10 Essential Tips the Game Doesn't Tell You (from a No Man's Sky Pro)

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Howdy Folks if you click this video you're either new to No Man's sky and interested in knowing the best strats to get started and have fun or you're a longtime player who just wants to make sure you're not doing anything too stupid or maybe you saw all this awesome stuff in the trailers so you bought the game only to spend your time Mining and collecting resources in every case you've come to the right place I've been playing no man's Sky since day one 2016 and in all that time I figured out a few tricks to make the game more fun without cheapening the experience wink wink I'm kaju and these are my 10 essential tips for No Man's sky that any player can use it's actually more than 10 tips since I can't help myself but it's all super helpful I promise so be sure to stick around for number one because I couldn't play without it okay let's start with one of the great truths of of the universe the No Man's Sky universe that is number 10 launch fuel is a ripoff waste of time waste of materials and probably a waste of money now I get it you need fuel to launch your Starship and Starship launch fuel seems like the logical resource to use sure that makes sense but there is a much more efficient fuel you can often find just lying on the ground uranium found on irradiated planets uranium is the best way to keep your ship fueled firstly it works right out of the box no assembly required it's also super easy to acquire it can be mined on radioactive planets or purchased from Terminals and Traders in systems with radioactive planets buy a sizable stack and you'll be set for several hours of gameplay maybe even more and it doesn't take much to fill your ship so almost any amount is useful also once you get some nanites to spend it's it's worth investing in the launch autocharge blueprint with this upgrade installed your launch systems will automatically refuel while you explore Planet surface I can vouch for it because I have it installed and I rarely refuel My Starship launch system seriously I don't even recharge it every play session part of that is my insistence on using free parking when possible so if you're low on fuel look for a free landing pad indicated by a blue funnel which turns green when you're ready to land if you land there it cost zero fuel to launch again yay free stuff speaking of nonfree stuff though Pro tip number 9 buy everything obviously not literally but I'm not kidding buy ferite dust buy Cobalt buy wiring looms by uranium tridium anything you might need later buy it the reason I say this is because in the past I've seen plenty of YouTubers complain that no man's sky is grindy cuz they're always having to craft launch fuel which requires mining lots of materials firstly you can buy launch fuel in the store just do that and save the time of gathering materials and crafting or even better just buy uranium either way spend money not time to collect what you need if you feel like you're spending a lot of your playtime mining or gathering materials you should know that I probably spend less than 5% of my game time doing the same I almost never bother with it because I buy what I need money is extremely easy to come by in no man sky and you'll soon end up with more than you know what to do with depending on your individual difficulty settings certain materials such as sodium may not be available but you can still purchase most stuff and if your local trade terminal doesn't have something try the pilots nearby they usually carry different stuff you can't find in regular shops seriously though even if you don't finish this video I hope you remember to check shops regular L and buying bulk I always have whatever I need whenever I need it not because I've spent dozens of hours mining though I did in my early days but it's because I buy and hoard stuff it makes crafting and building real easy and it freees up my limited play time for more engaging Pursuits remember spend units not time also a bonus tip you can use the assistant for no man Sky app to look up materials and see what refiner recipes generate them so maybe you can't get dihydrogen in a store but you can buy a whole bunch of dihydrogen jelly throw it in a refiner and in a few seconds you have all the dihydrogen you could possibly want it's one extra step but it's still a lot faster than trying to mine all that yourself all right number eight the danger indicator believe it or not there are a couple of benefits to Flying your Starship in first person one of them being the 3D radar another being the power distribution screen in combat however the most useful tool in your cockpit is this circle right here for those unaware that's a pirate early detection system when that Circle starts moving that means you're about to be scanned it's usually Pirates but sometimes it can be station Authority scanning you it can also mean that a bounty Target is about to appear either way when the circle completes that's when the scan occurs so if you see that Circle start moving you have a few seconds to reach to space station land on a planet or call in your freighter if you wish to avoid a confrontation you could also prep your cargo scan deflector by the way I recommend installing one of these if you hate conflict you can deflect any scan with it be It pirate or system police Pro tip though sometimes your deflector will fail but don't give up you can press the deflect button multiple times just keep pressing it until the scan is deflected simple but effective now number seven one derel per system what I'm about to tell you may have been common knowledge when no man's Sky desolation released back in 2020 but nowadays it's not too obvious if you're exploring derel freighter it's important to understand that each star system can only generate one freighter layout so if you explore a derelict frighter and then try to explore another in the same system it'll have the same layout and the same upgrade class reward this is just a limitation of the engine what's great about this is that if you find a derel that rewards S-Class upgrade modules you can explore more derel within the same system for more S-Class rewards it also makes it possible to share those S-Class coordinates with others however if you receive a C-Class module at the end of a der you'll need to warp elsewhere to find better rewards while we're here this principle applies to lots of stuff each system has a set number of different Starship and freighter designs so if you feel like you're seeing a lot of the same ships flying around it's probably because you've been in the same system for a while keep warping for new sites and experiences number six portal glyphs appear in photo mode this one's pretty simple you used to have to visit a portal charge it up and request the address of the planet you're standing on in order to obtain its portal address nowadays though you can simply open up photo mode and the address will appear in the bottom left corner if you hide the menu the glyphs will dis appear too however if you simply wait and allow the menu to fade on its own the glyphs will stay on screen for your screenshot it's the easiest way to share your Galactic coordinates with others just be sure to mention which Galaxy you're in when sharing portal addresses online portal addresses lead to different planets depending on the Galaxy bonus fact if you have a planet you've previously visited and want to return to but don't know how to reach it if you can find its entry in the discovery menu you can can simply add it to your custom wonders catalog once you do its glyphs will be displayed in the Wonders catalog and then you can simply use a portal to reach it number five don't get stranded while a lot of the fun of No Man's sky is getting stranded somewhere and having to improvise if you have better things to do it can get frustrating you can summon your Starship to you at any time as long as its launch thrusters are fueled but let's be honest sometimes we forget to recharge them before heading out on foot before you know it you've walked 30 minutes and now you can't summon your ship that will be quite a hike back so Pro tip ensure your ship is fueled before going on an extended hike however if you didn't there are a few other things you can try if you own multiple ships you can call another from your collection to pick you up you can then recover your other ship in your freighter or the space anomaly you don't lose it if there's a building with a landing patch nearby you can also use navigation data to call your Starship even if it's out of fuel you can then take off without using fuel very convenient fun fact if you have the launch Auto charger installed as I recommended this will never happen to you as the longer you've walked the more your ship would have recharged automatically Great Tech bonus tip if you're in the middle of the ocean and it would take forever to get back to your ship there is another way you can use your terrain manipulator to build a small island and call your Starship to your present location no man Sky may not be an immersive Sim in the strictest sense but as you can see there are often different solutions to seemingly straightforward problems it's all about experimenting and seeing what you can get away with number four upgrade your inventory this one seems obvious but it's good advice nonetheless the amount of inventory you have can affect protect your gameplay experience each space station has one inventory upgrade station one time use so you can upgrade once per warp but is that all you can do well the space anomaly also has an inventory upgrade that works on the same principle one upgrade per system so if you visit the anomaly in each system you visit you can grab two upgrades per system without much effort however if you're willing to put in a little extra footwork you can also purchase exo suit upgrade charts from the space station cartographer these will instantly locate a drop pod which allows you to upgrade your Exo Suit inventory once repaired you can also locate drop pods with your exocraft scanner again lots of ways to upgrade your Exo Suit inventory for your other inventories you can salvage crash Starships for a chance at free Starship inventory upgrades completing deri freighter or salvaging crashed freighter can yield freighter inventory upgrades saving freighter from Pirates or attacking them yourself can also return such rewards not to mention Nexus missions and Mission board missions also Pro tip make sure you build storage rooms on your freighter once you install a matter beam you can access all of that inventory remotely as long as the freighter is in your system easy as pie number three make some money now you may have noticed a few of these Pro strats require some cash to get get going luckily money is pretty easy to come by in no man's Sky adding S-Class upgrades to your scanner and scanning animals is probably the easiest quote unquote passive income you can make you'll get hundreds of thousands of units per animal scanned completing space station missions is another great way to earn cash you can even stack similar missions check the mission board for non-specific missions such as scan minerals kill Predators or destroy Sentinels take on as many of those those as you can even if you're not planning to complete it immediately since there are tasks that can be completed on any Planet you'll probably automatically complete them as you play anyway and since you can have multiple of the same kind in your log at a time you can complete multiple at a time for example if you have three missions that each require you to destroy five Sentinels well once you destroy five you'll actually complete all three of those missions simultaneously you can then collect your reward from any space station archaeology Starship and freighter Salvage treasure hunting bounty hunting Nexus missions farming building automated mines managing your Fleet there are plenty of ways to earn units in no man's Sky it's just a matter of finding something that fits your play style Pro tip number two disable PVP seriously unless you plan on fighting other players for fun I would disable it most players aren't aware that it's on by Def fault PVP or player versus player basically means that you can harm other players and they can harm you most players won't bother you however there are a select few who have nothing better to do than pick on weaker players they often have minmaxed equipment and can kill a low-level player in a matter of seconds you can be petting an animal on a beach somewhere and they can bombard you from their starship like half a mile away you won't be able to retaliate in time and this is especially important advice if you're playing an expedition right now because chances are you'll be in a populated system with a lowlevel character if you're up for the challenge though feel free to leave it enabled you can also enable or disable it later with no penalties so don't feel like you're locked into anything either way while you're in the multiplayer settings menu take a look at build permissions and visibility as well lots of preferences you may want to adjust all right before I get to my number one one pro tip I would like to kindly ask you to like the video if you found it helpful at all the YouTube algorithm decides whether or not people will see this video and lucky you you get to decide whether or not the algorithm should share it any support is appreciated while you're doing that here's a bonus tip warp hypercores are way better than warp cells they require storm crystals but are otherwise just as easy to craft and they last so much longer trust me okay now let's finish this number one melee boost it's the most essential move in any no man Sky player's move set it's the melee boost sometimes called by other names but arose By Any Other Name smells just as sweet melee boosting is the fastest way to travel on foot so to speak it's way faster than sprinting let me break down how to do it your melee attack pushes your character forward a short distance very quickly right so for this technique we'll be taking advantage of that momentum You Begin by sprinting and then you hit the melee Button as soon as your character thrusts forward you'll press and hold the jump button if you time it just right your character's forward momentum from the melee attack will carry your now flying body across the landscape faster than ever before bonus points if you can get it just over the edge of a hill or ledge after that you can sort of release and tap the jump button to make your Boost last longer combined with an upgraded jetpack and you'll be flying across the surface of planets if you're not into exploits don't worry it's an actual feature with its own animations and third person it's just never mentioned at any point in the game it's the kind of thing you either figure out or more likely learn from someone else fair warning once you get used to it you'll be using it constantly it's my my number one Tip since I can't imagine playing without it longtime players will agree with me in the comments below speaking of which that's my list of essential tips every no man's guy player should know I tried to compile stuff that any player at any level might benefit from of course there are plenty of other ways to play so make sure you experiment and find out what works best for you no man Sky doesn't do a lot of handholding so sometimes it's up to you to ask questions and seek those answers speak of which leave any pro tips you might have in the comments below and let me know if you found these helpful leaving a like also lets me know you found it helpful I don't often create guides or tip videos but with so many new players exploring the universe after no man's Sky Echoes I thought I might have something to offer if you're interested in more No Man's Sky content and the occasional Assassin's Creed video don't hate me then why not consider subscribing I don't spam uploads and I only produce content that I enjoy en and think others would enjoy too plus you can always unsubscribe later if you want I'm looking at you 90% of the audience that isn't subscribed despite a large percentage of you being repeat viewers you know who you are but honestly thanks for watching even that much support helps and either way I'll see you in the next video [Music] bye
Channel: Kanaju
Views: 104,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: no man's sky, no mans sky, nms, no mans sky 2023, no man's sky tips, no man's sky tricks, no man's sky pro tips, no man's sky strats, no man's sky launch fuel, no man's sky uranium, no man's sky portal glyphs, no man's sky derelict freighters, no man's sky stranded, no man's sky melee boost, no man's sky secret, no man's sky pvp, no man's sky make money, no man's sky inventory upgrade
Id: GtwQ3cyv-3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 29sec (1049 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 07 2023
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