Sukuna Twin Brother Revealed As Yuji Becomes Black Flash God - Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 257 Spoilers

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[Music] what's up neuro Nation the spoilers for jjk chapter 257 is out and your boy your boy Yugi on a whole another level but before we get into the spoilers I got to remind you guys make sure you take the time out to read the official chapter once it drops you damn sure want to read this official chapter cuz it's a lot of crazy translations going on like we got to get into it also make sure you thumb up the video it's free man it ain't going to cost you a thing go ahead and do that for your boy but let's get into it your boy Yugi said I'm tired of people saying I'm not the damn MC in this series this is my story that's what your boy eug eugi walked up like I'm G to show them who I am I just a picture like uh you know what I'm saying black panther where the mom's like tell them who you are yui just walks up I'm Yuji [ __ ] like Yugi goes in this chapter yo if anyone doubted him as a MC he came to tell y'all like yo he that guy I ain't going to lie I doubt it on your boy you know what I'm saying sometimes where I look at him like I don't think he's the MC it's like this dude said watch me to day you going to learn a day yo oh my go I'm sorry I'm so amp I just Yugi's on a whole another level son like and not to mention the chapter starts off like with these spoilers anyway that's why I say make sure you read the official so we can get the uh you know complete translation official translation but it starts off where we have a flashback of uh you know suc he's talking to Umar and you know she's pretty much asking like yo who is this Yuji person even after you separated him he still seems to have so much power and that's when your boy your boy suca goes to say like yo when I was in my mother's wom I had a twin brother I devoured him so that I could stay alive meaning the mom must not have been getting enough nutrients to sustain both kids but the fact that he did that that's some rof in the wound that's some rof like before you even born you was a monster from day one he was a monster that that explains why he is the way he is like yo he was killing people before he was born so this like this dude is just sua is just he's just ruthless though but you find out that somehow kinjaku gets a hold of his brother's soul and that's who Yuji is so he must have used it to reincarnate him or he must have placed the soul in Yugi body while he was a baby something along the lines something like that goes down which mean Yugi is technically you know sua's brother you know twin brother which is really crazy unexpected did not see that coming and that explains why Yugi has been you know advancing so quickly how he was able to learn re reverse uh curse technique and just a month was it just a month I want to say it's a it was just a month maybe three months I think it was a month though but to see how far he Advanced this is the reason why Andy has the potential to become even stronger than the king of curses because they're from the same bloodline oh my gosh gay gay was like let me cook give me a week off and I will deliver you guys are tired of the same old fight I give you something new damn it if he yo oh my gosh this [ __ ] is crazy but you know what I'm saying once that happens you know it jumps back to present day where you got you know what I'm saying Yugi and sukuna you know sukuna they're about to face off against one another and then just them having to stance in front of one another I'm like oh [ __ ] what's about to happen and your boy Yugi said yo I'm giving out black flashes for free everybody get one yo he catches you know what I'm saying you know sakuna with one black flash one panel you go to the next panel another black flash you go to the next panel another black flash like yo this dude is just giving about left and right by the time you get to page five of the spoilers he's done already threw out three black flashes keep in mind the first two pages was flashbacks yo and he's just going in and I'm just looking like yo this is usually I just pictur Gojo in heaven like that's my boy yeah yeah yeah yeah I mean he ain't got the eye he ain't got the six eye but that's my boy down there like I just pictur Gojo doing that n of me just looking like I told him the rest was up to him he's doing it I I don't know I just picture it going down like that but of course you got them battling out by the time you get to page six you got you know sua he's like grabbing pieces of the building like pillars and throwing it at Yuji yui is managing to dodge him and he starts hurting them and throwing them back to Wars suca and it's just like yo these guys are just tearing up this for really after all this there there is no more Japan like I mean the devastation and destruction these guys been uh doing over the past year in Japan is just like what's left like you might find a flower here and there but that's all you're going to see but you got it where you know su he goes to kick Yugi in the face Yugi grabs him by of foot to like stop him next thing you know he does a dismantle on Yugi I'm like oh that dis it ain't as strong as it used to be someone's getting worn down you know I'm saying I'm sorry yo it's been a long time since we seen you know sakuna you know say sua like kind of get bodied like he is in this chapter and by the MC no less like no one could have predicted that I bet you everybody reading the spoilers right now like Yugi ich door he's doing it you sure it ain't someone else maybe Gojo came back Yugi I guarantee you that's probably how everybody is but of course you know what I'm saying Yuji goes to hit uh you know sakuna you know suca with another black flash and it's just like yo that's number four right there already he got four of them things in one chapter next thing you know it jumps to a flashback of Gojo talking to Eno and I really love how it pretty much feels like if not every chapter every other chapter we're getting a flashback of Gojo you know talking to someone in the past but he's talking to Eno Pretty much telling him he should use a you know uh weapon the little blade that's wrapped with the um you know with the scarf I I don't even want to I don't even know the name of the blade they say the name but I can't find it on this uh particular spoiler leag that I'm looking at but of course you know uh he tells Eno to do that and then it jumps back to present day and you got Eno running to jump into the battle he's using some type of Jack uh dragon technique as well as using the blade of uh you know what I'm saying anomy and that's when you know sakuna you know he actually notices the dragon coming towards him he manages to jump out the way then he still gets hit by the dragon and you got Eno coming in with the slashes of the blade trying to catch him you know sakuna stops the BL stops the blade nm's blade with his bare feet and it's just like what up what is up with this guy if he ain't catching blades with his bare hands he's stopping him with his damn bare feet like don't pull out a blade on this guy that's the last thing you want to do this dude is just a a master catching blades I I wouldn't want to do it I I'm sorry like yo give me a gun give me give me another type of weapon nchu something I'm not going in there with a blade he he just catches them too much but anyway while he's distracted you got your boy Yuji like guess I'll give him another one black flash again man oh my God I'm running out of fingers here like he hit him with another black flash I'm like damn it man he's up to five he's up to five then it gets to the point where you know sakuna he he slaps the ground he does his dismantle on the platform that they're standing on Yugi jumps in the air but you know what I'm saying you know suca he jumps towards him as well and goes to punch him eugi gets uh dismantle a little bit like he takes some scratches Some Cuts he's like yo it is what it is I'mma keep pushing I'mma keep it going you see him getting closer and closer towards you know sucan I'm just like yo there's no way I'm not going to I I I don't believe this is about to happen let me go to the next panel another one a black flash again yo he hits him with a black flash and yo right in the face you know and uh like Su up reaches the face of Yugi he grabs his face as he's taking that black flash punch and it's crazy cuz this dude I mean just how we can say you know uh Yugi's throwing out more black flash than we ever seen your boy uh sakuna he's taking more black flashes than we seen anybody see at first I want to say the most we've seen a person take probably was maky when she took what two of them two three two of them but you know I'm saying he already on number five and he's still moving but he takes his hand grabs Yugi by the face does his dismantle move Yugi face is getting all scratched up don't worry for the people that love Yugi you know what I'm saying he has his reverse uh curse technique I mean he hasn't used it yet but he remember that's in his Arsenal but anyway then you got Yugi again like even after his face is all bloody up it looked like his eyes completely gone he's like yo it's not over I think I can do it again black flash this ass and I'm looking like yo this dude is up to six he's up to six it might be seven my my count might might be off at one but he hits him with another one and then that's when you got you know sua he's actually screaming at Yugi as he's getting hit by another black flash and it's just like damn and then after he got hit by that the final panel you're not going to guess what it is there's no way you can guess what's going to happen on the next panel the final panel of the chapter there's no way you can guess I'm going to tell you another black flash he hit his ass with another black flash like yo this [ __ ] was like a boxing match like like a r wring match every time I thought it was over your boy Yugi was like yo I got another one and another one like yo he just kept catching this dude with black flashes I want to say he did a total of anywhere from six to eight black flashes in one chapter alone and that's how it ends like yo oh my gosh like I can't wait to see the official translations for this chapter to see everything that said I want really want to see more details about the first two panels I feel like that's the most important panels where you got you know what I'm saying your boy you know sua talking to um om Aram and letting him know about how he devoured his brother and you know somehow Ken jaku got a hold of the Soul which I'm really curious how did kinjaku actually do that I mean was it probably due to the person body he was inhabiting at the time and he was able to use that person's body uh curse technique like how was he able to do that and and even then how was he able to utilize that Soul into the yugius years and years and years and years later so I'm really curious about that hopefully we'll find out more about that that in the future but all in all man these spoilers were insane for jjk it's good to see your boy Yugi stepping up and saying that he's the real MC of the series yo he's like yo you to sit your ass down Gojo you sit your ass down you know what I'm saying Maki sit your ass down this is my story I run this yo sua and then like you know in this chapter you got your boy Yugi making decoration saying like yo he will rival the king of curses and surpass him like he's he's standing up and he's talking like yo I'm going to be that guy hey look he proed me he shut me up I I was thinking like eug really won't the MC you know but it's like he said yo Nero man you going to watch today and you going to learn today shut you know what I'm saying like he said that to me and I was just I got humble like okay Yugi show me you know what I'm saying it is what it is but let me know yall thoughts on the spoilers man and if you like the video thumb it up please subscribe this video get to 300 likes I will definitely do a a full chapter review on this chapter um matter of fact I'm going to be fair not 300 if this get 200 likes I'll do it but uh hopefully you get not 250 let's make it fair 250 but if you guys like the video thumb it up please subscribe hit the bell for all notifications hoping you have a great day and night wherever you are this your boy Nero Mega Man signing out yug peace yo [Music] n [Music]
Channel: Nero Megaman
Views: 8,355
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sukuna Twin Brother Revealed As Yuji Becomes Black Flash God - Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 257 Spoilers, jujutsu kaisen, gojo, jujutsu kaisen manga, Jujutsu Kaisen Manga Spoilers, Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 257 Spoilers, jjk257, Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 257, yuji vs sukuna manga, Nero Megaman, Nero Megaman Jujutsu Kaisen, Manga Spoilers, Jujutsu Kaisen, Jujutsu Kaisen Sukuna, Jujutsu Kaisen Spoilers, maki vs sukuna, jjk black flash, yuji itadori, yuji and sukuna brothers, jjk 257, jjk
Id: jQYxnPgccSA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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