Demetrious Johnson: The Man the UFC Erased

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This guy is so fucking good.

I’m not talking about DJ, which he is at what he does but this guys videos are insane.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/Pablo139 📅︎︎ Aug 28 2022 🗫︎ replies

Dana's worst nightmare.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/time_thug19 📅︎︎ Aug 28 2022 🗫︎ replies

Fuck Dana for doing MM so dirty.

I’d argue it’s the promotions fault for failing to market one of the most dominant champions in UFC history.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/FragileAnonymity 📅︎︎ Aug 28 2022 🗫︎ replies

Thank you, that was great. MM is great.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/sourpatch411 📅︎︎ Aug 28 2022 🗫︎ replies
if you ask the ufc this one question what fighters are on your top five all-time ufc list this is what you'll hear jon jones anderson silva ronda rousey conor mcgregor gsp but there is one name that must never be said whenever anybody asks me who's the best fighter in the world you're the guy i appreciate it man who knows what is that guy demetrius johns johnson is his name mighty mouse demetrius johnson's mighty mouse he just has very few holes kicks like a tie dude shoots a double leg like a good wrestling dude probably right now the best ever the best ever yeah i agree he has 13 security telephones why didn't you not mention him at all so why is the ufc trying to erase demetrius ufc 197 henry cejudo needs to win in order to save the flyweight division from its biggest threat demetrius johnson you've never fought this guy right henry uh what's the game plan here man just like anything else scar their fight people want to see fight that they're not quite sure what's going to happen but we all know demetra is going to walk through them that's how the g plan has been for the last seven of them you know you feel that when it's a dj fight at the end of the night we know he's going to get his hand raised do you think ufc would be happy if you beat demetrius yeah we've been talking about shutting down the flyweight division for about three years oh really yeah the fights aren't competitive the media and the public accuse dj of being bored i think his dominance has has shy people away and if we got to that point it's because of one man [Music] [Applause] does this might work [Applause] [Music] while dj is the champ conor mcgregor takes the ufc by storm new york i own rio de janeiro they want you to give us a quick count to ten both of you john they can only count the fire when you see a guy like that that's getting so much attention talking does it make you want to start talking no man you know that's his game when i talk about the conor mcgregor thing there's the complete opposite of counterproduction because you're looking for drama that's what you're looking for right the public doesn't expect strictly martial arts anymore the entertainment and the drama take the front seat there's a lot of things that maybe he could do in between fights to help promote himself i got a wife and kid to worry about and i'd rather help around the house and have stuff done dishes dj is by far the most active champion in the ufc it doesn't matter how good you are how many headlines can you generate the media claims he's the pound-for-pound best fighter in the world right i think conor mcgregor is best fighter in the world people just don't know what they're talking about and they don't appreciate the art of what you're doing it's not always about our performances it's about how many people you can put in the seats so what's wrong with dj so one he's small historically the bigger guys have always attracted the crowds more than the smaller ones it could be my personality i've never you know belittled my opponents i've always showed respect dj is even branded as a nerd because he likes to play video games which one of being a nerd like i'd rather be at home playing a game cocktail going out to a bar drinking beer driving home getting a dui crash and then coming home beat my wife i think i'd rather be the nerd that's actually playing video games and you can think well dj can make an effort to be controversial and dramatic once in a while but when it comes to him it goes much deeper than that you've never had a relationship with your father yep has he ever reached out to you nope never seen a picture never seen nothing he's raised by a single mom who struggles to find stability married multiple times to a different military man so there's not that stable life i had an abusive stepfather who was you know military-based people come out there and put us in the corner put our hands up military style and just we'll just stay there for hours and hours just getting whipped and dj grows up completely unaware that his mother is deaf [Music] it takes a real skill to focus on just reading lips and not letting anybody else around her knowing that she was deaf dj copes with everything that's going on by playing video games and watching pride fc on tv the japanese mixed martial arts promotion i did my own thing but my friends were doing drugs oxycodone weed and all that stuff and partying i was still the guy doing school working dating my my future wife at the time and training mixed my hearts by myself we were hustlers that's what we were doing we were grinding three two three jobs and i remember when we're pregnant with our first son he goes i'm nervous because i don't know what a father does being a good father who's present leading by example providing financial stability to his family those are all things that dj grew up without me and my wife were trying to break the cycle of no divorce be there for our kids our whole life i don't want my children to suffer the same thing he doesn't want to go back working three four jobs not be able to put food on the table at the end of the day it's about being able to take care of your family pay your bills you know those are things that i think some people take for granted and for us it's very very serious so here we are the fight against henry cejudo despite all the adversity that dj has been through to become the champion the public wants dj to lose because he's not entertaining let that thought sink in for a second this is what our culture values that's it that's it that's the best pound for pound fighter ever and the tension between the ufc and dj starts ramping up even more i'm not thrilled with demetrius johnson he has the lowest selling pay-per-view in the history of the ufc in a desperate attempt to save the flyweight division the ufc tries to force dj to accept the fight against tj dillashaw maybe the best ufc bantamweight of all time did they threaten to just abolish the division if you didn't take this fight yeah there was never a threat to him oh we're gonna get rid of the division that was complete but dillashaw fights at pounds dj is at 125. we flat out deny the fight and i don't understand it i would like to know why demetrius is worried that the ufc will pressure him into fighting tj even if tj doesn't make the way is demetrius johnson ducking you i i do believe so dylan shaw calling me every day do i got the fight do i got the fight he got that target on his back like you said and i'm chasing him down and while dj continues to dominate the division cejudo becomes obsessed with beating him i still believe i could think i understand demetrius johnson more and this time the ufc gets the outcome they always want henry you just shocked the world in a controversial split decision dj loses the belt cejudo goes on to become the king of cringe a character he creates to avoid dj's fate now cejudo's story deserves to be told in a separate documentary which i'll do in the future so make sure you subscribe if you want to watch it i don't think there's nothing left for me to prove here in north america but then at all so why not take the opportunity to get out of my contract i'm like you know i'ma go travel the world and compete somewhere else he demands to be released from his contract with the ufc to be considered the best you ever do it or you got to compete all around the world news broke ben askren to be traded to the ufc in exchange for demetrius johnson they take mighty mouse and we get ben askren sounds like we're going to singapore [Music] singapore is a sovereign island country in southeast asia so tiny you can drive across the island in just an hour because of its advantageous location in the middle of a trade route between europe and asia it's always been an international trading hub with a really strong economy with one of the highest average incomes in the world ahead of countries like germany france and japan singapore also hosts the biggest fighting promotion in asia one championship they are literally the equivalent to the ufc in asia they're a huge organization overseas they have real high level fighters the company was founded in 2011 and is different from the ufc in many ways talking about different rule set a different approach to weight cutting and also different divisions with a mix of mma muay thai and boxing belts so then you you're a whole new area and territory i don't know i feel like there's so many endless opportunities up there and little does dj know there's a bunch of killers waiting [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wins and losses happen in mixed martial arts but then today i hope you can be focused on taking care of what matters most which is your family dj wants to get back to his feet as quick as possible and one championship throws another savage at him rawtang is a muay thai prodigy he accumulated over 250 wins before he turned 21. you cannot sit there and trade shots he's also the champion of the muay thai flyweight division one championship organizes a special rules super fight between raw tang and dj rounds one and three are muay thai rounds two and four are mma so all dj has to do is survive the first round [Applause] front kick from dj body shot from rod time big left he's circling into the power side [Applause] in the second round [Applause] after he beats rod tang one championship sets up the rematch against adriano morias and as dj is getting ready to face moriah guess who decides to help [Music] are you the best fighter in the world i'm working on it i'm working on i'm not quite there yet not quite there i still got a lot of stuff to do [Music] you
Channel: Patrick Gavia
Views: 1,651,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: demetrious johnson, adriano moraes, demetrious, johnson, demetrious johnson vs adriano moraes, johnson vs moraes 2, henry cejudo, dana white, conor mcgregor, tj dillashaw, rodtang, ufc, one championship
Id: LJmof9RSNvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 26 2022
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