The Great Melting Pot | Bratz Series Full Episode

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[Music] [Music] we'll always be there for each other [Music] [Music] while braising the meat make a check on the border now hold the knife like so cut back and forth with the elbow oh no no no you clumsy rubble elbow too high now with emotion like the violin oh and there you have it that lady needs to get out of the kitchen more often french cooking is impossible who is the one who promised john paul an authentic meal now guys john paul and the v compt are making a special trip all the way from france and they're flying here just to eat no they're coming out to design a big new fashion line and since jean-paul is our dearest friend we're gonna make him feel at home and if we're nice enough maybe we'll get an exclusive sneak peek at their fashions for our magazine that's more like it now you're talking let's get busy [Music] so i have always wondered what is anyway a vehicle it is a noble title which is below account but above a baron if we are to work together you must call me guesto very well gaston two-hour [Music] a vintage bottle of milk sacred blue my moustache is white i am an old man voila i am young again [Laughter] sirs your lunch ah excellent [Music] we cannot eat this this the so-called food it smells like plastic poorly prepared plastic send this back to the cockpit and fire the shelves and once [Music] oh forgive me jean-paul for losing my top and blowing my cool but to me food is sacred do not worry soon we will be in america where i have arranged for the brats to prepare us on authentic feasts to the brits may their meal fill our tummies with glee [Music] it together [Music] [Music] say magnifique [Music] say excel ah that does it five more minutes and these gujjar are finney um this sauce is magnifique this creme brulee is par excellence and this coco van rocks or however you say that in french guys we did it john paul and the v compt are gonna totally feel at home soon as the souffle is ready we'll pack it up and take it to the office i ordered flowers i brought candles this is gonna be great hello oh sure john paul hang on i'm putting you on speaker hi john paul hi we have some great news for you guys i hope you're extra hungry i am so hungry i could have a cow have you cooked for us i've splendid offending meal have we ever and we just know you guys are gonna love it the meme is ready [Music] good afternoon ladies and gentlemen we are now approaching stylesville international airport [Laughter] we are almost there perfect a billy goat wearing a swim cap is run into the air traffic control tower and is causing all sorts of mischief so we're gonna have to circle the airport for at least another 20 minutes while they sort things out but but i am so hungry my stomach whips in sorrow no matter my friend we have waited this long 20 minutes will be as to nothing yeah no big deal we'll just keep it warm for you oh thank you mademoiselle you are so kind to us no we are so excited before you see french food yes she is tasty but we eat it every day it gets uh how you say i'm drunk uh french food is humdrum wee this is why we look so forward to the feast you promised us shade it will be our very first authentic american meal au revoir [Music] authentic american meal oh well you see when i talked to john paul i was trying out my french and i've only taken french three and somehow or other i must have completely misunderstood him all this time we've been killing ourselves for nothing now what are we gonna do oh guess i'm kinda in hot water cool cat here's a little food for thought when john paul and the v comps get here and there's no american food we're gonna have major egg on our faces yeah i mean no point crying over spilled milk all right i get the point we'll just have to cook up a miracle it'll be a piece of cake huh okay so jean-paul and the be comped will be here within half an hour and they expect an american feast if we work together we might be able to pull it off who knows a recipe for southern fried chicken fried chicken think of thanksgiving there's nothing more american than roast turkey we don't have time to roast the turkey what we should make is burgers they're fast easy and all-american and boring come on i can't believe none of you've said new england clam chowder that's probably what our founding fathers ate after they signed the declaration of independence that happened in philadelphia not new england yeah but still i mean turkey with stuffing and gravy hamburgers with american cheese and and they could each pull on the wishbone winner gets a drumstick why are you all so dismissive of chowder turkey chowder what's wrong with fried chicken enough i can't believe we're having a food fight and we haven't even made the food you're right this is ridiculous we just need to calm down and approach this methodically now the first step in making an all-american meal is seeing what all-american ingredients we have in chloe's all-american fridge frog legs snails and garlic not exactly american food i stocked up in case they wanted seconds hey wait a minute look at this apple pie classic american comfort food [Music] well that was counterproductive what were we doing again hello good news jade sean paul the goat has been arrested in the plane now she lands we shall be there exceedingly soon i cannot wait to eat your grub [Laughter] they're landing then we better fly ah the grocery store quick [Music] what happened move along you there's nothing to look at here but we need to get into the store see we need to make a meal really quick and what you need to do is move along this since when do you call me miss you're in my math class okay a bad batch of dog food exploded in the storeroom liver and gravy everywhere any moment now this place will be crawling with wild dogs that's ridiculous oh is it oh this is like a bad dream move along ladies i'll handle it from here [Music] forget making food we're just gonna have to buy it great i know a restaurant that makes awesome clam chowder oh you mean fried chicken it's got to be burgers nuh-uh roast turkey ugh whatever we don't have time to argue just split up and get whatever american food you can we'll meet back at the office right [Music] chloe to what do i owe a visit from my favorite niece in the world oh uncle marco i'm sorry to just drop in like this but i'm in a jam and i was hoping maybe you could help me out because my friends and i were going to cook an authentic american meal but the store's closing i really want a turkey in turkey stop right there sweetheart you have come to the right place i've got some turkey cooking in the kitchen you do you bet come on in it'll be done in a minute oh uncle marco thank you thank you thank you number 22 fate formation new block don't let him do run it run it run the ball uh excuse me coach get through that ball what are you waiting for you feel that oh hi sasha don't run it no um hey you know how you always grow such great burgers at practice freddy you're all right you're on the ride well my friends and i are in a bind see we were going to make this big authentic american meal only nader meyer you are a quarterback you do not play with the dandelions you need some chow oh sure thing marcus you dropped that ball and threw some meat on the grill i said drop the ball and throw the meat on the grill not the other way around football players you gotta love them [Music] hello tiny girl what would you like to order i need some authentic american southern fried chicken and quick southern fried chicken coming up oh thank you stanka you're really a lifesaver you will see stunka make best southern fried chicken in all of usa after all i am from the sauce of hungary hungary excuse me pardon me hot chowder coming through hello guess who it is your favorite starving frenchman we are in our limousine on our way from the airport oh perfect i'll have an extra special all-american treat waiting for you i guarantee jean-paul when you get a taste of this you are gonna flip heads up hello is something the matter no john paul everything is just great see you soon jade are you okay let me help you oh thanks dr chen i guess i better clean up this mess the wild dogs will eat it i'm more concerned about you oh i'm okay i i just really wanted to serve some friends of mine the perfect american meal hmm why don't you come get cleaned up i'll help you with your meal you know how to make clam chowder no but i know another seafood dish that i think your friends will love come on only takes one minute but is it american i'm american and i love it oh forgive me gaston my belly warns me i must eat soon or i will waste away to the little itty bitty bitty nothing i know drive out why this sudden delay we move slower than an escargot uh sorry traffic's jammed downtown something about a chowder spill this will not do i must eat soon and the poor girls they have worked so hard for us all their authentic american food will go cold what are we to do [Music] [Music] we work together [Music] give me [Music] [Music] are they here yet no not yet thank goodness you guys all came through look at all this stuff um yeah about the other stuff my uncle marco said he had turkey but this chloe is italian turkey meatball soup you see all the tiny meatballs they show how much care and love was put into making it it was the first meal my grandmother made when she came to america that's kind of cool don't you think uh yeah angel that is kind of cool what about the chicken um [Music] here you go darling hungarian paprika chicken it is a little bit of hungary i share with my new country [Music] she seemed so proud of it what could i say but you got the chowder oh not exactly this jade is scallops and black bean sauce my mother taught me this recipe i bet your friends will like it so much they'll want the recipe too she really put her heart into it sasha burgers tacos tacos i asked for burgers football players you gotta love them well we could always send out for some good old chicago-style pizza of course pizza why didn't we think of that earlier with any luck we still have time but pizza's italian it's american come on it's from sicily we've completely adapted our own version there's nothing american about it no it's way different from what they make in italy please excuse us for letting ourselves in but we are starving in the smells from this room they are heavenly [Music] john jean-paul my manners brats this is gaston gaston these are the brats the pleasure is all mine oh this american food it smells delicious the meatballs they are so tiny you can see how much love and care was put into making it it is everything i dreamed of um there's something i need to tell you you see that food may be delicious but it's not really american what do you mean we ran out of time so our friends neighbors relatives they made the food themselves it's chinese food italian food hungarian and mexican hmm i see therefore it is american huh the silly girls not different that is what makes america how you say american our new line of fashion it is for america like america we take a leader from here a little from there and we put it all together it makes a style all its own like everybody pitching in to help us today we never would have made it without them see united you stand now please mademoiselle join us i am starving to our great american melting pot meal [Music]
Channel: Bratz
Views: 515,195
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bratz, bratzillaz, bratz episodes, bratz dolls, bratz toys, toys, toy, videos for kids, kids videos, cartoons for kids, chef, kitchen, football, dinner
Id: -6PutEol2Wo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 40sec (1300 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 18 2018
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