6 Most Terrifying Enemies in No Man's Sky | Abyssal Horrors and More!

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Howdy Folks behind this voiceover stands a big strong man in real life nothing scares me except the ocean and bears snakes and spiders too of course but monkeys I suppose people who don't use turn signals inflation lactose but even a big strong man like me sometimes has to cover his eyes while playing no man's Sky one of the scariest games in the world according to someone probably right but today I've decided to face my fears and compile a list of the six most terrifying enemies you might encounter in no man's sky major spoiler warning for some in-game jump scares and exploration encounters you've been warned number six asteroid larva we're starting this list off with one of the largest if not the largest creatures in the game this thing's a larva imagine a full-grown one encountering an asteroid larva is an exceedingly rare event in my experience seeing as I've only encountered one ever and it was last week a dwarf starships and it's impervious to any damage you might cause still I wouldn't recommend attacking it as it will retaliate when provoked much like the Abyssal Horrors found on the ocean floor this creature will damage you with just its imposing gaze luckily it never seems interested in hunting you once you leave it alone so that puts it at the bottom of this list number five the Swarm found aboard some derelict Freighters the Swarm is a pretty unique enemy type in the game that's because a fight can be avoided if you're sneaky when you encounter one of these horrific nests aboard a derelict you have to pay close attention to whether it's stirring or not if it's dormant you can go about your business without much trouble however if it's stirring any fast movement will trigger it to burst open releasing the swarm of mini fiends contained within these Critters aren't terribly threatening alone however in groups they can deal damage pretty efficiently they can climb walls and ceilings and outmaneuver you quickly if you're not careful and while they're not too dangerous in small groups what can often happen is that while backstepping away from them in battle you might trigger another swarm or an automated turret giving you even more to contend with all at once and again they're pretty efficient at causing damage if you don't dispatch them quickly that makes a large room full of them quite the obstacle course it's this added stealth component on top of their atmospheric environment that adds to their Terror Factor number four Abyssal Horrors outer space and derelict Freighters are spooky sci-fi places but if you're looking for something a little closer to home try diving beneath the waves at the bottom of No Man's Sky's countless oceans dangerous predators lie in wait for unsuspecting Travelers these creatures are made even more dangerous by the fact that players oxygen and speed are limited in these encounters these so-called Abyssal Horrors come in three flavors the first variety is a jellyfish unlike the passive jellies seen on Earth these glowing fiends actually Nest among the rocks and plant life of the ocean floor disturbing these places through mining will trigger an ambush in which several jellies May attack the player at once they're not super dangerous of course and you can pretty easily outmaneuver them but they can take you by surprise if you're not paying attention the second variety of Abyssal horror is a stationary creature kind of like a barnacle these can be found sparsely across the ocean floor but are most commonly found guarding the remains of sunken buildings perhaps these are their nests their hardened shells protect them from Weaponry so in order to damage them you'll have to get close enough to get their attention and thus they'll open their single eye which is their only weak spot doing so however puts you in range of their psychic attack this will paralyze your traveler with Terror preventing both attack and Escape you can fight this off if you're quick enough with your button presses which should give you just enough of a window to fire back again only into its eye kill it be sure to grab its hypnotic eye before it disappears too so the last variety of Abyssal horror is the scariest in my opinion if you haven't encountered one yourself yet I recommend skipping ahead to the next entry using the time codes below as experiencing it for the first time was one of my favorite in-game experiences and I wouldn't want to rob you of it alright for the rest of y'all you already knew this would make the list as soon as you clicked this video These alluring lights hold Halo cores a semi-rare item needed in some recipes harvesting them however risks disturbing the nest of this Abyssal horror scanning and sometimes even Swimming by can also trigger this carnivore's hunger one of the few intentional jump scares in the game this one definitely got me the first time as I had played the new Abyss update before the trailer patch notes were published so I didn't know these guys were in there and these dudes are scary just check out the audio for yourself top of that they also have a lot of Health for a creature making them quite dangerous for newer players truly terrifying number three biological Horrors returning to the surface we find an enemy that combines horror with actual challenge biological Horrors otherwise known as burrowing monstrosities are an invasive species found across the Galaxy their Whispering eggs can be found on most planets clustered around the ruins of some destroyed building however it's unknown if they're responsible for this ruined state or simply drawn to them on infested or dead planets you may also find their eggs scattered across the terrain while harvesting these eggs will yield valuable larval cores they also trigger an ambush of biological Horrors these guys are no joke yeah they're kind of weak however they're great at dealing damage and they're fast they can lunge at incredible speeds they also tend to Flank In my experience meaning you'll often be attacked from behind while focusing on what in front of you they've also been known to spit acid when they have trouble reaching you so just standing Out Of Reach doesn't always protect you unlike the Swarm found aboard derelicts there isn't a set number of these per encounter rather it's based on a timer which means even after you've killed all the ones that attacked you initially more will continue to rise from the ground and attack you until the attack subsides these enemies are often deadly to newer unprepared players making them more of a threat than any of the previous entries on the list in fact they probably belong higher on this list however bear with me I think you'll see why with the next entry foreign because number two is hungering tendrils these Titan warm babies were exclusive to the emergence Expedition until they were added to infested planets in the endurance update they burrowed just below the surface and lie in weight for travelers who aren't watching their step they're not super tough to defeat but they do pack a punch when they connect and since they're difficult to spot under the grass or other plants while fighting one you can easily backstep into another one making them interesting to fight however since they don't have any kind of ranged attack during emergence you could simply stand a ways back and shoot them with their addition to the main gaming endurance though came an important Improvement that places them at number two on this list disturbing their nest now triggers a swarm of biological Horrors as well which means you have to move around and Dodge those guys will simultaneously dodging the hungering tendrils so on top of this if you're trying to collect their vial spawn before they disappear you can easily find yourself overwhelmed by the shared number of elements to contend with this combination of two horrific enemy types makes for a pretty fun encounter if you're a combat type but it gets even more interesting and that's because these planets often have pretty bad storms meaning you also have to manage your hazard protection mid-fight but on top of that the Sentinels consider killing these creatures a crime similar to killing regular creatures which means if a sentinel notices your little brouhaha you'll have a whole nother problem altogether and yes this has happened to me on multiple occasions truly terrifying so by now you're probably wondering just what the heck I might have up my sleeve for number one the most terrifying enemy in the game now I could make a joke about the inventory system bugs or toxic PVP players but it's actually much simpler than that number one predators you see no man's Sky's procedural generation has the ability to turn almost anything into a terrifying Predator whether it's tentacles reaching up from the ground sentient balls crabs spiders sharks eels or even dinosaurs since day one the procedural predators of No Man's Sky have been terrifying players with their surprise attacks believe me I was terrified of cave crabs and cave spiders when the game first came out and since larger creatures can deal greater damage a planet of giant hostile diplos is actually a pretty scary place to be but that's just my opinion and my list of the most terrifying enemies in no man's sky which one do you think is the scariest have you ever been jump scared in no man's Sky what's the most terrifying procedural Predator you've encountered on your travels let me and others know in the comments below I'm sure you all have plenty of stories of your own and if you enjoyed my list feel free to leave a like really helps me grow my channel and speaking of which if you're interested in more No Man's Sky content like this subscribing is another great way to support my efforts as I always say I make the videos but y'all make them successful so thank you to all of my existing subscribers I really appreciate your support and I promise I'm still trying to figure out how to celebrate hitting 10K it'll happen eventually but uh that's all I have for today thanks for watching and have a great Halloween see y'all on the next video bye [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Kanaju
Views: 803,594
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: no man's sky, no mans sky, nms, no mans sky enemies, no mans sky asteroid larvae, no mans sky abyssal horror, no mans sky anglerfish, no mans sky jellyfish, no mans sky predator, no mans sky biological horrors, no mans sky horror, no mans sky hungering tendrils, no mans sky titan worm larvae, no mans sky the swarm, no mans sky minifiend, no mans sky nest, no mans sky derelict, nms enemies, nms biological horror
Id: Mvpk_8OhvA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 38sec (698 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 31 2022
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