yield to it say yes to it and give it permission to come forward so at this moment [Music] just use your imagination as an angel of God and imagine your higher self or your future self or your destiny talking to you you're asking the question what steps do I need to take to allow for the greatness within me to unfold what steps do I need to take to allow for the greatness to unfold [Music] but mindsets do I need to shape when heart sets do I need to embrace what steps do I need to take [Music] for my beautiful destiny unfold now listen with your entire being catch wisdom from your destiny foreign [Music] what does My Future Self what does my beautiful destiny feel like what's it sound like what does it look like however it comes to you whether it's a feeling tone whether it's an inner sound message or an image but right now [Music] do one more thing say yes to it you must say yes you must give permission for the greatness that lies within you to come say with me right now yes I am yes I can yes I am able [Music] I yield to my great destiny and so it is [Music] thank you so much for this moment of mindfulness practice it throughout the course of the week as you know we have sponsorship for our podcast it's called adapt a Zen z-e-n adaptive Zen it's an extension of a neutralize [Music] we have the superfood greens which 40s has 47 different ingredients along with adaptogens prebiotics probiotics and digestive enzymes and we have D3 plus K2 in a bed of organic olive oil and coconut oil for great bioavailability really good for the immune system really good for your mood you want to take both this is one of the sponsors of our particular podcast go to tap on the phrase it says adapters in get your product secondly always sponsored by the Agape International Spiritual Center completed 36 years beginning our 37th year as a spiritual Community go to Agape see all the ways that we're seeking to serve Humanity have a bright day your time is very valuable so I want to thank you for Lending us your ear and participating and taking back your mind if you want to submit a question for the question of the week please submit it to podcast at if you've enjoyed what you've heard today please submit a review and let us know your thoughts stay on top of current episodes by subscribing to the podcast so that you'll receive alerts and not miss one single episode and feel free to share this podcast with all of your friends and family and until we meet again take back your mind and you will take back your life peace foreign [Music]
Channel: Michael Bernard Beckwith
Views: 12,215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Michael Bernard Beckwith, Meditation, Michael Beckwith Meditation, spiritual, consciousness, energy, vibration, frequency, awakening, spiritual journey, higher consciousness, self-aware, divine purpose, spiritual growth, love, healing, inspiration, soul, mindfulness, spiritual awakening, wisdom, personal growth, spirituality, abundance, the secret, manifestation, Take Back Your Mind, Take Back Your Mind podcast, Lewis Howes, The Greatness Mindset, Michael Beckwith podcast
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 42sec (3822 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 15 2023
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