Appearances Disappear When There Is No Fear w/ Michael B. Beckwith

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[Music] and then there's you [Music] you who have made it a priority to be with us this morning you who somewhere along the lines are catching the insight that you have emerged from an eternal presence as an endless wave of unfolding possibility that when we hear that we were created that's a linguistic convenience actually we were never created we've emerged from that which is eternal in other words who we really are has always existed as a divine spiritual idea held in the heart mind of the infinite and that we are here to receive that mandate to allow that which we are as an infinite imprint from divine mind to continue to unfold that the presence of god may come to know itself as each and every one of us and the infinite possibilities that lie within us catch what i just said you are a field of infinite potential infinite possibilities and so you represent the presence of god as only you can and with every moment of inspired wisdom every moment of divine inspiration every moment of you catching an insight into reality that's the presence of god knowing itself distinctly as your life and the possibility that was residing within you all along so you're not here trying to get anything you're not here uh trying to get anywhere right here right now everything you can one hopeful and desire is already here you've already arrived what you're doing is is not only unpacking what you are you're eliminating the distractions that keep you from seeing who you are thus coming out of the world of appearances the downloading of limited perception and coming into a bright new shining moment where you begin to realize that your destiny is bigger than any history this is who you are and so when you hear the the theme of the month of the view from the top you're coming to an understanding that there is a view that allows you to have a moment by moment sometimes nanoseconds sometimes longer period of time as we measure time of the of the of that which is real that which is eternal that is not covered up by perception not hindered by point of view not hindered by limited positionalities it's a view from the top of real seeing you see most people have the tendency of experiencing only their thinking about reality only they're thinking about god they're thinking about love they're thinking about peace but they're not necessarily having a real encounter with the presence of god they're just having an experience of their own thought forms and they they believe that that's reality now it is a lesser expression of reality it's called the world of appearances and so individuals are creating their experience based on their thought form but you've come to wake up to have a view from the top the mountain top that you may see the great presence the great power the great love the great beauty not with eyes to hear the inspired wisdom not with ears to catch it as the activity of your awareness and to live in that dynamic and then the the issue is is exacerbate it because you enter into a dynamic through oftentimes malicious hypnotism that is uh the way that media roles in our societies around the world is that it formats a lot of fear and doubt and worry things that go bump in the night things to be overly concerned about and so you enter you end up in a dynamic of wanting or not wanting to something and interesting to note by law whatever it is you don't want in your life you are in a relationship with it so you end up misusing the law of creation the law of manifestation the law of mind in action by being entangled with the very thing you don't want to happen so here you are in this dynamic of the whole world sl uh taking a nightmare pill and being absolutely worried and fitful and and concerned and and and that becomes popular and normalized the the worry the doubt and the fear and then people walk around thinking about what they don't want to experience i don't want to be robbed i don't want to i don't want to lose anything i don't want to be hurt i don't want covet i don't want i don't know what i don't want and the moment they don't want it their relationship with it it's malpractice it's the misuse of the law what you're seeking is a higher view you're seeking to rise above the world of appearances and to see what really is so that you're living above the firmament into the world that god sees it all as well so that becomes the very activity of your awareness and so when you hear perhaps jesus the christ saying in substance that in the world of appearances there'll be trials and tribulations but be of good cheer for i have overcome the world be of good cheers to spiritual practice by the way he's saying in substance there's so many people just living in the world of appearances and they think that's real they think that's the way one is supposed to be and then they be then they they absolutely prevent god they stymied god from working in their life they're in the world of appearances and then they ask questions like what's wrong they ask questions like who's to blame they ask questions like what should i do about it they ask questions like what am i feeling how you feeling and generally people ask that question they're talking about your emotional state and all of those questions stop god from working in your life because the questions that you're asking are in the world of appearances so individuals are on an endless loop of staying in a in an environment emotionally mentally physically etc that they don't want to be in because they're asking the wrong questions and they're concentrating on what they don't want in their life not you today you're going to begin to ask what's real you're going to be asked you know what just what's the meaning what's the meaning of what it appears to be the meaning is a a a a a a thought blueprint that becomes a manifestation of the issue you see take class come take a class a little bit so so so so here we are there's a view from the top and it's a long view at times and then there's the world of appearances that people are in because they're not having a direct encounter with reality only their thoughts about it there's an overlay of perception that keeps them from reality and then they get knotted up in what they don't want and sometimes they don't want it so bad it becomes an emotional don't want so now they're really in the dynamic of what they don't want so what do they get they get what they don't want because the law says i'm going to give you what you're interested in you don't want that here it is you see and so what are you doing you're placing your attention keeping your your eyes single on the presence and the power and the love of god you're opening yourself up to be able to see reality through your spiritual practice you become keenly interested in love can you be interested in beauty can you be interested in health keenly interested in prosperity keenly interested in abundance keenly interested in joy keenly interested in your connection with the presence of god and you begin to have pin prick moments of the view from the top i was thinking earlier as nelson mandela came across my mind and that i can remember meeting him in south africa during a moment of the parliament of world religions where i had the privilege of giving him the season for non-violence award for the tremendous work that he did in rebuilding the country south africa and i can remember when he came out to meet us his his timber and his tenor was just so he he he had a vibration emanating from from him and you could see that he was seeing he would meet everyone and he was seeing each person individually he wasn't just seeing masses he was he was with every person that he was speaking about and after all those years in jail 27 different different jails robin island being the most famous place that he was in it was made famous by him being there actually you know he had a long view he had a he had a a a a view from the top where he could see his nation rising up in the feeling tone of forgiveness the feeling tone of making amends a feeling tone of of of embracing each other rather than the shame and blame and ultimate jailing of individuals which was the only common if someone is depressed for so long that they would want to give as good as one gets he saw a view from the mountaintop and in that viewpoint the country was rebuilt on a very high dynamic of which became a high water mark for the rest of the world to follow hasn't quite followed chap yeah rwanda did a little bit but he raised the bar of where we could grow because he had a view from the top his holiness the dalai lama i had an opportunity to work with him about three or four times in the synthesis dialogues with the association for global thought representing that organization and i can remember one time he came out and he his opening remarks were my country is dying it may not exist anymore after a while that was his opening remarks then as we got into dialogue what emerged from the dialogue was that tibet had become a meta tibet in other words through the diminishment of tibet by the chinese government and his subsequent escape through the mountains of the himalayan mountains into india into dharamsala tibet had become magnified but before that happened very few people knew about tibetan buddhism very people knew about his holiness the dalai lama but when the degradation began to happen and the oppression began to happen and that which we would call so negative it created a meta tibet a tibet that was bigger than the physical location of tibet and as i have said over the years the john wayne swagger slowly transformed into the dalai lama smile the word compassion heart sutra meditation it became commonplace around the world not that tibetan buddhism was the only cure of meditation but it became a part of our our nomenclature part of our language you see he had a view from the top that allowed for even though the diminishment and the oppression of tibet to become meta worldwide global touching millions of people more than it had ever touched when it was untouched by the government of oppressive forces he had a view from the top you think about mother teresa who toiled long hours feeding people clothing people tired at times and when he asked what gave her the strength to keep doing this in moments of absolute somewhat haggardness you know just being tired and she said everyone i fed i was feeding the christ that was what she had a view hear the view from the top i was i was feeding christ i was every person that i saw that i was feeding i wasn't feeding these throngs of people every mouth representing christ to me so she had this view from the top you see we are coming to an understanding in our spiritual practice that we're seeking to have this same viewpoint in our own individual lives of higher point of view that transcends time and space so that we we're aware that the condensation of our thought forms our particular points of view our perceptions the overlay of of all that has happened to us our interpretation of it that condenses itself into experience and then you add things that we don't want that condenses itself into experience and that we learn to stop and understand that appearances disappear when there is no fear that there is a moment in which you're not sublimating your fear you're not trying to make it go away but you're able to embrace the moment of fear which is oftentimes the ego trying to keep you small playing in your limited point of view or it's anxiety and projecting a worst case scenario onto the future but to stop and embrace that fear see the lie that is telling you underneath and there's always a lie underneath the fear that you're not good enough that you're going to die you're going to lose and we know at the middle level there's no death and there's no loss and we learn to live at the meta even while we're in time so that we carry the frequency of the upper room even when we have a body so that we're not waiting to leave the body to live in heaven that's the old theology that is being rolled up into scrolling put into museums now we are aware what he said the kingdom of heaven said hand now and so there is a view from the top and your role my role our all is to not ask so many questions that prevent god from operating because this is the deal when you start to have an upper room view you become available to inspired wisdom you become available to creative insight you become available to that which is always happening god is not an on and off god it's not something you turn off and on and one day god's god the next day god's not god one day god's love the next day god's not love no no no god is god always it's perpetual perennial the presence of god is the same yesterday today and forever and always being itself totally and completely without any contradiction of its nature always but when you are stuck in the world and you're saying what's wrong who's to blame what am i going to do about it then you are in that world of appearances and you're preventing the presence from stressing through you more fully and completely but when you ask what's real what is it that's really real the overlay begins to dissolve and you say oh my god i was in the matrix oh my god i was caught and what makes it easy to get caught is that fear and doubt and worry are popular and normal i mean you might probably read some of the articles right in great britain in america they've hired the greatest behavior scientists to work with governments to infuse fear into the population to get them under more under control and fear basically allows uh people to be more controlled and more docile you see you know these articles have been released about how they hired spent millions of dollars to get you to be afraid you see but you have the presence of god with you fear not it is god's good pleasure to give you the kingdom so what do you do moment by moment by moment you do two things one you see where you're operating from what you don't want in your life i don't want to be robbed i don't want to get lost i don't want this i don't want that you notice when your mind is in that endless loop and you stop that and you begin to become interested in the quality of being that you want to manifest so instead of becoming overly interested in what you don't want of which you will get on your media all the time and it's popular and it's normal you begin to become interested in something else i'm interested in health i'm interested in beauty i'm interested in love i'm interested in joy and then you know what happens you become a soulful artist for the spirit of the living god taking everything in your life that which you call good that you call bad as the magnificent ingredients to build a magnificent work of art you've seen artists take pieces of garbage and stuff off the beach and in the streets and and and put it together and people will say oh my god that's beautiful that's wonderful where did you get that material in the trash but there are things about your life that you don't like that you have forgotten that the spirit of the living god is always for itself and you are an emanation of itself the universe is always working on you on your own behalf everything is working together for your good so all of the stuff that you don't like is actually that which is creating condensing the carbon within you to become a diamond and when you invite yourself to be available to the next stage of your own unfoldment you become a soulful artist taking every single thing and allow it to be built into a work of art for and as your life a parent's world disappears when fear diminishes when fear is not the ultimate place that you're living in you see but this is real work because the normalization and the popularity you know if you check out uh uh the um the the different things that have become popular over the years people become afraid of certain things and it becomes popular do you have the symptom do you have the symptom you have symptoms i think oh no i don't have this flu oh no there's hiv oh no there's this you know it becomes popular normalized be an oddball be an outlier don't get caught in the undertow of popularity and normalization and that which is fearful around the nation be like jesus be like nelson be like mother teresa be like his holiness the dalai lama be like your grandma that knew how to pray step out of it you see and you're thinking to yourself oh i'm just a little low me well you know nelson was just little no nelson mother mother trace was a little little my mother mary mary teresa she was a little old dalai lama was a little low you know just imagine this for a moment you know when he was born his holy day llama they would tell him on a regular basis that he was the incarnation of certain lineage of dalai lamas that he carried the frequency of wisdom and knowledge and love from the time he's a little boy what was happening if somebody stared stood over your crib every single day and said you carry the lineage of god there's so much good within you you have no idea how brilliant you are every single day people tending to you every day telling you how magnificent you were how beautiful you are how wonderful life is going to be as you're walking on the planet what would happen you'd be his holiness you'd be her holiness whatever the case may be everybody was a little old something at some time so don't be giving yourself an excuse well i'm just little old me no there is a view at the top there's a view at the top of which you are to participate in and as you participate in this view through spiritual practice remember the whole one of the main things about spiritual community is the encouragement for practice there's inspiration there's education absolutely this community coming together absolutely but underlying all that underlying every single class is an encouragement for spiritual practice so you don't fall prey to the angels of your lower nature get caught up in the eddies of fear doubt and worry as a way of life even though it's normalized at this particular time in human history and you're an oddball if you're walking around feeling good about feeling good in the world there'll be trials and tribulations there'll be the condensation of perceptions and thought forms there'll be the malicious hypnotism to keep people in fear and doubt and worry there'll be the amplification of that uh fear doubt and worry as people begin to not want certain things and put more attention on what they don't want than on what they're seeking to be interested in because you get what you're interested in but be of good cheer be of good cheer because i have overcome the world that's what he said you see you are here to overcome that world through the embracing not trying to get rid of embracing the fear until it transmutes itself into excitement and then it transmutes itself into enthusiasm and then you're walking in the world but you're of the higher view the long view you're of that view as a matter of fact close your eyes in this moment come to a complete stop in this moment and just notice all the things in your life that you don't want some of the things you've been seduced intimidated or provoked into not wanting i was with some people in costa rica they didn't have a television and so they they were just living in grace they weren't even concerned about anything you know taking care of their family going to the beach doing works of art they they not that they were ignorant about world events but they weren't carrying the frequency of some people that i see sometimes in the states that are so into what the next thing to be worried about they would just enjoy they their joy was inoculated themselves from the rest of the world consciousness so i want you to think about yourself for a moment and think about what is it that keeps you in the dynamic of not wanting something i don't want to be broke i don't want to be hurt i don't want loss i don't want to be sick what is what is your thing that you don't want how are you misusing the law how are you staying in relationship with something that you really don't want to experience this is all metaphysical law this is not opinion the law says in substance you will get what you want or don't want it doesn't matter because it doesn't know it doesn't no don't it only knows what you're interested in so what is it you don't want right now what have you been seduced into being afraid of and without blame or shame on anyone just notice it now change your point of view what are you really interested in underneath that are you interested in peace are you interested in dynamic health are you interested in well-being are you interested in joy can you be interested in beauty can you be interested in abundance and harmonizing prosperity can you be interested in creativity can you will you now take an inhalation suspend it shift your attention from what you don't want to one pointed priority towards the spirit if i is single the body shall be full of light meaning full of luminosity and insight if the eye is single now here's the deal you have the capacity to participate in your own unfolding you have the capacity to pull your attention away from the world of effects in the world of appearances you have the capacity but are you using that capacity are you exercising that capacity every single day or are you caught up in the dynamic of what you don't want eyes closed for a moment consider all that that you don't want and what you're in relationship with vibrationally and now shift your attention what are you really interested in you're interested in peace as an eye single peace a body is full of light you're interested in love the eye is single the body's full of light you're interested in real abundance it transcends what's happening in the economic system the eye is single the body is full of light you're interested in joy hold fast to this you become a candidate for inspired wisdom you come out of the valley of despair the valley of separation the valley of appearances and your manipulation in the valley to make things better in the valley to make things better in the world of appearances no you're coming up a little higher in seeing differently you're interested in something else and that interest is determining where your energy is flowing so now as a singular manifestation of a cosmic unfolding a timeless emerging being from eternity you're walking in time but you're bringing the eternal you're not just a body you are a frequency of the most high you have a body and yes you'll be a bit odd you'll be an outlier but you'd rather be an outlier than be a liar and argue for your own limitations i'm not good enough i'm less than stop it come up a little higher come up a little higher come up a little higher come up a little higher come what are you interested in for real not what you don't want what are you interested in so what i can see i can see that in the world of appearances people are trying to figure things out what's wrong who's to blame who did it why they do it that keeps you in that world overcoming that you become interested in your spiritual mindedness and your connection you see differently i'm telling you once you see it you can't unsee it and you'll be a stranger in a strange land when everybody's going crazy with worry and fear not you you've got spiritual practice not you you've got the activity of the presence of god within you so this isn't about memorization or a belief system it's about practicing on a regular basis so you actually have an insight called inspired wisdom my god i'm safe oh my god everything is working together for my good oh my god life is for me for real oh my god then you're able to see the appearance world but it's not touching you you're literally walking in the 91st psalm consciousness with your eyes you shall see the law operating but it shall not come nigh your dwelling place because you're making the most high your habitation peace be still for such a time as this for such a time as this and this is a great great moment this is a great moment of great awakening great moment of great awakening great moment of great awakening view from the top allows you to see it come up a little higher come on come on come on and then you know it occurs as ebony faye was singing you dance not the raj goddess dancer you celebrate it's not frivolous because you've come to realize that a dimension of your higher purpose is to reflect joy for no other reason that you exist now you're coming into the same frequency that the presence of god has when the presence of god birthed everything emerged from the presence of god from a fit of ecstasy and bliss and fulfillment not not from a sense of loneliness and oh my god i'm with people no i exist i am joy i am an overflow let there be you get to create the same way come to a sense of joy for no other reason that you exist and then say let there be light in my life don't have to ask how let there be beauty in my life let there be abundance pouring forth in my life let there be creative opportunities in my life let there be great possibilities emerging let there be joy let there be let there be let there be let there be let it be there will be a vibrational match heaven will come to earth through you you're not going to heaven you're bringing it once again inhale sustain jettison which you don't want become interested in something else remember health is defined as being spiritually minded healing is defined as the elimination of distractions to your health so you have that upper room consciousness and then you eliminate the distractions every single day oh there's fear there's what i don't want oh there's fear there's what i don't want that out my eyes single presence presence presence presence presence here now here now my destiny way bigger than my history now when you come to that i'm going to stop okay i just want to say when you come to that awareness you'll realize that oftentimes you just projecting your history onto present moment it's creating a loop of you being in the world of appearances but your destiny is magnificent it's a beautiful destiny it's the presence of god unfolding it's beyond your imagination it's bigger than your history but you have to be interested in those spiritual qualities those non-new realities so it swallows up your history uses it as ingredients and fabrics for the art of your life you will stand you have the power of seeing a new world like nelson the power of taking something that's diminished and have a whole meta understanding of it like as holy as the dalai lama the power of seeing the christ in folks mother teresa and then you'll dance let's just watch this person let's watch this person reena hoffman is bringing it to us today [Music] [Applause] oh i could hear a little bit of that rocket rock arena made with love [Music] leave sparkles wherever you go come on now give her some love online give her some love online give her some love now it's your turn to dance a little bit you're setting yourself free you're releasing some endorphins you're releasing some tonic chemicals you're amplifying your immune system you're slowing down your aging process you're allowing the body temple to be the fit instrumentality through which more love may pour forth through all of that when you move so stand up if we begin to rock oh it's talking about you being a shining star that's what you are your dreams will take you everybody what you see all night no matter who you are [Music] [Applause] victor dickerson come on listen now i got my [Music] no matter who you are shining is no matter who you are for you to see what your life can truly be shining stuff for you to see what your life is for you to see what your life can truly [Applause] god is good [Music] no matter who you what you could [Music] you got it it's time to celebrate every single day find something to celebrate come to the higher point of view and watch your life change from glory to greater glory watch it [Music] let's turn within this moment using that dance as spiritual practice to allow for us to come into a deeper place of stillness oh we take our attention we have we can govern our attention you know and we're going to remove our attention from the external world the appearance of the external world it's called extrospection and we're going to turn within to introspection [Music] and begin to notice as you look within yourself you see thoughts and moods and emotions and feelings and opinions and points of view you can you can introspect [Music] you can see all that passing through your awareness and you know what none of that is you it's just something that's passing through you are the awareness watching it so you get to choose right now choose ye this day whom you shall serve god or mammon god or fear god or worry god or doubt god our unforgiveness god our resentment choose right now when i say god we're not talking about a man in the sky we're talking about a presence that's never in absence choose ye this day keep that eye single and begin to embrace your built-in intentionality to become a greater expression of life everything has a built-in intentionality the flowers have an intentionality reveal the glory of god through its unfolding flowers the trees have a built-in intentionality to glorify god with its stature and its strength [Music] you have a built-in intentionality to reflect and reveal the love and the joy of god simply because you exist let's embrace that intentionality and in this moment of pure intentionality [Music] we go from extrospection to introspection from introspection to transfection but we go beyond inner and outer [Music] to seeing the without eyes the invisible presence that's everywhere everywhere everywhere our life is divine and it is from this awareness of having a pure recognition of life oh life life life life from the view from the top the mountaintop not the valley of despair not the valley of separation oh my god wait wait we see [Music] and this pure recognition allows us to to leap into the awareness that oh my god my life is divine my life is divine my life is divine i've i've emerged from the eternal i i surrender all that that that my life may emerge from from chaos to order [Music] and the word is spoken [Music] let there be freedom let there be liberation let there be joy let there be abundance let there be prosperity let there be health and vitality and vigor let there be flexibility let there be wisdom inspired wisdom flowing through us right now let there be [Music] our destiny is way bigger than our history let there be [Music] oh feel it let yourself feel it oh every organ action function of your body is now coming into harmony with the celestial body the mental body is coming into harmony with divine mind and there's clarity here and emotional bodies is coming into harmony with your divine heart and and there's love here and this beauty oh my god we're not gonna sully our life with judgment our eye is single our body is full of light our eye is single our body is full of light luminosity and insight come on come on marianne give them a strong feeling tone there comes a day there comes a time [Music] to leave your pain behind there comes a moment when you say i guess i'm okay there is a life calling you just look inside and find what you must do i realize i'm not my past i'm surrendered come before the altar and sacrifice your fears just leave them on the table you're the one who's always nearer than your hands and feet you're breathing it carries you works for you she loves you no matter who you are or what you've done or how far you seem to be from the love that sets your spirit free we're in the age where we know the future it's right now yes this is the day this is the time to recognize your world is the present of your past [Music] surrendered [Music] oh we're not waving any white flags here today we're not giving up this is not the kind of surrender that you learn about through military actions this is the surrender that happens when an avocado seed grows roots and shoots to become an avocado tree it's surrendering to the next stage of its unfoldment this is the kind of surrender that happens when a caterpillar becomes a butterfly this is what happens when you surrender your destiny is bigger than your history you're becoming more yourself it's a surrender to your greater yet to be it's a it's a deep and a dividing sweet release you're not giving up you're giving in to greatness that's within you you're giving over to something that's beyond your imagination [Music] you're turning yourself over [Music] to the great wisdom and the great love and the great beauty and the great abundance to say here am i shine through me come on [Music] we love the word surrender we love the sweet release we love the letting go we love the allowing come on nothing can turn you around you're unconcerned anymore about what you don't want your your attention is on high you're not concerned about what they are saying about you your only concern is what is god's thought of you god made no mistake about you come on up a little higher come on up a little higher come on come on let yourself go [Music] oh my god
Channel: Michael Bernard Beckwith
Views: 28,105
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Agape International Spiritual Center, Michael Bernard Beckwith, Michael Beckwith Agape, Meditation, Michael Beckwith Meditation, spiritual, consciousness, energy, enlightenment, vibration, frequency, awakening, affirmations, spiritual journey, higher consciousness, self-aware, divine purpose, spiritual growth, agapelive, love, healing, calm, inspiration, soul, mindfulness, spiritual awakening, wisdom, personal growth, spirituality, lightworker, loa, abundance, the secret, manifestation, law of attraction
Id: 0xExKkbkTJE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 20sec (3140 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 14 2021
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