The Great Power Momoshiki Spoke Of Is Within Himawari - Boruto Two Blue Vortex Chapter 8

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I'm going to send you to the same place I sent the seventh hok bord what's up nuro Nation back at it with some more boro2 blue vortexes this time for chapter 8 but before we get into it I got to remind you guys make sure you take the time out to read the official chapter once it drops to show your love and support for the series spoilers are all fun and dandy but yo man we got to show some love to the original source so with that being said let's get into this chapter so it does seem as if you you know what I'm saying nuto daughter does have some type of Chibi chakra now when I think about this there was a moment in a regular Boro um before the time skip where they were talking to Momo Shiki and Momo Shiki made the statement you know what I'm saying to the nine tals and I'm going go ahead and read I'mma put the panel on the screen so yall can see it once I you know get to editing but he says to uh kurarama what a Pity Fox that you possess such power yet not the JSU to pass it down to the Next Generation and I feel like that right there may have been a hint towards what's going on with Naruto's daughter now she might not necessarily have Kurama within her but she might actually have chibi chakra and I feel like that's amazing well that's a nice little twist something that was unexpected and uh it's a way for her to be powerful without someone saying oh man they copying nuto she has a tail beast in her cuz you know there's going to be some haters out there they're going to say some things like that like she's just a copy of noruto she has the uh eight tals the nine Tales within her Blas blah so with this like statement right here and I feel a lot of people aren't going to remember this with this statement right here I mean it kind of makes sense like yo that the chakra was passed on it maybe wasn't passed on to borto due to you know what I'm saying like I guess the bond between nuto and krama not being as strong and you know as time go on the bond becomes stronger and stronger even though I feel like they probably would have had a strong bond at the point of borto being born but hey that's neither here nor there but I feel like this is a good reason why she could actually have you know what I'm saying like chibi chakra without actually having a tail beast within her you know what I'm saying so I'm really curious to see what's going to happen with her in the future always thought she was like a dope character like she had some mystery tour ever since we got that little like what one shot uh OVA where you know pretty much uh nuto is becoming hok and I want to say Boro accidentally like ripped her teddy bear I only seen it one time and I remember her like doing the fingers like this and she was like lock on and she went to attack him and I think nuto and Kurama like jumped in the way and they both got knocked out yeah that's exactly what happened and konah hamaru had to fill in as nuto as the hok KAG matter of fact I might go back and rewatch that I remember enjoying it I'm surprised I only watched it one time maybe because it's one of those ones where it's kind of hard to find but yeah I feel like that's definitely what's going on with her but I mean it could hey part of noruto could I mean uh Ninetails could be withner as well like the ying and yang I know someone said in the comment section they became one and both went inside noruto so that could be the case but we don't know for sure um what actually happened because this seems to be something that took in place without us giv any information on but I can't wait till we find out and just the fact how jur walks up on it like yo her body so that's what really makes me feel like um there's a good chance that it just could be something past down like they were able to perfect what Momos Shiki was talking about without Momos Shiki being aware of it because you know she's so young she may have not been like one of those people that can use her have her you know chakra activated at all time just like how you know uh donon hopefully I'm saying his name right everybody say I say his name wrong but hopefully Daymond at when he was able to sense her CH uh his her chakra and ran to the source and then it disappeared so it might be one of those situations where it fluctuate where you're able to detect it is high and not able to detect it at its low so it could be one of those type of situations and I that one panel alone just got me excited like this the chapter itself was really damn good but that one panel alone just wow it made the whole chapter worth it man because I always thought she was just someone who was very underused and could have a lot of potential and it seems to it seems to be that they're going the route of making her more valuable to the series not only that I like how she has a strong connection with kawaki as well as her brother Boro even though I'm really curious if she's truly affected by on impotence I mean I believe she is but I feel like she's one of those ones as well who may break out of it at some point and then in this chapter we also get a lot of dialogue between you know what I'm saying Mei and aah and you know what I'm saying they're communicating and sharing their feelings and honestly I feel sorry for both of them I I truly do and I and I know some of yall probably going to be like why but it's like they're both in love with someone who treats bad someone who treats them um you know dirty and I I mean I don't know what type of love misi has but I do know like what based off this conversation he does have love for a person you know for uh kawak Because he believes kawak to be his son but you see kaak treats them both like dirt like he treats them so bad that you even have a moment where Delta actually says to kawaki like yo if you keep acting like this if you keep treating her the way you do eventually she's going to get rid of you but then kawak goes to make the statement saying like yo when that actually happens you know I'll be long gone anyway which mean he's planning on offering himself once you know he complete his task to make it a better world for uh Naruto but there's no way Naruto would even let that happen once the even with the world being better but just seeing how they're both in love with someone who doesn't really care for them someone who treats them like dirt who someone who only uses them as tools to accomplish his end goal like it just really makes me feel sorry for both of their characters but I wonder because in this chapter you know and I see a lot of comments it seems as if aah is looking at borto in another light you know what I'm saying she's seeing you know borto differently now maybe because of the time skip maybe because borto himself has become more mature because you got to think before the time skip kawaki was the one who came off very mature for his age and borto and where he had some mature moments for the most part he felt immature but now it seems to be that both roles have switched where borto is coming off as more mature more of an adult and kawak is the one who's still acting like a you know acting like his younger self where you know he's only thinking of one thing and that's trying to protect noro Nothing Else Matters and so I feel like aidah may be seeing that and realizing that maybe Boro is the one that she truly love but the only bad thing about that is right now borto got too many people you know that's somewhat have feelings for for him where it can end up badly where she could actually be potentially become a villain because her heart is broken and she wants nothing more than revenge because you got to think the S you know what I'm saying who is somewhat making her feelings unclear but deep down we know what's going on class rep who made her feelings to be known for the most part and now you got um you know what I'm saying you also got Mei once he finds out the you know once you finally realize and accept the truth and then you got aah so I feel like it's just too many people trying to go after Boro so it might be that either way I feel like she's going to her heart's going to be broken and when it comes to Mei it's it's just like he's confused about what borto said to him and what his feelings of you know what a anus actually gave him as his new feelings like yo kawak is your son this is the person you should care about and then the fact that he uh been you know what I'm saying been influenced by her ability to make her charm which makes everyone fall in love with her you know he now knows what love feels like so he's like yo the feeling I have for kawaki isn't the same feeling I have for her so this can't be love that I have for kawaki like what is this I'm in search of a meaning of what truly is my son and what it is to have that you know what I'm saying that presence in front of me so I don't know I just feel sorry for both characters and dayon just like how he's just looking at it and just always sitting back so cool so calm and Collective I I I I just want to see this guy go in yo I want to see him fight somebody now I know some people goingon to be like yo he fought cold but was that really a fight I think he like what hit him like twice and Co was down for the count I want to see him go in I want to see him go up against Jura I want to see them actually face off but of course you got kawak heading in the direction of borto borto is actually talking to Shikamaru and Shikamaru is also having a conversation with borto as well as kawaki at the same time where you know they're not able to hear one another they don't know that is being you know the conversation is being swear uh shared between three people and so of course you got kaaki saying he's heading in the direction of Boro that's when Boro makes the cool ass movies like well look hey look I'mma holl at y'all gave y all the information y'all needed y'all need to get at me get at me I'm about to be out and Bard to Le and then you have Delta and kawaki you know floating in the air and he's like yo he left he didn't sense my presence he just happened to leave before I got here and the way they show kawaki in this panel it seems as if he may be a little more suspicious of Shikamaru because it is mighty strange that once he decides to go in the direction that borto is borto decides to leave so I don't know the way they show kawaki it might be a moment where kawaki might show up on Shikamaru and be like yo you know what I'm saying you know what's going on you actually working with him on the Shadows I can't allow that I got to get borto at all costs and he might actually go after Shikamaru but we do know Shikamaru has not accepted the role as a h KAG as of yet and he definitely won't do it now that he has you know what I'm saying a idea that Naruto is still alive based off what borto actually said whether he choose to believe him or not we have to wait because you got Eno she's kind of skeptical like yo shikar I know you don't believe all of this actually went down and of course you know you got Shikamaru saying this is confidential let's just keep this between us right now so Shikamaru is the type where he's going to weigh out all his options and I feel like he's going to lean more towards what borto is saying than what kawaki is saying because if the piece is fit even though it's not going with his memory the piece is still fit and you got to go with logic here and that's the type of person shik Maro is he's always going to go with logic but while they're floating in the air trying to figure out where the heck you know Boro actually went off to you know that's when the conversation between meki and AA actually goes on and then while that's going on you got one of the Grimes actually running through the forest and it does seem as if Drew could actually control him cuz he's telling the grime to go in the left Direction so that they can get closer and closer to the leaf next thing you know you got Jura as well as uh heer actually uh popping out of this Grime hopefully I'm saying uh the SAS uh copy name correctly but you got them popping out of the grime and they actually walking towards Leaf Village and that's when they say they can actually sense you know chibi Chalker s similar to like their own you know coming from the leaf Village and they're like yo this is got to be norto uzamaki so they actually go within the village you got some shobi popping up telling these guys like yo don't make a move we'll take you out if we have to and of course you got them looking at one another like you going to get them or I'm going get them you going to get them who who going to get them I don't know I just thought that was pretty cool like they they just like hey I mean I mean I could [ __ ] him up if you want me to but I mean you hey you might want to you know you just came alive yourself yo you you can shine a little if you want to like they you know I'm saying I just pictured them door that type of ban Banner you know what I'm saying before they actually go against these guys and at the same time as they're walking in the village you got these guys saying like we detect sas's chakra you know by verifying it the other one is a negative and that's right there them saying that they can't identify you know what I'm saying Drew's chakra it really makes me wonder like is it truly a copy of Jan I mean he looks like Jan but the fact that he's not saying that you know what I'm saying it may be someone else that we're not expecting or maybe like I I I don't know I don't know I feel like this is going to be another twist later on in the story but of course you got s here in the conversation she says father or maybe I don't even know if s was hearing the conversation or if she was able to actually sense her father's chakra and that's why she said it I'm really curious which one it may be and I want to see what else you know what I'm saying this guy is capable of does he have all of Sasuke abilities but anyway you got all these Shinobi actually being taken out I want to say it was a good what five to seven of them and next thing you know they're all on pillars and you just see them walking calmly like like you know said Jura is like just walking like it's just another day uh another day at the park you know let's just keep it moving let's go on about our business and it's really crazy but but you have them finding out from aah that they are the entails you know um shikar and everyone's becoming aware they actually go to a bookstore they walk in the bookstore and then you got this like light comedy moment where you have you have um the one that's like Sasuke saying like like noruto uzamaki are you here and I'm like oh man don't tell me they going to make this dude one of the dumb characters I don't know how many of Y actually seen the old school like Street Fighter movie like it was live action and it's crazy cuz it's so good because it's so bad type of movie one of those movies I I mean I'm pretty sure everyone has a movie like that on their list that they like but even though they know it's bad but there's a moment with Zen gei where there's some bombs heading towards all of you know Z as well as all the other Fighters that's with him and they're seeing it on a live TV right in front of them as this uh as it's actually happening and rather than Zan G saying something like yo we need to get out of here and get to safety Zan G says quick change the channel as if that would stop the truck from coming to their location and blowing them all up now I don't know why but when I read this panel of him saying like nuto uzamaki are you here it just made me instantly think of that moment like you know I'm saying someone so powerful So Strong saying something so dumb and everyone's just looking back at you know what I'm saying Zen GE as well as you got jur in this chapter looking back at uh you know what I'm saying H like what the did you just say that sh you know what I'm saying but he says amusing you see him smirk a little bit like yo he said it with a straight face which mean he was dead at serious so as H walks out you see um you know you see kawaki going on the offensive he throws some Spears of course H Dodges it next thing you know kawaki comes in with a kick since I'm flying and I wonder if it was a chance that H actually could have did something more vicious against kaaki but chose not to for whatever reason because the way Jura actually like throw the hands with kawaki I would like to think that this one this Sasuke version could do the same now he just like lands on his feet and just stands up and look at him and he doesn't really engage in battle so I feel like this dude might be actually be more powerful on the low as well and there's a good chance that he could have the personality of SAS Sasuke before you know what I'm saying The Boro era actually happened where he feels like yo he needs to wipe this whole plan it out become the ruler and Rule with an iron fist he could be on that level type of Sasuke and just evaluating the situation everything that's going on before he decides to make his move that could be going on but you got jawra coming out Jura actually coming out of the room he goes to attack kawaki and he says like yo I don't want to eat you just yet man I don't I don't want to do that I'm a wait which shows that they have more control over their Instinct their urges to actually become a Divine treat they have more control over that yo he beats the hell out of kawaki he gives him like a two punch you know a kick then a punch and just sends them flying saying like yo stay put for right now we'll be back and I'm just like damn kawaki just constantly taking L's and he had his uh Karma seal activated like oh man kawaki you're going to have to do some super training man I don't know if you're going to have to find a hyperbolic Time Chamber if you're going to have to go to to uh learn Sage abilities I don't know what you're going to have to do but you're going to have to do something kawak you're getting boded and I honestly don't believe kawaki is on the same level as borto I seen some comments in the last chapter review where people were saying Bor uh kawaki was just as strong as borto nah borto faced off against all of these guys all of these tin tail Grimes he faced off against all of them without using his karma seal granted he was being pushed back and he was getting overwhelmed and he chose to retreat but he didn't have his full he wasn't going at full power so it's just like kawaki you had a one-on-one and lost Boro it was like what four on one and he was forced to retreat yo and he was already engaged in battle throughout that whole chapter cuz he just came from the leaf Village after fighting some other Grimes he was fighting cold as well like you know what I'm saying he was it wasn't like he was just fully refreshed going up against these guys he was a little fatigued granted it didn't look like it cuz how how cool and badass he made him looking that chapters but yo kawak you got to step it up man I'm I'm seeing fraud Walky all types of funny ass names for this guy he got to step it up man but of course he gets knocked away you know what saying like I said in my spoiler video Delta didn't want any of the smoke she said no I'm going go help him you guys do what you want to do hey you know what I'm saying it's a bar over there grab your drink get some food enjoy yourself I'm going go check on Kawa I'm going to make sure he stay put like you said you said you wanted him to stay put I'm going to make sure that happens and she actually takes off with just a hilarious ass moment to me had me dying laughing man I I don't know man you just got him laying out on the ground like just like help me Delta please get me to the Maddox I don't know it's hilarious as hell but of course you got um you got jur actually saying that he actually s uh senses uh you know what I'm saying um senses like Naruto's chakra he goes in the direction where he's sensing the beu chakra uh and he actually gets to the point and he sees that it's not actually Naruto is the daughter and that's when he looks at her and says like yo hold on now like what's going on what's up with her body like something's different about her and I'm really curious to see how this actually goes down in the next chapter I'm kind of mad that we got to wait for the next chapter to see what actually happens but I mean it is what it is and the crazy thing is you got the rest of Team 10 saying like y we'll watch over you you know what I'm saying you're good we'll protect you and I'm just like bro kawak just got bodied what are you guys going to do but it seems like since the time skip happened kawak is being getting bed left and right but with his sister being in danger I wonder if borto is actually going to make an appearance again and show up and maybe say something like yo don't touch my sister and you got other people hearing that line and it might make them question their memories I'm really curious if something like that's going to happen in the next chapter and then or if it might be a situation similar to like what happened with donon where you know her you know they sense uh you know chibi chakra within her but next thing you know it goes away and they're like hm strange and peculiar she's not know to Maki but I'm getting the same vibe from her and you know maybe something like that might happen where they actually walk away and leave the village because honestly they're not really attacking anyone unless they happen to get in their way so all the people they've taken out so far or show you know what I'm saying any type of um you know action towards are people who tried to attack them first or threaten them so maybe they're not really out to like hurt anyone other than their own their goal whoever they're you know hunting like for Jura is noruto uh s is one of them um who else konah hamaru and I'm trying to think Oh Aah is one as well so maybe outside of whoever their targets are no one else you know will get hurt unless they provoke them or try to you know threaten their lives that could be the case we'll have to wait and see but all in all this is a very good chapter dialogue heavy so that's why I really can't wait for the official chapter to drop and if there any big changes between the official chapter and these uh you know what I'm saying fan translations I'll do another video to keep yall updated on it but if you did like this video make sure you thumb it up if you didn't thumb it down you know all all all information is good information so if you don't like it I would like to know so I can improve in the future man but hoping you guys have a great day night wherever you are this your boy Nero Mega Man signing out [Music] peace [Music]
Channel: Nero Megaman
Views: 5,657
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Great Power Momoshiki Spoke Of Is Within Himawari - Boruto Two Blue Vortex Chapter 8, nero megaman boruto, Boruto Two Blue Vortex Chapter 8 Review, Boruto Two Blue Vortex Chapter 8, Boruto Two Blue Vortex, Boruto Manga, Boruto Two Blue Vortex Manga, boruto, boruto two blue vortex, boruto time skip, nero megaman, naruto explained, boruto manga, boruto timeskip, boruto vortex, boruto spoilers, boruto sasuke, naruto, sadara, boruto himawari, boruto jura, kawaki vs jura
Id: lN1PD92I5UE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 50sec (1250 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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