The Greatest Submission Artist – Gordon Ryan

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okay Gordon five World Championship gold medals 54 victories in a row and a record-breaking submission rate Gordon Ryan epitomizes total dominance in the science of limb rearranging there it is eye-catching Excellence on the mat took professional grappling to a level never seen before it's a tap 11 seconds it's time to take a closer look at how the Iron Dragon came to be known as the king and the best Jujitsu practitioner on the planet like an anaconda and he gets the submission Gordon Ryan Gordon Ryan was born in 1995 in Monroe New Jersey at the age of 15 the lanky teenager put on his first ghee and soon became friends with Gary tonan a promising brown belt who took the newcomer under his wing having decided to dedicate his life to jiu jitsu the 20 year old Ryan left his job as a garbage man and focused entirely on his athletic career he joined the henzo Gracie Academy in New York where a team of promising talents gathered in a small basement under the leadership of John danaher a PhD in philosophy and a martial arts fanatic better known to MMA fans as George st-pierre's coach John's intention was to revolutionize the world of nogi grappling with his Innovative system of leg locks Ryan was among the first to join the infamous danaher death squad a group of students who implemented the mentor's ambitious plans on the mats after Making a Splash in the color belts and getting a good start is a black belt in 2016 Ryan captured the Public's attention for the first time at Eddie Bravo Invitational 4. even at that early stage his proclivity for using inside foot positioning was evident so it does make a difference that wear and tear Brian's leg pummeling when passing the guard is also worth noting nice little pass there when the foe stuffs a leg entry Gordon immediately gets the underhook and removes the wizard I'm gonna go for an inverted triangle gets the backers but uh blocks the defending arm ended up riding it out and secures the rear naked choke Gordon Ryan trying to finish it Jason Flynn is done another constant feature of his game to this day the shoulder crunch sumigaishi AKA The Butterfly sweep I can sign the boot oh nice sweet and Mastery of leg entanglements here but Ryan's still trying to isolate that right leg when a heel hook attempt fails up there's that Hill hook again Ryan immediately switches to a knee bar good position Gordon's got that knee Bar opens the opponent's figure four lock now he's in the position he's in the position he wants and forces the tap there it is upcoming here got it there it is Gordon Ryan Gordon's defensive skills came into play in the semis against former world champion Yuri samoish despite a painful face Crush he never lost composure some pain he's grimacing but let's read his hips and escaped danger voice he never held up and never let go of it once he had Yuri's back Ryan neutralized one of the opponent's arms right away and made the vet surrender this joke for a long time wow the Russian Bear rustam chasiav managed to fend off the prospect's attacks in regulations it's a big parrot nice take down there attempted a Hail Mary ankle lock at the last second oh Russian trying to get it done here in regulation and managed to shake Gordon off his back in overtime trying to Crown a champion at ebi 60 absolutes the young Prodigy readjusted snatched the neck at the second try oh it's in oh it's in oh wow wouldn't line with the an escaped Apton bar to come out Victorious absolute Champion Ryan closed his first year at black belt with a match against Felipe Pena nicknamed pegisa for sloth for being sluggish as a kid the Brazilian developed into a formidable technician who would submit big names like Lucas Barbosa and Marcus Ryan didn't waste time and launched an attack right away right into inside senkaku cross your hook he's ended on his enormous Philippe doing the right thing but the adversary cleared the knee line and settled an ex-gard the walls they're gonna keep going the referee's not gonna stop him Felipe's balance allowed him to block sweeps you get a nice gripper on that arm now he can use that for straight armbar more likely and shut down leg entanglements countered but then nice Gordon would find keys to the brazilian's defense to extend the leg there it is but his favorite inside ashigurami setup spelled more trouble deep in there but now a nice transition by Philippe he tried again the inside sankako relief and again there we go however the stubbornness eventually came to bite him in good shape Pena grabbed onto Ryan's wide open back looking transfer to the back close the body triangle and he's like the body triangle and snatch the victory at the 43 minute Mark the foundation of their rivalry was laid there and then [Applause] the still cardboard King went on a conquest for the real throne Abu Dhabi combat club or ADCC for short is the Olympics of submission grappling where the most dangerous limb collectors in the world gather once every two years many still considered Gordon a one-dimensional footsie player and questioned his chances in a rule set that incentivizes takedowns and top control entering the 88 kilogram division Ryan faced Dylan danis in the opening round nowadays danis is mostly known for his friendship with Conor McGregor and his bizarre behavior both in person and on social media but in 2017 he was still considered a talented athlete with a world championship gold medal at brown belt despite a promising start and aside from a couple of catching exchanges the match was not Dynamic and ended with a decision in favor of Gordon moving up the bracket danaher's Protege went against a legend of the sport homolo bahal the Brazilian had been competing at the highest level for over 10 years winning 80cc gold four years prior but the experience Gap was not a factor Ryan shot a single ran the pipe slipped around the guard took the back foreign and beheaded the adversary In Cold Blood [Music] was picked up by another gentle art hegemon and two-time ADCC Champion Shandi hibero Gordon arm dragged him right away look to establish back Mount using a Kimura [Applause] and threatened the rival's legs to no avail although surrender was not achieved the judges had no doubt as to who won the only obstacle separating Gordon from the throne was his old acquaintance Keenan Cornelius Ryan immediately made his intentions clear while Andre galvao tried to warn his student avoid that I always avoiding that Cornelius recklessly changed levels and ended up on the scaffold once a tight grip was secured Ryan rolled back to mount and quickly forced the town Gordon Ryan long live the king the 80cc World Championships addicted to cess Gordon showed up in the absolute division in the first match he dealt with Roberto Abreu with shocking ease just 90 seconds in the formidable cyborg fell into a familiar trap kept on top and chose not to bite off his own leg wow the previously mentioned Craig Jones was the next victim the contest between two new wave knee rippers was settled with old school Jiu Jitsu heavy pressure to force half guard then passed amount and apply the trustworthy arm triangle the semi-final opponent Muhammad Ali from Brazil did not learn from the mistakes of his colleagues and shared their unenviable fate and just like that the long-awaited rematch against Felipe Pena was upon us regisa had suffered an unfortunate loss in the 99 kilo finale entered the absolute and strangled the great bucheche himself in the semis after 10 minutes of budding in a standing position Gordon eventually secured a single leg take down however bypassing the brazilian's defense turned out to be a non-trivial task there oh [Music] he got it Felipe slowed down the enemy's offense with 50 50 guards and the bear trap looks like he's got him in the bear trap and when the frustrated Ryan pulled the ace out of his sleeve inside the same conquer position he got it lightning struck the same place a second time took his back exactly it closed the body triangle amazing attack and smiled until the very end although Beat Again by his arch nemesis the American made a splash with his first appearance on the main stage one gold and one silver medal went to New Jersey oh man today shortly after the triumphant coronation with a bitter taste Gordon returned to Eddie Bravo Invitational as a dominant Force after ending 2017 on a high note against Yuri samoes up with 18 seconds left the following May Ryan stumbled against Jujitsu and MMA veteran Vinnie magalesh known for his Mr Fantastic level plasticity [Applause] Vinnie openly left and attempts to break his legs and came out of strategically important exchanges on top eventually winning by points the loss lit a fire under Gordon he Unleashed his Fury at the Pan-American championships taking the gold in the 97 kilo Division and the absolute poor Max Jimenez had to tap to a rear naked choke twice in a span of hours distance was Andre galvao's student kainan Duarte The Talented Brazilian threatened a guillotine hunted for the back and took a shot with a toe hold but achieved nothing in the end once on top in the guard the American teleported behind kainan's back in one elegant move the Finishing Touch was just a matter of time [Applause] not long after Gordon stepped in as a late replacement to participate in quintet a team event organized by kazushi sakuraba according to the format the winner stays on the mat to Grapple the next member of the opposing team in the case of a draw both athletes leave the mat and their comrades replace them ground number one in the very first match the king almost caused an earthquake by sweeping former UFC heavyweight champion Josh Barnett eloquently slid into side control that's like and mounted the giant uh people like to use sometimes just the explosive escape attempt only made things worse [Music] gave up the back without much resistance and politely ask for some fresh air following a short break after drawing against ryzen Champion Roberto Satoshi Gordon squared off against Craig Jones once again the Australian who fired the first shot pivotal bout those immediately going for the guillotine Target lost pulling his head free Gordon reciprocated all the way through there we go roll through to take the target destroyed incredible distraction no wait for Gordon Ryan and finally the king took veter hibero's arm as a trophy these are the fighters both in the four spots in a great position to finish this arm extending the arms in the win for Gordon Ryan the dominance on this night continues ironically there were still people who doubted Ryan's ability to win in a traditional rule set with a point system and without heel hooks in order to refute those talks the American participated in the ibjf world championship the result is pretty two more two modals and a couple of funny moments to remember Walmart knock off Mark hunt played a punching bag movement-based passing yes pressure-based passing effortless backtake and the King's Mercy at the end and here's cyborg Abreu in his preparation for Dana White's power slap resulting in a disqualification [Music] buckle up 2019 80cc ahead Gordon was far from his best shape entering the biggest event of the season a debilitating stomach illness caused constant nausea and shortly before the tournament he suffered a broken hand be that as it may he decided not to pull out at the last minute and went up to the 99 kilo division Ben hodgkinson was blown away with a tornado sweep he's really good butterfly taken yeah for sure he's using his fight to like you know get his and tapped to a strangle as you can see that little face right on the nose it's over that's the submission Jim Spriggs lingered on the mat a bit longer he's got a defense even so made it to the date with Morpheus nonetheless he gets the top Gordon Ryan submits Tim Spriggs Otto's representative Lucas Barbosa with a self-explanatory nickname Hulk preferred a pushing contest on the feet and would not engage on the ground he came to life only in overtime nice real trip there but got nothing for it since he couldn't hold the king down for long enough Bob tries to lift as so returns Gordon the noticeably fresher Ryan dragged him down with a front headlock absolutely has a modified arm angility broke Hulk's posture and inserted the hooks to get three points watch the neck now you gotta watch the neck if you're Hulk however you ran out of time to seal the deal experience there of Gordon got him through Gordon's performance in the final against vinicius Ferreira was textbook effortless knee tap takedown again the knee tap again excruciating pressure from top position leading to an easy guard pass cold-blooded back attack but Gordon takes advantage of create asymmetry by trapping the opponent's arm this is it and proceed to ruthless oxygen deprivation this is a big yeah in all its deadly Glory it is but the king would not be on the throne if he was afraid of challenges the open weight Conquest began with an outside heel hook against Pedro Mourinho [Applause] beautiful submission Gordon Ryan over Pedro Marino the quarterfinal against Gary toden was a difficult challenge mentally it's hard to perform against teammates let alone a mentor and an old friend moreover the lion killer was just as well versed in leglocks as Gordon himself and was revered for his aggressive submission-oriented style he was no stranger to scrapping with bigger guys either we are under knowing each other's Styles like the back of their hands the brothers in arms went at it right away New Jersey Ryan countered a backstep attempt I would see him and then you know according the Protege of Gary to put the hooks in and advance to the semis squeezing with that single arm it gets the submission one step away from the final Gordon crossed paths with Lachlan Giles the Australian ACL Menace created a sensation disfiguring the knees of giants like kainan Duarte and Patrick gaudio however danhurst top students are immune to such tricks he's cut off some slick defense when the opportunity came Ryan went on the offensive mounted the Rival and completed the task at hand now he's going straight for a face smash you got it Gordon Ryan gets the submission only one hurdle separated Gordon from the coveted Throne of the absolute division the hurdle's name was Marcus Almeida one of the best Jiu Jitsu practitioners of all time a physical specimen with cat-like dexterity muchacha promised to be the toughest test of Ryan's career [Applause] our live this is it as it is often the case when two Geniuses Collide their skills neutralized each other Ryan was a bit more aggressive sweep from here there it goes wow and more sound defensively a negative point for passivity became decisive the open weight goal that had treacherously slipped out of his hands two years prior now belonged to Ryan only one Peak remained unconquered a super fight with the big bad wolf Andre galvao in order to diversify the diet consisting of the best Jujitsu had to offer Gordon took on a series of matches against big names and other Combat Sports the first in this Fun Run was the infamous UFC veteran and a traumatologist's best friend Russo Mar palharis he rolls out Ryan timed the opponent's attempts to pull deep half guard in considers to stay shorter and easily took the back in the first minute he's about looking for that foot immediately but he gives his back only to spend the remaining 14 searching for the neck from a dominant position not be able to defend but apparently Russo Mar's head was attached directly to his chest so Gordon had to be content with a decision win in December 2019 the challenge was accepted by Bo nickel a star of American Collegiate wrestling who's now a hot Prospect in the ultimate promotion competing in traditional takedowns was a plan designed to fail so Ryan resorted to Connie basami aka the scissor takedown he's using to get him down however nickel managed to slip away in the end he said screw it and took the bait down there little did he know that it was poisoned a triangle there's the triangle there it's gonna be over here I think it's gonna be over he's trying to slam oh yeah wow just five days later Gordon returned to quintet for a showdown against the boa constrictor from the UFC Alexi alainik it went down exactly how you might expect there it is it is over all hail the king Gordon Ryan the match against another UFC vet Gabriel Gonzaga followed a similar script after having a squabble on social media with another Collegiate wrestling standout Pat Downey Gordon agreed to have two matches a wrestling one and another with a grappling rule set as expected Downey dominated in his element [Music] gonna put him out of bounds decide to show immediately Shucks by gets to his back [Music] tries to roll through he'll get two for that two for that so that'll be nine he rolls through again and one by Tech fall but once submissions came into play he was completely out of his depth in heavy three-quarter here you'll get a second hook in and tapped the pressure on his neck he'll look to put Downy back to the mat again he's gonna get the tap here Ryan was confused as to what even happened the power half melting that wasn't a submission during the pandemic Gordon never stopped honing his skills despite the obstacles that perseverance paid dividends as soon as flow grappling promotion resumed its activity the New Jersey native returned with a streak of triumphs over highly ranked opponents arms got snapped dangerous pressure on the shoulder there it is there's the Finish losing the position that's extended that's very simple dominance was not enough and the King came up with a new idea entering the stage against Wagner horsesha Gordon was holding an envelope in his hands gave it to the commentators and said open it after the match while everyone was perplexed by this Ploy The Arrogant innovator was taking his sweet time torturing his counterpart as he moves over into this the resilient Wagner talked smack backwards began yesterday but Cockiness and toughness are no help against a reverse triangle the top look at this got a triangle attack here the secret of the envelope was revealed in the post-match interview a worthy application for the psychic challenge triangle with the words who's next on May 2021 Gordon shocked the community announcing his retirement from competition the stomach illness that had plagued him for a long time became incompatible with the normal training process so I had recurring staph infections in 2018 uh I was taking oral antibiotics and it just wiped out everything in my stomach but ended up being a massive fungal overgrowth in my small intestine and a huge bacterial imbalance and then H pylori which I had partially I took a leave of absence I guess I like retired from grappling from a year because I couldn't even like function as a human being never mind like I couldn't even like hold the conversation I was so nauseous all the time the treatment and subsequent return took almost a year the imputed Prospect Jacob couch volunteered to spoil the king's party hardly a successful Venture in retrospect following 13 minutes of pain and humiliation there he is got what he wants here now isolated couch tapped to unbearable top pressure and exhaustion [Music] going high against the Finish there this time the envelope contained a message instead of a prediction it's gonna be interesting in July of 2021 the news broke out that the danaher death squad had split up the members did not elaborate on specific reasons which gave rise to rumors Gordon and Geary remained faithful to their Mentor however Craig Jones and Nick Rodriguez who had joined the team later opened their own gym and turned from comrades into Rivals come August 2022 Gordon and Penna clashed again this time in a submission only no time limit match on the day of The Grand Event the public found out about the tragic death of Leandro Lowe the loss of a close friend was a huge blow to Felipe he asked the promotion to postpone the event but they refused submission only given the circumstances Penna couldn't perform to the best of his abilities Ryan beautifully countered his passing attempts not wasting hunted for the Brazilians back look at the captain of the Felipe and in more success in the wrestling Department big snap right too Felipe used his old tactics to Halt the assault but refused to continue at the 45-minute mark that's it finally on the third attempt the king secured a victory against the rebel [Applause] originally planned for 2021 due to the epidemiological situation ADCC took place only in 2022 being the reigning absolute Champion Gordon was supposed to have a single match the fight against Andre galvao the long conflict with whom had reached new levels [Music] nevertheless to cement his place in history Ryan persuaded the organizers to allow him to enter the heavyweight bracket as well the Finn hiki jusilla met his Doom first the favorite quickly teleported behind his back put in both hooks I'm the back control now isolated the victim's arms and strangled the helpless fella there it is beautiful submission newly crowned nogi world champion Victor Hugo is the only one who is able to fend off submissions [Music] future triangle for a sec oh but was a step behind in positional exchanges and lost 8-0 beautiful pass [Applause] the semi-final against Roosevelt Souza no comment here under the leg s immediately gets the tap 11 seconds for Gordon Ryan enter straight ashigarami reap the leg and grab the heel twist and enjoy here wow at the top of the bracket Gordon was standing against former teammate Nick the black belt Slayer Rodriguez all right we are live despite countless hours of Matt time with Gordon Nick fell into the shark infested pool Gordon already attacking the leg and inevitably drowned recorded Ryan just submitted Nick Rodriguez everything was set for The long-awaited Showdown since winning absolute gold in 2011 galvao had been defending his super fight champion title every two years and had never once stumbled so far but on September 18th he was in there with a completely different Beast that flash take down experienced beyond belief Andre fought off leglock attempts very well there he does but Ryan changed tactics immediately he pulled galvao on top grabbed his free leg and used the leg entanglement to sweep instead which batter uses it to come up to the top of turtle firmly establishing top position foot sweep trying to get gal foul to his back Ryan controlled Andre's head and slowly but surely deconstructed the enemy's redoubts very mounted now [Music] once in his favorite position he used cross side wrist control to trap the left arm sit here and go isolating the arms arm isolated rendering the legend practically helpless he slid the forearm under the chin and put an exclamation point on the Rivalry like an anaconda and he gets the submission Gordon Ryan the last Bastion fell and the title of the world's best Grappler was no longer in question facing the biggest challenge the American wizard not only strangled the Kingpin but also ran over the big boy division like an asphalt paver three tournaments six medals five of them gold and unprecedented result for a guy who once gave up everything in pursuit of a dream the king foreign [Music] Gordon is that rare breed of athletes who transform their disciplines fully devoting himself to his craft he reached incredible Heights and became a role model immediately gets the tap 11 seconds at the same time his Persona regularly generates headlines drawing increased attention to submission grappling by the age of 27 he had already conquered everything there is to win built a 54-match unbeaten streak and submitted 82 percent of his opponents along the way and most importantly he has not even reached his Peak yet and here comes the back control now there it is there it is there it is wow if you enjoyed the video and want to see more grappling sorcery on our Channel tap the like button and vote for sport headboard [Applause] it's all you people out there who thought that uh I would lose anybody in this [ __ ] planet
Channel: VoteSport
Views: 9,603,032
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ufc, mma, mixed martial arts, votesport, Gordon Ryan, Gordon Ryan highlights, Gordon Ryan submissions, Gordon Ryan Gary Tonnon, Gordon Ryan Andre Galvao, grappling, jiu jitsu, Gordon Ryan interview, Gordon Ryan ADCC, ADCC highlights, grappling highlights, best submissions
Id: kaW71ZyUX80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 2sec (1922 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 19 2023
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