The Greatest No Man's Sky Beginners Tips Guide for 2023 - Go From New Player Zero to Space Hero!

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during this playthrough I'm going to show you everything I do to have the very best start you can possibly have in no man's Sky once your little Avatar stops spinning around the direction you are facing right now is the direction of your crashed ship let's do this yoink now we really need to find some sodium as well as oxygen these deuterium plants are really cool they'll give you extra rocket pack boost if you do a melee attack and then hold down your rocket boost well you're basically going to be super space man and it looks like we found a little building we can hide in these damaged Machinery are actually pretty cool now you can loot the fluids and turn it into nanite's later I generally just delete them because it's a long drawn out process on rare occasions they'll even give you some S-Class modules which is pretty win now let's get inside and get our Hazard protection all charged back up ultimately I was looking for a cave in order to recharge my hazard protection but we'll just use this little building behind us as our Lifeline I at this stage of the game your scanner is all busted up and you need to make an analysis visor in order to do that you're going to have to farm up some carbon as well as some ferrite dust since we're out here mining let's talk about how to mine efficiently now if you notice I'm trying to keep my mining beam in the Red without letting it overheat so when it's about to overheat I'll just let off the trigger and then hold it back down until it's about to overheat again if you can maintain this method without overheating well congratulations you won yourself a cookie and the ability to cut through these deposits twice as fast as when you're mining in the green unfortunately I didn't get enough ferrite dust to get the scanner fixed but let's get this analysis visor plopped in there we're just gonna have to make ourselves a carbon nanotube a carbon nanotube only costs 50 carbon and at this point I mined up a bunch of that so there we go we have our analysis visor all sorted now we can scan all the minerals and plants in order to find out what their secondary drops are once I get my scanner fixed I like to spend a little bit of time scanning basically every single plant and every single mineral that I can in order to find out what their secondary drops are it is worth noting until you scan each one of these plants or minerals you will never get the secondary drop and sometimes these secondary drops are very very good I highly recommend before you lift off this first planet that you spend a little bit of time scanning the fun because if you scan all of them oh my goodness you're gonna get a huge bonus of nanites mining up the last of the ferrite dust that I needed and then this happened I guess it's not a rock it's mostly a rock oh well might as well kill it I suppose I mean I guess it's not space homicide if it's a rock am I right mind up I have decent amount of ferrite dust let's get this scanner sorted there are a few other things you can build in there like a personal Shield or a bolt Caster you're not gonna have to worry about that right now once you ping with your scanner you're going to notice the H's are for dihydrogen you're going to notice in a for sodium and C plus for carbon that makes finding these elements so much easier as of now I farmed up a half decent amount of carbon as well as ferrite dust but we are going to need a bunch of this dihydrogen right here in order to make rocket fuel as well as life support jellies in the beginning you can't ever have too many dihydrogen crystals trust me while you're out exploring the world you're going to run across these green damaged containers here definitely save the rust you can turn that into ferrite dust here in a bit unfortunately you won't be able to loot the cylinders until you get your Atlas volume one pass other things you might find in this area well you're going to find Yellow Boxes and white boxes yellow ones will have random Loot and the white ones will heal your hit points if you're hard up for oxygen there will always be four plants right next to your banged up ship There is almost always a Cave System right next to your crashed ship so I'm going to scan and all this Cobalt in here mine it up as well as this cave marrow cave Merrill can actually be turned directly into sodium you might run across these humming sacks inside will be Albion pearls which are actually worth a little bit of money so you might as well loot them up in most cases there will be carbon as well as ferrite dust spawns down in the cave makes it very very easy to scarf up those resources without getting totally and completely wrecked by the elements outside and if you find these hazardous Flora inside of a cave Buck them down with extreme prejudice they will give you sodium as well as oxygen once you're ready to start repairing your ship click on the red glowing orb now I am going to skip quite a bit of any of these interactions because it will contain storyline and I do not want to spoil that for you once you hop into your shift the automatic repair protocol Quest will take over you'll be informed that your pulse engine as well as your launch thrusters are totally and completely destroyed and will need repairs the only thing you won't be able to repair all the way is going to be your pulse engine that is going to require a chromatic seal and the Hermetic seal is the quest we're going to have to go on and discover before we can actually make one now there are a couple things we can repair before we head up for the Hermetic seal all we need to do is make a metal plating as well as a hydrogen jelly we can do that right now the jelly will only take 40 dihydrogen and the metal plate itself only takes 50 Fahrenheit dust the hermetic seal though is a totally and completely different story if we don't go out and find it we're never ever going to take off from this planet slap the plate in the jelly in there but what about this pure ferrite how are we going to be able to get that it's actually quite simple just hop out of your ship you're going to need to create something which is called the portable refiner and of course it's going to take a metal plate as well as 30 oxygen to create one of these once you've placed your portable refiner you can just interact with it and once you interact with it you will need to add some fuel to it in order to actually refine anything you can now toss your ferrite dust in there and press begin it'll now turn all that ferrite dust into pure ferrite now we only need 50 so I'll probably stop it right around there remember when I said you could turn marrow bulb into sodium well there you go let's slap that 50 pure ferret in there now we have our launch thrusters completely repaired as early as you can you want to make sure you wean yourself off needing a bunch of oxygen and sodium to keep yourself alive and that's going to mean you're going to be wanting to make life support jellies as well as ion batteries now as life support gels only take dihydrogen as well as carbon so they're super easy to make ion batteries will take Cobalt as well as ferrite dust and of course ferrite dust is super easy to get but Cobalt only spawns in caves so keep that in mind early on I try to save all this sodium from my ship's Shield so I like to make at least 10 ion batteries for my own personal use I spent a few minutes farming up some dihydrogen crystals now we should have plenty of dihydrogen in order to make these jellies so we can finally have a nice stack of these life support gels once you have a stash of ion batteries and life support gels well no man's Sky gets so much easier this evening includes playing in permadeath time to turn some of that rusted metal I looted into ferrite dust once you hop back into your ship for the second time the Hermetic seal quests will begin whenever you are doing your main quest in no man's Sky you're going to notice that the marker is always that red diamond shape with the white symbol on the inside it's always going to direct you where you need to go after this interaction you're going to get a planetary chart if you click on it it's actually going to show you the location where you need to go to find the Hermetic seal while you're up really high in the air if you see another building that's closer than the one that's marked you can go there to get the Hermetic seal not long after you leave your ship location to find the Hermetic seal you're going to get a weather warning now this storm doesn't fool around so if you don't have enough sodium or ion batteries you can get yourself into a bit of trouble okay that was a close one I almost had to actually use an ion battery we'll check out what this damaged Machinery has in a bit after we recharge our Hazard protection in order to get your hermetic seal blueprint you just need to click on the Holo archive here once you complete a little bit of the storyline congratulations you now have the Hermetic seal blueprint so I hit the scanner and noticed a purple looking icon that's actually a memory glyph that will teach you the words of the species that controls the system each one of these you find will teach you one single word so chances are if you want to learn their language you're going to need to find a whole bunch of these or at least talk to other aliens and practice your dialogue with them made it back to my newbie ship and it's going to tell me right away that my pulse engines are totally wrecked yeah it's like I know that you just sent me on a quest to get the Hermetic seal there you go it's all fixed up your launch thrusters will have 50 fuel when you get them repaired but you definitely want to make more now each one will take a metal plating and a little bit of dihydrogen before you take off make sure you have at least a thousand carbon as well as ferrite dust have at least a couple hundred sodium for your ship's Shields make sure you have about 50 Cobalt you're going to make a bunch of money with that later and definitely make sure your life support gels and iom batteries are sorted once you do that you are free to leave the planet or Moon's atmosphere once you find an asteroid field which doesn't take you very long you're going to be doing one of two things there is the Awakenings quest which you're going to have to complete three different things it basically teaches you how to fly your ship after that you will be destroying all of these asteroids around you it's going to give you gold sometimes platinum and silver you'll also get tritium tritium is what you need to make your pulse engine go anywhere so definitely don't run out of tritium I will usually do this for about 10 minutes tops this will give me enough tritium silver and gold that I need to complete our Quest here in just a little bit as well as a little bit of loot that I can seal at the space station in order to buy micro processors which will help us build our hyperdrive when you're doing this you're going to get lot of gold nuggets as well as hyper clusters and sometimes you get something really cool like I'm not even supposed to have any matter yet well I only ended up doing this for about five minutes so I really hope I have enough gold and silver later you will be building a base soon so take this opportunity to scan the planets around you to see if any of them are actually pretty cool answering the signal will give you a set of planetary coordinates where you need to go in order to unlock the terrain manipulator as well as the base computer oh man why couldn't it be on the paradise Planet as you approach the signal Source this can be done in one of two ways you can either you know like land right next to the signal Source this is actually going to piss off all the fat cells in your body if you do it this way once you hop out of your ship use your analysis visor and you kind of look around in directions that right there means it's straight ahead of me and you guessed it time to piss off our fat cells because I have to run all the way there shut up fat cells we got a little little bit of work to do now this is an irradiated planet and in a radiated Planet if it has water you have a very very good chance that some of these plants in the water will have oxygen as its secondary drop and that right there is the exact thing we need to happen in order to make a whole boat ton of money in just a little bit oh yeah we're fixing to be rich at the quest location now these save in chart beacons right here will actually create a Save which is pretty handy when you're not nearby your ship that's what you're looking for a piece of damaged Machinery so basically just find a piece of damage Machinery right next to that signal source and you know that's probably exactly where you need to go don't piss off your fat cells in order to build your base computer you will need chromatic metal and in order to get that you're going to need to be able to mine some copper that means getting the terrain manipulator completely sorted found ourselves a copper deposit now see I'm find a whole bunch of it on accident you want to make sure you're using the smallest bubble possible before you even start the mine mining with the smallest bubble possible will give you the most resources although mining with the big gigantic bubble is way faster you just won't get very much of the resource pressing r a bunch of times will make it the smallest bubble and if you press t a whole bunch it will grow it to the largest bubble possible yeah when your mining always use a small bubble though the easiest way to find a copper deposit near you is to use your analysis visor find the deposit then tag it once you tag it you can run there basically got it all mined up the other thing you're going to want to be doing is looking for buried technology modules those can also be found in the analysis visor and you can tag it and just run right for them well this one was so close we didn't even need the analysis visor to find it you can just dig it up with the terrain manipulator then go over there and loot it each time you loot one of these buried technology modules you will receive between one and three Selvage data you're really hoping to get three because that's totally win another easy source for buried technology is to find damaged Machinery There is almost always one buried nearby see what I mean we're right here by the damaged machinery and there it is there's the buried technology right near it we will need these Salvage data to build a teleporter a battery and some solar panels things like that so you're going to need a lot of those the other thing is though it's like a double-edged sword they're actually worth quite a bit so you can sell them for money if you have any extra whenever I'm hunting for Salvage data I will always hit up these damaged machineries just because I like to get a bunch of free nanites no back to the Grind oh there's a life form down there FYI I am totally screwing the pooch right now I'm getting caught up in how awesome it'd be to live on a paradise planet and here's another one with star bulbs on it just because there is water on the surface of a paradise planet does not mean and in most cases will not have oxygen as the secondary drop so yeah wonderful Planet sucks if you want to farm a whole bunch of oxygen to make a bunch of money building next to a minor settlement would actually be pretty cool there's a landing pad outside there's a multi-tool cabinet right here although it does kind of suck there's actually a galactic trade terminal behind me I'm gonna grab these ananites really quick I could interact with this alien here and if I answer the question correctly he might give me something I can't actually give you multi-tools in this case he's going to teach me a word before you talk to the guy in the back you're going to need a bunch of nanites open up your discoveries tab then click on the correct planet that has all your discoveries on it then start cashing them in before you upload anything you can rename it if you like and if anybody ever visits that planet ever in the future it will be that name that you made it sadly even if you you find all the Flora you will not get a gigantic bonus of nanites that's a bummer fauna on the other hand is a totally and completely different story if you like find all the animals on a planet or Moon well you're gonna get a huge bonus of nanites each animal you upload will give you five nanites but it realistically it is all about that nanite bonus right there and we just got hooked up totally fat minerals are basically just like the Flora you're not going to get a bonus even if you find them all and they're only worth three per upload when you talk to the guy in the back you can either purchase components or blueprints now every single one of these componentsy sells except for maybe the Hermetic seal is extremely useful to your gameplay if you have enough nanites you're definitely going to want to grab the advanced mining laser if you can try to get the teleport receiver waveform recycler as well as the shield lattice you can get the barrel ionizer too although at this point I'm basically wasting my nanites if you don't find a minor Outpost early on don't worry about it too much because you can get all these upgrades in the space anomaly like in about an hour from now let's Pawn off some of our craps here on the galactic trade terminal that Sentinel Bounty map is actually pretty cool but it's not as cool as 3200 right now so I'm just gonna sell it see what I'm talking about that Salvage data is actually worth a lot although we can't sell it we need that in just a bit time to sell all the stuff in Max's suit as well as my ship now generally I wouldn't do this to you all but you need to see where I'm getting my starting money from before I build my first base I want to get a few more buried technology modules and since I found these two damaged machineries together I'm willing to bet there's probably going to be some buried technology like dude is something attacking me all right looks like I got a scumbag coming in let's put them down yup take that bro just like leave me alone go bite somebody else you got totally hooked up with nanites on that second machine here now let's go over and talk to this cliff and earn ourselves another word the other thing you might run across when you're out there looking for buried technology well sometimes they're not so buried they're just kind of floating around in the sky make some really easy to find past me is all like you know how cool it would be to build a base on the deserted island over there when future me is like bro you're totally wasting your time you're literally about to go build another base back on that planet you were just at before we build our base computer we will need to turn some of this copper here into chromatic metal now if you want to take the easy way out you can destroy your rocket launcher inside your ship it will give you enough chromatic metal to build a base computer that is if you are just far too lazy to mine up the cover yourself I guess plopping the base computer down here is as good a place as any now once you plop it down you will want to interact with it in just a little bit it's going to give you the option to claim this base location now you're going to be able to do that as long as nobody else has a base built in this local area right here interacting with the base computer one more time will give you a little bit of storyline as well as a bunch of Base building Parts you can't have the best start to No Man's Sky Singularity without an epic box base and I mean seriously I don't care who you are you probably like boxes the master plan for today is to finish this box complete our Quest up to the point where we can get to the space anomaly make ourselves a half decent amount of money and then buy ourselves an S-Class ship Oh yeah and when you start building your base there's gonna be an epic storm so make sure you're prepared for that if you do get yourself into trouble don't sweat it too much all you have to do is start placing a roof on your base and once you're kind of under the ledge you're not going to be taking any more Hazard damage anymore unfortunately I used up all my pure ferrite so it wasn't even naturally able to make a door on my base so yeah well I can get that sorted right now after you get your base sealed up interact with your base computer and it will give you the construction Research Unit once you place that you're actually going to be able to buy some really useful blueprints that is if you did the preemptive strike on farming up a bunch of those buried technology modules because you will need at least 14 Salvage data at this point first you'll want to place your base teleport module right next to it place your biofuel reactor this step is actually optional you don't need a battery but you know might as well place two of them if you're just going to go with the teleporter and biofuel reactor you can wire it just like that if you are going to run with batteries in your setup instead hook it to your lead battery and then take your lead battery and plug it into the secondary now take that secondary battery and plug it directly into the teleporter in order to keep your batteries charged you will want to place at least one to two solar panels on the very top of your box base finishing up your wiring will be pretty easy just wire one of these solar panels into the other one and then take that main power line and plug it directly into your very first battery once your circuit is completed is now time to fuel up the by Fuel actor and you can do that with carbon condensed carbon or oxygen but that would be a huge waste of oxygen so instead you're going to want to use carbon now you can change the stack size you want to put the smallest amount you possibly can on there after you do this the base computer archives is going to want to chat with you again it's going to send you to the space station to talk to three different aliens now if you were lucky enough to find the space station before this point you would be able to teleport directly there right now the majority of young travelers to No Man's Sky will have absolutely no idea how to find the space station before this point in the game so yeah we'll just fly up there like all the other Travelers would have to do because it's a long drawn-out process trying to explain how to find it early once you're here hit up the galactic trade terminal you're going to want to make sure you have a total of five microprocessors ended up finding a couple of them in green crates earlier this is actually an amazing find in our very first system this is what is known as a traveler traveler the the first time you interact with them they will expose you to a bit of storyline so I'm not going to share that but the second time give them 100 nanites and they will show you their grave location before we head there let me put on the last suit I'm ever gonna wear ah Ah that's perfect now I just wish I had a pair of black sunglasses yeah I almost forgot about talking to the three aliens before we headed out that would have been freaking awkward just make sure when you're talking to these three random aliens that you choose totally at random that none of them are inside of booths because if you talk to any one of them about The Travelers well they're gonna freak out and they'll never talk to you again seriously finding a traveler spawn on a space station is exceptionally rare I'm surprised we found him this early in the playthrough when you talk to the traveler he will expose you to a little bit of the storyline so I'm gonna skip that just extract the glyph and if you get all 16 of those you can go pretty much anywhere you want in the universe you also receive another useful piece of technology if you consume the memory fragment heck yeah and we got the advanced mining laser that's a really really good upgrade now that we have the advanced mining laser installed into our multi-tool we won't have to go out there and farm ferret dust and then use the portable refiner to turn it into here for it we can just mine it right up after you talk to those three aliens your base computer is gonna have another mission for you to go on it's going to tell you that there is a signal acquired as well as life signs detected you need to go there once you arrive near the location you can either land at the distress signal which is going to piss off all your fat cells or you can look for a gigantic crash freighter interacting with the red globe here will expose you to some more storyline as well as unlock the ability to create a hyperdrive this is that moment where having five microprocessors is going to come in clutch and unfortunately I gotta go mine some more copper alright this is glorious I just finished up mining a whole bunch of copper there's the hole behind me but looky here we just hooked up with another 2250 and nanite bonuses cha-ching with the rest of this chromatic metal we now have our hyperdrive sorted in order to fuel this Beast we're gonna need to head back up into orbit do a ping and then look for the antimatter Trace when you get close to the signal Source what you're looking for is an abandoned building there it is right there there's going to be some eggs and things laying around on the outside of it we're going to be farming those up as well before I just like run up in there and hook up with the antimatter blueprint I'm going to do a little prep for our farming here now what we want to do is build some diagonal tunnels underneath these eggs here we don't want to use the giant bubble but we want to use something that's about in between when you do this you want to do this to each set of the egg clusters that you find around the building now I've done every single one of them I showed you the first one now here's the last one I gotta do a little bit of touch-up work but let's head inside now there's going to be an ugly looking piece of Machinery with a bunch of slime stuck to it that's what you want to interact with doing so will expose it to a little bit more storyline as well as give you the ability to create any matter in order to create a war of cell you will need to create in any matter housing now technically I'm not supposed to have any matter already so we're going to construct one for posterity and once you have in any matter as well as in any matter housing you can create The Warp cell and once you have one made up you might as well just stuff it right into your hyperdrive now get yourself down in the hole and pull out your mining laser what you're going to be doing is shooting those Whispering egg sacks and then looting up the larval cores that roll down to you now don't worry about the monsters getting you as long as you used about a medium sized bubble definitely not the large size they will not spawn underground or go under there to get you when you farm up all those larval cores it's time to be a freaking space ninja what you're going to do is jump and fly out and get right into that next hole before the monsters stomp a mud hole into you if you want to spend a little extra time you can connect all these little underground tunnels together then you don't have to be a ninja I farmed up all the larva cores and ended up with 25 should have had 26 but I was an idiot and accidentally shot one for too long and it died these things are worth a heck of a lot of money or nanites depending on what you want now that you have warp field it's time for your very first Interstellar travel so just open up your Galaxy map now we already are in a viking system technically we want to find either a Geck or a corvak system to go to and it looks like well we're probably just gonna go with this get system right here congratulations traveler you have explored your very first system well you haven't explored it quite yet I'm sure you'll probably get around to doing that later you're going to get another message containing some storyline except the guidance it's going to actually show you where the fuel source is located just like before you can choose to either be a skinny or a fat traveler definitely going to be a fat traveler Landing right next to the alien looking monolith is what you're going to want to be doing at this stage and there's always going to be three glyphs around this thing so just scarf up all the words you can definitely helps to understand what they're saying hello over and interact with the monolith you're going to get you know more storyline as well as a free Warp cell remember all those larva cores well if I could turn one of those into 15 minutes but since I'm broke as a joke right now we're just gonna sell them for a bunch of space cheddar every single time you land on a new space station always take the opportunity to upgrade either a cargo or a technology slot then it dawned on me I forgot to do this in my main system so we might as well just upgrade a technology slot this time and in order to do that you just click on one of the ones that are blank and then hit the upgrade slot since I have some nanites to burn might as well see what kind of modules he has for Salem wow he has a movement module we're definitely going to be scooping that one up let's get that glorious upgrade plopped in there now there is something about no man's Sky you will get a bigger bonus if you put like items right next to each other notice how they light up yellow like that now I'm going to do the same thing with my oxygen tank as well as the hazard protection let's get the oxygen recycler in there it only costs a little bit of oxygen and I have to admit I should have told you all to do that a whole heck of a long time ago and with that Shield let us installed well we're gonna have more Environmental Protection now as well now technically that guy's sold out and you're not going to be able to buy another movement module unless you do something hop in and out of your ship this is going to create a restore point now head over to your options menu and then just reload your restore point doing so will replenish the module stock on these vendors and you're always going to want to have three of the exact same type of S-Class module to put into your stuff it is worth noting that if you try to put a fourth one in there it will overload the circuit once you hop back into your ship and flattened a space you're going to have another Awakenings message this time it's going to give you a location for the strangers coordinates which is basically code for you find a crash ship fix it up and make a ton of money at this point if you're a skinny traveler it's your own Dagon fault you're choosing not to land right next to these places I'm showing you before you fool around with the ship head over to the signal Beacon and repair it it's going to take sodium as well as chromatic mental something that you should have plenty of at this point at the very end you're going to receive a useful piece of technology and that's the pole splitter that's my very very favorite weapon for the multi-tool this ship will actually respawn over time at about four or five game hours so you might as well just Market with a save Beacon or build a base teleporter here because you can come back and you know get it again let's check out this hauler and see how beat down she is now you can repair each one of those slots if you want but ultimately you just need to repair the launch thrusters as well as the pulse engine to get it up to the space station now if you do decide to repair any of those slots is going to be worth even more before you scrap her so it's totally up to you either fix it and get more money or don't fix it and you know make a half decent amount of money our trip back up to the space station is going to be interrupted by another space telephone call this time from a dude named NADA once you get done chewing the fat with the guy he is going to summon his super duper Mega space anomaly and you're welcome to land on board whenever you want scrapping ships are super duper easy you're just going to come over to the ship terminal over here and then ask it to claim the scrap for your ship well this one's worth over 4 million this was a glorious fine now it's going to give me some parts as well as modules that I can sell head over to any of the vendors click purchase upgrade modules then click the cell tab you can now sell all those modules unfortunately you can only sell the modules for nanite so you'll have to come over to one of these ship guys or sell in a galactic terminal in order to get rid of those parts that the ship was made out of before you actually land on the anomaly just make sure you have enough Salvage data on hand so I'm going to be farming these buried technology modules just for a little bit before we head back on up there heading over to the space anomaly now like a gigantic space we need to have a pirate chasing me and I just don't feel like fighting them because you know I'm lazy not because I'm afraid I might get killed heading inside the space anomaly for the very first time is actually pretty awesome you might as well just have my ship into third person mode as I fly in here as well when you come in here you're going to be greeted by a whole bunch of Travelers this is like the community link area for everyone to hook up and get together follow the purple icon up to the top deck this is where you're gonna find NADA after you chat with them for a bit he's gonna send you on another quest to talk to four other aliens starting with Polo head downstairs you'll want to be talking to a tree looking dude named Helios he is going to want all of your planet's data unfortunately at this stage of the game you're not going to be scanning a lot of planets you're not going to get a lot of nanites either right across from him is a dude named Aries he is going to want all of your Milestone data and at this point you're probably fixing to get hooked up just like me with a whole bunch of nanax follow the purple icon to the back room upstairs you're going to be talking to Celine she is the anomalies Exo Suit vendor take the opportunity to snag up the Hat as Matt gauntlets definitely going to want to get the personal refiner and then you can also get the neural stimulator you want to check out Hyperion he is the Starship module dealer oh yeah probably gonna drop a lot of nanites on this guy starting with the economy scanner definitely going to be getting my favorite weapon the positron ejector and then the fragment supercharger might as well snag up the ablative armor you will most definitely want to get the efficient thrusters and the launch Auto charger the cadmium Drive Emerald Drive and indium Drive are totally optional and whenever you pull out the space anomaly in a new system you can come over here and upgrade a cargo end technology slot if you feel like it if you want multi-tool upgrades on the anomaly EOS is your dude generally I don't bother hitting him up until after I get myself a brand new multi-tool but I might as well just buy these Amplified cartridges to go with my pulse splitter if you're needing any xocraft upgrades you can talk to Percy's here chances are I won't even be using an exocraft in this play through but it doesn't hurt to get yourself a mining laser as well as the advanced mining laser hit up the construction research station navigate over to the Technologies page and get yourself the medium refiner you also want to get the large refiner the snag the galactic terminal head over to the transport Tab and buy yourself the Roamer geode and you most definitely want the electrical cloaking device unit since we've been to a viking as well as a Geck system we might as well go to a corvak system and and since we're here accidentally landed on the space station on purpose to upgrade one of my backpack slots again this time it's going to be a technology making a very bigly mistake right now buying this Photon Cannon module I'll let you know here in a little bit why in a nutshell even with upgrades this Photon Cannon is no match for the positron ejector so I've only been to three systems and I found another traveler here in the back room this is absolutely crazy usually you can go from space station to space station and like hardly ever find them time to consume the memory fragment and instead of getting something good we got a C-Class module I was literally about to land on the space station then head back to our base when I noticed that this freighter Convoy like popped right in right next to the front door of the space station so we might as well check out what he has the ultimate drop that we're looking for is what is known as a salvaged oh my Lord a salvaged frigate module so we might as well just like mow this dude's compartments down down and loot everything that he has don't worry doing this isn't going to get your tune in any kind of trouble and as long as you don't kill one of The Little Ships well you're not going to lose any faction either you're just going to get a bunch of free loot landing on the space station will also clear aggro so when you fly back out everything's gonna be cool but like seriously it must be the luckiest traveler I cannot believe we found a salvaged frigate module on the very first try when you get back to your base set up your base computer once again it's going to have something really cool for you which is called the storage container you can plop your storage container right next to your base or on the inside if you have the room here's the thing though it is not easily used without power so you're going to want to run a cable from your battery just plug it right into the storage container cha-ching there you go now you have plenty of room to stash things time to start stage one of our money making we're going to want to throw down three medium refiners and two large refiners unfortunately I do not have enough supplies on and to finish up the other refineries we'll get those sorted in just a sec we're going to be refining two different elements to make money here first we're going to start with Cobalt and we're gonna mix it with oxygen turning it into ionized Cobalt if you want to make even more profits in the ionized Cobalt what you want to do is get your hands on either some salt or some chlorine and you want to mix that with oxygen when your Refinery is run out of the main element just take it out of the output put it back into the input and start processing again hopped over to the space station I want to grab up all the elements I need to make the rest of my refineries as well as sell a tiny bit of this ionized Cobalt as well as chlorine now the chlorine was worth more even though we had less I'm really hoping this dude has some chromatic metal as well some dehydrogen jellies and wow man the mother lode of exactly what we need I'm just gonna pretty much buy all this crap I think now I have all the elements I need to put down the rest of these Refinery starting with the large Refinery so I'm probably going to move the other little ones and stuff a medium right here checking the water is a few feet away from my base just to see if I can Farm up any Oxygen here on the paradise planet and it's looking like it's gonna suck time to head back to that of radiant Implement and besides I really really like the look of all those islands surrounded by a bunch of water it's going to be great before you start using this farming method just make sure you hop out of your ship and go down there and scan every single plant that's down there or you're just gonna get the first element which in most cases is going to be carbon cytophosphate and kelp sacks as well as salt ultimately what you're looking for is at least one plant to have oxygen but I'm telling you it gets even better and better when two or three plants have oxygen breaking in a decent amount of oxygen then a few minutes later some Pirates attacked me really hope this doesn't happen to you but it seems like my starting system has a really really high conflict level I wouldn't be surprised if they're at War but you know gonna be mooching as much as I possibly can before these guys start shooting at me then I'm gonna get the heck on out of here at this point I'm basically past the stage of being irritated getting attacked by Pirates constantly when I'm trying to do things so yeah time to break a boot off in their space boats even though you're a brand new traveler to No Man's sky and in a complete and total newbie ship don't shy away from combat because realistically these guys suck and you can beat them up even in a noob ship so don't worry about it back in the base with a little under 7 000 oxygen now that's not too bad for the photon Cannon but uh really should have put that positron ejector in there because I'd probably have four to five times as much that's crazy now Cobalt does have its place we will be making tons of money in the last stages of this playthrough but technically you really should be focusing on only making chlorine at this stage FYI you can turn kelp sacks into oxygen if you need just a little bit more there we go everything's refined down and even though I have more ionized Cobalt can about guarantee we're gonna be making more on the chlorine so let's head over to the space station looks like my ionized Cobalt has a minus 2.6 demand and the chlorine is at a 0.5 now you can shop around and find a better price if you want back out here farming for oxygen and I swear if I get attacked one more time I'm just gonna build a base here probably gonna build one anyway just out of convenience because it'll make these trips way faster well the heck with it while we're at it might as well use the economy scanner and find a trading post here on this planet heck I'm just going to build right next to this Trading Post the this is gonna be totally sweet when I get enough money I'll probably just hop over here and buy an S-Class exotic or just a regular S-Class ship you got the epic box base done here on location it's going to make these trips way way easier now I also have a galactic trade terminal here now I don't recommend that you constantly try to sell your ionized Cobalt or chlorine here but I do think I will Pawn off some of my cytophosphate just for reasons I'm pretty sure you have the refining and farming process done like the back of your hand at this point so we're just gonna go through me selling the last four loads until I get up to my target amount which is about 30 million as you can see by this point I have stopped wasting my time selling ionized Cobalt and we're sticking strictly with chlorine which is the smart way to go 30 million should be just about right to get myself into an entry level S-Class ship I've got a pocket full of money looks like I found an S-Class ship although I did see an R2D2 model probably gonna get that oh my God bro I'm totally freaking out it looks like an S-Class exotic squid good where the hell are you going bro aren't you gonna come down in here and win no no dude that was wrong on so many levels this is traveler Hawks reporting live from the conflict Zone looks like uh Pirates like attacking these places now now take that you dag on scum I don't even know if my laser beam can reach that far but I guess I got their attention they can't hit a broad side of a barn good good let the R2D2 unit S-Class ship flow through you I had another sighting of that exotic squid but he just kind of flew around and then took off and went away what a scumbag for being a tease anyways not going to complain because I really really like this R2D2 unit ship here seriously don't do this I'm big dumb you know if you're gonna trade your ship and at least destroy everything in there before you do it because they're not kidding you will lose everything yeah it's no big deal this time we're mining for oxygen with the positron ejector so I'm only gonna have to do this for about 10 or 15 minutes to get a whole boatload of oxygen oh yeah one when I say a boatload I'm not even kidding we even got a bunch of cytophosphate and salt but look at all that oxygen we have now earlier we were focusing mostly on chlorine as well as a little bit of ionized Cobalt but now we're going to strictly focus on turning all of our Cobalt ionized Cobalt into even more Cobalt eventually you're gonna totally and completely run out of oxygen so it's all about turning that ionized Cobalt right back into Cobalt before you set out to sell a ridiculous amount of cobalt make sure you stash a little bit back at your base even though I have a lot I should probably have about four more Stacks we will be warping the quite a few star systems in order to make a bunch of money upgrade our technology and cargo slots as well as find the remainder of our glyphs so I will need to make a whole bunch of warp cells I will be upgrading my ship's hyperdrive so 15 is actually quite a lot because I won't be using very much fuel let me show you how we're going to make our money doing an economy crash at all all of the galactic terminals on every space station we visit each full stack of cobalt that you sell will lower the economy by about 10 percent so if you sell eight of them you're gonna totally crash the economy and all you have to do is just buy it all back up at a hugely discounted price and when you get to a new star system later you'll do the exact same thing once you have crashed the Cobalt Market you can head over to any of the Little ship guys and they will also sell the Cobalt at a discounted rate if you want to buy more the more Cobalt you have in the beginning will definitely dictate how much money you end up with at the end of this video time to get our warp on again now I like to go to only wealthy systems you don't have to do this now if you want to you can just click expand on any one of these systems and it'll tell you the type of economy it is now that one was satisfactory that one's booming right there that's actually a wealthy system so we're gonna go there it is worth mentioning in order to see those economy types you will need to have an economy me scanner installed on your ship one of the very first things they like to do once I arrive in the system is just to summon the space anomaly because we will be hopping under that too right after we hit up the space station there's no real way to say this other than just to spit it out this part of the playthrough is going to be a real grind I'm going to be doing this for about four to five hours straight the very first thing I'm going to do is come over here and upgrade my excess it's lot either a technology or a cargo slot I do recommend that you upgrade some of your technology early because you're going to be upgrading that too you'll want to check the exo suit as well as the ship Fender here to see if they have any useful S-Class modules for sale and that actually sounds like an exotic S-Class ship that just flew in so let's check it out and we do have a little over 23 million I mean it's possible I can afford this and it is in my colors blue and gold so yeah hoping for the best right here although there's a really good chance we can't afford this because I haven't sold my Cobalt yet of course so where was I oh yeah checking module so we're back at the ship module guy and it looks like they have a hyperdrive module I am most definitely going to be getting three of these that's going to save this a whole bunch of warp fuel we'll just plop that right in there um check the multi-tool cabinet as well sometimes you'll get lucky but most of the time it's gonna suck now head back into this back room what we're mostly looking for is Travelers or you can sell your Cobalt here too now there's going to be a whole boat 10 of these little colored Globes like this one's blue some of them are orange this little black discs and things too scarf all those up because it's going to be a bunch of nanites as well as navigational data and you're gonna need that I'm checking the other side for travelers as well and it doesn't look like we see any on this space station we'll have to check the next one time to make some money by crashing the economy with Cobalt now it is worth mentioning that you can do this with any item that the galactic trade terminal sells as long as it is already there for sale you can crash that market the main reason why I choose Cobalt to do this well it's quite simple every single Galactic terminal in every single system will sell Cobalt even if I found a traveler and got their gravestone location I generally and on the space anomaly now then head to the back and upgrade either a technology or a cargo slot unfortunately we can't sell any of our Cobalt here but we can upgrade two slots per system and that's totally win you know the second that I hit the warp button I realized I forgot to upgrade my hyperdrive some more not well just gonna land here and hope to find that upgrade at this space station the exo suit vendor had nothing really but this guy right here this guy has my hyperdrive module and unfortunately we don't have enough nanite so I'm gonna have to scrap some ships in order to get those bummer no Travelers in the back room might as well just come out here and scarf up all these nanites and navigational data because when there are these tables like this they are freaking everywhere on this economy crash we're starting with a little over 36 million and we're definitely going to be ending up with I would guess probably about 50ish million once we end up buying all this stuff back at this point I'm not going anywhere until we can buy at least two more of those hyperdrive modules and in order to make a bunch of nanites really quickly we're just gonna buy a whole bunch of ba and S Class ships that aren't too expensive and just turn around and scrap them for nanites once you have bought the ship don't make the mistake of running over there and scrapping it definitely Salvage any of the things you can salvage inside because you're going to get a bunch of wireling lube sodium as well as chromatic metal now there's another ship well that one's definitely in our purchasing range and so is that one too we're basically paying 6.4 million units for this ship now keep in mind once you scrap a ship you're not going to get its full value this time we're only going to get 4.5 million back but we will get modules we can sell for nanites ultimately you're just trading your money for nanites it goes without saying the better ships that you can afford to scrap will mean the better modules that you'll have to sell spend a few minutes scrapping ships now this is the second hyperdrive module I'm buying here so I'm going to have all the hyperdrive modules I need for my ship to be totally and completely awesome let's move these upgrades around a little bit now that configuration right there should give me the biggest bonus and save me the most amount of warp fuel another really cool side effect of scrapping ships is you'll get something that is called a storage augmentation never ever sell those with those augmentations you can actually add cargo slots or technology slots to your ship and it really really helps to pimp your ship out as much as you possibly can as quickly as you possibly can and with every single cargo slot that you add to your ship will increase its value quite a bit before we head out to our next star system you guessed it stopping at the anomaly to get another Exo Suit upgrade oh sweet it looks like we're gonna have our very first freighter encounter which includes a battle with some Pirates first we'll start out with a word of warning when you're fighting these bad guys do your very best not to shoot the freighter or they're going to get pissed off at you next if you just can't be bothered by doing combat because you're either afraid or just far too lazy you can just land on the space station hop in and out of your ship then fly right back out here and all the bad guys will be gone I say scrape them off your boot even though it'll take you a little more time to actually beat him up it does feel good to teach a bad guy a lesson once all the attack ships have been defeated you're gonna get a message from the Freighters Commander they're going to ask you to come on board they want to give you a reward for your outstanding service the reward will range from you know giving you this freighter totally and completely free of charge or hooking you up with something else you can scan the deck with your Discovery scanner and see what type of freighter it is and this one's an A-Class now if you want you can inspect this freighter and then claim it as your very own 4 free but I highly recommend you do not do this wait to get a capital ship for free Instead at this stage what you should do is just request the payment it'll give you some faction and some random minerals and nanites and sometimes money it's a way better deal because you're going to get a way better freighter later heck yeah we found ourselves another traveler on the very next station time to hook them up with 100 nanites for his grave location so we can get his glyph definitely going to hook it up with these Shield modules as well as these pulse engine modules let's stuff that in there definitely need to upgrade my technology some more running out of nanites once again but I was able to get three of those pulse engine modules finally made it to the Traveler's grave location so we can extract another glyph and unfortunately I still need 13 more that might take me a little while after you play No Man's sky for about four to five hours after your last freighter encounter you're gonna trigger your next freighter encounter with the capital ship what I'll generally do when I get the second freighter encounter to spawn is immediately reload my restore point before I leave the space station or the anomaly I always have a good habit of hopping in and out of my ship just in case for instances like this I will then warp to a system or systems I've already explored in the past now the last system I originally had this in it had the Superstar Destroyer version and I want to have the Sentinel version instead the system we're in right now has the Sentinel versions so I'm going to hop in and out of my ship to create a fresh restore point we can now fly directly to the freighter and check out what it is and we're not going to be bugged by any Pirates so just throwing it out there because I probably should throw it out there doing this many many times through many playthroughs you're probably not going to get it on the first try if you want to have the very very very best chance possible you're going to want to be doing this in a rich economy or at a black market system those are the very best places to you know get an S-Class freighter quickly now some since it isn't an S-Class it's time to reload the restore point once we reload we can fly right back out there now don't freak out if you don't see it right away sometimes the freighter will change locations you just got to kind of find it and then fly right back over there do you really really need to have an S-Class freighter well you know if you want to be the best of the best sir then yes but realistically the difference between an A-Class Max slot like this one right here and an S-Class isn't all that much really oh wow so this is actually pretty when an exotic ship flew in right as I was checking the deck here I wonder if it's going to fly in on the next time too because if it does there's a really good chance I'll be able to buy this exotic when I do get this freighter in an S-Class well the freighter sucked on this trip but lo and behold that S-Class exotic flew in once again so now I'm feeling really really good about being able to get this and the S-Class freighter all at the same time it finally happened we we got this in a nest class and you know it took me an hour and 15 minutes of reloading constantly to get there but let's see if this S-Class exotic flies in now oh yeah there she is let's go scarf her up no seriously traveler just throwing it out there this is an extremely rare and extremely lucky circumstance that I just found myself in don't expect this to happen to you on your playthrough but if it does well heck yeah we both got really super lucky don't forget about your fat cells take the teleporter head up and talk to the captain it is most definitely time to inspect as well as claim this freighter as our very own and since it's our very first freighter we just saved 178 million I pretty much have my excess suit fully upgraded but we're still looking for travelers in order to get glyphs at this stage of the game after my second freighter encounter I'm usually still looking for the glyph Stones so what I like to do is buy up all of the elements that I possibly can off all these little ship guys at every single space station that I visit I will also be making tens of thousands of nanites at this time so I'm gonna be buying each one of these ships after I buy all their elements now this is totally up to you but sometimes you're out here scrapping and you find some really nice S-Class ships and they always give you the storage augmentations each time you scrap them so as long as you have the space shutter available you might as well do it maybe not with like haulers or something because they can get really expensive but yeah this fighter isn't too bad so we'll just get it realistically though at this stage of the game losing 17 million in order to get guaranteed storage augmentations as well as three S-Class modules isn't really a very bad deal in itself see what I mean 75 million to buy one augmentation the heck with that jazz we're just going to keep scrapping ships in order to get them because it's way way better sweet space cheddar runs up to 64 cargo slots right now you know it would be even more glorious spending just a little more time scrapping some ships just enough time to get five more cargo slots not six not four but five cargo slots I reckon 69 is the perfect number of cargo slots the sucky part though well we still need seven more glyphs oh my God why is it taking so long couple hours of gameplay scrapped a lot of ships on every single system I visited but we finally got all 16 glyphs the next thing I need to do is stock up on a whole bunch of Salvage data so I'm gonna have to farm a bunch of these buried technology modules just for a little bit when you get enough Salvage data head up to the space and only and hit up the construction research station you're going to want to head over to the agriculturals modules Tab and then just start buying everything that I buy right now ultimately you want all the grow stations as well as all the plants that you can possibly grow I won't be planning all of them in this playthrough but you will be planning some of them later down the road you can do this next stage on your freighter or here at a trading post on a planetary surface both places will offer basically the same loot tables and if you're going to be doing the quests that I'm going to show you here in a bit do it in a viking system so buy a viking dagger right now you'll also want to be purchasing the plant fiber material here from all these ship guys they're going to be offering a whole different variety each guy has kind of a different inventory just keep buying until you get everything you need now you can also get more diet mordite is one of the things we really do need still and you can get that just by bucking down animals if you want to if you're not into space homicide to Buck down all the animals in order to get more diet don't worry about it because facetium can actually be turned into mordite it's just more important that you get all of the materials that you see right here probably minus the mordite next head over to any space station in the hit up the Stellar cartographer before talking to him make sure you bring navigational data because that's what it's going to cost to buy the exact chart right there we want the alien cartographic data by at least five of these I'm just I don't know why I bought 10 but I did using the chart is easy you just plot your route and it will give you the location you're hoping for a monolith man we're lucky that's exactly what we got if you don't get a monolith just hover or land near the location then plot another route on the chart until you get a monolith just throwing it out there you can screw this up so if you answer the riddle incorrectly you will need to reload your auto safe but if you do answer it correctly then you'll be able to actually ask for where the portal location is actually located if you do end up doing this in a viking system this is where the monolith will actually ask you for a viking dagger in order to give you the portal location once you know the Portal's location and I usually do this in my main system I will always build a little base here with the teleporter to it finishing the final touches on my portal base here now I'll be able to get back when I want to come back here let's go out to the portal and actually get it all charged up we're fixing to go hook up with a really cool alien multi-tool and not only is it cool it's blue yellow and purple so you know got to do it before you charge her up make sure you have plenty of carbon sodium Cobalt as well as copper half the time I end up forgetting about the cover then I gotta go out there and find it or go teleport to my base to go get it now it's freaking on we got our totally charged up it's time to activate this portal let's go hook up with that tool if you'd like to get this multi-tool pause it now the last symbol is the triangle I found this tool by watching a beeblebum video on oh yes he makes great videos as well as finds great multi-tools this alien multi-tool is extremely easy to find and you don't have to do anything special to make it spun you just need to get go there and find it which will be super easy with me showing you you're going to hop right into your ship and fly directly straight up into the air from where the portal is located you can do kind of a little hyperspace jump if you want to get there faster that's totally up to you once you get up high enough you're going to look back down at the planet you're going to be wanting to look to the right side of the Ring there should be a couple comb balls over there fly in the direction of the closest combo the one I chose right here is actually a base the actual location we want is just to the right of us let's go check it out and hope I'm not been sent on a total and complete wild goose chase but I totally believe that that is the one up there on the hill right there yep that's the one right there there is a bunch of combos around it as well somebody's got a base with The Landing Pad near it yep definitely guessing this is the place if you can see it right now my little Viking guy has got goosebumps on top of his Goosebumps he's so freaking excited this is actually a really good multi-tool has three supercharges right next to each other as well as just one off to the side yes there are multi-tools that can be better than this one but since you can have multiple multi-tools I don't see anything wrong with me hooking up with a blue yellow and purple alien I mean really when you get a new toy you generally whip it out in front of your friends am I right get back here Bros I want to show you my new tool well that was a super duper quick and easy now let's finish up the last farming we're gonna have to do in this entire playthrough you can pretty much do this anywhere but I like to do this in a black market system because generally the loot that drops here is better even though our main goal really isn't to collect all this loot because quite frankly we're basically space Daddy Warbucks right now the main target loot that we're after is actually Salvage frigate modules which I did get earlier in the playthrough like Bay basically on accident but now we have to farm them for real and don't shoot those little ships or you will lose faction once you have laid the total and complete SmackDown on all the freighter modules out there you can fly in here and decide to sell your stuff it's actually better to go to a different system that isn't a black market system and sell the stuff there but ultimately you're trying to see how many Salvage frigate modules you can get and sometimes it takes a little bit to get a bunch of these Salvage frigate modules bro I spent like three hours out there farming those modules reloading my save farming my modules over and over again we ended up with 57 that's just I'm never gonna Farm those things again guys it's just too much and if you followed everything I've done up to this point you've got all your plan fiber ready and you've bought all the extra elements that you're going to need since I had the room I basically grabbed everything out of my storage box so I'll never need to worry about needing anything while I'm building the first order of businesses just to get rid of all these extra rooms that always comes on every single freighter now every single time you remove these rooms or any of the stuff in it you will get the components back before we can build anything you really don't have very many things you can actually build so we're gonna have to head over here and waste all those Salvage frigate modules we spent hours farming the pieces that don't have a nanite cost attached to them those are the pieces I ended up purchasing on this run now I might buy some of the windows here in just a little bit oh man I like totally forgot that the ship colors actually cost nanites and I'm gonna have to burn 10 000 nanis to get blue and yellow man I'm telling you I literally don't have enough dag on friggin modules for all these see what I'm talking about these warp upgrades are really really expensive so looks like I'm gonna be farming more of the frigate modules soon today is not that day so let's just start getting a Refinery line all set up you'll need one refiner for each plant type now you'll be building two to three cultivation Chambers off the end of each one of those refineries right now you're seeing me build two Chambers off each one but here in a bit I'm gonna add an extra row let's now plop down a galactic terminal we're going to put this really centrally located right near my Galactic trade terminal I'm gonna plop down one of my teleport Chambers now we'll be able to teleport to and from our freighter let's now throw down all 10 of our storage rooms this is going to give us like an absolute insane amount of storage space for any loot that we feel like you know accidentally stuffing in our bags and oh my goodness it's gonna take me forever to run back gonna plop down my construction specialist room right next to my Galactic terminal scanner rooms are actually pretty cool so let's plop that next to the teleporter you want to place at least three or four Fleet command rooms near the front of your freighter since we're in the neighborhood might as well stick my orbital exocraft materializer right here I'm going to create a stellar extractor room now you're going to want to build quite a few of these because they literally just grab materials right out of thin air based off a star type for this next step you're going to need all the Elements shown right here except for the mordite right now we don't have very much on hand so we're going to have to create more first let's start with frost crystals in order to get more of those you just mix it with dioxide in your refiner you can create more fungal mold by mixing the mold with ammonia star bulb can be mixed with paraffinium to create more star bulb if you need more Cactus flesh well you can mix that with Pyrite to get even more gamma root plus uranium will make yourself some more gamma root mixing selenium and phosphorus together will get you more selenium if you put facing by itself in a refiner it'll create but we're going to mix it with oxygen to create more facium once you get a bigger stash than this of facium start turning it into mordite once you have a stash of each of the plant materials you're free to start planting and we're going to start with frostward here because it mainly makes glass as well as living glass you will need quite a bit of that if you plan on making any really super cool bases on any really neat planet or moons you find in the future I'll be planting my gamma weed right next to the frost wart the main purpose of gamma weed is to create lubricants now this is a blueprint that you don't have yet but you are kind of preparing to have it pretty soon one lubricant and five glass will make one living glass so that's mostly what you're going to be using this for lubricant can also be used in some cooking recipes so don't go wasting all your lubricant on your alone time traveler time to plant some fungal clusters I'm just gonna stuff these right next to the gamma wheat the main benefit fit of growing fungal clusters will have the ability to make acid which is one of the components to make liquid explosives more diet root is the second component needed to actually create acids I'm just going to be planting them right next to my fungal mold now I remember back in the day I used to make my Farms like outrageously massive but these refineries really make it so you don't have to have a gigantic Farm anymore since I'll be needing facing to create more diet I might as well plant it right next to the mordite facium is the second element you need to create your space lubricants traveler which in a way is kind of disgusting if you use it for anything else than it's supposed to be used for because this stuff is Created from poop let's plant something that smells a little bit better like these star bulbs here a star mold can be used for cooking as well as a few other odds and ends but mostly you're going to be growing this to create poly fiber and poly fibers are one of the main ingredients to make circuit boards circuit boards are worth quite a bit of money time to plant some Cactus this Cactus flesh right here is actually responsible for making two different blueprints alone it will make unstable gel and if you pair it with the star bulb you can create the poly fibers one thing you might want to keep in mind when growing these they have a really really long growth cycle leave it to me to forget how to count as far as the main blueprints glow that you know you're fixing to get here in a little bit the solar Vine is the very last one that you're going to need to plant selenium and frost crystal is the main ingredients to make the heat capacitor a heat capacitor plus a poly fiber will make the circuit board once you complete your farm you're going to get this really super awesome feeling wash over you ah now we're ready to start the next stage of our Quest we need to head over to a Geck system and hire an overseer he's going to man that panel right behind me slight detour they had a whole bunch of really cool modules so I had to start pimping out my new S-Class multi-tool of course you know just for reasons check out the back rooms in a Geck system you're always going to find the overseer there and you can kind of shop around I I really dig as like gigantic ears and these kind of purple and white my wife likes purple and white so we're gonna go with him now we could have started our overseer request ages ago but realistically I like to be like super duper space man and totally prepared for it once you begin your overseer Quest no man's Sky Singularity really starts to open up and as long as you follow this guide hopefully I explained it well enough for you you are most definitely prepared for anything that no man's Sky throws at you from this moment on trust me even though I've showed you quite a bit in this best start series I have only scratched the surface of what no man's sky has to offer good luck traveler you now have the skills for success
Channel: Hawkes Gaming
Views: 202,829
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: no mans sky, no mans sky 2023, no mans sky new player guide, no mans sky beginners guide, no mans sky new player guide 2023, no mans sky beginners guide 2023, the greatest no mans sky guide, no mans sky tips for beginners, no mans sky tips, no mans sky tips 2023, no mans sky tips for beginners 2023, no mans sky zero to hero, no mans sky beginners tips, no mans sky beginners tips 2023, new player guide no mans sky, beginners guide no mans sky, no man's sky, no man's sky 2023
Id: w7eDiczK304
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 9sec (4089 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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