Saenchai's Brutal Knockouts Destroying Monsters

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how did sanchai figure out how to do Muay Thai different than anybody it's hard to express how amazing sanchai is he is the Press of the best not just of this generation they're with the greatest muay thai fighters of all time every time he steps into the ring we can witness just how out of this world his talent is he is so respected that even when his opponents lose to him they show tremendous respect genius is a word that is often overused but it's safe to say that sanchai is truly a genius of Muay Thai no other Muay Thai Fighter can fight for decades and seem to hardly slow down like sanchai still making it look easy to this day this is proven by the fact that at 42 years old he is on a 75 win streak [Music] never has there been a fighter who can switch from fun to Devastation like sanchai and even more incredible is that most of his opponents are monsters too in this video we're going to record the 14 best knockouts performed by sanchi and enjoy the poetry in motion learning from the greatest coach of all time people as well as the legend songrak Sanchez used the best of boxing with the best of Muay Thai combined with training Partners such as lodzilla Sanchez unique footwork and focus on speed will make him Untouchable in Muay Thai the fusion of great footwork and having Superior speed enhanced the already hard to beat style of Muay Thai which normally focuses on stability and Power and yet many of his opponents still believe it'll be a good idea to mock their Legend what a terribly sad mistake that is let's see how Sancho knocks up those who dare to mock him he is 14 of his most impressive knockouts sanchai vs Jonathan tuhu against tuhu a super jacked fighter known for his aerial spinning kick Knockouts Sancho came out again with a shuffle then he tried a bunch of his signature moves from the jumping teep to the jumping roundhouse two who reacted well but Sancho was eventually able to get a slip sweep when two who swung a big left hook and missed sanchai taunted him by leaning forward and smiling when tuhu threw a power lurkicker missed Sentry whipped them on by hitting his own leg then in a weird moment two who stuck his hand out of fist bump sanchai and when sanchai went to fist bomb two two who pulled away and started dancing in the next round two who started the round with push kick to Sanchez nuts that made sense I pull off his shorts it was at this moment that he knew he [ __ ] up two who then pushed kicked sanchi to the nuts again but this time sanchai parried up this seemed to anger sanchai and he got serious hunting for left crosses eventually he found the mark when two who swung for an overhand and missed and Sancho pulled back and counted with a perfect left cross as to who fell forward when tuhu went for a signature tornado kicks Sanchez backed away and started to laugh then he clapped for tuhu to mock him when tuhu threw a kick sanchai caught to whose right hand and pulled it down to clear the entry for the cross Sanchez seemed to be friends with the opposing corner so when he drank his friend's water he spat it out back at them two who started to do spinning kicks for some reason as Santa try celebrated on the ground Sancho vs nettle gomba gomba is a fighter Infamous for hitting his ex-girlfriend but he seems to respect Sancho because he randomly bowed to him during the fight when sanchai charged in Goomba almost landed a check hook that off-balance sanchai then he tried to jump against sanchai which resulted in him getting swept flying into the air when gomba caught Santa's roundhouse we saw how Supreme his balance was no matter what combat did sanchoi remained perfectly in balance that was when gomba realized he was outmatched the next time gomma caught Santa's leg it was actually gone but that got swept to the ground that is how powerful Sanchez hips are sanchai then decided he wanted to end the fight and still Comber down trapped his lead hand and went for the power cross to finish the fight again sanchai vs henrique Miller Enrique is one of the tallest fights to Sanchez ever fought he's good too having knocked out an all-time great fighter named pampayak against sanchai He Came Out Swinging for the fences but then the master fought back and although the giant was getting overwhelmed he was loving it but he turned more serious when sanchai caught his kick and Ariel kicked him as he was falling when the giant got up he tried to pressure sanchai more but it didn't work so well sanchi landed beautiful elbows and push kicks as well as Landing combinations at will but Muller was clearly a big fan of sanchai and was experienced extreme battle Joy against him he was having so much fun to combat The Smiling sanchai fed him two crosses then they started playing and laughing and kissing again when Santa climbed onto the giant to fake an elbow and then kissed when Muller went for a rear tip sanchai caught it and went into a signature cartwheel kick which he landed flush with the knee they both fell down but both got up looking super happy but as Muller kept laughing sanchai kept feeding him crosses and when Santa remained Relentless and ruthless he cornered the Giant and put him down with a beautiful combination Miller survived the round but when the next round began Sanchez landed the best question mark kick that he's ever thrown when he raised his knee the giant thought it was a body kick and went to block it but this left the head exposed for a perfect Landing Muller even Smiled On the way down but he could no longer smile after he fell to the floor after the fights Mueller and sanchoi embraced with a deep hug and then sanchak kissed everyone in the ring sanchoi vs Gabriel dos Santos during the stare down before the fight the opponent decided it would be a good idea to put a sanchai sanchai humbly said it's okay to be officials on stage who were very powerful men connected to every type of lead in society and escorted the young fighter off the stage himself when the fight began however Santa was no longer kind the warrior is no longer in the garden and he's now a lion hunt in his prey Central knew there was no need to teach this fighter a lesson outside of the Ring because he knew his opponent was about to face the biggest test of his life inside of the room in the beginning of the fight sanchai came forward to test Gabriel's offense immediately Sasha got his leg call in between the ropes and the opponent tried to attack him anyway the illegal move woke up Sanchez fight energy and that is a scary thing for anyone no matter the opponent it was clear that Santa took this personally so he waved the opponent on to say okay you want to fight time to give you one young Padawan from being a counter fighter sanchai turned into an aggressive fighter he was hunting his opponent down and nearly landed a flying kick which would have ended the fight right off the Sancho put him down he walked away like a badass with dominance established he brought out all of his Showmanship Antics more than we have ever seen before these Antics include flying tips to the face hitting the ropes with his hands laughing as opponent as he misses pulling up his shorts [Music] tapping his head with his jabbing hands sanchai did it all within a few mere seconds after the knockdown then he proceeds to go on a 10 hit combination with most of the strikes Landing after playing around with his prey he decides now the time to drop him again this time he chose the signature across the knee which is done by distracting and blinding the opponent with the cross to set up a perfect opening for the knee when his opponent got up Sanchez sent him flying again with an aerial sweep while being an absolute badass sanchai never stops being a comedian he entertained the crown with a spinning kick to end the round and getting his leg stuck in the ropes after struggling for a few moments he got his leg out and started dancing for the crowd these Antics are why endless amounts of fans show up to watch him fight in the final round Sanchez went for another 8 hit combination with the overhand elbow and a knee to the face Landing flush when his opponent went down in another Showcase of complete dominance Sancho started kneeing the ropes after the opponent fell what could be more discouraging than that now desperate the opponent decided to be a good idea to throw a spinning back Fist and that's when sanchai decided to stop playing around with his food and ended the fight he backed the opponent up with a signature question mark kick followed by face deep and then his signature crossed the knee combination again with three knockdowns in total the fight is over the Arrogant opponent was brought to his knees over and over again in his fight although sanchai gave him a much needed lesson in life he went over to hug him immediately and even kissed him they Embrace with hugs after the fight it was all love Sancho versus stanislav petrikov this fight didn't last very long in the opening round the opponent for a right kick which Sanchez blocked and counted with a left cross to the body he then threw a face tape and blitzed them with a Superman left cross into power right jabbed into another cross when the opponent got up and rushed into clinch sanchai pinched down on the opponent's underhook and throw an overhand elbow that ended the fights this is a classic Golden Era technique that not many people know about in this fight sanchai goes up against a multiple time world champion that is about 40 pounds bigger than him Sancho is the one moving forward and pressuring but when Addie Olton hits back Sancho was visibly affected when Sancho was starting to read his opponent well he started to throw his signature attacks but when Sancho threw the cartwheel kick adeleton blocked it and hit a beautiful kick in attempt to sweep this of course is legal but Sanchez showed an angry face and Ali Alton immediately bowed and apologized this gave away all the momentum and Sanchez started putting on a show the giant had his moments at pressing forward with his punches hitting sanchai clean once when the giant tried to sweep him Santa reversed the fro when the opponent went for a knee he landed beautifully inside control showing us that if Santa I wanted to do MMA he would have likely done great throughout the fight sanchai kept finding his mark but what led to a knock down was when adiolton threw an e Sancho blocked it with his forearm and levered the momentum to throw an overhand left he rocked his opponent in a game right after with the same cross when the giant threw an inside low kick sanchi then landed 10 strikes in a row and then landed another 10 punches to finish the fight like Hitman Robin sanchai vs Stephen molidi against Stephen Malini an Irish world champion Sancho looks slick from the start he dodged all of the high kicks thrown against him and counted Milady beautifully he almost needs Santa to the nuts but Sanchez was indifferent about it but the show really got started when sanchai went for the car wheel kick at this point everyone was loving it both Fighters exchanged for five seconds with each other and when Sanchez climbed onto Melody he showed a downward elbow and kissed his opponent instead the Irish fans loved it throughout the fight Sancho was dominantly catching kicks and countering Milady with it to get the first knockdown sanchai again caught milidi's kick and fired multiple left crosses as his opponent was on the retreat when the opponent rushed in to throw a left hook it was met by Sanchez checkbook eventually a sancho dominated the fights the referee stopped it Liam Harrison went to hugsanchai but was rejected the hug climbed onto the ropes and did a primal yell like a general who just won a hard battle unfortunately this was at a school gymnasium instead of a stadium like it should be sanchai vs Craig Dixon at the very start of the fight Dixon MOX Sanchez head dancing this sang at sanchai and made him go for a feasty right away sanchai then went after Dixon Landing strike after strike without any response eventually Sanchez landed a jumping face deep and that made him happy he also knocked it into the floor with a team when he did the shuffle Dixon mocked him again by doing a shuffle then after landing Some solid shots sanchai did the hip dance and the shuffle and Dixon no longer mocks him anymore [Music] when Sancho got kicked to the leg he smacked his own leg and used the squat to jump into a flying kick in the next round Sanchez scored extremely well doing whatever he wanted to do to Dixon after a push kick he fights another push kick to switch into an orthodox trap and left knee as the knee lands he grabbed Dixon on the neck and landed a beautiful lead right elbow this would later become one of his signature attacks Dixon was now in survival mode but kept moving forward like a warrior Sancho threw a body shot that rocked him but he got up right away and kept biting but once sanchai finds a weakness he is ruthless with that so A few moments later he threw the same shot again and the referee stopped the fight after the fight Craig looks super defeated when Santa kissed him but that's what you get for mocking the greatest of all time however Sanchez next opponent did not learn from Dixon and made sanchoi even angrier Sancho versus gilas barash in the start of this fight sanchai did a signature Shuffle in what seemed like forever when Santa climbed onto Gillis to throw it downward elbow he was tossed to the ground [Music] shuffling and sanchai was immediately angry he pulled his shorts up it was at this moment that he knew dog sanchai then went on a combination attack right away Landing everything he wanted [Music] he continued to press Gillis to the ropes then he blocked gilles's lead hand fake to lead kick which made Gillis attempt to grab fate across which made Gillis lean and then threw a jumping high kick which not Gillis out here's Asian Justin Bieber going crazy on the knockout Sancho told me that if he didn't knock out gyllis with his kick he would have had to Forfeit the match because he couldn't walk after [Music] that's right he could get less so hard with this kick that he hurt his own foot maybe Fighters should think twice before mocking sanchai Sancho versus Alessio D'Angelo against the lacio Sancho was in charge of the fight from the very beginning you can tell how in charge Center he is by when he decides to throw the cartwheel kick if he throws it right away you know that he's ready to dominate because the cartwheel kick is a high risk High reward technique to finish the fights sanchak controlled the opponent's lead arm as he explosively tie hopped when the opponent tried to throw a left hook based on the opening that sanchar gives him sanchai finished that SEO with his signature high kick against the hook once again Sancho knew he wasn't going to get up from it and celebrated with kisses towards the crowd what is most touching about this fight is how Sanjay hugged Alessio after the fight and carried him to the corner Alessio kissed sanchai and then gave him a deep Battle of respect sanchai versus Charles Francois Francois is one of the best French muay thai fighters and a world champion to begin the fight Sanchez shuffled again Francois tried to pressure sanchai but got swept immediately now Santa try signals with his arms to say what are you gonna do about it after that he knew he had the momentum and started to throw his signature Shuffle to team and Flying Kicks this got Francois chasing but Sanchez swept him into the corner once again which made Sancho happy and he started to hip dance when Francois Charge 4 to pin sanchai onto the ropes he climbed up again to faint the downward elbow the Battle of joy in Sanchez face is so apparent it's obvious he lives for fighting what happens next is the biggest schooling we have ever seen in Muay Thai after Francois Rose a rear push kick sanchike grabs the leg Pops in explosively fakes a kick and as the opponent panicked he grabbed the back of his head to circle around him and fire a kick to his back this is legal in Muay Thai but Francois didn't know so Sancho signal intend to stop complaining when Francois charge forward to throw combinations Sancho defended all of that and weighed them on for more but when Sancho threw all of his strikes landed flush and it was in full showman mode now the first knockdown happened when sanchai decided he wanted to throw an overhand there wasn't much of a setup Sancho was just too good with his timing and fired it right down the middle he chased Francois down and threw another left cross for another knockdown but Francois is a warrior and got up again and survived the rest of the round in the next round Francois thought it'd be a good idea to pressure sanchai and chase him down but that's when sanchai exploded into another left cross to finish the fight Sentra again carried his opponent to the corner and kissed him after the fight [Music] versus Alejandro amikusi against amikusi Sancho went on the offensive right away he cornered the fighter and launched a flying kick and a 9 hit combination on his opponent after the combination the opponent ran away from sanchai he lets out some Primal punches into the air with a mean face sanchai then landed 16 strikes in a row to finish this fight Sancho engaged with a team into a sweep followed by a right knee to the sternum this rocks emikusi and Sancho launched navanita the head as the opponent was going down sanchak kissed and hugged Alejandro after the fight multiple times sanchoi versus topic Abdullah Central came out shuffling again and topic counted it well with an inside low kick topic then continued to locate multiple times and was doing well when Landing them but then Sancho decided to bring out his full arsenal and topic had a really tough time dealing with the variety Sanchez started to find the body shot with his left cross and left knee again and landed it over and over until topic went down foreign [Applause] started his fight by throwing a roundhouse straight to Sanchez nuts when Santa landed a flush left cross Java decided it would be a good idea to tour sanchai he dropped his hands and leaned forward which made sanshai go on the offensive right away when Sanchez swept Javad he put his hand in front of his face and offered him a hand up throughout the round sancha continued to punish his opponent but javad's confidence was still riding High every time Sanchez landed something nice Javad got up and put on the Swagger of a badass when the next round began Sancho landed a beautiful knee to Japan sternum this made JaVale drop his hands and ask for more again so Sanchez started to punish him to the body Javad had a warrior spirit and tried to pressure sanchai but after he tried sanchai basically said my turn the beautiful knees that her body continued over and over again and this time Javad acknowledged them with a nod instead of a taunt Santa knew that his opponent was feeling the shots and now even his own taunts and faints were making jabard panic knowing his opponent's weakness now the knee and body shot attacks continued when Sanchez landed another very good knee to the body javada gained taunted him by asking for more so sanchi obliged and landed three more knees to drop Shabad it was a ruthless cross the knee combination followed by Anita the head and an overhand elbow and another knee to jabard's head on the way down The Confident fighter could not get up and Sancho went over to hug and kiss his opponent right after Javad looked defeated after the bout but still hugged sanchai like a great Sportsman to this day Javad has been looking for a rematch this was Sanchez 14 legendary Knockouts what do you think of the Muay Thai Legend please let us know in the comments and don't forget to subscribe to the channel here's a message from sanchai if you haven't already foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Lawrence Kenshin Striking Breakdowns
Views: 10,897,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: saenchai, saenchai knockouts highlights, saenchai all knockouts, saenchai top knockouts, saenchai knockouts and antics (thai fight), saenchai lawrence kenshin, saenchai muay thai, saenchai vs buakaw, saenchai vs, saenchai knockouts, saenchai fight, saenchai highlight, saenchai training, saenchai joe rogan, saenchai top 10 knockouts, muay thai, kickboxing, lawrence kenshin, lawrence kenshin striking breakdowns, muay thai vs kickboxing, martial arts, mma, saenchai documentary
Id: mfVHNjaAmvM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 48sec (1308 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 27 2022
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