Boruto Dominated Kawaki While Kurama Awakens Within Himawari - Boruto Two Blue Vortex Chapter 9

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I'm going to send you to the same place I sent the seventh hok Bodo what's up Nero Nation it's your boy Nero back at it with the fan translations for borto chapter n but before we get into these fan translations I got to remind you guys make sure you take the time out to read the official chapter man to show your love and support it comes out on the 20th so you better show some love also hit the like button I ain't mentioned it's free right you better hit it man with that being said let's get into these fans translations now I see a lot of people online well it's mixed feelings some people are upset about the whole krama thing and some people are okay with it me I'm okay with it because I feel like it's been mentioned or foreshadowed plenty times not only that shout out to Aragon in my comment section who actually mentioned that the ninet tales returned on the ninth chapter like that I think that's pretty dope I didn't even notice it till he put it in the comment section like yo was it planned was it planned but I feel like the whole thing with uh Kurama um some people are saying they think it might even just be like a Offspring I feel like it's more so like karama's connected to the entails he may have sense the danger that was happening with Cod and everything and you know did some type of thing where that barion mode helped him be released from boro's I mean Naruto's body and hopes of finding a new host where he can you know charge up his uh chakra because you know in these in this chapter right here in the fans translations you got Jura actually saying like yo you know this immense power within her is that of a you know what I'm saying of a ninetail of of a tail beast so I feel like maybe he went there in order to build up for upcoming danger you know like kind of like his like he knew ahead of time what type of threat that would be coming to the leaf Village or just be coming to that world in general so he had to find a new host where he could Mass his energy and just let it build up and charge and stuff like that until the right time where it could be reawakened because it seems as if himma she wasn't even aware of this like yo towards the end of this chapter you see a panel where you know he asked her like yo do you know who I am she looks shocked and surprised like yo what's going on but you're the Ninetales right and then that's how the chapter ends so I feel like it's one of those situations where he you know he was inside of her without her being aware and he's just been this whole time like charging up you know chalk you know building up as much as he can for the oncoming threat you know like pretty much evolv similar to like what happened in uh Godzilla the the latest Godzilla versus Kong if you haven't seen it spoilers for that movie but you know you see that gonzilla like he was building up massive power he was kind of like hibernating to become stronger so that once he got to this new threat that he was sensing coming he would be ready to face it on and I feel like a similar situation has went on with kurarama you know that Baran mode that he did with Naruto was necessary in order for him to be reborn even stronger it might even be one of those situations where each time he comes back he's stronger than he was the previous time so we just have to wait for for the next chapter to actually find out I'm kind of mad about that cuz we got to wait for the next chapter but damn it this was a good ass chapter not only that you all you also got Jura actually praising team 10 he was like yo the fact that they doing all this stuff right here without communicating the teamwork outstanding you know he's like to reward you guys I'mma just give youall a little tip I'm not even trying to box you guys right now cuz best believe I can fold you but I want y'all guys to you know know that I'm just after her you guys go about your' business I won't come after you no ill will and me me personally I like hey yo hea look man we ain't even related you know we just stay in the same Village I think you need to go with them that's what I would have said but either way you know what I'm saying that's what he he actually Praises him I think is really dope but the fact that he says that line I'm really curious because all the people they finished off in the previous chapter when they first got to the Village was it a situation where he said the same thing to them like yo I just want to find nuto you guys are good I'm not going to finish y'all off and then these guys decided to fight against them and they all got taken out I'm curious about that that's a situation like it's so many things I want to know because it it like I said it seems as if he's not really going he's not trying to fight people other than his Target everybody else like yo he will allow them to live but whatever the case may be in the last chapter he took out all those people all those shobis at the beginning of the chapter chter when he was going into the the leaf Village but it is what it is kawaki you're disappointing me man I like it I I had high hopes for you like you got bodied in this chapter not not just this every time we've seen him he's got boded since the time skip I I don't think has there been anyone he finished off where we were just like damn kawaki's that guy I don't think that's happened since the time skip but I wonder if this is uh going to be in officials but the part where borto Dodges the Spears and he looks at kawak and he tells him like yo [ __ ] you pathetic like you ain't been training like he Dodges the spirit like you just been sitting here Lolly gagging just having a good time you know what I'm saying after and I've been in the The Trenches fighting my whole life like borto just disrespected kawak to the fullest but hey yo we going to get into the actual chapter review because I'm kind of all over the place I know y'all probably want me to go in orderers so we going to get to the chapter man we got this cover page again with uh Team 10 on it you guys let me know how y'all feel about this cover page uh honestly I think it's dope that a whole team is up there but I would have liked to have seen one with like all of Team seven shoot you know what I'm saying the original team seven just you know I I like the fact that we got a cover with multiple characters on it because that's it seems very rare and honestly this probably would be a dope volume cover too let me let me know how y'all feel about that if that was a volume cover but of course the chapter starts off where you got Jura uh you know in front of uh Team 10 and he's saying like yo I came here to find nuto but instead I found this little girl she has you know what I'm saying tell beast power what's going on and of course you got shikar or shika he's like like what is you talking about and I feel like this right here is going to be an indicator that Naruto is still alive because the lines that you know I'm saying that jur is actually saying is as if nto is still alive and he's someone that he's searching because you got you know shika as well as Eno and them they're saying like yo noro hasn't been here for years he's been gone and he was like hm strange well I sense the immense amount of you know Beast uh chakra in the area so if it's not noruto it's got to be her I'm after her I'm going to get her and then you see a moment where he actually pulls out a book out of his um you know out of his vest his uh whatever he's wearing and it means that anything he can grab anything from any location long as he's wearing his clothes like his clothes is a claw pretty much just a giant claw which is really dope also it makes me wonder like if someone goes to attack him would it be where the attack will just go straight through his clothes into another location or will it actually be able to hurt him because if if it's the case where it goes through his clothes into another location this guy would be pretty much Untouchable on any part where his clothes are and that would be kind of scary I mean you could only attack him in certain spots like his lower uh his lower where his abs are maybe his arms a little bit of his face but the rest of his body is pretty much protected by his clothes because it seems as if his clothes itself is a claw Mark I don't know how many of y'all caught that but look at look at the panel where they got him pulling out the book he's actually pulling it out of his outfit which I think it's really dope but in this book he has all the information that he needs he's like oh yeah okay you're shikai you're the father you're the son of the okag and it's just like dang where the heck did he get this book from first of all where did he get this book but you got shikai immediately calling you know what I'm saying the sensy team and letting them know what's going on which shows that shikai is just as as good as his father like yo he's able to think calmly in a really dangerous situation and you got him saying like yo I'm not you got jur saying like yo I'm not after any of you guys I'll spare you you guys go live your lives I'm after her and you got wood style coming out the ground trying to grab you know what I'm saying hea of course you got team 10 working together to actually save I'm not going to lie it looks pretty dope like the Shadows wrapping around the you know what I'm saying the the tree you know the Juke Su to stop it you got uh en know like you know making this like gecko I think it's a gecko some some type of lizard like creature where the tongue whips out and grabs her and pull her to safety and like I said at the beginning of the video jur was actually praising them saying like oh yo the teamwork that you guys got without even communicating it's outstanding but like I'm going let y'all know that don't mean team 10 is goated that just mean team 10 you know what I'm saying saying just did some great teamwork you can have great teamwork and still be bad you know but I mean I don't know I rock with all the team 10 though I I ain't going to lie to you except for you know Eno I I don't know man something about him man he's he's not that guy you know but anyway you got them rescuing Hima and that's when you know you got a jwor saying like yo I don't want to but I will if I have to I will attack you I will take you guys all down just to get her I'm trying to devour her because you know she's the next best thing to uh know and I'm really curious like I know in order for them to become a Divine tree or a true divine tree they got to um you know devour someone like either kawaki or Boro but I'm curious what will happen to these you know what I'm saying these Grimes if they devour you know what I'm saying their target like will they have some type of evolution with that as well if they if they get their target or if it's just one of those situations where you know they just devour their target and nothing happens to them they'll just see you know they just they're expecting a change but no change actually happens I'm really curious which one it will be and will one of the people actually get will one of these gmes you know actually get their target and if so which one would it be probably be uh Kon hmer he might be the one to get the boutle which would be messed up because he's the last of his bloodline if I'm not mistaken but anyway it jumps to kawaki he's laying there unconscious Amad is somehow watching him which mean he probably got cameras all throughout the village and Amad he has that he has that look like all the Investments I had in your ass everything I did for you kawaki and every time I look at the damn camera you're on your ass that's that's what alador really wanted to say that's what he wanted to say but he ain't saying but anyway you got um the way this panel looks I wonder if Jura was actually looking in the direction of Amador or if that's just how they got the uh panels because it looks as if amodo is also looking on the camera and seeing Jura and he was like yo what's the matter with him he's he's saying that about you know what I'm saying jur and I wonder what Amad actually does he know any information on this could he been working with bug all this time and bug gave him some information before he was you know turned into a tree like what what's been going on with amdo because he's very sneaky and we have we really haven't got too much information or too much about him within the past few chapters which really make me think that Amad knows more even more about these Grimes than what we are led to believe but anyway it jumps back to um Boro you see that he's and there with COI I don't know why man I apologize I always forget ki's uh name like I actually like he's the one character where I have to put his name on the screen when I do a video but of course with my spoiler video I was at home so I couldn't do that I was at work yesterday but either way you got Koji as well as Boro they're they're chatting and it look as if they're in one of uh Orochi maru's uh you know what I'm saying layers now whether Orochi Maru is actually helping him or this happens to be a abandoned layer because we all know roochi Maru got layers all all over the place like he got layers from different areas like yo if he running from somewhere he got somewhere to hide but uh we don't know if this is like an active uh you know layer where Orochimaru himself is actually there or if he gave them permission to go there or if there's just something where they came to this area being sneaky I mean real for real could probably even be a layer of Jan we're just assuming it's a roochi Maru due to seeing the snakes and stuff on the wall in the background but of course you got Koji telling Boro like they they're moving they're attacking and they're actually after his sister so Boro right then and there he's like yo oh my sister hand me my sword get give me the damn sword thank you hey yo and Bor was like yo I'm heading back to the leaf he's probably thinking to himself like godam I just came I just came from there like damn I got to go back but anyway it jumps back to uh you know Jura as well as him facing off against she could die and that's when you know they make a more conversation like about you know her having you know uh Beast chakra within her and you know you got jur saying like yo he'll get the answer by devouring her and the the crazy thing is like what's the answer he seeks what is it and just him walking forth saying like yo I warn you everyone I warn you I will not hurt you if you give her up but if you try to protect her I'm going let you know here and now I'm not going to show any of you guys Mercy that's when shikar was supposed to be a real father and said get the hell out of there son look you can leave everybody you can leave cho cho look we'll make it up to my boy you know what I'm saying en know he ain't wor it down you can leave them and leave noro daughter as well just get out of there son like my father would have been like my kid would have been like Dad you're a monster I'll be like but damn it you're alive get out of there that's what would have happened but of course you got kawak he's waking up and you know you got um Delta telling him like yo you're being too Reckless because you're able to pretty much regenerate from anything and I'm like yo kawaki has the ability to regenerate from anything but he's getting knocked out for like what seems like minutes at a time like his regeneration suck he ain't no damn Wolverine I tell you that for he he might got like the healing ability of Spiderman or something but he ain't no Wolverine cuz it seems like every time he get knocked out it take a while for him to get up and you telling me this man got regeneration abilities and he was still knocked out by you know what I'm saying uh misy little uh poison if he could regenerate that [ __ ] should have been like seconds like he could G got back up like but then again I guess this is a type of regener ation I don't mind a character having cuz I really hate Series where they give someone just overwhelming regener regeneration abilities where it's just like yo damn you can't even touch him soon as you hurt him he he regenerates the fact that it takes time with kawaki I guess I could live with that but it's just like damn kawaki man they're really making you live like I I ain't say this in a long time but they're making him look like a buster okay he's looking like a straight Buster but of course you got uh borto returning to the uh Leaf Village he's in the area where all those uh Shinobi died in the previous chapter the Jura and that's when he gets in contact with um you know Shikamaru of course they're on a secret line again Shikamaru is explaining everything that's going down and right as he's talking that's when uh kawaki pops up behind Boro and he says like yo are these people working with you and I'm not going to lie kaak is so focused on taking out Boro that he's not really paying attention to everything that's going around now given the situation I feel like since you know Boro isn't trying to threaten you per say you would try to handle the other threats that's in the village at least that's how I would be I would you know what I'm saying I would be don't be don't get me wrong I would be mindful about borto being in the village but he wouldn't be my priority because I from what I've seen he hasn't really shown any aggression I would be worried about the other two people and I don't know if kaaki is aware that they're trying to go off after hea I'm not really sure but I just feel like he should be more focused on the other threats I mean these dudes just bust your ass Boro ain't touched you yet these dudes just bust your ass and I feel like me personally you know what I'm saying depending on how strong how much stronger I sense them to be than me I would want that run back I'm like yo you ain't going to disres for one you disrespected me in front of Delta female you know what I'm saying that right there was going to give me that liquid courage anyway you know what I'm saying and not only that like yo ain't no telling how many other people in the village Cena like yo every time I turn around he's getting in his ass knocked out coww he got to show me something like I wouldn't want people to say stuff like that so I would go right back to him and yo I I would have to get him the business or at least try to if anything I would tell Boro to join me so that we could take these guys down and just to see where borto Alliance is and if Boro does help me I know he isn't working with him and if he doesn't help me I know that he's a threat as well but kawaki is so focused on taking out borto that he's not thinking rational at least in my opinion like he's so consumed with borto is it's almost the same as how much he was consumed with nuto before he sealed him away maybe maybe Boro is feeling that void where he needs someone to be obsessed with that's just in his nature I don't know hey let me know your thoughts on it but anyway of course you got kawaki going to attack you know well you got Boro saying like yo we could work together you know you should come with me we could go take these guys down Boro himself is even offering to help kawaki of course kawaki is too consumed with his goals where he's like yo are you mocking me and kawaki goes to attack borto of course borto side steps the spears like it was nothing he hit him with the with the Neo The Matrix like come on man yo they just making borto look too hot after the time skip like the dude is he is him him is him he like anyway you got him dodging it and as he's dodged the daggers he's just slowly walking towards kawaki and I ain't going to lie that's some scary [ __ ] right there that's some SC even Delta's just looking like damn and then that's when you know you got Kaw shooting out even more Spears Boro dodged them once again and you know kawak used that as a as a chance to like sneak attack him and he goes to hit him with his claw man Boro just steps forward punches the hell out of him knocks him to the damn ground and then like looks at him and says like yo this is so pathetic you haven't even trained properly have you like this whole time since you know noro was his MK so I guess he felt like only noro was worthy to train him but he's like yo you haven't trained properly to the point where you got Delta on the sideline like damn and how much have you trained like yo she like she was about to switch sides you know saying like kawaki I'm with him now like it seemed like that was going to happen but you see kaaki gets upset he activates his karma uh Mark you see it going resonating around his whole body and it's also making it resonate with him Boro you see it's coming on Boro and that's when you have the frog saying like yo this is bad like Boro you need to leave now get your distance from him so you keep in control so you before you get out of control and I don't know if it's more so like someone online was saying he's scared of how much power it actually Wills but based off this line it seems as if you know he might lose control to Momo Shiki and I'm curious to know what what happened with Momo Shiki throughout this uh three-year time skip will it will it be a flashback that we get that's very similar to like what happened with uh nuto and jariah I don't know if y'all remember but remember when jiah was like talking I think he was talking to like Kakashi and a couple other shinobis and he was like yo there was only two times where I was very close to death uh once was when you know um uh lady gr granny lady or previous hok I can't think of her name um not the previous but you know the fifth Hokage when she actually punched him and cuz he was like trying to look at her in the hot springs that was the first time he was nearly close to death he said the second time is when he faced off against Naruto and Naruto like scratched his chest when he was in his tail beast form he raged out on him so I wonder if there similar situation we're going to see with a flashback of borto and Sasuke where Momo Shiki tries to get the upper hand against Sasuke and Sasuke is forced to like take him down and you know borto almost kill SAS and that kind of makes him scared to use his karma seal I wonder if we're going to have a situation like that I think that would be dope to see but again some people will probably hate on it and be like oh they're trying to copy the original noro but anyway Boro takes off he flies away from kawaki kawaki looks down and uh I think kawaki is aware that Boro is scared to use his uh Karma seal and that right there may give kawaki the edge in any upcoming battles because borto himself will probably be trying to hold himself back or be worried about getting away from him if kawak is to use his uh Karma seal around him but I'm curious to see how strong Boro is with his karma seal cuz everything he's done has been without his seal and we all know to he give you a power boost you know what I'm saying kawaki's been using it Non-Stop and still getting his ass body but Boro might be on a whole another level if he's if he's to use his just the fact that the the uh frog said like yo don't let it get out of control but anyway it goes from that amazing moment and it's crazy CU it's like it give you Great Moments throughout this child but then it jumps to another moment you're like damn I wanted to see what happened in this moment and it just keeps happening it's like a cycle but anyway you got um you got a jumping back to JW as he's trying to get hea and you got Hima on the back of one of the birds that Eno uh created you got uh Shikamaru well shikada saying like yo don't get distracted as he uses his shadow clone Tob I mean not his shadow clone but his shadow Jutsu tobine Jura Jura looked like oh okay impressive and that's when you see him go to make a tail beast bomb with one eye I ain't going to lie that panel just looks so cold man so cold but he makes a tail beast bomb with one eye he goes to shoot it at uh uh you know sh could die but then that's when Choo jumps in slams him to the ground I'm like okay okay team 10 don't get me wrong they still get dusted but impressive impressive and it's crazy because people been saying for a long time they would like to see the other characters shine in the manga um because they don't do so like they do in the anime and it seems as if you know they're starting to do that now cuz team 10 has had an amazing moment but you see the bomb actually go off and the destruction the blast just like yo anybody in that area got wiped out but you got them saying like yo we need to flee let's get out of here of course you got um sarida she's heading in the direction as well as the class rep to actually go save Hima as well and I I hope she has a moment in the next chapter because it seemed like she hasn't done much since the time skip besides feel like maybe a dangel I I I know she uh she took out one of the Grimes but I don't know she doesn't feel like she's done much since the time skip so I hope she does have a moment in the next chapter but they see they show her head into the direction and I'm curious to see the reaction between her and H like once he sees her there that might actually be something dangerous as well but you see them flying away on the um on the bird that Eno made and they're getting into safety and that's when um you got them standing there like y we should go after them why would they try to protect her knowing that they could die and then you got a jur he's pretty much like yeah you know what I'm saying they're resisting they're resisting their urge of survival and I want to know why is that you know what I'm saying that's something else I want to know that's some something else I'm intrigued to learn about and you see that he he himself he's fascinated about everything that he's learning he's learning all these new things about the world he's like every time something every time he gets the answer to one thing in this world another another question pops up and he's fascinated about it he's seeking knowledge you see that he's the one that's trying to gather the most intelligence or at least that's the way it appears but like yo you see them taking off and that's when you got I'm saying like yo we just got to keep our distance lead him away from the village he's going to he probably will follow us but it doesn't look as if he's flying you know shika is pretty much analyzing the situation showing that she showing that he is his father you know he is his uh his father's son but anyway as they're fleeing away that's when you got hea like she's doing some selfless acts she's like yo you know drop me down he's after me you guys go to safety it is what it is I'll try to protect you guys she's meaning she's willing to sacrifice her life for others and that's signs of that really made me think of noro but then you see her in the inner Realm of the tail beast and you see like a tail beast behind her saying like yo I I good grief I never expected it would be the entails guy meaning that it kind of seems as if Karama himself was aware of the entails you know these um you know these Grimes and like I said earlier this may be what he was preparing for and why he chose to go within hea but you know what I'm saying he didn't he wasn't expecting to be sniffed out like this the next thing you know you got him behind her she turns around he says little girl do you know me and she says you know what I'm saying like yo you know Kama you know and that's how the chapter ends and I'm just really curious to see what happens in the next chapter I do apologize for this video being so long but damn this was a great ass chapter but let me know y'all thoughts down below man what what are your reasons what are your answers for why the nine Tales is within her let me go ahead and count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight okay he has nine tails I thought maybe he might have an extra tail or something so he's you know reborn but let me know your thoughts in the comments section below and if you like the video thumb it up please subscribe hit the bell for notifications hoping you have a great day and night wherever you are this your boy Nero Mega Man signing out peace [Music] [Music]
Channel: Nero Megaman
Views: 3,281
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Boruto Dominated Kawaki While Kurama Awakens Within Himawari - Boruto Two Blue Vortex Chapter 9, nero megaman boruto, Boruto Two Blue Vortex Chapter 9 Review, Boruto Two Blue Vortex Chapter 9, Boruto Two Blue Vortex, Boruto Manga, boruto, boruto two blue vortex, boruto time skip, nero megaman, naruto explained, boruto manga, boruto timeskip, boruto vortex, boruto spoilers, boruto sasuke, naruto, boruto himawari, boruto jura, kurama is back, kurama returns, boruto vs kawaki
Id: xvKLdFw9F20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 44sec (1544 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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