(1-11) Strongest Sword God Regresses In Time After Being Betrayed And Swears Revenge - Manhwa Recap

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in the year 2100 research on Humanity's lifespan has skyrocketed and due to this a fitness craze has started as Humanity started to become obsessed with their youth that was also the time when the holographic game God's domain came into existence the game functioned by simulating the players's real life movements which was a revolutionary mechanic that allowed it to become the most played game in the entire world as such many workshops for the game have also started to appear and the stock prices of the financial groups that are backing those workshops grew as well the years went on and on and in the year 2139 this Advanced even further The Story begins at the shadow Workshop where the protagonist Shi fun is fired he is extremely hurt by this as he has sacrificed tons of things for this game and made the shadow Workshop what it is today with laoa also becoming a world-class Financial Group thanks to him however even after all of that they dare delete his account and fire him solely because because he is against them merging with other guilds the man who threw the papers at him smiles and explains that he will get 5 million credit points and a mansion which should be enough for him to live a comfortable life from now on like what a great philosopher once said one should be content with his lot without any other choice Fung accepts their offer but he is still extremely distraught as he has built an entire Empire but now it was taken away from him solely because they thought he was a liability he will not let it slide are they really considering him a beggar he will show them who he is even if he has to start from scratch suddenly he falls asleep and a certain ringtone wakes him up so he picks up as his friend Haz is calling him he explains that the shadow Workshop is recruiting at their school today which makes fun think that this is a prank something which his friend used to do a lot however that is when fun looks at his mirror and notices something that shocks him he has become young once again and when he looks at the time on the phone he notices that it's the year 2129 he has gone back 10 years with that Revelation he goes outside to meet with his friend and thinks that he would have never expected for the great Heavens to give him a second chance but now he will have his revenge on Shadow and on anyone who dared to betray him hay arrives at their meeting spot and notes that they should go sign up already as there's probably already tons of people there Fong stops him though and asks if he were to not want to join Shadow and plan on starting his own Workshop would he join he thinks that in the following years Hay's managerial abilities will start to show so he will be great in helping grow a workshop originally hay joined shadow in order to support his family financially so if that is his objective he is sure to change his mind hay says that it's expensive to start a workshop as even without the employees and their salaries they would still need 880,000 fun tells him that he is correct but signing a contract with Shadow is equal to selling their souls he he does not want to be controlled by the likes of them ever again hey agrees that having their own Workshop would be nice but even if they put all of their money together they won't be able to afford a single set of equipment Fang then pulls him closer and explains that he should not worry about equipment as God's domain gives University students like them discounts so they will use that and try the game out in 10 days hey wers what they will be able to do in 10 short days but fun feels that it is plenty he will manage the money anyways so all he needs to do is relax for now after this he goes to shop for necessities and eventually picks up his headset which is basic from what he used to have but for now this is more than enough he puts the headset on equips his gloves and logs in God's domain for the first time in this life he is logged in successfully and walks a set of stairs towards a structure and a wave of nostalgia hits him as he has forgotten what the old login Pages look like it was really really simple suddenly an angel appears out of nowhere and explains that she will help him navigate the menus first though he must pick a job with 12 available he has tons of choices so he should make his choice now Fang picks swordsman as this is what he had before too and the angel asks him to create a name and Avatar fun thinks that it will be okay to use the same name but he will alter his appearance as he doesn't want others to recognize him the final part of the setup is to choose a birthplace in the star Moon Kingdom and fun selects the White rivver City as it's the fifth largest in the kingdom and it's a great location for avoiding Guild fights also allowing him to level up whilst also keeping a low profile after he is done the angel transports him to the game world but not before wishing him good luck a ray of light engulfs Fung and he arrives in a place called redleaf Town apparently a place he has been to before here it can be seen just how active the game is with tons of players Gathering and doing quests fun checks his stats and finds that he has four free attribute points which is a given as a player is given four points upon leveling up thus allowing them to build however they want however most people choose simply if their role deals physical damage they will prioritize strength he did the same in his past life too however this time he knows that agility is the way to go early as he can do jobs much quicker this way agility raises one's movement and attacks speed so it's great to start with this attribute but players will not find this out for a long time suddenly he gets a call from blackcloud which is hay who explains that he chose the curse mancer class and transported to moonfall town fun urges him to come to redleaf town where he is as he will help him with leveling up but hay is hesitant as it will take him 7 hours to reach and everyone is already leveling up won't he be left out fun explains that it doesn't matter as with their goal in mind to get enough funds to start the workshop leveling up frantically like everyone else is doing isn't ideal he also asks if he knows what a unique Quest is and Hay's eyes light up as he hears those words as those are epic quests and are called unique only because there is one in the entire server once it's done it's gone for good the rewards are also plentiful so it's worth the effort Fung arrives in a rundown part of town where only Beggars reside who immediately try to steal from him but once he pulls out his sword they calm down he explains to Hay that there is a unique quest in this town hearing this does he still want to level up in moonfall town hay is still unconvinced by this as it will take him a lot of time to get there but he also asks how does he know so much is he perhaps in contact with one of the beta testers fun doesn't answer his question and tells him once again to get to redleaf town as after he's done with the quest he will help him level up and he promises that he will be able to level up much faster F than normal players ever could after their call is done he approaches a specific beggar and asks if he needs anything the beggar naturally asks for food as he has not eaten in days but Fung cannot fulfill his request so he asks does he have any other requests there are many things he would do for the right price of course it seems that these are the keywords that activate the quest as the beggar asks him to kill the mayor of redleaf town cross suddenly a system popup appears in front of of fun where it presents him with a choice does he accept the unique Quest fun naturally chooses yes as this is what he came here for next up he goes to the town hall and waits in line for the mayor's Quest as it is common etiquette to wait in line Fung analyzes his stats 2,400 GP and 1500 Mana with his current level he will not be able to defeat the mayor even if there were hundreds of him as this guy is just too powerful however that does not stop fun as he throws the Tomato he was eating straight into the mayor's face which naturally angers him and so he jumps fun who seems to have a trick up his sleeve 15 minutes before this when fun first approached the town hall he noticed just how far the q line for the mayor's Quest is so now he feels kind of bad that he has to kill him fun continued to walk right next to the q line but that's when one of the players noticed him and told him to go back if he doesn't want to become Enemy Number One to every player that is waiting Fen smiles and thanks him for the advice but he shouldn't worry as he's not here for the mayor's Mission but he also shouldn't be here as there are tons of other missions that are better than this one elsewhere the player thinks otherwise as there are tons of other players waiting so it must be good he should stop trying to fool others like this but fun promises it's not to fool him as he will give him a hint too he should go and Hunt monsters in the Wilds as it's more beneficial for him rather than than waiting in a line the player notes that the Wilds are filled with players so the competition for mobs is quite Fierce he would rather wait here than go through that pain fun explains that he should go to areas with fewer monsters if that is the case as the monsters will spawn slower and with nobody having any patience these days not a soul will be there so it's a free XP farm for him the player is quite glad to hear this and asks him to tell him about this spot too if he knows where he is for this information though fun asks for 20 copper coins but the player refuses as they all start with 10 copper coins anyway seeing that the player is hesitant fun offers him a deal he gives him the 10 copper coins and he will send him the location however if what he said is true and he is able to easily level up he will give him another 10 coins he told him all of this because he saw greatness in him but if he doesn't want to he can just forget about it the player reluctantly gives the coin and after the transaction is done fun goes to buy 10 tomatoes with the money he earned this catches the eyes of two female players who laugh at him as they both think he is a fool why would anyone spend their starting money on that after that fun went to the mayor and threw the Tomato in his face while also calling him tons of bad names in hopes to anger him further his tomato assault continued which made the other players waiting for the quest quite scared as they never expected to see such a man so early on naturally after such a shameful display the mayor regards fun as an enemy and in a split second charges in almost killing fun who is now quite low on HP the other players watch in amazement as he shouldn't have been able to survive that but that's when the mayor's face slowly morphs and he suddenly becomes a werewolf he charges Fung once again but before he can reach him the town guards intervene as werewolves are considered evil so it's their job to protect the town Fung was aiming for this but he needed to do it with tomatoes because they deal no damage as if he did damage to the mayor the guards would have also attacked him but now since the mayor has turned into a dark creature the guards are programmed to kill him the players seeing this as an opportunity also charge in and notes of attacks are Unleashed on the mayor until he eventually dies unfortunately for the players the mayor did not drop a sing item or he did but fun took it and he's long gone after fun gives the beggar his request he thanks him from the bottom of his heart and presents him with an item that he hopes will help him in his journeys additionally fun gains 2,000 XP 20 free Mastery points and a luxurious accessory box he is quite surprised by this as he did not expect such a generous reward and chooses to open the accessory box right now which upon opening lights up the entire ire alley the item fun has gained from this is the ring of gravity that despite the stat boosts it gives also gives a skill gravity Unbound which makes the user's body as light as a feather Fong is extremely glad that this item fell into his hands and decides to continue dumbing points in the agility stat with that his abilities will be comparable to that of an assassin he also gains a level up on his swordsmanship which increases his damage dealt with this over fun decides to go to the goblin challenge in order to obtain a skill book when he arrives he notices a few guys trying their hardest to complete the challenge but to no avail as their leader fails again and again he asks them for more money but they have already given him everything they are also calling him by a certain name heart stabber fun knows this name as this guy will become one of the top 10 assassins in the starm Moon Kingdom but he really did not expect him to be such a weak man so early into his journey suddenly he spotted fun and asks him for five copper coins as he will return it by tomorrow with interest with their Guild being so powerful he can also offer him an invitation fun accepts the offer however he wants 50 copper in return which angers heart stabber minions as this is downright disrespectful to their Great Master fun asks if he still wants to do the deal and heart stabber agrees which makes fun happy as it seems it's very easy to make money around these parts the minions ask if they have to pay him back but heart stabber wants to as he's the leader of a guild and surely today he will be able to pass the goblin test the minions agree although with a heavy heart while analyzing the goblin they notice that fun is also taking on the challenge which makes them laugh as he is just a newbie and he will get destroyed by the everchanging attack of the Goblins even heart stabber only managed to reach 20 yards before being shot down fun gets ready and at the count of three the challenge starts with him running as fast as he possibly can the moment it does so the Goblins begin their reign of bullets but fun swiftly Dodges them and goes through bullets without a single one hitting him one of the minions is amazed as he's extremely fast and avoids attacks he might actually be able to defeat their boss heart stabber notes that he might be an athlete or a martial artist that is why he's more agile and the other minion bashes the one who dared to insult their Master heart stabber thinks that this guy is definitely not ordinary in any way however the pattern of the Goblin's attack will change at the 15 yard Mark so he will have to face death like he did time and time again eventually fun reaches the 15 yard Mark and the Goblins pull out some chain pistols and begin unleashing hell on Fung in the form of bullets but he Dodges them and thinks that this time it's his turn to cheat while he prepares to defend himself the minions laugh at him as if he gets hit by a single bullet it means that he failed so even with his sword he cannot defend himself against so many bullets however when the bullets reach fun he expertly hits all of them with his blade which causes them to stop in place this comes at the surprise of the minion and hearth stabber as fun continues to cut his way through the bullets the minion screams at his boss that guy is already at the 25 yard Mark he will soon finish heart stabber tells him to shut up as he's getting on his nerves this game just came out however in front of him is a player that can predict the bullet trajectories he's even blocking them with his blade his control over the player character is amazing suddenly he tells him to watch out as he knows what's up next the Gatling guns the Goblins unleash a flurry of bullets like never before which makes heart stabber think that this challenge is impossible however Fung goes past his expectations and defends himself with all of his might the final attack is a mighty explosion and The Spectators watch closely and fortunately fun makes it out with him jumping to the Finish Line the goblin holding the flag congratulates him as his clear time was 14 seconds thus he achieved the bronze ranking while the group in goblins congratulate his achievement the system Awards him with one silver coin and a swordsman skill thundering slash this ability sends three forward slashes and each slash deals 10% damage with the other ones hitting for 20% each if they hit fun thinks that this is amazing as The Swordsman class is one that focuses on dealing damage to a single Target but this skill is one of the few that are AOE which will allow him to do a lot of things from now on suddenly he notices the group looking at him greedily so he tells them to continue trying as he is leaving but they should not forget that they still have 50 copper to give him the minions think that this is the perfect opportunity to take his prize and book it but heart stabber hits both of them as as they are supposed to be at his feet right now not steal from him having achieved his objective of getting the talent book now it is time for fun to begin training in Earnest he arrives at the Red Leaf Forest where players are making groups in order to hunt together and thinks that he only has 30 copper left after buying 20 explosive berries he really needs to kill some mobs and earn some money he arrives at the mob spawning area and sees a well balanced group with two Warriors at the front a long-range dealer and and a Healer to boot however their experience will be split between four members but he can't lie for early leveling this is the safest way to hunt the players group up like this because the death penalty in God's domain is quite large not only does one drop a level if they die but they lose equipment too one of the group members warns him to not come close as this is their prey but fun was not planning to at all as these are too low level for him to care about he continues to wander around the red leaf forest and comes up up on some bears but he thinks that again they are too lowlevel and additionally the Bears can use a skill to call another group of bears to come so it's quite dangerous eventually he finds a wolf drinking some water and thinks that this is the perfect Target for him as one wolf is easy to deal with and even with its agility he is much faster he continues to step back until he goes too far and the earth falls beneath him as he has reached the end of the Hill Fung manages to land beautifully somehow but this blunder causes him to be at the front of a Wolf Den who seems extremely hungry for his flesh they start chasing after him and Fong laments deciding to hunt that damn Wolf the Wolves try to take a bite of him however he moves through them and without much Choice he uses the gravity ring to increase his speed thus he manages to get away due to his Panic he didn't see where he was running to but it seems he has arrived at the central mountain range which might be a good thing for him as he heard that a silver chest is hidden at the peak of this mountain which he will gladly take eventually Fung arrives at the Target location and notes that normally one couldn't get up here and would need to use a skill like the hidden skill flying steps in order to get up there which unlocks after players put 40 points in agility however for him it is quite easy as he has his ring which allows him to climb the mountain without much effort when he arrives at the top of the mountain a giant green hand emerges from the ground but but he has expected this this Beast is called The Rock Giant and it's level five fun prepared the berries specifically for this mob as they impair the movement speed of the Target by 30% and turning speed is also reduced by 70% fun uses one of them after dodging an attack which slows the already slowed giant tremendously allowing fun to go behind him and strike twice this is fun strategy to use the berries on the Giant and hit it freely which will give him tons of proficiency XP the giant tries to retaliate but it is far too slow for such an agile swordsman so it misses entirely Fung continues to strike the giant again and again until he is done with it and slays it fortunately the giant also drops a piece of gear the gorgeous cloth shirt which has pretty nice stats for now Fung notices a few bats coming out of a cave so he decides to go exploring in it which makes him eventually find shrews a level six elite mob this might seem intimidating but fun still attacks as a level six elite is still pretty doable he decides to attack it before it wakes up which only takes a sliver of his HP shrew wakes up angry and can speak calling Fung a puny mortal who does not know his place Fung manages to dodge upwards and prepares a berry as even if this lump has tons of HP it has no agility and if he uses a berry he will have an easy time just like with the giant he manages to activate one before shrews can do anything and and this allows him to unleash a flurry of attacks which deal little damage but they do damage nonetheless however the elite heals back all the damage he took as the elites do this they heal 2% of their Total Health every 5 Seconds Fung thinks that his attacks cannot keep up with this guy's Mighty regeneration so he must use thundering flash as efficiently as possible in order to deal some damage his idea seems to be working as the elite receives more damage than he can heal but suddenly it sends fun flying back using a barrier and smashes the ground beneath them in pieces which makes fun think that this is its party wipe technique he is a solo player however and manages to dodge the large attack pretty easily but that's when he notices that the elite has entered a fatigued state which is what bosses go through once they unleash their ultimate attacks during this period their defense regeneration and attack drop drastically fun thinks that it's now or never so he charges in swiftly and stabs the Giant's eye with his sword shrew tries to defend himself but fun moves ever so swiftly and drops down allowing him to cut up the Giant's leg with ease unfortunately the fatigue State ends and the gigantic Elite moves behind fun using a teleportation technique which allows it to hit Fung with all of its might this sends fun flying but he survives in Just 2 Hp instead of lamenting he smiles as this is the final chance he has at defeating this thing he charges in using thundering slash and follows it up with a mighty slash finally he throws the sword in shrews core which destroys him utterly the elite starts dropping his Loot and among it is a skill Perry which does what it says Fung decides to learn it now as it might save his skin one day and leaves out of the cave fully equipped thinking that now is the perfect time to really scale the mountain when he arrives at the top of the mountain he spots a small town but also very dense fog that shouldn't be here in the first place suddenly suddenly the system announces that he has discovered the Lost lands and activates a hidden Quest past Glory fun tries to remember something about this but he only remembers that there was a mithril chest around here nothing about a hidden Quest the quest prompt doesn't give him a clear objective and so he remembers that this is a special mission that will only be triggered in a specific area and it will be sealed permanently once it's done fun remembers because some Forum users kept bragging about it constantly but he never expected that he would bump into one however since he's already here he might as well give it a try push comes to shove he will just die and return to the city he enters a few homes and begins exploring but he finds nothing of value to the quest which angers him as this is taking way too much of his time he thinks that it's better to look from above and so he climbs a house just in time for the smoke to clear allowing him to spot the mag's tower his next destination when he arrives Fung thinks that surely this is where the quest wants him to go and sure enough after he enters an elderly Mage welcomes him to the city of the sky fun is shocked when he hears this name as it is renowned in God's domain but this place should have disappeared long ago why would it be here the Mage notes that he must have come here to become stronger and if that's the case he can help him does he accept the test fun accepts and the Mage tries to tell him about the difficulties but Fung chooses the hardest one instantly as he has already been reborn once he cannot afford to lose any chance he receives the Mage admires his courage and wishes him good luck on the quest with that the quest updates he must face up against 1,000 Monsters of the same level and kill a minimum of 500 to pass the limit is 4 hours outside of the Mage Tower countless Undead Warriors appear and rush to attack fun it seems that this will not be an easy Quest Fung looks at the incoming horde and thinks that the best way to do this is not charge in like a madman but lead these guys in a narrow space where he can face them one by one he enters the tower and jumps down on the stairs providing him the best Stage to clear these guys out with ease just like he expected the monsters can only come two at a time at most so he begins slashing and slashing fun thinks that if he continues doing it this way this Quest will be a piece of cake at the 400 sleigh Mark though above bunch of Spectre assassins appear which ignore the staircase completely and jump towards him using the nearby walls providing them ample opportunity for a surprise attack fun notices them however and kicks the two that were attacking him away just in time while also knocking a basic Soldier down too he turns his attention to the remaining Soldier and thrust his sword in his head but that's when a sneaky assassin lunges at his back and manages to hit him taking a quarter of his HP fun kicks this assassin away too but finds it extremely annoying that they keep attacking from behind and when he looks down he notices that there are even more this is not good as these monsters have a lot of agility even for him but fortunately he has 80 monsters left to kill and they are very weak in terms of HP so he will manage the Assassins jump him yet again but this time Fung is prepared and slashes them before they can even land seeing that the job is not done he jumps in himself and continues to cut them up until he assur that there is nothing left of them when he is done he falls down with the Assassins but he is very tired the Elder Mage appears and congratulates him for his fortitude granting him a chest and a title A th000 to1 which gives his allies a 10% stat boost while he receives five strength and endurance with that the Mage just ups and disappears as his job is done much to Fun's dismay who wanted to ask more questions about a lot of things because the quest was done fun is just teleported back to the town and takes a Mighty Fall because the teleporter was positioned in the sky for some odd reason fun did not want this as now there's a risk of other players snatching his hard-earned golden chest so he goes to a nearby alley and opens it with the contents being quite a surprise for him what he gained from the chest is the Abyssal blade a magical weapon a magic weapon is something that can improve the user's strength by quite a lot but it also comes with a great risk as if the user user is not careful they might their player character forever since fun prefers the stability he has now he chooses to store the weapon but he also got two other items from the chest the records of potions and the Book of foraging with them training these two skills will become extremely easy now fun chooses to go to the Dark Moon Valley as he knows about a quest there that will allow the user to learn foraging for free and with the book leveling it up will become very convenient since he has a lot of equipment he does not use anymore he chooses to sell it as he is sure to attract some customers with these bronze tier items he starts offering his Wares to everyone and some guys are amazed as this is not easy equipment to get since most of them are still running around with their beginner equipment naturally there are some haters too that note that there was a guy who killed the mayor when the server just launched unbeknownst to them he is the one and only but that doesn't matter as others come around and say that thanks to that bastard they can't take the quest through all of that noise hey calls him and is very glad that he picked up as he tried to contact him previously but he didn't have any signal anyways he is one level below everyone else so they need to do something now fun apologizes as he has been just grinding quests but he should come to the Central Square as they can level him up later suddenly flaming tiger the leader of the shadow in redleaf town tells everyone to get out of the way because as of now they possess everything this stall has so the sale has ended he asks Fong if he's the owner which he confirms but he also remembers this guy as in his previous life this flaming Tiger character used him as a chess piece time and time again before throwing him away but now he will pay him for that awful treatment suddenly flaming tiger puts his ax at Fun's neck and notes that they will take everything in the stand for a single silver coin sounds like a good deal right fun tells tells him that he does not allow bargaining at this stall so if he wants to role play as a young master of a noble house he can do it somewhere else naturally this infuriates flaming tiger and his men circle around him ready to attack at any second fun thinks that he's still the same stupid and heartless additionally it seems that he does not know that they cannot fight while in town so all of this show is literally for nothing just as flaming tiger is about to strike fun fruitlessly heart stabber arrives and tells flaming tiger that he shouldn't leave the assassin's Alliance out of such a deal isn't that right he greets fun warmly and explains that he will give 24 silver for everything he has isn't that a better deal Fung likes his straightforward attitude so he accepts the deal tells him to stop worrying about that 50 copper and also adds him as a friend suddenly hay arrives and so Fung leaves much to heart stabber dismay who really wanted to talk with him more hay asks what they're going to do now and fun notes that they will just Farm monsters at the Dark Moon Valley which surprises hay as that place is home to level four monsters which are extremely dangerous fun tells him not to worry as he has a plan and one of flaming Tiger's subordinates asks if he's really going to let him go like that he tells this subordinate quiet wolf to keep a really close eye on that kid as he will not allow this kind of disrespect and will definitely make him regret not selling to them while they walk to the Dark Moon Valley hay asks if they are really going there as that territory is filled to the brim with level four monsters and most players dare not hunt monsters who are even one level higher than them so how are they going to defeat the beasts when they are level two and level zero respectively fun tells him to not worry as like he said he knows an expert from the beta test so he knows a few tips and tricks to keep them alive for longer hay asks if he really is a trustworthy Source but fun asks him since the public server launched how many level two players does he think are in the entire server the majority of the Elites in the workshops are still level one and he only managed to get to level two with the information provided by the generous beta tester hey after hearing this gains Newfound confidence but unfortunately quiet wolf is after them who is also quite puzzled as to why they're going to a level four Zone but it does not matter as he is sure this will be a deadly trip after a while hay spots a cunning snow fox a level two monster and fun thinks that this is lucky as blue name monsters are Elites so they are very valuable while he charges in he tells hay to damage the beast from range and leave the tanking to him Fung moves slowly and surprises the Beast with a swift attack but he only dealt 32 damage which fun did not expect at all the fox after regaining its footing jumps back at fun who manages to block its attack with his sword but after he lets go he has dealt 49 damage hey does not know what to do but fun screams at him to get his act together and attack the thing with all that he's got hay does just that but he only deals five to the fox which he is scared of as he has dumped every stat Point into intelligence fun encourages him to not be scared as he will keep the aggro on him all he needs to do is continue attacking the thing hay does just that but the Beast manages to land another blow on fun who is now very low HP this comes at the gladness of quiet wolf who thinks that he won't have to do anything the fox jumps into attack once again and keeps biting Fun's sword again and again which starts deteriorating fast and it will soon be destroyed in a last ditch effort fun hits the fox in the gut and throws it away he did not want to do this but it seems that he will have to start using his abilities from now on he Dodges the fox's next attack and drinks a iron beer which decreases the level of the enemy in front of him by two which will certainly give him the opportunity to end this with this Advantage he started striking the fox again and again much to Hay's surprise but fun feels that it's not enough and prepares a large strike to finish the fight but suddenly an invisible force rushes to him and Fung barely manages to dodge the incoming blade quiet wolf appears and notes that he's pretty observative to dodge an invisible attack like that fun is surprised but not shocked as he knew that flaming tiger only kept around awful company such as this coward suddenly the monster uses gigantification and its attack speed and health are all increased by 20% this puts fun in an awful situation and hay screams at him to watch out as the Assassin dude is trying to pin him down with the help of the fox seeing this Fung uses his brain and kicks the fox that is charging at him directly in quiet Wolf's Direction which surprises the both of them and takes out the Assassins as he cannot hope to dodge such a fast attack with that the only opponent they have remaining is the fox which they attack in unison allowing them to eventually take it down which Awards them with 10 exp each the drop from the fox is a common Blackwood staff that is of bronze tear and would be really useful on a mage fun thinks the same too and gives it to Hay as it will be better on him since he is intelligence-based hey doesn't feel that this is Fair since without him he wouldn't have dreamed of ever taking down the fox but fun tells him to stop being polite like they are strangers he is a curse mancer and this staff is for people like him not a swordsman who doesn't even know how to use it with that explanation hay graciously accepts his new gift and is quite glad to have a new item back in the town flaming Tiger Kicks quiet wolf around because he couldn't even manage to deal with a level two swordsman quiet wolf thinks that flaming tiger is a vicious and merciless man so he will most definitely kick him out of the party if he tells him that he was killed while attempting to Ambush the target to save his skin quiet wolf fabricates a story that he found a rare elite in the Wilds but it was discovered by fun too just as he was about to finish it off additionally he also had someone new with him and they were both heading for Dark Moon Valley if he goes there too he is positive that he will be able to retrieve the drop from the elite monster after hearing Elite monster flaming Tiger's ear is perked up and he tells everyone in his group that now they will go to the Dark Moon Valley too how dare a mere beginner steal what belongs to to him he is going to make sure that he never touches this game again hay and fun wait around in a forge and hay wonders just how long they're going to be waiting around as it has been half an hour already but fun tells him to be patient as this is the only way to trigger the quest he wants 10 minutes later the blacksmith notices them and asks if they are interested in forging which fun says that he is it has been his dream ever since he was young with that he gets the hidden Quest to forging where he must give Master Jack 100 pieces of meteorite ore from the Crimson star mine hay and fun arrive at the mine where the recommended level is four and it is filled to the brim with Burly Cobalts Fong pulls out a smoke bomb that reduces the visibility in a 10 yard radius for one entire hour he throws it in the middle of the Cobalts and tells hey to start shooting beams seeing that he is still Level zero and he has nothing to lose he does just that and hits one of the Cobalts quite well but it doesn't die and it turns his way hay thinks that this is the end but fun explains that the smoke bomb will cover him and since the Cobalts have poor vision already they won't be able to see him if he remains at 30 yards distance from them he will be safe hey continues attacking and manages to take one of them down which makes him think that this is very easy XP so he continues shooting beams until all of the Cobalts in the area are down he recharges his Mana with a potion and tells fun to look at the amount of loot that they drop some meteorite ore but also a level three cloth armor piece fun remembers that the drop rate of a single piece of meteorite is one per 100 Cobalts but hay only killed a couple dozen and already has several pieces of ore the luck they have is truly amazing after their conversation is over Fung jumps in and right in front of the Cobalts Who start chasing him giving him ample time to put a smoke bomb down and for hay to unleash hell on them after a lot of farming hay becomes level two and Fang level three additionally they also have new pieces of gear on them while they loot around and hay finds a new piece of gear for fun a dark figure pops up behind hay and Fung tries to warn him he could not move fast enough however and he gets slashes three times by three different people which leaves him on a quarter of his HP hay recognizes them as flaming Tiger's subordinates but even so he will not fall down without a fight but quiet wolf thinks that he's just a useless curse mancer so he charges in once again as he wants to kill fun afterwards unfortunately for him the dark arrow that hay unleashes on him deals a whopping 185 damage which even surprises him even after this deadly blow quiet wolf doesn't give up and orders the other two assassins to charge in all at once as this Mage cannot hope to defend himself now true enough hay cannot unleash his magic so swiftly but they seem to have forgotten about fun who cuts them down in a Split Second he looks at fun with admiration and is shocked to find out that he is so strong flaming tiger and his subordinates arrive and they all charge in as even if their dumb assassins lost they must show these low lives what it means to mess with the great flaming tiger before they can even get to them Fung throws a smoke bomb at their feet and chooses to retreat much to the attacker's dismay flaming tiger isn't too mad about this however as he notices that this place is a great place for leveling up which puzzles his subordinates as this is a level four Zone and most of them are way too low to even consider farming here flaming tiger explains that they will use someone as bait and gather the Cobalts in the Smoke which will make them stand still like puppets they do just that and use basically the same technique that fun used the subordinates congratulate their leader for such a grand idea as this is really easy to level up flaming tiger thinks that this is truly an amazing idea and even though the XP is split among them for each kill they get 2% increase in experience they can hunt here forever and when the time comes he will become the king of this world ruling over others like he was destined to after they run far away hey asks fun if it's really all right to let them Farm in their spot but fun tells him to not worry let them enjoy themselves as much as they can because soon they will find out that after great joy comes great sorrow suddenly the smoke screen that was protecting them from the Cobalts starts to disappear and the hunters have just become the hunted as the Cobalt's eyes glisten at the sight of fresh meat all of Cobalts are now fully aware of their surroundings and one immediately charges in killing one of the subordinates with a single slash of its axe the others follow suit and charge in as well as this is very easy prey that doesn't seem to fight back flaming tiger orders everyone to retreat and laments that they worked so hard to get their members to level two but now now after dying they will drop back down to one and also drop a piece of gear what bad luck seeing that he cannot save the others flaming tiger runs away with his tail under his legs and barely manages to Get Out Alive by using all of his stamina unfortunately for him Fung was waiting for him patiently and he asked what happened did his subordinates get wiped out by the Cobalts perhaps flaming tiger naturally thinks that it's his fault and charges in with his diminished stamina but fun Dodges and slashes him from behind fun starts mocking him which makes flaming tiger throw his axe around and he swears that he will kill him over and over again until he gets to level zero this constant slashing doesn't prove fruitful for him and tires him out which makes him call Fung a coward who can only evade Fung tells him that he will stand still now and to come already but before flaming tiger can fully get to him Fung uses his thundering flash which depletes flaming Tiger's HP bar fully fun stands above him and notes that he didn't say anything about countering but also thanks him as he has saved him a lot of time by farming that much ore for him he didn't know he was so nice with his last moments flaming tiger promises to have his revenge soon and gets respawned in the town with the others he sees their dumb looks and tells them to check their inventories and see what has been lost and what hasn't naturally he does the same and finds out that the skill book he was saving is gone so he scream dreams at everyone to listen up as they must go back to the Dark Moon Valley and kill the brat who did this to them without prejudice suddenly he receives a call from one Jang who seems to be flaming Tiger's leader he asks what he's doing and flaming tiger explains that he's only reprimanding his useless subordinates those words of anger were not aimed towards him he promises Jang tells him to stop feigning ignorance as he knows what happened look at him he graciously gave him redleaf town to take over but he does this from now on he is no longer squad leader and if he doesn't get to level two by the time he gets out of redleaf town he will be kicked out of their organization Shadow after the call ends flaming tiger screams out Fun's name as it seems that he has become his arch nemesis at Dark Moon Valley hay and Fung loot what flaming tiger dropped and hay is very happy to see him drop so much stuff however he would like to see his expression when he respawns fun also finds the skill book that he had which holds a skill called wind blade that launches a group of sneak attack at the enemy and upon usage speed and damage also increase he thinks that this skill is designed to harass long- range attackers which is extremely good for close-range Swordsmen like him hey also wants a skillbook too but fun tells him to wait for flaming Tiger's next visit as he will surely bring them another gift while looting the remaining ore hay finds a strange dark green rock and fun explains that it's a star Crystal that only has a drop rate of 1% the this makes hay think that it's very expensive but fun tells him that it's not worth a single penny however in the future it will be enough to buy entire cities with so he should just put it in his inventory and forget about it as he will understand when the time comes hey agrees and they go to dumb The Ore they needed for the quest which seems to be enough Master Jack is happy with the amount but notes that this was only the first step now he needs to prove his strength another Quest pops up to defeat the elite Cobalt Chieftain but fun is puzzled as he did not hear anything about a second stage in his past life but the real problem is that Chieftain is a level five Elite which makes him on part with a dungeon boss even if they're more powerful now players can only deal with that guy if they group up hey asks what's wrong and fun notes that he just got a different Quest but hay tells that with him leading the team every Quest will be very easy from now on fun says that he was a coward hours ago but now he's brimming with confidence well if he listens to his commands well he doesn't really care either way when they arrive at the Crimson star Cavern they both get ready and fun is the first to attack as many enemies as he can with hay following suit unleashing tons of beams in the Cobalts they both engage in a bloody battle and eventually come out on top which makes hay say that this Mission doesn't seem that difficult but Fang tells him to keep Vigilant as they haven't gotten to the main target just yet suddenly the cavern begins to shake violently and sure enough the true Target appears the Cobalt Chieftain who has a myriad of powerful skills hey is shocked to see so many and fun tells him that they need to finish this soon since the quest has a time limit hay asks if they can really defeat such a beast as even if they ignore its gigantic Health pool it has extremely high defense and he isur that if they take a blow from that huge axe it's over Fung doesn't rightly know but the consequences of failing this Mission are harsh so they only have one one chance if they fail they will not be able to try again without much Choice fun pulls out the sword that he did not wish to use anytime soon one day surrounded by thousands of enemy Guild members the Crimson war God took out his blood magic weapon his mighty Crimson ghost Axe and mowed every single man there down eventually he became famous through that battle and founded the war god Empire however not just anyone can use that power fully and some even get consumed by their weapons due to the amount of backlash they have the system asks if he would like this item bound to him and with high confidence fun notes that even newbies can control magic weapons he will not let himself be consumed by these things especially since he is reincarnated with that he bind the item to him and the dragon's Roar unleashes on him which drains his levels fully and he is now back to zero he asks if he's okay as his levels just dropped but Fang calms him down as now he is stronger than ever before this Abyssal blade has tons of amazing stats is growable but also evolvable a perfect weapon for someone like fun whose potential knows no bounds tired of waiting around the boss spawns a few Cobalts that immediately charge the party without a thought fun notes that he will be enough to deal with them which hay agrees with instantly fun gets ready to attack and when he does all of the Cobalts fall to his blade in an instant showing just how powerful he is become with the weaklings gone Fung begins fighting the chieftain who misses once but actually manages to hit him once which Cuts fun in half hay is shocked by this but fortunately this was just one of Fun's new skills that creates a clone with half of his stats the real Fang is right next to the chieftain's face and before he notices him fully fun unleashes a mighty attack and uses that momentum to keep attacking after he is done with those he backs away slightly and hits the chieftain with a much better slash ability that sends the chieftain's HP bar to half seeing that its HP is diminished the chieftain becomes enraged with its power increasing by 100% Fung isn't scared however as even if he has more power his attacks are slow so he will be able to dodge the chieftain tries to crush him under his hand and suddenly while fun is still dodging it increases its attack speed by 100% making Fung Dodge and Dodge without any chance of attack suddenly hey attacks him which grabs his attention instantly and fun tells him to run while he still can hay isn't too fast however and can only accept his fate as the axe of the chieftain falls on him out of nowhere tons of chains appear and bind the chieftain this is fun skill Abyssal bind even if Fung tries his best eventually the chieftain breaks free just in time for fun to jump at his face level and strike him very hard seeing this as his only opportunity to get out of there hay books it and leaves fun to fight the the chieftain whose attacks have become even more deadly as they cover the entire Cavern at this point afterwards the chieftain opens his mouth and a couple of hounds come out fun knows that the boss is just trying to buy time with this but he cannot drag this any longer so he will have to use that skill but he doesn't know how long he will be able to control nine Abyssal blades with his current psychic power fun activates the nine Dragon slash and just when the hounds are about to jump on him the swords come to his rescue and slash all around round using the swords fun deals a couple of deadly blows to the chieftain but he doesn't stop there as he charges forwards too and aims to end the battle unfortunately the skill catches up to him and he falls down as his psychic power is too low this leaves him at the chieftain's mercy and hay tells him that it's okay to give up he has far surpassed himself already why risk everything right now Fang remembers all that has happened to him give up in his previous life he worked extremely hard without complaints and helped build an Empire but was thrown away like trash he does not know if what happened to him was a blessing from heaven or a fate decision but he will not give up now he will rewrite his Destiny no matter what with Newfound confidence and better mental strength he charges in and before the chieftain can do anything fun and his clones strike its eyes and continue slashing it all over the chieftain tries to retaliate which gives fun the opportunity to back away and use the Clone to launch himself through the chieftain ending the fight once and for all after fun takes a moment to rest hay walks up to him and notes that what he did is nothing short of incredible fun tells him that he's extremely lucky once again as the boss has dropped a rare skill book for curse mancers but hay thinks that even with this luck he still won't be able to help after all seeing that fun is an expert in these types of things he asks him to teach him about the curse mancer class and how to play it as he wants to get stronger and help when the time comes fun agrees and asks what his point out allocation is in hey explains that he put everything in intelligence as most people do that fun hits him in his forehead and notes that is not the way to go even if the curse mancer is damage class only 5 minutes ago a gigantic axe wanted to end his life but he didn't move an inch did he perhaps forget hay agrees that he almost died there without doing anything and fun notes that if he hadn't graciously saved him he would have been sent back to town anyways there's no point to him dealing tons of damage if he's dead so he should invest a portion of his points into agility as it not only helps at movement speed but it also increases his casting speed when they finish that conversation fun announces that the chieftain dropped tons of items so there's a robe he can get too besides this rare skill book it holds the skill evil whip that binds the Target in a fixed area and Deals damage to them if they try to escape hay is very glad to own this and asks if it's not the same as his Abyssal bind fun explains that even if they work the same they have different casting times with his skill taking 3 seconds to cast so he must predict his enemy and their movements from now on with that they both get equipped Fung with the leather armor and black Iron and hay with the Violet blood leggings and violet blood robe a nice set eventually they make it back to the forge and master Jack congratulates fun for completing his task truly he is worthy of inheriting his forging techniques the system rewards him with with basic forging the forging genius talent and additionally 10 refinement steel hey asks what forging genius does as it sounds very powerful but fing notes that when one successfully forges something they have a chance to gain two proficiency points he finds it disappointing however fun tells him to not underestimate two points as one would need a thousand of them to advance from an apprentice to an intermediate additionally forging common items only gives one proficiency point this Talent forging genius can reduce the time and money one spends on advancing their forging skill by a ton so it's very useful even if he doesn't see it now hay kind of gets it as it sounds incredible when he explains it so he asks fun to forge him some equipment sometime since he will probably have to do it anyway fun explains that even though he has acquired the skill he still needs blueprints in order to create anything this makes him think about the deathly Forest as that place will drop bronze tier equipment blueprints beginners need tons of equipment and he will be able to deal with two things at a time by leveling his forging and making money with that they get ready to leave but just as they are about to get out the master notices the sword he has and notes that if that blade really is a magic weapon it is imbued with a vile and evil curse additionally now that he looks better at him the curse has already started to seep into his body and he will soon receive backlash from it however this is his first time seeing such a weapon in all of his years as a Smith so may he see it just for a little bit fun thinks that this must be some type of hidden Quest and so he gives it to him Master Jack carefully wields the blade and explains that this is a famous sword forged by the very renowned Craftsman alyses from the Fang of the black dragon king it ranks 31st among the 36 famous swords in God's domain and the black dragon King's Fang has given this sword with incredible power however it also has an evil curse in it some sometimes this sword causes a heavy backlash on the user and if they are unable to suppress it they will fall pretty to the black dragon King's curse and get all of their attributes haved permanently unfortunately for him it seems that the backlash effect has already started fun asks if there's any way to get rid of this curse but Jack says that there is no real way to break the curse he can only offer a method to weaken it but this will require something of equally great power he must go and find the lucky stones the only things that can help him resist the curse however these types of stone are exceedingly rare and just randomly getting one is up to fate in this situation fun then tells hey to give him the stone he has which apparently is the lucky stone leaving Jack truly a struck noting that he really is extraordinary Fung thinks that in his past life after God's domain went live these extremely rare yet utterly useless Stones were collectively renamed lucky stones and the demand for them increased by a large margin he notes that they will have to bother him once again but Jack doesn't see it as a bother as he is truly honored to work on such a strong magical weapon with his own hands he puts the lucky stone on the forge and gets to work forging it into the sword with extreme carefulness eventually the blade is done and now there's only a 10% chance of the curse activating much better than the previous chance rate judging by Jack's attitude fun thanks him for his hard work and leaves but not before Jack can bow down to him as this was truly an experience worth remembering when they're walking away Fung receives a message from Lonely snow the warrior guy he met in the town hall and he also told him about the Monster hunting spot he tells fun that his three friends in him have reached level two does he want to join them in the deathly Forest perhaps fun explains that with his curse mancer friend they make a party of six and he also knows a beta tester so he knows tons of things about the deathly Forest lonely snow agrees to have him be the leader and also agrees to his condition that all Swordsmen and curs mancer Equipment be given to them no matter what fun tells hay that they have been invited to a dungeon so they should go but Haye wonders why take other people in the first place couldn't they just do it by themselves fun explains that the deathly Forest is a party dungeon they need a minimum number of participants to get in plus this will increase their chances of success so it's fine eventually they arrive at at the dungeon meeting place where tons of players are already gathered looking for a good party lonely snow manages to find them through the crowd and thanks Fang for the hunting place he recommended as he has easily grinded to level two his friends had to grind a lot to get to level two so with him in charge they will clear this extremely easily they arrive at his friend's meeting location and just when the wall they are about to form a party they notice that he's only level one and they naturally get mad as he expected them the actual carries to give him the swordsman and curse mancer equipment does he think that they are dumb the tank gets up and cloes while picking his nose and asks him why is he still level one despite the server being open for a long time is he that weak the Mage also gets in his case as he cannot believe that someone so arrogant wanted to order them on how they should raid the dungeon does he have no shame seeing how the situation changed both hay and fun leave the party as it's not wise to spend more time on these these guys they will not see the reason if he explains it lonely still doesn't like this and dumps his friends in order to go with Fung his friends warn him that the guy is most definitely a scammer and that he will come to regret it but he ignores them he comes close to fun and notes that he wants to join the party which fun accepts and hay notes that he has amazing judgment and he promises that he will not be disappointed with his choice fun tells hay to take his staff out and cast every special option he has he does just that and announces that they have an expert here who is waiting for more players lonely's friends still think that he's a scammer and that he has no shame what arrogance to claim that he's an expert and he's just level one one of them still decides to look and spots that the curse mancer is equipped to the brim with very good loot the mage of the party tells them that the curse mancer was level three all of this time which he apparently did not want to tell earlier however even if the curse mancer was good his friend friend would have still been a burden so they get the idea to bribe him to their side as surely he will accept if they let him pick up all of the Mage equipment they try just that but hay brushes them off instantly he even flips them off showing that they have lost their chance a long time ago more and more people gather to form the party with Fung but the moment they see that he's level one they brush him off which makes lonely think that it won't be easy to take in new members suddenly everyone rushes away and their eyes are filled with hearts as white snow accompanied by her teammates Xiao and xia arrive the men around her fall to their knees at her sight but fun recognizes her and wonders what she's doing here hay is also mesmerized by her beauty until Fung wakes him up with a single powerful punch the other men try to form a party with them but Jiao notices that most of them are not even good players just beginners naturally lonely's friends also try to make them team up but their seduction skills really need improving as nobody would accept their incessant asking Xiao chooses to shut them up by intimidating them but this only makes them admire her even more eventually she makes all of them steer away but fun expected this as in his previous life Jiao was known as The Flame witch and he recalls a moment where she was harassed by The Guild Master of the central plains Guild and as a result the 10,000 member Guild was destroyed overnight The Guild Master was constantly slain by Jiao and heah dropped back to level zero making him never set foot in God's domain ever again Fung and white snow make eye contact and she feels that that he's different somehow Xiao thinks that he's just trying to be mysterious like some other men do but white snow ignores her and goes up to him so they have no choice but to follow Joe asks how he dares even attempt going in the deathly forest with only one level to his name but fun defends himself as if he is searching for members it goes to show that he has a way to clear the dungeon would they like to join their party Joe instantly gets on his case but white snow tells her to calm down as even if he is level one the curse mancer next to him is equipped with three bronze rank items so he definitely has some Talent additionally that weapon he has is quite mysterious but Joe thinks that it's just a piece of junk so she asks him what kind of strategy does he have for the dungeon as deathly Forest has never been cleared by anyone before Kong notes that he got his info from the closed beta test which puzzles white snow as she hasn't heard of any leaks and Joe calls him out as he must be lying fun notes that it's up to them but he will give everyone here a piece of advice the deathly Forest doesn't have that many tough enemies so the real killer is getting lost in it as it is filled with traps and if one was to get super lost they would have to eliminate themselves in order to respond they all think it's bull but fun tells them to ask the respond player and see if it's real or not seeing that he is quite informative and has a cool head white snow accepts his party invitation which causes the Mage girl to blush for some reason Joe still doesn't trust him but there's nothing she can do now and their party is formed much to everyone's dismay hey thanks him for bringing such pretty and Powerful women to their party and so they all get into the portal where they are presented with three difficulty options when they finally enter the system announces that the hell difficulty was chosen much to everyone else's surprise except Fong who naturally was the one who chose this option he he can't believe that he would choose something so dangerous and Jang thinks that he's trying to screw them over but fun calms them down as he is confident that they will succeed lonely asks what path to take and fun tells him to follow as they can get lost easily xia notices that they are moving away and white snow says that they should trust them this time at least in his past life the first people to conquer the deathly Forest were the shadow Guild who sent hundreds of members to explore the area and the result was a map that showed a total of 36 paths but only three of those lead to the first boss while walking white snow notices that he chose the path with the least enemies as they passed Patrol after Patrol of monsters and they were able to evade them every time Xiao asks why not fight them and Fung explains that mobs Do not drop anything good here so there's no reason to consume resources he notices a clearing in front of them and thinks that this is the boss area but when they go there there's nothing just an empty clearing suddenly the Earth begins to shake and fun tells everyone to get ready as the boss is about to come out he does just that and jumps out of the ground in a powerful fashion and lands down this is Wil me a night rabbit with a dark attitude it likes to welcome humans with a warm blood bath naturally this bath is drawn from their own blood and he likes to eat their meat afterwards fun tells them to not be intimidated as they are surely ready for this moment and white snow gets in front ready to protect Xiao fun asks her to keep playing the role of tank and tells xia to not pull Too Much aggro from the mob the role of tank is played by those who have a class that has high defense and health their responsibility is to make the monsters focus on them while the other players attack from behind but the attackers should be careful too as if they pull too much aggro they will be the ones at attacked by the boss Fung promises to give the clearest instructions possible but suddenly lonely charges in without a thought in his mind while lonely charges in Fang tells him not to as they would at least have to get Buffs from xia first unfortunately lonely cannot stop his skill while it is in effect but he still attempts it leaving him to fly towards the bunny which is quite confused but nonetheless this is the perfect opportunity to strike lonely down he thinks that this is the end for him but hey says otherwise as he unleashes his binding spell on the bunny leaving him completely motionless lonely thanks him for the support and without any room to raise his sword he headbutts the rabbit which damages him more than it does the creature but it was a valiant assault Xiao wonders if this guy thinks he's a cannonball or something and xia instantly gets to heal him which he is very thankful for eventually the rabbit manages to escape the now stiff constraints that were on him but lonely now fully healed up charges in once again and he begins to trade blows with the Raging rabbit white snow and Fang also charge in to help him with fun thinking that for his experience his movement is pretty good they both manag to strike the rabbit and Xiao also wants to contribute so she tells lonely to get out of the way and unleashes a mighty flame attack that hits the rabbit for 118 damage she is glad to find that she is still the best damage dealer around but unfortunately for her this has angered the rabbit and so it changes its aggro while also buffing itself with 30% more attack and speed both fun and white snow notice that the boss has changed aggro and Jiao is quite puzzled by this until the rabbit tries to Claw at her she finally remembers what fun said about the tank and aggro but now she cannot do anything to defend herself quickly suddenly Fung uses a thundering flash on the rabbit which hits it perfectly and grabs its attention very well he explains that the boss in its enraged state has too much damage so if they cannot defend against it they should let him Agro the rabbit as he is the quickest out of all of them Xiao doesn't have to be told twice and runs away leaving the rabbit to attack Fung it slashes him away with its claws and after there is distance the rabbit jumps high into the air and uses death claws an ability that forms a couple of deadly slash likee projectiles seeing that Fung has protected against the attacks the rabbit drops down and begins spinning around in place which is apparently another ability killing Feast that allows the rabbit to steadily approach Fung he defends himself against this spinning attack but some damage still goes through due to the impact white snow decides to help him now and kicks the rabbit away who is now tired from all of the action Xiao heals fun up and he tells them to attack now while it is weakened as its defenses are lower than ever he also warns Xiao specifically to not steal the aggro again with her damage which on the surface seems like she understands but her true feelings are that she wants to rip him in half they all attack the boss at once and hay pushes them further as the rabbit has little HP left fun uses an ability to throw it into the air and Xiao finds this as an opportunity to unleash a larger attack which creates large explosions all around the boss and some even hit him this attack was enough to slay him and he drops tons of loot which lonely and hay notice but their celebrations are cut short by Fang who tells them to heal up first then split the loot they all do just that and fun explains that the final boss is renowned for catching players by surprise but it's not that difficult to defeat it as long as they are ready Shia asks what means and suddenly the boss starts spawning a werewolf that is the same rank as the rabbit this time however the party is not surprised at all and ready which leaves the werewolf quite confused as this is not the reaction he expected furthermore when he sees the party charges in he tries to retreat unfortunately for him this party is Resolute in their decisions and defeats him in a very short time after the wolf boss dissipates into air he drops even more loot than the rabbit and most of it is very high quality something which is to be expected since they defeated the hell difficulty as promised white snow lets them choose the gear first fun is glad to find a blueprint on his first dungeon try and the others also find some sweet items inside of this large pile hey equips himself with some dark Gauntlet a new dark robe and also learns the hell flame skill loyal learns the Whirlwind slash and also finds a new sword an iron great swword Joe looks at them and they're looting making her say that they probably got all of the good things things in that Loot drop but xia notes that without them they wouldn't have been able to clear this dungeon so it's only right to let them loot first after Fun's party is done looting white snow is surprised to see some good items still left and so she thanks fun Xiao wonders what it is and sees that they left a potion recipe which is very rare right now but why fun explains that they played a very important role in this raid too so he couldn't just leave them with nothing Jiao seems touched by this gesture and at the entrance to deathly Forest the players that are gathered start chatting about who will clear the dungeon first with some of them thinking that it will be the Heaven's crown and others the Assassin's Alliance unfortunately for them their speculations are wrong as Fung and his party were the first ones to clear the dungeon leaving everyone shocked at this outcome they watch as the party removes themselves from the portal and notice that they are all wearing highquality gear now which naturally attracts a few eyes of Envy from others White snow invites fun and his party in their Guild uroboros but Fung is used to playing in a smaller group so he really isn't interested in joining a guild at the current moment white snow respects his decision however in 3 days her Guild will be raiding an uncleared 20-man dungeon Dark Moon graveyard and she would like to know if he's interested fun knows that only players with level five or above can enter that dungeon so is she that confident in being able to gather so many people with such a high level only in 2 days she notes that he shouldn't underestimate a robus like this and truthfully she's right oroborus doesn't refer to a single Guild in a specific game it is actually the leading Guild organization among the dozens of virtual game worlds on the market out now ever since the start of God's domain conglomerates all around have been brushing into this new world hoping to get a share of the emerging virtual market like them orobos had also wanted a piece of God's domain for a long time and they would use financial means in the real world to invest the the strongest forces in God's domain truly Gathering a 20-man group in only two days must be quite easy for them white snow adds fun as her friend so she can invite him when the time comes and he notes that he believes in uroborus strength but she should Reserve him a spot to let him pick any swordsman equipment and blueprints Joe thinks that he isn't humble at all but fun doesn't care while hay says that he is truly amazing he managed to get a spot on white Snow's friend list after she and her party leave the other male players start staring fun and his party down which they notice quickly fun just tells them to bolt out of here and they do just that while the other players chase them around and ask them tons of questions about white snow in the dungeon eventually the party escapes the situation and arrives at the Dark Moon Valley portal but finds that nobody is there which fun thinks is only natural as the other players are focused on leveling up and nobody would dare to challenge a level four dungeon without having a few backups suddenly someone arrives and asks them to add him to their party fun finds his voice similar to someone and when he looks closer he realizes that this man is the Tyrant bear the one that will become the rank 15 Guardian Knight in the star Moon Kingdom this Knight by the name of cola was very depressed in the early days of this game due to his inability to fulfill his role some idiots even kicked him out of a third rate Guild but later he would join the radiant Stars Guild change his name to Tyrant bear a much more fitting one and become quite famous all around this is a perfect opportunity as if he gets in his good books right now only good fortune will come in the future Cola explains that he was clearing mobs while getting here but he couldn't find anyone to group with until he met them hey is quite suspicious of his words and cola notes that it's thanks to him just dragging the fights out as much as possible they deduce that his defense must be insane to be able to survive so many mob's attacks without even a shred of worry lonely tells fun that this is a good opportunity since this guy will be a much better tank than he is fun gives him an invite and lonely is very glad as now he can quit his tank job and live his dream of being a DPS Cola tells fun that they are missing a Healer he has a Healer friend but he's an oracle which makes lonely say that oracles have the worst healing abilities by far and if they summarize every class the Oracle must be the worst one fun tells him otherwise as sure their healing isn't the strongest but they have high p and their signature skill called life payment allows them to turn the damage they take into healing so one in their party would greatly decrease the stress that the tank would go through Cola invites his friend drowsy sloth to the squad and when he arrives he thanks them for accepting him as he was kicked out of several parties previously which made him consider deleting his account and making a new one since nobody wanted him with that out of the way they go inside where tons of goblins await them but they did not expect Cola to just charge in on them and use a mighty taunt that grabs their attention fully this gives lonely the opportunity to use his new ability which is quite amazing for AOE and hay also uses his which takes down a lot of goblins with ease Fung takes no time in dealing with these weak goblins and they drop tons of or pieces which apparently are quite precious to players suddenly a giant robot falls out of the sky and this is a sudden event where a boss spawns in this case it's a level five boss that ignores 95% % of damage basically a full team wipe hay asks fun for instructions but he has only one run they begin doing just that and fun explains that once they reach the entrance to the dungeon they will get out of the Gnomes Patrol area so they should be relatively safe Fung is so scared of this boss because in his past life he led a party in here too and just like now they met a hazard gnome boss he was leading a team of Elites and after butchering more than enough gnomes the hazard gnome appeared they were excited to see a new Elite and wanted to defeat it but their dreams ended in a second as with just one attack the hazard gnome took care of them he begins shooting after the party which makes hay try to retaliate but his attacks only deal one point of damage much to his surprise fun explains that it is resistant to damage as it has 95% damage reduction so he should focus his Mana usage on skills that would slow him down with this advice hay uses the rooting spell he has which makes the mech fall down but it strangely also deals tons of damage to him Fung notices and thinks that he must be weak against plant-based skills maybe they have a chance to defeat this thing he tells everyone in the party to stop as that thing is weak to plant-based skills so it's time for them to finally retaliate he explains the plan that being to just drag things out with hay being in charge of dealing as much damage as he can with his plant-based skills but not enough to pull aggro lonely is the first one to go in and uses the Whirlwind slash flash to spin the head of the mech which confuses it and allows hay to use the binding Roots once again the mech naturally goes after him next but Cola is on it and uses a Divine strike on the mech which doesn't give it that much damage but it attracts its attention enough to make it attack Cola who even with his heavy defense he still receives tons of damage hay continues to attack while the mech chases after Cola with Sloth trying his best to heal him seeing that the situation is dire Fung charges in and attracts the boss's aggro with a few attacks after the aggro pull is successful Fung jumps high into the air using his gravity ring and slashes the rock around the Ravine which makes some rocks fall on it thus leaving it basically defeated seeing that the situation has taken a turn for the worse the hazard Goblin pops open the mech door equips its jetpack and flies away from the scene seeing that the hazard Goblin is trying to escape Fung uses the power of the magical sword to try and hit him while thinking that monsters with such a level of intelligence are quite rare the system must have have a reason for making them so smart so he will most definitely be rewarded for killing it he sends the swords he has summoned flying but the goblin manages to dodge them and uses the remaining fuel in his jetpack to escape with that Arcus Maddox has fled successfully fun is shocked to see that name as Arcus maox will be a famous Grandmaster engineer in this game and in only 3 years he will Shock the World when he successfully creates the sky Fortress twin snake ring which will bring him tons of Fame and loot later he will also create the gnome Empire which will give start to one of the most famous expansions in God's domain emergence of the new world fun is quite surprised that he nearly killed a future final boss and also denied the players an entire expansion sloth who was looting the robot announces that there's only one chest in the robot and when Fung opens it reveals that there's only two items inside Arcus maddox's key and a treasure map fun is still glad to have found these items as the treasure map alone could potentially be worth this dangerous fight he tells the group that there won't be any Elite gnomes around to interrupt them from now on so they should all stay here and continue farming only leaving when they have reached level four hay asks what he will do and he explains that he has a treasure he must dig up 900 years ago the Alchemy Master Molotov used all of his power to create a treasure commonly known as the philosopher stone with this dangerous yet very powerful item even common day today people could easily use Al Aly and the elements to refine their work until it was perfect should this Stone ever land in the hands of a true Alchemist they would be able to turn Stone into the purest gold imaginable and even Resurrect The Dead once this item became known to the world many countries in God's domain started to fight over who should own it however the Philosopher's Stone disappeared mysteriously during said war becoming the biggest Unsolved Mystery in God's domain after some very hard research by some diligent players the stone was found to be be hidden in the absolute depths of the Scarlet Lake in the sun Temple and the key to opening its door was Arcus maddox's Treasure Chest Fung arrives at the Scarlet Lake which is a level 10 area and jumps in immediately but what waits for him is a giant Kraken like Beast which he manages to dodge narrowly he follows the treasure map until he finds a large opening that is seemingly protected by tons of siren guards which are not easy to kill even with these numbers Fung does not need to fight though as he uses his shadow ability to lure them away allowing him easy access to the cave where he finds a very large door he pulls out the key and it immediately fits the lock which makes the door open to a large portal he enters slowly and finds the sun temple with an unknown recommended level and two potentially dangerous Guardians Fung isn't scared of those two statues however and opens the chest that is standing on a Podium a powerful and bright light emits as he does this but he is quite disappointed with the results as the philosopher stone is as small as a pebble this is because this is only a fragment of the Philosopher's Stone which still retains its alchemical conversion and Elemental refinement skills although in a much weaker State Fung is still glad to have found even this as with it forging will become a breeze for him in the foreseeable future suddenly the two Guardian statues begin coming to life and when they are fully animated it is revealed that they are both level 100 Fun wonders how he is supposed to defeat level 100 enemies so early but it's clearly made this way as the Philosopher's Stone drops upon death and these guys will force death upon the carried no matter what Fong thinks that still the creators of God's domain aren't that ruthless and are somewhat fair so they must have designed a way out fun then spots a transportation scroll on a dead NPC and rushes to it before the statues can hit him using it to transport himself to Red Leaf Town unfortunately for him there's a loading timer for such a thing and seeing that that he is standing in the same place one of the statues unleashes an extremely deadly Beam at him but the transportation completes in the nick of time and fing narrowly escapes death the fishmen noticed the rumbling from the attacks and deduced that the precious Treasure of the sun Temple has been stolen they will now exact their revenge on mankind that's when every player in the game receives a system notification that a player has triggered a special storyline the Insurrection of the fishmen with it comes an expedition Quest that can be received from the adventurers Guild and it will reward them with tons of stuff along with reputation this gets the player hyped up as the server has just barely opened yet there's an entire event happening Joe wonders Who was the player behind all of this progress and white snow notes that it must have surely been fun who did all of this Joe explains that the Crimson lake is Fishman territory so how did fun get in alive when the enemies there are Level 10 or higher white snow says that he not only got in but he also managed to return a lot it seems fun sneezes while walking around as someone seems to be talking about him quite a lot but he doesn't have time to think about that as he has arrived at the place he wanted to be at the auction house he is here because he wants to list off the excess equipment he obtained in the deathly Forest on sale the other players in the auction house notied that a few highquality items have been put on sale the likes of which they have never seen before fun also purchases stones in Magic Essence as with the Philosophers Stone he can turn them into ores which will be an amazing profit for him he begins purchasing tons of stones and Magic Essence and the players that put these items on sale receive tons of notifications about one of them notes that they should notify everyone and tell them to grind stones and magical Essence to sell while this rich guy is still around to purchase this makes them Wonder though just who is that rich guy unfortunately for them fun is long gone as he wants to test out the Philosopher's Stone powers he rents a basic forging room for an hour which he finds to be quite shabby as the tools are very bad and don't provide any bonuses but he paid five copper for an hour so he can't say it's not a good deal he uses a common stone for refining and with the philosopher stone the probability of success is 20% even with that the refining still fails but fun doesn't give up as he is sure that if he continues to try he will eventually get some good ore he refines and refines but he keeps in which leaves him with a pile of stone dust and a broken Spirit however he did not notice that he managed to refine one of them into bronze ore so his spirit is back better than ever his refining Journey continues to be a story of ups and downs until eventually he finishes the stones and ends up with 470 copper and 130 bronze ore the forge rental he got expires as he spent an entire hour refining when he checks his cash to purchase another rental Fung notices that he accidentally spent all of his cash on stones and Magic Essence fortunately that's when his auction items sell a piece of silver item for 31 Silver and 53 copper and a pair of dark boots for three silver and 21 copper Fung is quite surprised that he got so much for a mysterious iron rank armor but it seems that the people of this city are quite Rich he is not complaining at all though as not what his wallet is heavy he doesn't need to save any more money so he upgrades the small foraging room to basic forging room and rents it for two entire hours when he arrives he finds a refinement hammer which increases forging success rate by 3% and a Scarlet Devil Fire that increases the success rate by 2% using the book of forging Fung increases his chances of success even further and so he tries crafting some Garrison armor which has a 60% success rate with a smile he raises the hammer aligns the piece of ore perfectly and begins hitting it again and again eventually the piece of metal explodes in a bright light and the system rewards him with increased forging proficiency and 800 XP the piece of Garrison armor fun has created has tons of good stats but most importantly it has the defensive Tower attribute which reduces physical damage on the wearer by 3% he cannot believe that he managed to craft something so good on his first try his luck really is crazy this item is great on a tank as it can increase his survivability so big guilds that are raiding deathly Forest will surely purchase this for a high price seeing that he is on a hot streak Fung crafts and crafts until he is out of breath and without any crafting materials in total he made 23 sets of Garrison armor within 2 hours and leveled up once as well now it's time to sell these at the auction house when he puts the up for purchase the players that are there currently immediately jump on the offer as some even have good attributes so most of them get sold really quickly leaving Fung with a very nice profit with nothing else to do fun decided to browse the auction 2o and noticed that there are tons of rare skill books on sale like observing eyes which allows the user to see hidden and concealed targets or defensive blade that increase the attack range he finds out through hearing that these were put by Guild players that wanted to purchase the Garrison armor for his Guild which The Guild Master congratulates him for as his future will be bright if he continues to think about the guild like this this is a golden opportunity for fun who will buy these skillbooks with pleasure as they are very cheap surprisingly he gets a call from White Snow who notes that she needs some help with something fun is surprised that this famous ice queen is asking him for a favor so he listens diligently she wants 15 silver from him as there's currently some good Garrison armor on sale and a robus will have a much higher chance of success on the raids if they were to purchase it she doesn't know who made them but then asks just to be sure if this is not his doing fun sheepishly denies any involvement and closes the call while promising to give her the money the price of the Garrison armor continues to rise and the guild member who sold his skill books tells the Guild Master that he got 13 pieces of silver enough to get two pieces of armor The Guild Master starts screaming at him as the price has gone up it's now nine pieces of silver per Garrison armor fun Retreats back to his Forge as he has upgraded it to an intermediate forging room and rented it for 10 hours he thinks that the money is there for him to earn so he would be a fool not to seize the opportunity Fung becomes consumed by his work to the point where he starts hallucinating and missing his blows but this somehow creates a piece of unknown armor that has never been made before which increases healing received by 10% fun thinks that he is truly blessed as he cannot believe he was able to make a piece of original equipment original equipment cannot be simply found in the game world it's created to player effort which is why it's so rare fun adds his black flame imprint on it and names it shimmering chest plate with this nobody body will be able to imitate the piece of armor and anyone who sees the black flame imprint will know that it was forged by him from now on he will sell not only the chest plate but also the blueprint for it which should get him tons of money the main reason Forge Masters were so sought after by guilds is because of their ability to create original equipment which can provide tons of bonuses to their members even if the equipment's attributes are outclassed by new items selling the blueprints will still make them tons of money fun camp believe such a highly improbable thing happened to him but now it's time to sell he has created tons of armors but more Garrison armor as the shimmering chest plate requires more materials when fun arrives to the auction he notices that there are much fewer players than before so he asks one of the players there what happened he explains that a player named deal Striker is selling bronze rank Barbarian armor which has worse attributes than Garrison armor but it's only sold for four silver so now everyone is flocking to that area fun seems to know about deal Striker as in his past life he was the first to discover the forg Master's hidden Quest and due to this his name spread throughout eventually Landing him a position at the shadow Workshop he was also the one who heavily recommended that he should be removed from the shadow Workshop all for the sake of obtaining a higher status in that damn Guild if he can think of anyone as his Nemesis it must definitely be this guy fun also gets a forum push notification explaining that as a forger with a good reputation he can confirm that the materials for the Barbarian armor are only too silver and with a success rate of 50% he believes that four silver is an adequate price however that other bad forger is putting his items for five silver truly the world has gone to Hell Fang is quite mad that he was called a bad forager as this guy is clearly trying to pull all of his sales if he thinks about it now though the server was opened super recently so the item prices are high and the fluctuations are good deal Striker is just increasing his Renown by selling so low but if he thought that it would be over because of this he is dead wrong he puts all of his original pieces at four silver and starts faking a reaction a new batch of shimmering chest plates has appeared in the auction and it's a fixed price of four silver what a beautiful design what powerful Shimmer truly this is a piece to be remembered the other players noticed that this is much better than the rather ugly Barbarian armor so they get to purchase it and everyone who's anyone starts purchasing it at the forging assoc iation of the golden sand Town everyone is purchasing the Barbarian armor that deal Striker has purchased while he is sitting on a sofa with a beauty he explains that various higher-ups from tons of guilds are waiting for him outside like they are his direct subordinates they all want him in their guilds which has become quite annoying the woman asks why not join the strongest Guild and he notes that the ones that are outside are just run-ofthe-mill guilds none of them are worth joining now all he needs to do is trample on that mysterious forager who thought he could steal his popularity and everything will be good however the thing he is looking forward to the most is when his name spreads around the entire region and guilds like Shadow will give him anything he wants in order to make him join them what a good life suddenly one of his subordinates rushes into his room and announces that everyone has suddenly left when he goes to check sure enough there's only a dog who has done his business on the floor the subordinate explains that shimmering chest plates that are set at four silver have appeared in the auction the guilds are no longer interested in working with him at all in a messy room which is deal Striker's home he throws his headset on the ground and says that the guy who is challenging him is extremely dumb as the materials he has are quite expensive so now he is making a huge loss seeing that this is a battle of attrition he goes on his computer and asks a third party seller how much bronze and iron ores go for at the moment the seller says that bronze ore is 50 credit points and iron ore is 100 credits a piece even if he he does not have the money deal Striker decided to take a Gamble and borrow as he can easily pay off any debt when he joins a top Guild and still have tons of money to enjoy himself with he calls the seller and asks him to give him 10,000 credit points worth of each ore with that out of the way he also posts on the Forum noting that he will fight the wicked forged until The Bitter End and sell all of his items at one silver excluding Barbarian armor which will be priced at three silver fun sees that this guy just doesn't want to give up but he won't either and so he chooses to also lower the prices everyone in the auction house notices that the prices keep going down one after another and some choose to wait as the prices will surely go down again which will give them the best bargain there is deal Striker gets informed that the forger he is battling with has lowered his prices too as now his shimmering chest plates are priced at a fixed three silver deal Striker starts to go crazy but still decides to lower the prices as he will make that bastard go bankrupt if need be with that Barbarian armor is now two silver and 30 copper fun isn't too scared of this as this is not the only way he can fight this guy when the blueprints he crafted will become available large guilds will be able to train their own forgers with it and nobody will come to him for his worthless pieces of armor eventually news about the blueprints for the shimmering plates being sold gets to deal Striker who cannot do anything at this point as he clenches his chest tight and leaves the game afterwards he has been completely defeated news about deal Striker and how he basically gave up on the auction spread around with one of the people saying that his brother's friend is deal Striker subordinate and it seems that he was sent to the hospital because of shock fun overhears a conversation about this and hopes that the deal Striker has learned his lesson from now on as he does not want to give him another lesson like this suddenly a girl is thrown to the ground by a man who says that she is extremely dumb is she really trying to make money by selling iced beverages in a damn game this man is named drifting blood and he says that he has given her his address she should come so that he can teach her how to make money easily step by step someone from the public calls him a Shameless Pig who can only bully girls but he eats his words as drifting blood snatches his scarf and pulls him closer if he wants to he will give him a chance to be the knight in shining armor that saves the princess but everything comes at a price so if he lets that girl go now he will kill him again and again until he is back to level zero the man retracts his words and drifting blood warns the other Spectators too if they think of themselves as Heroes they should come forward as this offer is extended to everyone the girl who goes by Violet Cloud calls him a rotten bastard fun seems to remember that name as she will become one of the greatest this game has ever seen if that is the case he will have to teach this fat guy a lesson as there's connections to be made at the very beginning of God's domain Violet Cloud was a cleric in a robus that was weak and nobody knew knew of her after the ice queen gentle snow left oroboros Violet Cloud also decided to quit which allowed her to advance from a tier four great cleric to a tier five brilliant cleric Saint in the end she reached the very peak of her class becoming a tier six cleric God and one of the 10 greatest clerics known to this game unlike most Legends in this game who had the full support of their respective guilds Violet Cloud did all of this alone and through her hard work Fang picks up one of her Beverages and drinks it noting that it has a pleasant taste drifting blood asks if he really wants to be the hero in this situation as he will beat him up like there's no tomorrow in a split second fun Gets behind him and tells him to try if he can that is he grabs his shoulder and pushes him to the ground with a single hand while also mocking him for his lack of strength all bark no bite right the others are very surprised when they see how strong Fong is as he pushed a Berserker class down and one of them warns him to be careful as players are not allowed to fight in here so an NPC will come to detain him Fong tells them not to worry as he is only pushing him down using his strength this shouldn't be considered an attack because he's not using any attack skills drifting blood having had enough of this he pounds the ground with a skill and then pulls his sword out to attack fun who defends himself quite easily drifting blood backs away for a bit allowing Fang to mock him once again as it seems that he doesn't have that much strength did he perhaps not have enough to eat with even greater rage drifting blood charges in to finish fun off with a single attack unfortunately for him an NPC guard gets in front of fang and announces that because he is attacking another player in this area he will be locked away for 12 hours while being dragged off by the guard drifting blood promises to make Fun's life a living hell the Marshall Union will not forget this no matter what Violet Cloud thanks fun for the timely rescue and she would love to repay him in any way but she is a newbie and doesn't have that much money to begin with fun just looks at her in silence for a second which makes her blush and say that her body is off limits she only sells Refreshments fun is quite surprised by what she thought of without him saying anything and gives her a deposit noting that he was looking for a cook and she seems to be a good fit this is just her salary in advance Violet cloud is naturally surprised by this and asks if cooking is really the only thing he will have her do fun notes that she has two choices either keep getting harassed in the streets like this or follow him it's entirely her choice Violet Cloud chooses to accept the offer and fun suggests that with the money she got she should go buy any recipes and ingredients she needs also she should rent a kitchen so that nobody will be able to bother her again he turns to leave but before he can she asks why he is treating her so well fun notes he hired her because he saw how diligent she truly is with that he leaves with Violet Cloud promising to do a good job from now on fun thinks that for now he will let her practice some life skills or anything she wants when she lets her guard down he will guide her into a life of leveling up and battling he bought a Godly claric with a single gold coin he really must be a sort of genius after this he goes back to the slums as he has a diary that was dropped by the werewolf boss but it is written in the Elven language so he needs a librarian to decipher it still he cannot believe that they built a library in this place where criminal activity is the highest which makes him wonder what kind of person the library manager really is suddenly a woman calls him over as he looks like he's new here so she will show him around and potentially give him a night he can't hope to forget Fung feels that this is some sort of trap and even if he wants to go his Consciousness will not let him seeing that he is just standing in place the woman signals the ambushers to attack who jump high into the air and aim straight for Fun's head unfortunately for them fun notices their presence a long time ago so he easily takes care of them with a a few slashes the woman is surprised by how good he is and notes that he has earned a reward he should tell her where he wants to go as she knows this place like the back of her hand and will Point him in the right direction fun says that he doesn't need any piece of information as he already knows the way to the library the woman tells him that it's a coincidence then as nobody knows that place better than her with a single snap of her fingers she reverts back into her original form the holy sister charlon and the librarian of this place fun is quite surprised by her sudden transformation as she looked like a criminal just a second ago but can he really trust this lady seeing that he is not fully convinced yet charlin snaps her fingers once again and the empty area around them transforms into the library which fun wanted to visit Fung looks around and thinks that this place looks more like a haunted attraction than a library charlin gets comfortable and asks what the purpose of his visit might be fun pulls out the Elven book and explains that he wanted this deciphered as it's written in ancient Elvish nothing in this world is free so she asks him for 30 silver which he reluctantly gives even though he heard that nuns aren't supposed to be Covetous she gets to reading it but soon she finds something shocking and throws the book away as it emits a dark green light when the book falls to the ground a gigantic great demon Phantom appears out of it with an unknown level charlon quickly tries to seal him which he finds very insulting as a mere Divine official like her will not be able to she in turn notes that he is just a lowly Phantom does he really have what it takes to brag like this she strikes him in the chest with a divine spear but he breaks it with his bare hands and it seems that it did not damage him that much seeing this charlin begins casting an even larger spell which the demon knows about but he cannot do anything to defend himself the Divine Light hits the demon fully but he is not dead yet and Promises to meet fun soon enough while he Retreats back into the book The System warns fun that he has been cursed by a greater demon so all of his attributes are reduced by 50% and experience he gets is reduced by 95% Additionally the Phantom of the great demon will come for him in 90 days and attempt to possess his body fully charlon cannot believe that the diary was hiding a phantom of a great demon but more importantly she can't believe that she only asked for 30 silver what a blunder fun is quite shocked by everything as this is the last thing he expected to get from the diary charlon tells him that he's quite lucky actually as if he had kept that thing on him for a few more days his body would have been stolen without him being able to do anything fun says that the problem isn't solved though as the demon will be coming for him in 90 days she explains that the diary has the incantation he needs to unlock the dark Cave's gate all he needs to do is just find the book of Darkness that is inside as she will then destroy it to prevent the demon from coming here ever again with that Fung receives the Epic Quest Darkness to sends where he must destroy the book of Darkness but the rewards are unknown fun remembers about this Quest and the guy who did it fantasy extinguisher but he never revealed anything about the quest he asks charlon where the dark cave might be just a small hint will be good enough she explains that he will have to pay 10 gold for that kind of information she knows that he can't possibly have that much on him now so she will graciously help him remove the great demon curse that is on him first and then work him for the money later a good deal is isn't it Fung laments having met such a greedy holy person and asks if breaking the curse will also cost him even though he feels like it will charlon congratulates him for being so smart indeed the ritual that breaks the curse will be three gold anyway he should take this teleportation orb as it can take him to Moonlight Forest where he will collect 30 moonstones once he has those she will be able to perform the ritual on him the Moonlight Forest is a level 9 area and Fung is also cursed so he buys tons of potions just to be safe with these his chances of survival are much bigger with everything set up Fung uses the orb and teleports to the Moonlight Forest where he is eager to start the Moonlight Forest is a level 9 area where the drop rate from the monsters is very high additionally rare resources and ores also can be found here due to all of these low-level players roam around here for Treasure which mostly gets them killed as a result of this constant Slaughter this place is known to players is the land of death Fung is too low for this area and with the curse he has cast on him this place is a walking game over screen fortunately he has thought of this before coming here so he uses an isolation scroll on himself which decreases a player's presence and allows the player to go into stealth mode this effect lasts for 30 whole minutes with this effect and his great agility Fung easily sneaks past all kinds of monsters without being spotted at all he continues to run until he finds a spot with tons of moonstones so stops to grab them but while he is doing that he spots a Patrol party which he identifies as a mountain Beast Warrior party if they are here it means that their Camp must be nearby which has a very high chance of treasure chest spawning in it this is a potential gold mine as the treasure chest dropped the best Loot and he is positive that no other players have entered the Moonlight Forest yet this is a chance for him to get everything he can without any sort of competition eventually he finds the Warrior Camp where they seem to be hard at work carrying a sort of ore Fung draws himself closer and spots a few workers carrying some crates in a tent that must be the warehouse the only logical place for treasure chests would be in there but unfortunately the stealth effect he has will not work on the mountain Beast Warriors in silver armor that are guarding the warehouse if he wants the treasure he needs to get rid of these guys but the other monsters will notice if he were to attack now fun sits around for a while and notices that one of them left to refresh himself with a soup that is just sitting over over the fire naturally this gives fun a grand idea so he approaches the soup slowly when he gets to it he notices how stinky it is but no matter as little iron beer will add some good flavor to it after a while everyone in the camp is passed out drunk due to the Beer which allows fun to enter the warehouse which is full of chests and loot the first chest he opens gives him eight silver 14 Moonstone and a silver moon helmet which has tons of defense and other very useful stats fun is very glad to have found this as it's a very useful piece of armor and if he can gather the entire set he will get even more attribute bonuses from it he praise to God for the next chest to also have a piece of Silver Moon equipment just like the helmet but instead he gains the Ring of nothingness which has the shadow of nothingness allowing him to go stealth mode Fung is extremely glad to have found such a treasure but unfortunately for him one of the guards sobers up and enters the warehouse with murderous intent fun notes that he shouldn't have awakened now and without much Choice he uses a sheep polymorph scroll worth 50 silver to save himself this allows him to get out of the warehouse unseen after the warehouse guard transforms back he can only scream as Fung is long gone with the ring he has fun thinks that it's a grand idea to loot all of the treasure chests in the Moonlight Forest which will give him an unimaginable profit with the power of the ring in his hands fun easily loots tons of chest and even when he's discovered he uses the polymorph Scrolls he has to turn his enemies into worthless sheep he does this tons of times until he finishes searching all of the chests in the Moonlight Forest he thinks that he got tons of great rewards from these treasure chests while also collecting all the moonstones he needed to lift this ugly curse on top of all this great loot he also got a full set of Silver Moon equipment so he cannot wait to get rid of this curse and equip it to test it out that's when he noticed is something extremely precious has dropped from one of the treasure chests but he did not expect it at all as this item shouldn't be in such a low-level area either way future quests will now be at least three times easier if he has this eventually Fung makes his way back to the library using the teleportation orb which surprises charlin as she did not expect him to arrive so fast did he really get all of the moonstones they need Fung approaches her and gives her everything that she has asked for including some gold and asks if they can start dispelling the curse now charlon explains that dispelling the curse is not the only thing she can do as Mo drip is a very ancient ritual he can upgrade its power if he pays three additional gold coins then she will get the ingredients they need and perform the full moon drip ritual which will remove his curse while also granting tons of additional Buffs and benefits fun feels like she is trying to Swindle him of a few more gold coins so he chooses to remain at the low-grade Moon drip ritual she tells him to not reject so instantly as he most likely does not know the legend of the demon slaying sword Saint Celsius charlon explains that the legend says the legendary Celsius was cursed by the great Demon King he was under his torment for a long while she kicks the music box around because it broke and the dramatic effect of her story is gone but continues nonetheless after Celsius experienced tons of hardships with this curse he discovered a method to dispel the curse the full moon drip ritual after undoing the curse Celsius seemed to obtain a whole new life and in addition he received strength that even a Peerless swordmaster would envy which allowed him to slay the demon king and become the legendary sword Saint on the God's domain continent all he needs to receive this power is three more gold for a total of five gold for the complete ritual rather reluctantly fun accepts her offer as he would bet three gold any time if it meant a chance to become like the sword Saint in the future they go to the ritual place where Fong asks if there's any any danger to this ritual charlin tells him to calm down as even if this is her first time doing this ritual even her Superior praised her talents so it should be rather easy with that she Begins the ritual with some hand movements but it seems she has forgotten the words for it so she pulls out a book to rehearse them once again which makes fun wonder if she really is capable of conducting the ritual or he got scammed eventually she begins conducting the ritual and shortly after Fung begins vomiting up the curse he was infected with which eventually takes shape as his evil doppelganger who calls him a pathetic human who will never be able to be free of his control even if he somehow manages to remove the curse from his body charlin while still conducting the ritual tells Fong that this is just an illusionary clone created by the demon he will break the curse that was cast on him if he defeats it the doppelganger charges in an attempts to strike fun who can barely block the attack which creates a large green explosion around them Charlotte tells fun that the doppelganger has all of his attributes but isn't affected by the curse so he will die if he fights head on like this sure enough the doppelganger pushes him back which confirms to fun that this guy is twice as strong as he is the doppelganger pushes him down once again while telling him to yield under his blade as he promises to give him strength beyond anything he has seen before he will no longer be limited by his pathetic human body Fung refuses as he does not wish to become his puppet fun is pushed back constantly and eventually the doppelganger uses the Thundering slash ability to deal with him once and for all without half of his stats fun cannot hope to dodge the very large attack so he is hit fully by it which leaves him with only a sliver of HP seeing his pathetic state the doppelganger chooses to kill him without any remorse but suddenly his blade stops in between Fun's eyes as he has activated a magic circle around him the doppelganger can't move anymore so the flow of the battle is now in Fung's hands back in the Moonlight Forest what fun found that surprised him was a Divine Circle scroll a light magic that will eradicate all evil in this world it increases the Caster's attributes by 100% And binds the target for 5 seconds while reducing their attributes by 50% with this effect being doubled against evil while he was holding back the doppelganger fun used his shadow close to place the scroll down and set it up to its max range he is glad he was actually able to do it as he nearly died in the process but still he feels a little bad about the scroll as he had to waste it on something like this right after receiving it the doppelganger thinks that this is utter mockery but without being able to retaliate Fung easily strikes him down before disappearing the doppelganger tells him that it will not end here and that they will surely meet again after everything is said and done the system congratulates him for completing the moon drip Quest it rewards him with 10,000 XP reputation with the star Moon Kingdom White River City and Red Leaf town which is enough for him to become a third class Noble of Red Leaf Town additionally he also gains the Demon Hunter title which gives his demonic enemies 10% reduced attributes and 10% more damage taken besides all of these generous rewards he also gains a demon mask which lets him disguise himself as anyone else and the effect cannot be broken unless a highlevel observation skill is used fun thinks that all of the gold he has invested in this operation has paid off well as with this he can truly be the black flame blacksmith nobody will ever know that they are actually the same person charlon says that the ritual was completed successfully so the curse will no longer affect him while catching her breath fun asks if she's all right which makes her open a portal and say that the ritual has weakened her quite a bit so she will go rest if he needs her again he knows where to find her this portal reminds Fang of the graveyard dungeon raid he promised to white snow which he promised he would come to so he should get to leveling as fast as he can he arrives back in the Red Leaf Town Square where players talk about the guilds that exchange in-game currency for real money with the exchange rate being favorable to the players one could get 600 credits just from a single silver coin one of the players even sold all of his equipment for credits so he is now naked but he can feed himself for two entire months off the cash he made while fun checks out all of the attribute boosts he will get from equipping the silver moon set drifting blood seems to have gotten his boss and he tells him that this guy took out tons of silver coins just a few days ago so he is loaded the boss who goes by iron sword lion tells him to pay up as he has heard that he hit his subordinate which will not go unpunished fun remembers his name as this guy was an expert in a wsia VR game but that game had to shut down so he was forced to move to God's domain as a result however even in this game it did not take him long for him to form the Marshall Union and become really powerful in his past life he killed flaming tiger alone twice and even heart stabber of the Assassin Alliance was pushed back against this Beast now though he has the Abyssal blade and the silver moon set so there is no reason for him to fear this weakling he chooses to walk away while ignoring them and focusing on his system tab but drifting blood tells him to stop right this second as he must pay for what he did fun asks who he is but then remembers that he's the weirdo that was harassing Violet Cloud he's kind of surprised they let him out of the prison so quickly but did he make any friends there drifting blood wants to charge him once again but ironsword lion tells him to mind his manners as he should not Sully the Union's name any further everyone gathers to see what's going around and iron sword tells Fang that they are not bullies but he has beaten his subordinate so they will call it even if he coughs over 20 silver coins he can choose to refuse but he shouldn't blame them for ganging up on him if he does one of the players in the crowd wonders how Fang got the Marshall Union's attention and another player next to him explains that drifting blood of the Union harassed a female player so fing taught him a nice lesson one of the Assassin alliance members asks heart stabber if they should interfere as iron sword lion is already level five and has tons of great equipment already heart stabber notes that they shouldn't hurry with this decision as they will only make a move if the situation calls for it that will make their help much more valuable to fun however he also wants to see how fun chooses to settle the situation fun pulls out a bag of 50 silver coins and says that 25 is too little so he will give him these iron's word immediately folds at the sight of money and asks to exchange contacts with him since he is so rich and smart drifting blood says that he still hasn't gotten over his money grubbing habits which makes iron sword hit him in the head he explains that considering his amazing sincerity he will protect him in the future so if anyone dares to bully him they will be up against the Marshall Union From This Moment forth he gives fun a trade request while having a big smile but suddenly fun uses his Abyssal bind on him and his expression changes to a sadistic grin before iron sword can even attempt to escape fun cuts him down to size and kills him heart stabber is surprised by the amount of speed fun has but one of the members says that he killed someone in the safe Zone this will not go unpunished by the NPC fun asks if there's anyone else who wishes to have these 50 silver coins which Spooks the other Marshal union members but they are left assured as they know that he was too arrogant this time killing someone in a safe Zone will make the guards punish him for a while eventually a guard does indeed arrive and drifting blood runs to him like a damsel in distress he falls to his knees and cries while explaining that Fung has killed his boss without any provocation so they should lock him up for Life drifting blood thinks that this bastard is done for as he will drop an entire level and also be locked up for 24 hours at least after that he will be considered a lower class Citizen and he will not get any of the Privileges that he had up until now the guard addresses him as Lord Demon Hunter and notes that even if he's a noble he did indeed kill a man according to the redleaf town laws he will have to pay a fine of four silver coins or be escorted to prison should he refuse drifting blood is amazed that this guy is a noble as Nobles enjoy tons of special privileges in God's domain and Demon Hunters are also considered Nobles wherever they go if a Civ million player dares to provoke a noble they will be imprisoned at best or executed at worst on the contrary guards will just not care if a noble beats up a civilian player in a safe Zone the difference in status in this game is truly Worlds Apart Fung hands the guard 20 silver coins as he is going to kill four additional players and he would like to pay UPF front the other Marshall Union players know what this means so they get to running while the players around laugh at their cowardice white snow and her raid members are busy with the graveyard dungeon raid as they are now dealing with a gigantic boss with two heads they all work in unison as much as they can with the damage dealers killing any weaker monsters while the tanks attract the boss's attention however even the most expert of damage dealers can make mistakes and one such mistake was made which leaves one of their damage dealers at the monster's Mercy however the legendary white snow is in this raid party and she instantly takes care of the monster she tells the damage dealer to take a rest if does not have enough stamina as she will become a liability for the group if she cannot defend herself with that out of the way she charges through countless Undead brutes striking each one with high speed and damage to clear the area even faster she uses a large area of attack skill which Cuts every single brute in a Range into pieces suddenly the boss starts using a large skill which comes as a breath attack which comes from both heads white snow tells everyone to stay vigilant as when that attack is finished the boss will be vulnerable so their longrange damage dealers should attack now they all do just that and their attacks land just in time for the boss to finish his attack with the boss defeated white snow asks how many people they lost in total they lost five people including their main tank two melee damage dealers and one longrange damage dealer with a Healer also being killed at the very end she tells everyone to clean up the battlefield of any loot and take a break as in 10 minutes they will go to the fizzes Canyon and continue pushing forward out of nowhere a blue portal appears which makes everyone stand on guard but out of it comes a man who apologizes for disturbing them but he is black flame naturally this is actually fun who can now use portals to transport himself directly to his friends because he is nobility so this should add a sense of mystery to his alter ego some players recognize that name as he is The Godly forger who caused deal Striker to quit the game entirely black flame recognizes white snow and notes that it's a pleasure to meet her in person he has heard that oroborus is recruiting right now so he came here to talk to her about them cooperating white snow notes that indeed oroborus is lacking a chief forger so if he is willing to take up that position they will pay him as much as he wants to be paid Xiao pulls her closer and asks how she knows that he really is the black flame forger has she forgotten what happened when they tried to recruit the fake black flame forgers they took all of them to a forging room filled with materials but by the end the materials in the storage room had been wasted and none of the fake black Flames were able to produce even a single shimmering chest plate white snow says that she shouldn't worry as this guy appeared before them in a very mysterious way so he is definitely an expert at least black flame tells her that she is mistaken about something as he only wishes to work with orobos as an equal but if they want him to become a part of their Guild he will have to refuse and take his leave Joe tells him that he is truly arrogant as in order to even attempt to cooperate with their Guild on equal footing he must at least represent a top Guild like them white snow agrees as there are not many people in this game that can negotiate with them let alone solo players so what makes him think that he is any different black flame pulls out tons of advanced forging designs which surprised both of them and asks if he's qualified to negotiate with them now Joe asks where he managed to get so many Advanced forging designs but he notes that it's a trade secret which he unfortunately can't divulge to her two hours ago fun went to the Hammerstone town in the Dwarven bar and met with Blackbeard who asked if he had any refreshing drinks as he will gladly exchange his treasure for them thus fun obtained the Blackbeard's request quest which is repeatable and all he needs to do is bring five ice drinks to him fun gave him five refreshing drinks that he got from Violet Cloud which Blackbeard thoroughly enjoyed and gave him 10 copper 250 XP and 5 favorability with Blackbeard after he was done drinking he wondered when he would get to drink such delicious juice again but fun had stocked up on juice beforehand and by the end he gained 3,400 copper and 85,000 XP he also gained tons of favorability with him which awarded him with Blackbeard's key and 10 Advanced forging designs not only did fun reach level five because of this Quest but he also got his hands on these precious Advanced forging designs and the secret Blackbeard key reward which is the source behind all of these designs in the first place white snow P the offer for a bit and comes to the conclusion that she cannot let such a Peerless blacksmith work with other guilds so she accepts his terms which comes as a surprise to everyone unfortunately for her black flame is no longer interested due to their rudeness beforehand white snow bows her head down in shame and apologizes as she did not mean what she said earlier and she would like for him to reconsider their deal once again Joe asks why why she is bowing before him as he is just a blacksmith one of many in fact they can always go to another white snow says that they have all but confirm that this man is the real black flame so with his help their Guild will definitely rise to the number one stop in all of God's domain seeing that she is willing to bow down black flame turns around and notes that she has her head screwed on straight so he is willing to work with them and provide the orobo guild with the best equipment for the right price naturally white snow shakes hands to signal that the deal has been made and sincerely hopes that their relationship will be as strong as the metal he forges she also notices that his hands feel familiar in some way but lets it go as it's probably nothing of importance she also notes that their party is now going to farm in the fysic canyon would he like to join them perhaps black flame agrees as he happens to have a quest that needs to be completed there that Quest being from the Blackbeard's key which will open a chest in the canyon that will provide him with the tight 's heart white snow thinks that it's great he accepted the offer as now she will be able to see just how powerful he really is the other players in the party wonder why he even joined as he is only a blacksmith so they are sure he will be useless and embarrass himself in front of everyone soon enough eventually they arrive in the fizzes Canyon where tons of harpies are gathered and are looking at the players below with lots of attention one of their tanks notes that he read on the Forum about a player who encountered the harpies he told everyone that they lift people high into the sky and drop them on the ground in order to kill them with the heavy fall damage black flame tells them to not worry so much as if their movement doesn't suck they will not be caught and the harpies will prove to be harmless the female melee damage dealer notes that he's just a dumb blacksmith what does he know about being on the battlefield suddenly she's grabbed by a harpy and screams to be saved which makes black Flames say that the harpies choose their targets based on sound so her incessant screaming will prove to be her downfall one of the other damag players tries to save the kidnapped girl but he simply cannot match the Harpy's Rising speed so he falls to the ground and apologizes because he cannot get to her as a last resort Joe unleashes a flame burst near the damage dealer lady which does get rid of the harpy but it makes her fall down from a great height fortunately for her this was not enough to kill her and she manages to survive with only a sliver of HP Joe calls her quite pathetic but the damage dealer lady puts the blame on the black flame forger as he was the one who was distracting her all of this time without any respit another Harpy rushes in to snatch the blacksmith from behind but he has already noticed her presence for a while so he easily turns around and cuts one of her wings off sending her flying towards the damage dealer lady who can only Dodge at this point the blacksmith looks at her and says that it was a piece of cake which makes her angry as he was just lucky that is why he even managed to cut her Wing off once again her needless screaming attracts the attention of the harpies and one immediately jumps on her but this time she manages to dodge allowing black flame to easily take care of the harpy from behind which drops a few pieces of gold he sheathes his sword while everyone else just watches in shock white snow thinks that she has only seen Fung using such nice sword skills previously is this person really just a forger and nothing else like he says black flame asks the damage dealer lady why she is so shocked as she should pick up the loot since he wants to continue moving forward already Joe looks above and can't believe that he actually managed to scare the harpies off like this will she be lucky enough to meet another powerful person like fun eventually they arrive at the Fallen meteorite lands where a bunch of mechanical puppets and knights are waiting for them which makes white snow ask black flame what kind of quest he has that makes him go into such a dangerous area he explains that it is a hidden Quest that will allow him to retrieve the Titan's heart white snow notes that on average their team is around level six going up against level 9 monsters like these is no different than seeking a full party wipe at this point to ensure that they will not incur tons of casualties they will defeat all of these monsters one by one she tells Joe that she is in charge of luring the enemies in with magic after that their Shield Warrior will take the aggro and they can slay the monster together she agrees but black flame tells her to wait which makes Joe angrily ask if he's doubting her strength black flame explains that mechanical monsters like these have much higher speed than biological creatures so if their agility is not on par they will not be able to outrun even one is there anyone here that has their agility above 14 only a few people have their agility at 14 or above including white snow and the Damage dealer lady black flame notes that they will stack agility Buffs on white snow and the Damage dealer lady whose name is little song and they will lure all of the mechanical monsters at the periphery to one location with their high amounts of speed the rest they can leave to him white snow agrees with his plan but she does not need that speed control at all she jumps in right in the middle of the group of mechanical beasts and notes that they will not be able to catch her sure enough white snow is too fast to be caught and little song also manages to keep up with her speed thus they both drag all of the mechanical enemies to Black flame which makes Joe wonder what he will do against so many monsters he pulls out a flaming scroll and places it on the ground with Joe instantly feeling that it's a powerful spell when black Flame unleashes the scroll a sword appears and is engulfed in flame both white snow and little song run past him which allows him to use the second tier Magic The Flame blade barrage lots of fireballs appear above black flame and he unleashes all of them on the mechanical enemies who cannot hope to defend themselves against such a high amount of power these strikes even send some of the players behind black flame flying due to the amount of power it has after the attack is over not a single mechanical enemy was left alive and black Flames level increases with the others in the party also leveling up to level seven he gives them all of the dropped loot as it is much weaker than what he can forge so he has no need for it white snow explains that they have originally planned to grind out levels slowly but they managed to get one level instantly thanks to his efforts she doesn't know how to thank him for this black flame tells her that thanks is not necessary as they have already helped him get to this place safely anyway she also says that it would be too risky for her Squad to continue past this point so from now on he must proceed alone black flame tells her that it is not a problem they have already helped plenty he can take care of himself from now on additionally they should take these City teleportation Scrolls he had on him as they will help them get back faster Joe comes around and invites him to the level five Co-op dungeon they will be raiding tomorrow and white snow agrees that with him their chances of success would increase a ton black flame turns around and says that he will be pretty busy from now on so they can discuss that later Joe doesn't give up however and sends him a a friend request which he instantly rejects as he doesn't need more attention attracted to himself eventually fun arrives at the place he needed to be and uses Blackbeard's key to open the door which does so rather slowly suddenly a few mechanical guards appear but fun moves swiftly to get inside of the vault which closes behind him when he does finally he has entered and discovered the steel Fortress barucha this place is a level 11 place and the system also changes the mission now it's to find the heart of Steel inside of this place fun still decides to go in as higher levels have not stopped him from venturing out before he does just that and arrives at a smelting area he uses the gravity ring to float and gets into a small crevice which holds a sizable chest the moment he touches it however the explosion spell that was cast on the chest activates and Fung blows up fortunately this was just his shadow clone as he likes to be very meticulous when it comes to searching since this game is known to be very weird when when it comes to setting up traps inside of the chest there are a few things a Blackstone Shield which has tons of good stats including a passive that negates damage by 10% but fun also finds a random Mastery dice which upon throwing it the player will obtain the corresponding number of Master points in a random attribute fun notes that gamblers are huge fans of this thing and many people would pay tons of cash to buy these things in his past life he could sell it but he is really not short on cash so he might as well keep it to himself and see if he is lucky he throws the dice and it lands on a natural 20 which gives him 20 attribute points in one-handed sword efficiency now he has 40 truly nobody can compete with this luck he also gets a few resistance Scrolls but suddenly hears something sinister so he decides to not linger around this place any longer he jumps in a body of water and comes up to the core region but unfortunately his VR helmet trial period is about to end fun finds it sad that even after so much effort he could push further further but well this should be enough for now as he has gathered more than enough credits to do what he wanted to do with that he logs out outside of the game Hay is being interrogated by one of the apartment residents as he said that he was an expert at the game but he has been waiting for him in the shadow workshop for several days already why has he not seen him huh hey says to ye that he has already joined another studio so he did not go for the shadow Workshop sign up like he originally planned to ye called him a liar as there are no other Studios at jinhai University if he's not lying what is the Studio's name hey cannot say because he literally doesn't know as fun did not tell him the name of the workshop unfortunately ye notes that it's okay for him to say that he didn't pass the signup trial there is no need to hide it like this if things won't work out he will help as making him a tertiary member will not be a problem for someone like him with tons of prestige y also notices that he only has a trial helmet here so it means that his Workshop must be in trouble since he is so generous and malevolent he will let him join the shadow Workshop as a substitute which will give him an official version of the helmet the main members will each be equipped with a low latency helmet that is worth around 20,000 credits doesn't he want to play with that seeing that he doesn't respond ye says that he probably just got scammed by that black-hearted boss of his but he shouldn't feel bad as he will help him rise to the top suddenly fun appears from behind him and notes that he is the one who founded that Workshop he speaks so badly about do they have a problem here ye starts pushing his head with his finger and he notes that he cannot believe that this prestigious jinh High university has people like him someone who cannot even afford a helmet wants to open a workshop how dumb can he be he must be dreaming right he should wake up though as this isn't healthy for his brain fun has had about enough of this simpleton so he grabs his finger and breaks it now he knows that this university has people like him right ye starts wailing in pain on the ground and that's when the delivery people arrive with what fun ordered for hay a God's domain illusion 2100 pro helmet and a matching nerve conduction acceleration suit fun also tells the delivery people to change the dorm Network to an ultra low latency private Network and hay is extremely happy as all of this stuff is extremely luxurious ye starts telling him off as now he's just trying to put on a show in the dorm room but what if he is Rich huh he better watch out from now on as he will tell the shadow Workshop boss about him he will make him not able to play the game anymore hey explains that shadow is nothing compared to the mighty oroboros and Fang has attracted the attention of B chinue the white snow from that Guild Y is surprised when he hears that name but doesn't show it and says that it doesn't matter even if he brags with that information he was not accepted into aobos anyway because he was a loser that's why he decided to open his own Workshop right what even is the name of this Workshop fun explains that it is the wings that will lift them up for from zero to the top the zero wi Workshop does he want to join perhaps y goes back to Jang luaay the second in command in the shadow workshop and tells him that he is almost done recruiting everyone in his dorm apartment luaay asks what he means by almost and ye explains that everyone except for hey has agreed to join but he is like a dumb bull he just doesn't want to move from his place no matter what he also joined a workshop called the zero Wing which suddenly popped up in their school he even said that he looks down on the trash Shadow Workshop Loi asks what zero wi he is talking about and ye goes into further detail the boss of zero wi is the fourthe University student XI fun who has become an Arrogant Bastard as of late Loi asks how many people are in this workshop and ye tells him that there are only six members currently Loi begins laughing as he hears this and asks y why he is taking them so seriously when there are only six people in that puny Workshop he should better put his focus on this year's sorority meeting at school as it is a great opportunity for shadow to get even more members so they shouldn't waste their time on a few kids playing around additionally they must secure the achievement of being the first to clear a 20-man dungeon when that time comes They will receive tons of generous rewards ye agrees but he is still worried about the zero wi Workshop but Loi tells him to relax as he will take care of it soon enough in his past life during college Fung was almost entirely focused on gaming so much in fact that he disregards Ed his studies completely at the same time while he was fooling around his parents fell very ill due to their mental exhaustion and their family had to pay tons of medical fees that were not easy to handle now that he has the chance to start everything over he will not make the same mistakes again he has promised himself at least that that is why now he is transferring over 10,000 credits and telling them that he is earning this cash from a part-time job while also reminding them to take precautions against falling ill this should be enough to to solve his family crisis all he needs to deal with now is the problem of his studies later that day he goes back to his classroom and everyone there notes that it's quite rare for The Little Prince of truancy to show up to class especially today of all days most people look at him with disdain as he is the worst student in this class and even seeing someone like him makes them mad fun forgot about how his fellow students treated him but this only means that he was more of a failure in his past life than he anticipated not a single classmate liked him however there is one exception to that xia Roki who always looked at him without any Prejudice even when the others would ostracize him relentlessly she warns him that if something awful happens during the class meeting he shouldn't do anything with Lyn philong he hears this and asks what they shouldn't do while also asking Fang why he even bothered to show up Linn F long he is not a dumb bastard as he certainly has a few tricks up his sleeve after graduation he managed to finesse the young lady of a huge organization into marrying him after that it only took him 3 years to become the chairman of that organization however due to the ever growing influence of the virtual industry he invested most of his funds into God's domain it is truly a Pity that he did not cooperate with Shadow at all as he betrayed them and Rose himself up to the most influential entity on this day he was sure that he couldn't come to the class meeting so he decided to join hands with the other classmates in order to ruin him and prevent him from studying further this was the turning point of his past life that caused everything to spiritual down into the abyss that he couldn't crawl out of fun says that he is here for the class meeting since he is also part of the class there shouldn't be anything wrong with that right Lynn is angry that he is here but still decides to go with the predetermined plan he says that they should skip the class meeting stuff and get straight to the important stuff everyone in this class Knows by now that he is obsessed with fighting competitions but his grades are not ideal to say the least therefore he would like someone to give him their bachelor's degree so he can graduate without any issues they will put that to a vote since he is so generous everyone congratulates him for being so Democratic and kind Lynn says that he has a simple suggestion as to who to choose that would be Fung naturally as he barely attends his classes anyways so the degree shouldn't mean anything to a lousy bum like him everyone agrees as fun is truly worthless in their predatory eyes he thinks that this is playing out exactly as it did in his past life but this time he has shown up to hinder Lynn's Ploy and reforge his future with his own two hands Roki asks how they can decide something like that without Fun's input but Lynn tells her to shut up as nobody asked for her damn opinion still he asks fun if he agrees as this is the decision of the entire class so he should also agree right fun notes that he will not which makes Lynn turn aggressive but fun anticipated this and can only smile with a simple move he throws Lynn into the wall much to everyone's surprise and tells him to get the hell out of his sight while he is still being merciful Lynn is fully passed out however and Fung dusts his hands off while saying that he may be the school level Fighting Champion but he only amounts to this a weakling suddenly someone from outside of the classroom screams that Lynn got beaten up and that person is Joe Yo's girlfriend a guy he beat up in the game previously the girlfriend recognizes him but he shouldn't be back in school yo asks how he knows of him and fun notes he can't believe believe that his ex chin shuu managed to get herself a new boyfriend so fast but considering her standards he shouldn't be that surprised no Yoo is boiling with rage as he was already pissed because he lost his position due to that ye fun bastard but now Sher Fung has shown up and is also causing trouble just what is with these funs all around the place Yu walks towards Fung angrily and says that he has insulted him by beating up one of his underlings so now he will have to teach him a very important lesson when he gets right in front of him he notes that he feels like they have met somewhere before ruosi gets in front of Yu and tells him to stop as this is their class and Outsiders like him have no business calling the shots around here Yu touches her face and asks if she's perhaps interested in this bum but fun removes his arm from her and explains that just fighting would be quite boring how about they add some spice by betting Yoo agrees and says that he will bet a th000 credit points if he wins the money is his but if he loses he will have to pay him the same amount while also kneeling and licking his boots like the dog he is does that sound good Fang feels that only a thousand is too stingy so he would like to add another zero to that amount shuu asks if he can really Fork over that amount of cash considering his family circumstances but fun shows them that he has the money so if he refuses that means he's a coward Yoo Smiles as he sees the money since winning against such a bum will be a piece of cake for someone like him while they get ready to fight in the school ring a sentence I never expected to say say the other students think that fun has finally gone insane since Yu is a municipal level Fighting Champion he may have gotten lucky with Lin Fong but now he is dead for sure shuu asks how strong he can be even if he learned any martial arts he is just a dumbass who is trying to punch a rock with his bare hands this isn't a game this is the real world where being weak is the heaviest sin anyone can bear Yu asks if he's regretting his tough act now that he is inside of the ring but fun ignores him and think think that his Consciousness is from 10 years in the future After experiencing tons of extremely realistic life and death situations in God's domain his combat technique and experience have improved far more than anyone could imagine he should be leagues ahead of the fighters in the real world however the only problem that he may have is that his physical body has never gone under training so he might not be able to exert the power he wishes to it is similar to being restricted by level in video games even if he has great control of his skills it's no use if he cannot do any damage but games are far from The Real World as there are many parts of the human body that cannot be strengthened and are to be considered weaknesses like the eyes temples or throat all of these are defenseless against attacks even the family gems are game in this cruel world so even if Fung lacks physical training there are many ways for this match to go the way he wants it to go Yoo sees him smirking like a dumbass and charges in with a heavy attack right off the bat the moment he gets into hitting range fun sticks out his thumb and goes for his throat striking the larynx compresses the opponent's windpipe causing instant obstruction in their breathing in this state of Suffocation the opponent becomes a vulnerable and defenseless slab of meat Yu takes a step back and wants to ask how he managed to do this but Fung doesn't let him as he strikes his Temple doing this makes the blood rush to the opponent's head causing an instant loss of balance and most times Consciousness you who falls to the ground from the amount of incapacity capacitating attacks and the students are shocked to see him actually winning as Yu is a fighting champion on the municipal level is fun that strong fun thinks that the muscle nutrition potion priced at 50,000 per bottle can stimulate the muscles to grow rapidly ensuring that even prolonged gaming sessions do not lead to muscle atrophy or worse this was something that he could not afford in his past life but now he can linf long and Chin shuyu finally he has paid them back tenfold for their grievances in this life and in the past after fun gets out of the ring ruosi rushes to him and asks if he really is the fun she used to know that doesn't matter though as 10 days from now there will be a social event organized by the School high-ranking Executives from tons of well-known companies will be there so he should give it some thought and attend it if he can fun says that he will be there and goes back to his room he thinks about the social event as an opportunity a chance to enter an area he couldn't even look at in his previous life in preparation for this event he will have to earn some money in the game so he puts his headset on and goes back to the world of God's domain due to the new headset fun can now control his character with even greater precision and execute commands that wouldn't have been possible before he has dropped somewhere near where he logged off and his mission to find the Titan heart is still in motion he runs up the sets of stairs that he was dropped on which is very easy now that he can run faster and eventually finds the Titan heart the thing that keeps the Fortress alive with its energy suddenly a Jester appears above him and notes that he did not expect to see any visitors after so many years have passed the jester welcomes fun to barua and to celebrate him being the first player to ever set foot here he has decided to use his blood and flesh as an appetizer for his dear pet that pet being a three-headed hellhound an elite rank level 15 Beast fun wonders if the changes he had in his fate also resulted in the game levels being modified as he does not remember such a boss ever existing but it doesn't matter as he will do like he did with the others kill it the hellhound attacks fun with a fire breath attack but fun is long gone from that spot as he is above the Beast using the gravity ring his plan is to use Phantom kill to deal tons of damage to the beast but it unfortunately notices and prepares to unleash another breath attack he cannot hope to defend himself while in the air so he just takes the attack which reduces his stamina by 30% and the Frozen debuff was also applied on him it doesn't stop there however as the Hound summons a lightning attack above Fang which sends him flying to the ground and makes the jester laugh maniacally as he can't believe he is still alive after this barrage what a cockroach fun is the most surprised here as the three heads cooperated with each other masterfully and they even managed to cast high damage area of attack spells with different attributes if he hadn't cast a defensive blade in time he would have been turned into ashes by the lightning the three-headed hellhound truly is is a strong boss the jester noticed that he kept himself alive using those pesky blades so he will graciously get rid of them using a high tier dispersal technique thus he uses dispel on Fang which destroys the blades and makes Fang think that he knows of this Jester enemy he is not particularly strong in combat but he has some really disgusting skills tied to him but he shouldn't be a problem right now as he only needs to get the Titan's heart and leave even if he tries to outrun the hellhound it slaps him around like a pup due to its highspeed physical attacks and even the damage he gets is too great The Beast tries to hit him with some Fireball while he is dazed but Fung has enough time to get out of the way seeing that this human doesn't want to die the jester tells his puppy to use Frost Nova which lands perfectly on Fung and causes him to be frozen in place for three entire seconds even if it's little time it should be enough for the Beast to hit him with an attack which he will certainly die from that's when fun remembers the attribute resistance Scrolls he got from the chest there there is still hope for him however he can activate only one scroll at a time so he has a one in three chance of successfully defending himself the jester is surprised that he has one of those items but still if he chooses the wrong one he will still suffer a bad death the hellhound decides to use a fire breath attack on him and lucky for fun he has chosen the right scroll the jester is angry that he got so lucky but fun notes that he will soon find out if he's lucky or not the hellhound attacks with a physical attack next which fun expected so he uses the gravity ring once again and goes straight for the jester who is puzzled as to why he's doing this but fun says that it has something to do with his precious little pet down below since he loves his little puppy so much that he wants to feed it daily why doesn't he have a taste of its move set Fang uses another fire resistance scroll on him and stands right next to the jester while the hellhound unleashes a mighty breath attack in their Direction slaying the jester without any way for him to defend himself fun thinks that that the hellhound changes attack attributes in a circular fashion meaning that he always does fire ice lighting and lastly physical as long as one remembers the type of damage the next move will have the attacks will become quite easy to handle seeing that its master has been defeated the hellhound has no will to fight anymore so it just sits around and watches fun while wagging its tail left and right Fong is pleasantly surprised by this and now that nobody is there to stop him he grabs the Titan heart which becomes tiny in his hand this completes the quest he had which gives him one black Iron badge one Blackbeard recommendation letter one Advanced magical ability 100,000 XP and he is now worshiped in the Hammerstone town he thinks that even though the equipment he got is very nice due to the level restrictions they are useless to him it is better for him to feed these to the Abyssal blade in order to raise its power even further he does just that and eventually raises the Abyssal blades level by one this has boosted the sword to even greater power and he can can now swing it with even greater force than before eventually he goes back to the town and thinks that together with an invite to the oroborus guild first raid on the Dark Moon graveyard white snow gave him two extra spots to take in any allies he wanted thus he chose the curs mancer hay and the shield Warrior Cola as they are a ranged Mage and a tank respectively so they should cover for his weak points quite nicely in the raid fun gives them a bunch of highquality items that have amazing stats but it's to be expected as this is zero Wings first battle there is no way that he would let them go unprepared he also sent them more equipment through the email they should get ready so that they can get a move on already tons of guilds are gathered at the raid spot the fifth place Guild Marshall Union the fourth place Heaven's Crown the third place the Assassin Alliance the second place Shadow Guild and first place or Robos everyone is amazed that so many Guild leaders are gathered in one single spot but why are they not starting the the mission are they perhaps waiting for someone else Joe asks xia if they have arrived yet which she denies as fun is probably too scared of getting embarrassed so he's taking his time when she says that though a summon appears behind her and out of it pop out fun and cola all geared up and ready to take on the raid Loy looks at the newcomers and ye comes closer to tell him that this is the guy who did bad to their comrades previously they absolutely cannot allow this disrespect they need to teach him a lesson since he also diss the boss Lo calms him down as if they attack him here their reputation will be damaged the current task they got to clear the Dark Moon graveyard comes as a priority as for fun he will certainly find a way to deal with him easily fun looks at the shadow forces and thinks that in his past life he would have been part of that group too but now he is going to build a much better competitor since he is the founder of zero Wing since everyone is here white snow explains that the orobo skild will be the leader of this group mission with her being the commander Additionally the loot will be randomly distributed by the system according to everyone's needs fun says that what she said now isn't what they agreed on they should be given priority in regards to the blueprints that will drop or have they already forgotten how generous he was xia explains that it's because they all thought highly of him when they first met but now that their gear has been upgraded they are going to be fine without him at the Dark Moon graveyard another player says that he should feel grateful they even let his little group of vag ABS join in and white snow apologizes but she has to put the interest of the guild first and foremost hey wonders how such a major Guild can go back on their words so easily but Funk says that it's fine as they will let their Luck play out he thinks that white snow most likely wants more bargaining chips to have an equal negotiation with the orobo skild her reputation precedes her she really isn't an easygoing person at all she starts hyping everyone up for the missions as they need to bring out the best results in order to get get the first clear of this dungeon by the way I don't know if the author just forgot but fun should have been drawn here as fun not as black flame just a reminder in case someone was confused they get inside of the dungeon and walk for a while which Spooks Cola as he doesn't see any sort of end to this constant fog in front of them Fang tells him to relax as they are almost at the exit anyway xia comes next to him and notes that now he had firsthand experience with white Snow's leadership truly it's something he can't ever achieve right fun thinks that it is true that she's a good leader everything she does she does with a clear head planning allocation and coordination they are all impeccable additionally it is thanks to her commands that the entire team was able to retreat from powerful monsters like the Cobalts they met earlier but it's strange as there hasn't been a single injury or death in the team was this graveyard dungeon really always this easy suddenly a few screams can be heard from the front and white snow wants answers but but there is nobody to answer as the system announces that two party members have been killed white snow thinks that it must be a dangerous enemy as those who died were part of the oroborus main forces she does not waver however and instantly gets control of the situation she tells the healers to stand guard while the supports guard the healers the tanks should activate their defensive skills and everyone else should get ready for battle Fong then tells everyone that something is coming this way out of the fog and already seems to have caught a player by surprise seeing it Fung immediately tells everyone to activate their defensive skills if they don't want to die Cola instantly listens to Fun's orders and activates his protection skill but the player who was caught off guard is too stunned to do anything at this point so with one dark attack through the head the Beast kills him and also tries to hurt Cola who fortunately has his defenses up this monster is called a graveyard Guardian which is a special Elite and has 5,000 GP which regenerates while it's in the midst a truly vicious creature white snow orders everyone to retreat but not enter the Mist while Fung orders Cola to not Retreat just yet as he should cover him and the healing team Cola trusts his words fully which shocks Joe how can he listen to Funk orders are they perhaps implying that white snow is an unreliable leader with his HP that tank will be dead if he takes another attack white snow orders the healers to replenish cola's HP and they do it as quickly as they can just in time for the Beast to unleash a attack on him that creates a large explosion fortunately Cola was strong enough to block this attack giving fun ample opportunity to jump in the air and cut one of the beast's hands off he thinks that he won't be able to cast any other spells for a while after this and hay uses evil whip to tie the graveyard down which starts regenerating its hand since it is technically still in the Mist white snow spots this and tells zout to get on it so she unleashes a mighty flame attack on the Beast which she thinks was easy to defeat but fun tells tells her that the Mist has yet to disappear so she shouldn't let her guard down even for a second that's when even more Guardians appear out of it and what's more is that zombies also start appearing which are not that dangerous by their stats but they can revive after being killed these zombies take most players by surprise and they die one after another while Joe and Xiao give constant advice to White Snow who thinks that if their team were to get wiped out tons of people would lose levels that they have worked hard to get but their reputation will crumble if they are to retreat from this battle fun tells her to not Retreat as he has come up with a way to get out of this situation but command must be handed over to him if she wants everyone else to live Joe tells her that she cannot hand over command to that bastard no matter what but she chooses to ignore her and gives him command instantly xia does not want to listen to someone like him but fun tells them to shut up already if they do not want to die here they should follow his orders down to the last minute minute detail he explains that the Guardians and zombies are blocking their path but they are not part of the mobs that they must kill to clear the Dark Moon graveyard since these things will keep spawning Without End they cannot get caught up with fighting them as they will only deplete their resources he orders Joe to pick her biggest fire area of attack spell and Target an empty space with it which will create a large area where there will be no mist which will allow the team to pass quicker everyone else should prepare to move as they will be left behind if they waver now white snow watches as he gives out orders and thinks only those who have experience in gaming tactics would know about such a straightforward strategy she suspected it before but is he really a beta tester Joe tells him to not be so arrogant as he is still relying on her Perfect magic in order to do anything but to confirm that she will show him her secret ultimate skill flame Tempest she does just that which takes out any zombie that was in the Mist she targeted andat creates a pretty sizable walkway through the Mist everyone gets to running as fast as they possibly can with the zombies still following them but fun tells them to not look back as that will only slow them down 3 hours after the Dark Moon graveyard opened there was still no signs of any Guild clearing the dungeon even the Assassin's Alliance has been defeated as heart stabber responds at the entrance and says that he cannot believe his team didn't even make it past the first scenario truly this game is Just insane when it comes to difficulty hey continues to follow the team the best he can but he unfortunately falls down due to fatigue and can only scream that he does not want to die that's when the zombies and the Miss stop with fun explaining that mobs don't leave their designated zones so they have escaped their aggro range hay takes his hand and says that this game was not designed for humans but fun tells him this is just the beginning the real fight is about to come since they have arrived a large ominous door stands before them and Joe thinks that this must be the tomb they have to go in but they already lost so many players without even seeing it fun asks if she's getting scared but white snow tells him to not look down on their Guild they only managed to get to this place because their comrades sacrificed themselves now they need to press onwards for their sakes if for nothing else fun agrees and slowly opens the door to the tomb they all walk in while looking around but eventually they arrive at their main target who ominously stands in the middle this is Leo the Fallen Lord a lord rank monster with a gigantic pool of 120,000 GP white snow thinks that this thing must be the boss and fun confirms it they can walk around the graveyard guardians but they cannot go without defeating the final boss which is this guy right here this is a fundamental rule of God's domain he knows of only two ways to leave the Dark Moon graveyard either they kill him or they die wh snow says that she knows about him having special information regarding lots of things so what are their odds of winning against this boss fun stands silent for a second and then announces that his information seems to be off slightly Fang thinks that patch Leo shouldn't have appeared during this stage either things have deviated from his memories or the current team he's a part of is making even greater progress in the game than anyone did in his previous life meaning that he is experiencing things like this before they were patched for fairness Joe says that it's over for them as even fun who is full of ideas seems stumped if they have to die she would rather just die on her own terms than be killed by a monster that's just too painful to experience more than once fun then notes that they should try Crossfire tactics but even with that they will only have a 20% chance of winning this thing Joe is not that impressed as if it's only 20% it's no different than jumping in blindly white snow says that it's very likely for their entire party to get wiped out anyways so they might as well bet on that 20% but she would like an explanation of this tactic first fun explains that the crossfire tactic is mostly used against bosses first they will have all players who are melee attack the boss at once after they get the aggro of the boss the melee players will instantly run away while the ranged players will start dealing easy damage to the boss once the ranged players dealt enough damage to the boss it will switch its aggro on them so the melee players will pull the aggro once again they will repeat this until the boss dies but it's important to remember that in this tactic it's preferable to keep the boss as far away from the ranged players as possible white snow says that he makes it sound quite easy but it just doesn't seem practical no matter how they swing it the ranged players will be able to keep their distance sure but how are the melee players supposed to keep themselves from being hit by the boss fun tells her that it's impossible to not get hit that is true and the only remaining melee players in this team are her Cola and him that means that they must be prepared to sacrifice themselves no matter what Joe immediately gets on his case as he can do to himself what he wants but he cannot treat his own teammates as fod to be used that's just not fair Cola says that he will do as he wishes as long as he gives the command he will climb a mountain or jump in a well without an ounce of hesitation white snow explains that as squad leader she can sacrifice herself in order for a Robos to become the first Guild to ever clear the Dark Moon graveyard so only this time she will allow him to treat her life as he wishes Fung looks at her and thinks that she sure has a prickly attitude but she is extremely responsible when it comes to her own Guild it would not be an exaggeration to say that she has become a spiritual pillar for everyone she tells everyone to get ready for combat as even if they fail at least they will die honorably she is the first one to charge in which the boss notices and Fung tells her to prepare for the boss's First Strike it seems that the attack has hit her but that was only an illusion as she is right next next to him and hits him in the head with a powerful attack this gets the boss's attention and she orders the ranged players to do their thing now hay uses Hellfire on him which engulfs the boss in Flames but Joe tells him to move as that will only tickle him and unleashes a powerful flame attack hey thinks that should be enough but Joe tells him to not be so relaxed as that Beast has 120,000 hit points this is not over sure enough the boss charges in but this time fun is the one who attacks him with a debuff attack which removes half of his speed hopefully giving the casters enough time to dodge unfortunately the Caster cannot discern what the boss is doing so he slams the ground and catches both of the casters by surprise next he prepares to strike Joe with a heavy attack but she and hay cannot move as the boss has immobilized them with his debuff instead of attacking like a normal boss patch Leo chooses to just throw the sword at Joe who says that she doesn't want to die seeing that there's nothing else to do Fung uses the gra gravity ring to get in front of her and us his defensive blade to deflect the sword with all of his might he succeeds but this attack has taken more out of him than he would have liked to so he falls to the ground everyone goes to his side and white snow looks from the distance she did not expect for the first person to fall to be fun who is now slowly dematerializing as his HP reaches zero suddenly Xiao grabs his hand and begins casting a long spell on Fung which fully heals him he is naturally quite surprised by this and she explains that it's a recovery spell she learned recently so she used it because he cannot die here it is a spell that can be used one every day and it's called saved by the heavens Fung Rises up and thanks her for the sacrifice but the boss has had enough of their talking and picks up its sword fun warns everyone about this and cola tries to taunt him with one of his skills but the taunt does nothing white snow pops up from behind him and unleashes a flurry of attacks on his back but the attacks do nothing to change the boss's aggro as it's only looking at Fung the system warns him that patch Leo has locked on him so until he dies his aggro will not be transferred to anyone else no matter what fun notices that they have brought his HP down to less than half so this constant aggro means that the boss is now entering the second phase Fung uses Phantom kill to create a few clones and tells everyone to attack the boss with everything they got as they don't have to worry about the aggro anymore in this second phase Leo will continue hunting the most high value Target in the area until they are eliminated so the boss will only attack him for now which is a perfect opportunity for everyone Fung moves very fast which confuses the boss and allows the casters to give it their all as they unleash Mighty spells the boss can only lock onto one person at once but now it's being disrupted by four identical targets so the AI will pick the closest clone that he can find and attack that since it looks identical to its main target as long as fun keeps adjusting his clones to keep their distance from him the boss will be stuck in place and the others will be able to attack him without any danger suddenly the boss lets out a primal Roar and instantly removes the Clones patch Leo has just entered his Final Phase fun warns everyone that in this Final Phase his reaction speed and aggressiveness will Skyrocket and he also gains an ability death acquisition this ability will allow him to recover 10% of his HP every time he kills a player so if any of them die right now their efforts would have all been for nothing white snow understands and fun orders his party to stop attacking not use any sorts of heals and they should avoid drawing aggro at all costs white snow also warns her party to retreat beyond the boss's attack range as they will take care of it Joe tells the last remaining oroboros members to retreat and so only Fung and white snow are left to fight the boss Fung begins fighting him but he already knows all of his attack patterns so he Dodges and uses thundering slash afterwards after he is done white snow comes from behind and jumps right on his neck before she can remove move her sword Leo manages to grabb her tightly and as a result throws her to the ground it seems that everything is lost as Leo raises his foot to crush white snow but Fung uses the Ring's power to send white snow flying before she is hit seeing that she is in a weaker State fun tells her to get as far away as possible as he will be the one to deal the final blow to this thing white snow reluctantly stays behind and Fung enchants his sword with fire while charging in Leo suddenly speaks and tells them that challenging him like this is like self-destruct they have not a single chance against him Fung uses the Demonic sword skill flame blade dance but Leo suddenly uses a barrier on himself which fun simply cannot go through so the enchantment he puts on is wasted seeing that it has come to this fun chooses to rely only on his sword skills now and he uses the nine Dragon ability to deal tons of damage to Leo who only has 808 HP left Leo Roars once again and sends Fung back as a result but like a fool white snow charges in and says that the final blow has to be dealt by them the aoba skilled Fung tells her to stop right now but she is too thickheaded to even hear him so she still charges in unfortunately for her even her mightiest attack has no effect on Leo as her weapon simply breaks on his armor she can't even comprehend what just happened but Leo raises his sword into the air and notes that her life is his from now on he lets his sword fall on her and Fung rushes in thinking that no matter what he can't let this stupid woman die here Fung tries his best to make it in time but suddenly the world pauses and in real life his gear begins overloading something which he can feel the system warns him about countless malfunctions and the synchronization rate between him and his character becomes even larger this continues to happen until his character's Consciousness and his own become one and the same but this gives him even greater power as the overclocking mode has just been activated within an instant fun gets to Leo and blocks his sword which shocks both him him and white snow who cannot believe the amount of power he showed now Leo asks how he managed to gain such speed and fun notes that even if he were to explain it he just wouldn't get it he uses his Abyssal bind to keep Leo in place and attacks him with deadly force making Leo fall to the ground his party members just sit idly by and wonder when this guy is going to stop growing Fung looks at his hand and thinks that overclocking mode causes damage to the player in the real world so it was banned by game developers long ago he just accidentally activated it because he was using the latest gear possible Leo is on his knees utterly defeated and asks fun what kind of price he had to pay to gain such power even if he won't understand fun explains that his physical body will receive the same damage as his Avatar so should this in-game character die the player in the real world will become fully brain dead however for him who has been humiliated Time and Time Again by people who are trash this price is worth paying he cuts Leo's head off and the system rewards him with the chest of the ancient holy Emperor for being the first player to defeat him outside of the dungeon everyone gets the news that oroboros and zero Wing are the first workshops who managed to clear the dungeon the players around the dungeon can believe that oroboros managed to clear the dungeon but just what is the zero wi Workshop nobody really knows of them now but they must be quite big if they are able to appear on the ranking board like this seeing this Loi becomes impatient and asks Yu about their Guild's progression on the dungeon he explains that they are stuck at the first stage their main team died so many times that they all Dro tons of levels emergency reinforcements are on Route as they speak but even those might not be able to do anything Loy has heard enough so he pushes him away and calls them a bunch of worthless trash who don't deserve anything Fun's level rises to seven and the people around him cannot believe that they actually managed to defeat the boss so his team members celebrate as they will go down in history Joe rushes to to white snow and is also very glad that they managed to clear the dungeon but white snow is more amazed by Fung as his abilities are truly terrifying he asks who gets to open the chests and white snow allows him to since he is the one that killed the boss he does just that and tons of rare and precious loot drops enough for everyone to make a fortune out of items like the Rune sword and Rune Shield who are mysterious iron Rank and very good for anyone to use white snow orders his Guild to roll for equipment they need as the people with the highest rols will get the item some think of selling the items they get and others think of keeping them but white snow offers fun the privilege to take any item he wants as he deserves it fun looks around for a bit and spots a blade called The Blade Of Ashes that is what he wants Joe thinks that he is dumb as items that emit that red glow are cursed so considered trash nobody will dare to touch it even if it dropped so why doesn't he just get any other items from the countless ones they have here white snow also offers Fung all of the highlevel blueprints materials and Equipment pieces she is doing this because she wants to get Fung into their Guild but first they need to strengthen their bond fun asks her why the generosity and she explains that her offer still stands she hopes that he can leave zero wing and join orobos fun accepts the kind gesture which makes white snow think that he is finally willing to join the guild if he does their Guild will truly be the strongest in God's domain unfortunately for her fun just refuses which angers Joe as he just took advantage of them fun notes that he rejected them because he already has comrades that he cannot let down no matter what white snow asks if she also lets his friends join and fun asks them how they would feel about it hay feels conflicted as he would be very happy to join aobos since they are one of the top guilds but he is Fun's follower and friend he will stand by him and grow together with zero Wing someday their workshop will become top tier so he has no desire to join them Cola feels the same and white snow gives up up but she hopes to work again with them in the future the exit portal opens behind them and fun says that it's about time they get out of this dark place when they do get out everyone in the server is informed that oroboros and the zero Wing Guild are the first guilds to clear the Dark Moon graveyard dungeon on Hell difficulty they each will receive 30 reputation with Red Leaf Town 50,000 XP a treasure chest and 10 Prestige when fun walks outside the Marshall Guild leader waits for him geared up and presumably ready to fight ironsword did not expect them to clear the Dark Moon graveyard their Marshall Union did not gain anything despite the resources they spent on it white snow gets out of the portal behind fun and says that they are a guild that specializes mostly in PvP so the reason for failing to clear the dungeon they must find it within themselves iron sword slowly pulls out his sword and notes that if they already know that they are specialized in PvP they should know how they get equipment isn't that right white snow analyzes them them and despite most of them looking quite weak they are still large in number so it would be Troublesome to deal with this now ironsword says that even so he will show his benevolence and take only half of the loot he gained from the Dark Moon graveyard that is much better than being beaten and losing everything or so he thinks drifting blood comes around and notes that they are all exhausted now they must be from the dungeon can't they just rush them and get the equipment irons word agrees they can do that quite easily but that is their second priority as the first priority comes to fun today he will leave him with nothing to his name he will make sure he walks out of this place in his god-given suit seeing that this brute will most likely not see a reason fun tells white snow to take everyone and go to the woods behind this place there are too many of them at the moment and since they specialize in PvP it would be hard to deal with everyone if they were surrounded iron sword has heard his plan and says that he will not let him run away no matter what it takes fun steps forward and asks does he really want his equipment then he should come and get it if he can that is iron sword becomes enraged after seeing him being arrogant even in this situation but now they are not in town so there will be no guards that help him he tells everyone there to get ready for battle which makes hay fired up as he has been dying for a chance to test out his new equipment Joe wonders if Fang really plans to fight a PVP Guild like this and white snow says that she cannot have this much disrespect aimed at their Guild he will have to pay a heavy price for such things iron sword charges in and tells them to get out of here as he has no need to fight a robber us right now but if they still choose to help they will take them down along with this bum he tries to hit fun with a rather open and slow yet powerful attack which fun easily Dodges and kicks him away iron sword wonders when this bastard became so fast and fun tells everyone to go into the woods now he will deal with this himself while hay does just that white snow seems to be having another idea as she goes into the opposite direction Direction with sword in hand one of the Mage players of the Marshall Guild attempts to suddenly attack xia who was caught off guard but lonely jumps in and uses unyielding shield to protect her when the attack hits lonely's HP Falls by only a quarter and so he starts flexing to Shia about his tanking she starts healing him as thanks and the Mage from the Marshall Union wonders why his magic defense Rose so suddenly not wanting to be left out of the fun Xiao prepares a mighty fire blast and unleashes it on the players behind iron sword giving them tons of damage even if he is surprised by the amount of power she exerted he tells his group to charge in Faster as even if they have a powerful Mage they can overturn them with their numbers Xiao notices that they are even more adamant in charging in now so she asks how they dare to fight oroborus while preparing another Mighty spell the Blazing dragon roar which hits the main tank of the group fully and it kills him on impact this shocks iron sword as their main tank had tons of good items on him just how high is This Woman's attack power seeing that she will not stop unleashing spells on his men ironsword orders his assassins to go around and kill that Mage no matter what he turns his attention to where fun was but he has disappeared as drifting blood tells him so iron sword becomes increasingly matter and orders drifting blood to rush and find him as he will not allow that bastard to escape Xiao continues to hit spell after spell on the charging enemies and is too focused on them to notice the two assassins who are very happy to kill the renowned flaming Moon they will surely become famous due to their Whispering Jiao hears them and prepares a flame burst in order to kill them both but due to her spamming her skills are now on coold down which should allow both of the Assassins to easily take care of her however they only notice after the fact that their HP bars are suddenly fully empty because fun slashed both of them at blinding speeds Xiao rushes to his side but he can hear her words of thanks later so he rushes to another spot once again showing her that he is truly strong the Marshall Union healers continue to cast healing spells on their dying teammates but soon enough Fung makes his appearance and takes out a cleric before the others can even notice he takes them out too which iron sword notices so he uses a wild bull charge to close the distance between them and attempt to kill this bastard once and for all the attack hits Fun's clone the real one was standing behind iron sword this entire time seeing that he only likes to play Petty tricks irons word dares him to take this next attack head on as he will surely perish under his might fun does just that but instead of perishing he blocks his attack with ease and even mocks him as his attack power doesn't seem to be that much he kicks him away with great force and while he is stunned Fung appears from behind and Strikes him with all kinds of slashes leaving his HP to zero he falls to the ground and before he respawns iron sword promises Revenge once again he will not let this slide with their boss dead the Marshall Union players wonder if they should keep fighting but drifting Blood starts bossing them around as he doesn't want to follow in his steps so they should run away while they still can while they do that he screams at Fung that this is not the end the Assassin Alliance who has been looking at this fight the whole time say that they won't need their help this time heart stabber says that since they decided to provoke Fung like this it was over after they settle everything zero wi leaves and Joe tells white snow that it would be amazing to have such a pro like him in their Guild Whit snow says that he is too amazing for that a person like him will become their Guild's opponent sooner or later but really she hopes that it comes later the news about the Marshall Union being destroyed quickly spread throughout Red Leaf town and some people even uploaded videos of the fight on the official Forum which was instantly a hit as it received thousands of views and likes this was all credited to the orobas guild however as they are also known to be the first one to clear the hell level Dark Moon graveyard yard and immediately after that they also offed the Marshall Union White Snow's image as a goddess grew even more and so the status and influence the oroborus guild has in White River City has skyrocketed with countless new players wanting to join them at all times even if Fang was not the main focus of the video bigger guilds also began to notice Fun's existence on the server some players looked at him with fear as he is the lunatic who has slain so many While others look at him with a different kind of emotion As It Seems seems he has attracted some super fans of his own Cola and sloth come around too to clarify this red-haired one is called Cola with the yellow-haired one being called Lonely the author has had them mixed up for some time now I have no clue why I apologize but I hope this clears some confusion Cola grabs lonely and notes that it must have been hard to tank in his place but he won't need to do that as the real Cola has arrived and with the new skills that he has learned recently he will be the one to take the front lines seeing that they are here fun gives both of them new items and tells them to get the rest of their gear repaired and also get supplies for their next leveling run as he is going to take care of something important first lonely and hay also joined them in their trip to the blacksmith where they find out that to repair all of ha's equipment it will cost one silver and 63 copper which seems to be a lot until lonely says that his cost four silver the blacksmith explains that the greater the durability loss on the items and the higher grade the equipment is the higher the repair fee will cost all other things are also equal plate armor is more expensive than leather that is only natural with a sad expression lonely hands him the money while noting that if he had not gained three silver and five bottles of recovery from the Dark Moon graveyard his wallet would have been entirely empty now what a game hayy then remembers that since they have an improved reputation they should have a 10% discount to things like this so wouldn't the price be lower the blacksmith becomes angry with him and says that the repair fee already has the 10% discount placed on it so he better pay up and shut up Fang who is somewhere else checks his inventory and sees that counting the blueprints for the shimmering chest plate he sold earlier he now has a total of 73 gold he also got the Blade Of Ashes which is a very good item as its holder was once a mighty godslayer and he had never seen this thing with his own eyes in his previous life however he remembers that he can learn more about this item only after reaching the star Moon Kingdom so until then this item is useless to him holding it in the storage is the wise choice for now he also checks out the item ironsword dropped when he was killed which is unknown to him so he uses appraise which shows him that this is the crystal of seven Sparkles a special item that can be used to teleport to the Blackwing City fun thinks that this must be the reason the Marshall Union rose up in power so quickly in his past life this thing carried them hard this item teleports the user and his party to a legendary area called the Blackwing City now that this treasure is is in his hands iron sword will not rise to power ever again and he will remain a two- bit Guild leader forever today is also Black Friday which is a big day in the Black Wing City so he has to go there to profit off of it he calls hey and tells him to take the rest of the group and go to Roaring Hills the level eight area there they will grind levels quite quickly he will not be joining them as he has something important to take care of at the Blackwing City in a random street Alleyway fun appears out of a portal and thinks that this place is where the most famous auction in the entire game is it is still early so he can take a look around the place before the auction takes place not wanting to be recognized fun uses his demon mask to disguise himself into black flame as he wants to visit the engineering shop first fun eventually finds a workshop and walks inside with confidence but only 2 minutes later he walks out as the items in there are too expensive he can't afford anything good in there especially the rocket boots he wanted those cost 1,200 gold they are perfect for making escapes as it's an epic rank equipment that was crafted by a master engineer making it much better than ordinary rocket boots even so he did manage to buy an intermediate Frost grenade as this should deal with anyone who would like to pursue him like the Marshall Guild the frost grenade freezes a target for 5 seconds decreases their speed by 60% for 12 seconds and also deals 800 damage when he walks away Fung bumps into a player who at first thinks that he is just a dumb NPC who likes to do that but notices that he has a level and a hidden name so he is just another player who belongs to no Guild this guy is the egoistic frenzied blade an oroborus player and a player from another country even though there is only one way to travel in redleaf town the entire White River City has jurisdiction over hundreds of towns there are hundreds of cities in the star Moon Kingdom and there are hundreds of countries in the whole of God's domain as a neutral city state it is normal for Blackwing City to have hundreds of different players appear at any time frenzy notes that he is quite lucky to be in this place considering that he is a player with no Guild but fun chooses to ignore him which makes frenzi mad as he has to pay a price for bumping into someone as great as him like that fun asks what he wants which makes him even matter but another player stops frenzied and says that everyone around this place is an elite from their respective country so instead of fighting each other for no reason would it not be better to make friends and exchange information frenzy says that he will let this matter go on account of Lone Swan the player that stopped him Swan reaches for a handshake with fun and introduces himself he is from the Palace of moon reverence fun knows this name as the Palace of moon reverence is an extremely famous Guild in God's domain they are affiliated with the Tulip Empire and it is said that the competition among the various forces in that place is Harsh with the Palace of moon reverence being the leader amongst all of them fun introduces himself as black flame from the Star Moon Kingdom Swan notes that the star Moon Kingdom is a long way from here so this must be his first time coming to the Blackwing city is he after the auction house perhaps black Flames confirms that he is which makes Swan ask if he knows that he needs to buy a black Wing emblem for two gold in order to enter the auction venue black flame notes that he didn't know that while thinking that it's better to say he doesn't even though he does as this will help keep a low profile seeing that they are going to the same place Swan invites him to their team as he happens to have an extra Black Wing em on him so he can bring him to the venue free of charge frenzi immediately gets on his case as a casual player like this guy doesn't deserve the right to get an emblem for free that is not how the world Works he turns around to Swan and says that if he lets this Noob join their team he shouldn't blame him for quitting it and finding other players to join Swan tries to reason with him as even though black flame might be a casual player he still managed to come to this place which shows that he is at least capable they might even encounter him more in the Future Frenzy does not see it that way as he has the mighty bloodthirsty war god behind him that's what capable is an ordinary dude like this guy wants to have the same status as the best from the major guilds how arrogant black flame notices that their argument won't end anytime soon so he refuses the offer and walks away making Swan wonder if he is perhaps rich as he won't be able to buy an emblem even for three gold coins as they are all sold out while he walks away frenzy tells him to not put on airs like that as he is only a fool who will not be able to go through the auction doors without being kicked out by the guards eventually the time for the auction arrives but the guards refuse them entry which makes Swan ask why as they have the emblems so what is the reason for entry refusal the guard explains that ordinary people with emblems must wait for the VIPs to enter first like that man the Lord Demon Hunter the VIP of the Blackwing City he can enter without an emblem when they look to see who they are talking about they spot black flame and the guards bow down to him as he enters welcoming him as the Lord Demon Hunter something which pequs Swan's interest when everyone is settled in their seats and everything is in order the auction begins with a level 20 secret silver ranked chest plate the starting price for this epic item is only two gold fun uses the observing eyes skill to assess the breastplate this is a skill to see concealed targets like the ones from the auction and also allows VIP users to get further information on items fun acquired this skill while looking for treasures at a normal auction house one of the players there notes that the breastplate hasn't been appraised so it's really a gamble if it's of good quality or not seeing that everyone is hesitant to bet he will liven the atmosphere up and even fish while he is at it in character he puts three gold on the item which comes to everyone's surprise as the famous Demon Hunter has taken an action is this item perhaps a hidden treasure believing his title of Demon Hunter to be a show of his skill and knowledge everyone believes that this item is truly a treasure frenzi laughs at black Flames low price and puts five gold on the item which makes some players think that he must be really rich to put this much gold on an item but some know already that he is an Elite member of the bloodthirsty war god Guild one of the major guilds he laughs as he receives these indirect compliments but his 3 seconds of Fame run out as black flame puts 10 gold on the item this makes the auction house blow up with talk as the Demon Hunter just doubled the bid with some players wondering if he can really beat someone from the bloodthirsty war god in terms of cash not wanting to let this bastard have what he wants frenzi puts 15 gold on the item which black flame increases to 20 gold instantly frenzi is mad once again at him outbidding him but Swan tells him to take it slow as 20 gold for only a chest plate there is no need to go further frenzy pushes him away and says that he will not stop since this bum insists on showing only disrespect he will put him in his place once and for all he puts 30 entire gold on the item while thinking that he will add all of the gold from The Guild that he can to his bid everyone is surprised by this turn of events as 30 gold is the entire budget of some minor guilds yet he put all of that on a single chest plate some think that this just goes to show what a treasure this item is as he wouldn't just bet all of that without knowing frenzy thinks that he has won the bid as he is only a bum without a guild yet he is backed by the bloodthirsty war god Guild he has tons of cash how is he going to compete with him now unfortunately for him black flame puts 35 gold on the item which frenzy thinks of as impossible how can a free player have so much gold he ask the auction employee to check black Flames account but he explains that the bid is valid black flame looks at frenz and says that he thought he had the backing of the mighty bloodthirsty war god Guild what happened he should show him his real strength if he likes to boast so much frenzi becomes extremely Furious as he cannot stand all of this disrespect so he bets one gold more 36 gold black Flames Smiles as he called himself an elite of a major Guild yet he dares to increase the bid by one gold he increased the BET by 40 gold which shocks frenzied as that is a few years worth of salary isn't this bastard risking too much for a damn chest plate but now that he thinks about it this just shows the chest plate is an amazing treasure it is worth far more than 40 gold that is most definitely the case here he SL STS his fist on the table and says that he will pay 50 gold Swan thinks that he is insane as 50 gold is the entire capital of the guild just what has he done seeing how much he increased the price black flame surrenders the item to him and even claps to congratulate him frenzi relishes in his victory and continues to mock black flame again and again what happened to his funds did Daddy not give him enough pocket money what a loser seeing that nobody will bid any longer the auction employee notes that the West wind chest plate with a rare skin belongs to frenzi Blade frenzi continues to laugh but reality hits him West Wind chest plate that this is a West Wind chest plate only worth one damn silver coin the auction employee calmly explains that this is a westwing breastplate with a rather rare skin even though it does not change its stats it looks a lot cooler and makes the player Suave while frenzied has a heart attack over spending 50 gold on a damn vanity piece the auction employee notes that they will contact his Guild with the payment within 24 hours should payment not be made the guild will be severely punished by the system everyone now looks at black flame in a different light as he destroyed one of the major guilds without even lifting a finger truly the Demon Hunter is also a demon himself the others watch as frenzied passes out with one of the players noting that the Demon Hunter is a cunning person he will lead them into a trap every time he bets so everyone should be careful of this snake for the next 30 minutes black flame did not make a single bet at the auction which continued until the next category of items appeared one of the first items he took interest in is a weapons forging blueprint with the starting price being only one silver fun uses observing eyes on the item and notices that it's a silver Dawn one-handed sword blueprint secret silver rank equipment luck is truly on his side weapons in the silver Dawn set were a musthave for any level 10 player in his past life and they were very very hard to come by besides that his Abyssal blade also needs 10 secret silver weapons to upgrade again so with this blueprint not only will he make more money but he will also be free from grinding dungeons he bets one silver on the item which immediately comes at the suspicion of the other players with most of them agreeing that this is just another ruse by this snake to make them buy junk so they shouldn't bet on this likely worthless item at all the final countdown for betting comes and goes but the players still hesitant to just leave him this item item but they do not want to be fooled the item is eventually sold to Black flame who is now the proud owner of the secret silver rank silver Dawn one-handed sword blueprint everyone screams as they hear this as secret silver ranked blueprints are worth 20 gold at the least yet this guy managed to get it for one silver fun is very happy with his purchase as with this item he can really up his game with that out of the way the last item of the auction is pulled out a super rare close combat skill flame thunderstorm starting at only 5 gold fun is shocked when he sees this as it is an extremely desirable skill for melee players this must be the most nice item in the entire auction even in his past life he never saw this skill book on the market ever its value is beyond imagination bets start instantly with the price reaching 43 gold instantly but Fung Waits patiently as he needs to bid at the right time in order to crush their betting Spirits an NPC also joins the Bing with 50 gold which fun thinks of as troubl as this NPC is a wealthy sorcerer since there is no fooling in NPC he will have to offer the estimated value of the item so black flame bets 60 Gold with this being most of his gold even still the NPC adds 70 gold to the bid which makes fun think that he lost as he doesn't have that much money left in his pocket fortunately for him new funds from the auction just came in and his total money now is a total of 113 gold just enough for him to buy the item he bets 100 gold hoping and praying that this is enough to make the NPC back away the NPC sits silently as the others look at black flame with a certain admiration and envy the auction employee closes the bid when he sees that there is nobody else and congratulates black flame for acquiring the flame thunderstorm book fun receives the item and notes that this is an amazing early stair grinding and PK skill it deals 200 base damage plus flame Thunder damage to enemies in a radius while also stunning them for 4 seconds with with a cool down of 45 seconds with this earning back the cost of what he spent today shouldn't be an issue when he walks out someone stops him and introduces herself as Aqua Rose a player that fun recognizes too as she was one of the top curse mancers in God's domain a tier six Curse God he can't believe that she would be in this place in terms of Fame she was just as renowned as the cleric God Violet Cloud maybe even more black flame apologizes as he did not see her at the auction but she notes that it's only natural as they were sitting in a corner far away from him Aqua explains that she is representing the Twilight Echo Guild and would like to discuss a partnership with him would he be interested in such a deal fun thinks that Twilight echko is famous in the virtual gaming industry and with aqua Rose also being a part of them the deal she has in mind now must be quite big black flame says that he is willing to talk which makes them walk to another spot as frenzi curses him out while also promising to eventually surpass him in every way possible they arrive at the red rose a high-end restaurant and aqua opens the conversation by noting that she never expected for the chief forger of the star Moon Kingdom to be such a mature yet handsome young man she thought that a renowned forger such as him would have been in his 50s or 60s by now black flame tells her that if she has any business propositions then she should begin talking about them as he is open to expanding his network of deals Aqua explains that her Guild needs a pretty large number of his shimmering blueprint but due to some circumstances they can only pay with credit points is that fine black flame has no quarrel with selling them the blueprints but he asks why only credit points for payment in this deal fun thinks that in the early stages of the game meaning now gold was in high demand since it was the only currency used in God's domain additionally there is no way to exchange credits into gold at least not yet anyway Aqua notes that due to the shortage of in-game currency their Guild can only pay him in in installments if he does not accept credit points that is the best they can do fun thinks that he has true luck as he was worrying about the slow sale of in-game currency but if these guys pay him directly with credit points it will save him the trouble what a win-win situation black flame asks how many do they need but they should mind before deciding that his prices are quite High Aqua says that they want 500 shimmering Blueprints and then order a large amount of equipment at a later date he can set the price however there is a condition to not sell to other players or guilds fun thinks that what this girl really wants is to buy the blueprints off of him and then sell them to other guilds exclusively at that her network and connections are much wider than his which naturally allows her to let him set the price black flame notes that they can pay 10 gold up front and the rest will be paid in credit points but he has a condition too she asks him what it is and he explains that since their Guild is in the mineral Rich storm Empire he would like to buy vicarious ores from them at a low price for his crafting he thinks that if he ends up with Surplus he can sell it to other guilds which will definitely make him tons of profit additionally he would like a pass to the Blackwing city as if he cannot visit often he cannot trade directly Aqua says that they agree the ores will be sold cheaply while the pass for this city has already been prepared for him as a bonus with that they both cheer to Signal their deal being set in stone they rent a home after finishing their drinks and black flame notes that he will go make the blueprints which should take about 2 hours give or take while he walks away he thinks that this is a very profitable and lowrisk deal how much Aqua can earn from it depends on her capabilities he will just earn his share and enjoy some cash 2 and 1/2 hourss later black flame comes back apologizing for being late but he also thinks that drawing 500 blueprints Allin one go is quite exhausting he hands her the blueprints and he immediately gets the cab 1.88 million credit points he thinks that was a fast transaction but it's to be expected from such a prestigious Guild but now with his previous earnings his balance has surpassed $1 million before the game even started off right he has become a multi-millionaire if everything goes to plan he will hit 20 million in a few days with that cash he can set up a decent studio that will compete with Shadow at the social Gathering Aqua explains that she will bring him the order he needs in 3 days in that time he should bring out as much equipment as he possibly can as they will take it with a last handshake they go their separate ways Fang eventually arrives back in redleaf town but suddenly gets a notification that the game will undergo a system update he wonders what is going on exactly as it should have taken at least another month for the first update to hit live servers but this is a golden opportunity as material skyrocketed in price this update so he needs to move fast to the auction and stock up fast when he arrives at the auction Fung buys anything and everything ores herbs as long as they are rare he will buy everything with the 10 gold he got from Aqua he can fill out his storage pretty fast he does just that and in the last 11 seconds of the system restart he logs out at 8:00 a.m. Fung takes off his suit and helmet and after taking a much needed shower he watches the news where it is shown that tons of conglomerates are joining God's domain and to boost the economy they will set up tons of workshops in about 3 hours all virtual helmet stores will be swamped as the number of players in God's domain Rose by 800 million with 18 billion players online at any given time breaking the world record of any virtual game fun thinks that with this increase in player base the demand for equipment becomes even higher that is why the conglomerates are buying Blueprints and beginner equipment like Aqua did from him the news lady explains that God's domain is becoming a second world for everyone So eventually everyone will own a headset allowing them to enter this amazing game fun Smiles as he knows that it's here even though it's early the great evolution of God's domain has arrived God's domain is the first ever virtual reality game with capabilities to self-evolve unlike old games that updated based on what the human game designers wanted God's domain introduced an amazing concept A game world that evolves only through player participation this game can be described as survival of the fittest and as players adapt to the game it's collects player data constantly when players explore the game World faster than the system expected it cranks up the difficulty of the game in what is known as a great Evolution now that he's thinking about it him defeating bosses of a much higher level than him definitely contributed to this he might have already become a target of the main god system Fong finishes his workout and thinks that from now on corporations will invest in recruiting gaming pros and rookies with potential even fighters from professional tournaments will have a chance to to join these players will have top tier teams backing them constantly something which the regular players can't even compete with this game is about to become even harder he pops another nutritional supplement and walks out as it's about time he upgrades his phone he arrives in the commercial Street where he overhears two players talking about God's domain and how it took one of them 6 hours of waiting to get his headset which is considered fast the other player says that his friend was playing from the open Beta he is level four already and will surely carry them with these corpos taking over God's domain Pro Gamers will get large contracts and even washed up players will get million dooll annual salaries from their contracts real pros will get tens of Millions with players like white snow also being real life Sensations who could sell products just by being near them she has that much Fame he arrives at the phone shop and notes that he would like to change his phone the shopkeeper looks at it and wonders why he is using such an outdated and only model is he some pennes bum she shows him the latest model the smart neural wristwatch which can even connect to the new Gods domain game but it is quite expensive fun says that price is not an issue and he wants the latest model there is after he purchases it and puts it on the shopkeeper thinks that she judged him by his covers but this guy might be a wealthy man she should have asked for his contact info how unlucky fun suddenly receives a call from the class president Jiao who reminds him of the social gathering on Friday while also saying that every everyone needs to pay 5,000 credits for the entry fee she can help him if he is in need of cash right now fun says that he has paid already which makes her ask how as this is quite a lot of money they are talking about he explains that he has been working in God's domain so 5,000 credits aren't an issue to him while also keeping the fact that he has become a millionaire hidden as it will create problems in the future Jiao seems to know about the game and congratulates him warmly for being able to make money from it fun invites her to play together but she explains that her parents don't allow her to play games and besides with how many things she has to do in real life she can't play however again she is happy for him but he should remember to not spend all of his time there fun thanks her once again for the reminder and they close the call with another message coming up on his wristwatch that the God's domain servers have gone back up when he gets back home he instantly logs in and sees that two new physical attributes have appeared one is stamina because previously any physical action would take Mana but now they consume stamina High load exercise will lead to decrease in maximum stamina and even put a player in the fatigue state which can only be recovered from with a long rest the natural stamina for any beginner is always 100 and this value can only be modified with temporary effects or equipment and potions for veteran players however the system rewards them with bonus points based on the character's agility the second attribute is concentration which will be consumed when casting spells and when it is low spells are prone to failure and backlash it is similar to stamina in the sense that it's made to stop players from spamming attacks Fung didn't add any points to intelligence so he was only rewarded with 110 points but this should be plenty suddenly a letter comes in the mail for him from charlin who notes that she has a big present for him which scares him quite a bit as this seems like a ruse Fun's survival Instinct is telling him to throw this thing away but not accepting it would be just as worse so decides to open the envelope which starts to glisten and present him with a sacred cross emblem an item that radiates Holiness and weakens Undead creatures while also purifying their malicious Aura Fung knows that this is the ultimate Relic for fighting Undead that none really outdid herself this time a player appears out of nowhere named rich and unconstrained who asks fun if he is interested in a nice side hustle if he were to describe himself he would be sort of a small boss so when playing games he us usually pays others to carry and boost him his equipment is nice so he's giving him the chance to be that player interested fun asks how much he is paying and Rich says that pays 200 credits per level an amazing opportunity to earn money right Fung instantly walks away as he hears this very low sum which makes rich mad as this guy is just a stupid gamer who is also just a poor bastard who can only eat cup Ramen to save on cash out of frustration he throws a rocket fun while saying that there are players out there who would beg on their knees to serve someone as great as him the small rock hits fun and the system detects this as a PK attempt the players that are in the area look around while some Rush away with some players behind Rich noting that if he dared to hit the noble Demon Hunter in this town things will end horribly for him as the guards are sure to arrive soon sure enough the guards arrive and explain that they have detected malicious activity from a commoner like him so his punishment will be swift the punishment for hitting a noble is death fun thanks the guards and thinks that now that the evolution has concluded its time for the ice blue magic flame in his previous life this thing appeared in White River City's haunted ghost Forest after the great Evolution it's a flame that increases forging and the success rate of items he arrives at the forest opening and uses his new stamina based skills to basically fly as the cool down has also been drastically decreased so it's almost like he is no clipping everywhere while doing that he also spots a few players in the grey wolf Plains who are dead meaning that the great Evolution increased the difficulty of everything eventually his stamina runs out so he has to land but it still brought him far enough this is truly not bad at all from behind him two players run away from something and think that it's best to let this swordsman handle everything so they run past him and the horde of wolves start to rush him making the players think that it's over for him fun just uses the frost grenade to wipe out most of the wolves and block the area the two players are amazed by this amount of power but Fang doesn't even look look at them as His stamina has almost recharged fully so he jumps away and continues to fly in the air one of the players is shocked while the other says that he will delete his account now and become a swordsman Fung eventually makes his way to the haunted forest a cursed place where sunlight never appears there are also no living creatures in this area only cursed Spirits endlessly wandering around these Woods fun thinks that the ice blue magic flame is located in the haunted town which resides right at the heart of these cured Woods the narrow path that he is following currently is a passageway leading there in his previous life there was a renowned Guild known as the sacred Brilliance who also wanted the ice blue magic flame no matter what so they sent a thousand members deep into this Forest just looking around cost them a total of 200 players in the end nearly 700 members had to be sacrificed in order to cleanse the haunted town of its Spirits which allowed them to get the ice blue magic flame but some questioned if it was truly worth it physical attacks are ineffective against Spirits which earn this Forest the nickname of the graveyard of the physical classes however with the sacred cross emblem that Fung received he will be able to avoid battling Spirits making his life much easier in the long run suddenly a player appears behind fun and tries to strike him but fun notices his killing intent and uses the defensive blade technique to block the attack this proves useful as the attacker is knocked back by The Recoil and Fung tries to strike him but he moves out of the way before he can do that while running away Fen thinks that the attack he blocked earlier is called the venomous Serpent's lunge an assassin only skills this situation has become dangerous as the environment around here is ideal for an assassin he must stay away from that attack no matter what as it would stun him for 3 seconds giving the Assassin more than enough time to deal with him the Assassin comes behind him for round two but Fung is prepared and impales him with the defensive blades he prematurely summons this however was a clone as the real assassin was standing right behind fun and cut his head off with his blade before Fung disappears the Assassin introduces himself as absolute heaven and today was the day he took his life so he should remember it well the Fung in front of him was also a clone however and before he can figure out this clone seion Fung appears behind him and notes that he knows Rogues like him excel in ambushing players however once they reveal themselves like he did they are quite fragile right before the Assassin can turn around fully fun uses the Abyssal bind on him which makes Heaven laugh as it's impressive if he saw through his shadow technique like this fun notes that he has the observing eye skill so it was quite easy to spot him and he should forgive his rudeness but his shadow technique is nothing compared to Phantom kill Heaven begins laughing maniacally as he loves fighting strong people like him but he also tells Fang a word of advice since they got to this point that he shouldn't underestimate anyone no matter what in that moment he breaks out of his chains using release a crowd control skill the first time fun has seen someone with such a skill Heaven charges in which surprised fun as he is just a lowly assassin but this guy is actually keeping up with him in terms of strength Fung is also a battle Maniac so this is perfect as it's been a while since he has fought someone so satisfying to fight with his luck never seems to run out he pushes Heaven back with his wind blade skill and before he can react fun jumps high into the air and prepares to use flame thunderstorm the skill he got from the auction fun unleashes the attack forcing heaven to use his shadowcloak which is a defense ability but even with it his HP goes down by a quarter which surprised him as this guy's strength is truly amazing Fung also thinks that using the shadowcloak to absorb the elemental damage is not a rookie move this guys knows his stuff Heaven tries to use Shadow Escape but Fung rushes in as fast as he possibly can seeing that he won't make it in time he also activates his overclock allowing him to use nine Dragon slash while charging with one of the swords hitting heaven and almost killing him on the spot Fung grabs his head and bashes him in the ground but instead of being angry Heaven is actually having fun as he is truly a worthy player fun tells him that he will let him live if he tells him the name of the guy who hired him as he knows he just didn't work alone Heaven says that it's not important as they just had the fight of their lives as for the name there are plenty of people who want him dead he just did what he was paid for and he intends to follow that he suddenly un leashes a grenade from his hand which explodes in large radios with Fung being unable to get out of the blast radius in time the cost for overclocking is that when the game character dies the player dies too but fortunately for Fung he had time to terminate his overclock mode because of the emblem that had the ability to tank any killing damage he would normally take but this effect only works in dark environments like this Forest maybe that's what the nun wanted him to be protected of but she couldn't have thought that far fun notes that he never met this Heaven guy in his previous life has he attracted trouble from assassins because of what he did to others perhaps the monsters start gathering around this place having heard the commotion and Fung thinks that it's best to get out so he uses his ring and gets out of there while flying he spots the haunted town the place he wanted to find when fun arrives at the entrance of the town he is greeted by some cursed ghouls who he analyzes and thinks that they are eight levels above him so handling these guys will be quite tough after all a dozen or so of these ghouls are enough to wipe out a level 15 Squad but fortunately he has Frost grenades which easily blocks them but doesn't wipe them out completely it doesn't matter however as fun finished them off with his blade and each ghoul slain gives him 4,800 XP he is glad to see his XP bar grow so much and hopes to find a new way to grind so that he can level up easier that's when he remembers that he has the Demon Hunter title which gives him a 10% increase in damage against dark beasts like ghouls sure enough he can now One-Shot groups with the grenades so he gets to grinding eventually he reaches level 9 and he wants to continue grinding the mobs but they run away as he earns the Nemesis of ghoul's achievement which makes the ghouls run away from him seeing that he is not allowed to grind anymore he goes to the square and finds the ice blue magic flame standing there all he needs to do is grab it and leave when he approaches though a boss appears from the ground a ghost King who wields a large Axe and has plenty of skills fun knows of this boss as he's pretty dangerous since he W shots with most attacks but with his agility it shouldn't be an issue at all that's when Fung feels a chill run down his spine and when he turns behind he spots The Wraith king boss who was the one who wiped most of the Sacred Brilliance members easily with this fun is Almost sure that the system is targeting him but for him this is fun The Wraith King is the first to use a skill as he summons countless skeletons to his side but Fung uses a speed boost and easily takes care of them allowing him to approach The Wraith King easily unfortunately for him the ghost King notices what he's trying to do and uses his chained weapon to try and attack Fung at a distance which eventually lands but Fung had enough time to use defensive blade and block the attack almost fully the bosses give him no respit as The Wraith King rushes in and pushes him down with his blade even if Fung is strong The Wraith King has a smashing effect on his blade which deteriorates fun weapons bit by bit he decides to use the gravity ring to get out of his attack Zone and thinks that using a weapon against this guy means that he should be prepared to lose them truly this is the hell of difficulty however wraith King is an entirely melee boss so he should distance himself and avoid fighting at close range using his flame thunderstorm skill he does just that but ghoul King gets in front of The Wraith King since he has fire and lightning immunity and redirects the attack towards fun fortunately he had a chance to dodge making him think that the ghoul King has high Elemental defense but weak physical defense so this is his opportunity to inflict some damage he tries to attack him but The Wraith King gets in front of him and blocks his attack which also breaks his weapon seeing that they are trying to tag team him fun uses his overclocking move as this is the only way for him to win The Wraith King tries to charge him but he uses his binding ability to keep him in place and throws an ice grenade which the ghoul King tanks but this gives fun an idea as he Dodges he uses flame thunderstorm again which the ghoul King deflects directly into The Wraith King who receives some damage but this allows fun to get closer and use thundering slash even though he didn't do much damage both of the bosses try to attack him at once but Fung instantly gets out of their way making the ghoul King attack The Wraith King by accident again this breaks The Wraith King's defense allowing fun to unleash a Flurry of Blows on him the ghoul King charges in while he does that but Fung throws an ice grenade in his way while The Wraith King unleashes a mighty attack fun moves out of the way making The Wraith King hit the ghoul King who dies from this with one last opponent Fung uses the ghoul's king axe to push through The Wraith King's defenses killing him instantly as a result because of killing two bosses Fung levels up to level 10 and is given the mauling enchantment scroll and the brutal enchantment stroll with these two he can really deal some damage even though they can be used only once he also picks up the ice blue magic Flame the thing he came for inside of town players begin talking about the Bounty the Marshall Union put on fun 10,000 credit points they continue to talk about it as it's very interesting but they stop once fun enters the town who wonders why the atmosphere is like this even with the Bounty nobody wants to touch Fung as he is a noble around these parts so iron sword increases the bounty to 50,000 as surely someone will go for him if the price is so high fun eventually notices the Bounty placed on him he will not stand this disrespect so fun puts a bounty on his entire guild which he sends to everyone one silver coins for ordinary members 10 for high ranking members and 50 silver for iron sword he notices that a bounty has been set on him which makes drifting blood want to quit the guild but iron sword notices and warns him he is the guy who made him what he is today so how dare he try to leave if he wants to play this game ever again he should come up with a plan to deal with fun drifting blood agrees and says that he will go after his underlings since they should be much weaker sure enough the zero wi Guild members are cornered by the Marshall Union in the red leaf forest but instead of giving up and choosing to die they all choose to charge in while hoping that fun gets out of his forging room soon inside of his forging room Fung uses the ice blue magic flame to enchant his own hand which Spooks himself quite a bit as he never knew that it would do this but this is only the start as the assimilation progress has just started his whole body starts to be in pain as the flame continues to spread around his body making him think that he needs to disable his pain Inhibitors but they are locked at a th% during the process so he must resist this pain while hoping that it is worth it eventually the assimilation process is completed which gives Fong tons of free stats and the ice blew magic Flames he almost died in this process but it was worth it as his attributes have all risen and he also has tons of resistance now be it fire or ice he also wants to test out the refinement of this flame so he pulls out an ore piece and manages to craft it into a high-grade wet stone giving him the idea to use all of the stones he has to refine everything and turn it into amazing profit thank you for watching see you next time
Channel: ManhwaAddict
Views: 213,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: manhwa, manga, manhua, tower manhwa, viral, trending, summary, recap, recommendation, action, adventure, manhwa recap, manhwa recaps, anime, MANHUA, ManhwaCapped, anime recap, recap manhwa, manhwa summary, webtoon, manga recap, manga recaps, webtoon recap, recap manga, anime recaps, recaps manhwa, Monster tamer, manhwas, recap anime, anime summary, recaps, recaps manga, web novel, webnovel, The world after the fall, Asura Manhwa Recap, Reincarnation Of The Strongest Sword God, revenge, betray
Id: OhQw3j9XGak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 220min 27sec (13227 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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