Joe Calls Gordon Ryan "The Greatest Jiu-Jitsu Player"

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the jurogan experience gordon is undeniably the best pound-for-pound jiu-jitsu player on earth not just the best but pretty pretty it's a pretty good statement to say that you're the best ever you're only 25 yeah that's crazy yeah how the [ __ ] does that happen uh so i'm gonna go ahead and give give credit to john i mean uh i think that without him i maybe would have been successful it would have been i would have been you know maybe the best in the world at some point in my career but i don't think that without john i would be where i am right now and i don't think that i would have gotten this good uh in this amount of time you know i've only i've been training 10 years i've been competing uh professionally for five years and i think that you know a big part of the reason why i am where i am is because because of john's coaching yeah we're talking about john donahue for people who don't know who is a a literal genius and a mastermind in jiu jitsu and a true mad scientist and watching him coach you guys is very fascinating because he's so serious and stoic and gordon ryan pass over the left leg gordon ryan post like the way he talks like it's really interesting he says your full name too it's it's real it's very interesting gordon ryan gary toning craig jones yeah he's always it's always the full the full name yeah why what is he's such an odd duck he does it to address us um because a lot of times like you've got like nikki for example like there's a lot of guys named nikki so he make sure he makes sure you know he's talking to you when he says nikki ryan nikki rod craig jones gordon ryden so you know that you know that when you hear your name being called your first and last name you know that okay this person is addressing you in a room of you know five ten thousand people he's such an unusual human being there is not a single person on the planet earth like john donahue one of the most brilliant guys i've ever met obsessed with jiu jitsu mostly like that's if you you got a pie chart of his brain it would be like he's like 20 room for other [ __ ] 80 percent of his brain is jiu jitsu yeah i mean it's not it's not even just jiu jitsu it's just martial arts in general like i mean people who know john on a personal level and have trained with john know that john knows just as much just as much about mma as he does or even more about mma than he does about jiu jitsu um he's been coaching mma with george and with chris weidman for longer than he's been coaching jiu jitsu i mean he's only been coaching professional jitsu athletes for five years uh and i've watched him personally teach judo privates to judo olympians watch teach him have him i watched him teach wrestling privates to wrestling world team members wrestling olympians um you know he knows just as much about the other martial arts as he does about jiu jitsu it's crazy yeah and never walks around without a rash guard on which is also correct which is the honest thing i've seen him one time ever with a rat with uh with a t-shirt on because uh we went to long island to train with chris chris weidman one time and uh he forgot his change of rash guards so he had a street rash guard on and he didn't have a second rash guard to change into and chris didn't have a rash guard for him so they gave him like this pink flamingo t-shirt that he ended up we did a whole session with chris weidman it was right before he was gonna fight luke rockhold the second time which ended up never happening but uh we did this whole session with john with like this pink tropical t-shirt on and then he changed out the t-shirt to get back into a street rash guard and leave to go home like it was just like i'm just like okay this is happening i posted it everyone was freaking out about it just how crazy is it that he has a street rash guard yeah he's got his he's got street rash guards he's got uh training rash guards and he's got like his nighttime like dinner date rash guards like he's got like a date rash guard he's got a dinner rash guard like he's got it all he's got it all sorted out so if he goes on a date with a woman he wears a rash guard oh yeah he's got like he's got like this really nice like underarm like this gray under armour sweatshirt that or um rash guard that he puts on and like you know like when john comes out in one of his fancy rash guards you're like okay he's not [ __ ] around now you're like this guy's like you got to do like all right this guy means business tonight has anybody ever asked him what the [ __ ] is going on yeah i mean so he just he just likes to wear rash guards because of the fact that they dry fast um the fact that they're cool they keep you cool they keep you warm if they get wet they dry fast um and they're just tight fitting he likes tight-fitting clothes um so he just he just prefers to wear them he thinks they're more efficient than t-shirts are it's just it's just so odd but that's part of john donner always has a fanny pack respect i respect the fanny pack one of the great mysteries of the world is what he has inside that fanny pack it's kind of thick it is he's a large fan he's got a lot of stuff inside there he's uh it's just it's so fascinating to watch what he's done in coaching this don her death squad and create like he's unquestionably the greatest jiu jitsu coach on earth and this is also widely regarded like the way you're widely regarded as the best pound for pound grappler he's widely regarded as the best jiu jitsu coach and it's it's um it's really interesting to see that you guys just have been dominating the grappling scene and to watch all this play out and to see people study you guys but still not be able to catch up yeah i mean what most people do is they just see like a general outline of what we do but no one looks at what the specifics of what we're doing they say oh you know gordon's a good leg locker let me try to do leg locks or gordon's trapping hands from the back let me try to do that but they don't see the very specific details and the specific details are what's going to be the difference between finishing a high level guy and having a high level guy escape so what everyone does is they just see the general idea and have the general outline of what we're doing and they try to just copy that but when you just try to copy the best guys if you just try to copy everyone else you get the same results as everybody else you have to go further than what the best guys are doing you have to innovate and you know i look at the other best guys in the world and i say what are they doing you know that works against the other high level guys and how can i make that better not just let me try to arbitrarily copy what they're trying to do now what is missing in like if you take the rest of the people that are in the top ten like what are they doing differently what everyone does in jiu jitsu is they try to do the least amount of work possible to win a jutsu match right so they try to jump past your guard they score an advantage they score a couple points and then for the next seven minutes they do nothing whereas what we try to do is we try to take the hardest route to victory and we try to submit the guy so what you see is a complete there's just a complete different minds a completely different mindset between what the rest of the guys are doing and what we're trying to do we're trying to go out and we're not we're not satisfied unless we hit a submission and in my case sometimes i call the submission and i'm trying to you know go out and hit a specific submission um but you know they're happy just going out and having a match for this ten minutes in the feet they just hang on each other's collar ties and then they win a rough decision and they run around beating their chest like they just they they did something so just the mindset and the mindset for winning and competition is completely different catch new episodes of the joe rogan experience 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Channel: PowerfulJRE
Views: 938,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Joe Rogan Experience, JRE, Joe, Rogan, podcast, MMA, comedy, stand, up, funny, Freak, Party
Id: RQI73gEzOH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 46sec (466 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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